How to clean blood vessels with garlic and alcohol, tincture recipe, application regimen, contraindications. Using garlic tincture to cleanse blood vessels

Cleansing blood vessels helps in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, the main disease of our time. Poor nutrition, disrupted rhythm of life, smoking, alcohol and excess weight lead to increased cholesterol in the blood and its deposition in the vascular walls. Atherosclerotic vascular disease is a leading cause of death and disability. In this article, we review the tincture of garlic with alcohol for cleaning blood vessels, the features and rules for its preparation, indications and contraindications for use, cases in which you should seek help from a doctor.

Why do you need to clean vessels?

Why do you need to clean the vessels at all and what causes them to become clogged? Before considering the methods and methods for their purification, you need to understand the answers to these questions. In the course of our life, we often make mistakes in nutrition, drink alcohol, some of us smoke, and some suffer from excess weight. The modern pace of life has led to increased development cordially- vascular diseases and brought them to first place as causes of death among the population.

The basis of heart disease is atherosclerosis. Its pathogenesis is based on the development of a local inflammatory process in the vascular wall. Lipids and cholesterol begin to accumulate in the damaged area of ​​the vessel. Gradually, they form large atherosclerotic plaques, interfering with proper blood circulation in the tissues.

Blockage of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques underlies the development of the following fatal dangerous diseases:

  • coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction);
  • acute disorder cerebral circulation(hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke);
  • hypertension;
  • dissection or rupture of the abdominal aorta;
  • atherosclerotic kidney damage.

Blockage of blood vessels and atherosclerosis are processes that do not occur suddenly, against the background of absolute well-being. This disease develops over several decades. Prevention and cleaning of blood vessels is carried out specifically for healthy people who want to prolong their life and health as long as possible.

Garlic tincture for atherosclerosis

Garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels is one of the most effective methods prevention of atherosclerosis development
. This is a Tibetan folk method of cleansing the body. This recipe of Tibetan monks was found by scientists in their ancient manuscripts. According to the data obtained, cleaning blood vessels with garlic and alcohol was practiced in order to rejuvenate the body and increase life expectancy.

Nowadays, the Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture for cleansing blood vessels is very popular among adherents healthy image life. Nowadays, more and more more people They begin to understand that they need to take care of their health from a young age.

The Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels with garlic is intended to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. If a person has already allowed the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, he should seek traditional medical care rather than self-medicate.

Garlic in vodka or alcohol has the following effects on the body:

  • Improves and strengthens immune system in organism. It provides protection against bacterial, viral and fungal diseases, some oncological pathologies. Garlic drops can be taken during seasonal epidemics of influenza and ARVI.
  • Removes inflammatory processes in the body, treats foci of chronic infections.
  • Reduces cholesterol and “harmful” lipids in the blood. It is these substances that can be deposited on the vascular wall and lead to atherosclerosis..
  • Normalizes blood pressure levels.
  • Helps with a tendency to vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Helps normalize microcirculation in capillaries. This leads to an improvement in complexion and skin condition.
  • Speeds up metabolic processes in the body, can reduce weight.

Method for preparing garlic alcohol tincture

How to prepare garlic tincture according to the Tibetan recipe for cleaning blood vessels? The recipe for this medicine is simple and anyone can do it. You can make high-quality medicine only using fresh garlic cloves.. They should not be dried out, sprouted or spoiled. Preparing the alcohol tincture will take you 10 days.

Take 350-500 g of peeled and washed garlic cloves and grind them to a paste. Then pour 400 ml of alcohol into the resulting mixture, tightly close the jar with a lid and place in a dark place for 10 days. Then the tincture should be strained to remove the garlic and sediment. The resulting medicine should be stored in a dark and cool place, perhaps in a cellar or refrigerator.

How to take the tincture

The tincture should be taken according to a strict schedule, deviating from which is strictly prohibited.. This technique has been developed over many years; if all the rules are followed, the tincture allows you to cleanse yourself of waste and toxins and strengthen your immune system.

Instructions for use:

  • The course lasts 11 days. The prepared tincture will be enough for you for this entire period.
  • Take the tincture 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • The tincture should be drunk with 50 ml of milk.
  • For the first dose, take 1 drop of the drug. Then, during each dose, increase the dose by 1 drop, so by the end of the 10th day you will have taken 25 drops. On day 11, take 25 drops three times a day.
  • This cleansing of the body should be done once every 5 years. But if necessary, you can improve your immunity a little more often.
  • During the course of cleaning blood vessels with garlic tincture, drink as much liquid as possible. You should drink 2-3 liters of plain table water per day.

