Learn Russian from scratch. Teaching Russian as a second language

In an effort to master fashionable and prestigious languages ​​- English, German, Chinese - modern young people pay less and less attention. Some do not consider this necessary, others rely on text editors, and there are those who are sure that for current activities it is quite A school course is enough.

However, employers pay attention to the literacy of documents compiled, so for many people it is important to independently study the Russian language. But is it possible to achieve desired result without a tutor?

Here are some tips from teachers:

Start with grammar. Few people have the innate ability to “feel” language. To maneuver freely among the vast majority of rules, it is enough to master textbooks for grades 5-10. It’s even easier if you had good grades in school. In this case, diagrams and humorous pictures-rules, of which there are plenty on the Internet, will help you “get back into shape.”

Try to use text editors as little as possible. Firstly, they are often wrong, and secondly, they reduce your self-confidence.

Don't relax. Self-study Mastering the Russian language requires constant work on yourself, so even when chatting with friends you need to pay attention to spelling and punctuation.

Work on your pronunciation. Incorrect emphasis in words such as “cakes” and “call” during communication will reveal your gaps in education.

Read the classics. This is how you visually remember how certain words are written. At the same time, your choice is huge. An excellent alternative to Dostoevsky’s “boring reading” will be the works of foreign authors translated into Russian. However, before reading, you should ask for reviews about the quality of the translation.

And one more piece of advice. To improve your pronunciation, repeat after the announcers of news programs or programs on cultural channels. This is where you have the best chance of “absorbing” the thoroughbred sound. And if you want to learn with us, welcome! There is a lot on the site interesting material For

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See also:

Preparation for Russian language exams:

The most necessary from the theory:

We suggest taking tests online:



2 a) Lesson b) c) Lesson Yes, this is a window. Yes, this is a book. Yes, he [Andrey] is at home. Yes, it [the newspaper] is here. Yes, she [Anna] is a student. No, this is not the sea. This lake.

3 No, it's not water. This is juice. No, this is not Andrey. This is Mikhail. No, she [Anna] is not there. She is here. No, he [Ivan] is not a student. He's a professor. No, I'm not a journalist. I am a student. Lesson Is this Nikita? Yes, this is Nikita./ No, this is not Nikita. Houses. Here. Is this Lisa? Yes, this is Liza./ No, this is not Liza. Is Anton at home? Yes, Anton is at home./ No, Anton is not the newspaper there? Yes, the newspaper is there./ No, the newspaper is not there. Is the mail here? Yes, the post office is here./ No, the post office is not. Who is this? This is Anton. Who is this? This is dad and mom. Who is this? This is Nina Mikhailovna. What is this? This is a dictionary. Where's the sister? She is at home. Where's brother? He is there.

4) Is this Andrey? Yes, this is Andrey. He is a student? No, he is not a student. He is a teacher.) Who is this? This is Natasha. Who is she? She is a student. Is she Japanese? Yes, she's Japanese. Lesson 4 7. Here it is. Here she is. Here he is. Here he is. Here she is. Here he is. Here they are. Here they are. students schools windows museums squares

5 sea dogs words apartments This is my textbook. / These are my textbooks. This is your aunt. / These are your aunts. This is our book. / These are our books. This is your place. / These are your places. This is her letter. / These are her letters. This is their room. / These are their rooms. 4 Whose dog is this? This is our dog. Whose chair is this? This is their chair. Whose parents are these? These are his parents. Whose place is this? This is your place. Whose watch is this? It's my watch. 5 Where is my notebook? Here she is. Whose coat is this? This is her coat. Is this your school? Yes, this is our school. Are these your books? No, these are not mine, but yours. This is our teacher. / This is our teacher. This book is mine. This coat is yours. Lesson 5

6 This dictionary is ours. These magazines are yours. This teacher is yours. This is a new student. This interesting book. This is a young student. This is a beautiful sea. These are old photographs. What kind of notebook is this? This is a blue notebook. What kind of lake is this? This is a beautiful lake. What kind of students are these? These are new students. What kind of teacher is this? This is a young teacher. What kind of dresses are these? This summer dresses. 4 What are you doing today? We are reading a new magazine. What are you reading? I'm reading the letter. What is Nina doing? She is reading interesting novel. What are Anna and Ivan doing? They work. Do you know where the post office is? 5 Anna is reading a magazine, and Nikita is listening to the radio. They ask and we answer. Lesson 6

7 This large building. Where big dog? Today bad weather. These are Russian books. This a good place. We are studying Russian. 7. He is reading a good story. Irina is Russian. Do you speak Russian? Yes, I speak Russian well. How do you speak English? We speak English poorly. Does Anna speak Japanese well? Yes, she speaks Japanese very well. Do they speak Russian very quickly? Dad and mom are watching TV. What are you doing now? Now I'm watching a movie. 7. What are you watching? We are watching a new Japanese film. Does Pavel watch football? Yes, he watches football. 4 This movie is very interesting.

