Removal of papillomas with celandine. Celandine for removing papillomas: pharmaceutical preparations and folk recipes Is it possible to cauterize papillomas with celandine

Russian ginseng, a cure for 200 diseases - this is what people call celandine, and deservedly so. Today it is widely used to treat many diseases, both in folk and traditional medicine. But its original name is also not accidental, because it was for the treatment of various skin problems It has been used for skin cleansing since ancient times. Among all medicinal plants, celandine is the most effective for removing various neoplasms and growths on the skin, including papillomas, which are found in most of the population.

Celandine is a plant with many healing properties.

There are more than 20 species of celandine toxic substances- alkaloids that have a detrimental effect on tumor cells: block their growth and reproduction. It is this property that is used in medicine to treat benign and even malignant tumors.

Important! Due to the same alkaloids, celandine is also toxic to the body, so it should be used with great caution and in compliance with the dosage.

The use of celandine for the treatment of papillomas

Celandine for papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes is very effective means. It has a double effect:

  • cytotoxic;
  • antiviral.

Cyto toxic effect leads to decreased vitality epithelial cells, from which papilloma grows, due to alkaloids. Antiviral effect have flavonoids present in its composition, which are antioxidants. Viruses are known to cause the appearance of papillomas.

These properties make it possible to effectively use celandine to remove papillomas. It is used in various dosage forms, which can be purchased at pharmacies, as well as in the form of products prepared at home according to traditional medicine recipes.

Contraindications to treatment with celandine

The use of celandine against papillomas for the purpose of maximum effect combines both external and internal use. Those considering such treatment should be aware of the possibility negative impact celandine on the body. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. With low blood pressure.
  2. People with mental disorders and epilepsy.
  3. For heart and kidney failure.
  4. Suffering from chronic constipation.
  5. During an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive organs (stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas).
  6. Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  7. For the treatment of children.

In addition, sometimes there may be cutaneous allergic reaction for celandine juice, increased sensitivity and skin burns.

Important! Before you start getting rid of papillomas with celandine, you need to consult a doctor.

Pharmaceutical products based on celandine

Pharmacies have a variety of dosage forms, prepared from celandine, both for external and internal use. For the treatment of papillomas, the following are used: tincture, juice, oil, ointments and creams from celandine.

Celandine tincture

Used internally for papillomavirus and multiple papillomas, with great caution, starting with 3 drops per 1 dose in half a glass of water before meals 3 times a day. By adding 2 drops daily, bring the dose to 20 drops per dose. If not side effects, treatment is carried out for a week, then a week break is taken and the course is repeated. The tincture can also be used to lubricate papillomas or apply applications daily for 1-2 hours.

Celandine juice

Take 1 ml of juice mixed with a spoon of honey orally, once a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 week, then a break of 1 week is taken, the course is repeated. For external use, lubricate papillomas 3-4 times a day, leaving them to dry. Soon they darken and fall off.

Celandine oil

Celandine oil for papillomas is used externally; to do this, soak a small napkin in it and apply it to the papilloma for 15 minutes twice a day - until the papilloma completely disappears.

Celandine ointments and creams

They differ more soft action, do not burn the skin, but require more long-term treatment . You need to lubricate the affected areas of the skin at least 3 times a month every day. These products are recommended for people with thin, sensitive skin.

Balm “Mountain celandine”

Mountain celandine for papillomas contains fresh celandine juice and extracts of rhododendron, gentian and other Baikal herbs. It not only gets rid of papilloma, but also kills the virus and accelerates wound healing after papilloma detachment. How to use mountain celandine for papillomas is indicated in the attached instructions. It is important to maintain the time of exposure of the papilloma with a cotton swab moistened with balm. On the skin of the face and neck - 5-8 minutes, on other parts of the body - 10-12 minutes twice a day, until the papilloma disappears.

Mountain celandine - balm with unique composition for the treatment of papillomas

Supercleaner and its use

Relatively recently, a gel for getting rid of warts and papillomas, Superclean, appeared. It has nothing to do with the plant, because it consists of a mixture of acids. It is a means of chemical coagulation, burning with subsequent rejection of education.

How to remove papillomas with Superclean? The technology is simple: apply a drop from the bottle to the papilloma twice a day and let it dry. The papilloma dries up and disappears after 3-4 days, leaving a wound in its place that heals up to 2 weeks.

Supercelandine is a product for chemical cauterization of papillomas, has nothing to do with the plant

Traditional medicine recipes

The same drugs, by analogy pharmaceuticals, can be prepared at home.

Fresh celandine juice

You can simply cauterize papillomas with celandine, using fresh juice that appears on a cut or fracture of the stem, 2-3 times a day. The papilloma will quickly turn black and fall off. This opportunity, unfortunately, only happens in the summer.

Celandine decoction

2 tablespoons of chopped herbs are poured into a glass of water, boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, cooled, and filtered. Apply as a lotion to the area of ​​papillomas daily for 1-2 hours.