You should not skip a dose or exceed a single dosage. You must strictly follow the scheme. If, while cleansing the body with this remedy, you begin to feel a deterioration in your health, stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

Garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels is not suitable for everyone. This medicine is potent and has its contraindications.. These include:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • childhood;
  • acute or chronic gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, failure, fatty hepatosis).
  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • prostate adenoma and hyperplasia, prostatitis;
  • spicy or chronic pancreatitis in the stage of exacerbation or remission;
  • bladder diseases.

Due to the high alcohol content in the tincture, it should not be taken by people driving vehicles or motorists. It will not lead to intoxication, but when tested on a breathalyzer it can lead to a positive result.

Diet while cleansing blood vessels

Cleansing the body will be many times more effective if you adhere to it in parallel dietary nutrition . During the course of cleaning blood vessels, you should avoid the following products:

  • fried, smoked and spicy;
  • fatty meats, poultry and fish;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • butter;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • fast food;
  • sausages;
  • canned foods;
  • store-bought semi-finished products;
  • offal.

When cleansing blood vessels using garlic tincture with alcohol, it is recommended to compose your diet from:

  • fruits, vegetables and herbs;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • porridges cooked in water and vegetable oil;
  • legumes;
  • corn.

To improve metabolism, you should eat in small portions and often 5 times a day. You shouldn't feel hungry. Snacks are best made from fruits and fermented milk drinks.

Cleansing blood vessels using garlic alcohol tincture is ancient Tibetan method, which the monks resorted to in order to increase life expectancy. It is most effective in people who do not suffer from atherosclerosis. In them, it helps prevent the development of atherosclerotic plaques. If you have already been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, traditional methods cleansing the blood vessels will not be enough. You need to see a doctor and take the treatment he prescribed, and stick to a regular diet.

Garlic itself is one of the most effective means to cleanse and strengthen blood vessels, which has long been proven by research.

In ancient times, when there were no antibiotics and other pharmacological drugs, a clove of garlic represented almost the entire pharmacology of that time, thanks to an incredibly wide range of properties, which also modern scientists confirm.

At the same time, using some ancient recipes, you can increase its effectiveness many times over.

Today we will talk about Tibetan alcohol tincture with garlic. This recipe was invented in ancient times by a Buddhist monk. He gained wide popularity in the 70s of the last century.

Thanks to its translation by members of the UNESCO expedition from the tablets of a Buddhist temple, people learned about the composition, which was later called the elixir of life. The product prepared on the basis of garlic has a wide range of effects, including on the cardiovascular system.

6 benefits of this cleansing method

The Tibetan drink has unique healing properties. Along with cleaning blood vessels, it helps restore hearing and vision. It is better to take it after consultation with your doctor.

Thanks to this method of cleansing, the walls of blood vessels not only cholesterol plaques are removed, but also fats and limescale deposits, interfering normal process blood circulation in the human body. It has also been known for a long time about the huge one. After a course of taking garlic tincture:

  1. the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is stabilized;
  2. brain function and memory improve;
  3. blood pressure is normalized;
  4. headaches go away;
  5. vitality, performance and immunity increase:
  6. the condition of muscles and tissues, as well as the blood formula, will improve.

Also check out this infographic about garlic:

First positive results from treatment in this way are felt by a person from the first days after the start of the course of treatment. The speed of cleansing depends on many factors. These include age-related changes in the body.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Clean vessels relieve many problems associated with human ailments. Tibetan tincture recommended for treatment:

Using a Tibetan remedy increases male potency and rejuvenates the body of representatives of any gender.

Vessels clogged with cholesterol plaques cause the development of atherosclerosis. It all starts with the inflammatory process of the walls of blood vessels. In their damaged areas, lipids and cholesterol accumulate, which form atherosclerotic plaques.

Vascular blockage becomes cause of occurrence and development:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • rupture of the abdominal aorta;
  • kidney damage.

In older people, the degree of contamination of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques is much higher than in young people. The process of blockage of blood vessels occurs over many years. Their timely cleaning is the prevention of atherosclerosis.

How to cook - 7 steps

The technology for preparing the tincture allows you to make it at home. The recipe includes:

  • medical or “extra” alcohol - 200 ml;
  • fresh garlic - 250-300 grams.

A prerequisite for preparing the drink is to use only freshly harvested garlic. This explains what healing agent done in the fall. During this period in garlic contains the largest supply of nutrients.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. The garlic taken to prepare the medicinal product is crushed in a wooden mortar.
  2. The resulting slurry is then poured with alcohol.
  3. To infuse the drink, use glass or ceramic dishes with tight-fitting lids.
  4. Infuse the product for at least 10 days. To do this, it is placed in a dark place with a temperature no higher than +18 degrees.
  5. During the infusion period, the drink is shaken vigorously every day.
  6. The finished product is filtered through a gauze filter.
  7. Store Tibetan infusion in a refrigerator.