8 What building is this? This is a large and new building. What a beautiful park! We speak and read Russian. My father smokes a lot. Students learn new words. Lesson 7 Your brother works at the post office. We drink tea in the room. The lamp is on the table. His sister works at school. In the summer they relax in the Caucasus. 7. My family lives in the north. Where do you live? Do you live in a town? Dad and mom live in Moscow. We live in the Urals. What do you drink coffee or tea? I'm drinking tea. Every day they drink milk. What are you writing? I'm writing a letter. He knew well Japanese. What did you do? I was walking on the street. Did the students study Russian? Did you listen to the radio? Yes, I listened to the radio. Did you work in a library? We were building a new building.

9 7. Who watched the film? The students watched the film. Irina lived in St. Petersburg. 9. Where was the book? She was there. 0. Sasha and Tanya were in the library? No, they were not in the library, but in the museum. 4 There was [was/was] a flower on the table. Where was your dictionary? On the table. Yesterday the weather was very good, but I was at home. Have you been in Moscow? Lesson 8 Victor's room. Brother's car. Teacher's journals. Marina's letter. A friend's tutorial. We have a lecture. Do you have a ticket? Do they have a math student? He has good voice. Do you have a metro in your city? No, she doesn't have a brother./ No, she didn't have a brother. No, he doesn't have a car./ No, he didn't have

10 cars. No, he doesn't have a dictionary. /No, he didn't have a dictionary. No, she doesn't have a lesson. /No, she didn’t have a lesson. No, he doesn’t have a daughter./ No, he didn’t have a daughter. 4 No, it's not in the library. No, they are not in the museum. No, I wasn't at work. No, they weren't in class. No, they weren't at school. 5 Yesterday Ivan was not at home. Have you had a dog before? The girl has a very beautiful eyes. I want to watch a movie, but my sister and brother want to read in the park. 7. Lesson 9 We study literature. What does Elena buy, a pen or a pencil? He reads the letter. Do you know his brother? Did you meet Boris today? What is your student studying? Who do you meet at university? I'm waiting for student Maria.

11 Where have you been? We have been waiting for you for a long time. We have a new student. The teacher already knows her well. Do you know this word? Yes, I know him. Who are these students? Do you know them? Where are you going now? I'm going to the library. Where do students go? They are going to class. Where is the doctor going? He's going to the post office. Where is this bus going? This bus goes to the center. Where are you going? We are going to St. Petersburg. 4 Where were you yesterday? Yesterday we went to the theatre. Where was Oleg? He was in the south. Where were you this morning? This morning I was in the park. Where were they? They were at the exhibition. Where was the engineer? He was at the factory. 5 He goes to the post office by bus. I'm going to the park to watch football. Lesson 0 We will be in the library tonight. Tomorrow there will be bad weather. Where will you be on Monday? I'll be at work.

12 Will you have maths tomorrow? No, tomorrow we will have a story. Will you be home on Saturday? Alexey will be at home, and Nikita will be at school. In the summer, Anna and her family will be in the Caucasus. They will watch TV in the evening. What will you do today? I'll do my homework. On Sunday we will walk in the park. Victor writes a letter to a friend. Mom tells her son a fairy tale. The teacher helped the student. In the fall, my brother is going to visit his aunt in Moscow. Whom do students answer in the exam? Yesterday I called my father. 4 5 He'll be here soon. You shouldn't watch TV that much.

13 We are going to visit our uncle in Moscow. 7. Lesson You write with a pencil. They eat with a spoon and fork. How do you write a letter? My father works as an engineer. My brother will be a doctor. I play tennis with my sister. Who will you be? I will be a translator. Schoolchildren are studying history. 7. Where do you study? I study at University. I study in Moscow. In the evening my brother studies in the library. I like Moscow. Large buildings are being built in the city. I love to play guitar. I'm preparing homework with my son. What's the name of this street? Yes, I talked to him. Yes, she was in the museum with him. Yes, I had breakfast with him. Yes, they walk in the park with her. 4 Every day the students prepare their lessons. I was at a concert with him. /He and I were at

14th concert. He wants to study at a university in Moscow. Who did you play football with? Lesson This is Nikita's dictionary. My parents live in the city center. Is there a magazine on the table? No, there is no magazine. Is Sergei talking on the phone with his brother? No, he's talking on the phone with his sister. The mother loves her son. I'm going to the village to visit my grandmother. Who do you work with? I work with her brother. The girl likes these songs. What are the students talking about? Alexey is reading a Japanese magazine. His grandfather was a famous doctor. Engineers work at the new plant. Our new students really love Russian literature. They study in a large classroom. He writes a letter to an old friend. Don't know the new student? Have you read Dostoevsky and Tolstoy? We often have lunch in the university canteen. 0. Summer holidays are coming soon. My sister and I are going to the Black Sea. Yes, she has.

