How to achieve success in life. Setting Clear Goals

How to achieve success with a minimum of effort? Probably everyone thinks about this. Most people strive to work on themselves, sincerely want to achieve financial well-being and, as a result, realize all their dreams. At the same time, various business trainings, books from business gurus and advice from more successful colleagues are used. This article will talk about “How to achieve success”?


First of all, you need to define ““ for yourself. In pursuit of the golden calf, many people lose sight of this point and climb up a ladder that is “attached” to the wrong building. Either they are trying to achieve someone else's success or they are parodying someone else. In a word, they don’t live their own lives.


Experts advise setting clear, clear goals that can be measured. write down, record. This is how you can use the SMART goal methodology. But at the same time, you need to set goals with an eye on what exactly you want, and not try to set goals imposed on you from the outside. Relatively speaking, if you don’t want to write a dissertation, but force yourself to do it because it’s inconvenient in front of your parents and supervisor, then hardly anything will come of it. This goal will only drain your strength, and the result may ultimately be zero.

The chosen goal must be in one form or another achievable, realistic, and interesting. A goal that is too difficult and unrealistic can confuse you and you simply won’t pursue it. For very large goals, you can break it down into several subtasks, outline a plan and deadline for achieving each of the points. Step by step, you will achieve success at each small subgoal - and you will move towards the implementation of the big task more and more confidently.


Most successful people agree that to achieve success you need to work hard and hard and then sooner or later you will achieve your goal. If you work hard enough and consistently. You must devote many hours every day to your goals in order to achieve your goals within a reasonable time frame.

There is even a rule of thumb that says that in order to achieve success in any field, you need to work at least 10 thousand hours. People who have achieved outstanding success in their field have devoted this much (or more) to their work.

Don't be lazy, because our lives are short. In addition, a lazy lifestyle can turn into a bad habit.

The vast majority of millionaires in the United States achieved their wealth through hard work and savings. They have been building their success for years, growing it literally from scratch. No one left them an inheritance and, of course, they did not have high-ranking relatives in Gazprom.

To be successful, you don't just have to work hard. You also need to increase your productivity. That is, doing more useful work in the same time.


I don’t believe what the movie “The Secret” says, that in order to achieve your goal, it is enough to constantly visualize it and other anti-scientific near-mystical information. However, the fact that our thoughts and words influence our lives in the future is an indisputable fact. There is even a saying: “be careful what you wish for.” If you constantly sit in negative thoughts like in a swamp, then with your behavior you will, as it were, attract negative situations, and your consciousness will not perceive anything positive that will happen around. You will miss one attractive opportunity after another.

On the contrary, an optimistic outlook on the world and a willingness to accept something new into your life - all this can really bring something good into your life.


Experts advise studying, broadening your horizons, and engaging in self-development. The higher your level, the more opportunities will open up. Of course, we are not talking about mechanically receiving the second higher education. We are talking about reading books by leading authors, attending trainings from recognized experts in their fields. When you rely on the experience of other people, you will be able to achieve your goals faster, which means you will be one step closer to your goal and will be able to achieve success earlier than all other things being equal.


Did you know that people and organizations that use planning in their work are on average more successful than those that do not plan? In addition, planning is one of the basic functions of management (one of the 4 functions of management). You can plan your working day, week, or year. The habit of planning allows you to achieve your goals more purposefully, which means achieving success earlier than without using planning.


Many new entrepreneurs are afraid of losing money. Here you need to understand that if you start own business and had no business experience before, then you are guaranteed to lose money and time on something and there is a big risk that there will be no return. In the same way, when you take on some difficult task, then you will face troubles and difficulties. There is no such thing as without difficulties. Folk wisdom says: Don’t go into the forest if you’re afraid of wolves. Obstacles will definitely come your way. And only you choose what you will do about it - prepare for them in advance and overcome them, or stay where you were and not achieve your success.

And if you fail, then you must get up with enthusiasm and try again. There is no other way to achieve success. They say that Edison made 10 thousand unsuccessful attempts while inventing his lamp. I don’t know who thought this, but in life it so often happens that it is not the strongest who wins, but the most purposeful. The game isn't over until you give up. And if you rise again and again to victory, then you can shake your hand and confidently foresee that you will achieve success.