You can see it more clearly in this video:

The medical alcohol included in the tincture’s recipe can be replaced with other drinks with a strength of more than 55-60%, for example moonshine, but connoisseurs of the drink do not recommend this.

Admission rules

To cleanse the blood vessels, drink the remedy according to a specially designed regimen on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. Its essence boils down to gradual increase dosage of medication. This method avoids many negative consequences for the body. The course of treatment is 10 days.

  1. The product is taken 3 times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner 20 minutes before meals. Treatment begins with 1 drop of tincture at a time.
  2. The next day, the amount taken is increased by 1 drop at a time.
  3. This happens for 5 days in a row, after which the dosage begins to decrease in the same way as it increased.
  4. Repeat full course cleaning after its completion is possible after 5 years.

Taking a vodka-based tincture can be done according to a different scheme. For 10 days, the drink is taken 3 times a day, 7-10 drops. The course of treatment is carried out once every 3 years.

Before starting the cleansing procedure, you should consult a doctor. Treatment must be carried out exactly according to the chosen scheme. During the cleansing course, a person must lead active image life. During this period, it is necessary to completely abandon tea, coffee and cocoa.

The daily water consumption rate should be 2-2.5 liters. It is not recommended to include in the diet spicy food, spices and seasonings.

Contraindications for this method

The tincture prepared on the basis of alcohol-containing drinks is not recommended for use when driving a car or other Vehicle, as well as when working on complex mechanisms. There are restrictions on the use of tincture based on age. Use the product Not recommended for people under 18 years of age and over 70.

You should also not take the drug:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • people with kidney disease, liver disease and mental disorders various types;
  • with exacerbation of gastritis, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for epilepsy and individual intolerance to the product.

Taking the tincture may be accompanied by side effects. These include activation of metabolic processes in the human body and increased appetite. Headaches, nausea and dizziness may occur. If tachycardia, heartburn, shortness of breath or insomnia occur during the cleansing course, the dosage regimen is changed.

Features of nutrition during the course

During the course of cleansing with Tibetan tincture, you must observe certain rules nutrition. It has the same important role for the effectiveness of treatment, as well as adequate sleep.

Excluded from the diet:

  1. All fatty varieties meat and products prepared from them;
  2. rich and confectionery With great content sugar, as well as white bread;
  3. drinks with artificial flavors and gases;
  4. dairy products containing starch, dyes, stabilizers and inhibitors;
  5. artificial and natural fats (all types of margarine products, butter and palm oil);
  6. products instant cooking.

It is important to include in your diet during this period:

  • herring, mackerel, salmon and others;
  • white meat (poultry, turkey, rabbit, etc.);
  • kefir, kumis, hard cheeses;
  • vegetables and soups prepared from them;
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, etc.);
  • sugarless.

Food intake is carried out using the crushing method 5-6 times a day in small portions. Overeating or undereating reduces the effect of treatment.

How to complement the procedure - Tibetan herbal infusions

Among healing recipes, borrowed from Tibetan medicine, you can find not only garlic-based tincture, but also herbal infusions. They are not inferior in efficiency to their healing properties garlic All these herbal teas belong to the elixirs of youth. In addition to the cleansing effect, products prepared with herbs help rejuvenate human skin and get rid of age-related pigmentation.

With their help:

  1. blood flows are cleansed;
  2. the condition of blood vessels improves;
  3. digestive function is normalized;
  4. metabolism is stimulated;
  5. waste and toxins are removed;
  6. insomnia disappears;
  7. the body is filled with energy.

The healing effect of taking herbal remedies is felt after 10 days of treatment. It is recommended to drink herbal decoctions or tinctures after long-term use medicines. Thanks to them, the “sagging” liver will be cleansed. Decoctions can support the body’s performance after chemotherapy and radiation. With their help you can lose weight without dieting. In Russia you can find herbs for several Tibetan herbs.

Decoction No. 1

The collection includes:

  • chamomile;
  • immortelle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Birch buds.

The crushed ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. Brew them with boiling water immediately before drinking for 30 minutes. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture.

Drink the drink after breakfast and before bed. To add flavor to the drink, you can add natural honey.

It cannot be dissolved in boiling water. At a temperature of +60 degrees the product loses its beneficial features. You can improve the taste of the drink by adding dried strawberry, cherry or currant leaves to the collection.

The course of treatment with herbal tea is 1.5-2 months. It can be done once a year. The harvesting time for herbs lasts from May to September.

Decoction No. 2

The collection contains 26 ingredients. These are plants that can be collected throughout the country.

