Folk remedies for the treatment of the heart. In the treatment of the heart, folk remedies are simply irreplaceable.

Recognition of one or another type of heart disease and their correct treatment are the business of a doctor, but cannot be taken on by people who are little versed in medical practice.

1. Heart disease. It can be congenital and improper development. Or after some serious illness.

Signs: pain in the heart tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, palpitations, swelling in the legs. The disease is incurable, but life can be maintained by the right way of life, not to make it difficult physical work, do not worry. You need to eat well, mainly protein foods - meat, eggs, dairy products. Alcohol, coffee, chocolate are not allowed. Harmful smoking. You need to live, if possible, in a damp climate, for example, by the sea, but not in the mountains.

At strong attack heartbeat, you need to lie down and put an ice pack on your heart or cold compress.

2. obesity of the heart. Deposition of adipose tissue on the heart. The reason is heredity. It happens in obese people. Treatment: walk every day for at least two hours, eat less flour, fatty and sweet, do not sleep after dinner.

3. Expansion of the heart. Shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, drop in heart activity, dropsy of the abdomen. Causes - syphilis, drunkenness, life in a hot and humid climate.

Treatment: drink less liquids, and quench your thirst with valerian tea, sour milk in all kinds. You can not swim in hot and even warm water. Only in the cold.

4. Thrombosis. Deposition blood clots in the arteries leading to the heart, so the heart suffers from a lack of blood and a stroke can occur, such patients usually have low blood pressure. It is necessary to eat less starchy foods, consume more vegetables and fruit juices.

In general, when weak heart powerful tool is peppermint or spearmint(a teaspoon of dry leaves in a glass of boiling water). Drink on an empty stomach before meals. O. Morozova herself was treated like this for 2 years and completely recovered.

The noble doctor P. M. Kurennov offers his recommendations for getting rid of pain in the heart.

5. Myocardial infarction formed during blockage (thrombosis) of the coronary arteries due to their sclerosis and spasm; more often it is the result further development angina.

Symptoms and course. With thrombosis of a large branch, instant death can occur. With thrombosis of smaller coronary vessels, an attack of angina pectoris develops, severe and prolonged (for several hours and days).

Recognition. It should be distinguished from an attack of angina pectoris. However, it can be difficult to distinguish whether there is only an attack of angina pectoris or at the same time a heart attack.

A heart attack is characterized by prolonged pain that lasts for several hours, and sometimes days, which does not stop even after giving nitroglycerin.

This is how the old describe the disease medical reference books.

And here is what the newest “Brief medical encyclopedia»: A disease caused by necrosis of a section of the heart muscle due to acute ischemia, most often associated with blockage of any branch of the coronary (coronary) arteries of the heart by a thrombus.

Symptoms and course. Feeling of strong pressure or pain behind the sternum or slightly to the right or to the right of it. The pain is most often compressive, pressing, sometimes burning.

Treatment. Rest, bed rest for 1/2-2 months, even if the painful phenomena pass. No worries, no excitement, no worries. During an attack - hot hand and foot baths, nitroglycerin 2-3 drops per piece of sugar, injection of atropine, as prescribed by a doctor, intravenously 40% glucose solution.

If nitroglycerin does not relieve pain, subcutaneous injection of morphine is necessary.

Latest tools: a paramedic can inject intramuscularly 2 ml of a 50% solution of dipyrone in combination with 1 ml of a 1% solution of diphenhydramine. According to the doctor's prescription, narcotic analgesics are administered in his presence.

Hospitalization is required!

ethnoscience for pain in the heart recommends:

1. Blood-red hawthorn (fruits, flowers). Hawthorn medicines are prepared at home different ways:

a) Crush 0.5 kg of ripe fruits with a wooden pestle, add 100 ml of water, heat to 40 ° C and squeeze out the juice. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Especially indicated for use in the elderly;

b) brew 1 tablespoon of dried fruits with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place (can be brewed in a thermos), strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals;

c) 10 g of dry fruits insist 10 days in 100 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol, filter. Tincture take 30 drops with water 3 times a day before meals.

hawthorn flowers also included in fees:

d) hawthorn flowers- 5 parts, bird's grass- 3 parts, horsetail herb- 2 parts, 2 teaspoons of the crushed mixture, brew 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours and strain, drink the infusion during the day in sips with heart weakness.

It reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, tones the heart muscle, enhances coronary circulation, eliminates arrhythmia and tachycardia, and lowers blood pressure.

2. Hawthorn blood red (flowers). 10 g of dried flowers pour 100 ml of vodka. Insist 21 days in a dark place. Strain, squeeze. Take up to 20-25 drops 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Even better, take 7 drops in warm water. Take it so that everything dissolves in the mouth.

It is good to drink tea from hawthorn fruit: Pour 1 tablespoon of fruit with 1 glass of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, insist, wrapped, 2 hours. Take 1 glass 3 times a day as a tea.

Hawthorn fruit jam is used: ripened fruits are ground or crushed with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. Use this jam all winter.

Seizures, as a rule, do not happen. It is advisable to take a long time.

3. Blood red hawthorn (flowers). AT 200 ml of alcohol, put 4 tablespoons of flowers and infuse in a dark place at room temperature, shaking the bottle occasionally. Ready in 10 days to use. Take 1 teaspoon with water before meals.

4. Valerian officinalis (root) - 30 g, five-lobed motherwort (leaves) - 30 g, common yarrow (herb) - 20 g, common anise (fruits) - 20 g.

Put 10 g of raw materials in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, close the lid and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Bring the volume of the resulting broth with boiled water to 200 ml.

Take in the form of an infusion of 1/4-1/3 cup 2-3 times a day for pain in the heart.

At chest toad(angina pectoris):

1. Valerian officinalis (rhizomes and roots). 1 tablespoon of dry rhizomes with roots pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. Children give 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. Children take alcohol tincture in as many drops (with water) as the child is old. For example, 3 years - 3 drops, 5 years - 5 drops.

It is used as a sedative for neurodermatitis.