If you want to become more successful, then pay attention to who you communicate with. We often adopt many manners and habits from our social circle. In addition, we often listen to their advice and thoughts. All this, directly or indirectly, greatly influences our lives. And if you surround yourself with losers and spend a lot of time with them, then there is a risk that you yourself will partially go down a step or two.

All these methods of achieving success are as old as time. It’s not for nothing that they say that everything ingenious is simple. Good luck, dear reader, in achieving success! And if you have anything to add, write in the comments.

"Success" is a term that has a huge amount meanings and interpretations. Most often, success means a successful career, material wealth and high social status. However, success is by no means limited to these components.

First of all, success is how happy a person is in this moment. The usual image of a successful careerist cannot be a standard of success, because high paying job and wealth is not the only meaning of life and human joy. Rich people can be successful at work but unhappy at work personal life, may have health problems or not fulfill their important needs.

Success in the broadest sense of the word implies a whole complex of concepts:

  • Harmony in the main areas of life;
  • Self-realization and disclosure of creative potential;
  • Living with satisfaction of needs;
  • It’s not just a “profitable” business, but it’s an activity that brings true meaning and joy to life.

For each person, success will still mean something different, reflecting the most important areas of his life. It could be happy family life, interesting job, good health, creative activities and much more. One thing is certain about any success: To become successful, you need to have the appropriate character traits and work a lot, hard.

Habits of successful people

The main difference between a successful person is the willingness to take responsibility for his life. If a person really does not wait for help “from the outside” and does not take the position of a victim, then he will have enough motivation and energy to improve his life. He will rely on himself, firmly knowing that his own happiness depends on him, and only on him.

The next significant aspect is the ability to choose and set goals. Choosing goals is a stage that helps to weed out other people's imposed aspirations. Successful people listen to their inner voice, pay attention to their needs, and separate their opinions from the opinions of those around them. Also, successful people know a lot about correct positioning goals and planning. There is a pattern in the world: if you don’t know what you want to achieve, then you will never achieve it.

In addition, successful people treat their own mistakes wisely: they allow themselves to be wrong, do not scold them for failures, and look for lessons and new opportunities in every defeat. Self-criticism is unlikely to help avoid mistakes, but it can seriously weaken self-confidence. Therefore, successful people learn from every mistake they make and stubbornly continue to follow their chosen path. At the same time, they are flexible enough in plans to meet changing conditions.

What kind of people achieve success?

Character traits are ingrained individual characteristics personality. When a habit of certain actions and attitudes is regularly repeated and reinforced, it becomes a character trait. Like habits, character traits can be changed. However, this will require a lot of time, effort and perseverance from a person. Compared to habits, character traits are more difficult to change.

Successful people have a number of distinctive features personalities who make their lives happier. Personal qualities help you do the right thing and achieve your goals. People who achieve success have the following traits:

The qualities of a successful person are presented in this video:

How to develop character

To achieve success in life, you need to develop appropriate character traits. Start developing your personal qualities by making a list of traits that you want to change. Next, analyze in detail why you need these personal qualities, what their function is in your life. After all, all, even negative, personality traits are formed for a specific purpose and for some benefit. Such an analysis will help you better understand yourself and get rid of harmful traits.

Next, make up positive statements about the desired qualities in two versions: “I want to become (such and such)” and “I am.” For example: “I want to become goal-oriented. I'm a goal-oriented person." Say statements like these regularly so that your brain gets used to these thoughts and perceives them as a goal and as an already existing reality.

Imagination is often effective in helping us acquire new character traits. To do this you need to find a character or real person, achieving the skills you need. Imagine that you are this person and act as one.

To develop new skills, you can imagine that these skills have already been formed, and begin to act based on this idea. It is recommended every day, morning and evening, to simulate in your brain situations where you have already achieved your goal and are demonstrating the desired qualities. It is better to do this lying down, with eyes closed. Thus, new ones are created in the brain neural connections. Then in a similar situation in real life it will be easier for the brain to switch to new desired reactions.

