My stomach is grumbling a lot, what should I do? Rumbling in the stomach after eating: causes, treatment

Periodically, the digestive organs make sounds in the form of gurgling and seething. Every person, regardless of age, faces this from time to time. In most cases, this process is considered normal occurrence. It especially boils in the stomach after eating and before eating, but there are other reasons that contribute to this.

Why is my stomach churning?

Predisposing factors for the appearance of abdominal pain include:

  • binge eating;
  • incompatibility of products;
  • food that causes gas formation;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • hunger.

Most often, after eating, the stomach rages in people who are accustomed to eating irregularly and refuse breakfast. Meal intake for this category of people begins at lunchtime. The stomach, which is empty for half a day, receives a large portion of food, which is stressful for it. Digestive organ experiences a huge load, not having time to digest the incoming contents, and begins to make characteristic sounds. This is especially true for people who quickly absorb food and chew it poorly. Along with a nutritious serving in digestive tract a large amount of air enters, which is swallowed during the hasty process.

The simultaneous consumption of dairy and vegetable foods can lead not only to active bubbling, but also to increased gas formation. For example, such a well-known dish as vinaigrette can cause a strong rumbling. It contains poorly combined vegetables, which causes excessive boiling and flatulence.

Seething in the stomach can be triggered by foods that lead to flatulence. This is due to the fact that part of the food remains undigested due to a lack of its own enzymes. The undigested contents move to the large intestine, where they undergo a fermentation process initiated by intestinal bacteria.

  • legumes;
  • grape;
  • fruits;
  • black bread;
  • White cabbage;
  • onion and garlic;
  • fruits.

The cause of boiling can also be heavy, fatty food, which is very difficult for the stomach to cope with and cannot be completely broken down.
Carbonated drinks contain a large amount of gases. Consumption of products in this category leads not only to bloating and increased gas formation, but also to seething, especially if you drink them on an empty stomach.

A hungry state often causes active rumbling and seething when a person tries to suppress the feeling big amount water. The stomach begins to secrete juice and starts the digestion process, which is why the liquid begins to overflow and the stomach begins to bubble.

Other reasons

Seething in the abdomen can often occur due to the following diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • dyspepsia;
  • constipation;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • diarrhea.

In addition to seething, the above diseases also have other characteristic symptoms.


Seething associated with malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract can primarily be caused by dysbiosis. The disease is an imbalance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. Microorganisms that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption may be reduced in number for a variety of reasons. In their place comes pathogenic microflora, which leads to disruption digestive process and, as a result, gastrointestinal disorders.

The following symptoms are characteristic of dysbiosis:

  • frequent attacks of heartburn;
  • constant belching;
  • gurgling in the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea followed by constipation.

A course of probiotics and eating low-fat foods will help eliminate the problem. fermented milk products.


  • stomach ache;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • increased irritability;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • poor sleep;
  • increased fatigue.

Tests to detect helminthiasis will help determine the presence of worms in the body. Treatment is carried out using anthelmintic drugs, vitamins and probiotics.


Dyspepsia is not separate disease, and represents a collection gastrointestinal disorders against the background of gastrointestinal pathologies. The main symptoms of the pathophysiological process include:

  • loose stools or constipation;
  • pain and rumbling in the stomach;
  • formation of excess gases;
  • nausea or heartburn;
  • not digesting food.

Dyspepsia is eliminated by treating the underlying cause that caused it. For staging accurate diagnosis necessary full examination organs abdominal cavity.

In addition to dyspepsia caused by pathologies of the digestive system, a fermentative form is isolated. It appears in people who large quantities eat foods rich in coarse fiber and carbohydrates. The process causes active fermentation, which leads to seething and flatulence. Fermentative dyspepsia is eliminated with the help of fasting and special diet therapy.


People with an irregular diet are more susceptible to constipation. Large cluster feces in the intestines causes the process of rotting, fermentation and increased gas formation. Against the background of irregular stool, seething occurs in the intestinal area.

Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is one of the reasons why your stomach rages after eating. In particular, this applies to fermented milk products that contain lactose. The digestive system, due to the lack of the necessary group of enzymes, is not able to digest milk protein, which leads to upset stool, pain and rumbling in the abdomen.

People suffering from lactose intolerance need to completely eliminate dairy products from their diet.

Stomach flu

The first signs of bubbling and sudden abdominal pain may indicate infection stomach flu. Such symptoms can last from several hours to several days, after which diarrhea occurs.

During the illness, it is necessary to follow diet therapy and take as much fluid as possible, excluding juices.

Rumbling in the stomach in pregnant women

Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract are typical for all pregnant women. During the period of gestation, the body is completely rebuilt and experiences enormous stress, including from the digestive system. Therefore, pregnant women often suffer from stool problems and flatulence, which is accompanied by seething or rumbling in the stomach.