2. Hawthorn blood red (flowers, fruits) a) Hawthorn flowers - 3 parts, motherwort grass - 3 parts, cudweed grass - 3 parts, chamomile flowers - 1 part. Brew 1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 8 hours, strain. Infusion take 1/2 cup 3 times a day an hour after meals for heart disease and as a sedative for nervous excitement.

b) hawthorn fruit- 3 parts, hawthorn flowers- 2 parts, valerian root- 3 parts, St. John's wort- 3 parts, yarrow herb- 3 parts. Brew 1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 5-6 hours, strain. Infusion take 1/4 cup 4 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals.

3. Chamomile (flowers). Take 50 g of chamomile, brew in 1 glass of water, boil, remove from heat, cool, strain, add 30 drops of alcohol tincture of hawthorn (preferably flowers), mix everything well. Drink 2 times a day (1 serving).

4. Five-lobed motherwort (grass) - 15 g, marsh cudweed herb - 15 g, hawthorn flowers - 15 g, chamomile flowers - 5 g.

Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 8 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals.

It is prescribed for nervous disorders, heart weakness, combined with suffocation and dizziness.

5. Garden garlic (bulbs), honey, lemon. With angina pectoris with shortness of breath, it is recommended to take garlic with honey.

1 kg of honey, 10 lemons, 5 heads (not cloves) of garlic. Squeeze the juice from the lemons, peel the garlic, rinse and grate (you can pass through a meat grinder). Mix everything and leave closed in a cool place for 7 days. Take 4 teaspoons 1 time per day, with stops between taking each spoon for 1 minute.

6. Garden garlic (bulbs). Grind 350 g of garlic, squeeze the juice from 24 lemons. Place the mixture in a jar with a wide mouth, tie with a light transparent cloth, leave to infuse for 24 hours. Shake before taking.

Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture in 1/2 cup of water once a day at bedtime. After 10-14 days, a person will feel in this remedy the elixir of youth and the absence of fatigue. Whoever uses this miraculous remedy will be rewarded good sleep.

It is a remedy for shortness of breath, for rejuvenation of the blood, especially in obese people with a flaccid decrepit body, and almost an elixir of youth.

For heart disease:

Garden parsley (seed). 1 tablespoon of seeds, herbs, leaves or roots, pour 1 cup hot water, boil for 30-40 minutes, cool, strain through three or four layers of gauze and bring the volume to the original. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after meals. A more concentrated preparation is obtained by increasing the raw material by 3-4 times.

When blocked coronary vessels:

Melilot officinalis (leaves, flowers). Pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 10-15 minutes, strain. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 2-3 times a day after meals.

For the treatment of boils the solution is prepared somewhat differently: pour 1 tablespoon of grass with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take warm 3 times a day, 1/2 cup with meals or use as compresses and washes.

Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle):

1. Blood red hawthorn

2. Blueberry swamp (shoots, leaves). 1 tablespoon chopped twigs and leaves brew 1 cup boiling water, heat for 10 minutes. over low heat, cool and strain.

Drink a decoction of young shoots and leaves for heart disease. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

3. May lily of the valley (flowers) - 10 g, fennel usually

venous (fruits) - 20 g, peppermint (leaves) - 30 g, valerian officinalis (root)- 40 y.

Pour 10 g of raw materials with 1 glass of hot water and keep in a closed enamel bowl in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Bring the volume of the resulting broth with boiled water to the original.

Take as an infusion in 3 doses during the day, 1/4-1/3 cup for myocarditis.

Heart neurosis (cardioneurosis):

1. Hawthorn in all forms(see recipes for angina pectoris).

2. Adonis spring (extract). one a teaspoon (5 g) of dry extract pour 200-300 ml of hot water, leave for 2-3 hours in a warm place, filter the resulting infusion.

Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals.

Cardiac ischemia:

1. Tinctures of hawthorn(see for angina pectoris).

2. Hawthorn blood red (fruits, flowers). Take equally fruits and flowers, mix well, brew 3 tablespoons of the mixture with 3 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place, strain. Infusion take 1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals for heart disease, suffocation, dizziness, at the beginning menopause before the disappearance of signs of the disease and recovery wellness.


Auxiliary means with arrhythmia is liquid extract hawthorn (pharmacy). Take 20-30 drops 3-4 times a day, before meals.


1. Three-leaf watch leaf - 30 g, peppermint leaf - 30 g, valerian root- 30 y.

One tablespoon collection per glass of boiling water. Take the infusion for 30-40 minutes. 1 glass before bed.

Ancient sorcerers' remedies for heart diseases.

1. Drink violet flower tea several times a day for a long time. 2. Treatment digitalis. Gives relief.

3. Take 1 liter natural honey, squeeze 10 into it lemons and grind 10 heads of garlic. Mix everything and

leave for a week in the bank closed. Drink 4 teaspoons at a time per day (drink slowly, gradually). The course of treatment is up to 2 months, until recovery.

4. Dr. Alekhnovich's prescription for heart and lung diseases.

Take 400 g butter, lard(interior), natural honey, sugar, 100 g cocoa powder, 8 egg yolks, 3 cups cream.

Yolks, cream, cocoa knock together. Heat oil and lard together. Boil everything until you get the dough, like pancakes. Cool and drink 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

A remedy for shortness of breath and almost an elixir of youth...

It is a remedy for shortness of breath and for the rejuvenation of the blood, especially in obese people with a sluggish, decrepit body.

Recipe. 1 pound garlic grind. Squeeze juice from 24 lemons. Pour crushed garlic and juice from 24 lemons into a jar with a wide mouth, put for 24 days and tie a light, transparent cloth on top ... Shake when taking ... Dose: take once a day before bedtime, one teaspoon of this mixture for half a glass of water, stir and drink. After 10-14 days, a person will feel in this remedy the elixir of youth and lack of fatigue, using this wonderful remedy will be rewarded with a good sleep. According to legend and family records, this remedy is at least 500 years old!..