The body language shows the confidence of the person in this video:

However, the most effective and at the same time the most difficult work on the formation of new personality traits is the conscious change of habits. After all, character qualities are formed precisely from a person’s habits. You should gradually and persistently replace unproductive habits with new ones that lead to the formation of the qualities of successful people. There will be failures and mistakes along this path, but with due persistence, every person is able to change his character.

Every person wants to be successful. Success brings people self-satisfaction, increases self-esteem, and fills life with meaning. Everyone has their own concept of success. One dreams of creating his own company, the other dreams of being best wife and mother, the third - to get a position in the government apparatus.

It doesn’t matter what the goal is, the path to success is the same for everyone. There are specific rules, steps, steps that will lead to the success that you want.

What does success look like?

Personal qualities of a successful person

A person who is able to self-actualize, or otherwise achieve a goal, is considered successful and enjoys his own life.

A successful man lives his own life, goes in my own way, sets goals and achieves their implementation. No one will say that this path is easy - it requires constant movement, growth, and work. It is impossible to avoid difficulties, troubles, disapproval - it is important not to give up and move on.

There is one immutable truth for everyone: every person can achieve success. What is needed for this?

There are qualities that lead to achieving your goals:

  • self confidence;
  • hard work;
  • optimism;
  • perseverance;
  • durability;
  • positive thinking.

Psychologists say: if a person has at least 2 qualities from the list, he is able to achieve anything.

It is advisable to think positively and avoid thoughts that slow down your progress.

What thoughts hinder growth?

"I must". No one owes anyone anything - everything a person does, he does for himself and of his own free will, even if in order to achieve a goal he has to limit himself in something or give up something.

"I can not do it". It’s always worth trying; if it doesn’t work right away, you can collect information, learn, ask for advice, etc. The second or third attempt will be successful.

"I do not want anything". The absence of positive desires and goals is a path to nowhere. Wishing and striving are the first steps to achieving success.

"Everything as usual; nothing new". Life changes every moment, even against our wishes. Why not try to change it on your own?

Listen to your heart.

Doesn't it sound like a fairy tale? However, all successful people claim that they achieved success by doing what they love, to which they devote themselves without reserve.

Only by doing what your heart is in can you achieve heights.

Michael Jordan

"Success comes when a person loves something and does everything with true passion."

Take action.

It doesn’t matter what or how to do, it’s important not to lie on the couch. Start small. Master a business that you have long wanted to learn, do something you have long dreamed of or something you have been putting off for a long time. A Chinese proverb says: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”

Don't drown in the past.

You need to forget about past failures, grievances and mistakes and move forward without looking back. Louise Hay writes: “The starting point of strength is always in the present moment.” No matter how many failures there have been in the past, there is no need to be afraid of mistakes and failures.

Donald Trump

“There is no point in sitting on failure as if on ashes. You’ve learned a new lesson, learned it, and move on.”

Think positively.

Donald Trump

“Our own thoughts determine whether we stay afloat or remain in a quagmire of whining. It's not always possible to resist. That's life. Everyone falls, but you have to get up."

Believing in your abilities works wonders. Believe also that the whole world is on your side. As he says Louise Hay,

"Trust is instant process, a jump to nowhere"/

Just believe that you are the darling of fate, whom she is ready to shower with all the blessings.

You shouldn’t be ungrateful - thank life for everything it gives: health, loved ones, beautiful weather, work, a new dawn. Every day, thank life for everything you have - and appreciate it.

What qualities and actions distinguish a successful person?

1. Self-sufficiency. A successful person does not depend on the opinions of others, he is the master of his own happiness. It doesn't matter what everyone around you thinks - self-esteem comes from within.

2. The ability to forgive. Forgiveness frees both the offender and the offended. The let go of resentment will not devour you from the inside, cultivating illnesses and complexes. But don’t forget anything - don’t give anyone a second chance to offend you.

3. The ability to conserve one’s strength. You shouldn’t waste yourself completely in a momentary struggle. Sometimes you can retreat and gain strength for the next battle.

4. The best is the enemy of the good. There is no need to be perfect; perfectionism leads to neuroses and chronic diseases. Do it the best you can. Next time it will be better.

