Celandine collection and storage. Herbal preparations with celandine for therapeutic baths

Celandine has long proven its effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases and traditional medicine uses its healing properties to the fullest. Celandine juice is quite cheap and can be bought at any pharmacy, but sometimes the quality of the juice is in doubt. So why not prepare celandine juice for the winter yourself?

In order to extract the juice, all parts of the plant are used, from the root to the flowers. But, before harvesting raw materials, stock up on rubber gloves. After all, the stems and leaves of celandine are very soft and the juice from them is released at the slightest pressure. Washing your hands afterwards will be very difficult.

At the root of celandine, the concentration of medicinal substances is very large and is many times higher than the amount of the same substances in the stem and leaves. But, you should not extract juice only from measles, this is fraught with overdose and poisoning.

So, a freshly dug celandine bush should be rinsed from dust, and the root should be cut off. It must be washed especially carefully, using a brush.

Dry some grass. Put on gloves and grind the stems, leaves and root through a meat grinder.

Put the resulting "porridge" in a jar, close with a regular plastic lid and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

During this time, the juice will stand out from the damaged plant and it will be easier to squeeze it out.

Put on rubber gloves again and squeeze the celandine juice through cheesecloth. Do not clog the cork, the juice still needs to be fermented. Pour the pure juice into a jar or bottle and put a rubber glove or nipple on the neck, depending on what container you have.

Place the juice in a warm, dark place where it should ferment. Depending on the room temperature, fermentation can last from 6 days to two weeks.

After the fermentation is over, the juice from the celandine is considered ready. In its pure form and in a cool place, celandine juice is stored for 6 months. If you want to increase the shelf life, dilute the juice with alcohol, or vodka, in the ratio - 4 parts juice: 1 part alcohol. Thus, celandine juice can be stored for up to three years.

How to make juice from celandine grass, look at the video:

Most right time. It is important not to miss the flowering time of this herb, unique in its healing power. So, if you were going to prepare a medicinal herb - hurry up, it is already blooming. celandine treated about 250 different ailments. The plant is poisonous, so the treatment must be carried out very carefully, strictly observing the dosage, methods of preparing and taking medicines based on it. For medicinal purposes, they harvest: grass, roots, milky juice, juice from the whole plant.

When and how to collect celandine for treatment. A bunch of celandine hanging for drying, when you need to collect celandine from the root

It blooms all summer, but for medicinal purposes, the best time to collect is the beginning of flowering (usually from the second half of May to the first half of June). Going to harvest grass for storage, choose a fine day and try to follow these rules:

Harvest grass away from the city, industrial plants, busy highways and only healthy bright leaves and flowers. Using a knife, cut off about 10 cm from the ground (the stems can also be broken off with your hands).

When you need to collect celandine from the root - pull it out or dig it up by the root, clean it from the ground, extraneous grass and dry leaves. At home, rinse the root thoroughly before drying or preparing juice.

How to dry celandine at home

Dry, spreading the grass thin layer, or hung in small bunches in a ventilated dry room or under a canopy. Direct hit sunlight unacceptable. If the celandine is dried correctly, then when bent, the stems should not bend, but break.

Store dried raw materials in a linen or paper bag in a dark place. Properly dried grass, subject to storage conditions, does not lose its properties for 3 years.

How to make celandine juice at home

Orange juice stood out at the break of the stem

Milky orange juice exudes at the stem break.

The healing properties of the milky orange juice of celandine are well known to everyone. They are treated with warts, abscesses, boils, fistulas, eczema, lichen, fungus. To obtain healing juice celandine, it is enough to make a cut or break of the shoot of the plant.

Treat skin diseases with celandine juice by copious lubrication several times with a short interval. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day.


Since it is not always possible to have a live celandine for the extraction of milky juice, and it is desirable to always have such a medicine in the house, you can prepare a remedy for the future. For this:

When the whole plant is passed through a meat grinder, a dark green mass is formed.

We pass the whole plant through a meat grinder

Tear out a flowering bush, clean from dry leaves, rinse the roots, dry.

Pass everything through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice from the resulting dark green mass.

Pour into a bottle or vial with a screw cap (leave a free space of 1 - 2 cm).

Put a rubber gasket on the bottom of the cork for tightness, screw it on and put the container in a cool place.

After 2-3 days, carefully remove the stopper, let out the formed gases and close it tightly again. Do this until the juice is completely fermented, calm and amber in color. Properly Cooked homemade juice celandine up to 5 years does not lose its healing properties. Store in a cool, dark place (not the refrigerator).

With the preparation prepared in this way, lubricate the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day, 3-4 times with an interval of 2-3 minutes (so that it has time to be absorbed). No bandage is needed, the resulting film will protect the sore spot from microbes. When using, try not to mix the juice with the sediment formed at the bottom, and do not keep the container open for a long time.

Treatment with celandine juice (fresh or fermented) for skin diseases is the most affordable, simple and effective method getting rid of ailments at home. Also, celandine juice quickly restores the skin after burns of any origin.

Traditional medicine has accumulated many recipes for the treatment of various ailments with the help of this healing herb. They have been used successfully for many generations. Of course, ready-made preparations are on sale. But why run to the pharmacy? After all, we do not have a shortage of this herb, it is easy to dry or make juice. But when you collect celandine, do not forget to wear gloves so as not to get your hands dirty - orange spots are poorly washed.

The treatment of many diseases with the help of traditional medicine recipes remains highly effective and effective even in the presence of a large number of synthetic drugs. Such drugs can adversely affect human health, affecting one system, incapacitating another. As for alternative medicine, many natural ingredients gently but effectively affect the entire body, providing a therapeutic effect on a specific organ. One of these medicinal herbal preparations is a celandine. Preparation of celandine - important process, having the material at hand, you can always correct the dysfunction that has arisen in time. Consider the main features of the plant, the conditions for the collection and preservation of raw materials.

Useful properties of celandine

Celandine is a poisonous plant, but when used in the right doses, you can get a high result in the treatment of diseases. The basis of the plant includes substances that can in the early stages oncological diseases suppress the growth of pathogenic cells, restoring skin health, improving the functioning of organs.

in plant a large number of biologically active substances, there are vitamins A, C. The most significant substance contained in celandine is chelidonin. It is a powerful natural analgesic component that combines the properties of morphine and papaverine. The plant is used as such a remedy:

In addition, the herb is widely used in cosmetology, it becomes an ingredient for the manufacture of cleansers, washing damaged hair, creams and lotions for problematic skin and many other useful drugs.

The plant is highly effective at:

  • burns of various etiologies;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • diseases oral cavity;
  • disorders of the heart, respiratory system;
  • prevention of oncological diseases;
  • skin diseases.

This is far from full list the use of celandine.

Contraindications for use

Treatment with celandine juice is not allowed for everyone, given that the plant is poisonous, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting treatment. If the allowable dose is exceeded, severe poisoning can occur, aggravated by indigestion, headache, severe pain in the stomach, and in severe cases, fainting, disorientation, hallucinations.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. There are stomach upsets in which the use of celandine for therapeutic purposes is strictly contraindicated:

  • serious mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • the period of expectation of the child and breastfeeding;
  • the age of the child is up to three years;
  • allergic manifestations.

Application and beneficial properties of golden mustache juice

In order for celandine treatment to be beneficial, it is necessary to take into account the basic principles of treatment:

  • the beginning of the drug begins with small doses;
  • increase the amount of the drug should be very gradually;
  • stop using the drug should also be phased in, gradually reducing the dose;
  • you can not independently lengthen the courses of treatment, as this may adversely affect the state of health;
  • for a year it is impossible to take celandine more often than two courses;
  • if unpleasant and incomprehensible symptoms are felt, the drug should be discarded.

Drug treatment is not suitable for everyone. Some note allergies - skin rashes appear, in especially severe cases, a serious allergic manifestation occurs - Quincke's edema, allergic shock. Before starting treatment, you should check your home first aid kit for the presence of anti-allergy products.

How to harvest a plant

Celandine is an unpretentious plant that can be found everywhere.

In the shade of houses, near roads, behind garages, if celandine has penetrated into the ground, it will flood the entire area. Such availability of raw materials does not mean that it must be collected and prepared. The issue of environmental cleanliness should be approached very carefully. It is necessary to collect raw materials only away from roads, enterprises. Only the celandine that grew up in a safe area will benefit. You need to collect the plant at the beginning of its flowering: from mid-May. The collection continues all summer, the entire flowering period. A plant has useful all its parts, but the maximum amount of useful components is contained in the root. It is necessary to harvest the root system of celandine in the fall. The best months for this are September and October.

Gloves must be used when harvesting the plant. The plant is very fragile, when its integrity is violated, a large amount of bright yellow liquid is released, which leaves a mark on the skin. The bush breaks easily, so you do not need to use force. You should uproot the bush and gently shake off the ground, remove damaged leaves. The plant is washed with water and dries, after which processing can begin to prepare a drug.

What is useful chokeberry

How to prepare and store celandine

You can buy plant juice in a pharmacy or cook it yourself. It is undesirable to buy a solution from hands on the market, it is not known where the grass was collected, how it was prepared. It is best to make the medicine at home on your own in order to do everything according to technology. To get juice, you need to prepare a large amount of raw materials. Juice is made from stems, leaves, roots. Consider how to prepare celandine juice.

The components of the herb are crushed using a blender or meat grinder, the mixture resulting from grinding is removed in a cold place for three days. After standing for thirty-six hours, the mass is carefully squeezed out, the cake is disposed of, and the juice is kept for another two or three weeks. At this time, he wanders, from time to time the container with the solution is opened and the accumulated gases are released. After the lapse of time, when the fermentation stops, the juice is removed to a place protected from direct sunlight. To make the drug last longer, alcohol or vodka is added to the solution at the rate of two to one grass juice to vodka.

Preparation of celandine juice is a simple process, but you need to follow the rules:

  • to collect juice, the grass is collected at the beginning of flowering, at this stage the plant has more juice and useful components;
  • there are two known ways of preparing juice: from all parts of the plant - roots, leaves, stems, and only from the ground parts of the plant;
  • the collected raw materials are sorted and washed several times, after which they are dried;
  • the plant is crushed to a mushy state.

Freshly squeezed celandine juice has a short shelf life, so the drug must be fermented or preserved. Juice without preservatives is stored no more than six months. Juice concentrate - natural product with a small expiration date.

The use of celandine in the correction of dysfunctions

As already noted, celandine copes with large quantity diseases. Skin diseases cause a lot of problems to a person, it is not only unpleasant, but also aesthetically unattractive. Celandine helps to cope with many skin disorders:

  • fungus - external application to the affected area several times a day;
  • psoriasis - rub into the affected areas of the skin several times a day for a week;
  • acne - make masks from celandine;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin - cauterization with plant juice two to three times a day.

For diseases of the throat and oral cavity, rinses are used. Constipation is overcome by taking two milliliters of celandine juice with water and honey. It must be remembered that concentrated juice is not used orally. With hypertension and tuberculosis, the use of the drug gives a good result. It is noted that the plant is able to suppress the growth of cancer cells: in the initial stages of the disease it is able to overcome the disease, in the later stages it is a supportive course. Celandine is a natural pharmacy that helps to cope with a large number of diseases. It is necessary to remember the need to follow the recommendations on dosage and timing of administration, as well as consult a doctor before starting the use of the drug.

Celandine blooms at the time when swallows arrive from the warm regions, and with the departure of birds, the yellow flowers of the plant dry up. Even the ancients believed that swallows cured their children of blindness with celandine juice, which is where Latin name plants: Chelidonium, which means "swallow". The herb celandine has medicinal properties and contraindications. Recipes for the health and beauty of the skin based on celandine have been successfully used for thousands of years. We will talk about them today.


You can meet celandine in Russia almost everywhere (except, perhaps, the tundra), it is not for nothing that the people called it “Podtynnik”, since this grass, in fact, is what is called “fence grass”. It grows along fences, roads, in dumps, in forests, near rivers and swamps, in general, like a weed. Forms whole groups of plants, prefers rich and moist soils.