From the fluttering of the heart (heartbeat)

One quarter of a liter of water should be poured into the pan, boil the water over the fire of a gas stove. As soon as it boils, you should reduce the fire; while the boil is small (just a little near the edges of the pan), pour 4 grams of herbs "Adonis vernalis". So boil on low heat for no more than three minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and put it in a warm place for 20 minutes to infuse. Strain and discard the herb. Drink this infusion three times a day for a tablespoon. The abnormal beating of the heart stops after a few days of taking this remedy.

About heart disease

A. The cause of all heart problems is the wrong diet, and therefore the treatment of heart diseases can only be dietary. According to the authoritative statement of Dr. N. W. Walker, the starch molecule is insoluble neither in water, nor in alcohol, nor in ether. When eating bread, potatoes, rice and other products containing starch, the blood becomes clogged with starch molecules. The heart is healthy when it pumps pure blood, but when the blood is clogged, it is very difficult for the heart to pump such blood. The most rational way to treat all heart diseases is raw vegetarian diet and abundant consumption of raw vegetable juices. All starches, dairy products and sugar should be completely eliminated from the diet.

B. For microscopically small relief of heart pains, Russian healers from ancient times advised heart patients to drink violet flower tea. Drink it long and hard, many times a day.

B. In the archive of the author of this medical book there are still several remedies for heart diseases, including treatment foxglove (digitalis). Doctors official medicine foxglove has been used for no more than sixty years and adopted this method of treatment from healers who have used this herb for heart patients for many centuries. However, foxglove does not cure heart disease, but only provides relief. It should be noted that it is very dangerous to inform the layman of all the rules for the treatment of foxglove. Many patients with "heart disease" die every day from a heart attack. Imagine that the author would describe in his medical manual all the rules for using foxglove. Many patients, diligently and strenuously using foxglove, would have delayed death for several months, but still they would not have avoided a fatal heart attack.

For heart diseases, the Bulgarian healer Vanga advises: drink a decoction four times a year for four days chokeberry flowers. And with a heartbeat nervous ground: grate 0.5 kg lemons, mix them with 0.5 kg honey and 20 crushed apricot pits. Take morning and evening on an empty stomach, one tablespoon.

Specialists alternative medicine claim that dysfunction of the heart can be cured with folk remedies, because a person himself can take care of his health. Therefore, traditional medicine advises that if you are suspected of heart disease, the most effective tool the fight against them will be primarily folk remedies.

angina pectoris or like her also called, "angina pectoris" - This is a disease that is characterized by pain or discomfort behind the sternum. It is one of the stages in the development of coronary heart disease, developing through spasms (periodic contractions) blood vessels and disruption of the blood supply to the heart. Most often, this disease develops already in old age, while men suffer 3-5 times more often, which is explained by the fact that female hormones estrogens before the onset of menopause protect the body from cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Ischemic heart disease or ischemic heart disease - this is pathological condition, which is characterized by relative or absolute violation myocardial blood supply due to damage to the coronary arteries of the heart.

Treatment of coronary artery disease and angina pectoris:

1. Pour 0.25 liters of water into a saucepan and boil. As soon as it boils, reduce the fire. While the boil is small (only around the edges of the pan), pour in 4-5 g (tablespoon) of spring adonis herb (Adonis). Simmer over low heat for no more than 3 minutes. Then cover the pan and put in a warm place for 20 minutes, so that the broth is infused. Strain and discard the herb. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. After taking this remedy, abnormal heartbeats stop.

You can also conduct a course of prevention of heart disease with Adonis. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of grass with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Then insist 5 hours. Strain and drink 1 teaspoon in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach for 10-12 days. This remedy can also be used as first aid for heart pain. Treatment is carried out only in full courses, strictly observing the dosage.

To relieve sudden pain from the heart

1. In 0.5 cups boiled warm water stir 0.5 teaspoon drinking soda and drink.

2. You can drip 10-12 drops fir oil on the palm and rub into the heart area for 1-2 minutes.

3. Useful also massage the little fingers.

4. Embrace right hand wrist of the left hand and find the pulse on the left hand with the thumb, then press it 10-12 times, giving the heart a push. Then index and thumbs it is good to rub the little finger of the left hand up and down 10-12 times. Sit quietly, and after 5 minutes your heart will calm down.

5. There is also a pleasant and healthy tea for healthy heart. It is called Ivan-chai, it is harvested and dried from July to September. And in winter, brew: 2 tablespoons per 1 cup of boiling water.

Help the heart

The infusion is prepared from hawthorn berries. To do this, pour 25 g of fruit into a thermos, and then pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 4 hours. Then you need to strain the infusion. This is your daily dose, which should be taken in 4 doses of 50 ml before meals. The recipe is simple but has a great effect. Your sleep will improve, weakness will disappear, and as a result, blood pressure will normalize.

Prescription for atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, ischemia and other heart diseases

Prepare 2 ingredients separately. The first: natural honey - 500g, 40% vodka - 500g. Mix both ingredients, heat over medium heat until foam forms on the surface. Remove from heat and let steep. Second: marshwort, motherwort, knotweed, valerian root and chamomile. Take 1 pinch of each herb and brew with 1 liter of boiling water, leave to settle for 1-2 hours, then strain through cheesecloth.

Mix the first prepared composition with the second, then put the medicine for 3 days in a dark place. Take it for the first week, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. From the second week, take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day until the medicine is used up. Store in the refrigerator, and after a 7-10 day break after the first dose, prepare the elixir again and continue treatment, the full course is 1 year.

Hawthorn and Rose Hips for Heart Health

In a 2-liter saucepan, pour 7 tablespoons of water with a top of rosehip and hawthorn berries, then boil over low heat for 15 minutes, remove and wrap warmly. Insist 1 day. Strain, put in the refrigerator. Take after meals 0.5 - 1 glass 3 times a day instead of tea.

Astragalus against angina attacks and chest pain

Brew 10-15 g of Astragalus woolly-flowered herb with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for an hour. Drink 3-4 times a day for 1-2 tbsp. l .. Such an infusion relieves venous pressure and increases the speed of blood flow, relieves swelling, removes tachycardia, and normalizes pressure. After regular intake of astragalus, angina attacks and chest pain. This infusion also treats the kidneys.

