Birch catkins - medicinal properties and uses. Birch catkins How to collect birch catkins

Birch has long been famous for its multifaceted medicinal properties. All its parts: birch earrings, buds, young leaves, bark and even juice can be used for treatment purposes. This beautiful majestic tree is planted for landscaping parks and land plots adjacent to the house.

Birch catkins - beneficial properties and applications

Birch is distributed throughout Europe and is often found in mixed forests and groves. It is impossible not to mention important role birch in cooking. Leaves and buds are added to soups, salads and side dishes. Birch sap is canned and syrup, kvass or wine are prepared from it. Wood is used in the furniture industry. ()

Birch sap is collected during the period of sap flow and only in those areas of the forest where trees are planned to be cut down. The buds are collected in February–April, when their resinous properties are especially high. However, it is important to do this before they begin to bloom. Properly prepared buds have a balsamic smell and a tart, resinous taste. The leaves are plucked in May, when the tree blooms. During this period, they emit a fragrant aroma and have a sticky structure. In May-June, inflorescences or so-called birch earrings. It is important that the inflorescences are male - paired, and not female - single. Dry the prepared raw materials in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. It can be stored for up to two years in a well-packed container. ()

What health benefits do birch catkins, leaves, buds and sap bring?

Preparations prepared from various parts birch trees have a general tonic, wound healing, astringent, expectorant, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antiseptic, blood purifying, choleretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, diuretic, tonic and antifungal effect. Flavonoids, resins, tannins, glycosides, essential oils, bitterness, saponins, coumarins, alkaloids, triterpenoids and other useful components were found in the leaves, buds and inflorescences. ()

A tincture is prepared from birch inflorescences (catkins), which is consumed for shortness of breath, tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, anemia, heart disease, gastritis, furunculosis, eczema and general fatigue. Birch sap is taken orally at trophic ulcers, gout, rheumatism, lichen, non-healing wounds, bronchitis and sore throat. It is used externally to treat dermatological diseases, rashes and age spots on the skin. ()

Infusions and decoctions of buds and leaves can improve health for stomach ulcers, hyperacid gastritis, cystitis, uric acid diathesis, atherosclerosis, uterine cancer and chronic diarrhea . They are also used in the form of rinses and applications. for stomatitis, periodontal disease, glossitis, gingivitis, otitis media, acute respiratory infections and chronic tonsillitis . For treatment bedsores, wounds, diaper rash, minor burns, eczema, myositis, neurological pain Bandages and lotions are made from a decoction of the kidneys. ()

  • Tincture recipe

Birch catkins – wonderful healing agent, which gives strength, reduces shortness of breath and eliminates heart pain. To prepare the tincture, fill a glass container 2/3 with inflorescences and fill it to the top with vodka. After three weeks, they begin to take the medicine 20-30 drops three times a day, diluting it with a small amount of water. Treatment can last from one to several months, depending on the patient’s health condition, and must be under the supervision of a doctor. (

Preparation of birch catkins

“Earrings” are birch flowers, and they come in both “male” and “female” varieties. It's obvious that medicinal properties birch catkins are due to the presence of pollen (male and female birch flowers differ in morphological structure), from which we can conclude that only “male-type” inflorescences have medicinal value.

When harvesting birch catkins, it is important not to miss the moment when the anthers open (flowering). With the beginning of flowering, the earrings droop and change color from green to brown (when shaken, pollen separation is noticeable).

Chemical composition of medicinal raw materials

As mentioned earlier, flower pollen has medicinal properties (this applies not only to birch), which includes great amount biologically active compounds (vitamins, macro- and microelements, growth substances, alkaloids, coumarins, flavonoids, organic and amino acids, etc.). Presence and percentage biologically active substances in pollen varies widely and depends on many factors, in particular, on growing conditions. The difficulty of identification and standardization is one of the reasons that birch catkins are not included in the register of medicinal raw materials.

The use of birch catkins in folk medicine

Traditional healers often use birch catkins to treat various ailments:

Preparations based on birch flower pollen help strengthen the heart muscle and stimulate cardiac activity.
- Birch catkins help with pulmonary tuberculosis (they stop coughing attacks and reduce sweating during sleep).
- Birch catkins are often recommended for the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.
- Preparations of birch catkins stimulate the formation of hemoglobin, therefore they are useful for anemia and anemia of various origins.
- Birch pollen is used externally for various problems with skin (eczema, bedsores, dermatoses, rashes, itching).

