How to motivate yourself when you feel low. How to motivate yourself to take action

Do you need motivation in life? How does she help people in life? Does every person need motivation to move forward and make progress not only in life, but also in work? Exists 15 ways to motivate yourself, which will help people who have a dream, but do not have the time and energy to realize their goals.

People who are passionate by nature never think about motivation. Often such people devote quite a lot of time to work, because work for them is the most reasonable way to invest their energy. In this article we will figure out how you can motivate yourself, but not artificial technology, A in real ways to feel a surge of energy and a strong desire to act.

1. Life is not forever. One of the most effective methods motivation for a fruitful day is to think that life is not eternal, and it will end sooner or later. And this can happen at any moment. Decide for yourself that you will never do something you don’t like, there will be no unkind, unloved or unloving people in your close circle, you will never live with an unloved person. You can motivate yourself with the thought that life is fleeting, and this gives inspiration for complete dedication in relationships with people and in work, for creating a new circle of friends, for exciting travel.

2. Look to the root. Sometimes it starts to decline. Then you need to look within yourself for the reasons for this. As a rule, there are two options why motivation decreases:

Even with the most optimistic and strong people a fall occurs. There is no need to fight this in any way. In this case, it is better to calm down and not spoil the lives or mood of the people around you and wait until the fall is over. The next stage is most often marked by a big breakthrough.

The energy simply ran out. When goals are not urgent and important enough, and there is little energy, it is very difficult to motivate yourself. There are two ways to correct the situation:

A) increase your energy levels: exercise, eat right, get up early;
B) come up with new project, conclude agreements and take action.

Ideally, it is better to combine the first and second options. After all, if you start a new business and, nevertheless, feel a lack of energy, all your work will be exhausted. And it will take weeks, and possibly months, to recover.

3. New experience. Again, the way to motivate yourself is to gain some new experience. For example, come up with an adventure for yourself. You can create a new experience for yourself on any budget. It is not necessary to go on an exotic trip to Hawaii or Madrid for emotions; sometimes you can get even more pleasant pleasure from a vacation even in the countryside. The main thing is to take a break from everyday worries: construction, garden beds, lie around in a haystack for half a day with your favorite book and contemplate the blue sky.

Are you in the city when it snows or rains? There's nothing wrong with that. This is a reason to take a day off and relax in home environment drinking a latte and watching your favorite movies. Days like these help you immerse yourself in another world and break away from the hustle and bustle of work. Another way to revive yourself is to imagine that you are in your city as a tourist - visit a new restaurant, exhibition, theater or museum.

4. Get inspired.- this is to feel a surge of internal energy. But how and where can you get it? You need something to be inspired. Inspiration can come from different things, someone in a concert hall is listening live music, someone reads great writers, and someone listens modern music. Inspiration can be found in everything, and the more inspiration you have, the more motivated you will be to discover the genius within you.

5. Be silent. Sometimes, in order to gain a surge of strength, being silent is the most effective method. For a day or two, as long as you can, immerse yourself and disconnect from everything. Most likely, after emotional and mental unloading, you will want to act.

6. Imagine your dream life. Imagine taking action in every area of ​​your life. a large number of efforts - in professional development, in fitness, in health, in building happy and fulfilling relationships. Now imagine that for your development, every day you will do everything possible so that your life becomes like this. For many people, the main and most powerful way of motivation is to create the life of their dreams.

7. Give up “extra” goals. Think about why and how you live. Is your life worth the effort you are making? What is your current motivation? Perhaps you will discover some goals imposed on you - to close or dear people, society, parents. Give up goals that no longer resonate with your goals. When you get rid of the psychological burden, it will become much easier for you, and you will want to do the thing that “likes” you.

8. List of achievements. Make a list of things that make you proud of yourself. Don't be shy and don't hold back. And it doesn’t matter at all if something seems significant to you, but for someone else it’s a trifle. Evaluate only your exit from your comfort zone, your growth, your inner breakthrough.

9. Take a walk outside. Walking is best done in the forest. Just 20-30 minutes of walking in the sun, in the fresh air, can breathe life into us. Not only oxygen and vitamin D are important here, but also the space around us. The world is perceived differently when birds sing around and trees bloom.