Help for blood vessels, heart and nervous system

In order to effectively help your blood vessels, heart and nervous system, from May to October, you should take fresh juice of dandelion leaves and roots (from clean non-industrial areas of the city). Just pass this plant through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Drink 4 times a day for 30 drops. This will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve memory, reduce irritability and insomnia disappear.

Heart tincture

Buy 100 ml of tincture of valerian, peony, hawthorn and motherwort in a pharmacy, add 25 ml of mint tincture and 50 ml of eucalyptus tincture to them. Mix everything in a 0.5 l bottle and add 10 cloves (spice) buds.

Place the elixir bottle in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Take this medicine for 15-20 minutes. before meals 3 times a day, 20-25 drops, dripping on sugar or diluting with a little water. The course of treatment is 1 month. After a short break, you can repeat.

The spectrum of action of treatment with heart tincture is very extensive: it normalizes blood pressure and lowers intracranial pressure, has an anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effect, cerebral circulation, helps with varicose veins, improves prevents the formation of blood clots and stimulates blood formation.

An effective remedy for heart disease

Buy 1 cup of carrot seeds. Pour them with 70% alcohol and 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice. Pour everything into a glass bottle and put in a dark place for 1 week. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. As you drink one bottle - take a break for 1 week (during this time you will just make a new tincture) and again conduct a course. Several courses and the doctor will like your cardiogram.

Heart- this is the most important organ, which, after rhythmic and correct contractions, ensures the pumping of blood. The average heartbeat will be approximately 72 times, in just 1 minute. But there are quite a few different heart diseases that are treated with folk remedies.

How to improve the work of the heart folk remedies.

The most important thing is to completely exclude any emerging stress, excessive tension and even resentment, anger, anger and other adverse emotions. Live only your positive life and rejoice more, even simple things.

Try not to allow your sedentary lifestyle, but also not to allow unnecessary physical activity. It is necessary to especially control your diet, as well as weight. Avoid other and other diseases, especially liver disease and diabetes mellitus.

The main heart diseases are,, tachycardia, angina pectoris, , ischemic disease, heart attack, myocarditis, cardiac neurosis, hypertrophy,. This time we will focus on the treatment of certain heart diseases.

Left ventricular hypertrophy (aka cardiomyopathy) - these are already occurring lesions of the heart itself, due to hypertension. After a strong, an incorrect change in the septum gradually occurs, the vessels begin to lose the necessary elasticity.

Collection number 1. Purchase shredded raw materials medicinal motherwort(3 parts), wild rosemary (2 parts) and healing cudweed (also 2 parts) and kidney tea (1 part in total). 1 tbsp of all described is taken folk herbs, poured into boiling water (1.5 cups) and boiled over reduced heat, approximately no more than 5 minutes. Immediately insulate the dishes with a suitable warm thing for 4 hours, and then strain.

Drink before meals, 3 r per day, always half a regular glass. To obtain the best effect, rub ordinary cranberries in parallel with this treatment, add sugar and take 3 r, 1 tbsp.

Collection number 2. Here you will need to mix the flowers qualitatively useful hawthorn(25 gr), medicinal herb knotweed (15 gr), grass horsetail(only 10 gr). This composition is necessarily poured with boiling water (300 g) and infused for no more than 1 hour. When carefully strained, immediately divide everything into about 5 equal doses and take throughout the day.

Blueberry. Select 1 tbsp. l of some blueberry shoots and boil these berries for exactly 10 minutes using only 1 glass of plain water. Immediately after filtering, start taking 3 r per day, 1 tbsp.

Adonis. Boil for about 3 minutes, 1 teaspoon of real Adonis herb, over reduced heat. And after that, remove the container in a warm place, cover well with a lid and do not touch for 20 minutes. Then just strain everything and immediately start taking this high-quality tincture 3 r per day.

St. John's wort. To do this, we need exactly 100 grams of this healing dry herb, be sure to keep it on a minimum heat for only 10 minutes, while the container itself must be closed. Overall volume boiling water is 2 liters. After 1 hour, carefully strain and mix with high-quality natural honey (200 g).

After maximum mixing, immediately pour into suitable bottles and place in the refrigerator. Like many medicines, ours is also taken 3 r per day, in a dose of 1/3 of an ordinary kitchen glass, always before meals (about 20 minutes).

Atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart treatment with folk remedies.

Atherosclerosis - these are the onset of damage to the arteries, in the form of internal deposition of unfavorable cholesterol plaques. Because of this, the lumen becomes minimal and the vessel begins to clog.

Aorta- this is the most important and even the main arterial vessel. If it comes, then it happens general violation circulation.

Garlic. Garden garlic should be used either roasted or raw garlic. The structure of real garlic is able to infect many bacteria and favorably strengthen the immune system. And this will improve blood flow, because the pressure on the vessel walls becomes minimally small. But with various diseases of his stomach, better garlic not to accept.

Thyme(there is another name - this is thyme). Great for removing cholesterol. The structure of thyme is saturated with favorable essential oils, essential acids and substances. For quality treatment, always use healing flowers, with the addition of twigs. All substances will be of high quality for 2 years (dry form).

Needles. Suitable cedar, any spruce or pine. The needles of this tree contain everything that helps prevent vasoconstriction. A prepared tincture or a quality decoction (look at the packaging for the recipe) should be taken up to 120 calendar days.

Parsley. This well-known seasoning consists of oils and other useful substances, which can gradually clear many vessels from adverse deposits. Welcome raw look or brew as tea.

Dandelion. For treatment, we will use only its root, which must be dried and crushed as much as possible. Take the powder before meals, 0.5 tsp. It is recommended to add a little water so that everything is in the form of porridge.

  • Proper diet.
  • Start controlling your own cholesterol.
  • Avoid any pastries, white bread and sugar.
  • Nutrition is carried out in small doses, but up to 6 r per day.
  • Food should be easily digestible.
  • Eat more cottage cheese and other dairy products.
  • Complete rejection of any animal fat (replace with vegetable).
  • Useful vegetables that contain fiber.
  • Garden apples are perfect.
  • Those fruits that have a fibrous structure.