Birch catkin preparations have mild diuretic properties, help relieve inflammation, stimulate tissue regeneration and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Preparation and use of preparations based on birch catkins

- For conjunctivitis(externally). For 250 ml of water - 2 tbsp. birch earrings. Cook after boiling for 2 - 3 minutes, then leave until the temperature of the liquid drops to 40 °C. Rinse your eyes with infusion several times a day (you can apply warm compresses).

- For eczema. Prepare a decoction of birch bark and an infusion of earrings (according to the previously proposed recipe). Mix the infusion and decoction in a 1:1 ratio and use as a lotion on the area affected by eczema. The frequency and duration of procedures is not regulated.

- For diseases gastrointestinal tract . Prepare a decoction of birch buds and catkins (ingredient ratio 1:1). For 3 cups of boiling water you will need 2 tbsp. herbal collection. Cook at low simmer for 15 minutes. accept it remedy necessary on an empty stomach (60 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals). The duration of treatment is approximately 10 - 14 days (take the drug three times a day).

- For vitamin deficiency. Mix birch catkins and leaves (50 g each), pour boiling water (50 - 80 ml) in a porcelain mortar and grind thoroughly with a pestle to make a paste. After 15 - 30 minutes, add lemon zest and honey to the pulp. The dosage is indicated per day.

Tincture of birch catkins

In addition to water extracts, you can prepare an alcohol tincture based on birch catkins, the important advantage of which is a long shelf life (from 6 to 12 months). The alcohol tincture can be used internally (shortness of breath, swelling of various origins), as well as externally - in the form of rubbing (myositis, rheumatism, radiculitis). The tincture can be used as an antiseptic and hemostatic agent (wounds, cuts, nosebleeds).

To prepare the tincture, you need vodka (alcohol 40% strength); the ratio of raw materials to extractor is 1:2 or 1:3. It is necessary to infuse birch catkins in a warm place (18 - 30 °C) for 3 weeks, then strain and store in glass containers on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The duration of treatment, frequency and dosage (when taken orally) depend on the nature of the disease and the resulting therapeutic effect. In practice traditional healers tincture of birch catkins is prescribed from 25 drops or more (in some cases up to 1 tsp per dose is acceptable). The permissible duration of treatment is up to 2 months.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no categorical contraindications to treatment of birch catkins with drugs, and side effect may occur during the procurement of medicinal raw materials. It should be noted that birch pollen can provoke allergic reactions ( headache, sneezing, lacrimation) - this must be taken into account during the procurement of raw materials. To avoid unpleasant moments, it is preferable to harvest birch catkins using personal protective equipment ( gauze bandages, respirators).

Birch earrings.

There are "men's" and "women's" earrings. The first ones are located two or three pieces side by side, while the second ones grow separately and have a fine structure. IN medicinal purposes Only male (stamen) earrings are used - hanging, several pieces are located side by side. A tincture of them treats heart disease, stomach ulcers and gastritis, anemia, and tuberculosis.

Birch inflorescences are used in the treatment of: heart disease; tuberculosis; stomach ulcers; gastritis; eczema; boils; anemia. The use of tinctures from birch catkins helps eliminate: shortness of breath, heart pain, fatigue, low hemoglobin levels.


Fresh catkins are infused with vodka and drunk drops for heart disease.
The tincture of birch catkins is prepared as follows:

The glass jar needs to be filled two-thirds full with earrings. Top up with vodka and close. You need to infuse the product for 21 days in a dark place at room temperature. You don't have to strain it. When there is very little tincture left in the jar, the earrings need to be slightly squeezed through cheesecloth and finished. The taste of the tincture of birch catkins is pleasant, giving off the resin of trees.
The dose should be determined individually: from twenty drops to 1 teaspoon (depending on the effect). Tincture of birch catkins is diluted with a small amount of water and taken 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. You can drink the tincture for a course of 3-4 weeks to two months in a row, 1-2 times a year. The tincture can be stored for a year.

Tinctures on birch buds and earrings.

Recipe two:

To prepare the tincture, take one glass of birch buds and half a liter of vodka.

