How to use linden flowers. Lime Blossom for Women's Health

Hello, Dear friends. Warm summer is coming soon, which pleases us with warmth, an abundance of berries, fruits and medicinal flowers. One of these flowers are linden flowers. Linden has always been held in high esteem in our family. Several linden trees grew in our street, and one tree in our garden. When linden blossoms, it is incredible tenderness, beauty and aroma. Bees and other insects buzz with early morning and until the evening collecting sweet nectar from flowers, so that on our table there is a delicious "lime honey". After all, linden is a wonderful honey plant. Linden is sometimes called the "queen" among honey plants. Every year we collect fragrant linden blossom, dry the linden, and in the cold winter, we drink delicious linden tea with honey.

Linden inherent useful and medicinal properties, all this thanks to the composition of the flowers. And there are practically no contraindications. Linden flowers contain essential oil, tannins, carotene, vitamin C, saponins, glycosides, tiliacin.

Linden flowers are used in traditional medicine in the form of a decoction, infusion, tea. These flowers are part of many medicinal fees.

When is lime blossom harvested? Collection and preparation

Linden blossoms in the middle of summer, in each region differently, somewhere a little later, and somewhere a little earlier. Linden usually blooms in July. In Ukraine, this month is called "linden", precisely because it was associated with the flowering of linden.

The best time to pick flowers is when half of the flowers are open and the rest are in bud. Linden flowers are usually plucked, not cut. Cut them off in dry weather. You only need to take nice flowers, without damage, brown and dark leaves.

In summer, the flowers dry quite quickly. I usually spread them thin layer in the shade in the air.

I dried it under a canopy, as it is a well-ventilated place. Can be dried in a dryer at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Here is a linden tree in our parents' garden. During flowering, it is an incredible fragrance and beauty. The flowers didn’t turn out quite clearly, but I focused on a huge tree, which is all in flowers.

In a well-ventilated room and in the shade, linden flowers can dry out after 2-3 days. Next, we collect dry flowers and put them in cotton bags.

Can be stored in paper bags or cardboard box.

Store raw materials in a semi-dark, well-ventilated area. Shelf life 1 year. On the next year fresh raw materials should be prepared.

Linden. Linden flowers. Benefit. Beneficial features

  • Linden flowers have antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, which allows them to be used for high temperature, at colds.
  • Linden strengthens the immune system, has tonic properties.
  • Linden infusion has a diuretic effect, which allows its use in diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys, and edema of various origins.
  • Linden preparations have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Linden tea is useful for diabetics, as linden helps lower blood sugar.
  • Linden can be used for colds, sore throats, viral diseases, coughs, bronchitis, as preparations from lime have expectorant properties.
  • Linden is used for diseases oral cavity.
  • Due to the presence of essential oil in lime blossom, they have such a rich aroma.
  • The beneficial properties of linden are due to a slight sedative effect, which is excellent for nervous tension, fatigue, headaches.
  • Linden blossoms are used for skin diseases, with itching, rash, irritation, redness. Linden preparations relieve inflammation, soothe the skin.
  • Linden tea improves digestion, has a positive effect on the digestive tract.
  • Linden blossom baths and poultices soothe joint pains.
  • Linden tea reduces blood viscosity.
  • And also, linden has a light choleretic action, which is very important in diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Linden decoction helps to remove toxins from the body, positively affects the functioning of the intestines, helps with spasms and colic in the intestines.
  • Linden blossom It is of great benefit in diseases of the bladder, as it has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Linden is used in cosmetology: for the face and hair. Linden is known for its rejuvenating properties.

It is very useful to use linden tea for women at any age. It soothes, eliminates headaches, normalizes sleep, restores female health and eliminates menstrual irregularities. How to brew linden tea?

Linden blossom. Infusion. Decoction. Tea

Making linden tea is very easy. It is delicious, fragrant, golden and very pleasant. It can be brewed and drunk with family natural honey, it is possible with lime.

Warm atmosphere, harmony, comfort, warmth, family happiness, comfort, peace, these are my associations with linden tea.

Linden tea is a warm, fragrant, pleasant drink. It has long been believed that linden tea is a powerful cure for colds and high fever.