10. Get rid of things you started or finish them. As scientists have found, unfinished tasks are a consequence of fatigue. Think about what you can complete as quickly as possible, what you can abandon altogether, and what you can delegate. As a result, you will have a lot of energy, you will gain the desired self-motivation, and as a result, you will begin to achieve goals that require your full attention.

11. Get a little rowdy. If you are a “model girl” or “ good boy“and are used to doing everything according to plan, do something extraordinary, something out of the ordinary. But nothing destructive, like getting drunk and lying under the fence. We're talking about harmless pampering. Play a prank on a relative or friend, or go karting on your day off instead of just going for a walk. Do something that won't harm others or you, do something unexpected that isn't in your daily schedule.

12. Do an act of kindness. Help someone who is worse off than you. This could be a child, friend or relative. When we provide help to someone who has much more difficulties than we do, the clouds over our heads disappear much faster.

13. Give up the Internet and TV. Do this at least for a while. Replace it with: drawing, walking in the fresh air, reading, thinking, etc. Do things that will help you hear your inner self. This will help motivate yourself.

14. Never, never, never give up. To understand the truth of these words, watch this video that will tell you how you can motivate yourself.

15. Treat yourself. For a woman, buying a new stunning dress or chic shoes can be a motivation. For a man - a tennis racket, sports sneakers, etc.

Karen had a day off from work, she felt overwhelmed and completely exhausted. You will remember days like these - the only thing you want to do is crawl back into bed.

Karen is a busy, ambitious single mother. As much as she would like to finish everything early and relax, she still has to cook dinner and read to the children before bed. Sometimes it is difficult to find the strength to do this. And some responsibilities and tasks are so unpleasant that it is difficult to find motivation to perform them.

Pay attention to your thoughts

We plunge into the abyss of self-flagellation and procrastination. When we're unproductive, it's easy to slip into endless self-criticism. Karen herself doesn’t notice how she begins to think how lazy and stupid she is. “I’m a terrible mother who doesn’t even have the strength to cook normal food and read to the children before bed,” she thinks.

Such thoughts drag you into vicious circle: Lack of motivation leads us to blame ourselves for procrastination, and as a result we feel even worse.

By berating ourselves, we do not increase our motivation. It often seems to us that we should be tougher on ourselves - this way we will be able to accomplish more. When we fail to meet expectations (our own or someone else's), we usually begin to blame ourselves and slip into self-criticism. A harsh attitude towards yourself does not add energy.

But where to start is with self-compassion. Stop and admit that you have to overcome a lot of difficulties. Whether you suffer from depression or are just having a bad day, the pain you feel is real.

Motivation comes from actions, not the other way around. Therefore, you should not sit and wait for the desire to do something to awaken, force yourself to start

We feel overwhelmed, overwhelmed or lethargic from time to time. Be kind to yourself as you would be to a friend who is going through a difficult time in their life. Recognize that it is normal to feel tired, overwhelmed, or listless sometimes, and that your value as a person is not limited to productivity alone.

Most people are afraid that they won't achieve anything if they are too soft on themselves. However, accepting yourself is not the same as feeling sorry or delving into your problems. By being compassionate with yourself and acknowledging the fatigue you are experiencing, you can free yourself from the flood of negative self-hypnosis that contributes to unproductivity.

Be kind to yourself

In a state of apathy, do not criticize yourself, but be kind to yourself. Self-compassion will increase motivation. After all, a joyful, happy state increases performance. But most of us are motivated by actions, not the other way around. Therefore, you should not sit and wait for the desire to do something to awaken, force yourself to start.

What did Karen do? After a hard day, she wanted to collapse on the sofa in front of the TV. She scolded herself for what a bad mother she was if she so often ordered fast food delivery instead of preparing a full dinner.

In a state of apathy, do not criticize yourself, but be kind to yourself

Because she scolded herself, the desire to cook did not appear; she only felt shame and her own “inferiority.”