Celandine juice

The celandine is washed and ground in a meat grinder. The juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp, poured into glass bottles, adding alcohol in a ratio of 4:1 (50 ml of alcohol per 200 ml of juice). Store in a cool place. Used externally to lubricate papillomas.

Celandine tincture

Fill a glass container with crushed grass and fill it to the brim with vodka or 96° alcohol diluted in half with water. Close tightly and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, then filter. External use - 3-4 times a day.

Celandine ointment

Place 2 tablespoons of crushed celandine in a mortar, add 1 tablespoon of Vaseline and lanolin, and grind thoroughly until smooth. Lubricate papillomas 3-5 times a day until they disappear.

The method of treating papillomas with celandine has the right to life, due to its high efficiency. The main thing is to choose the right product, determine its dosage and method of use. In these matters you cannot do without a doctor.

Cosmetic defects in the form of papillomas and other neoplasms require timely elimination. Extract, tincture and liquid Supercelandine for papillomas are found wide application in treatment viral disease and cleansing of the skin. It is much more convenient to use ready-made preparations than a fresh plant.

We receive treatment in a clinic, at home, in a salon

Human skin is a favorable environment for the proliferation of human papillomavirus (HPV). In case of infection on different areas nodules, round or oval plaques appear on the skin, mucous membranes, and intestinal walls. This benign neoplasms, but they cause a lot of problems for a person who carries HPV. Viral particles are easily transmitted to other people through casual contact and unprotected sex.

Home treatment of papillomatosis with remedies plant based- an alternative to going to the salon and clinic.

Most often, a person suffering from papillomatosis is concerned about both purely medical and aesthetic problems. Specialists from medical institutions and beauty salons remove tumors on the skin liquid nitrogen or laser. At home, nodules and plaques can be lubricated with a cosmetic liquid prepared independently or from a pharmacy. The process of necrosis of the affected tissues is accompanied by their blackening, then exfoliation begins. The skin is completely cleared after a few days.

One of the best products is “Super Clean”

Pharmaceutical products occupy a worthy place among medications for papillomatosis: extracts, balms, pastes. Removal of papillomas with Superclean is associated with some features of the drug itself, which contains sodium and potassium hydroxides. The thick clear liquid should be applied with a thin applicator only to the surface of the tumors.

Effect of the drug Superchistotel:

  • softens ordinary and genital papillomas, warts;
  • exfoliates skin formations;
  • does not leave scars on the site of removed papillomas;
  • returns a healthy appearance to the skin.

Video about the use of the drug Superchistotel

Important! The papillomas removal liquid may cause a burning sensation.

How to remove papillomas at home with Superclean

The surface of skin growths is often subject to hyperkeratosis, and on the mucous membranes the process of keratinization is almost not expressed. Therefore, products for getting rid of or in the décolleté area usually contain keratolytic substances: acids, alkalis, phenolic compounds.

Supercleaner cosmetic solution based on sodium hydroxide relatively quickly and almost completely removes papillomas and warts from the skin. The bottle with liquid is small, in the shape of a test tube. The thin applicator is firmly connected to the lid, and the solution is applied pointwise.

Before removing papillomas from the neck or décolleté with Super Celandine liquid, protect healthy skin. To do this, stick a piece of plaster with a hole cut out the size of the tumor or spread a layer of thick cream around it. Then apply a drop of the solution and allow it to soak into the surface of the growth. If a slight burning sensation appears, it means the Super Clean is starting to work.

When hit alkaline solution on healthy skin, neutralize it with water and a solution of vinegar or citric acid.

When deciding the best way to remove papillomas and warts on the hands and feet, pay attention to the ease of use of the SuperClean solution. Liquid treatment will be effective if you follow the manufacturer's recommendations and pay attention to the reviews of those people who have already used the recipe.


  • apply 1 drop of solution once;
  • dry warts on the hands and feet - lubricate 3 days in a row with 1 drop of liquid;
  • calluses - cauterize 1 drop per day for 5 days.

The surface of the treated papilloma turns black after 1–2 days, which means the neoplasm has begun to die. A small papillary tumor on a stalk dries completely in 5–6 days. If the papilloma is slightly larger than 1–2 mm, then after a week you need to re-lubricate it with Super Clean liquid. Full course treatment can range from 1 to 6 procedures with breaks of 1–3 days. One bottle lasts a long time, and the price of the drug is more than affordable (30 rubles).

Supercleaner is not intended to get rid of tumors on the face and mucous membranes.

Try "Mountain Celandine"!

The trade name of the drug Mountain Celandine does not refer to the species of the plant, but to the places where the raw materials are collected. A balm is prepared from the juice of herbs collected on the mountain slopes in the area of ​​Lake Baikal. Celandine in a rarefied atmosphere acquires characteristics reminiscent of the properties of Tibetan plants.