Lime tea

The easiest linden tea recipe ever.

1. Pour a tablespoon of linden flowers with a glass of boiling water.

2. Infuse in a sealed container for about 20-30 minutes, strain and drink like regular tea.

3. To taste, you can add honey to such a drink, but it is better to bite with honey.

FROM therapeutic purpose linden tea is very useful for colds, flu, coughs, and headaches.

For colds and high temperatures, tea with raspberries, cranberries, viburnum is very useful. For more information about raspberries, see the article "". You will learn how to use raspberries for colds and how to prepare an infusion of berries and raspberry leaves.

Lime flower decoction

Needed to make a decoction.

1. Pour two tablespoons of lime blossom on the floor with a liter of water and put on fire.

2. From the moment of boiling, boil the broth for about 5 minutes.

3. Then we insist about 20-25 minutes.

4. We filter the resulting broth and, if necessary, bring it to the original volume with boiled water.

5. Linden decoction is used both internally and externally.

Used in cosmetology and traditional medicine. it excellent remedy with inflammation oral cavity, and also with any kind of colds.

In diseases of the oral cavity, namely, with inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to add soda to the linden decoction, a teaspoon per glass of decoction.

Rinse your mouth with this solution.

Lime blossom infusion

The infusion is also extremely easy to prepare.

1. To prepare the infusion, a handful of lime blossom is poured with a liter of boiling water.

2. You can do it in a thermos.

3. Other herbs are also added to the linden, thereby obtaining a collection of herbs.

4. Infuse for about an hour in a sealed container, filter and use to treat various ailments.

Linden tea is best taken with linden honey, so to speak, in complex treatment.

AT complex therapy this is effective medicine from seasonal colds.

Linden color for colds

In fact, linden blossom is used not only for colds and viral diseases, but also at high temperatures, when coughing.

In complex treatment, with bronchitis, with nasal congestion. Linden can be brewed as an infusion or decoction and drunk as tea throughout the day.

When the temperature is high, it is useful to drink a lot, you can drink a cup of tea every hour.

Since linden has diaphoretic properties, such a drink helps to lower the temperature, facilitate breathing, and reduce sore throat.

With a sore throat, it is recommended to gargle with lime infusion. But I know more efficient folk medicine, moreover, tested on itself, which in 1-2 days will relieve a sore throat. This is a throat rinse. You can see how to prepare a rinse.

When taking linden fragrant and extremely healthy tea, do not forget to use it warm, but not cold.

It's also great to pair the lime drink with honey instead of sugar if you're not allergic to bee products.

Linden for headaches, stress and insomnia

An important factor is the inherent sedative and calming properties of lime, which allows it to be used for insomnia, stress, as a soothing tea.

Can cook herbal teas, combining linden flowers with mint, lemon balm, motherwort and other herbs.

And with a headache, it is very useful to apply crushed, fresh, linden flowers to the temples and forehead. In addition to the color of linden, young fresh linden leaves can be applied to the forehead.

Linden. Harm. Contraindications

Linden, a medicinal plant, has many useful properties. Linden brings harm only with abuse, as well as non-compliance with dosages.

If you are allergic to linden flowers or have an individual intolerance, then linden is contraindicated for you.

Linden tea or infusion is better to drink in courses and take a break. Since with everyday use there may be an additional burden on the heart.

Application of lime color for face and hair

Linden color is used not only in traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology. Linden is used for masks, compresses, which perfectly moisturize, nourish and tone the skin remarkably. Linden infusion is used for swelling of the eyelids, with inflammation of the eyes.

With swelling of the eyelids and eye fatigue, pour a spoonful of linden with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter. In the resulting infusion, cotton pads are moistened and applied to the eyelids for 5 minutes.

Hand baths made from linden infusion soften the skin, relieve inflammation and redness.

Linden infusion or decoction is used for washing, with irritation, rashes on the face. Linden infusion is suitable for dry and even sensitive skin. You can wipe your face with lime infusion or apply gauze soaked in lime infusion on your face for about 10 minutes.

In addition, in order to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin, it is very useful to wash your face with a decoction of lime blossom before going to bed. But first, the broth must be diluted with boiled water. With regular use of linden decoction, the skin will take on a fresh and youthful appearance.