To begin with, Karen needed to replace self-flagellation with self-compassion. She started telling herself things like, “I’m not lazy. I work full time and raise two children. It is hard work. It's okay if I order pizza sometimes. That doesn't make me a bad mother."

She admitted that she comes home from work tired and exhausted and needs good rest. Now, when she comes home, the first thing she does is take a hot shower and then devote 10 minutes to meditation.

Karen gradually moved towards her goal of cooking a healthy dinner every day. To begin with, I limited myself to salad. Over time, I began to cook more and more, and on those days when there was no such opportunity, I did not blame or shame myself for it.

Bottom line - to motivate yourself, start with self-compassion and gradually work towards your goal.

About the expert

Sharon Martin psychotherapist, her website.

To put it simply, we were talking about artificial goals that were either imposed by someone or invented independently. And it also talked about a conscious approach, when we do what we really want to do ourselves, and not under compulsion. These matters are very subtle and intricately confusing for most people, because often we really don’t understand what we want. Since childhood, everyone clings so tightly to other people's values ​​that, having matured, they continue to believe that this is what they really want - the realization not of their real desires, but of some “correct” goals. As a result, we get such a strange picture when a person seems to be striving for something, but at the same time he does not have the strength to even take a small step, let alone go all the way to meet the goal. At the same time, a person does not so much want to fulfill his unclear desires as he wants to want it, without even really understanding what is happening. The good news here is that in order to understand yourself, a painstaking analysis of all motives – neurotic and not so neurotic – is necessary. It is impossible to do this within the framework of the article, if only because everyone has their own quirks of perception - unique. And not everyone needs this - to explore their mysterious depths. Below we will talk about simple and publicly available methods that charge goals immediately - without that intermediate phase that stops things, where we just wanted to want our desires to come true.

"Magical" calling

In general, as you probably already guessed, we will talk about how to motivate yourself to achieve specific goals. But at the same time, no one will give you a guarantee that these goals will not turn out to be false, and that upon achieving them you will not be disappointed. Usually the so-called true goal has one cool characteristic property - you really want to achieve it. That is, a person simply takes and does what he wants to do. It's simple. But such “happiness” is given to a few - those lucky ones who find their calling - a business that they simply cannot help but do. You don’t have to look far for examples: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elvis Presley, Bruce Lee - and many other outstanding people.

Do you understand what's going on? A person achieves great success when he does his own thing - that is, the kind of business that he likes to do. Dedicating time to his work, passionately biting into it, after some time, a passionate person spontaneously, without any forced effort, becomes a professional - that is, a master of his craft. But besides this, here we have the deepest satisfaction from our own work. Money, honorary laurels and other achievements are simply by-effect this spontaneous process. A master of his craft initially might not even think about money or success. He was simply doing what he loved.

But what about us, mere mortals, who have not found our calling? The simplest and most obvious solution is to find it! How? Perhaps you have always loved a particular activity, perhaps you have had a favorite hobby since childhood, or some romantic dream covered in a rainbow haze, but your “insidious” parents, with the best intentions, forced you to serve fifteen years in prison. educational institutions, where year after year this dream of yours was compacted by the darkness of imposed knowledge and values.

Well-known American bloggers Steve Pavlina and Brian Kim offer, in general, almost similar methods for finding your calling. In general, it all comes down to compiling a list of absolutely all the desires and preferences that you can remember. You just need to retire for an hour and start writing down everything that you like in this life: be it useful activities, entertainment, or, for example, drinking tea with a biscuit.

Brian Kim suggests asking this question: “What would I love to do on a daily basis using my interests and abilities that benefit people?” And to find the answer, he suggests writing down all possible, even the most ridiculous preferences that you have, directing your thinking to your earthly mission - your calling. And at some point during this lesson it should hit... It could be emotional reaction- laughter, or tears, or maybe such a joyful feeling, as if you really “hit the jackpot” and got something very valuable.

In general, if you are interested in the topic, it is better to google specifically the articles of these authors: Steve Pavlina - “Find the meaning of life in 20 minutes” (in the original: “How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes”), and Brian Kim - “How find your calling" (original - "How to Find What You Love to Do").