It's perennial herbaceous plant, reaches a height of 90 cm, has very beautiful leaves, they are pinnate, green above, and gray below. It is easy to recognize it: on a branched, up to a meter high stem, there are three- and five-fingered leaves, and at the top there are inconspicuous yellow four-petal flowers.

Blooms in May-June. The flowers are bright yellow and clustered in umbels. Celandine does not have nectaries, but the plant attracts insects due to abundant pollen. Cross-pollination occurs. Before rain, the celandine flower closes its petals to protect its pollen. As soon as the sun comes out, the petals open again. The fruit has the shape of a box, ripens in July-September.

Do not confuse celandine with buttercup "night blindness": the flowers, unlike the five-petal buttercup, are not glossy and do not shine, they are larger, and the celandine leaf is soft and pleasant to the touch, and if you break the stem, "milk" will appear. This "milk" instantly acquires an orange tint and is very poorly washed off the hands.

For juice in some areas, the name "golden grass" was assigned to the plant, however, not all that gold that grows near the fence: "witch's grass", "damn's milk" - this is also all about him! Since ancient times, both the benefits and harms of celandine have been known, and one can argue that there is more to it. However, people, as you know, will find a use for everything. Despite the toxicity, celandine is actively used in folk medicine and homeopathy.

Celandine: photo

When to Collect

Raw materials are harvested during flowering, in dry weather. Cut the grass without coarse parts of the stem, at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. Dry in attics or sheds with good ventilation, lay out in a thin layer. If spread in a thick layer, the grass rots and turns brown. Raw materials are stored in thick paper bags; they retain their medicinal properties for up to 3 years.

Chemical composition

The danger of celandine is in the isoquinoline alkaloids that are in the composition of the plant. Those that are classified as derivatives of benzophenanthridine, and are dangerous:

  • homochelidonin is a convulsive poison, but at the same time a strong local anesthetic;
  • chelidonin - an alkaloid similar in structure and effect to papaverine and morphine;
  • sanguinarine - an alkaloid that has a short narcotic effect and can provoke strychnine-like convulsions, stimulates the secretion of saliva and has an anesthetic effect;
  • protopine is an alkaloid that reduces the reaction of the autonomic nervous system and causing the tone of the uterine muscles;
  • chelerythrin, which has a local irritant effect.

In addition, there are essential oils, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, organic acids and bitterness, saponins, resins in the composition. Pronounced bactericidal properties are highly valued in medicine, but if handled carelessly can become poison! So, for example, celandine is very toxic for animals (except for sika deer): it causes deafness in pigs, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract in cattle.

Celandine: useful properties

Why is celandine still valued? What is the benefit of this herb?

As a raw material, celandine is harvested at the time of flowering, and then the dried grass is used to prepare an aqueous infusion, effective in diseases of the liver, gallbladder and some other diseases caused by pathogenic microflora.

Juice reduced warts and freckles, hence the name "warthog". And he was called a "seer" because of his use in eye diseases. There is also the name "yellow spurge" - because of the yellow milky juice. Interestingly, celandine was brought to America as a cure for warts.

The roots of the plant are used to treat certain diseases of the lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys.

Since ancient times, young children have been bathed in the infusion, it was considered a good remedy for scrofula and scabies. Traditional medicine used the herb in the treatment of skin tuberculosis, jaundice, for which the name "jaundice" was given.

Bulgarians widely use celandine juice to remove warts, as baths for metabolic disorders. In Germany, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for skin diseases. It is used in our homeopathy, is used in Tibetan medicine. Our medicine includes weed in herbs that treat diseases of the liver, gallbladder and gout.

The plant has a number of properties:

  • antipruritic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antimicrobial
  • wound healing.

Therefore, it is used in the treatment of skin diseases - psoriasis, itchy dermatosis. Compresses, baths, lotions, washings are prepared from infusions and decoctions. With weeping dermatosis, an ointment from celandine juice is effectively used.

Economic applications are also wide. So, in Ukraine, housewives used to steam dishes with celandine so that the milk would not sour in it for a long time. Insecticides are prepared from the grass powder, and veterinarians use the grass to treat wounds and skin diseases in animals. From the juice of the plant, fabric dyes and an anti-corrosion compound for metal processing are produced.

Who can help celandine? The benefits and harms of the plant must be adequately assessed before use! You can not use drugs based on it to treat children and those who have hypersensitivity to the components of these drugs and to the grass itself. Due to the properties of the effect on muscle muscles, treatment with celandine during pregnancy is excluded: the risk of abortion increases due to an increase in uterine tone!

Treatment of internal organs with the help of celandine should be discussed with the attending physician! And skin diseases can be treated independently with caution!

Celandine: use in traditional medicine

Herbs are an affordable medicine, which is why celandine treatment at home is widely used. Reviews about this "natural doctor" even doctors give positive, and celandine in various dosage forms can be found in pharmacies. Be careful! You can use the plant yourself only externally!

Celandine: treatment of skin diseases

Women, to a greater extent than men, are jealous of their appearance, therefore they often have complexes due to skin imperfections. But the celandine is not without reason named after a clean body. Correct use plants will help save the budget on visiting the cosmetologist's office.

Traditional medicine uses the herb for skin diseases internally and externally, for wounds, the treatment of scabies, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension and neuroses. Celandine powder from dried and crushed leaves is used to treat wounds and ulcers.

Papillomas celandine .

Papillomas on the skin indicate the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) in the body. It is almost impossible to get rid of this virus, it does not have a significant impact on the health of its carrier, but with outward manifestation HPV can be fought about it is written in detail. Here, celandine helps to remove papillomas very well. Many doubt whether it is possible to cauterize papillomas with celandine. The answer to this question can be given by the doctor after examining the problem area on the skin. It should be borne in mind that celandine can cause skin burns and irritation. The medicine can be prepared both independently and bought at a pharmacy (“Super Cleaner” is inexpensive, but very effective).

Wart cleanser. As in the case of papillomas, it is worth removing warts only after consulting a doctor, since in some cases an independent removal can be harmful: a wart can degenerate into a cancerous growth on the skin! Is in great demand pharmacy celandine from warts, instructions for use helps to get rid of these skin troubles quickly and without complications.

"Homemade" celandine from warts (reviews are good for papillomas as well) is prepared as follows: celandine juice is mixed with petroleum jelly in proportions of 1: 4. You can cauterize warts and pure plant juice. You need to lubricate the wart daily until it is completely dry (on average - two weeks). At the same time, the skin around the skin neoplasm is protected with a greasy cream, and celandine is carefully applied only to the “head” of the wart.

Toenail fungus celandine- fresh juice of the plant should be lubricated toenails. Remove the edge of the nail plate gradually, after making a bath with soda. It will take a long time to lubricate, until new nails grow. The disadvantage of this method is black nails, they grow slowly. We'll have to be patient until healthy ones grow up.

Baths. This method of application gives a good result for such problems as:

  • inflammation of the skin, accompanied by itching;
  • lichen;
  • eczema;
  • skin mycosis, etc.

To prepare baths, pour 3-5 tablespoons of raw materials (roots or grass, but the concentration of nutrients is higher in the roots) with a liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and infuse for about 8 hours. Then the decoction is added to a large bath for extensive skin lesions or to a container for foot or hand baths.

Acne cleanser on the face

Clean skin with celandine is easy if you are worried about acne or periodically erupting acne before “critical” days. You will need pre-prepared or fresh celandine juice, which needs to be abundantly moistened with a gauze napkin. It is applied for several minutes to areas of skin abundantly covered with acne, then washed off. warm water. As a preventive measure, you can use celandine decoction for washing (a teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of water) or wipe the skin with ice cubes from celandine infusion.

Celandine oil from nail fungus

The antifungal properties of celandine make the plant a good medicine at an early stage in the development of mycosis of the nail plates.

Before applying the oil, the toes (or hands) should be steamed in water with soda, remove dead skin around the nail manicure tools. Then moisten a cotton swab in celandine oil and lubricate the nail. Repeat the procedure twice a day until complete recovery.

Celandine from cancer

Celandine alkaloids are used to make preparations for the treatment of oncological diseases. Thus, celandine is used against cancer. For external use (skin cancer), celandine oil is taken, and for internal use, mainly alcohol tincture. This is explained by the fact that it is drawn into alcohol the largest number alkaloids that kill cancer cells. Naturally, patients clutch at every method of treatment, but doctors have not yet recognized celandine as a panacea for oncology.

Treatment of gallbladder polyps with celandine

Polyps grow everywhere - in the nose, intestines, stomach, gallbladder. And the trend is that the more often they are removed, the faster they grow back. There is no guarantee that polyps will not grow back. Unfortunately, official medicine does not offer any conservative methods of treatment, except for the use of hormonal drugs.

In folk medicine, there is a method for treating polyps with celandine. The plant is used either for washing and rinsing, or for taking in the form of an infusion inside. The dosage, in view of toxicity, is taken less than that of conventional herbs. A non-hazardous dose is 1 teaspoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water for brewing. The maximum intake is 1 glass of infusion per day. Outwardly, for example, with polyps in the intestines, enemas can be done with this infusion (for 2 weeks, 2 times a day), with polyps in the nose, 3-4 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day.

Grass celandine: medicinal properties and contraindications. Recipes

What does not heal celandine! Useful properties and contraindications drugs based on it are taken into account by pharmacologists when developing drugs industrial production. However, when this "miracle doctor" is growing right under your feet, why pay? You can prepare your own drugs that are identical to the pharmacy.

Celandine juice - medicinal properties and contraindications: recipes

If you intend to buy celandine juice at a pharmacy, the price may surprise you: for a small bottle you will have to pay from several hundred rubles! But it is quite possible to prepare this drug yourself.

The stems and leaves of the herb are crushed in a blender or meat grinder and squeezed through cheesecloth. It is better to store the juice in a dark-glass container; for longer storage, it is better to preserve the juice with alcohol: dilute it with alcohol in a ratio of 5:1.

Basically, celandine juice has found application in external methods of treatment: from papillomas, warts, acne, etc. It is also used for toothache: a cotton swab dipped in juice is applied to a diseased tooth. It is worth being prepared - the taste in the mouth will not be the most pleasant!

Wounds and scratches are quickly and easily healed with the juice of a fresh plant. The application is the simplest - break the grass stalk, lubricate the wounded area with the resulting juice.

Taking drugs from celandine has contraindications:

  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding period,
  • epilepsy, mental disorders,
  • low blood pressure,
  • indigestion.

Indigestion can manifest itself in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, this is due to the fact that the mucous membrane breaks out and becomes inflamed. gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for use may be serious diseases of the cardiac system. Caution should be exercised in bronchial asthma. An overdose can even be accompanied by loss of consciousness and hallucinations.

The plant contains more than 20 toxic substances, which is why it is able to kill many pathogenic bacteria, harmful microorganisms. Remember, when using a plant, about contraindications, do not exceed the dosage, this can cause unwanted side effects.

Tincture of celandine on alcohol: application

Another popular dosage form is celandine tincture. What helps the alcohol infusion of the plant?

This dosage form is effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcerative processes, colitis, enteritis, liver diseases, skin ailments (corns, warts and spines), as well as periodontal disease, asthma, tuberculosis. In addition, alcohol tincture is widely known in the treatment of oncological tumors.

All questions about the internal use of celandine should be discussed with the doctor! The drug is not only a medicine, in inept hands it is a poison!

Is it necessary to have celandine tincture at home? Buy at a pharmacy - the price "bites"! It is quite simple to prepare it at home: in a container, for example, a half-liter jar, dry celandine is placed at 1/2 the height of the dish and filled with alcohol to the top. Leave to insist in a dark, but not cold (room temperature) place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then filter and dilute the concentrate with alcohol 1:1.

Celandine tincture on vodka: recipe and application

Vodka infusion of celandine in its effect is close to alcohol, but less concentrated. Prepared similarly to the previous recipe. Vodka tincture of celandine (instructions for use inside are not given intentionally) is very effective for pain in the joints in the form of compresses. Unlike alcohol, vodka tincture is less aggressive to the skin, and the risk of burns and irritation is reduced to nothing.