In addition to celandine juice, the balm contains extracts of gentian and golden rhododendron. Apply Mountain Celandine directly to skin growths (papillomas, warts). The procedure takes 5–12 minutes and is carried out twice a day for 2–10 days. You can treat papillomas on the face, neck and body. In the first case, the liquid is left for 10 minutes.

Any type of exposure to neoplasms is associated with a certain risk. It happens that treatment will be ineffective or scars will remain after removal. Large, changing outlines of papilloma - serious reason consult a dermatologist. The greatest danger is malignancy, in which benign tumor is reborn into its opposite. It is better to consult a doctor before starting any manipulations aimed at getting rid of papillomas and warts.

In contact with

Celandine is a herb with medicinal properties.

Super clean - this is a product consisting of a mixture of strong alkalis, which has nothing in common with the herb “celandine”.

Self-use of Supercleaner can lead to a chemical burn to the skin or mucous membranes.

What types of papillomas are found in humans?

What types of warts are there?

And now in more detail about all the “celandines” that are found today in pharmacies, home medicine cabinets and in the public pharmacy.

Super clean

This is also a drug industrial production.
Not a medicine!
Is cosmetic product.
Price 35-40 rubles.


Alkalis – potassium and sodium alkali.

Properties of super cleanser

A mixture of alkalis when treating the skin causes necrosis in it. Cells die from the action chemical substances. Thus, the mechanism of action of the drug on the skin is chemical burn alkali.

Available in bottles similar to sample perfumes. Inside, like in perfumes, there is an applicator with which you will apply the drug.

Instructions for use

Attention: Required: before dripping, spread the skin around the growth with any cream or zinc paste thick layer. This will create a film on the skin and will not burn it.

From papillomas: Apply 1 (only one!) drop of super celandine to the papilloma using the applicator. Once a day. Duration of treatment: 1-2-3 days depending on the size of the papilloma. After this, we stop treatment and let the skin heal. If the wound starts bleeding and/or it begins to hurt, we stop treatment and let the wound heal.

After 7-10 days we check - if the papillomas remain, we carry out repeated treatment.

For warts: Exactly the same scheme.

From molluscum contagiosum : one time use only ().

For dry calluses: the scheme is approximately the same, only the processing time may be slightly increased to 10 days. Also, the treatment surface may be larger, which will require not one, but two drops of the drug.

Attention: when treating with super celandine main principle- less is better!


Children under 5 years of age, pregnancy. Do not apply on the face, mucous membranes or genital area.

Complications from super celandine

1) chemical burn of the surrounding skin. In this case, you should immediately place your hand under a stream of warm water for 15 minutes. Contact a surgeon.

Attention: do not treat with acids (vinegar, etc.). You will simply waste time, the burn will have time to become deeper, and you will aggravate the chemical effect on the affected skin with acid.

2) scars on the skin (pictured below). This is a consequence of a chemical burn to the skin. There is nothing you can do here except execute plastic surgery.
Prevention of complications: strict adherence to the instructions for use of the drug.

Reviews from the use of super cleanser vary - from enthusiastic (everything disappeared quickly) to extremely negative (deep scars remained on the face).

Read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly, and then there will be no complications.


Celandine juice contains various alkaloids that have a toxic effect on cell development. Therefore, in large doses when taken orally, this plant is poisonous and can kill a person. And in small doses it is a medicine.

By the way, from the plant raw materials of celandine, the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry previously produced the cytostatic drug “Ukrain”, which was used in medicine to treat cancer diseases. This drug is not currently in production.

In the case of warts and papillomas, celandine juice also has a toxic effect on the cells of the skin growth, causing their death. However, unlike aggressive chemicals that roughly cause chemical burns to the skin, celandine herb juice acts more gently, without leading to scarring.

But the time it takes to remove warts when treated with celandine juice increases to several weeks.

Instructions for use

Pluck a blade of grass and treat the wart with fresh juice. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day. Duration – at least 2 weeks. Usually during this period the wart should begin to decrease in size.

In the future, treatment can be carried out once a day until the wart is completely eliminated.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common disease that appears externally as growths different sizes and shapes. Often, external symptoms of infection do not cause any harm to the body and are just a cosmetic flaw. However, in some cases, even the most inconspicuous wart can degenerate into malignant tumor and provoke the development of oncology. Therefore, if any tumors are detected on the body, it is necessary to remove them immediately, and ordinary celandine will help with this.

The medicinal properties of celandine have been known since ancient times. Traditional healers It was actively used to treat various dermatological diseases, including papillomatosis. Based on the juice of the plant, ointments, solutions, compresses and even elixirs for oral administration were made.

Its benefits for human health are explained by its rich chemical composition, which includes several aggressive components that negatively affect the structure of human papillomavirus infection cells. Among them are:

  • chelerythrine;
  • homochelidonin;
  • protopine;
  • Sanguinarine.

In addition to the listed substances, celandine juice contains vitamin C, carotene, flavonoids, saponins and acids of organic origin (succinic, citric, malic).