If a miracle does not happen during this practice, you should not despair. True Desires the vast majority of people are confused in a heap with false values ​​in the most tricky way. As a result, it is really not easy to understand what you really want. Here you need to dig deep into yourself. The path of self-knowledge is, as a rule, a long-term work associated with cleansing the mind of neuroses and all kinds of illusions, which can last long years. As already mentioned, not everyone needs this. And in this case, we are left to be content with ordinary earthly goals, in realizing which we so often experience boredom and laziness.

How to overcome laziness

By and large, laziness is just a lack of motivation when, as was said above, we do not so much want to achieve our goals as we want to want it.

How to motivate yourself? Here I focus on two types of motivation. The first is a direct “magical” motivation that comes spontaneously from within, when a person, by a happy coincidence, likes his business - we discussed it above. Motivation of the second type is indirect, coming not so much from passion for a task, but from its fruits.

If with direct motivation we are passionate about the process of our business, then when governed by a second indirect motivation, this process does not really interest us, since here it acts as a kind of, sometimes unpleasant, mediating agent between desire and goal. For this very reason, it is so difficult to achieve great success in your affairs.

In other words, passion for your work encourages you to fully dig into its details, accept all its sides, and become its guide. But if you are passionate not so much about the task as about its results, your attention constantly switches to expectations. And if these expectations are not met, the work brings only disappointment.

When there is direct motivation from passion for a business, “problems” and obstacles in the process are perceived as interesting tasks, by solving which you gain experience and discover new depths in your favorite activity. When motivation is exclusively indirect, that is, when you are not interested in the task itself, but only in its goals, tasks are perceived as annoying obstacles and annoying problems that jeopardize the achievement of results and threaten the anxiety of failure.

And if you still don’t do what you love, it means that you don’t have direct “magic” motivation. And in this case, it is worth recognizing the obvious fact, which is that the actions for which you need motivation are those that you do not want to do. And there is no point in beating yourself up about this. You can just forget about the “magic” for now and switch your attention to mediated motivation by results.

In general, indirect motivation charged with goals is not something wrong. One way or another, everything we do has its reasons. And probably only saints can receive continuous pleasure from life. All we have to do is combine direct and indirect motivation. That is, sometimes we do things that we enjoy, and sometimes because we have a specific goal.

Maybe, best option– this is when the process itself becomes a goal, and at the same time brings some benefits to others.

How to motivate yourself

Here I will give some recommendations on how to use mediated motivation to achieve your desired goals. Overall, it all comes down to collecting as much as possible more reasons in order to act.

As George Gurdjieff said, man is a complex machine. Our psyche is mechanical. There are reasons - that means there is a motive. No reason - no motive. It would seem that everything is simple, and the reasons should spontaneously influence our behavior... And so it happens. But the catch is that our RAM is limited. We cannot keep all the reasons that charge us in our heads. The solution is ridiculously simple - these reasons need to be written down.

Some motives are obvious and lie on the surface. Others can be detected by visualization. You can retire, get comfortable, close your eyes and imagine your goal. When you achieve success, what are you like? Feel how much you like the result. Take a closer look at this image. If there are details in the picture that are in a good way catchy, focus your attention on them. After visualization, these details just need to be written down. That is, you need to record everything that you like about your goal. Sincerity is important here. No matter how ridiculous these details may seem, you write them down.

How to use these records? You can create a schedule for yourself, following which every day for some time you take steps towards the life you want. And when these steps are not taken, you simply take out that very sheet of motives - the reasons why you need to do all this, and read. If, as you read, new motivating reasons arise, you add them to your motivation sheet.

If you expect to simplify the technique and do without writing down motives, in reality such “simplification” can make the task impossible. The superficial mind cannot remember everything. Among other things, retrieving motives from memory takes time and effort. If you don’t start creating a list of motivations, it’s better to immediately admit that you don’t need any additional development and continue to live as you live, without worrying.