Kvass Bolotova on celandine: recipe

Another strong recipe from many ailments - this is Bolotov's kvass on celandine. Reviews of doctors about Bolotov's methods are ambiguous, but there are many adherents of such treatment. It is estimated that in just 3 weeks regular intake(no more than half a cup before meals three times a day) the intestinal and stomach mucosa is completely restored, cured genitourinary system, and output heavy metals from the body.

Kvass is prepared as follows: for 3 liters of milk (preferably homemade) whey, a glass of granulated sugar and 100 g of celandine grass are required. The grass is placed in a canvas bag, where a weight is inserted so that it does not float in the serum. The infusion of kvass lasts 2 weeks, if a precipitate occurs, the kvass must be carefully drained from the sediment. Ready kvass on celandine will be foamy, the foam must be drained.

After pouring a liter of kvass from a jar, it can be used as a starter for re-infusion, bringing to the initial volume with fresh whey and half a glass of sugar. So top up really up to 3 times, after the leaven "becomes obsolete" - it's time to put a new one.

Celandine oil: properties and uses

How well celandine oil helps with nail fungus, the reviews of those who got rid of this scourge speak eloquently. Can you make butter at home? Yes! The fresh top of the plant and the upper leaves are cut off, dried and poured with unrefined vegetable oil: olive, linseed, at worst - sunflower. The oil must be warm. Oils need a finger and a half above raw materials. Everything is infused in a dark place and in a tightly closed container, after that it is filtered, squeezed and stored in a dry and dark place.

In the purchased pharmacy oil of celandine, instructions for use are attached. And if the oil is homemade? It is applied like this:

  • with warts and papillomas in its pure form to lubricate the growth;
  • for acne and pimples - added to baby cream(per teaspoon - 3 drops);
  • for diseases of a gynecological nature, a cotton swab is moistened with oil and inserted into the vagina for an hour or two (only on the recommendation of a doctor!);
  • for the treatment of nail mycosis: lubrication of the nail with oil or applications from a gauze napkin soaked in oil for 2-3 hours.

Celandine decoction: oral use

The broth on celandine is not so toxic: at high temperatures, toxic substances are partially destroyed. A decoction is prepared according to the recipe: 5 g of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, all this is aged on low heat for about 10 minutes. Then it is infused for about an hour, filtered and brought to the original volume with boiling water. You need to take it carefully, starting spoons at a time and observing the reaction of the body. In the future, the regimen is as follows: 2-3 tablespoons twice a day, twice a day.

The decoction helps with:

  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • polyps in the gallbladder;
  • pancreatitis;
  • skin tuberculosis,
  • lichen, etc.

Here he is, celandine! An inconspicuous and annoying weed that saves from many ailments, restoring purity to the body and health to the body. An interesting excursion to the Altai Mountains, beautiful nature, useful plants.

Celandine (other names: warthog, chistukha, swallow grass, yellow milkweed, glechkopar, chistotel, melon) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a short vertical rhizome, which turns into a thick, branched adventitious root. Celandine belongs to the poppy family (Papaveraceae). Its height can reach 120 cm, although it usually ranges from 30 to 100 cm.

The celandine stem is branched, ribbed, hollow, with sparse hairs. The leaves are green above, and bluish or bluish below, soft. The basal and lower stem leaves are larger, on long petioles, the upper ones are sessile, with fewer lobes. Celandine leaves have a different shape depending on the place of its growth.

Celandine flowers are golden yellow, consist of four ovoid petals. They have one pistil and several stamens; the calyx consists of two yellow-green sepals. They are collected in slightly loose umbrellas, 3-8 flowers each. It blooms from May to July, and in the southern regions half a month earlier. The fruits ripen from June. When mowing, secondary flowering is observed in July - August.

The fruit is a pod-like capsule that opens with two flaps from the base to the top. Seeds are black, numerous, shiny, with a comb-like appendage. Celandine bears fruit several times during the summer. After the seeds are dropped, fresh bright leaves appear on the celandine.

Celandine grows wild on greater territory European Russia, also found in Siberia and somewhere in the Far East. Grows in forests (deciduous, beech, hornbeam, spruce-fir, deciduous-birch), in bushes, on rocks and screes, along roads. In the steppe area it is found in river valleys. It often grows on clearings and burnt areas, on pastures. Often it can be found in gardens and orchards. The plant loves lowlands, well-moistened places. As a rule, celandine grows in small bushes, in nature it almost does not form dense thickets.

The chemical composition of celandine

All parts of the celandine contain alkaloids, the amount of which in the grass can reach 2%, and in the roots - 4%. The composition of alkaloids includes chelidonin C20H19O5N, homochelidonine C21H2305N, methoxychelidonine C21H21O6N, oxychelidonine C20H17O6N, sanguinarine C20H15O5N, chelerythrine C21H1905N and others. There are fewer alkaloids in a young plant than in an old one, so young leaves and roots, as well as the juice extracted from them, have a milder effect on the body. The herb also contains: essential oil, vitamin C (up to 171 mg%) and vitamin A (up to 14.9 mg%), organic acids (malic, chelidonic, citric and succinic), flavonoids and saponins; in seeds - up to 40 - 68% fatty oil, as well as lipase. Found in celandine leaves important trace elements: zinc, molybdenum, selenium, copper, barium, bromine, silver.

On pastures, celandine is not eaten by cattle, as it causes poisoning, severe inflammation stomach and intestines. It is harmless only for sika deer.


As a result of the study of celandine alkaloids, it was found that they have the highest pharmacological activity compared to the alkaloids of other plants. Celandine has the following properties: antibacterial, antiviral, soothing, cleansing, antispasmodic, analgesic. Some celandine alkaloids cause a person to feel oppression and paralysis of the central nervous system, others act as a convulsive poison, others increase the secretion of the salivary glands and affect bowel function.

Protopin reduces the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system, increases the tone of smooth muscles.
Heleritin has a local irritating effect.
Chelidonin has an analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic and hypotensive effect on the human body.
Sanguinarine has a narcotic effect, improves neuromuscular conduction, stimulates intestinal peristalsis and saliva secretion.
A mixture of sanguinarine and cheleritin has wound healing and antimicrobial properties.
Homochelidonin is a convulsive poison, an anesthetic that exhibits local anesthetic activity.
Celandine affects the secretion of bile and its release into the intestines, enhances intestinal motility and saliva secretion, reduces the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system, and tones the smooth muscles of the uterus.
The milky juice of celandine has the ability to reduce warts.
Celandine retards the growth of malignant tumors, has a fungistatic and bacteriostatic effect against tubercle bacillus.
The property of celandine is also its ability to slow down the pulse and lower blood pressure.

Harvesting, drying and storage

Harvested celandine during the flowering period, preferably at its beginning. Grass should be harvested in dry weather. It is best to collect celandine during the growing moon: during this period, any plant is gaining maximum strength. The best time is early morning when nature wakes up. Cut the plant to the very root.

It must be remembered that celandine is a poisonous plant, so safety measures must be observed during its collection. Wear gloves on your hands and cover your face with damp gauze bandage. Make sure that the juice does not get into your eyes, and it is best to use goggles.

When delivering celandine to the place of drying, in no case do not compact it. After the grass is harvested, it should immediately be placed in the dryer. Celandine is dried in attics under an iron roof, under sheds in any well-ventilated room, which does not get direct rays of light, or in dryers at a temperature of 50 - 60 ° C. The grass is laid out on the floor in a thin layer. In the process of drying, it must be periodically shifted and stirred.

It is best if you tie celandine in bunches (several stems in each, but no more than 10) and hang. With such drying, the air will affect the plant from all sides, and drying will be more efficient and faster. The raw material is considered dry if the stems break when bent, and do not bend.

Dried celandine grass is odorless, its taste is sharp and bitter. It retains its medicinal properties for 3 years. It is recommended to store raw materials in boxes or paper bags, in a dry, cool and well-ventilated area.

The rhizome is harvested in autumn, dug up, washed in cold water. Peeled and washed roots are tied loosely and hung in the corridor, in the pantry or in the attic. After drying, the roots become dark brown, almost black, yellowish or pinkish-brown at the break. In no case should you keep celandine in a damp and unventilated area, such as a basement.

Celandine juice

Celandine secretes a thick orange-yellow juice, darker than the flowers. Most of the juice is found in the roots. It has a specific smell, very bitter taste. Juice is one of the most effective means obtained from celandine, all the power of this miraculous plant is concentrated in it.

To prepare juice, you need to choose healthy young plants, dig them out along with the roots, which are thoroughly cleaned and washed. Stems, leaves, flowers and roots of celandine cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Then squeeze the resulting mass through gauze and pour the resulting liquid into bottles or jars with screw caps, which should be placed in a cold place, but not in the refrigerator. After 4-5 days, the juice will begin to ferment, so you need to periodically open the lid and release gas, then close it again tightly. After 2 - 3 weeks, fermentation will end. Ready juice should be stored in a cool place in tightly closed bottles. He will not lose his healing qualities within 2 - 3 years.

The second way to get juice from celandine: you need to carefully cut the stems of grass 12–15 cm long along with the flowers, then pass them through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice, as in the first method. Then you should add alcohol or vodka based on 1 liter of juice 500 grams of vodka or 250 grams of alcohol.

Celandine juice is poisonous and any use of it is possible only after consulting a doctor. An overdose can lead to serious health consequences.


In Russian folk medicine, celandine is very popular, which is why it is often called "Russian ginseng". He has an amazing ability to find and act on the root of the disease.

Preparation of an aqueous infusion of celandine: take the amount of herb prescribed by the recipe, pour boiling water over it and heat it in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain. Before straining, you need to let the remedy brew. It is quite possible to refuse a steam bath and insist celandine in a thermos.

Preparation of infusion of celandine on vodka. Take grass (fresh or dried), fill it with half a half-liter bottle or jar and pour vodka. Let stand for two weeks. After that, dilute the resulting tincture at the rate of 150 ml of tincture per 350 ml of pure vodka. Take three times a day before meals. The tincture is very strong, so if you need to take it by mouth, start with the smallest dose (5 - 10 drops), gradually increasing it every week by 10 drops.

The water infusion of celandine is much weaker, but it has an important advantage: it is less dangerous than alcohol. So in the vast majority of cases, in order to avoid poisoning, you should definitely use an aqueous infusion. And the use of alcohol infusion of celandine is justified only in cases where possible harm less than the benefit it can bring.


The decoction is prepared as follows: the raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, poured with cold water, gradually brought to a boil over low heat and kept on fire for a while. Next, cool the decoction of celandine and strain, squeezing the grass well. The duration of boiling, as well as the proportions of water and raw materials, depend on the specific case.

Celandine oil

Grind dry celandine herb, place it in a glass dish and pour oil (so that the oil level is 2-3 cm higher than the grass level). It is best to use peach or apricot oil, but ordinary vegetable oil is also possible, but only it needs to be heated for 1-2 hours in a water bath before use.

Place the herbal oil first for 30-60 minutes in a warm place, and then transfer to a cool dark place and keep for a week, while periodically shaking the preparation. After 7 days, when it is ready, strain it through cheesecloth, add pure oil (1:1 ratio) and store in a dark glass container.

Ointment with celandine

To obtain an ointment, it is better to use either celandine juice or dried grass, which is previously very well ground (for example, in a coffee grinder). The proportions in which the components are mixed depend on the specific case, the specific disease. However, the usual ratios are 1 part chopped herb and 2 parts base mass. Fresh celandine juice is mixed with the base in a ratio of 1:4. As a basis, you can take: petroleum jelly, lanolin, ghee, pork or mutton fat. You can also use an ordinary baby cream. To prevent the ointment from molding, carbolic acid (0.25%) is added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed and heated. When the ointment has cooled, it is ready. She needs to lubricate problem areas. Keep the ointment in the refrigerator.

celandine treatment

Celandine is a well-known medicinal plant, which is a component of many pharmaceutical preparations, and is also actively used in traditional medicine at home. The plant is poisonous, but correct application and compliance with dosages has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Treatment of adenoids. Prepare an infusion of celandine at the rate of: one tablespoon per glass of boiling water. Drip should be 3, 5, 7 drops (than younger child, the fewer drops). Drip twice a day, and each time three times with five-minute breaks.