All of them complement and enhance each other’s action, which is aimed at the rapid destruction of infected tissues. This leads to the fact that with regular treatment with juice, the wart begins to gradually die, and then falls off from the body along with the root.

Alkaloids in celandine can not only cauterize viral cells, but also reduce the growth rate of cancer. Therefore, it can and even should be used when doctors have diagnosed the degeneration of a benign growth into oncology.

Contraindications and side effects

Celandine refers to poisonous plants and has a huge list of contraindications for use. It cannot be used to remove papillomas if you have the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the digestive organs;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • mental disorders;
  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • hypotension;
  • plant allergy.

It is also not suitable for children under 3 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

With uncontrolled use of drugs containing plant extract, a person may experience side effects such as:

  • dizziness;
  • lack of sleep;
  • increased nervous excitement;
  • muscle weakness;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;

  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

All methods of treating papillomas with celandine

There are quite a few options for using celandine. It forms the basis large quantity pharmacological drugs, and is also used in the preparation of anti-warts at home. The choice of one method or another depends on the person’s personal preferences and the degree of trust in modern medicine.

Celandine in the pharmacy

Range finished products containing herbal extract is quite varied, but despite this, there are several popular medicines that are most in demand in the fight against papillomavirus. Each of them has its own method of application and recommendations for use, compliance with which will help you quickly get rid of papillomavirus infection without adverse consequences.

Fermented plant juice

There are no dyes or chemical additives in fermented celandine juice. It is obtained by fermentation and has a pronounced medicinal properties. This liquid medicine is recognized as the most effective means to suppress the activity of the human papillomavirus and therefore almost no course of treatment can be done without it.

The instructions for the drug indicate standard scheme its use, which is relevant for absolutely any type of papillomavirus. It lies in gradual increase medication dosage for 10 days. The initial amount of juice on the first day is half a teaspoon. It is dissolved in a glass of water or fruit juice and drunk 30 minutes before meals in three doses. Then, during the remaining 9 days, the dose of the medicine is increased by 2 drops.

After completing the first half of the ten-day course of treatment, the patient should take a break for 72 hours. After this period, therapy is resumed according to the same scheme. And so on until you get rid of the symptoms of infection.

To avoid any health problems, doctors strongly recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • juice always mixes with liquid;
  • Do not violate the drug dosage regimen;
  • It is forbidden to take the medicine for more than 5 days in a row;
  • It is unacceptable to combine celandine juice with alcohol.

Balm Mountain celandine against papillomas

To speed up the process HPV treatment in parallel with taking fermented juice orally, it is necessary to treat the growth with drugs local action, among which the Mountain Celandine balm has gained particular popularity. It is sold in small ampoules with an applicator and is used for express removal of growths on any area of ​​the skin.

Mountain celandine is complex remedy, containing several active components;

  • gentian extract;
  • rhododendron concentrate;
  • extract from spear-shaped poop;
  • celandine juice.

Before starting to use the balm, you must allergy test. To do this, a drop of the drug is applied to back side brushes and if after 10-15 minutes the skin does not turn red, then everything is in order. Otherwise, this product is not recommended to be used.

The balm should be spread on the surface of the papilloma using a plastic stick, which is attached to the lid of the ampoule with the medicine. It is strictly prohibited to treat the growth with a finger dipped in the preparation. This is explained by the fact that Mountain celandine is poisonous, capable of cauterizing healthy tissue. Therefore, it should be applied only to infected areas of the epidermis.

Pencil Lekker Super Chistoto

For those who are afraid of damaging their skin with balm, the right choice will be the purchase of a pencil, which was created by the Russian pharmacological company “Two Lines”. The manufacturer took care of its consumers and developed safe remedy with a low concentration of toxic substances that cannot cause a chemical burn.

The drug is a light pink solution poured into a bottle that looks like a marker with a cap. The comfortable hard case is equipped with a soft pad, which must be applied to the location of the papilloma. When pressing on it, a small amount of liquid is released, which does not cause harm to healthy cells of the epidermal layer.

Lekker Super Chistoto pencil must be used daily 3-4 times for two weeks. This time is quite enough to remove tumors with a diameter of up to 2 cm. If the wart is larger than 20 mm, then the drug may not be beneficial.

Celandine in traditional medicine

Despite the mass positive feedback about pharmacological products, most people still remain adherents of “grandmother’s” methods of treatment. This is explained by the fact that medicines prepared at home are completely natural, do not contain chemical impurities, and the raw materials for them can be prepared independently.

Alternative medicine has dozens of ways to prepare potions against papillomavirus from celandine juice. Almost all of them help a short time stop the development of the disease and remove it external manifestations– warts. However, before starting treatment with any remedy, it is recommended to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use.


An infusion of celandine is sold in any pharmacy, but why spend money if you can make it yourself. To do this you need to take 700 g. fresh plant stems (along with leaves), pass them through a meat grinder and transfer to a clean liter jar. Next, 400 ml of good vodka is poured into the container, and it is placed in a dark, cool place for 5 days.