15 Yes, I know them. Yes, he helps him. Yes, she spoke to her. Yes, she thinks about her. Yes, they can relax here. Yes, Maxim is going to the city with him. She likes these. Yes, she called her yesterday. Yes, he has lunch with them. My grandmother liked to walk on the seashore. [along the seashore] Every wind I read an English magazine to my grandfather. I often meet a friend's sister in the park. She plays tennis and walks there. Their uncle once lived in Moscow. He often tells them about Russia. I love tea and I always drink tea with a friend after lunch. My sister and I really like the new houses in Moscow. 7. Tomorrow we will not have free time. We will study in the university library, [in the university library/library at the university] because, the day after tomorrow, we will have an exam. There is a vase with a red flower on the table. 9. Grandfather tells us about a new American film. 0. Now we are studying Russian and Russian

16 literature. Tomorrow we will read new book about Moscow with a Russian student

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(singular) Option 1 1. Yesterday I was at the theater (brother). 2. Pavel was talking on the phone (to his girlfriend). 3. This morning Anton (father) had breakfast. 4. In the summer, Anna rested in the village (sister). 5. Mother was

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ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΜΕΣΗΣ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ ΚΡ ? Years: 2011-2012 Years: Years: 2 Years: 2 Years: 2 Years ία

KEYS Lesson 1. Task 7. room, stamp, map, fish, glass, chair, table, lamp Task 9. 1) girlfriend; 2) water; 3) leg, 4) window, 5) milk, 6) butter, 7) dog, 8) road Task 22 B. Is this a dog? Yes,

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N.I. Soboleva, I.I. Gadalina, A.S. Ivanova, L.A. Kharlamova PRACTICAL GRAMMAR PROGRESS Elementary and a basic level of Textbook Moscow Russian University Friendship of Peoples 2009 BBK 81.2R-96


Where are the people????? Where did you go on your weekends? (= Where were you at the weekend?) On Friday we went to the stadium to watch hockey. We were late to the stadium because we didn't have / didn't have a car. If Zhu says,

Running time: 80 min. (Total 100 points) PART 1. (80 points) I. GRAMMAR (38 points) Assignment. Choose the correct grammatical option. (2 points each) 1. Mom was in.... A. the museum B. the museum yesterday

Repeat what I said. I studied in the library on Sunday. Why did you study in the library and not at home? Because there's a lot of space. (place) in the library on the third floor? not at the university, but

All rights reserved. ي شكلها الصحيح: Book (mine), dictionary (mine), institute (mine), notebook (mine), letter (mine), audience (mine), floor (mine), address (my), family

Page 1 Dative nouns (singular and plural) in the meaning of the addressee. P a g e 2 Valery has a brother who lives in New York. His name is Vadim. Soon

A I. Tell me which translation is correct? “Welcome” is “Happy journey”? 1. Welcome! 2. Bon appetit! 3. Good night! 4. Have a nice trip! 5. Let's start! Attention! March! 6. Happy day

P a g e 1 Prepositional case of nouns in the meaning of place (singular). Lesson 20 Russian language Page 2 Where is my textbook and my notebook? Your textbook is on the table, and your notebook is in the table.

If you drive on a red light, you have to pay a fine. pay How much to pay? What's the fine? traffic light red yellow green be late Why are you late? I slept Sleep morning afternoon evening night morning afternoon evening

PART 1 READING (30 points, 50 minutes) Read the following microtexts and underline the answer that corresponds to the content of what you read. Microtext 1 -- Anton, please tell me, all faculties of Moscow State University are located

We have a big test next Monday. What date will the test be? Tenth of October. test: - grammar - reading - writing - listening - speaking Who's missing? Liu Jiaxin, Wang Ruizhe and Zeng Jin

1. Listen to the sentences. Anna works in this new library. She lives in this beautiful house. Volodya has breakfast in this small cafe. Our family lives in this small apartment. Nikolay works in the district

How are you? How are your Uzbek neighbors? (neighbor) Yesterday we drank beer and cognac. Is it dangerous. drink Past: he drank, she drank, they drank Yesterday I spoke Russian. How are you? so-so Rain. Now I'm all wet. Shirt

Running time: 80 min. (Total 100 points) PART 1. (80 points) I. GRAMMAR (38 points) Assignment. Choose the correct grammatical option. (2 points each) 1. Brother yesterday was.... A. theater B. theater C.