In severe cases, when the adenoids clog the nose completely, it is necessary to drip into the nose twice a day (in the supine position) celandine juice. If the child is less than 5 years old, then you should limit yourself to 2 drops in each nostril, an older child can drip from 3 to 5 drops. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. After a 2 - 3-week break, repeat the course. The burning sensation that occurs when instilled, as a rule, passes quickly.

The above methods of treatment can be used independently, but it is advisable to use them in combination with the treatment prescribed by a doctor.

warts are treated by burning them with celandine juice. For a faster healing, it is sometimes recommended to carefully scrape off the dead part, doing so until the base of the wart is reached. Additionally, it is recommended to take inside the collection of the following composition: nettle leaf - 3 parts, large plantain leaf - 2 parts, celandine grass - 2 parts, dandelion roots - 2 parts, horsetail grass - 1 part. Pour a glass of boiling water over one tablespoon of the collection, leave for 2 hours. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

With psoriasis traditional medicine advises 2 times a day to lubricate the affected skin with celandine juice for one and a half to two weeks. You can also use an ointment based on celandine.
If large areas of the skin are affected, it is advisable to take baths with a decoction of celandine. The decoction is prepared from 5 tablespoons of herbs in 3 liters of cold water. Raw materials are poured with water, brought to a boil, and then kept on low heat for 20 minutes. When the broth is ready, it is allowed to brew for about two hours and filtered. The bath should be taken for 15 - 20 minutes once daily for 12 days.
To prepare the infusion, you can also use the roots of celandine. To do this, grind 100 grams fresh roots, pour them with water (12 l) and let it brew for 2 hours, then put on fire and boil for 30 minutes. Strain and pour into a bath of water at body temperature. The course of treatment is 12 days.
With psoriasis, external treatment can be combined with the ingestion of celandine tincture. Tincture is drunk 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers with celandine.

Recipe number 1. Prepare an infusion from the calculation: one tablespoon of celandine per glass of water, take 100 ml 2-3 times a day before meals. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery.
Recipe number 2. Tincture of celandine juice on 96% alcohol is taken 1 teaspoon before meals.
Recipe number 3. Prepare a tincture of celandine at the rate of: pour a teaspoon of dry herb celandine into 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, take this tincture in a warm state, 130 ml 40 minutes before meals for 21 days.

Treatment of celandine polyps in the rectum.

Recipe number 1. Take 4 tablespoons of fresh chopped herbs of flowering celandine. Insist for a day in 0.5 liters of cold boiled water. For a therapeutic enema, an Esmarch mug is needed, the procedure is carried out very slowly. To achieve a positive result, make at least 20 therapeutic enemas. Before a therapeutic enema, a cleansing enema must be performed 2 hours in advance.
Recipe number 2. Very effective micro enemas from 5 - 7 drops of celandine juice, diluted in 50 - 60 ml of water.

Treatment of prostate adenoma. Mix celandine juice and vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Start with one drop per day, increasing by one daily until you reach 30 drops. Then the number of drops is reduced daily according to the same scheme. After the end of the course, you need to take a break for 10 - 12 days and repeat the reception. Treatment is carried out once a year.

Treatment of pancreatitis. For treatment, you can use a decoction prepared in the following way. Mix and grind in equal volumes: anise (fruit), celandine (grass), St. John's wort (grass), tricolor violet, highlander (grass), corn stigmas, dandelion (root). Seven tablespoons of the mixture pour 500 ml of water and boil. Cool the broth and take daily 1 cup 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

Cirrhosis of the liver. Take celandine juice three times a day in small portions before meals. To avoid complications, start with one drop and gradually increase the volume to one teaspoon. You need to drink until you get a positive effect.

Treatment of kidney diseases. Mix and grind: heather (flowers) - 2 tablespoons; meadowsweet (herb) - 2 tablespoons; pine (buds) - 3 tablespoons; blueberries (leaves) - 4 tablespoons; celandine (grass) - 4 tablespoons; shepherd's purse (grass) - 4 tablespoons; horsetail (grass) - 4 tablespoons. Pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Infusion take 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day after meals for 5-6 weeks.

Celandine has proven itself as a tool that kills cancer cells. In addition, celandine has a noticeable analgesic effect when taken orally. In the treatment of cancer, it is advisable to use both water and alcohol infusion of celandine, that is, use them in combination, since in this case the patient receives the entire range of positive effects that celandine can have. But you should start with a water tincture, which is less dangerous for the body.

It should be borne in mind that the plant is poisonous, so all preparations containing celandine should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control.


Celandine is not recommended to be taken internally for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women, since the plant has a high content of alkaloids, which can cause irreparable harm to a young, not yet strong organism.
Persons suffering from bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, epilepsy, celandine is contraindicated.
When taking celandine inside, constipation, as well as dysbacteriosis, may occur. The reason is a violation of the intestinal microflora.
The ingress of milky juice on damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes can lead to tissue irritation.
In case of individual intolerance, in no case should you take any preparations containing more than 15% celandine.
Use inside the juice, decoction or infusion of celandine exclusively as prescribed by doctors and under their supervision and control.

Celandine, collection, application. Celandine treatment.

Celandine is a perennial plant belonging to the poppy family (Papaveraceae). The height of this plant can reach 120 cm, although usually its height varies between 30 and 100 cm.

The celandine stem is branched, ribbed, hollow, with sparse hairs. Celandine leaves are green above, and bluish or bluish below, soft. The upper leaves are somewhat reminiscent of a lyre in shape. The lower leaves are pinnate, located on petioles. Celandine leaves have a different shape depending on the place of its growth. So, in the west of the country they are sharp, in Siberia they are elongated. It was once believed that different types one plant, but now they are considered a modified large celandine. The flowers of the plant are yellow, consist of four ovoid petals. They have one pistil and several stamens; the calyx consists of two yellow-green sepals. They are collected in slightly loose umbrellas, 3 to 8 flowers each. Celandine blooms from May to August-September, dies with the end of Indian summer.

The fruits have the shape of a pod, which, opening, is divided into two wings. When opening the pod, a rather loud crack is heard. Usually, by the appearance of the plant, it is not difficult to determine that the fruiting period has come: at this time, the celandine grass coarsens and loses its brightness. Celandine bears fruit several times during the summer. After the seeds are dropped, fresh bright leaves appear on the celandine.

The roots of celandine are taprooted, short. In thickness sometimes reach a human finger. The roots are the most dangerous part of the celandine. Therefore, although many advise using them in treatment, it is better to refuse their use. This is the most poisonous part of the plant, the content of the most toxic alkaloid substances in the roots is 20 times higher than in the stems and leaves, that is, about 40%. To reduce the risk of poisoning, use the roots together with other parts, never alone.

Celandine exudes a thick orange-yellow sap that is darker than the flowers and is the easiest way to tell it apart from other plants. Most of the juice is found in the roots. The juice has a specific smell, very bitter taste. When the grass is dried, this color disappears, which is explained by the instability of the coloring matter. However, celandine juice can be used as a dye when dyeing fabrics, such as wool (for this it was used together with alum).

Unlike grass, which should be collected only during flowering, celandine juice can be used throughout the entire time when it grows.

The broth is prepared as follows: the raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, poured with cold water, brought to a boil over low heat and kept on fire for a while. The duration of this, as well as the proportions of water and raw materials, depend on the specific case. The broth should be filtered, squeezing the grass well. A decoction of celandine grass has a bactericidal, sedative, choleretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, anesthetic effect. It can be used for peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, spasms of the pylorus of the duodenum, digestive tract and gallbladder, with renal-intestinal colic, with diseases Bladder.

Juice is one of the most effective remedies obtained from celandine, because it contains all the power of a miraculous plant. During the flowering period of celandine, collect leaves and stems (you can also roots) and pass them through a meat grinder. Place in a glass container and refrigerate for several days (this is necessary for the celandine to release the juice). Usually three days is enough. Then squeeze the herb through cheesecloth. From a bucket of grass, 1 1.5 liters of juice is obtained. Some time after making the juice, it begins to ferment, so do not forget to let the air out of the container. After 2-3 weeks, fermentation will end. The juice prepared in this way can be stored for several years in the refrigerator.

Celandine oil

Celandine oil is a drug that is used mainly for external use. Take a dry herb, chop it, place it in a glass dish and fill it with oil (so that the oil level is 2-3 cm higher than the grass level). It is advisable to use peach or apricot oil, but ordinary vegetable oil is also suitable. That's just vegetable oil before use, you need to heat in a water bath for 1 2 hours. Place the herb oil in a warm place for 30 to 60 minutes, and then transfer to a cool, dark place and soak for a week. Do not forget to shake the drug periodically. After 7 days, when it is ready, strain it through cheesecloth, add pure oil (1:1 ratio) and store it in a dark glass container.

Infusion of celandine

Preparation of infusion of celandine. Celandine is used in the form of an infusion because of its bactericidal action and the ability to retard the growth of certain fungi and even malignant tumors. This is primarily due to the fact that celandine contains a large amount of alkaloids.

The infusion can be water and alcohol.

An aqueous infusion of celandine is best prepared as follows: take the amount of herb prescribed by the recipe, pour boiling water over it and heat it in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then cool well, strain. Before straining, it would be nice to let the remedy brew. It is quite possible to refuse a steam bath, simple boiling water is enough. But in this case it is desirable to increase the infusion time. It is good to insist celandine in a thermos. An infusion of celandine can also be prepared with vodka. To do this, take the grass (fresh or dried), fill it with half a half-liter bottle or jar and fill it with vodka. Let it brew for two weeks. After that, the resulting tincture must be diluted at the rate of 150 ml of tincture per 350 ml of pure vodka. Take three times a day before meals. Remember that the tincture is very strong, and therefore if you need to take it orally, start with the smallest dose (5-10 drops), gradually increasing it every week by 10 drops. The difference between water infusion and alcohol is that water is much weaker. The main reason is that water dissolves only alkaloid salts, which are found in abundance in celandine, and alcohol dissolves the alkaloids themselves. Hence, alcohol solution will be much stronger and more efficient. However, the water infusion has one and extremely important advantage: it is less dangerous than the alcohol infusion. So in the vast majority of cases, in order to avoid poisoning, the use of an aqueous infusion should be unambiguously recommended. And the use of alcohol infusion of celandine is justified only in cases where the possible harm is less than the benefits it can bring. Even with cancer, when a person is ready to use any means and, due to the criticality of the situation, it would seem that God himself ordered the use of alcohol infusion, it would be useful to think about the general exhaustion of the body, for which any blow is dangerous.

Ointment with celandine

Ointment with celandine is prepared on petroleum jelly, lanolin, pork or lamb fat. You can also use an ordinary baby cream as a base. To obtain an ointment, it is better to use either celandine juice or dried grass, which is pre-ground very well (it is advisable to use a coffee grinder). The proportions in which the components are mixed depend on the specific case, the specific disease. However, the usual ratios are 1 part chopped herb and 2 parts base mass. Fresh juice is mixed with the base in a ratio of 1:4. To prevent the ointment from molding, carbolic acid (0.25%) is added to it.

Useful properties and application of celandine

Celandine is used to treat a wide variety of skin diseases, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, nasopharynx and oral cavity, kidneys and urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, biliary tract, cancer, allergies, and blood pressure. There is evidence of very good use of celandine in complex treatment oncological diseases.

If you decide to take advantage of the forces concentrated in the miraculous celandine, remember that treatment is more effective when combined with a wide variety of remedies that both traditional and alternative medicine give us. How more serious disease, the greater the need for the control of a good, attentive and professional doctor who will not only prescribe you medicines, but also give advice on how best to use celandine. And the more serious the disease, the more important it is to use in a balanced way all the possibilities that nature opens up for us.

Celandine contains alkaloids (chelidonin, sanguinarine, etc.), rich in carotene (vitamin A), ascorbic acid(vitamin C), contains flavonoids, saponins, bitterness, resinous substances, organic acids malic, citric, succinic. Chelidonin contained in celandine, in its action resembles morphine, it is a very strong local anesthetic. In animals, it first causes depression and then paralysis of the nervous system. Its overdose leads to very severe convulsions. Sanguinarine has a similar effect. In addition, it stimulates intestinal activity, increases salivation, and is able to have a local anesthetic effect.