Linden infusion has a positive effect on the hair. If you rinse your hair after washing your hair with linden infusion, they will become more elastic, shiny, eliminate itching of the scalp, irritation.

After rinsing the hair, the linden infusion is not washed off the hair. Such an infusion is well suited for rinsing oily hair, since the lime infusion normalizes the work sebaceous glands. To prepare the infusion, a handful of linden flowers is poured with a liter of boiling water, insisted and filtered.

I wish you a warm summer, sunny, bright positive days, good mood, always stay healthy, stay young, beautiful and attractive.

Linden flowers: useful and medicinal properties

Looking for universal means in the struggle for the perfect body and slim figure nutritionists invent the most unimaginable and amazing diets. But a simple and understandable answer sometimes lies literally under our feet and has long been found and tested by our distant ancestors. In the old days, they knew that nature is a kind and generous helper, giving her unique wealth to every sufferer.

Linden blossom is not only a pleasant aroma, but also precious healing and cosmetic properties. At correct application the plant is able to give almost one hundred percent results in the fight against extra pounds.

healthy diet

All procedures associated with the use of lime blossom are effective due to the unique diuretic and diaphoretic properties of the plant. In conjunction with healing powers oils and vitamins, the plant has an even more pronounced effect. Complex application lime blossom in the form of baths and herbal teas allows you to achieve simply amazing results after just a few weeks of use.

It is recommended to take a healing drink on an empty stomach, brewing fresh linden blossom with chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow or black elderberry for 40 minutes.

If you buy linden in a sachet, then two sachets per glass of boiling water are enough

Several relaxing baths a week using freshly prepared infusion will not only energize of cardio-vascular system, but also create a kind of drainage effect, allowing the body to get rid of excess toxins and toxins. Simply pour 0.3 kg of lime blossom into five liters of water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain and pour the infusion into the finished bath.

Improves health and tincture of linden blossoms. It has the property of enhancing the secretion of bile and gastric juice. Metabolism speeds up hormonal background levels out.

In addition to lime blossom, the bark, buds, and leaves of this tree have found their use. All of them are rich in essential oils, flavonoids, glycosides, carotene, vitamin C, phenolcarboxylic acids, polysaccharides and tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the stomach. Properly made infusions have a diaphoretic effect, remove toxins from the body, stimulating the natural productive work of internal organs.

Inflorescences have been used since ancient times to lower blood sugar levels, and in fact it is high level Glucose is often the cause of obesity.

Compresses from brewed linden relieve puffiness, help get rid of hematomas. Quercetin and kaempferol as part of the linden infusion disinfect the dermis and relieve spasms

Medicinal properties of linden and its use in traditional medicine

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Five days with linden as a step towards beauty

A special five-day weight loss program based on the use of the same lime blossom, mistletoe, honey and lemon also contributes to achieving unique results with strict adherence to rules, proportions and a moderate healthy diet.

The herbal diet is simple. The first two days, 30 minutes before meals, you need to alternately take a decoction of linden and a decoction of mistletoe (for example: breakfast - decoction of linden, lunch - decoction of mistletoe, dinner - again linden). You need to brew grass and flowers at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dry product per liter of boiling water.

From the third day, herbs should be drunk together. It is necessary to brew them in proportion: two tablespoons of each for two liters of boiling water. On the fourth day, it is recommended to add two tablespoons of bee honey to the known broth, and on the fifth day, dilute the resulting mixture with lemon juice or sauerkraut. To achieve the effect, it is enough to drink just a glass of broth before each meal.

Before going to bed, you can drink 0.5 cups of linden decoction - it will calm you down and bring back a sound sleep

Such a diet gives results after 5 days, but it can be kept up to 30 days. After this, the body will need a break (focus on own state and desire) 10-15 days.

Drinking lime blossom is half the battle, it is also important to change your diet in general. Excessive consumption of spicy, salty and fatty foods will not allow you to achieve the desired results and will nullify all your efforts. In addition, it is advisable to eat at least 6 times a day in small portions, make daily hiking within 15-30 minutes, as well as learn how to take cold and hot shower which perfectly stimulates the body.