Place the birch buds in a tightly closed container. Fill them with vodka and place them in a dark and cool place. The preparation time for this tincture is one month. During the process, the tincture must be shaken periodically.

This tincture can be used for gout. Forty drops, three to four times during the day.

You can also use this tincture for rubbing. Applicable for rheumatism as well as gout and sciatica.

Recipe three:

To prepare the tincture according to next recipe we will need fifty grams of dry birch buds and half a liter of vodka.

Place the birch buds in a convenient, well-closed container. Let's fill it all with vodka and let it steep for ten to twelve days.

This tincture should be taken with water, one teaspoon, three times a day, twenty minutes before meals.

This tincture significantly improves appetite. Normalizes metabolism in the body. It also heals stomach ulcers.

The tincture is also used as a means to remove roundworms and pinworms from the body.

Besides, birch tincture Can be used for rubbing for skin irritations and aching joints.

Recipe four:

For the next tincture we will need half a liter of vodka and ten tablespoons of dried birch buds.

We will place the birch buds in a vessel in which we will make our tincture, pour Birch buds vodka and put it in a cool, dry place for a month.

The resulting tincture can be used to treat skin allergic irritation. It should also be taken orally for two weeks. Three times a day, a teaspoon.

Contraindications medicinal drugs birch

1. Decoctions and alcohol tinctures both from birch buds and leaves, are contraindicated in cases of diagnosed functional renal failure due to possible irritation of the parenchyma. 2. In acute as well as chronic glomerulonephritis Preparations containing birch buds cannot be used. 3. Birch sap should not be consumed by people who are allergic to birch pollen. 4. Chaga is contraindicated in patients suffering from chronic colitis, as well as dysentery, since chaga in some cases retains fluid in the body. In addition, it is not advisable to combine the use of chaga with the use of following products: vitamins A and B; smoked meats; spicy dishes; seasonings; honey; sugar; grapes; confectionery; canned products; animal fats; meat products; alcohol. Together with chaga, you should not receive intravenous glucose, nor should you give injections of penicillin, which is an antagonist. this drug. 5. Tar should not be taken for the following diseases and conditions: acute and chronic inflammation skin; acute eczema; dermatitis; exudative psoriasis; folliculitis; furunculosis; acne; kidney disease; pregnancy. Important! Treatment of children under two years of age with any drugs plant origin- dangerous. Therefore, before using any medicinal plant you should consult a doctor.

Since ancient times, people have resorted to recipes that were popular in folk medicine. In this way, you can improve your body’s health and achieve excellent results in your well-being.

Treatment with birch catkins is very popular today, and all recipes have been tested by our ancestors.

Birch catkins medicinal properties and contraindications

Of the 120 species of birch that exist in nature, only four have healing properties. These include:

  • warty birch;
  • downy birch;
  • flat-leaved;
  • Manchurian

In medicine, birch is used: buds, birch bark, sap, chaga mushroom, Activated carbon, birch catkins, bark. Before collecting raw materials, carefully study the photo different types birch

What are the benefits of birch catkins?

Two types of earrings appear on birch trees in spring - male and female. Men's - arranged in several pieces. together and hang down. Women's ones are thin, placed separately. Only the male inflorescences of the plant have medicinal properties.

The use of tinctures from birch catkins is useful for: shortness of breath; fatigue; swelling. Pain impulses will be eliminated due to increasing elasticity muscle fibers. As a result, the heart is treated as a whole. Thanks to the increased heart rate, oxygen supply to the body is activated and shortness of breath disappears. Birch catkins have thromboplastic properties. Their extract has a hemostatic agent.

Vodka tincture from birch catkins - how to prepare at home

Master class recipe for the most famous and useful tincture:

  1. Take a glass container and fill it two-thirds with birch inflorescences.
  2. Then pour vodka into the vessel to the brim.
  3. Leave for 21 days (in a dark place, at 20-30°C).

If desired, you can strain the tincture. Vodka acquires a soft taste, accompanied by the aroma of tree resin. The doses used can vary from 25 drops to 1 tsp. Use internally, after diluting the composition in a small amount of water.

Frequency of treatment: tincture of birch catkins with vodka is used three times a day before meals: treatment lasts 3–4 weeks (up to two months is possible). The frequency of treatment courses should not exceed twice a year. Shelf life useful product- year. The use of tincture can activate the functions of all organs and have a positive effect on health.