To reduce the amount unpleasant symptoms pregnant women are advised to adhere to fractional meals with the exclusion of products that contribute to excessive gas formation.

Effective ways to get rid of seething

You can get rid of stomach turmoil caused by gastrointestinal pathologies with the help of medications such as:

  • Mezim;
  • Smecta;
  • Motilium.

In case of excessive gas formation and seething, take Espumisan. It helps eliminate gases and unpleasant transfusions in the stomach.
An alternative to the drug is the usual Activated carbon. The product removes toxins from the body and prevents the formation of gases, and is a mild laxative.

You can get rid of seething and heaving using dill broth. Per glass hot water take a teaspoon of crushed plant and let it brew for about half an hour. Take small sips every half hour.

You can prevent stomach turmoil with chamomile infusion. Take a teaspoon of crushed plant component per glass of boiling water. The product is allowed to brew for a couple of hours, and then a quarter glass is taken before meals.


To avoid stomach turmoil and other undesirable manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, you should adhere to the following measures:

  • eat little and often;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • take probiotics and dairy products.

In addition, you should not simultaneously consume incompatible foods and foods that promote gas formation. It is also recommended to exclude carbonated drinks from your diet or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Strong rumbling in the stomach after eating causes severe social discomfort. If this phenomenon observed often, a person begins to develop complexes. Let's try to find out why there is rumbling in the stomach after eating, and what to do if unpleasant sounds occur after every meal.

Causes of rumbling in the stomach after eating

Rumbling and gurgling in the stomach are natural physiological noises that we, as a rule, do not hear. The digestion process is not possible without peristalsis (contraction) of the walls of the stomach and intestines. Too noticeable sounds can occur in a number of cases:

  1. The process of food consumption is incorrectly organized. If a person eats in a hurry, chews poorly and talks while eating, he takes in air, the accumulation of which in the stomach causes a feeling of squeezing. In this case, it is the movement of accumulated air that causes the rumbling.
  2. Fatty and excessively fiber-rich foods. For example, peas, cabbage, grapes and other similar products are difficult to digest and poorly broken down.
  3. Lack or excess of fluid. The condition occurs when preference is given to dry foods - sandwiches, fast food. Less commonly, excessive fluid consumption (especially carbonated water) leads not only to rumbling, but also.

Frequent rumbling may indicate that a person has certain problems in the field of gastroenterology. Let us note the most common of them:

  • dysbacteriosis, in which there is an increase pathogenic microflora V gastrointestinal tract, - perhaps the most common reason rumbling and bloating in the stomach after eating;
  • chronic gastritis accompanied by pain in the epigastric region, belching and nausea;
  • colon dyskinesia - a disease associated with difficulty in moving digested food;
  • – disruption of the production of enzymes that affect the process of digestion of eaten foods.

The cause of rumbling and intestinal upset may be infectious diseases(dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.).

Treatment for rumbling stomach after eating

It should be emphasized that treatment is directly related to the causes of rumbling in the stomach after eating. If this chronic illness, then diet and systemic therapy under the supervision of a gastroenterologist are required. Doctors recommend medications such as:

For proper digestion, it is important to follow the rules of eating:

  1. Eat balanced.
  2. Don't get carried away with dry food.
  3. Eat in small portions, do not overeat.

In some cases, you should avoid products causing problems with digestion (baked goods, beer, legumes, etc.).

The work of many organs human body accompanied by natural noise. Our lungs and heart emit very characteristic sounds, the appearance and intensity of which can be used to judge the state of these organs. One of the well-known and common examples of such noise, which can be recognized without any special devices, is stomach grumbling. Every person has to face this phenomenon at least once in their life, and some live with it constantly.

Very often the stomach begins to seethe and grumble at the most inopportune moment, which makes a person blush and feel embarrassed. However, most people have no idea what exactly causes this constant rumbling and what serious problems it can be associated with. Why does my stomach growl, what should I do if it happens constantly and affects my overall well-being?


Digestion of food is sufficient complex process. In order for those admitted to digestive system the food was broken down and turned into nutrients, the human stomach secretes special juices. In order to break down food more efficiently, it is constantly mixed in the stomach due to contractions of the walls of the stomach and then the intestines. This contraction is called peristalsis, and it is this that can cause rumbling in the stomach after eating. Constant contractions of the stomach have no effect on a person’s well-being.

Contractions of the stomach and intestines occur regardless of whether there is food or drinks in the stomach or not, so you can often hear the characteristic rumbling sounds before eating. At the same time, the person himself does not have to do anything to digest food.