  • These include the roots of valerian, angelica, burnet and dandelion, as well as birch and pine buds.
  • The herbs and flowers of the collection include such well-known plants as field chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, string, and celandine.
  • It also includes motherwort, marsh grass, yarrow, centaury, and calendula.
  • The harvest was not complete without cumin, centaury, calendula, linden color, peppermint, coltsfoot and immortelle.
  • Oregano, plantain, motherwort, thyme and eucalyptus enhance the effect of the collection.

To brew the tincture, all ingredients are taken in equal proportions. For 2 liters of boiling water take 14 tablespoons herbal collection. This is the daily amount of drinking medicinal collection. The product infusion time is at least 7-8 hours.

Drink the decoction an hour before meals and before bed.

Now we invite you to watch the video:


Tibetan tincture is very strong remedy. It is recommended to drink it with milk. It softens the effect medicine and is good prophylactic against heartburn.

The use of tincture can cause exacerbation of gastritis and other diseases. You need to drink the drink with caution. At the first signs of deterioration in health, the cleansing course is stopped immediately.

You should not take this medicine without the approval of your doctor. Before using it, you should conduct an examination of the body.

One of the simplest and most effective means for cleansing blood vessels is garlic. We use all sorts of newfangled methods of cleansing the body, forgetting about the beneficial properties of everyday products.

Garlic contains B vitamins, thanks to which this product has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens hair and improves vision. Vitamins A and E contained in it help preserve youthful skin. And thanks to vitamin PP, the use of garlic improves the functioning of the heart, stomach and intestines, and also dilates blood vessels.

The bulb of this plant contains many other substances, such as essential oils, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, various acids. The composition, rich in minerals and vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Garlic also has antiseptic properties, removes cholesterol from the body and reduces platelet aggregation (sticking together).

Garlic tincture is universal medicine, as it can help with large quantities various diseases. It has an analgesic, diuretic, anthelmintic and wound healing effect.

And these are not all the effects it produces on the human body.

Garlic tincture for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension:

Grind the head of garlic and put it in a jar, pour in unrefined sunflower oil (one glass). Let the mixture sit for 24 hours, shaking regularly, then add the juice of one lemon to it and stir. Place in a cool, dark place for another seven days.

Take the tincture one teaspoon half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.

The course is three months.

Garlic tinctures can also be made using alcohol, milk, honey or lemon.

The medicine of garlic in vodka, alcohol or water is used for diseases such as:

*helminthic infestation;
*increased blood viscosity;

Use this recipe if you need to cleanse your vessels.


*100 g garlic cloves;
*0.5 l of vodka.


Grind the cloves thoroughly with a knife, mortar or garlic clove until mushy.
Pour the resulting mixture with vodka and place the container in a dark place.
Take it out a few times a week and shake it slightly.
After a month, remove the container and strain the tincture.

Use vodka tincture one teaspoon at a time. Always use the product three times a day and before meals.

This garlic tincture with alcohol will help against bad cholesterol.


*300 g peeled cloves;
*1 liter of alcohol;
*jar or bottle;


Grind the cloves into a paste. Place in a clean jar and fill with alcohol.
Infuse the remedy in within three weeks

Take the product three times a day, diluting 20 drops in 100 ml of milk.

This garlic infusion is prepared not with alcohol, but with water. , so it can be used by those who have contraindications to drinking alcohol.


*3 garlic cloves;
*200 ml of clean water.


Boil water and at the same time thoroughly chop the cloves.
Pour water over the resulting slurry and leave for about one hour.

Recipe for blood purification(an old, completely forgotten folk recipe)

In the evening, a large clove of garlic, if small, then chop two thin layers, pour 1 glass of clean, unboiled water, let it brew until the morning. In the morning, take out the slice and drink the water before breakfast.

Prepare a new portion: cut into a slice, add a new portion of water and let it brew until evening. In the evening, drink the infusion again and treat like this for a month.

At bad tests blood, with high content leukocytes, other health problems - this effective recipe, capable of normalizing blood composition.

Recipe for “Garlic liqueur for CTA diseases”:

12 peeled garlic cloves, cut into 4 parts, put in a transparent glass bottle. Pour three glasses of red grape wine good quality, maybe at home. Close tightly and place on the sunny side of the window, shaking every day. After 2 weeks, strain, pour into a dark bottle and put in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for a month, preferably before meals.

An effective remedy for increasing efficiency, removing salts from the body, purifying the blood, improving immunity, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Strengthens the heart, cleanses the blood and tones the body. Removes excess fats and improves metabolism. Cannot be replaced when women's diseases and inflammation.

Honey lemon and garlic balm:

It is suitable for improving well-being with vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue during the flu epidemic

* 200 grams of honey

*2 heads (medium) garlic, finely chopped

*Juice of 2.5 lemons

*2 shoots of golden mustache (if you can’t find it, you can do without it), cut and squeeze.