Folk recipes with celandine

Celandine in gynecology

For the treatment of thrush and colpitis, an infusion of celandine from one tablespoon and a glass of boiling water is used. A glass should be drunk in three divided doses, drunk in 1 day. For douching and baths, prepare an infusion of 30 g of celandine per 3 liters of boiling water. In addition, it is recommended to use the collection: calendula flowers 2 parts, celandine flowers 1 part. The mixture is poured with boiling water at the rate of: one and a half tablespoons per 2 liters of liquid, infused for 20 minutes, filtered and cooled. The infusion is used for douching and sitz baths.

With menopause, an infusion prepared from the collection is taken: celandine herbs 1 part, goose cinquefoil herbs 1 part, yarrow herbs 2 parts, chamomile flowers 2 parts. Prepare an infusion at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa), resulting from infection, is treated with celandine infusion, which is prepared from 1 tablespoon of herbs and a glass of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, and then filtered. The infusion should be drunk 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 1.5 weeks, a single dose of 0.25 cups. However, it must be remembered that the treatment of endometritis requires the supervision of a physician, since there is a risk of the lesion spreading to the muscular layer of the uterus.

Cervical erosion is treated with baths with infusion of celandine. The infusion is prepared as follows: take 1.5 tablespoons of grass, pour it with 3 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 2-3 hours, then filter. Baths should be taken daily for 10 days; the duration of the procedure is 15 20 minutes.

Celandine in dermatology

From warts

Warts have long been treated by burning them with celandine juice. For a faster healing, it is sometimes recommended to carefully scrape off the dead part, doing so until the base of the wart is reached. Cauterization with celandine juice is used in the treatment of candilomas, papillomas (including the larynx).

From seborrhea

Seborrhea is recommended to be treated with infusion of celandine. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of grass, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. After that, the infusion is filtered and rubbed into hairy part heads. After that, the head should be tied with a cotton cloth and covered with polyethylene (or put on a rubber cap). After 15-20 minutes, the hair is washed with regular shampoo. With dry seborrhea, it is enough to use this remedy once a week, with oily seborrhea 5-7 times.

With herpes

Herpes is treated with celandine juice. The main thing here is to start treatment at the very first signs of the disease, that is, with tingling and tingling in the lip area. The place where the burning sensation is felt is smeared with juice, ointment or alcohol tincture based on celandine. After some time, the procedure is repeated. In the first stages of the disease, as well as during its course, it is recommended to use a mixture that is prepared from 1 teaspoon of celandine, 2 teaspoons of calendula oil and 2 drops eucalyptus oil. Apply this mixture to the affected area 3 times a day.

For fungal skin diseases

Fungal diseases of the skin are recommended to be treated with celandine juice. To do this, the affected area is smeared with juice, then, when the juice is absorbed and dries, the procedure is repeated. You need to do this 3 4 times. As a rule, the juice is absorbed within 5 minutes. For the same purposes, an ointment is used, which is applied at night for 5-10 days. You can also prepare a mixture: 5 drops of celandine juice, 2 drops of calendula tincture, 2 drops of oregano juice, 3-4 tablespoons of boiled water. The affected area should be lubricated with this mixture 2-3 times a day. Finally, well-established and foot baths from the infusion of celandine, which is prepared from 100 grams of grass and 4 cups of boiling water. The grass is poured with boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes and filtered. Before the procedure, the infusion is diluted with warm water (in a ratio of 1: 1). The duration of the procedure is 15 25 minutes. For greater effect, use a tincture of celandine on vodka, which is prepared from 1 part of the herb and 2 parts of the liquid. Infuse it for 12 days and take 10-20 drops per day for a week. Fungal diseases of the nails are treated similarly to skin diseases.

With dermatitis

Dermatitis is a skin disease that usually develops when an irritating substance comes into contact with the skin. Signs of this disease are redness, itching, swelling, blisters that burst and bleed. A decoction of celandine is used to reduce itching. To do this, take gauze, moisten it with a decoction and apply on the affected area for 10 minutes. For greater effect, an infusion or decoction of celandine is mixed with honey (based on: 3 tablespoons per 100 g of honey). Finally, celandine juice can also be used for the same purposes. However, it is not recommended to use it in its pure form, so it is diluted before the procedure. boiled water(For 1 part of juice take 2 parts of water). Celandine juice helps to get rid of age spots. For this, the spots are smeared with it twice a day for one to two weeks. For the same purposes, you can use the tincture of celandine on vodka, which is prepared at the rate of: 1 part of the herb to 5 parts of vodka. In this case, on dark spots compresses are applied for 10 days. The duration of one procedure is 15-20 minutes. Remember that age spots can be a manifestation of a variety of, and sometimes very serious pathological processes in the body: ovarian dysfunction, diseases of the liver and adrenal glands. Therefore, to get rid of them, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

With psoriasis

At the first signs of the disease, traditional medicine advises using celandine juice, which is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day for one and a half to two weeks. For the same purposes, you can use an ointment based on celandine.

When large areas of the skin are affected, it is advisable to use a decoction.

A decoction of celandine is also used in the form of baths (they are most suitable for abundant skin lesions). For such baths, a decoction is prepared from 5 tablespoons per 3 liters of cold water. Raw materials are poured with water, brought to a boil, and then kept on low heat for 20 minutes. When the broth is ready, it is allowed to brew for about two hours and filtered. Bath should be taken 15-20 minutes 1 time daily for 12 days. To prepare the infusion, you can use not the grass, but the roots. It is necessary to grind 100 g of fresh roots, pour them with water (12 l) and let it brew for 2 hours, then put on fire and boil for 30 minutes. Strain and pour into a bath of water at body temperature. The course of treatment is 12 days. In psoriasis, external treatment can also be combined with the ingestion of celandine tincture. Tincture is drunk 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is 10-12 days.

For eczema

Acute eczema is recommended to be treated with trays of thick infusion of celandine (10 g per 100 ml of water). Baths are used daily for 15 minutes. The infusion should be pre-cooled to body temperature, that is, up to 35-40 ° C. With eczema, as well as with lichen, fungus, it is good to use celandine juice in combination with drinking infusion. Use an infusion of normal concentration (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water) 2 3 times a day and lubricate the affected area with juice in the same way as in the case of a burn.

Hair celandine

From dandruff

Treat by rubbing into the scalp infusion of celandine, prepared in the usual proportion (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water).

Facial celandine

For acne, against acne

Pimples and acne can be treated with an aqueous tincture of celandine, which is prepared at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of dry grass per 1.5 cups of water, then boiled for 5 minutes, insisted for 6 hours and filtered. For treatment, lotions are made 15 minutes before bedtime. As a rule, the result is noticeable after 5 days. Sometimes it is recommended to lubricate the face with celandine juice, and then (after 15-20 minutes) wash it off. This method can cause an increase in the number of acne. However, after the second or third time, they will definitely pass.

Celandine for influenza, diseases of the nasopharynx


In the complex treatment of adenoids (that is, in combination with the treatment prescribed by a doctor), you can instill an infusion of celandine into the nose, prepared at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. Drip should be 3 5 7 drops (the younger the child, the fewer drops). Drip twice a day, and each time three times with five-minute breaks. Celandine juice is used in the treatment of severe inflammation of the adenoids, tonsillitis, sinusitis, diseases frontal sinuses. The following method of treating adenoids with celandine should be used only in severe cases, when the adenoids clog the nose completely. It is not difficult to determine this: if a child breathes through his mouth all the time and cannot breathe through his nose, then he has a severe degree; if he cannot breathe through his nose only at night, when he occupies a horizontal position, then it is better to refrain from this method. An additional symptom in favor of this method is night snoring. Now about the method itself. During the flowering of celandine, take the whole plant (leaves, stems, flowers, roots), pass everything through a meat grinder, filter through gauze folded in half, put everything in a jar and put it for fermentation in a place protected from direct sunlight. When fermentation is over (this will happen after 2-3 weeks), filter thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be dripped into the nose twice a day (in the supine position). If the child is less than 5 years old, then you should limit yourself to 2 drops in each nostril, an older child can drip from 3 to 5 drops. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. After a 2-3-week break, repeat the course. If a burning sensation occurs during instillation, this is not scary, it passes quickly. This method can be used independently, but it is advisable to use it in combination with other means: washings, instillation of the nose with vasodilators, etc.

With sinusitis

Sinusitis is inflammation maxillary sinus that occurs with acute rhinitis or as a result of infectious diseases. In the complex treatment of sinusitis, celandine can also be used. First of all, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal mucosa 2 times a day with ointment or oil prepared on the basis of celandine. A more radical remedy is instillation into the nose 2 times a day of celandine juice (2 drops per nostril). The course of treatment lasts 3 5 days. Additionally, traditional healers recommend taking an alcohol tincture of celandine 1 teaspoon 2 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment is 7 days. As aid in the summer, you can also apply compresses from scalded with boiling water and cooled celandine leaves, which are applied to both sides of the nose for 10-15 minutes.

With gingivitis

For the treatment and prevention of gingivitis, it is recommended that after brushing your teeth in the morning, rinse your mouth with a decoction of celandine, and also massage your gums with oil prepared on its basis. With bleeding gums, the following collection helps: celandine grass 1 part, calendula grass 1 part. An infusion is prepared from the mixture at the rate of: 1 teaspoon of the mixture per cup of boiling water. Infusion withstand 4 hours, strain. Rinse your mouth 2 times a day for a week.

With polyps in the nose

Prepare an infusion of celandine, let it cool slightly. Draw in through the nose with a tube, washing the nasopharynx, do not swallow water, spit. At one time you need to do 5 washes. It is advisable to carry out the procedure several times a day. Celandine has proven itself well in the treatment of periodontal disease. To do this, it is advised to lubricate the inflamed gums with celandine juice for several days. You can also apply a swab moistened with celandine juice to the gums for 10 minutes once a day. However, it is better to use another, more gentle way. To do this, take: tinctures of 30% celandine 1 part, glycerin or olive, sunflower, corn oil 2 parts. Everything is mixed well, the mixture is applied for 15 minutes on the gums and gum pockets.

Celandine for gastrointestinal diseases

With gastritis

This disease is treated by collecting: celandine herb 2 parts, elecampane root 1 part, love spell herb 1 part, peppermint herb 2 parts, coltsfoot leaf 2 parts. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 10 hours. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day. In addition, fresh celandine juice mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:4 can be used to treat gastritis. The mixture should be taken for a week 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The regimen is as follows: on the first day, take 1 teaspoon, on the second day 1.5 teaspoons, then 1 tablespoon.

With colitis

Colitis (inflammation of the colon) is treated with a collection that includes: field mint 4 parts, celandine 1 part. Three tablespoons of this collection is poured with 3 cups of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. This infusion is very effective in terms of preventing seizures. During the period of exacerbation of colitis, prepare a collection: celandine herbs 1 part, sage herbs 1 part, chamomile flowers 2 parts. Pour boiling water (at the rate of 2 tablespoons of the mixture for 2 cups of boiling water), let it brew for several hours. It is necessary to take the infusion according to the following scheme: for the first three days, a tablespoon 7 8 times a day, from the fourth to the seventh day, a tablespoon 3 4 times a day. From day 8, the dose should be reduced to 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 11-12 days. For the treatment of colitis, the following collection is also used: celandine herbs 1 part, erect cinquefoil roots 1 part, gray alder seedlings 1 part, stinging nettle roots 1 part. To prepare a decoction, take the mixture at the rate of: 4 tablespoons per 8 glasses of water, insist water with herbs, then boil for 10 minutes over low heat, let it brew and filter. Take this remedy as follows: first in the morning on an empty stomach, drink half a glass of decoction, and then drink one tablespoon for 5 days an hour before meals. Treatment with the help of celandine and fees, which it is part of, it is advisable to combine with the use of boiled potatoes and grape juice, as well as with the exclusion of protein foods from the diet.