You know him? I know him. What's his name? I've never seen him. Sergei said that on Friday there were only 5 people in the lesson. This is true? Yes. Who was at class on Friday? He wants to go home to China. How many

Lesson 9 New words change, -ы ž on recess now then chemistry, -и ž geography, -и ž physics, -и ž physical education, -ы ž history, -и ž biology, -и ž social studies, -и ž drawing, -ia s drawing,

LESSON 2 Repeat the endings of the accusative case of nouns and adjectives, as well as personal pronouns (textbook “Once upon a time. 12 lessons of the Russian language,” pp. 27-28). 1 Open the brackets and put the words

ELEMENTARY LEVEL VOCABULARY. GRAMMAR Instructions for taking the test Time to complete the test is 45 minutes. The test includes 100 items. You cannot use a dictionary while taking the test. You received the test

CONVERSATION EXAM I, II I SEMESTER Monologues: 1. About myself 2. My family 3. My girlfriend (my friend) 4. My usual day and weekends 5. My interests and my free time 6. My group 7. My studies and my plans

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal State state-financed organization higher education"Pacific State University» Russian as a foreign language Time

9 hours 3 minutes 9:03 nine zero three How? So. I saw your photo. I liked it. I saw that almost all of you are on facebook. see I want to sleep too. It was my sister-in-law's birthday. I live very

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation Ivanovo State Textile Academy Department of Russian as a Foreign Language LEXICAL AND GRAMMAR TASKS FOR FOREIGN SPEAKERS

Lesson 4 Revision of grammar from the last lesson 1) Add: My friend Elen and I are interested in geographers and are very fond of Herman and America. Our math teacher is very strict. This is not the like of Volod and Pavel. Mathematician



P a g e 1 Using the imperfect and perfect form of the verb in the past tense. P a g e 2 Sabina spent the whole day making a model. Finally she did it. Page 3 Anton read an interesting

Oros khelniy hicheeliin suur bolovsrolyn hөtөlbөriyn aguulgyg hamarsan zhishig daalgavar. 12 ang Shalgaltyn devter - 1 / 60 minutes / I. Grammar and vocabulary. Task 1. Choose one correct grammatical

I'm glad to see you. I'm glad to see you too. We're glad to see you. I have a surprise. Today we have new students. I do not know them. Do you know them? No, we don't know them. We ask. (ask) What is your name?

Wait We wait Tomorrow will be the twenty-second of September, Thursday. The day after tomorrow will be the twenty-third of September, Friday. How many? one two three which? first second third, third, third I went to university

BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi có 6 trang) ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2013 Môn: TIẾNG NGA; Khối D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề Họ, tên thí sinh:... Số báo danh:...


RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN THE FIELD OF EVERYDAY COMMUNICATION FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN BASIC LEVEL Subtest “VOCABULARY. GRAMMAR" Instructions for completing the subtest Time to complete the subtest is 30 minutes. The subtest includes 60 items. At

BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi có 06 trang) ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH CAO ĐẲNG NĂM 2010 Môn: TIẾNG NGA; Khối D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề Họ, tên thí sinh:... Số báo danh:...

What today? What day is today? Friday. When is class? On Friday. 4 How much? one two three Which? first second third third question What is the date today? The twentieth of January. What month is it? January. Which

I bought groceries. What did you buy? What products? I bought eggs, vegetables - carrots. Why did you only buy eggs and carrots? cook I want to cook. Want I wanted to cook dishes. Rest What did you do?

On last week optics I went to the optics. I can't see without glasses. I can not see contact lenses urgently I need it urgently Can it be urgent? urgent repair urgent dry cleaning I will soon go to China and order glasses

EXPRESSING TIME IN COMPLEX SENTENCES When it rained, the children were playing at home. 1 A) Read the sentences. Divide them into 3 groups of sentences, where the actions: a) coincide in time completely, b) coincide

: : : EXAMINATION PAPER IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE PART 1 READING (30 points, 50 minutes) Read the following microtexts and underline the answer that corresponds to the content of what you read. Microtext 1 My father


CONTENTS Preface...4 Elementary level Part 1. How you know words...7 Part 2. How you know grammar... 11 Part 3. How you know how to read...52 Part 4. How you know how to listen.. .61 Part 5.