Hunger is one of the most common causes of a rumbling stomach. This happens because in an empty stomach, digestive juices, air and gases can move completely freely and create these unpleasant sounds. In most cases, hungry stomach rumbling appears in the morning and at the end of the working day. If your stomach growls a lot and it causes discomfort, you need to eat at least a little food and the sounds will soon stop.

In some people, the stomach may make growling sounds due to a blockage blood vessels and circulatory disorders in the stomach area. In this case, doing anything on your own is pointless and even dangerous to your health. If the sounds are truly caused by circulatory problems, then they can only be dealt with with the help of a qualified doctor.

In addition, the cause of seething in the stomach and the appearance of unpleasant sounds can be:

If, in addition to constant rumbling in the stomach, such phenomena as pain, bloating, problems with bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea) occur, heat, nausea, bad feeling, this may be a sign of gastrointestinal disorders.

In this case, you should definitely seek help from a doctor who will prescribe an examination and subsequent treatment.


Once the cause of these unpleasant sounds has been determined, you can begin to find a way to solve the problem. If unpleasant sounds in the stomach occur in a state of hunger, then you simply need to eat regularly and always have something edible with you, so that if you are unable to eat normally, you can drown out the grumbling with a small candy or cookie. It is best to eat more often, but in small portions, rather than twice a day and to the point of overeating.

If you constantly seethe in your stomach after eating, the most likely cause of this symptom is food fermentation. What should you do in this case? It is necessary to reconsider your diet and exclude foods that provoke fermentation from it. These include raw and stewed vegetables, especially cabbage, radishes and onions, legumes, sweets with lots of chocolate and cream, Rye bread. These foods cause fermentation and, as a result, blood, which also leads to bloating.

If the cause of the rumbling in the stomach is a disease, for example, dysbiosis or colitis, then in this case it is necessary to treat the disease and the rumbling will go away on its own. You must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and under no circumstances self-medicate.

Many people experience strange sounds in the abdominal cavity. Rumbling in the stomach has various causes. Some of them require close attention of specialists.

If unpleasant sounds appear due to hunger or after eating, then it is easy to deal with it yourself. But if this condition is associated with pathology and is accompanied by pain, then the help of a doctor will be required.

After eating food, the digestion process begins in the gastrointestinal tract. Products are broken down to form substances that nourish the body. This is facilitated by the juice secreted by the stomach. Food and juice are mixed, and the walls of the organs contract. The stomach performs these actions constantly, even if there is nothing in it. If the organ is healthy, then the person does not experience any pain.

The most common cause of unpleasant sounds in any part of the abdomen is a feeling of hunger. Gases and juices move through the unfilled stomach. Air constantly gets inside, mixes with juices and causes unpleasant sounds. This condition usually occurs in the morning, after waking up. After breakfast such sounds disappear.

It happens that a person experiences frequent rumbling at night. This is usually due to the fact that a long period of time passes between the last meal and sleep. The stomach demands food and begins to express itself with sounds.

Rumbling in the stomach has more serious causes:

  1. Diarrhea. At this state Gases move through the gastrointestinal tract, which causes unpleasant sounds. Diarrhea is noticeable immediately, so additional diagnostics does not need.
  2. Intestinal obstruction. This serious illness requiring medical assistance. The disease is accompanied by severe pain.
  3. Poor digestion of food. Some products contain gluten, which not all people can tolerate. Possible development of celiac disease. In this case, there is a strong rumbling in the stomach after eating.
  4. Neurotic disorders. Anxiety, depression and others similar conditions cause constant excitement nervous system. Many appear somatic signs. Sometimes this affects the gastrointestinal tract. The patient complains of too frequent bubbling in the abdominal cavity.
  5. Excessive consumption of sweets. Such products provide bad influence on intestinal microflora. Beneficial bacteria begin to die, and harmful ones begin to multiply. Excessive gas production and belching begin.

How to get rid of rumbling?

Unpleasant abdominal sounds often occur at the most inopportune moments, making a person feel uncomfortable. Therefore, he has a question about how this condition can be treated.

If unpleasant sounds are not associated with serious pathologies, then you need to reconsider your diet. Loud rumbling may occur in a gluten-sensitive person. Products containing it should be excluded from food. If the gastrointestinal tract reacts with rumbling to dairy products, then you should not consume them.

If you experience frequent rumbling in the abdominal cavity, you should gradually give up sweets. It is psychologically difficult to do this right away. But you can try sweetening your food with sweeteners, which have not been shown to have properties that increase bubbling.

It is necessary to monitor the intestinal microflora. You should eat foods with probiotics. These include sauerkraut. You can use dietary supplements containing probiotics. But natural products much preferable. It's good to eat fiber plant origin, such as nuts. This is very strong remedy against stomach turmoil.

You can normalize microflora by eliminating all industrially prepared foods from your diet. They contain many substances that are not beneficial to the body: preservatives, flavorings, etc. All this can cause not only rumbling, but also abdominal pain.