5. Don't live in the past. The ability to part with the past, forgive others and yourself is a step towards a happy future.

6. The ability to get distracted. There is no need to live only by Business, Work. Successful Oleg Tinkov states: “Work to live, but not live to work.” You need to find time for yourself and for your loved ones.

7. The ability to say “no.” A successful person knows how to say no. Following other people's desires leads to failure, stress and depression.

8. Kindness. Fact: the more a person has achieved, the more friendly and polite he is to everyone. It doesn’t matter what the social status of the interlocutor is - a successful person will be polite and humane. Anger is for losers.

Try to listen carefully and “hear” the interlocutor, do not interrupt and give the opportunity to speak. Be interested in the affairs and problems of others. Even if it is difficult at first, skill and sincerity will come with time. Try it, you will be surprised how many prospects the goodwill and participation of others will open up for you.

Owen Young (writer):

“A person who knows how to put himself in another’s place and accept his way of thinking need not worry about his future.”

Be kind to everyone, even during telephone conversations, and especially to your loved ones.

9. Visual appeal. You don't have to look like a model, just be neat and well-groomed. It is difficult to believe in the success of a person who has unkempt clothes, dirty hair and sloppy nails.

Take care of yourself with pleasure, make an effort to please yourself first of all.

How to Succeed in Business

Successful businessmen openly share the secrets of their victories. Bill Gates developed and promotes own rules, which are being adopted by companies around the world.

1.Know your competitors. Gates begins every morning by studying competitors' websites.

2. The future is the Internet. Only companies that are online will remain in business.

3. Decisiveness and composure. Gates encourages people to face adversity with courage. It's easier to solve the problem by keeping a cool head.

4.You need to create Better conditions to work with your subordinates - this is the only way to achieve reciprocity.

Oleg Tinkov is of the opinion that one should work to live, and not vice versa. A successful businessman knows how to take a break from work and enjoy his life.

Sometimes it seems that work absorbs you completely and leaves not a minute to spare. You don't have to drown in work. Dale Carnegie advises:

“Do your business one drop per minute.”

Gradually the backlog of cases will dissolve. You don’t need to think about the whole mass of work, start with something. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do the work.

Successful people do what they love. Every person has a dream that, when realized, brings success. Walt Disney was considered a funny dreamer. I wonder who would want to laugh at him today?

It is important to set a goal and overcome laziness, apathy, and uncertainty. And every day, even if little by little, move towards your goal.

Everyone is capable of achieving success. It’s very easy to start the victorious path to happiness and well-being: listen to own desires and setting a goal is everything. Then you just need to go towards this goal every day. At the same time, enjoy every new day, don’t give up and don’t lose heart. And always maintain goodwill, love for others and yourself, and believe in your lucky star.

Many people want to be successful and reach unimaginable heights and do nothing, but this will never happen.

Any success is a lot of work that was done over a long time, despite all the difficulties and prejudices.

Ask any successful person how he achieved everything, believe me, it can be a several hour story.

Do you want to achieve success, but don't know how to do it? Don't worry, we will help you!

In our article you will find only the most necessary and effective advice so that in the future your heirs can be proud of you and follow your example.

Follow our advice and you will definitely become successful person!

The first thing you should do is set a goal and motivate yourself every day.

If you don't know what you want to get from life, then you will have NOTHING. Do you want to achieve success in life? Set yourself a goal, work hard and achieve success.

Do you want to lose weight? So what's the problem? Doctors, pills, sports - everything is at your disposal.

The main thing is to set a goal and achieve it!

Motivation plays a significant role in the life of every person. If you constantly tell yourself that you are beautiful, then over time you begin to believe it, even if the words do not correspond to reality.

Motivate yourself to new achievements every day, then you are guaranteed success in life.

A goal in life is good, but sitting on the couch will not achieve anything. That's why it's best to start acting NOW.

Are you afraid of failure? Say NO! your fears and then your chances of achieving success in any business will increase.

Are you 40 years old and have you dreamed of learning to draw all your life, but are you afraid that you won’t succeed? Sounds kind of stupid, doesn't it?