Excellent What did you do yesterday? Have you read the book? (read) Have you read a book or textbook? Textbook. It was interesting? No honest He speaks the truth. True Where were you last night? interesting boring I read


درس هشتاد و یکم درس امروز را با ادامه گفتگويي در پستخانه ادامه مي د هيم. لطفا گوش كنيد و تكرار كنيد و سعي كنيد ساختار جمالت را به همان شكلي ك ه مي شنويد به خاطر بسپاريد. AT THE MAIL در پستخانه Boris: -I wanted

P a g e 1 Prepositional case with the preposition na to denote a means of transportation. Accusative case to indicate time (days of the week). Conjugation of perfect verbs in the future tense and

SAMPLE OF A MODEL TEST IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (fragment) Time to complete the test is 45 minutes. You can use a dictionary when taking the test. The test has 3 parts: Grammar/Vocabulary, Reading and Writing. You received

The Russian language rightfully takes the place of the most complex language in the world. Russian-speaking students of language schools who stubbornly study German, French, English and other languages ​​probably do not fully understand how complex and extensive the language they already know is. It is worth approaching the study of Russian in a multi-faceted way and with all the attention.

Learn Russian Language

The channel contains detailed materials for learning Russian as a foreign language, which are suitable for beginners in the Russian language and those who already have basic knowledge. The channel boasts a rich archive educational videos with subtitles, which is updated weekly. Videos are provided in the form of a monologue by the presenter or in the form of understandable presentations. These lessons are suitable for those who have just started learning and want to learn Russian without rushing. For those who have mastered the basics of the language, there may also be useful materials. The channel presenter actively practices colloquial speech and dialogues.


Channel of the authors of the Russian as a foreign language textbook. Here you can find several educational lectures recorded in the classroom with students and an experienced teacher. Students act as students, during the lecture they answer the teacher’s questions and complete pronunciation tasks. For advanced students. During lectures, the student will be able to put correct pronunciation and replenish lexicon, necessary for a foreigner planning to visit Russia or Belarus.

RCT for everyone

The main emphasis in the material presented is on the most difficult thing - the grammar of the Russian language, which is presented in illustrations and clear examples. The authors of the channel try to present the material in such a way that it is understandable to students with different levels of knowledge. Information is conveyed through clear presentations with soundtrack. Students will study numbers, cases, pronouns, adjectives.

Free apps for learning Russian as a foreign language

To make language learning as effective as possible, you should devote every free minute to the process of learning or repetition. Mobile apps can help with this.

Mondly: Learn Russian FREE- a versatile application that trains writing, speaking, reading and listening skills. Both those with elementary and advanced levels of study will find the application interesting; it will be useful when traveling and in business. Download the application for, for

Learn English with Babbel– offers to study Russian through short lessons designed to qualitatively improve the level of language proficiency of a potential student. It will be useful for beginners and continuing students. The authors of the lessons are experienced teachers and native speakers. Pronunciation training is possible through the speech recognition function. Download the application for, for

6000 Words - Learn Russian Language for Free- an application created to replenish a student's vocabulary and has a rich vocabulary library. For ease of use in the application, the words are divided into difficulty levels and topics; you can listen to a new word. Mini-games have been created to make memorization easier. Download the application for, for

Russian is the most widespread of the Slavic languages ​​and the 6th total number carriers. Therefore, many people strive to learn Russian for work and career prospects, some need it for education, and others want to get to know Russian culture better.

In this article we will give you 10 practical advice, which will help in learning Russian and make this process interesting and exciting.

1 - Start with the simplest

The first step to learning Russian is to master its alphabet. The Cyrillic alphabet, unlike the Latin alphabet, is based on the Greek alphabet. Because of this, many letters, although similar, mean different sounds, and some are completely unique. So, for example, the Russian letter “P” is similar to the English “R”, and the Russian “N” is nothing more than the English “N”. If you spend enough time on the alphabet and basic phonetics from the very beginning, further learning of many aspects of the language will become easier and will progress much faster.

Children's fairy tales are well suited for teaching reading; a list of them can be found on Wikipedia. They are written in simple and correct language and easy to understand. This kind of reading will help you get a feel for the basics of the language and learn how to construct sentences beautifully and correctly. More complex things are best left for later.

2 – Repetition is the mother of learning

So says the old Russian proverb. Glue leaves with Russian names on pieces of furniture, appliances, dishes and everything that surrounds you in all the places where you spend a lot of time: at home, in the office, in the car. This will help you always keep new words before your eyes and, over time, remember them without resorting to boring memorization.