All kinds of motivating texts and videos should also not be neglected. If you were inspired by someone’s example, you wanted to take yourself by the scruff of the neck, and you thought that you’ll start right from tomorrow, this is self-deception. You have to take yourself by the scruff of the neck and do at least something at that very moment, while you want it - while the motivation is working. At a minimum, you can, for example, write down a new understanding - new reason for action.

Source of motivation

Motivation in ours is not quite healthy society, no matter what it looks like on the surface, in the depths of almost everyone, one way or another, it is imbued with dictatorship. I didn’t plan to delve too deeply into these matters here. The site already has a little less than all the articles on this topic.

In short, a neurotic person engages in self-development in order to be proud of himself more effectively. Strives for knowledge in order to give smug advice, and express his authoritative opinion as the universal truth. Dreams of honors and privileges. Strives to fit in among other respected masters of life. Expects to relieve himself of responsibility in everything else due to success in a specific area. This doesn't lead to anything good.

More or less healthy motivation also has shades of self-affirmation, but is more aimed towards safety, comfort, etc. A person, for example, may strive for knowledge in order to afford that very comfortable lifestyle in safety. You may feel that knowledge gives you professional confidence, both in communicating with colleagues and partners and in finding work and clients. Experience and knowledge can bring income, respect, and allow you to do your business with minimum quantity errors.

In general, everything in our lives is intricately intertwined. Rough self-affirmation is replaced by subtle ones. Favorite things are replaced by necessary ones, and in them, over time, we can also see our meaning and our depth. Even peeling potatoes or washing dishes can be done by surrendering to the process. This is the essence of meditation.

It is worth remembering that a long journey is taken in small steps. It doesn't matter how difficult the goal is. It consists of simple elements. Even small but regular steps will one day make the path completed.

The ability to motivate yourself is absolutely necessary for a happy and successful life. The following tips will help you figure out how to motivate yourself.


Describe in one or two paragraphs what your desired future would look like. Write about what you will do, where you will live, and how you will enjoy yourself achieved success. This will motivate you to achieve both current and longer-term goals.


Close your eyes and imagine yourself doing what you would like to do. If you want to get into better physical shape, imagine yourself filled with health and in great physical fitness, are engaged in gym or run in the morning. If you dream of opening your own business, imagine yourself on opening day, welcoming employees and first clients.


When you visualize the past, you will be able to see where you have been and how far you have come. If you have set a goal for yourself to become more organized and have achieved some success in this, think back to a time when things were not so good. This will help you stay on your chosen path.


When you think about your future, don't be afraid to make big plans. This will help you tolerate short-term setbacks more easily. Difficulties and obstacles along the way will no longer stop you, as you will be focused on greater achievements.


Learn, read, discuss, listen and experience anything that can bring you closer to your goal or dream. Say, if you want to become a writer, you can take courses, read books, correspond with other writers, take part in exhibitions, etc.


Clean, tidy and well organized workplace, home, and life itself are necessary conditions to motivate the mind. Dirt around leads to garbage in your thoughts. Keep your life organized and you will find more energy and clarity in every day.


Place symbols, signs, messages or other things and objects that remind you of your goals and dreams in your home, office, car, wallet, calendar. Reminders like these ensure a constant flow of motivation.


Spend some of your time helping people around you. When you give something selflessly to another, you begin to better understand how much good you have in life and how much satisfaction helping others can bring.


By teaching others, you better understand the subject of study. Help your children become motivated, help your friends set and achieve goals, help your loved one achieve their dreams.


Communication with children will allow you to look at what is happening from a different perspective. You may be stressed at work and worried about meeting deadlines, but when you play with your children, the worries and stress seem to fade away or be pushed into the background. Children look at life simply, and in many ways life situations this approach is justified.


Do you have a close friend who is trying to achieve something? Your relative may be trying to achieve big goals. Find like-minded people. You will be able to motivate, encourage and support each other. Your reminders and advice will help each of you achieve your personal goals.


Find someone you would like to learn from. In this case, you will not have to reinvent the wheel, and you will be able to learn the best from the person you respect.


Take a walk around the block or go for a drive to unwind, distract yourself, or calm down. Sometimes we all need a change of scenery and fast walk or driving a car are good for these purposes.