Mix everything and put in a cool place for a week.

Dosage: 1 time per day in the afternoon, 2 tsp. at intervals of 10 minutes. Course: 2-3 weeks.

Tincture for hypertension:

Crush two heads of garlic, pour the mixture with 250 grams of vodka, close it in a glass container, leave in a cool, dark place for 12 days. Take 3 times a day, 20 drops before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Garlic oil:

Finely chop the garlic, it’s better to crush it, put it in a 250 gram jar by ¾ and fill it with unrefined vegetable oil. Insist for two weeks.

Another quick garlic butter recipe:

Peel 2-3 medium-sized cloves of garlic, mash and pour in any unrefined vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3. Leave for a day, squeeze out. You can put it in your nose during an epidemic, but be sure to dilute it with water 1:1.

Recipe t of Tibetan balm for body rejuvenation (garlic).

So, a tincture of garlic in alcohol is a recipe for longevity. We will need new harvest garlic and rubbing alcohol. You can use well-purified moonshine.

Take 350 grams of mature, peeled garlic from a new harvest, finely crush it with a wooden mortar or rub it with a wooden spoon in a porcelain or wooden bowl until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We take 200 grams of this mass, the one with more juice (bottom) and fill it with 200 grams of purified medical alcohol.

We don’t throw away the top garlic, we send it to the table for lunch! We close the glass vessel and store it for 10 days in a cool, dark place, not in the refrigerator. After 10 days, strain the mass, leave its liquid opaque mass of about 250 grams for another 3 days. We begin treatment.

Take drops using a pipette, drop into cold milk (50 grams -1/4 cup) according to the scheme 20 minutes before meals:

DayBreakfastLunch Dinner

1th day 1 2 3

2nd day 4 5 6

3rd day 7 8 9

4th day 10 11 12

5 th day 13 14 15

6 th day 15 14 13

7 th day 12 11 10

8th day 9 8 7

9th day 6 5 4

10th day 321

Day 112525 25

Starting from 12 days, take at reverse order or, as on the first day, that is, 1-2-3 drops per dose, respectively, and so on...

This cleansing course is carried out once every three years.


It is recommended to use this elixir after 40 years of age, and repeat it no earlier than after 6 years. Avoid alcohol during treatment.

As a result of taking it, the body is transformed:

*cleanses the body
*metabolism improves,
*vessels become elastic, heart attack is prevented and stroke ,
*vision becomes sharper,
*skin rejuvenates,
*weight normalizes,
* the functioning of the whole body is improved.

Miracle Troika – tincture of honey and lemon with garlic.

A tincture of lemon, garlic and honey creates an elixir of youth that burns fat, lowers cholesterol in the blood, improves performance of cardio-vascular system and metabolism in the body.

There are several options for preparing the elixir. We present to your attention one of the most popular recipes on how to prepare this miraculous folk remedy.


*lemons (10 pcs.);
*garlic (10 cloves);
*honey (1 l).


It is necessary to peel and pit the lemons and chop them.

Then add peeled and chopped garlic to the citrus.
Add honey and mix everything thoroughly.
The product must be transferred to a closed jar (cover it with a thin cloth so that the mixture can breathe).

It is necessary to keep the resulting product in a warm, dark place for about a week, then strain and take 4 teaspoons per day.

A tincture prepared correctly can preserve its useful qualities a year or more.


It is not advisable to swallow the tincture right away; it should be consumed slowly, slowly consuming one spoon after another. You need to take it every day. If you follow the recipe, this amount will last for one month.

If a person has problems falling asleep, then it is better not to use it before bedtime, then it should be taken at least 2 hours before bedtime, because for people who have easily excitable nervous system, it has an invigorating effect.

The tincture contains garlic, so many are interested in the question of the smell, because everyone knows that garlic has a very strong, persistent smell, but when mixed with lemon and honey, the smell of garlic is completely neutralized. Therefore, you can safely use this healing potion.

Garlic and milk:

Garlic and milk are a strange combination at first glance, but as practice has shown traditional medicine, very effective for various problems with health. In Rus', it has long been used by healers, celebrating positive influence on diseased blood vessels, heart and respiratory organs.

Here is a simple recipe that readers may find useful:

You need to take a tablespoon of finely chopped garlic cloves and add it to a glass of hot milk. The mixture should be boiled for a minute, then covered with a lid and left for half an hour. Afterwards, the composition is filtered through cheesecloth and consumed after meals, 2 tablespoons three times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Garlic, honey and cranberry:

Another noteworthy recipe for lowering cholesterol levels is based on ingredients such as cranberries, honey, and garlic. Numerous studies have proven that swamp cranberry prevents the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of arteries, protects against strokes, and makes the walls blood vessels more durable.