3 - Write everything down

You shouldn't always rely on your memory. Especially if you are in another country and everything that surrounds you is often new phenomena. Always keep it on hand notebook, or mobile phone, in which you can quickly and conveniently take notes. At the end of each day, review your notes; there will certainly be something worth remembering.

4 - Always stay in touch

VKontakte is the Russian analogue of Facebook, which in many post-Soviet countries is much more popular than its older brother. Russian-speaking users are happy to make new acquaintances with foreigners, which can be very useful for language practice. Thanks to communication in in social networks you can quickly improve your knowledge spoken language, and learn someone else’s online culture. In addition, sometimes friends and acquaintances during such informal communication can explain some phenomena and concepts much better than teachers.

5 – Cinema and music

For many, the most interesting way to learn another language is watching movies and listening to music. In the case of the Russian language, it will be an excellent help official channel of the Mosfilm concern, where all the old Russian films are collected. The channel has a separate playlist with films with subtitles.

Far From Moscow is an excellent platform where you can find a lot of Russian music from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. All genres and trends are represented here, and there is a lot of content that can be legally listened to and downloaded.

These resources will help not only improve your language skills themselves, but also find new topics for conversations with friends.

6 - Read in Russian

Reading develops language skills very quickly. Try to read as much Russian as possible, such as news sites and Russian-language blogs. This way you will improve your language skills and be able to delve more deeply into the Russian mentality, culture and everyday life. In the end, it’s just interesting to read how the same events are written about in different countries.

7 - Never refuse invitations

Russians sometimes seem not very friendly and cold, but this is only until you find yourself at their home. If you are invited to a party, or just for tea, then be sure that you will be treated the best food and they will share with you the most unusual stories. Such lively and relaxed communication is a great way to improve your speaking skills, learn new things about the culture and make friends.

8 – Visit a Russian-speaking country

Complete immersion in the language environment is the most the right way start speaking Russian quickly. In the vastness former USSR The Russian language is very widespread, it is not necessary to go directly to Russia - you can find cities in other countries where Russian is one of the main languages ​​of communication. Such a place can even be found in the European Union. For example, the city of Daugavpils in Latvia: for 80% of its residents Russian is their native language, and 96% of residents speak Russian fluently. In Daugavpils, standard modern Russian without any accent is used as the main language for communication, which makes this city a very attractive place to study it.

If possible, it is better to live not in a hotel, but in a family where the main language of communication is Russian. Many language training programs provide this opportunity. This way you will never fall out of the language environment, and you will be forced to speak Russian, which will certainly bear fruit over time.

9 - Find someone to talk to

Finding an interlocutor for whom Russian is a native language is not so difficult. You can use social networks, but if you are in a Russian-speaking country, be sure to find someone to spend time with. This will not only help you make new friendships, but will also help you get involved in learning the language faster.

The main thing to remember is that if your goal is language, then you should not forget about the need to write down and remember everything new. Analyze your meetings every time, learn new words and expressions. Thus, with each subsequent “lesson” you will feel more confident, which means you will be ready for more difficult things.

10 - Find a new hobby

Do you like to cook? Ask your friends to teach you how to cook some traditional dishes. Are you into music? Learn several traditional songs and some popular modern Russian compositions. Dive deeper into Russian culture. This will make you an even more interesting conversationalist and allow you to better understand the Russian mentality. This way you can find faster mutual language with Russian-speaking people and you will be able to gain much more conversational experience.

Russian culture and the language, which is an integral part of it, are incredibly interesting and, therefore, attract many. We are confident that the tips we have given you will simplify the process of learning Russian. If you are interested in courses to learn this language, which provide a unique cultural experience and practice, be sure to check out the information on our website. Don't be afraid of difficulties and learn Russian!

The Russian language, as well as speech culture, are one of the main subjects in school programs. However, knowledge is not always acquired by students properly, and even more often it is simply lost over the subsequent years of life. Meanwhile, knowing the Russian language and being able to not only express yourself correctly, but also write correctly is very important. It’s funny and sad when you hear TV presenters or politicians talking about some kind of nonsense, pronouncing words completely incorrectly, or when you read seemingly serious and useful articles in newspapers, magazines or the Internet, but you see that the words in them are written haphazardly , for example, instead of “obvious” they write “on the face”, instead of “to mom” they write “to mom”, instead of “bad weather” they write “bad weather”, etc. But, in fact, it doesn’t matter what goals and objectives you set for yourself, you need to know the Russian language, if only for the simple reason that by doing so you express respect for your native speech and culture, show respect for yourself and the people around you .