Heart bradycardia treatment with folk remedies

this is a violation correct rhythm of the heart less than 50 beats per minute. Next recipes will be directed to the treatment of bradycardia.

Unique composition. Select 500 ripe kernels of this nut, finely chop, add sesame oil (250 g) and the same amount of sugar. Cut into 4 parts, 4 real lemons, pour clean boiling water (1 l). Add all contents to the nut mixture. The norm is 1 tablespoon three times a day, always before meals.

An addition to our composition is the intake of real pollen and mother's milk, fish oil, seaweed, linseed or olive oil.

Yarrow. It is recommended to purchase from trusted herbalists, or plucked from the steppe. Separate exactly 15 grams of this herb and carefully pour a glass of boiling water. When everything boils for 15 minutes at minimum heat, do not touch for 1 hour. The measure will be 1 tbsp 3 r per day until you recover as much as possible.

Garlic and lemon. Soak 10 lemons for 1 minute in boiling water and immediately squeeze out the necessary juice completely. And 10 heads of garden garlic, grind into porridge. Mix with lemon juice, add 1 liter of natural honey. This composition is placed in a place suitable with coolness, where there is no light (but not a refrigerator). The duration will be a whole decade, with constant shaking of the jar.

The correct course is 4 tsp, only 1 r per day, before any food, in the form of resorption. The very first spoon dissolves for at least 1 minute, and the next spoons at intervals of 1 minute. Treatment should last 90 calendar days, with a second course in a year.

Wine. Its variety should be red (preferably Cahors). Using enamelware, boil 500 ml of natural wine, avoiding strong fire, and also for 10 minutes. Add dill powder (50 g) and boil back over low heat for another 10 minutes. When the wine cools down on its own, it is recommended to pour it into suitable jars.

Without straining, place everything in the kitchen refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day, always 30 minutes before meals. The agent to be taken must be within room temperature. The course is 14 calendar days, then a ten-day break and again produce given treatment. .

Folk remedies for angina pectoris.

angina pectoris - this is a lack of the necessary blood circulation, accompanied with particular pain, in the very region of the heart. Pain may be in the jaw, shoulder, or neck. The duration of pain is individual for each, but usually it is from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

Aloe. Age this plant must be at least 3 years old. Using about 5 leaves of aloe, you need to get all the juice from them. Add to everything the juice of 2 lemons and about 500 grams of honey. The container is closed and put into the refrigerator. The norm is considered to be 1 tbsp, about an hour before meals. Treatment can last for a year.

Triple composition. Mix with each other 1 kg of honey, 10 lemons previously passed through a kitchen meat grinder and porridge from 10 heads of homemade garlic. The composition is infused for a whole calendar week, and it is taken 1 tsp 4 r per day, dissolving the agent. Ideal course of treatment, about 2 months.

Rosehip and hawthorn. Many are required to be able and know how to treat angina pectoris with folk remedies. Grind the fruits into a natural powder, combine 10 tbsp. l hawthorn powder and 5 tablespoons rosehip powder.

Pour the mixed powder with boiling water (2 liters) and insulate the pan, put it in a suitable warm place for a period of 1 day. Do not forget to strain the resulting infusion. Drink 200 ml, before meals, 3 r per day. This remedy will also be effective after a heart attack.

Rowan. We only need 200 bark, ground into a fine powder. Take 500 ml of water and start boiling for only 30 minutes using a small fire. After 2 hours, immediately strain and do not forget to drink 1 tbsp, three times a day and always before meals.

Elecampane. Exactly 30 grams of elecampane (crushed root) is infused for 14 calendar days in 500 ml of real vodka. Reception is 40 drops 3 r per day.

Ischemic heart disease treatment with folk remedies

Hawthorn (method No. 1). The volume of its dried fruits should be 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour everything into a thermos, pour clean boiling water and do not touch for 2 hours, then strain well. Hawthorn is drunk 3 times a day, always 2 tablespoons, before any meal (an hour).

Hawthorn (method No. 2). Brew it instead of ordinary tea so that the color of the tea leaves is on a weak tea. Many people prefer to add honey or sugar. It is an ideal and strengthening drink for the heart.

Collection number 3. Medicinal buckwheat flowers (2 tbsp), combined with useful leaves mistletoe white. Pour everything with clean boiling water (1 tbsp), insulate and leave overnight. Strained tincture is drunk 3 r per day, a dose of 2 tbsp.

Collection number 4. Infuse for 2 hours, in 250 ml of boiling water the following herbs: horsetail grass (20 g), healing hawthorn flowers (50 g), bird mountaineer (30 g). When straining, squeeze the herbs well, using ordinary clean gauze. Drink everything throughout the day, 1 sip evenly.

Collection number 5. Chamomile flowers (100 gr), hawthorn flowers (100 gr), heather grass (50 gr), couch grass roots (50 gr), motherwort grass (100 gr), birch leaves (50 gr), horse chestnut flowers (50 gr) are combined , mixed and passed through a mortar. Take 1 tsp of a unique collection and add to a glass filled with boiling water. Doctors recommend warming a glass with a towel. Literally after 30 minutes, the collection is filtered and drunk 2 r per day.

Strengthen the heart with folk remedies.

Selenium. This natural trace element will ensure the proper functioning of the heart. Selenium protects against oxidative damage. Eat foods rich in selenium and you will definitely strengthen your own heart.

Omega - 3. Its acids are effective in atherosclerosis itself, destroying blood clots that have arisen, do not allow the walls to oxidize, give it the necessary stability. Omega - 3 lowers blood pressure, strengthens any immunity, improves heart function, heals, psoriasis, diabetes mellitus and even Alzheimer's disease itself.

The daily norm of omega is 3.

Any item listed contains daily allowance omega-3.

  • Canned tuna (120 gr).
  • Salmon (70 gr).
  • Rapeseed oil (1 tbsp).
  • Canned sardine (90 gr).
  • Flax seeds (1.5 tsp).
  • Walnut without roasting, fresh (10 pcs).