Sour berries contain an impressive supply of phenolic antioxidants, which delay the aging process and fight cancer cells.

Here's an option medicinal composition with cranberries and previously reviewed products:

Grind a kilogram of cranberries through a meat grinder with 200 g of garlic cloves. To the resulting mixture you need to add natural honey in an amount of 100 g. The mixture must be mixed thoroughly and left for 3 days - let it infuse. You need to take the drug one tablespoon twice a day before meals. This remedy is also used to restore a patient after a heart attack.

As we can see, treating blood vessels with garlic has been practiced for a long time and there are many varieties of folk recipes.

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties, garlic has certain contraindications.

It is not advisable to use it if there is:

*some kidney diseases;
*stomach ulcer;

Garlic– simply universal, unique remedy, but it should not be consumed in large quantities for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Even in the absence of any disease, you should not consume this product in significant quantities, because it can lead to poisoning.

Signs of intoxication include severe headache, as well as the manifestation of absent-mindedness and inattention, which were not observed before. Garlic infusion is also contraindicated for pregnant women.

Health and excellent well-being to you!

To protect the circulatory system from age-related changes, healers often recommend garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels, the Tibetan recipe for which is still relevant today.

The text of this method of treatment was written by the inhabitants of ancient monasteries and tested with preventive and therapeutic purpose sick and prone to atherosclerosis. Violation of the daily routine in combination with poor nutrition provokes inflammation and vascular disease and quickly leads to death.

Cleansing blood vessels with garlic

Not caring about the consequences that will surely come with age, a modern city dweller can drink alcohol immoderately and low quality products, suffer from obesity, and then from insidious atherosclerosis.

This disease begins with an inflammatory process vascular walls due to the accumulation of cholesterol and lipid plaques. Normal blood circulation in tissues is difficult and provokes the development of very dangerous diseases of the kidneys, heart, brain and other organs.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system develop over many years, and prevention in the form of cleaning blood vessels is necessary healthy people who want to improve and prolong life. In these cases, official medicine only uses pills, which have helped few people, or resorts to surgical intervention.

A simple cleansing according to a Tibetan recipe turned out to be extraordinary effective method prevention against vascular damage. Alcohol and garlic were often used to cleanse blood vessels, which is accompanied by rejuvenation of the body.

If garlic infusion with alcohol or vodka is used in accordance with the recommended regimen, it will definitely produce positive changes in our body:

  1. Inflammatory processes will stop, foci of infections will be eliminated;
  2. The immune system will be strengthened, so during the season of exacerbation of acute respiratory viral infections, it is better to take garlic-alcohol infusion instead of tablets;
  3. The level of “bad” cholesterol and blood lipids will decrease;
  4. Blood microcirculation in the capillaries is normalized, skin condition and complexion improve;
  5. Blood pressure normalizes;
  6. The tendency to vegetative-vascular dystonia will decrease;
  7. Metabolism will speed up and weight will decrease.

U modern people Tibetan alcoholic medicinal liquid infused with garlic is extremely popular. But you should not self-medicate, but rather turn to medical specialist, when atherosclerotic plaques have already formed in your vessels.

What is the beneficial effect of the drug?

Cleaning with garlic and alcohol frees the walls from a layer of fat, salt, lime and, of course, cholesterol that impedes blood flow.

Effective Tibetan remedy for blood:

  • normalizes the heart and blood vessels;
  • relieves dizziness and headaches;
  • improve memory and attention;
  • sharpen hearing and vision;
  • will add energy.

Using garlic tincture with vodka will help you forget about shortness of breath, muscle pain and unpleasant cramps.

Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture to cleanse blood vessels

All famous recipes instructions for making garlic tincture to cleanse blood vessels are simple and accessible to everyone. Before preparing garlic tincture, stock up on fresh and high-quality garlic cloves.

Preparing the tincture with alcohol will take only 10 days. You will need 0.5 kg of peeled and chopped garlic cloves. The paste from them should be placed in a jar, filled with 0.4 liters of alcohol, sealed tightly and kept in a dark place for 10 days. To begin treatment with the tincture, you need to strain it and store it in the refrigerator.

Rules for taking garlic tincture

You need to know that you need to take garlic drops according to the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to deviate from the strict scheme developed over several decades.

According to the recommendations of Tibetan centenarians, the correct and effective garlic tincture can be made in the fall, when garlic exhibits its strongest properties. The medicine should be taken for a month, 20 minutes before meals, mixed with 50 ml of milk. The finished tincture is sufficient for the entire period of treatment.