Read the success stories of people around you. In just one newspaper issue you can find dozens small stories success that can motivate and inspire you to further actions. Libraries are full of biographies and autobiographies ordinary people who have achieved outstanding results.


Music can calm, excite, sad, and also motivate. Listening to fast rhythmic music while jogging is one example of the motivating effects of music. What music motivates you?

One of the reasons why people love watching movies is that they are about a hero who, through growth and experience, comes to victory through struggle and suffering. Make a list of movies that motivate you.


There are thousands of quotes and sayings on the Internet and in books that can inspire, motivate and make us all look at our lives from a different perspective. Search for statements on a topic that interests you and you will find millions of pages that match what you were looking for.


Life energy is essential for creating happy life. But the amount of energy depends greatly on healthy eating. Create a diet for yourself that includes all minerals, vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.

19. Get enough sleep

Some people need six hours of sleep, while others need seven or eight. It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep your body requires, it is important that it gets them. A few nights of 3-4 hours of sleep will have a big impact on your motivation, energy levels and overall behavior.


This is the most main advice. Never stop learning the world. Read, listen and learn new things about things that interest you. Don't be satisfied with the answer "I don't know," look for answers to your questions. Be curious.

Self-motivation and long-term change is difficult without goals. Use the following tips to set effective goals.



This is the most important advice regarding goals - use them! Without goals, it will be difficult for you to achieve anything in life. If you go with the flow and let others make your choices, you will never achieve what you want for yourself. Strive to achieve your goals throughout your life and enjoy the success and happiness that they bring.


Take Blank sheet paper and pen. Sit in a quiet, well-lit place and think, think, think. Write down any ideas that come to your mind. Financial goals, personal goals, relationship goals, health goals, etc. Write down every idea you have. Once you've finished thinking about it, you'll have plenty of goals to work on.


Once you have set a goal for yourself, write it down. On paper, your goal will look more specific and clear. A goal that's left floating in your head can be conveniently forgotten long before you can seriously work on it.

24. GET YOUR GOAL AS SPECIFIC as possible.

Goals must be specific to be effective. “Improving relationships with children” may be an important and worthy goal, but its formulation is too vague. Try instead to include a play day and family dinner every night from 6 to 7. A specific plan has a much better chance of success.


Postponement and procrastination are deadly to your goals and aspirations. The best way deal with this - set a deadline concrete actions. Like the goal itself, the deadline must be extremely specific.


Setting deadlines for completing work is certainly important, but we must not forget about its opposite - determining specific dates for the start of work. Having set a goal for yourself, you can immediately find a large number of reasons to postpone its implementation. Set yourself deadlines and stick to them strictly.


For goals to be effective, they need to challenge you. If your goals are easy to achieve, your motivation will begin to wane. Your goals should make the most of your skills and abilities and, in addition, should help you acquire new knowledge and skills.


Setting a goal that is obviously unattainable will make you frustrated, angry, and insecure. Goals shouldn't be easy, but they should be reasonable.


Develop detailed step by step plan actions for each stage of achieving the goal. One of the main reasons for failure when trying to achieve something is the lack of understanding of what exactly needs to be done to achieve the goal. Plan your work and work according to the plan.


Don't set yourself too many goals at once. One or three are enough to get started. Spraying efforts simultaneously on large quantity tasks will lead to the fact that none of the goals will be given enough attention and effort necessary to achieve it.


Celebrate your progress towards your goal. For example, let's say you set a goal to read 300 pages of literature per week. It would be better to distribute the achievement of this goal by reading 25-50 pages a day and daily noting the work done in this direction. By daily noting your progress towards achieving a goal, you develop a powerful charge of motivation to achieve this goal.


Make a list of ten things you need to do in life. For example, start your own business, run a marathon, travel around Europe, learn French, etc. Place this list in a desk drawer at home or at work.


Multi-colored adhesive sheets - good way to remind you about everyday activities and tasks. Just don't overdo it - you don't want to cover your computer screen so tightly that you can't make out the images on it.