And today we will talk about how an adult can do this. But before describing the ten ways we have prepared for you to close knowledge gaps, we would like to point out one extremely important point.

In fact, improving your literacy is quite simple, but you should understand that you won’t be able to do this in a week or two. IN best case scenario this process may take you several months, or even years. Therefore, having decided that you really want to properly master your native language, make sure that books such as a grammar reference book and a dictionary of the Russian language become yours faithful companions. It is not necessary, of course, to always have them with you (although you can download them to your tablet, laptop or smartphone), but you should definitely make them your desktop aids.

And if suddenly in some situation you experience difficulty, for example, you are not sure exactly how to spell a word or what it means, do not neglect to use a dictionary. Likewise, when you learn a new term, take a moment to figure it out. precise definition. By doing this, you will always improve your literacy and expand your vocabulary.

So, if you're ready, here are ways to close your Russian language literacy gaps.

10 Ways to Close Literacy Gaps

Each of the presented methods is interesting in its own way. You can use them either individually or in combination. By the way, if you give preference to the second option, your successes will be more impressive, and the process itself will go much faster.

Method one - read

Reading is perhaps the best and surest way to improve literacy in the Russian language. But given the fact that many people are accustomed to being intellectually lazy, most They receive information by listening to the radio, watching news, topical programs, movies, etc. This, of course, is good, but unfortunately, it does not make it more intelligent (in the literal sense of the word). Increase your knowledge level native language Reading will help you improve your spelling.

The fact is that books contain an incredible number of words. And while reading, a person receives several advantages at once: firstly, his vocabulary expands, secondly, the skill of combining and combining lexical units develops, and thirdly, when reading, the brain visually records the correct spelling of various terms and concepts, thanks to which reduces the number of spelling errors in a letter (by the way, if you read ours, you can pass a short spelling test). And another significant advantage of reading is broadening your horizons.

The second way is to write

Although reading lessons (sessions) are extremely useful, spelling specifically can be improved by writing more. Spend at least 30 minutes every day on this, and very soon you will notice that you have gained confidence when writing various words. In addition, this allows you to study all sorts of subtleties of punctuation. But, of course, this method will only work if you always check what you write (the correct spelling of words and punctuation marks).

If you are concerned about the question of what exactly to write, then absolutely everything will do here. You can write a little story from life, describe the past day, put it in short form content of your favorite movie. Keeping a journal is also helpful. By the way, if for some reason you don’t want to write with a pen on paper, use a text editor on your computer. If you wish, you can even set the goal of starting your own blog on the Internet at interesting topic(and if you like it, over time you can make it one of your sources of income or even your main one).

Method three - check and eliminate doubts

Good ways to learn Russian are not only reading and writing, but also constantly testing yourself and clearing your doubts. You are probably familiar with the situation when you write something or even just talk about something, and you have doubts that you wrote or pronounced it correctly (this also includes the question of the semantic correctness of the use of terms and concepts).

So: such situations should not be considered something out of the ordinary; everyone faces them. But the question is what will you do about it. We recommend that you spare no time and devote it to finding answers and eliminating doubts. Look online or open a dictionary to make sure you haven't made a mistake. By the way, it is precisely such cases that allow you to remember information best, because even a slight uncertainty about something is always microstress, accompanied by emotional reaction. And, as you know, what evokes emotions in a person is remembered for a long time. Thus, by eliminating doubts, you will internalize the lessons learned for life.

Method four - use online services

Today, almost every person has access to the Internet, and if ten years ago it could be called a curiosity, now having a tablet, smartphone or laptop at hand has become as natural as brushing your teeth in the morning. In addition, there are currently many access points to the World Wide Web. public places and establishments.

Firstly, you can find specialized Russian language courses on the Internet. These include 4brain, as well as materials from such platforms as “Universarium”, “Intuit”, “Lectorium”, “PostNauka”, “Lectorium” and others (you can read more about them). And secondly, there are many “lightweight” services where it is possible, for example, to simply enter a word and find out its spelling or meaning. Also, such resources often offer checking for grammar, punctuation, etc.

Therefore, when any difficulties arise, feel free to contact sites such as gramota.ru, therules.ru, online.orfo.ru, text.ru, languagetool.org and others. These are, of course, not Russian language lessons, but still good ways studying.

Method five – install the “Word of the Day” application

The Word of the Day application is a very simple and at the same time effective tool for expanding your vocabulary. By the way, Igor Mann wrote about him very well in his book “”. The application is completely easy to install on your computer or gadget - here it is.