Linden in cosmetology

To lose weight is not enough, it is important to maintain the achieved result and tidy up the skin, which was the first to suffer from weight loss. Recovery normal tone and skin tightening, it is recommended to arrange “stress baths” daily. The recipe is simple: pour 2 tbsp. spoons of linden flowers with one glass of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes, cool, pour into an ice mold. Frozen infusion wipe problem areas of the skin.

Hello dear readers! It has long been no secret that linden blossom is of great benefit to women. The healing properties and contraindications of this fragrant flower raw material allow it to be taken both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. But even the simple addition of lime blossom to tea gives your favorite drink a honey hue and uplifts your mood. What exactly are beneficial features lindens for female body and how should this plant be used to get the most benefit?

Linden flowers - biochemical composition

The plant material used for medicinal and food purposes is a mixture of buds and blooming flowers along with membranous bracts. Linden blossom contains a lot of essential oils (up to 30%), tiliacin, glycosides, vitamin C, carotene, sugars, bitter and tannins, mucus, saponins, flavonoids and wax. It is this specific set of substances that determines the beneficial properties of linden for the body.

Lime blossom - medicinal properties and contraindications

Useful properties of linden

  1. The first thing that is always remembered at the mention of the word "linden" is diaphoretic tea for colds and fever. Indeed, this property of a medicinal plant is one of the first places on the list.

For women lime color during respiratory diseases and the flu is indispensable tool, as it acts very gently, but effectively. To enhance the diaphoretic effect, it is recommended to brew linden flowers together with raspberries and mint. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts. They drink such tea with honey, preferably also lime.

  1. Lime blossom infusion is useful to drink for any inflammation respiratory tract. This medicinal plant also helps to alleviate and reduce cough.
  2. Linden flowers mixed with the fruits of this tree have a pronounced calming effect. For this purpose, it is useful to use not only the infusion of flowers, but also to take herbal baths with linden. For one procedure, a decoction is made from 200 g of raw materials and a bath is taken for 15-20 minutes. There are practically no contraindications for a linden bath, it is only important not to abuse such water procedures- One bath per week is enough.
  3. Linden preparations improve the condition blood vessels by increasing the elasticity of the walls. In addition, lime blossom extract stimulates blood circulation and prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques in the vessels.
  4. Linden blossom shows its medicinal properties and for urinary system women. Due to the large amount of mucus, the infusion reduces the feeling of pain in urethra at infectious diseases Bladder. A decoction of fresh flowers and leaves has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Linden tea and infusion are used as a remedy for fainting, headaches, convulsions and neuroses of various origins.
  6. Thanks to bactericidal properties linden blossom is included in the collection for gargling.
  7. At internal use linden blossom helps to reduce the pain effect in gastritis and colitis. The mucus formed during the brewing of raw materials gives enveloping effect in the cavity gastrointestinal tract and soothes inflamed mucous membranes. That is why linden is included in gastric fees along with, chamomile, mint.
  8. For women, the healing properties of linden blossom are important for inflammation. mammary glands: compresses and lotions are made from crushed flowers, fresh buds and leaves of linden.
  9. Linden tea is useful for menstrual irregularities, as well as for pain during menstruation. To solve this problem, it is recommended to make an infusion. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes, then put in a water bath and heated for about half an hour. The result is a rich linden blossom extract. Drink it 80-100 ml before meals.
  10. The same recipe helps to cope with the problems that accompany women during menopause. Similar medicinal properties of linden are explained high content phytohormones, which are biochemical analogues of estrogens. Once in the body, they partially perform the function female hormones, which during menopause becomes less in the body of women.
  11. If not special contraindications, then lime color can be used for internal use with tumors of the uterus (fibromas, myomas). useful to do herbal preparations from "female" herbs and include linden among them.
  12. Linden blossom is recommended to be used during unloading diets in order to reduce weight. In this case, the infusion is taken half a cup before meals.
  13. Lime blossom has indications for diabetes treatment. Tea from this plant normalizes blood sugar.
  14. Linden baths are useful not only as a relaxing remedy, but also to improve the condition of the skin. This procedure gives anti-inflammatory and anti-cellulite effect.
  15. And finally, lime blossom is good for women during pregnancy. At regular use weak tea from flowers, you can achieve a reduction in edema, which often accompanies pregnancy. Also relieve anxiety and depressive states pumped by the expectation of childbirth.