Omega - 3 is located in oily fish, which lives exclusively in the seas, in flax oil, as well as soybean oil and in some useful plants.

Gingko biloba. A herbal preparation that is indispensable in the treatment of heart diseases. Also this drug used by many men who have obvious. Popular for moisturizing the skin, hair loss, improves eyesight, copes with pressure and cancer, and normalizes blood circulation.

Folk remedies for the heart and blood vessels.

Garlic. The plant prevents blood clots, heart attacks and colds. The structure of garlic allows you to thin the blood, and this has been proven by Professor Blok, a well-known science. Blood clots (plaques) will not be able to stick and the walls will be cleansed. Eating up to 2 heads of garlic a day, constantly dissolves the blood.

Ginger. It relieves many blood vessels of cholesterol itself, strengthens the heart. Ginger root should be brewed as ordinary tea and drink regularly. But the most effect will be caused by brewing 1 tbsp of ginger in a liter thermos in boiling water. Take ginger throughout the day.

Strengthening the blood vessels and muscles of the heart.

Boil real homemade eggs in the amount of 25 pieces, get rid of the protein, and the yolks are crushed, olive oil (1 tbsp) is added and put in the refrigerator. Before each meal, take just 1 teaspoon of the mixture for 7 calendar days. Rest as much and be sure to try to repeat the course.

The heart muscle is wonderfully strengthened by birch sap, fish (especially tuna, sardine, salmon, trout or mackerel). Eat more walnuts, raisins, field honey, ginger. Forbid yourself everything fatty, the most spicy, smoked, and salty.

Heart neurosis symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Heart neurosis - this is a malfunction in the body, after another nervous breakdown. It causes stress bad habits, some infectious diseases or as a result of a violation of their own hormones.

Symptoms of neurosis of the heart.

  • Vertigo of varying intensity.
  • Pain in the region of the heart.
  • Failure of the correct heart rhythm.
  • Feeling unwell, feeling weak.
  • Lack of adequate air.
  • Regular .
  • Sleep problems ().
  • Excessive sweating. Such an herb has a beneficial effect on any heart, with a complete strengthening of its entire nervous system. Dried grass (also chopped) in a volume of 2 tablespoons is poured with clean boiling water in a thermos and does not touch until the morning. When you wake up, strain the healing potion and drink like ordinary tea.

    Knotweed. It takes 3 tablespoons of knotweed, pour a liter of boiling water, wait 2 hours with the lid closed. Reception begins after normal straining 1 glass, not less than 4 r per day. To optimize the whole taste, simply add Linden honey.

    Oak leaves. Before summer is over, use oak leaves, dry them and boil for about 5 minutes, about 2 large handfuls of these leaves. Next, the leaves, together with water, are poured into the bath, where it is necessary to lie down, in a relaxed state for 20 minutes.

    Birch. Also dry birch leaves, boil in 2 liters of water for 15 minutes, 4 large handfuls of birch leaves. Also, pour all the contents into the bath, where you will stay for 20 minutes. For the whole week, do 4 treatment courses.

    Hop cones. Take 2 large handfuls of cones, boil in 2 liters of water. Pour the cones with water into your bath, which is filled with warm water and try to relax for up to 20 minutes.

    Adonis. Pour good vodka (250 ml), 25 grams of adonis herb and place in the dark, up to 14 calendar days. Try not to forget to constantly shake the remedy. Strain and start taking 10 drops, four times a day, before meals.


    For any suspicion of any disease of your heart, do not immediately contact a trusted doctor. Any natural remedy, is always taken only with the personal consent of the doctor.

    Share the good and take care!!!

    The heart is our "engine" and "blood pump". Any failure in its operation will result in big problems with health. Causes of heart disease can be: constant stress and tension, jealousy and resentment, fear, suppression of emotions or anger.

    Provoke heart disease sedentary lifestyle or excess physical activity, malnutrition, diabetes, excess weight and liver disease. The most common diseases in our century are called: angina pectoris, myocarditis, arteriosclerosis, arrhythmia, heart attack and stroke.

    Heart disease varies in its symptoms. Conventionally, they can be divided into three types.

    1. The first includes diseases of a neurogenic nature. Signs: rhythm disturbance (arrhythmia), palpitations, numbness of the extremities, compression in the chest, throbbing, stabbing or bursting pain in the heart. Patients often suffer from insomnia, dry cough. Seizures most often occur in older people after emotional or physical overwork. But the disease is getting younger.

    2. The second type of diseases is characterized by such symptoms: a feeling of heat in the body and heart area, excessive sweating and dizziness. There may be: redness of the face, eyes and loss of consciousness, severe vomiting and nosebleeds. As a rule, this type of disease affects, first of all, very unrestrained people who often experience anger and excessive irritability.

    3. The third type of diseases develops due to malnutrition, overweight and a sedentary lifestyle. Patients often experience heaviness in the region of the heart, suffer from edema, heart failure. In patients, there is often an accumulation of sputum in the bronchi and, they are pursued increased salivation and nausea. Often there is a decline in strength and loss of working capacity.

    Piggy bank of folk recipes

    Before proceeding with the treatment of the cardiovascular system, the cause of the disease should be eliminated. Be sure to give the heart a rest, exclude any load and nervous tension. It is very important to establish a diet that will include all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

    Recipes from the piggy bank of traditional medicine will help normalize and restore the work of the heart. They, as a rule, consist of natural harmless components or herbs. It is especially useful to take them in combination with the appointments of a cardiologist. Consider the universal and most effective folk recipes in the treatment of various heart diseases.

    With a slow pace

    Hearts can be treated with herbs. In particular, with a slow rhythm (bradycardia), yarrow is used. For a cup of boiling water (300 ml) take 20 g of grass. Place the composition on the fire and cook for at least 5 minutes. They insist. Take three times a day, one tablespoon.

    A reduced heart rate is restored with the help of such a folk remedy. Per pound of kernels walnuts(crushed) take 200 grams of granulated sugar and sesame oil. Then grind 6 lemons with zest in a meat grinder and pour boiling water over it. Combine both compositions and mix. Take the "drug" in a dessert spoon, preferably at least three times a day.