Give yourself a reward. Once you achieve a goal or take a significant step towards achieving it, celebrate it. You worked hard and deserve your reward. Go out to lunch, take a little vacation, or do something that brings you joy.


Why are you setting this particular goal for yourself? So write: “Why do I need this?” Ask yourself this question for every goal. You need to be completely clear about why you are trying to achieve this goal. If you can't clearly answer this question for yourself, cross that goal off your list and move on to the next one.


Attitude is everything. The following tips will help you create a winning attitude and help others do the same.



In everyday conversations, use expressions such as: “We will find a solution” or “I am positive about this.” The words you use in everyday speech have a major influence on your behavior and mood.


I have talked to many people who believed that an optimist is not much different from a pessimist and did not see much difference between the two approaches to life. It is a trap! We must strive for optimism no matter what. People are not born pessimists or optimists, they are made.

Are there people around you with a negative attitude towards the world? What influence do they have on you? Very often our behavior and worldview directly depend on the people around us. If your environment at home or at work is negatively impacting your mood and behavior, take immediate action to change the situation.


When you know you're unhappy, admit it and take action to change that state of affairs. This is very difficult to do, especially when you are not in the mood or desire to admit it to yourself. It may be hard work, but it will be worth it. If you feel bad, realize it and try to change the situation.


We often like to think about ourselves that we are good, positive people, But it is not always the case. Listen to what your friends and family say about you and your behavior. You may hear a lot of things you don't want to hear, but sometimes best changes in life they begin with constructive criticism.


When you become aware of the situations that stress you out, you can learn to avoid them and release the stress, pain, and frustration they bring with them. If such situations cannot be avoided, try to take positive experiences out of them.


It's vital important question for your mood and behavior. Having found the answer to it, you will receive a “button” for use Have a good mood” that can be used again and again. When I'm on my own bad mood, I ask myself if I have eaten today. Most of the time, after a good lunch, my mood vector turns 180 degrees.


When you're feeling down or just tired, give yourself a break. Often, a short break helps you see things from a different perspective and return to the same situation with a positive attitude.


Before you do anything, think about the consequences. For example, if your employee does something stupid that reflects negatively on you, don't immediately attack. Consider the best course of action. Then think about it again. Only after this does it make sense to act.


This is the main difference between a happy enthusiast and a sad pessimist. When something important happens in your life that has direct or indirect meaning to you, influence the situation. This means that you think about the situation, use your mind to find a solution, and take action accordingly. When you react to a situation, you skip the thinking stage and do the first thing that comes to your mind. this moment. Undoubtedly, such a reaction will only add to your problems and disappointments. So influence, don't react.


Look around you and learn to appreciate the good things in your life: your friends, family, career, home, etc. This alone is enough to form a positive attitude towards life. Because no matter what bad things happen in life, you can still be grateful for what you have. Put things into perspective and appreciate the good things in your life.


Sometimes it's good to be sad. You don't always have to be upbeat, happy and outgoing. On the contrary, it can lead to internal devastation or nervous breakdown. There are days when everything goes wrong or you don’t feel like doing anything at all. Days like this are normal and the problems will go away soon.


Think about problems logically. By allowing your emotions to guide you, you may do many things that seem right and justified at the time, but ultimately turn out to be not the best choice.


Don't take part in the negative rumors being discussed around you. If you see that the conversation is heading towards this, politely apologize and leave.


Wake up with a smile full of energy. Today you have a lot to achieve and a lot to be happy about. Life is short and you need to make the most of it today maximum benefit. Just like from every next day.

“Self-pity is our worst enemy, and if we give in to it, we can never do anything wise in this world." - Helen Keller.

From the moment when teachers kindergarten from asking us what we'd like to be in the future, to interview questions about where we see ourselves in five or ten years - everyone around us seems to want to know what we're doing with our lives. Some of us have detailed " road maps” in our minds, with markers for each goal: to obtain higher education, create a successful career, start a family, visit Mars, achieve world domination... It doesn’t matter. We have a vague picture of someone in the distant future who is like us and doing amazing things. But they are too far away. It doesn't matter whether we've planned our lives since we were five or just improvised, we all need to get a jolt from time to time that gets us moving in the right direction.