Linden blossom - contraindications

The very first warning concerns the duration of the use of linden preparations. Like all the others medicinal plants they must be drunk in courses: a month of admission - a two-week break. Uncontrolled use of infusions, decoctions and teas from linden can lead to heart problems. Thanks to the diuretic and diaphoretic action, the necessary substances are excreted from the body along with the liquid, and first of all potassium, which is essential for the heart.

The second contraindication concerns the quality of raw materials. Very often, linden grows in the city and along highways. It is in these places that plants accumulate a large number of heavy metals, benzapyrene and others harmful substances. With the constant use of drugs from such raw materials, you can get poisoning of the body. Therefore, it is important to follow the procurement rules and be sure that the purchased raw materials are environmentally friendly.

Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of linden blossom for women, it is easy to achieve positive result to strengthen the body.

Health to you! Nadezhda Goryunova

Instructions for use:

pharmachologic effect

The Linden genus unites about thirty tree species and over a hundred hybridogenic species. Trees are characterized by a mighty trunk, dense crown and long duration life is on average more than 300 years. The most common species is small-leaved linden, which is used as a medicinal, melliferous, technical and food plant.

Linden begins to bloom at the age of 20-30, usually in June-July for two weeks. Linden flowers are harvested when more than half of the flowers are blooming, and the rest are in the budding stage.

The collected Linden flowers are dried in well-ventilated rooms, in the shade in the air or in special dryers at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees. From 1 kg of fresh flowers, on average, about 300 g of dry raw materials are obtained. At proper storage Linden flowers do not lose their healing properties for 3 years.

The medicinal properties of Linden flowers have been known for a long time and are used both in traditional and folk medicine. Linden flowers contain bitter and tannins, essential oil, saponins, flavonoids, vitamins, sugar, coumarin, wax, glucose, carotene, micro and macro elements. The medicinal properties of Linden flowers allow them to be used as a diaphoretic, sedative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and astringent to improve the secretion of gastric juice, sweating, increase secretion digestive glands and facilitate the flow of bile.

Linden is used to produce Linden charcoal, which is used as an absorbent for tuberculosis, food poisoning, diseases of the stomach, diarrhea and as an external agent for the treatment of bleeding open wounds. Tar is obtained from linden wood, which is widely used to treat eczema. Linden bark harvested in winter is used as cholagogue. Fresh crushed Linden buds are used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for burns.

Release form

Linden flowers are produced in the form of crushed vegetable raw materials in packs of 100 g.

Linden blossom is also used as part of various medicinal preparations and dietary supplements.

Indications for use

Linden flowers are used as a diaphoretic diuretic, expectorant and bactericidal remedy for colds.

Also, Linden flowers in the form of rinses are used for gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis or laryngitis.

Externally, in the form of lotions, lime blossom can be used for edema, inflammation hemorrhoids, rheumatism and gout.


For a long time, Linden flower tea is used with caution because of the stimulating effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Mode of application

Usually Linden flowers are used in the form linden tea with colds, throat diseases, headaches, lobar inflammation lungs. Hot tea usually drink at night.

Externally, an infusion of Linden flowers is used for rinsing the mouth and throat with gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis. An infusion of Linden flowers is used to prepare baths in the treatment of nervous diseases.

Quite often, Linden flowers are used for weight loss. It should be remembered that Linden flowers are primarily a medicinal herb, and it should not be used without interruption for a long time.

Linden flowers for weight loss are taken both independently, in the form of tea or dry crushed lime blossom, and in combination with others. medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile and birch buds.

Prepared teas are used daily before meals.

Also, the effect of the use of Linden flowers for weight loss increases if applied medicinal infusions after a bath or sauna.

Storage conditions

Linden flowers, like others herbal preparations, released without a medical prescription and stored for up to 3 years.