For the first time, take one drop, then increase the dose and by the end of the tenth day of treatment the volume reaches 25 drops. On the eleventh day, the dose does not need to be increased.

When taking a treatment or preventive course, do not forget about clean water: Drink at least two liters per day.

Dosage by day of administration

1 1 drop2 drops3 drops
2 4 drops5 drops6 drops
3 7 drops8 drops9 drops
4 10 drops11 drops12 drops
5 13 drops14 drops15 drops
6 15 drops14 drops13 drops
7 12 drops11 drops10 drops
8 9 drops8 drops7 drops
9 6 drops5 drops4 drops
10 3 drops2 drops1 drop
11 25 drops25 drops25 drops

Taking the remaining remedy continues three times a day, 25 drops. The course can be repeated only after 5-6 years. More gentle conditions of administration are recommended for tincture of garlic with red wine. But, unfortunately, it is not so effective.


In what cases should you not take the drug?

With regular use of the tincture, the urge to go to the toilet will become more frequent, and the discharge will begin to increase. gastric juice. But there is no need to stop treatment, since these phenomena are temporary.

To smooth out their manifestation, you need to drink mint tea or motherwort infusion. After completing the treatment course, it is recommended to take vitamin complex and pharmaceutical fish oil.

Mint tea

Motherwort tincture

Fish fat

Is it possible to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and at the same time acquire heartburn, insomnia and tachycardia? There is information that in some cases, Tibetan garlic tincture with vodka can cause unpleasant side effects.

The safety of taking garlic tincture is quite relative and sometimes causes complications such as:

  • deterioration general condition in connection with oncological and vascular pathologies;
  • exacerbation inflammatory diseases stomach and pancreas;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased symptoms of pelvic organ diseases;
  • exacerbation of neurological diseases.

Such potent drug, of course, has contraindications. First of all, these include children's age.

It's better not to risk it if you:

  • are acutely ill or chronic disease kidney, liver or gastrointestinal tract;
  • you suffer from urolithiasis;
  • are expecting a baby or breastfeeding;
  • suffer from prostate diseases.

IN garlic tincture contains alcohol, so it drivers do not need to accept before leaving. Despite the absence of intoxication, a breathalyzer can show the presence of alcohol in the blood.

Vessels in the body play the role of pipes through which blood flows, delivering the necessary nutrients and oxygen to the organs for all areas of the body, for example, the legs and the brain. They can also be compared to a road network along which cars - red blood cells and white blood cells - scurry back and forth. Every day a person consumes hundreds of calories from food and drink, and, according to doctors, the body needs water every day, takes vitamins, and some take medications.

Some foods contain cholesterol, which in itself is not good for the body. great benefit does not carry, but also cannot be completely processed; liver cleansing processes are not always effective. Gradually, cholesterol residues accumulate, settling in certain areas of the blood vessels, sometimes in the head, which feed the brain, and sometimes in the legs. The blood presses them against the walls, making room for movement, but when there is more cholesterol, it thickens on the walls, in turn narrowing the lumen.

Because of this, the cells suffer, to which the blood will carry less and less oxygen and nutrients, because it is more difficult for it to penetrate through narrow clearance, but they can’t make it anymore. This is fraught with the occurrence of atherosclerosis. It can form in the area of ​​the legs, head, arms, depending on where the plaques appear.

When a person consumes a lot of animal products, such as fatty meat or margarine, he likes butter– all this brings cholesterol into the body. When food is digested, it is broken down into its components. Cholesterol can also be found in drinks. There is nothing harmful in water, but alcoholic drinks and soda are another matter. Useful substances immediately “go to work”, while the body tries to eliminate others. Cholesterol sometimes cannot be released completely, then the residues gradually accumulate in the vessels (usually the legs or brain area), thickening their walls in a certain place.

If measures are not taken in time, this is fraught with the development of complications, in particular, atherosclerosis. A general health person cannot be supported sick vascular system. Organs and tissues are all nourished useful substances, receive oxygen through the blood.

Therefore, doctors advise people not to indulge in fatty foods. In addition, there are many means for cleaning blood vessels, be it a folk recipe or official medicine, which you can prepare yourself, depending on what will be most effective.

Is garlic good for blood vessels?

Traditional medicine, of course, was the ancestor for official medicine, but only be treated natural recipes not worth it. All specialists are sole: before starting to use any of the folk remedies Consult a doctor, especially if you suspect atherosclerosis in the legs or brain, it doesn’t matter. This serious illness, with whom you should not joke. Yes, and doctors can advise the best and safe way treatment that suits you, which will not cause complications in the future and will help in mandatory. Traditional medicine should help official medicine, complementing the courses prescribed by the doctor medical procedures, taking medication rather than resisting it.