Once you install it, your vocabulary will increase by one word every day. Some might say that there is nothing special about this, but that would be wrong. The fact is that every day we all communicate, using for the most part only words we know, and we learn new ones only by accident. Therefore, “Word of the Day” will be a good alternative to these “accidents”.

And if you carry out simple mathematical calculations, then in a year you will learn 365 new words, in two years - 730, in five years - 1825, etc. Agree, not a bad result? Thus, after even one month you will notice that your speech has become richer and your writing style has become more perfect. Plus, looking at a word that appears on the screen, even one you know well, you will remember its spelling.

Method six - learn the rules

If Russian language lessons are a stage you have already completed, and, for example, a tutor is irrelevant for some reason, but you need to improve your literacy, learn the rules yourself. Ideally, this method involves learning one rule every day. But if you take into account the fact that, most likely, you have a job, hobbies, family matters and everything else, and the rules need to be not only memorized, but also learned, you can devote two or three days to studying one thing.

You can, for example, learn today, practice a little, and tomorrow repeat the rule and practice again. And the day after tomorrow - perform several exercises without repeating the rule.

If such methods of learning the rules of the Russian language become an integral part of your life, over time you will master this subject to perfection. And if you have nowhere to rush, do it calmly, because even a slow walker will reach his goal while crowds of onlookers stand and watch. And you can learn and study these same rules using the same textbooks, collections of rules and online services.

Method seven – reread and edit

This method is very suitable for those who for some reason are forced or simply like to communicate with friends, family, colleagues or partners through special programs like Skype, ICQ, QIP, Viber, WhatsUp or even on social networks like VKontakte and Odnoklassniki " It sounds somewhat unusual, but even from such communication you can benefit from improving your literacy.

While most people prefer to express themselves using “pasibka”, “mne lira”, “sps”, “priva” and “dosvidos”, we advise you to approach the process of online communication consciously. Just write competent and correct messages. As soon as you have written something, do not rush to press Enter, but re-read what you have written, correct errors, add the appropriate punctuation marks and only then send.

It may take you a little more time, but you will learn to write correctly. And if you dig a little deeper, the newfangled abbreviations so beloved by many simply worsen the culture of speech, reduce brain activity, and have a detrimental effect on attentiveness, concentration and the development of thinking in general.

Method eight – study with a tutor

Tutoring is one of the the best ways improving literacy in any subject, including the Russian language. A competent tutor always uses individual approach in teaching, takes into account the characteristics of his student and his existing knowledge and skills. If something is not clear, he will explain it clearly, help eliminate gaps and deal with difficulties. Among other things, professional specialist can significantly speed up the educational process.

Note that you can hire a tutor at any age, and there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, if a tutor helps you, then you are interested in receiving new information, correcting mistakes, your education, in the end. For this reason, if you do not want to engage in self-study, feel free to hire a personal teacher and study with him.

But still, we note that such classes can hit your pocket, because the services of qualified teachers are not cheap. And if you work with unqualified specialists, it may end up wasting money. However, if the issue of costs does not bother you much, finding a professional will not be difficult.

Method nine – Russian language course from 4BRAIN

Separately about our Russian language course. If we consider different ways studying the subject, it occupies far from the last or even ninth (as in this article) place among them. It was compiled professionally - the best teaching materials and the experience of our colleagues were used in its creation. And we approached its preparation with all seriousness and the desire to create truly useful, concentrated material.

The course includes trial testing, which allows you to identify problem areas in proficiency in the Russian language, an individual training schedule that allows you to optimally distribute time and workload, many daily short classes and various ways intermediate control of material assimilation. In total, the program allows you to improve your Russian language quite well in just three weeks.

The Russian language course from 4BRAIN is designed for people aged 10-12 years old who are familiar with the basic rules, but are experiencing certain difficulties. To find out more about the course and get Additional information, go to . We will be happy to offer you a comprehensive and adaptive training program.

Method ten - other options

In conclusion, let's say a few words about other options for eliminating problems with the Russian language. Among them are such ways of studying and testing knowledge as solving crosswords and scanwords - this allows you not only to learn new words, but also to remember their spelling. This also includes all kinds of tests, rebuses, puzzles and anagrams that develop cognitive and intellectual abilities.

And if you want to combine business with pleasure, you need to watch more documentaries, speeches by speakers and public people. This way you can learn to speak correctly, learn new words and notice the mistakes that others make.

Remember that it doesn’t matter which ways of learning Russian you like best: a tutor and private lessons, online classes, reading or anything else, the most important thing is to work on yourself and strive to improve your results. We wish you success and unwavering motivation in this endeavor!