With polyps

The effectiveness of the treatment of polyps with the help of celandine has already been scientifically proven. Moreover, this method is especially effective in the presence of a large number of polyps that cannot be removed using endoscopic surgery. Even if the celandine does not give a complete recovery, it will still significantly reduce the number of polyps, which will make it possible to use surgical treatment.

Colon polyposis

It is believed that celandine promotes healing due to the fact that it is able to have a cauterizing effect on tissues. However, treatment is only effective if the polyps are in the upper part of the colon. Some time before the procedure, the stomach must be cleaned by making a regular enema. If there are hemorrhoids, anal fissures or similar diseases, then they must first be healed.

Treatment consists of three stages.

At the first stage, which lasts 10-20 days, an enema is made from a solution that is prepared from 1 teaspoon of celandine juice and 1 liter of water. Then follows a break of 2 3 weeks. At the second stage, which also lasts 10-20 days, a solution prepared from 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water is used. Again take a break for 2 weeks. At the third stage, the treatment is similar to the second stage. After four months, the course must be repeated.

Polyposis of the stomach

Prepare an infusion: fill a half-liter jar with celandine grass by 1/3, pour boiling water and leave for 5 hours, then add water. Take three times a day for thirty minutes. The course is carried out for five days, starting with a teaspoon and increasing the dose to 100 ml. Then they take a five-day break. The course must be repeated 4 times. The treatment is carried out similarly to the previous version, but with differences: the course lasts not 5, but 10 days, repeated 3 times with ten-day breaks; start taking 1 teaspoon, and then gradually increase the dose to 1 tablespoon.

In Bulgaria they use next remedy from stomach polyps: for 5 days, three times a day, take a 30% aqueous infusion of celandine 15 minutes before meals. Then take a break of 5 days. The course should be repeated 4 times. Prepare the collection by taking: celandine herbs 3 parts, meadowsweet flowers 3 parts, calendula flowers 2 parts, agrimony herbs 2 parts.

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 hours and strain. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals; start with 1 teaspoon and gradually increase the dose to 1 tablespoon. Take 10 days, then take a ten-day break. Repeat the course three times.

And one more way. Depending on the weight of the patient, 15 to 60 g of green grass are taken, carefully crushed and poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 part of grass per 10 parts of water. Previously (for 2 3 hours) having cleansed the intestines with an enema, an infusion is administered with an enema, the intestines are cleaned after 1 hour. As a rule, 6 to 10 procedures are required, although their number can be increased up to 20. However, remember that long-term treatment celandine can cause serious harm. During the flowering period of celandine, the course should be repeated 2 times with a break, treatment should be carried out in the next 2-3 years.

With enteritis

Enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine) in folk medicine is treated with the help of the collection: celandine herbs 1 part, chamomile flowers 2 parts, St. John's wort 2 parts. The mixture is taken from the calculation: 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water, pour boiling water, leave for 10 hours and filter. The drug should be taken for 10 days, 0.5 cup 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. You can also prepare a mixture of plantain juice and celandine juice. Single dose 1 teaspoon of juice diluted with 3 tablespoons of boiled water. The drug should be taken 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for a week. For the treatment of enteritis, it is also recommended to prepare an infusion from the collection: celandine herbs 1 part, yarrow herbs 2 parts, chamomile flowers 2 parts, St. John's wort herb 2 parts. Prepare an infusion at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of the mixture per cup of boiling water. Insist 10 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

With an ulcer

Peptic ulcer can be completely cured using water or alcohol infusion of celandine. Infusion prepared at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of celandine per glass of water, take 100 ml 2 3 times a day before meals. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery. Tincture of celandine juice on 96% alcohol is taken 1 teaspoon before meals. In diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcers), it is good to take kvass from celandine. Prepare it like this. Take: whey 3 liters, sugar 1 cup, celandine herbs 1 cup, sour cream 1 teaspoon. It is better to take serum with goat milk. Pour sugar into a jar with whey, and then dip celandine into the mixture in a small bag, to which a load is attached. Add sour cream to the whey (this is necessary to increase the number of lactic bacteria). Keep 2 weeks after this period kvass is ready. After drinking from the jar, add water every evening and add a little sugar (based on: 1 teaspoon per glass of water). By morning, kvass will be ready for use again. This drink should be taken at 50-100 mg twice a day 20-30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to use it in spring and autumn, including for prevention. The secret of this kvass is that very strong lactic acid bacteria are formed in it, which produce substances that can restore tissues and cleanse the body. After all, celandine kills weak bacteria. Did you know that earlier wooden dishes were steamed with celandine so that the milk would not turn sour so quickly?

Celandine for dental diseases

with toothache

The celandine helps to remove toothache. To do this, take gauze, moisten it with warm (almost hot) infusion or decoction of celandine, and then apply it to the cheek for 5 minutes. The procedure is repeated every 30 minutes until relief occurs. In addition, after the compress, you should rinse your mouth with warm water, to which a small amount of salt and a few drops of celandine tincture and calendula tincture are added. The gum of a sore tooth can be rubbed with celandine oil, and crushed leaves of the plant can also be applied to the base of the diseased tooth.

Celandine in diseases of the liver and biliary tract

With hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver caused either by a virus or by the abuse of alcohol and other toxic substances. For the treatment of hepatitis (including those with circulatory disorders), the following collection is recommended: celandine herbs 2 parts, adonis herbs 1 part, horsetail herbs 1 part, yarrow herbs 1 part. Pour a tablespoon of a well-chopped mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Take 2 times a day for a glass. Another collection is prepared from corn leaves (2 parts) and celandine grass (1 part). Two tablespoons of the mixture is poured with 4 cups of boiling water in a thermos and infused for 8-10 hours. Take an infusion of 1 tablespoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a week, then take a five-day break and repeat the course.

For the treatment of chronic hepatitis, it is recommended to use an infusion of calamus rhizomes and celandine herbs. The components are mixed in equal proportions; the infusion is prepared at the rate of: 2 teaspoons of the mixture per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, strain and take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. You can also advise a decoction of chicory and celandine with honey, which is prepared as follows: take 2 tablespoons of chicory and 1 tablespoon of celandine, pour 4 cups of boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes. When the broth is ready, add 3 tablespoons of honey and a little lemon juice. This drug should be taken 3 to 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is 10 14 days. To restore liver function after hepatitis, you should take a decoction of the following collection: celandine herbs 3 parts, common anise fruits 2 parts, cumin 2 parts, corn stigmas 2 parts, dandelion root 1 part. A decoction is prepared from this collection: 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 2 glasses of water, then boiled over low heat for 5 minutes, cooled. The decoction should be taken within a week 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals (half a cup).

With gallstone disease

cholelithiasis treated with tincture of celandine. Within 2-3 weeks take 10 drops of tincture. Remember that success in treatment is achieved only with strict adherence to the diet (within 2-3 weeks). Prepare a decoction from the collection: celandine herbs 1 part, dandelion root 1 part, knotweed grass 1 part, corn stigmas 2 parts, St. John's wort herb 2 parts, violet tricolor herb 1 part, anise fruits 1 part. Take 2 times a day for 1 glass. There is one more good collection: celandine herb 2 parts, peppermint herb 2 parts, buckthorn herb 1 part, chicory herb 1 part, dandelion root 1 part, yarrow herb 1 part, sage leaf 1 part, juniper fruit 1 part. Prepare a decoction: three teaspoons pour 1.5 cups (300 ml) of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. Take 1/2 cup, adding a teaspoon of honey, 3 times a day.

With cholecystitis

Cholecystitis is also treated with celandine. To do this, you need to prepare a collection, taking: celandine herbs 1 part, goose cinquefoil herb 1 part, lemon balm leaf 1 part, peppermint leaf 2 parts. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 hours. Take 1/3 cup 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

With cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver is recommended to be treated with celandine juice. Prepare the juice and take it three times a day in small portions before meals. To avoid complications, you should start with a small amount, for example, with a drop. Then the volume is gradually brought to one teaspoon. You need to drink until you get a positive effect. Do not forget about other means, as well as the need for strict adherence to the diet during the entire course of treatment. For the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, celandine tincture is also used. It is taken 15 drops for 3 months, strictly adhering to the diet. Celandine in this case can be so effective that there will be a full recovery.

Celandine in diseases of the kidneys and bladder

With nephritis and pyelonephritis

Jade and pyelonephritis in folk medicine are treated with infusion of celandine and blue cornflower.

Raw materials are taken in equal parts, poured with boiling water at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per 3 cups of water, insist 30-60 minutes, filter. Take the drug should be within a week 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. A single dose of 0.25 cups. Collecting from celandine, bearberry and lingonberry helps to cope with chronic inflammation of the kidneys. Herbs are taken in equal proportions, poured with boiling water at the rate of: 2 tablespoons per 2 cups of boiling water, put on a slow fire and evaporated until the volume of water is halved. The broth is cooled and filtered, then diluted with 1 cup of boiled water. The drug is taken 2 times a day, two tablespoons 1 hour before meals. The duration of the course is 10 days.

There are several other very effective fees.

Prepare the collection: celandine herb 4 parts, heather flowers 2 parts, pine buds 3 parts, blueberry leaf 4 parts, shepherd's purse herb 4 parts, horsetail herb 4 parts. Pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Take for 1 1.5 months 2 teaspoons 3 4 times a day after meals.

Prepare the collection: celandine herbs 4 parts, goldenrod herbs 4 parts, shepherd's purse herbs 3 parts, nettle leaf 4 parts, birch leaf 4 parts. Prepare and consume as directed in the previous recipe.

And another very effective collection: celandine herbs 4 parts, heather flowers 1 part, meadowsweet grass 2 parts, pine buds 3 parts, blueberry leaf 4 parts, shepherd's purse herbs 4 parts, horsetail herbs 4 parts. This collection is used in the form of a decoction, which is prepared at the rate of: 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. Boil water with herbs for 5 minutes. Take a decoction of 2 teaspoons 3 times a day after meals. The course lasts, as a rule, 5 6 weeks.

Celandine for burns

Burns (including sunburns) are also well treated with celandine, which turns out to be indispensable tool Outdoors. To do this, celandine juice is applied to the burned area, wait until it is absorbed into the skin, and applied again, then several more times. The more you apply the juice, the more it will be absorbed into the skin, the more significant the effect will be. And remember that celandine is an excellent pain reliever for local application. The same method can be used in winter with frostbite. That's just a bandage worth using if you go outside. During treatment non-healing wounds and ulcers, as well as wounds, the microflora of which cannot be treated with antibiotics, the affected areas can be sprinkled with dried celandine herb powder.

Celandine in oncology

Celandine has proven itself as a tool that kills cancer cells. In addition, celandine, taken orally, has a noticeable analgesic effect.
In the treatment of cancer, it is advisable to use both water and alcohol infusion of celandine, that is, use them in combination, since in this case the patient receives the entire range of positive effects that celandine can have. In this case, you should start with a water tincture, which is less dangerous for the body.
According to the experience of people, one can advise such a water tincture: take fresh celandine grass, fill 1/3 of a half-liter jar with it and pour boiling water over everything. Close the jar and let it brew, at least until it cools down, but more is possible, for several hours. This infusion should be taken three times a day, starting with small amounts and ending with 100 ml at a time.
Remember that it is not advisable to use celandine tincture constantly, it is advisable to alternate it with periods of rest, take breaks every two weeks. For a rest period, replace the tincture of celandine with other means, for example, preparations of chaga, dandelion, plantain, viburnum, wormwood.
In addition, you can dilute the infusion of celandine with milk, which is especially effective for cancer.
To stop the growth of metastases, you can use the following collection. Take: celandine herbs 1 part, nettle leaves 1 part, calendula flowers 1 part.
Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist. Take 2-3 times a day before meals. It is good to drink on an empty stomach in the morning, after the person has woken up.
If the cancer has affected external tissues (skin, lips), use an ointment that is prepared from celandine juice and pork or mutton fat, taken in equal parts. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Celandine contraindications

Celandine is very poisonous! It is no coincidence that livestock never eat it in the pasture. Chelidonin, contained in celandine, first causes depression in animals, and then paralysis of the central nervous system, in which it resembles morphine in its action.