Collection time

Birch catkins are actively used in medicine. However, only men's earrings are useful for this purpose, so it is very important to learn to distinguish them from women's.

Male catkins (flowers) are found in complex inflorescences appearing on the tops of elongated shoots, 2-3 pieces each; At first they are green in color and point upward. In this form they are not useful for treatment. In the spring, depending on the climate, the core of the husband. catkins stretch out, flowers bloom, yellow stamens appear with pollen, which has beneficial properties. The flowers first bend and then droop. It is the collection of this time that is most effective for use in medical purposes.

Female inflorescences appear on top of shortened shoots, which develop from the lateral buds of last year's shoots and are placed on the side of the branch. They are thinner and shorter than men's. To understand the intertwining of birch inflorescences, you need to carefully study the photos of male and female flowers.

Harvesting male flowers begins when they droop and begin to change color to brown. For the manufacture of useful infusions Only healthy earrings that retain their beneficial properties are suitable. It is important not to miss the flowering period of the earrings, as they immediately fall off.

Contraindications: can it be taken if you have allergies?

The main substance included in the composition of men. inflorescences, causing allergic reaction- birch pollen. Despite the content of useful concentrates natural vitamins, phytoncides, microelements having unique properties, there are some contraindications for people with allergies. They may show hay fever. \

Infusion of birch catkins

Infusions from birch buds and catkins are distinguished by effective beneficial properties, which are widely known in folk and traditional medicine. They have: anti-inflammatory, diuretic, wound healing, diaphoretic, antibacterial therapeutic effect.

  1. The recipe for earring infusion for the treatment of conjunctivitis involves brewing the ingredient in water. To do this, take: 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials; 1 glass of liquid.
    The water is brought to a boil, then the earrings are poured into it and the infusion is infused. The use of the product consists of rubbing the eyes 3-4 times a day.
  2. Eczema: a decoction of the bark and catkins is infused and the hands are rubbed with it. Application is carried out 3 times a day. They don't wipe their hands.
  3. Vitamin deficiency: take birch leaves and catkins in equal proportions. Next, washed and crushed 100 g of the product are poured into 4 tbsp. boiling water, stand for 2-3 hours, strain, add sugar and citric acid. The tea is used orally, 1 tbsp.
  4. Beneficial features infusion of birch buds and husband. flowers for intestinal and stomach diseases difficult to overestimate. Use for medical purposes lasts 10 days. To make the drink, take 1 liter. water and 1 spoon. each ingredient. Brew for 20 minutes. over low heat and take on an empty stomach.

Birch catkins used in folk medicine

The use of birch inflorescences occurs only in folk medicine. Official medicine considers their medicinal properties to be weak, although seeing the results, the conclusions can be challenged.

Medical research showed that the following were found in birch catkins: tannins, essential oil, alkaloids, fatty acid and coumarins. However, the effect of these components is more gentle on human organs. Birch sap is the most famous folk remedy, which has an invaluable effect on the body. Using fresh birch sap for 14 days improves sleep and generally has a positive effect on human health.

Bathing in a bathhouse with a birch broom has a general healing effect on the entire body. The use of this procedure improves health and prolongs human life. Weaving birch brooms is a long-standing tradition in Russia.

Birch catkins jam

It’s hard to imagine a master class on making jam from birch catkins. Usually you don’t see such a product on housewives’ shelves. However Lately this raw material began to be added when preparing jam from pine cones and escapes, walnuts, birch sap syrup.

The preparation of birch male flowers for jam is carried out during the flowering of the inflorescences, since the product receives a special piquant taste thanks to the pollen.

What helps: recipes

Recipes from birch inflorescences are used in medicine to treat:

  • heart ailments (have a positive effect on the frequency and depth of compression of the heart muscle, help stabilize the pulse, and help strengthen the heart);
  • tuberculosis (minimize pain in chest, relieve sweating and reduce cough);
  • peptic ulcer (neutralize heartburn, nausea and vomiting);
  • gastritis (relieve dull pain, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, improve appetite);
  • eczema (reduce burning, itching and red spots);
  • boils (promotes rapid resorption of formations without visible consequences);
  • anemia (improves well-being, promotes a surge of strength, increases the percentage of hemoglobin, stabilizes sleep, improves health).