Take action! Perhaps you will become an outstanding artist, and your paintings will sell for crazy amounts of money.

Take action, take risks, but NEVER watch someone else make your dream come true!

Tip #3. How to Succeed in Life: Don't Listen to Losers

We are always surrounded by many people and each of them has their own opinion, but in many cases it is wrong in relation to you and your life.

You shouldn’t listen to people who haven’t achieved anything in their lives, but always give “smart” advice to everyone.

Change your ENVIRONMENT and consult with people who are already successfully doing similar things.

You dream of being a top-notch photographer, so what do you do among chefs? Go to different photo exhibitions, communicate with friends and familiar photographers, visit various blogs, just don’t sit still!

Tip No. 4. How to achieve success - do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today

Old but always true words that will help you achieve success in any endeavor if you repeat them to yourself every day.

Laziness - " best friend"losers, but you're not one of them, are you?

Need to make a report, are you watching the series? Quickly get up from the couch and WORK! Lazy people are not loved anywhere, and this way you will definitely not be able to achieve success even in the most insignificant matter.

Make a list of things that must be done every day, then you will become more organized, and you will always have time not only for work, but also for hobbies.

Fight laziness, otherwise you will always be left behind.

Tip #5. Achieving success: developing in different directions

Have some free time? Read books, learn languages, travel.

Don't sit still! Success is a movement and it depends only on YOU!

All the knowledge that you gain in life will help you achieve success in any business.

If you want to be a successful designer, then knowing several languages ​​will only benefit you.

The basic things you avoid will help you achieve the success you want. Versatile individuals always achieve more than dull and boring people.

Tip #6. A simple secret to achieving success - you need to enjoy life

Do you have two arms, two legs? Can you listen and see? Live in comfortable conditions? So why not be happy about it?

Statistics say that 86% of people on the planet can be happy, but they don’t understand it!

Why invent problems for yourself and be unhappy? There are so many little things around that can give us a positive mood and thereby help us achieve success!

A child’s smile is not a reason to rejoice? And shopping is a sea of ​​positivity and emotions!

Love yourself and don't let bad thoughts fill your mind.

No matter what project you start, you won’t see the desired result right away! Do the statistics, move in the right direction and soon you will be surprised how easy it is to achieve success!

You can't lose weight in one day or make five million dollars in an hour. Everything has its time.

Daily workouts will help you lose weight in a few weeks, and hard work and perseverance will help you earn a tidy sum in just a few weeks. a short time, but it won’t be an HOUR or even a DAY!

Learn to WAIT, then you can be a successful person. And you can devote your waiting time to yourself and your hobby.

Did something not work out the first time? So no need to worry! Review your actions, put in even more effort, and then you have a better chance of getting the expected result rather than complaining about your bad life.

Don’t be discouraged and don’t be afraid to start all over again, because every person can make a MISTAKE.

You started a business, but nothing worthwhile came of it, so try again, and if you feel that this is not your occupation, then do something else.

Only losers and weaklings cannot achieve success! You are not one of them, are you?

Tip #9. How to achieve success in life: enjoy what you do

Do you want to dance, but you have to sit at a boring job? So what's the problem? Go and dance.

Create your own circle or perform on a big stage, do what brings you pleasure.

And try to find joy in the little things. Is it raining today? Well, that's great! Remember the last time you walked in the rain?

Don't spend too much time on failure. Accept any defeats as EXPERIENCE, because they make you smarter, but should not stop you from achieving your goal.

Tip #10. Achieving success and finding harmony with yourself

It is very important to get along with yourself and then it will not be difficult for you to understand others and go towards your goal.

If you want to be successful, mind your THOUGHTS! The best way to achieve success - to always be in harmony with yourself!

Today you feel bad and everything is falling out of your hands? This is a sure sign that you need to get some rest.

A best vacation is a change of activity, so you can take a walk in the park, read a book, watch a movie or take up a hobby. In short, we need to radically change the situation.

These simple tips will help you achieve success in any business, just don’t forget that first we set ourselves a goal, which we do every day, don’t listen to losers, enjoy life, and then enjoy the great RESULT!