For this reason, celandine should be used very carefully, in small amounts or in combination with other plants. Celandine causes irritation and inflammation of the digestive tract, lowers blood pressure. Poisoning manifests itself in the form of intense thirst, heaviness in the head and stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, sometimes fainting and even hallucinations occur. This is due to the fact that celandine juice contains a large amount of alkaloids. If suddenly poisoning does occur, you must immediately stop taking celandine, rinse your stomach thoroughly and go to the hospital.

It is better not to use celandine in the treatment of young children, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Due to the pronounced ability to cause convulsions, it is not recommended to use celandine for people suffering from epilepsy. It is not recommended to use celandine preparations and persons suffering from serious mental disorders(psychoses). Contraindications are also bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, decompensation of cardiac activity I II degree, neurological diseases.

You should stop using celandine juice if it can get on damaged skin areas. In such cases, it causes severe inflammation.

When taking celandine inside, constipation, as well as dysbacteriosis, may occur. The reason for this is a violation of the intestinal microflora. To get rid of them, use a proven tool: take warm milk, dissolve in it butter(at the rate of 30 g of oil per 300 ml of milk) and make an enema. In this case, it is desirable to lie down so that the pelvis is higher than the head. It is enough to do such an enema once a day for 2-5 days (as needed) to completely get rid of the problem /

Celandine large, treatment with celandine

The unusually bright yellow juice of celandine has attracted the attention of man since ancient times. Even the ancient Greeks noticed that the plant appears with the arrival of swallows and fades with their departure. In honor of the appearance of swallows on the Greek island of Rhodes, even the festival of chelidonia was held. It is possible that the name of the celandine - chelidonium - is associated with this holiday, hence the name "swallow grass". Legal and almost literal translation"gift of heaven"

Russian name"celandine" refers to wide application plants for skin diseases. The specific name "big" suggests that there should be "small celandine" - this is a spring chistyak, also used for skin diseases.

Another name - "warthog" - indicates the most common use of celandine. I quote the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: "Single flat warts after 3-4 times lubrication with fresh celandine juice, they often disappear. "Doctors - dermatologists note a positive effect in 70-80% of cases. Celandine juice not only cauterizes formations on the skin, but also has an antiviral effect, destroying the cause of warts.

The stem of the plant is straight, branched, with short hairs, 50 - 100 cm high. The plant contains yellow-orange milky juice. Leaves petiolate, green above, bluish below, deeply pinnate, with round or ovate lobes. The flowers are golden yellow, on long stalks, collected 3-8 in inflorescences - a simple umbrella. Blooms from May to August. Distributed throughout Russia, except for the Far North. It grows in pine forests, shrubs, shady places, vegetable gardens, orchards, parks.

The aerial part of the plant, collected at the beginning of flowering, is used, cut it 5-10 cm from the ground. The smell is pungent, unpleasant, the taste is bitter, burning.

The root is especially curative: in the grass of alkaloids up to 1.87%, in the root - up to 4.4%.

The action and use of celandine large

In the experiment, celandine preparations cause a delay in the growth of malignant tumors, have a fungistatic and bacteriostatic effect in relation to mycobacterium tuberculosis. Chelidonin acts like morphine, causing depression in animals, then paralysis of the central nervous system. Homochelidonin is a convulsive poison, a strong local anesthetic. Heleritrin has a local irritating effect; sanguinarine has a short-term narcotic effect, followed by the development of strychnine-like convulsions, stimulates intestinal motility and saliva secretion, locally causes irritation, followed by anesthesia. Protopin reduces the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system, tones the smooth muscles of the uterus.

When used internally, this plant causes some slowing of the pulse and lowers blood pressure; has a choleretic property. Used for angina pectoris hypertension, with various diseases accompanied by muscle spasm; in stomach cancer, it acts somewhat analgesically, it is successfully used in diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Successfully carried out treatment with various forms of polyposis of the colon. According to doctors, the effect is based on the cauterizing, keratolytic effect of celandine on tissues. For 1 part of celandine 10 parts of water, for the procedure - 15 - 60 g of the green mass of the plant (depending on the weight of the patient). The resulting liquid is administered as a therapeutic enema for an hour. 3 hours before doing a cleansing enema. After 6 - 10 procedures (during the growing season of celandine - 2 cycles), patients were clinically completely freed from polyps. Treatment - 2 - 3 years during the flowering period of celandine.

Tincture of fresh celandine roots is part of the complex preparation of cholelithin, used for cholelithiasis. Celandine preparations act bactericidal against a number of microbes, including tubercle bacillus; juice or ointment from the crushed leaves of the plant is used to treat tuberculosis of the skin. The effectiveness of topical application of celandine juice obtained from grass and roots has been clinically proven in the conservative treatment of polyps of the rectum and bladder. Externally, juice from fresh grass is used for cauterization of warts, condylomas, with papillomatosis of the larynx and initial forms of lupus erythematosus. Due to some toxicity of the plant, they need to start treatment with small doses or mixed with other plants.

In Bulgaria, celandine milk juice is used, which, according to Bulgarian researchers, works well as an analgesic for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, gallstones, sand, jaundice, gastritis, colitis and has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect in these diseases. In addition, it is recommended to use an aqueous infusion or alcohol tincture from a fresh plant - the latter is considered the best. Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

In Germany, not only grass is used, but also celandine root, used in the form of tea, tincture, extract, as an analgesic, antispastic agent for liver diseases, as a choleretic agent (due to the presence of chelidonin and homochelidonin), as an stimulant of intestinal motility (presence in grass sanguinarine). Treatment is recommended only under medical supervision.

In Poland, great celandine is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antihelminthic, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatic colic, hemorrhoids, with painful menstruation.

In Austria, young celandine grass is used as a sedative and anticonvulsant. According to Austrian researchers, one of the alkaloids contained in the plant enhances the function of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Grass and celandine root act anticonvulsant. The Austrian pharmaceutical industry manufactures various preparations containing celandine alkaloids. They are sold as extracts of the fresh plant and other preparations. The milky juice of celandine, when ingested through damaged skin, can cause inflammation.

In France, celandine grass is used as an aphrodisiac, diuretic, laxative. A fresh plant has a stimulating effect. Its juice is used against warts. Treatment with this plant is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, since in large doses it can cause poisoning, the main symptoms of which are intense thirst, heaviness in the head and stomach, dizziness, fainting, hallucinations.

In domestic folk medicine, celandine is used in the treatment of skin tuberculosis, gout and rheumatism. Outwardly also for tuberculosis of the skin, for warts, calluses, lichen, for eczema, skin cancer in the form of smearing with fresh juice or an ointment prepared with it, by lubricating sore spots three times daily. In a decoction of the herb, it is recommended to bathe children with scrofula and various skin diseases.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, celandine is used in dropsy, as a diuretic that regulates menstrual cycle, against scrofula, with syphilis, malaria, liver disease, jaundice, in the form of a decoction. The juice against warts is also applied externally.

The aerial part of the greater celandine has analgesic, bile secretion, hypotensive and antispasmodic properties and is used by us in diseases of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts in small doses.

Celandine treatment

June - July - August - it's time to collect and harvest large celandine. The people often call celandine "Russian ginseng". He has interesting feature- he immediately finds the root of the disease. If the juice or powder is placed on a biologically active point, there is an instant transfer of it to the source of the disease. In the body, the celandine immediately finds the diseased area and proceeds to its treatment.

Ingestion of celandine as poisonous plant requires caution, because it belongs to the poppy family, rich in alkaloids. The action of alkaloids is always strong, bordering on toxic. The celandine contains over 10 alkaloids at the same time! In sum, they do the following.

They have a noticeable choleretic effect, have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect in inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract. Along the way, they act as a mild laxative and diuretic.

In terms of toxicity, celandine is significantly inferior, for example, to hemlock and achonite. We can safely recommend taking 1 teaspoon of the dried and chopped aerial part of celandine, infused in 1 glass of boiling water, as daily dose as a hepatic agent, or as extra help in the treatment of cancer patients. An overdose causes nausea, vomiting, changes in the nervous system up to paralysis of the respiratory center.

Celandine is a mild tonic and, consequently, a mild antitumor agent, since a strong body fights the disease better. Increasing the dose leads to poisoning, but does not improve the result.

    Celandine juice can be prepared for the winter. Stems with flowers are passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out. For 1 liter of juice - 500 g of vodka or 250 g of alcohol, clog well. For diseases of the stomach, drink on the first day for 1 hour. spoon 3 times a day before meals, in the next - 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

    Celandine tincture retains the healing properties of celandine and is stored all winter. Its preparation: rinse the grass and celandine roots with cold water, dry, grind in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice. Juice mixed with vodka 1:1 and put in the refrigerator for 10 days in a dark bottle. Take an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with 100 g of cold water. If this dose causes discomfort - it is too much for you, start with a coffee spoon in the first week, a teaspoon in the second, a dessert spoon in the third, and a tablespoon in the fourth. Then 28 days break and again in the same way. Very effective for polyps and tumors of the intestine!

    You can insist celandine grass without squeezing the juice. Tightly fill a dark glass bottle with finely chopped grass and celandine roots a little more than half and pour vodka. Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Take on an empty stomach 1 time per day (in the morning), starting with 2 drops per 50-70 ml of water, adding 2 drops every day. Thus, bring up to 16 drops and drink for a month. Then take a break for 7-10 days and drink 16 drops every day for a month. After 4 months, the nodes decrease in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, after a year and a half, the nodes disappear.

    The use of celandine is popular among the people as a means of combating polyps in various parts of the digestive tract. More effective is the use of fresh celandine juice with drops diluted in water (per 100 ml). The number of drops varies, but does not exceed 20. More therapeutic effect on colon polyps, less on stomach polyps, apparently its acidic environment prevents treatment. With polyposis of the large intestine, microclysters are usually used. With polyps of the rectum, an enema is made at night from 6-7 drops of celandine juice per 60 g of water.

    fresh juice celandine cauterize warts, polyps, warts, corns, periodontal disease, it is used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

    There is a safe and popular cosmetic procedure in Siberia: fresh celandine is brewed without special measures in hot water and used in the form of baths. The skin after the bath becomes clean and soft.

    With various female diseases douching is used: pour celandine grass in an enamel bowl with 3 liters of water and boil for a long time over low heat. Strain, chill. Douching should be carried out with a warm decoction at night every day. Improvement occurs after 7-10 days.

    Treatment of uterine fibroids: brew 1 tablespoon of dry celandine with a glass of boiling water and boil for a few seconds, insist for 40 minutes, strain. Add a tablespoon of infusion to 1 glass of water, drink half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 10 days. So 3 decades. At the same time, douche with celandine: the same solution (1 tbsp of water and 1 tablespoon of celandine infusion). Douche 2 times a week for 3-4 months. You can alternate the infusion of celandine with herb cut in the same proportion. The recipe gives excellent results with fibroma.

    With inflammation and bleeding of the gums, chew a few fresh leaves of celandine, hold in your mouth for 5-10 minutes several times a day for a week - the result is excellent.

    Ointment from powder of celandine, lanolin and vaseline, called "plantazan B", cures skin tuberculosis, psoriasis, skin cancer, lupus erythematosus, calluses: celandine - 10g, vaseline - 10g, lanolin -10g, carbolic acid 0.25% - 10 drops .

    Celandine has an antitumor effect, dissolves scars after heart attacks and strokes. 1 tablespoon of celandine per 1 cup of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 20 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

    Celandine infusion mixed with nettle and calendula prevents the growth of metastases. Take herbs in equal parts, chop, mix. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Drink 0.5 cup in the morning on an empty stomach. In the evening before dinner - the other half of the glass.

    For skin cancer: dry crushed celandine - 1 g, vaseline - 4 g, carrot juice - 1 g, prepare an ointment, lubricate sore spots. OR 300 g of fresh roots pour 500 ml of vodka, cork tightly, leave for 7 days. Make compresses on sore spots. The same recipe for skin tuberculosis, lupus, to reduce warts, calluses, lichen, eczema.