Linden blossom is an excellent diaphoretic, everyone has known about it since childhood, but few people know other properties of linden. In fact, in the flowers and leaves of this tree lies a huge value that people have used for the benefit of their health for centuries. What kind of treasure is hidden in linden, linden tea? This is what Popular Health readers are learning about right now. We will talk about the benefits of its flowers and the dangers, as well as the tree itself, we will tell you about the calorie content of tea.

What is the use of linden?

Why is the linden tree so remarkable? What is valuable and useful contained in its leaves and flowers? The benefits of parts of this tree are due to the special chemical composition. In addition to vitamins and minerals found here essential oils, which contain substances - tiliacin, quercetin and campforol. Their names say little about anything, but they have an antibacterial, antipyretic and wound-healing effect. Among other things, antioxidants and various amino acids were found in the flowers and leaves of the tree, which a person needs for normal operation the whole organism.

Such a set chemical elements and compounds and makes lime exceptionally useful in many ways. For example, decoctions and infusions from the green part of the tree and flowers help fight against viral diseases and a cold. The patient quickly decreases the temperature, and he recovers faster. Linden also has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, which means it relieves puffiness, and also thins the blood, relieves spasms and prevents convulsions. Lime blossom is also effective for coughing, infusions from inflorescences are drunk with bronchitis to facilitate the discharge of viscous sputum.

The benefits of linden in her sedative effect thanks to which it will relieve you of insomnia and help relieve stress. Linden brings great benefits to women. It contains natural components that affect the hormonal background, due to which the symptoms of menopause are mitigated, menstrual cycle. BUT the best remedy from colic, than a decoction of lime blossom and leaves, simply cannot be found. And what is known about the harmful effects of linden?

What is the harm from linden?

Linden damage is possible if you are allergic to herbs. It is strictly forbidden to use linden decoctions for a long time, especially for those who have heart problems or electrolyte metabolism is disturbed, since linden teas and decoctions contribute to increased urination, and potassium is washed out with urine. Linden is also contraindicated urolithiasis disease and adenoma.

What are the benefits of linden tea?

Tea made from lime flowers can work wonders - its delicate honey aroma and mild taste give pleasure, and with it benefits for the body. It is easy to prepare - place a tablespoon of linden inflorescences in the teapot, pour boiling water over it. After a short infusion, drink tea in small sips without adding sugar. It is allowed to put a little honey in a warm drink in order to feel even greater benefits and get a portion of vitamins. What is the benefit of this drink?

1. A cup of this tea helps relieve fatigue, tension, calm down before going to bed.

2. Thanks to phytohormones, women will experience the benefits of linden flower tea in the form of regular cycle and less painful menstruation.

3. Linden tea will help you recover quickly if you have a sore throat or a fever.

4. The drink helps to relieve swelling, after drinking tea in the morning in the evening you will notice that the bags under the eyes have disappeared.

5. Tea will help improve digestion, normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, it removes toxins from the liver, relieves colic and spasms.

Pregnant women and children are also allowed to drink tea from linden blossoms instead of antipyretic drugs of chemical origin. However, in this case, it is worth brewing it in a reduced concentration, that is, instead of a tablespoon for 200 ml of boiling water, take a teaspoon of raw materials. For pregnant girls, this remedy is the best way to help get rid of edema, which often occurs during the bearing of a child.

By the way, linden tea is also used externally if you have inflamed or irritated skin on your face. Just freeze some of the drink in an ice cube tray and wipe your face every morning.

What is the calorie content of linden tea?

The harm of tea

No matter how pleasant and useful this natural drink, do not get carried away with them too much, otherwise the benefit will turn into harm. It is enough to drink a cup of tea once a day, large quantity nothing anymore. If this recommendation is neglected, the load on the kidneys and heart increases, electrolyte metabolism is disturbed. If you have been diagnosed with kidney stones or bladder, give up that drink altogether - there is a risk that the stones will start moving and clog the ducts.

Treat this drink like medicine, and not a way to quench your thirst, and remember its properties and effects on the body. Then there will be no problems.

Linden tea is not just a pleasant drink, but a natural remedy that allows you to improve your well-being in some cases. But if you abuse it, then there is a risk of acquiring problems in the form of kidney and heart diseases. Remember this and enjoy the taste of aromatic tea no more than once a day.