Now get up and do it, you won’t have any other time!

Everyone defines success differently. For some, being successful means making a fast career, conquering the heights of show business, while for others, success means family happiness, the birth of children, mutual understanding with a lover. Whatever interpretation of this concept a person chooses, the desire to achieve success will accompany him throughout his life.

And below are methods, skills, tips, recommendations on how to achieve success in life, which were put into practice by all people who became successful in one area or another of their lives.

Success is an ephemeral concept, so achieving it is not always possible. If you clearly define for yourself what exactly needs to be achieved, then it is much easier to develop an action plan. For example, not building a career in an enterprise is a vague goal, the achievement of which is difficult, but in a year becoming a senior manager is already a clear goal, to achieve which you can develop a specific plan.

Once a small goal is achieved, set yourself the next step. By moving from one level to another, you can successfully realize your career dreams.

Believe in yourself

Of course, everyone has doubts, especially if we're talking about about a completely new type of activity. Lack of self-confidence, fear of making mistakes, and anxiety are completely natural feelings that accompany anyone who decides to make their dream come true. But you should fight them - constantly tell yourself: “I will succeed,” “I can do it.” This will allow you to feel confident in your abilities, and will also have an effect on other people: very often it is internal confidence that allows you to convince your opponent (manager, sponsor, business partner) help in the implementation of plans.

Constantly remind yourself of your own positive qualities, praise yourself for small victories and you will see that a major victory is just around the corner!


Only those who persistently strive for it can achieve success in life. Fatigue, laziness, the desire to give up everything and accept failure - these are the factors that nullify all the work. Only constant hard work, self-education, and discipline will help you become successful. Even a person endowed with talent needs to make efforts to achieve perfection, to become even better.

You must remember that every action, every deed brings you step by step closer to realizing your dreams. Why waste time pointlessly watching television series when there is so much interesting stuff in the world that you can learn about, so much knowledge that you can acquire. Every knowledge and skill you acquire makes you a little more successful.

Those who want to achieve their dreams on their own can use the following tips:

  • work hard every day, don't let laziness put off making your dreams come true;
  • rely only on yourself. Parents and friends will not always be able to come to the rescue;
  • learn to enjoy what you do. For example, work can bring not only money, but also satisfaction; the main thing is to find several positive aspects in the work process. Perhaps today you managed to help a person, prove to him that you were right, come up with new project, learn something new - these are positive emotions;
  • learn to manage others, convince them. It is not easy, but often it is the ability to prove your position that becomes the decisive factor in achieving success. Listen carefully to those people whose participation is necessary to realize your dream, analyze their actions and interests, look for weaknesses and use experience. Knowing what your immediate manager is interested in will help you become an interesting conversationalist for him, stand out from the team, without humiliating yourself.

Attention to details

There is not a single unimportant detail on the way to your dream - you must definitely take care of your appearance, try to dress with taste, since a neat appearance gives additional self-confidence. Communicate with successful people and listen to their advice, absorb their experience, this will help you avoid mistakes and mistakes.

Value your time

The human age is short, and the time that can be spent on making a dream come true is even shorter. That's why you can't waste a second of this invaluable resource. Every minute of time should be used profitably - when traveling to public transport, in queues, listen to the player or e-book about business, learn a foreign language.

Dedicate as much free time as possible to self-education, become a literate, erudite person.
If you think about how much time is wasted watching TV, visiting social networks, commenting on photos, games! These time sinks need to be gotten rid of as quickly as possible.

Know how to rest

Another secret of success is a competent combination of work and rest. While striving for a goal, you can work hard and “burn out” after a couple of years without achieving what you want. You need to learn to relax, rest both body and soul. After leaving the office, be sure to switch from work problems, don’t think about them, rather enjoy the beauty of the world around you, take a walk, think about the beautiful, spend some time for yourself, communicating with family or friends. Don't think about work before next day to begin making your dreams come true with renewed vigor.

Anyone can achieve success, the main thing is not to give up, move towards your goal and believe in yourself!

And to finish, I would like to present to your attention a very useful video on the topic - how to achieve success in life?

Good luck and see you in the next article.