    At an accelerated pace

    Remove (increased frequency heart rate) can be valerian root. Both tincture and decoction of the plant will help. It is also useful to take a bath with a decoction of valerian.

    Regulate heart palpitations turnip intake. A decoction is prepared from it. Two tablespoons of the root crop are poured into a cup of boiling water. Bring to a boil and “simmer” the potion over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Strained broth is taken throughout the day, breaking the amount into four doses.

    With arrhythmias

    With coronary heart disease and arrhythmia, the people are fighting with the help of a decoction of common heather. For 25 g of grass take one glass of boiling water. The composition is boiled over low heat for about 8 minutes. Next, the broth is allowed to brew for another day in a warm place. Take this: daily add 60-70 ml of the product to a cup of warm tea.

    A good prevention of strokes and other heart diseases will be the intake of such a healing decoction. take fresh roots elecampane, ginseng and three-leafed licorice in the proportion: 1:1:5. Everything is carefully ground in a meat grinder and poured clean water in the calculation: for 150 grams of plant mass - one liter of liquid. The composition is brought to a boil and simmered in a hot oven for another half hour. Then the broth is allowed to cool and half a glass of honey is added. Everything is mixed and sent for storage in the refrigerator. Take three tablespoons of the mixture daily, breaking them into three doses.

    Normalizes the rhythm of the heart peppermint. A teaspoon of the leaves of the plant is poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water and allowed to brew. This amount of mint infusion is drunk once a day every day.

    With heart failure and problems with the work of the heart, tincture of rosemary leaves on wine will help. This will require half a glass of chopped vegetable raw materials and 750 ml of red wine. Infuse the remedy for two days, and then drink a quarter cup a day.

    Comprehensive treatment of heart diseases

    Composition 1. For pain in the heart, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, ischemia, palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia and dizziness in folk medicine there is miraculous remedy. It's cooked like this. Part I: first mix half a liter of honey with half a liter of vodka. This mixture, stirring, is heated until a white foam forms on its surface. Next, let the composition brew in a warm place.

    Part II: Boil water (1 liter) and throw herbs into it: cudweed, motherwort, highlander, chamomile and (crushed). Take a spoon of each ingredient. After that, the potion is insisted and filtered. Both parts are mixed. Give the composition to brew for about a week in a dark place. Take the medicine daily for a dessert spoon (or more). You can continue treatment again after a short break. Such a "heart" alternative therapy is recommended for a year.

    Composition 2. Propolis should be taken to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system. You can prepare such a remedy. 25 g of propolis is poured into 100 ml of alcohol. Insist in a warm, dark place for two weeks, periodically shaking. At the same time, they prepare garlic tincture. Garlic is crushed in a meat grinder (large head) and poured with 100 ml of alcohol. When both funds are infused, they are filtered and mixed. The medicine is taken before meals, 5 drops, diluted in not in large numbers water (no more than half a glass), you can add honey.

    Strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle

    1. For any heart disease, you can take this folk remedy, which is tonic for blood vessels. 25 chicken eggs are boiled. Then all the yolks are separated, crushed and mixed with a glass olive oil. Stir and place the mass in the refrigerator. Every day before meals, you should eat a teaspoon of such a "medicine". The recommended course is a week. After a six-day break, the yolk medication is repeated.
    2. To improve heart function, eliminate pain, and lower cholesterol, you need to take 5 drops of garlic juice daily with one tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach.
    3. In case of heart diseases and during the rehabilitation period, it is useful to drink birch sap. It strengthens the heart muscle.
    4. Taking honey daily three times a day will strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation and prevent a heart attack.
    5. At birth defect folk healers recommend drinking red beet juice with honey. A ratio of 2:1 is recommended.
    6. Strengthens the heart, relieves pain and taking the juices of carrots and beets. They drink up to 1 liter during the day. The ratio of ingredients is 7:3. You can also prepare salads from fresh carrots and beets, and eat them three times a day with food. After two weeks of such nutrition, attacks of heart pain will decrease or completely stop.
    7. In the fight against cardiovascular diseases, this effective healing agent. Take 50 grams of dry fruits of the narrow-leaved sucker (They need to be crushed). Pour raw materials with 400 ml of boiling water, mix and place on low heat. Simmer on the stove for about 10 minutes. Remove and insist. Squeeze out the plant mass. Take a decoction of 100-150 ml. It is recommended to take the remedy before meals.
    8. For heart problems: frequent pains, arrhythmias and angina pectoris, you need to prepare such a “heart” tincture. Mix, taking one part, the following alcohol tinctures: May lily of the valley, arnica and glove grass. To the mixture add 2 parts of tincture of hawthorn inflorescences. Take "balm" 35 drops three times a day.

    Nutrition and diet for heart problems

    With frequent pains in the heart, with arrhythmias and nocturnal palpitations, you should include such foods in your diet and consume them daily for 12 days: 4 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat or field honey, 400 g squash caviar, 10 walnuts, 250 g of raisins of kishmish or shigani varieties. These products will very quickly help strengthen blood vessels and heart muscles, restore heart function.

    Improve heart function fish. It should be consumed as often as possible (preferably 5 times a week). Most suitable for a "heart" diet: salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel and sardines.

    Ginger will strengthen the heart and cleanse the blood vessels. For this, tea is prepared with the root and consumed daily. This drink prevents excessive blood clotting by thinning it. Prevents thrombosis and stroke. tablespoon ginger root steamed in a thermos with one liter of boiling water. Infuse and drink throughout the day.

    You should take care of your heart. His health is entirely dependent on lifestyle and some physiological factors. Don't overweight. Choose only healthy food for yourself. Move more. Keep track of your blood pressure monitor and normalize your cholesterol levels. Love yourself, the world and people! It will make you kinder, happier and healthier.