To a person suffering frequent bubbling, you can’t get carried away with antibiotics. For example, you should not use it often antibacterial soap, so popular in Lately. Reception medicines this group must be strictly agreed with the doctor.

Rumbling in the stomach as a symptom of the disease

The appearance of unpleasant sounds in the stomach is associated not only with natural processes in the body. It serves as a kind of indicator of gastrointestinal diseases for the doctor. The causes and treatment of the disease should be considered by a specialist.

Pathologies that may be accompanied by seething and sounds in the abdominal cavity are the following:

  • blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • infectious diseases;
  • previous injuries;
  • food allergies;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ulcerative colitis.

Any of these diseases can cause various complications. These diseases are not fatal, but they spoil the quality of life. Irreversible processes occur only with prolonged absence of treatment. Pathologies are often accompanied by pain.

If painful sensations appear in the upper abdomen, in the stomach area, it is possible to develop diseases of the duodenum, stomach, and gall bladder. In this case, other symptoms are possible: bloating, diarrhea, rumbling. It is likely that the pathology also affected the large intestine. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will diagnose the pathology and prescribe treatment.

For pain in the lower abdomen with the appearance loud sounds the doctor suspects an illness in sigmoid colon. Another sign can confirm this diagnosis - the patient feels fermentation in the abdominal cavity.

Rumbling, nausea, pain, gases appear with irritable bowel syndrome. Often these signs are accompanied by diarrhea or constipation.

If your stomach is not rumbling natural reasons, and due to illness, qualified treatment is necessary.

Surely every person is familiar with this situation when the stomach growls. Gurgling, rumbling and other strange sounds do not always indicate that there are any pathologies. There are physiological, natural noises in the stomach and intestines, most of which we cannot hear. And for some, hunger or overeating leads to rumbling in the stomach so that even others can hear it. Of course, it becomes awkward, although this process in itself is completely normal. Let's figure out why your stomach is rumbling and what the reasons are.

Where does the sound come from?

In order for food in the gastrointestinal tract to be properly digested, its walls secrete digestive juices intended for this. And for more efficient process The food mass must be constantly mixed. This occurs due to the contraction of the walls of the stomach and intestines (peristalsis). It doesn’t matter whether there is food in the stomach or not, its mucous membrane secretes juice after a certain period of time, and the muscles contract. When there are no products there, the juice, gases and air that we involuntarily swallow move around the organ and interact in it, which is why the stomach rumbles.

If it rumbles after eating

Many have encountered this symptom before eating; we discussed the causes of noise in this case above. Now we’ll find out why your stomach rumbles after eating. So, the most common reasons:

  1. Bloating (or flatulence). At this time, too much gas accumulates in the intestines.
  2. Heavy, fatty foods. Fast food, confectionery, dairy products, pork, and sweets take a long time to digest and are poorly absorbed, which is where strange sounds arise.
  3. Combination of products. If you eat ingredients that don't combine well with each other, this leads to fermentation, so don't wonder why your stomach is growling.
  4. Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks. From the very name of the product it is already clear what this leads to.

Rumbling after eating associated with diseases

If your stomach is constantly rumbling, then it makes sense to see a doctor and get examined, because this could be a symptom of a serious illness. What other reasons are there for strange sounds, besides dietary errors?

  1. Stress, worries. Oddly enough, this is a fairly common cause of rumbling. In this case, it is recommended to strengthen your nerves and go to a specialist, because, as you know, it is stress that provokes the appearance of many diseases.
  2. Gastrointestinal ailments. In this case, rumbling may bother you not only after eating, but also before eating. Notice if you have symptoms such as a thick coating on your tongue, bad smell from the mouth, nausea, general weakness. All this may indicate the presence of gastritis. There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Rumbling during pregnancy

Even if a woman has never had any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy gases may form and constipation may begin, which will lead to rumbling. However, you shouldn’t worry, because it’s all due to the increased concentration of a certain hormone that helps relax smooth muscles. And when the pregnancy is long enough, the intestines also change their location slightly due to the growing uterus. At this time, it is especially important to eat right, avoid eating fatty foods, carbonated drinks, and listen to the doctor’s recommendations.

Rumbling in the stomach: what to do?

There are some tips. Namely:

As you can see, there can be many reasons for a rumbling stomach. To identify the one that causes unpleasant sounds in your case, it is advisable to contact a specialist. Sometimes making a diagnosis is not so easy. If, for example, the sounds are strong and occur frequently, this may be a symptom of dysbiosis. When healthy microflora is replaced by a pathogenic one, the body is not able to synthesize vitamins and fight infections. Instead, we have bloating, pain, nausea, and rumbling. Don’t be negligent about your health, seek help from doctors and live a full life!