After the specified period, the tincture can be used internally. She drinks 50 grams daily in the morning and evening for two to three weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended for another 5-7 days, but if the therapy does not bring any results, then it is best to visit a dermatologist who will select another treatment method.

Alcohol tincture has some contraindications, namely:

  • alcohol addiction;
  • driving vehicles;
  • working with complex mechanisms;
  • diabetes of any type.

In this case, it is better to replace it with pharmaceutical fermented celandine juice or any other medicine without ethanol.

Compresses with celandine juice

The most in a simple way preparing compresses against warts has become a combination egg yolk, 15 gr. honey and a teaspoon of celandine. The listed ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the finished product is wrapped in several layers of gauze or bandage. Next, the compress is applied to the location of the papilloma, and then firmly fixed with an adhesive plaster.

The procedure must be carried out twice daily - in the morning and at night. The maximum time to wear the compress should not exceed 40 minutes. Otherwise, with prolonged exposure to celandine juice on the skin, allergies or tissue inflammation may occur.

If desired, you can replace the compress mixture with a pre-prepared tincture. However, in this case, the alcohol medicine will need to be diluted clean water or chamomile decoction in a 1 to 1 ratio.

Ointment made from crushed leaves of the plant

To make an ointment for external use, you need to purchase dry celandine at the pharmacy. 20 grams of herb are ground in a blender to a powdery state and mixed with a tablespoon of Vaseline. The resulting mixture is transferred to a clean box or jar and applied to the wart three times a day until the growth is completely cauterized. It can also remove calluses, lichen formations and even corns.

Another option for preparing an ointment for papillomas was mixing the following components:

  • calendula inflorescences (10 pcs.);
  • dry celandine (15 g);
  • nettle or mint leaves (10 g);
  • natural butter (20 gr.).

The plant ingredients are crushed, mixed with oil, then wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator. In 40-60 minutes medicine It will harden and can be applied to the affected area of ​​the body.

Lubricate the build-up butter with ground herbs you need at least once a day. It is best to do the procedure in the morning and before bed. To enhance the properties of the ointment, it is recommended to cover the treatment area with a piece of polyethylene and a woolen cloth. This will create Greenhouse effect and will ensure the rapid penetration of all useful substances into the structure of the papilloma and the skin around it. Minimum rate Removing warts using this method lasts 15 days. To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to combine the ointment with taking antiviral drugs or tinctures.

If you do not want to prepare any medicines, then you can use pure celandine juice. To do this, you need to take a fresh branch of the plant, break it in half and apply the orange liquid that appears on the broken stem to the wart.

This procedure should be repeated every day several times until the structure of the neoplasm is destroyed and it detaches from the surface of the epidermis. However, you need to remember that getting juice on uninfected tissues can damage them, so cauterizing papillomas with celandine is not the best safe option and it is not suitable for people with highly sensitive skin.

Video on topic

Regardless of a person’s gender and age, these unpleasant tumors can appear anywhere on the body. They look different. These can be round, darkened bumps on the hands and face, or long, thinly stalked papillae that usually dot the area armpits. In any case, they look unpleasant and cause discomfort when rubbing with clothing.

I really want to get rid of them, but... surgical removal Not everything can be resolved in a salon or in a hospital. We have to turn to folk remedies for help. Most often, it is recommended to use celandine for papillomas, which burns them out with its poisonous juice in a few days. But this plant is very dangerous - therefore, handling it must be appropriately careful.

Beneficial features

Why is celandine so popular for removal, and since ancient times? This medicinal plant contains unique substances, whose successful combination allows you to fight the virus.

They are poisonous and simply burn out the affected tissue. It's harmful, but effective. The chemical composition of the nondescript yellow flower in this case works for the good.

  • Alkaloids

The chemical composition of celandine contains about 20 alkaloids: cheloidine, sanguinarine, chelerythrine, protopine, etc. Underneath them are hidden organic nitrogen-containing substances. They perform certain functions in removing papillomas:

- cheloidin has analgesic and sedative properties;
- homocheloidin accelerates in damaged cells metabolic processes and promotes their regeneration;
— protopin effectively reduces the pain threshold, as it directly affects the excitability of the nervous system.

Alkaloids are known for their high biological activity. Thanks to them, celandine can be both a medicine (with proper use and moderate dosages) and poison (with uncontrolled use in large quantities).

  • Saponins

Saponins too organic matter, but they do not contain nitrogen. They have a calming effect and soften the irritating effect of alkaloids.

  • Essential oils

Essential oils are known to everyone - they are a complex mixture of nitrogen-free substances. Easily dissolves in alcohol and fatty oils. When removing papillomas, celandine has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic effect.

  • Flavonoids

Flavonoids are the same compounds that give the milky juice of celandine its yellow color. They are playing important role in cauterization of papillomas, as they are able to quickly restore those damaged by alkaloids and acids blood vessels in the treated area. They have antiviral, antiallergenic, and anticancer properties.