    And here great recipe treatment and prevention of cancer, lymphogranulomatosis, pulmonary tuberculosis: mix 1 cup of celandine greens with 1 cup of granulated sugar. Fold in a gauze bag, where to put a stone for weight, lower the bag into a 3-liter jar with whey. Whey must not be boiled! If overheating is allowed, put in it 1 hour. a spoonful of fresh sour cream. Cover the jar with 3 layers of gauze and leave at home for 3 weeks for fermentation. It turns out tasty and healthy kvass. Drink half a glass 3 times a day for both sick and adults.

    With abdominal dropsy and shortness of breath 3st. spoons of celandine grass are poured into a glass of vodka, tightly closed with a cork, insisted in a dark place for 6 days, squeezed, filtered, poured into a bottle with a tight stopper. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day 10 minutes before meals.

    For diseases of the bladder, pour 100 ml of fresh celandine roots into 100 ml of vodka, close tightly, leave for 8 days, shaking occasionally, strain. Store in a dark, cool place tightly sealed. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Celandine, celandine treatment

Medicinal raw material of celandine is the aerial part of the plant. Collect celandine in May-June in the flowering phase in dry weather, cutting or breaking off branches at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. Celandine preparations have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antimicrobial, wound healing and cauterizing effects. With fresh juice and finely chopped celandine grass, warts, calluses, freckles, condylomas are removed, cracks on the heels and on the hands are lubricated. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.

The Russian name celandine was due to its properties to heal various skin diseases. In connection with the ability to remove warts, celandine is also called a warthog in the common people. Useful for outdoor and internal diseases. The juice found in the roots, stems and leaves is used.

According to conducted medical research, the main properties of celandine are antispasmodic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory (bactericidal). Celandine alkaloids have the highest pharmacological activity. For example, chelidonin gives a pronounced analgesic and sedative effect. In addition, this alkaloid has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle organs, has hypotensive and bradycardic properties. Homochelidonin, another celandine alkaloid, on the contrary, gives an excitatory-convulsive effect and exhibits local anesthetic activity. The alkaloid protopine reduces the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system and enhances the tone of smooth muscles. Chelerythrin is characterized by a pronounced local irritant effect.

The juice cures the nasopharynx, adenoids, polyps, tonsils, sinusitis, gums, warts, calluses, pimples, abscesses, boils, fistulas, scabies, eczema, fungus, herpes (on the lips), skin irritation after

There are real legends about the effectiveness of plants in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. A simple blade of grass can get rid of skin itching and burning sensations, improve digestion and make you forget about the headache. For those who are into herbal therapy, the above saying is true. All this we can say with absolute certainty about the celandine.

Celandine is a perennial plant of the poppy family. In domestic medicine, it is used as medicinal product, allowing you to forget about dysbacteriosis, problems with the liver, stomach, intestines, skin diseases and other ailments forever. The collection of celandine, like any other plant, must be strictly regulated both in terms of timing and technology.

Terms of collection of celandine

For health and medicinal purposes, celandine can be used at least all year round, but it must be collected at a certain time. Like most plants, collection of celandine falls at the time of its flowering. This is due to the fact that it is at this moment that the leaves and stems of plants are especially soft and juicy, and the content of useful properties in celandine is at maximum level. Therefore, it is customary to collect purity end of May to mid June. If this concerns a single preparation, for example, a healing bath, then celandine can be collected at any time.

Technology for collecting celandine for blanks

1. The place of collection of celandine should be located away from busy roads and settlements, as well as cemeteries, factories, sewers, landfills. AT wild nature celandine likes to grow in shady clearings, and in the backyard - near bushes (for example, raspberries).
2. You need to collect celandine in dry, warm weather.
3. To collect the plant, you will need a plastic container, a bucket or a cloth bag (not plastic).
4. The celandine is carefully cut at a height of about ten centimeters from the ground, leaving the root. In some cases, the celandine is cut along with the root for the preparation of alcohol infusions.
5. Plants are carefully placed in a fabric bag or plastic container prepared in advance, without pressing or tamping.
6. Do not wash the celandine after collection. It is enough just to clean the leaves from dust, midges, and the roots - from the remnants of the earth.
7. You can dry the celandine hanging or loose. But at the same time, the plant should be regularly checked for decay.

Proper assembly, drying and storage of celandine allows you to save the beneficial properties of the plant for several years.

Mid-May is the time when picking celandine is the best time. It is important not to miss the flowering time of this herb, unique in its healing power. So, if you were going to prepare a medicinal herb - hurry up, it is already blooming. Celandine treats about 250 different ailments. The plant is poisonous, so the treatment must be carried out very carefully, strictly observing the dosage, methods of preparing and taking medicines based on it. For medicinal purposes, they harvest: grass, roots, milky juice, juice from the whole plant.

When and how to collect celandine for treatment

A bunch of celandine is hung for drying

It blooms all summer, but for medicinal purposes, the best time to collect is the beginning of flowering (usually from the second half of May to the first half of June). Going to harvest grass for storage, choose a fine day and try to follow these rules:

  • Harvest grass away from the city, industrial plants, busy highways and only healthy bright leaves and flowers. Using a knife, cut off about 10 cm from the ground (the stems can also be broken off with your hands).
  • When you need to collect celandine from the root - pull it out or dig it up by the root, clean it from the ground, extraneous grass and dry leaves. At home, rinse the root thoroughly before drying or preparing juice.

How to dry celandine at home

  • Dry the grass spread out in a thin layer or hanging in small bunches in a ventilated dry room or under a canopy. Direct sunlight is not allowed. If the celandine is dried correctly, then when bent, the stems should not bend, but break.
  • Store dried raw materials in a linen or paper bag in a dark place. Properly dried grass, subject to storage conditions, does not lose its properties for 3 years.

How to make celandine juice at home

Milky orange juice exudes at the stem break.

The healing properties of the milky orange juice of celandine are well known to everyone. They are treated with abscesses, boils, fistulas, lichen, fungus. To get the healing juice of celandine, it is enough to cut or break the shoot of the plant.

Treat skin diseases with celandine juice by copious lubrication several times with a short interval. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day.

How to prepare celandine juice for storage

Since it is not always possible to have a live celandine for the extraction of milky juice, and it is desirable to always have such a medicine in the house, you can prepare a remedy for the future. For this:

We pass the whole plant through a meat grinder
  • Tear out a flowering bush, clean from dry leaves, rinse the roots, dry.
  • Pass everything through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice from the resulting dark green mass.
  • Pour into a bottle or vial with a screw cap (leave a free space of 1 - 2 cm).
  • Put a rubber gasket on the bottom of the cork for tightness, screw it on and put the container in a cool place.
  • After 2-3 days, carefully remove the stopper, let out the formed gases and close it tightly again. Do this until the juice is completely fermented, calm and amber in color. Properly prepared homemade celandine juice up to 5 years does not lose its healing properties. Store in a cool, dark place (not the refrigerator).

With the preparation prepared in this way, lubricate the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day, 3-4 times with an interval of 2-3 minutes (so that it has time to be absorbed). No bandage is needed, the resulting film will protect the sore spot from microbes. When using, try not to mix the juice with the sediment formed at the bottom, and do not keep the container open for a long time.

Treatment with celandine juice (fresh or fermented) for skin diseases is the most affordable, simple and effective way to get rid of ailments at home. Also, celandine juice quickly restores the skin after burns of any origin.

Traditional medicine has accumulated many recipes for the treatment of various ailments with the help of this healing herb. They have been used successfully for many generations. Of course, ready-made preparations are on sale. But why run to the pharmacy? After all, we do not have a shortage of this herb, it is easy to dry or make juice. But when you collect celandine, do not forget to wear gloves so as not to get your hands dirty - orange spots are poorly washed.

Celandine refers to medicinal herbs, the products of which can cure a large number of different diseases. In this case, the leaves and stems of this plant, and even the roots, are used.

In order not to spend money on preparations from celandine in pharmacies, you can independently prepare medicinal raw materials by collecting it in a timely manner. When to collect celandine for treatment? And how to harvest a medicinal plant for the winter?

The dates for collecting celandine fall on the period from May to August, at this particular time medicinal herb blooms.

During flowering, the green mass of celandine, like most herbs, is especially saturated with juices and useful substances, the presence of which is just necessary when collecting it in medicinal purposes.

Celandine is a widespread herb and grows everywhere, you can recognize it by medium-sized yellow flowers.

This medicinal plant prefers to grow in shady places, often hiding under shrubs or deciduous trees that protect it from the scorching sun and gusts of wind.

Of course, it is necessary to collect celandine for further preparation of traditional medicine only in places far from cities, industrial enterprises, highways, etc.

The material collected in contaminated places can only harm the body with further use of products from it, as it contains heavy metals and other unhealthy impurities.

But it is important not only to find the habitat of celandine, but also to choose the right time for collection. The fact is that experienced people in this matter medicinal herbs collected, taking into account several factors:

  • collection is best done in the morning;
  • it is recommended to collect grass in the phase of the growing moon;
  • the weather should be dry, without rain.

These conditions apply to the collection of celandine. In addition, before going for raw materials, you should think about the container in which it will be transported to the harvesting site (usually buckets or bags are used). And also about the means of protecting hands (gloves) and the nasal part of the face (gauze mask), since the pollen of celandine flowers acts as an irritant to the nasal mucosa.

Depending on which parts of the plant will be harvested, celandine is harvested in different ways.

For example, if it is planned to harvest only the green mass of the crop (stems and leaves), then it is cut at a height of 5 ... 7 cm from ground level.

When collecting celandine roots, they gently shake off the ground, and in the green part of the plant, you can carefully remove contaminated and damaged leaves.

The collected raw materials for transportation are placed in bags or buckets and in no case are they tamped. And after collecting the celandine, they immediately begin to harvest it for further use. How to prepare celandine for medicine?

How to dry celandine at home

In order to prepare the green mass of celandine, three drying methods are used immediately after collection:

  • in bundles, which is considered more preferable. The fact is that when tying the stems into bundles of several pieces and hanging them, better ventilation of the raw material is provided. In this regard, the grass dries faster and does not rot;
  • in bulk on the work surface, which is suitable for the floor or table. The collected celandine is laid out in an even layer and periodically stirred to prevent rotting;
  • in a special dryer at a temperature not exceeding 600C.

If the drying of the celandine takes place indoors, then it should be well ventilated and dark enough so that the sun's rays during harvesting the celandine do not destroy the chlorophyll in its stems and leaves.

If drying takes place on the street, then a canopy is required for the same reasons.

Properly dried celandine greens, when bent, break rather than bend, are odorless, and have a bitter taste.

Dried grass is stored in dry rooms in paper bags in a suspended state. But such an opportunity is not always available, therefore it is possible to put it in boxes without compacting the celandine at the same time.

Dried grass can be stored for up to three years if the storage rules are followed.

How to prepare celandine roots

Celandine roots are used for medicinal purposes not so often, but if drying of the plant with them is meant, then they are pre-cleaned from the ground during collection, and then additionally washed with running water.

After washing, the plants are laid out for pre-drying. As soon as all the water has evaporated from the plants, you can proceed to the main drying in bunches. For this, several plants are also associated.

Properly dried celandine roots have a brownish-brown, almost black color, and when broken, they can be light brown or yellowish.

For storage, celandine roots are wrapped in thick paper and hung up. So plants can be stored up to 5 years without loss of useful properties.

How to prepare celandine juice

Celandine juice is very widely used in the methods of treatment of traditional medicine, so it makes sense after collecting the material not to send all of its quantity for drying, but to leave a part for harvesting juice.

In order to isolate it, immediately after collection, the raw materials are passed through a meat grinder, and then placed in a glass jar and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. During this time, crushed celandine will give juice.

When this happens, the jar is taken out, the remainder is collected and squeezed through gauze, after which the juice is closed with a lid and put back in the refrigerator.

After a while, the fermentation process will begin, and this phenomenon is absolutely normal. You just need to periodically release air from the can.

After a couple of weeks, fermentation will end, and the juice will be completely ready for medicinal use.

Many people prepare celandine juice on their own, as it helps to get rid of many diseases, and the price of a vial of this product in a pharmacy can hit your pocket.