So what's up with garlic? Since childhood, everyone has heard about the benefits of this product. And various stories about how heads of garlic drove away evil spirits. It was given with bread at lunch or dinner, and added to salads and main courses as a means of prevention. However, few people know that garlic cloves can also be successfully used to cleanse blood vessels. It not only disinfects, but can remove excess cholesterol, dissolve accumulated salts and successfully fight existing plaques.

After all, garlic contains “adenosine”, which has a positive effect on the number of platelets; it is often prescribed to those suffering from high blood clotting. Also, cleaning with garlic has another secret - it is most effective to use it only after waiting 15 minutes. Then the necessary reactions will occur inside the product.

Advice! It is believed that if you include garlic in your menu and consume it constantly - just eat it, maybe with bread or as a snack, the number of plaques in the vessels will decrease to 20% in three months.

Recipes for various tinctures

In addition to “natural” consumption, there is more than one traditional medicine recipe for the best way to take garlic so that it cleanses blood vessels faster and more effectively. Tibetan recipealcohol tincture- its description was found in one ancient treatise and judging by what was written, the unknown author guaranteed the result.

The course of treatment lasts 3 months and must be carried out every 4 years. Before preparing the tincture, the recipe says to peel the slices and grind thoroughly until a uniform paste appears. Then leave it in a dark place.

After some time, the mixture will infuse and begin to produce juice, you need to gradually add it and when 200 g is collected, you need to dilute it with regular medical alcohol 1:1. And if you really take alcohol, the result will be different with vodka. Place the mixture in glass containers, store in the cold for 10 days (do not put in the refrigerator).

Then carefully strain the liquid through a piece of flax and put it back to steep for another 3 days. You need to take the finished tincture, focusing on the drops, carefully adding it to cold milk, and wash it down with 150 ml of water.

The dosage is as follows: one drop first in the morning, two drops at lunch, three drops at dinner. On the second day - 4 drops, then at lunch - five drops, then dinner - six, then increase according to the calculations. Having reached 15 drops, stop, repeat twice and stay on the 25th drop, do not increase the dose until the end of the course.

Vodka tincture

You will need 150 grams of pure garlic, 150 grams of good vodka. Chop the garlic and place in a convenient glass jar, fill with vodka. Mix the mixture thoroughly and cover with a tight lid. Wrap the jar so that light does not penetrate inside.

Leave for 10 full days, placing in a cool, dark place. Strain the resulting tincture, separating the greenish liquid, then let it brew. Gradually, sediment will begin to accumulate at the bottom of the jar; this also needs to be drained and you’re done.

It can be used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis of the legs, brain, and cleaning of blood vessels in general. Available remedy, a simple recipe, does not require much expenditure and preparation does not take much time, it just infuses for a long time. But the result is worth it.

Recipe using garlic and lemon

Take 4 large, strong lemons, chop with a blender, then 250 g of garlic, chop too. Mix both ingredients and leave for seven days in a dark, preferably cool, place.

Strain the mixture, then take it at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water, each time just before meals, at least three times a day. The course lasts 1.5 months. Helps fight varicose veins of the legs, if atherosclerosis is suspected, as general remedy cleansing blood vessels.

Lemon with garlic and honey

One of the most popular and beloved tinctures by the people. It is often used by patients suffering from excess cholesterol plaques not only in the area of ​​​​the blood vessels of the legs or brain, but throughout the body in general. Lemon itself has beneficial properties that increase human performance; lovers of tea with lemon are distinguished by calm, balanced behavior, and their immunity is strengthened. The properties of lemon as a protector against colds are known.

Garlic complements it. It is recommended to many as good remedy to reduce the risk of getting cancer, improves the overall elasticity of the arteries, and successfully fights the manifestations of atherosclerosis, which is most often diagnosed in the legs and brain.

Honey is also an extremely useful component. It is eaten simply for the love of sweets, recommended for children and the sick various diseases heart, blood vessels, also suffering from kidney problems.

The ancients believed that if you mix all the components, under certain conditions you can get a real elixir of youth, which alchemists of all times dreamed of. A more practical goal is to obtain a healing remedy to combat excess cholesterol within the body, improve function and condition circulatory system and also have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of all substances.

Garlic and Honey Recipe

Take whole fresh lemons, cloves of garlic, mix everything in a blender (based on 6 whole lemons to 4 heads of garlic), add 200 grams of honey to the resulting homogeneous mixture.

Place in a convenient glass container and store in a quiet, dark place for 10 days. You need to take it twice every day, but before eating, wait 15 minutes, washing down a spoonful of the prepared mixture with a glass ordinary water. The tincture is quite invigorating, so it should not be taken in the evening, especially for those suffering from various sleep disorders.