  • Organic acids

Organic acids are the very substances that burn papillomas.

According to research, healing milky juice, penetrating into infected cells, causes local inflammation. In this simple way the immune system is activated defensive reaction an organism that, after such a process, can cope with the virus itself.

So there should be no doubt about whether it is possible to cauterize papillomas with celandine. Its composition is actively working in this direction. You just need to take care to do everything right.

Origin of name. The name of the herb speaks for itself: celandine has long been known as the best remedy from: he gave the body purity.


Why, despite such a toxic composition and numerous side effects, despite all the warnings of specialists, do people still use it against papillomas?

This method of dealing with unpleasant tumors has its advantages over all others:

  1. Burning out papillomas in salon conditions is painful procedure, which not everyone will agree to, even with the use of anesthetics. Celandine juice causes almost no discomfort.
  2. Salon procedures, as well as medications, is an expensive pleasure. If you use the plant directly, it won’t cost a penny. Even pharmaceutical products based on it have much lower prices.
  3. It is worth considering the fact that celandine is a gift from Mother Nature, and natural remedies always preferable to chemical and synthetic ones.
  4. Speed ​​of action: if the new growth is fresh and the plant was used correctly, the lump disappears within 3-4 days.
  5. Efficiency: in 90% of cases, cauterization results in recovery.

When using this medicinal plant for such purposes, it is worth understanding that HPV (human papillomaviruses), which cause the formation of these bumps on the body, will not disappear from the body after such treatment. They can doze off for a while, or they can cause a new scattering in the most unexpected place.

Therefore, after external correction of the disease, it is a good idea to undergo an examination by a doctor to assess the scale of the problem. This is one of the reasons why experts do not recommend using this herb for this disease.

Other names. Celandine is popularly called differently: golden grass, Russian ginseng, gift of heaven, swallow grass, celandine, warthog, freckle potion.


Self-removal of papillomas at home is not encouraged by doctors, because this procedure has significant disadvantages:

  • the risk of the affected tissues growing into cancerous tumors;
  • severe burns of healthy skin around the neoplasm being treated;
  • risk inflammatory reaction and subsequent sepsis due to non-compliance with sanitation and hygiene rules;
  • removal can be a painful procedure;
  • the lump does not always fall off;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • If it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, the product can cause severe irritation.

Are you ready for such tests? Weigh the pros and cons. What is more important to you: the absence of the risk of such complications or the elimination of these unpleasant viral tumors?

If you are determined to use this particular method, it is worth touching on one more safety issue before starting cauterization - the presence of contraindications.

Alternative. Papillomas can also be cauterized with aspirin, garlic, dry ice, hare cabbage, St. John's wort or match ash. Spells and bandages with synthetic thread are also very common.


Please note the following contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • open wounds near tumors;
  • inflamed lump;
  • papillomas on the genitals and mucous membranes.

If you have chosen treatment with celandine from a pharmacy (there are now many drugs for external use based on it being sold), all these points should be spelled out in the instructions for them.

Interesting fact. Chelidonine is an alkaloid contained in celandine, similar to morphine in its action, it is a very powerful anesthetic. In animals it first causes severe depression, then paralysis of the entire nervous system. An overdose of any product based on this plant can lead to severe convulsions.

Pharmacy drugs

In city conditions it is much easier to use pharmaceutical celandine. Such drugs are low cost with excellent effectiveness. Makes them easier to use detailed instructions, which indicates both dosages and contraindications.

Our short review most popular medications with this medicinal plant for external use will help you make a choice.

"Super clean"

We cannot help but talk about this drug for two reasons:

  • “Super cleanser” is considered one of the most effective pharmaceutical remedies for papillomas.
  • Its name confuses many patients. Manufacturers used a play on words when naming it: there is not a trace of medicinal plant, which our article is about. Perhaps they meant the process of cleansing the body of skin rashes- no more.

One way or another, the chemical composition of this medication includes only an aqueous solution of sodium and potassium alkalis. Application: apply a drop of balm onto the papilloma, while treating the surrounding skin with a rich cream. Let it soak in.


  • papillomas on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases.

Among side effects- a scar, the burn can be so severe.

"Mountain celandine"

No less popular is another pharmaceutical product - “Mountain celandine”, the chemical composition of which, in addition to natural juice celandine, other plant extracts are also listed:

  • spear-shaped cacalia;
  • golden rhododendron;
  • gentian.

In pharmacies you can find an infusion or balm under this name - they are the same in application: papillomas are moistened with a cotton swab soaked in the product. The cauterization time on the face is 5 minutes, on the body - 15. As the liquid dries, the stick is dipped again and applied again. Scheme: daily three times a day until the lump turns black.

Contraindications contained in the instructions for use of the drug:

  • open, fresh wounds on the treated area;
  • severe inflammatory process;
  • skin irritation near the papilloma;
  • exacerbation;
  • papillomas in the mouth, on the genitals;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • allergic reaction.