Here are eight creative ways to motivate yourself to achieve your goals.

1. Sing to yourself

No seriously. Like laughter, sun and Fresh air, singing lifts our mood and increases our level of well-being. It could even be group exercises to strengthen relationships with others. Studies have shown that singing promotes the production of endorphins (happy hormones), which are natural chemical agent in the human body, capable of relieving pain and stress. When we become happier, we get a lot more done. This explains why Snow White likes to hum tunes while she works.

2. Visualize your success

According to Dr. Frank Niles, visualization is the simplest yet most useful motivational technique because when you form a picture of what is to come in your mind, you begin to see the possibility of achieving that goal. When I was working on my dissertation at university, there were days when the tasks I set myself seemed insurmountable, let alone completing the entire thesis project. When I started to feel overwhelmed, I visualized the moment of achieving the goal, imagined how I was walking across the stage, having finally received confirmation of 5 years of study, how I was finding a great job thanks to this diploma... And I was immediately overcome with inspiration and the strength to move on. . Believe me, it actually works.

3. Talk about achieving goals using only clear and positive terms.

Instead of saying “if I get married,” “if I get a promotion,” “if I quit smoking,” say “when I get married,” “when I get a promotion,” “when I quit smoking.” This leads to a shift in focus from possibility to reality.

International bestselling author and PhD Wayne Dyer details the impact positive statement“I am” to achieve success and standard of living in general. Dyer humorously says that God did not speak to Moses with the phrase “I wish” or “I hope everything works out.” No! He simply said, “I am.” Using this affirmation in our own lives can help us visualize our goals and focus on the end prize.

4. Use a rating chart

We all remember the feeling of satisfaction when we rushed home to our parents to show them the A's we received in homework At school. Who will prove that this positive reinforcement cannot work in adult life?

Create a timeline of your goals with different steps on the way to achieving them. Every time you manage to overcome one step, give yourself a grade or a gold star/smiley - something that gives you a feeling of accomplishment. This is closely related to visualization techniques. These charts provide reliable evidence that you are making progress.

5. Keep a goal diary

Writing down your goals and regularly reflecting on your progress will help you focus on your desired results and keep you accountable to your dreams.

In 1979, master's students at Harvard University were asked whether they had goals and wrote them down. Only 3% of respondents wrote down their goals, 13% simply had goals but did not write them down, and 84% did not have clearly defined goals at all. Ten years later, a study found that 3% of students who wrote down their goals became the most financially successful. A financial stability is just one way to quantify success. Research continues to point to a link between clearly defining your desires and achieving them.

6. Find a buddy with a common goal.

This is very useful way, to motivate students to finish homework, and also works well for those who have difficulty persevering with work. I have repeatedly noticed that I get the most high marks for the tasks that I completed when my friend sat next to me and did the same. The other person becomes the racket that bounces your ideas off. Even Sherlock Holmes relied on Watson's presence to solve his problems.

7. Create a board at your workspace or visibility area.

Personally, I consider Tim Burton and Peter Jackson to be my biggest inspirations. It’s hard to say “I probably shouldn’t try this” or “I’ll put it off until later” when looking them in the face. Hang up your favorite movies, books, characters and idols that you admire on a board or wall, choose your favorite inspirational quotes and keep them nearby to remind yourself that you can achieve any goals you set.

8. "Quick Dream"

According to teacher Margit Terpalaru, there is a conscious, creative and honest way to procrastinate. Terpalaru, who uses this technique all the time, calls it "micro-breaking." For many of us, this is a reflexive desire to log into Facebook or Vkontakte for just five minutes, and then half an hour later we are surprised how we were “sucked” into the whirlwind of social media.

Instead, Terpalaru suggests a method called “quick dreaming.” Look up from your computer screen, take a few minutes and think about all the great things that await you in a day or week: riding a bike with your boyfriend, partying with friends, summer vacation at the seaside... Like the other visualization techniques we've talked about, this practice keeps your focus on the end goal.

How do you motivate yourself? Which useful tips do you know? Share your thoughts in the comments