    Diseases circulatory system occupy a leading position in terms of incidence and mortality in almost all countries of the world. Many people do not even suspect that they have abnormalities in the work of the heart muscle, trying to treat secondary signs of the disease, such as chronic fatigue, sweating, dizziness, "flies" before the eyes. To therapy cardiac diseases achieved maximum efficiency, in addition to pharmacological agents, it is recommended to resort to folk methods. Asking the question: how to treat the heart at home? - it is desirable to recall the positive properties of all known medicinal plants with very mild action and are completely safe.

    Alternative methods of treatment of arrhythmias

    Violations of the rhythm and heart rate leads to an additional load on the myocardium, followed by a deterioration in blood circulation throughout the body. When the heart rate exceeds allowable rate at 90 beats / min., we are talking about tachycardia. A decrease in heart rate below the extreme limit of 50 beats / min. is called bradycardia. How to treat cardiac arrhythmia with folk remedies?

    The most effective strengthening dish is honey-lemon mixture with garlic.

    Folk recipes for raising heart rate and normalizing heart function:

    1. An excellent remedy for the treatment of bradycardia is the herb yarrow. It is only necessary to brew a potion available in any pharmacy and take the resulting broth half a glass a day, previously divided into three servings.
    2. Lemon, garlic, and honey combined are great for raising your heart rate. From 10 fresh lemons, you first need to extract the juice, then mix the resulting liquid with a liter of heated honey and a grated clove of garlic. Mix all the ingredients well, leave to infuse in a cool and dark place. Take 2 tablespoons before meals for a month.
    3. Coniferous tincture, in addition to the stimulating effect, has positive influence to work immune system. To prepare it, you need to take a glass and fill it with young pine shoots mixed with spruce paws. Pour the resulting mixture with vodka, let it brew well (7-10 days). Drink the finished drug in a teaspoon three times a day.

    People who are interested in the question of how to cure a heart should remember that by themselves natural remedies are unable to lead to intoxication, because they act very gently and are quickly excreted from the body. But you have to be extra vigilant when taking pharmacological preparations in combination with alcohol tinctures, since some drugs (cardiac glycosides, beta-blockers, etc.) are incompatible with ethanol.

    With tachycardia, which is usually accompanied by high blood pressure, it is recommended to take the following medications:

    • decoction of mint and calendula leaves;
    • alcohol tincture of motherwort;
    • valerian root in the form of drops for oral administration;
    • a decoction of valerian as an additive to a healing bath.

    If the patient's heart beats erratically and the rhythm is confused, it is worth suspecting the presence of atrial fibrillation. One of the most dangerous states in cardiology, associated with a violation of the heart rhythm, heart block is considered, implying a short-term delay or complete cessation of the conduction of a nerve impulse by the myocardium.

    What folk remedies are effective in the treatment of coronary artery disease

    Myocardial hypoxia in combination with severe spasm of the coronary vessels can cause many unpleasant consequences, up to the formation of a focus of necrosis in the lumen of the heart muscle. To improve the supply of oxygen to muscle fibers, it is recommended to use vasodilators with thrombolytic properties.

    Folk remedies for coronary heart disease:

    • Healing mixture of garlic and honey. It is necessary to take a head of garlic and a glass of honey, grind thoroughly in a blender. Let it brew for a week. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day. Garlic promotes the expansion of coronary vessels and blood thinning.
    • A decoction of chamomile and hawthorn. At regular intake such a medicine can quickly normalize blood circulation in the body. The tool improves the elasticity of blood vessels, increases the ability of the nervous system to withstand stress.
    • Infusion of motherwort inflorescences. This remedy is effective in the treatment of angina pectoris and heart attacks caused by nervous tension. For the prevention of recurrence heart attack You can use both water and alcohol infusion.

    Vegetable and fruit and berry juices at home do not allow the occurrence of stagnation of fluids in the body

    • Fruit juices are excellent remedy in the treatment of ischemic heart disease. Carrot and birch sap have a positive effect on the state of blood vessels, and dried fruit compote can replenish daily requirement in most trace elements.
    • Fruit drink from viburnum, cranberries and cranberries. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to add a spoonful of honey to the resulting mixture. Such a delicacy helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and also stimulates the immune system.

    Treatment of cardiac ischemia with folk remedies is not always enough; with a tendency to increased blood clotting, thrombolytics should be taken regularly. Such drugs should be used with extreme caution, as they healing action directly depends on the chosen dosage. Only experienced doctor is able to choose the duration of the course of treatment, suitable for a particular patient.

    Recovery after a stroke: folk ways

    In order for the body to be able to recover faster after a stroke, it is necessary to take care of sufficient tissue trophism, improve blood circulation in the vessels, and establish the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system. It is very good to add parsley and dill to salty dishes, which stimulate the spleen. How to cure a heart after a stroke at home?

    As a prophylactic strengthening agent, you need to drink a decoction and tonic herbal remedies- ginseng roots and golden mustache

    Helpful tips for survivors acute disorder circulation:

    1. An excellent choice for the prevention of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes will be a regular raspberry. It contains a natural substance that resembles aspirin in its properties. Daily use raspberries as a jam, an additive to tea or fruit salad helps not only cleanse the blood, but also saturate the body useful vitamins and minerals.
    2. A mixture of honey, lemon and garlic will help the body repair damaged tissues faster. Antioxidants, which are found in large quantities in lemons, prevent the accumulation of toxins in the lumen of blood vessels, and also protect the arterial wall from the aggressive effects of free radicals.
    3. Ginseng root, tincture of eleutherococcus and golden mustache are effective for low blood pressure in a patient. These plants have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, and the juice of the golden mustache is also useful when the patient is prone to acute respiratory infections. To increase the effectiveness of the selected tincture, you need to add heated honey.
    4. An excellent choice for restoring the body after a heart attack will be Pine nuts. They have a positive effect on the state of the bloodstream, contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body. Using nuts with honey, you can achieve effective elimination from the body of toxins formed by pathogenic microorganisms.

    For people who have had a stroke, you can use not only lemon juice, chewing a fresh lemon peel is no less useful, it also helps to improve the functioning of facial muscles and restore speech function. In order to maximize the recovery of the circulatory system after a stroke, it is very important not to overdo it. It is worth taking vitamins carefully, not exceeding the dose recommended by the doctor.