“Mountain celandine” is considered an analogue of “Super celandine”.

"Super Clean"

Another popular drug for papillomas is a pencil (felt-tip pen) “Super Celandine” from the Lekker company, which is very convenient for applying the product to the skin. Promises a quick effect of removing tumors in just 4 days.

However, be careful: chemical composition This cosmetic liquid contains only an alkali solution with the addition of dye. None plant extracts it does not contain. It has a local antiviral and exfoliating effect.


One of the softest pharmaceutical products in this line is celandine cosmetic oil, which is very gentle on the skin. It is applied undiluted to papillomas twice a day. It does not injure healthy areas around the tumor being removed.

Judging by the reviews about this drug, it is well tolerated even by children, and eliminates the occurrence of burns and irritations after use. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

However, in fairness it should be noted that the effectiveness cosmetic oil inferior to the results guaranteed by more concentrated and aggressive preparations based on this plant.

Essential oil of celandine can also be used to cauterize papillomas, but more carefully, after diluting it in water in equal proportions.


A pharmaceutical tincture of celandine in alcohol can be taken both internally (to strengthen weakened immunity, which has succumbed to the action of awakened HPV) and externally.

Both options involve diluting it with water. In the first case - 10-15 drops per glass of warm boiled water, drink three times a day before meals. In the second case - 50/50, cauterization of papillomas 2-3 times a day until they dry completely.

Plantazan B

  • powdered stems and rhizomes of celandine to burn out new growths;
  • lanolin has a softening effect, prevents the poisonous juice from corroding the skin and prevents it from drying out;
  • Vaseline also acts as a softener for the burning effect of the ointment;
  • carbolic acid has a strong irritant and antiseptic cauterizing effect, is easily and quickly absorbed, actively fights against viruses and bacteria, and at the same time serves as a preservative.


Pharmaceutical celandine juice is a concentrate, one of the most effective and dangerous medications this series. After cauterization of papillomas like this aqueous solution many complain of a strong burning sensation that does not go away for a long time.

As you can see, celandine extract can be found in many pharmaceutical preparations against papillomas, which is dictated by high efficiency this medicinal plant in the fight against viral tumors. However, it is worth recalling that any medicine always contains impurities and additives, preservatives and fragrances that weaken the effect of the main ingredient.

So, if you have access directly to the herb itself, it is better to prepare the drug at home and be sure that it is 100% natural.

This is interesting. Most often, people call celandine swallow grass - and this is no coincidence. Scientists still cannot explain the fact why the time of arrival of swallows coincides with the beginning of the flowering of this grass, and their flight to the south is accompanied by its complete withering.

Folk remedies

Despite such an abundance of pharmaceutical preparations, the removal of papillomas with celandine, the stem of which was broken with one’s own hand, is much different greater efficiency. Although such treatment is associated with certain risks. But if everything is done as carefully as possible, complications can be avoided.

In its purest form

The most common way to get rid of papillomas using celandine is to use its milky juice in its pure form. The procedure is called cosmetic cauterization.

The stem of the plant is broken as close as possible to the root where it is collected maximum amount organic acids and alkaloids. You need to squeeze it slightly and direct the released droplet onto the papilloma. If after 2 days the wart does not fall off, repeat the procedure again.

There are even more effective method to burn out the new growth - apply force to it where the stem was broken. However, this is very dangerous, as you can get serious.

If it is not possible to use fresh juice every time you pick a plant, you can store it for future use. Pick 4-5 branches, grind through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Squeeze out the juice, pour into a container and store in the refrigerator.


If most of Papillomas are located in the armpit area; the juice of the plant cannot be used in its pure form - a burn is guaranteed. Therefore, it is much more reasonable for such cases to prepare a solution based on it.

It will be enough to mix 10 ml (this is the volume of a teaspoon) of milky juice squeezed out from a freshly picked stem, and warm water. Next, dip a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and apply it to the bumps.


For moxibustion at home, a tincture is often used, which can be easily prepared with your own hands. There are a lot of recipes - any remedy will be effective:

  • Mix concentrated celandine juice in equal quantities with vodka;
  • 250 ml of juice - 500 ml of alcohol;
  • Pour 20 grams of chopped fresh herbs into a glass of vodka.

After this, the liquid is poured into a bottle and left in a dark place for 2 weeks. There is no need to shake or mix. After this, it is filtered and used as lotions and compresses, either in pure form or after dilution with water. This tincture solution can also be used internally.


The medicinal raw materials of celandine are all its parts: branches, flowers, leaves. To prepare an infusion, they can be used both fresh and dried. They need to be crushed and pour 50 grams of herbs with a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for half an hour. After this, the healing potion is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

  • Lotions

Moisten two-layer gauze in the celandine infusion and apply to the papilloma for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

  • Ingestion

As practice shows, such treatment is particularly effective, because the cause of tumors lies inside the body. Dosage regimen: half an hour before meals three times a day. Dosage: 30 ml at a time. The duration of therapy is a week, after which the lumps will disappear on their own.

Before using celandine infusion orally, you should consult your doctor.


Place celandine in a prepared container and pour hot vegetable oil so that it covers the grass by 3 cm. Close tightly. Cool. Place in the refrigerator for a week. Strain and dilute the resulting concentrate with vegetable oil in a 50/50 ratio. You can lubricate papillomas with this product 5-6 times a day.

Compresses, masks

Since celandine concentrate very often causes skin burns, it is recommended to use it to prepare masks or compresses, which can be used daily until they dry completely.

  • Yolk mask

10 ml olive oil beat with raw yolk, add 10 drops fresh juice celandine. The mask not only has an antiviral effect and eliminates papilloma, but also moisturizes the affected skin.

  • Protein compress

Mix the whipped egg white with 15 ml of liquid honey, add 20 ml of celandine juice. Such a compress will not only eliminate papilloma, but will also prevent inflammation from developing in the treated area.


Place the prepared herb in a saucepan and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:3. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Leave covered for another 15 minutes. Strain. Use the resulting decoction as compresses.

So removing papillomas with celandine at home is quite possible. The main thing is to cook it right the right remedy in accordance with the dosages indicated in the recipe. Do not forget to also follow the basic rules for their use in order to avoid complications.

Keep in mind. Celandine can be used not only for removing papillomas, but also for lightening (and other age spots), treatment, elimination of pimples and acne.

Rules of application

To remove papillomas with celandine without consequences for health and without harm to the skin, exercise extreme caution and follow the recommendations of experienced people and specialists.


  1. Look only for celandine that grows away from highways, cities, and businesses.
  2. You will need everything top part plants. If it turns out to be plucked together with the roots, use it as a raw material.
  3. Collection is carried out exclusively with gloves.
  4. Be careful not to get the juice on your clothes, as it leaves brown stains that are difficult to wash off.
  5. It is best to use it fresh, before the juice dries.
  6. If you need to make preparations for the winter, place the plant in a well-ventilated, dry room.
  7. Dried stems should be stored in cardboard boxes or paper bags.

Preparation is carried out according to the recipe of the product you have chosen.


  1. Treat the papilloma with steam: bring it to something boiling, just hot, but be careful: don’t get burned.
  2. Wait until the steam condensation has dried completely.
  3. Treat healthy skin around it, which will protect it from burns.
  4. It is very important to know how to properly apply celandine to papilloma so as not to harm the skin. This is done point by point using a cotton swab. You must try not to touch the healthy tissue around the tumor, otherwise they will be seriously damaged.
  5. If you are using liquid celandine (not a pencil, mask or compress), wait until it dries and apply it again. And so - 2-3 times.
  6. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to remove a large papilloma with celandine: these often form on the back, face or neck. Experts strongly do not recommend doing this. The risk of tissue growth into a full-fledged cancerous tumor is too great.

The final stage

  1. After each procedure, gloves cotton buds and the discs that were involved in cauterization are discarded.
  2. If you prepared it yourself folk remedy, all utensils used in this process (cups, pots, jars, and especially a meat grinder and blender) must be thoroughly washed using powerful cleaning agents, thoroughly wiped and dried.

Now you know how to use celandine for papillomas: either buy a pharmaceutical drug and act according to the instructions, or prepare a folk remedy yourself. Both methods are highly effective if done correctly.

Unfortunately, the warnings of doctors sometimes turn out to be not in vain: sometimes home removal of other tumors in this way ends in serious complications.

The benefits of celandine. An infusion of this medicinal plant is used to treat cancer. internal organs in the initial stages.

Side effects

It is not always possible to remove papillomas with celandine without complications, especially if the dosage is violated. If you notice something is wrong, you don’t need to continue doing it on your own: you need to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. What difficulties may arise during such treatment?

  • If the papilloma turns red after celandine, it is either a burn, or you have an infection and inflammation has begun.
  • If it turns black but does not fall off, you have not completed the job: continue the course of treatment until you clear your body of these lumps.
  • If it has changed its color, but drying does not occur: the dosage was chosen incorrectly, try increasing the concentration, using juice instead of oil.
  • If after cauterization the papilloma increases, this indicates a process of pathological tissue proliferation. This very often leads to the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • If it has not changed at all, it means that the virus in your body is not sensitive to celandine alkaloids. Try to find a replacement for him.
  • If it starts to hurt, stop treatment and find another way to remove it.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists have long been against burning papillomas with celandine at home. The risk of tumor cell proliferation is too great.

That is why this procedure must be done as carefully and competently as possible. If everything is done correctly, the skin can be completely cleared of these unpleasant bumps that look so unaesthetic on the body.

But if there is fear or there are doubts about whether everything will work out, it is better to do this in a doctor’s office or beauty salon, where the result and effectiveness will be guaranteed.