How to be awake in the morning. How to wake up and be cheerful in the morning

Late at night, which flies by instantly, and now it's already morning. And few people feel fresh and full of energy at the moment of awakening. However, everything is possible. And in this case too. You just need to know about some secrets and follow some simple recommendations.

Compliance with the regime

This is probably the most difficult moment for everyone. But mandatory. So how do you wake up refreshed in the morning? It is important to follow the regime. It can be different for everyone, individual, but stable. And of course, sleep should be limited. You do not need to stay in bliss for half a day, but you should not limit yourself to a couple of hours of sleep. You can go to bed at midnight and wake up at 7:00. By following this particular regimen, it will be possible to accustom your body to regular rises and falling asleep. In other words, a kind of habit will develop. And the person will feel how easy it is for him to wake up, even without an alarm clock.

You also need to know that minimal amount sleep should be 6 hours. And it is better not to fall asleep later than midnight with active daily activities. Otherwise, there is a high probability of feeling overwhelmed in the morning.

Simple but effective methods

Talking about how to wake up in the morning vigorous, it is impossible not to note three more good recommendations, the implementation of which does not require much effort.

So, the first moment - you need to set the correct melody for the alarm clock. Dull, melodic motifs are categorically not suitable. Many say that it is supposedly more convenient to wake up under such ones - slowly, gradually. But actually it is not. Firstly, such melodies can only evoke a gloomy morning mood and remind you that a person still has to work all day. Secondly, under them you can simply oversleep everything. But an energetic melody or a favorite announcer from an FM station, which is automatically “turned on” by a radio alarm clock at the appointed time, can charge you with a good mood.

As soon as you open your eyes, you should drink a glass of water. It can be put next to the bed before going to bed, in advance. Everyone knows that water tones and awakens digestion. And of course, it will not be superfluous cold and hot shower. The final awakening will come immediately after the completion of the procedure.

advance preparation

It is even surprising how urgent is the question of how to wake up in the morning cheerful and in a good mood. This worries many. But in fact, everything is simple. Enough to prepare for tomorrow in advance.

You need to plan everything. Write each case on paper. And it is better to have a separate notebook for such plans. And if some problem worries, it must also be brought there, describing it in detail. Perhaps, in the process of presentation, the thought of solving it will come to mind. But at least you can get rid of annoying thoughts. And to fall asleep even easier, you can open the window in the ventilation mode. It is easier for an organism saturated with oxygen to wake up. And a person, having opened his eyes in the morning, will remember that everything has already been planned and thought out for him. And he will only have breakfast and go to carry out the planned tasks.


So, in principle, it is clear what needs to be done after getting out of bed to improve your condition. But is it possible to take any action while still in bed? Definitely. How to wake up refreshed in the morning? It is enough to make yourself a light self-massage of the hands. Lying in bed, you need to stretch your joints. With movements that are more like trying to pull a narrow glove on your hand.

Then you need to pay attention back sides brushes. Rubbing - The best way. In a similar way, you need to stretch the part from the wrist to the elbow. But it is not necessary to affect the joint directly.

And the last stage is massaging each finger separately. They must be kneaded, starting from the very tip to the base. The fact is that a lot of reflex points are concentrated on the hands, which, during their stimulation, send signals to the brain. This process is hidden from human eyes, but it affects the awakening mainly.

Psychological attitude

It will help you wake up in the morning. How do most people usually go to bed? With thoughts that tomorrow you need to go to work again, endure the boss, subordinates, make a report, fill out papers. And this is wrong. Even if it really is.

It is very important to lie down with pleasant thoughts. And better - in anticipation of something good. And it could be anything. And it would be nice not to invent this moment, but to arrange it. For example, buy yourself a piece of your favorite cake for breakfast in the evening and wake up with the thought of a delicious meal. Or plan the evening of the next day, promising yourself to arrange a movie show with pizza and a loved one / friend / girlfriend. So the day goes by faster. In general, you can think of something. In this case, fantasy is limited only by the breadth of interests.

Time calculation

Here is another point regarding how to wake up in the morning cheerful, and it lies in the planning of precious minutes. Many people paint almost every second - for breakfast, coffee, washing, making the bed, in order to meet strictly defined limits. Just to get some sleep. But this is wrong. How to wake up refreshed in the morning? You need to avoid the fuss and feel free. It is better to get up 15-20 minutes earlier, but do not rush anywhere. Morning preparation for a new day should be measured. Without looking back at the clock, so that everything is in time and not late. And then lifting will cease to be associated with stress.

And yet, having opened your eyes, you can’t give up slack with a caveat, a la “five more minutes”. In this case, the body will again fall into deep dream. And then awakening will be even more difficult. It is better to lie in bed for these five minutes and think about the future day, remember your plan outlined in the notorious notebook, dream about a good coming evening. And after that, get up with ease in the body and a smile on your face.

If the dream was short

Most often, the question regarding how to wake up cheerfully in the morning is asked by people who devote little time to nighttime rest and body recovery. Well, many of the above methods are universal and in this case are also suitable. But even here there are some peculiarities.

First, you need to eat well. The car does not move when there is no fuel in the fuel tank. The same goes for human body. Fresh citruses activate brain activity, sweet coffee with cream invigorates, and the high-calorie main dish will give a feeling of satiety.

By the way, about the great tonic drink. Coffee not only awakens, but also has a positive effect on the brain due to the caffeine it contains.

And before eating, light exercises will not hurt. A few squats, active turns of the body, push-ups - and a person will feel a clear surge of strength. After all, the central nervous system enough of these simple loads to activate. And it is desirable to do all this with open windows and bright natural light.


There is one more piece of advice on how to wake up in the morning refreshed if you sleep little. And it consists in the following: you need to motivate yourself. Self-hypnosis is very in an efficient way. You can try to convince yourself that only those people who have nothing to do sleep for a long time. Or, for example, calculate how many hours you have to lose per year, if you allocate for night rest too much time. For example, if you sleep not 8, but 7 hours a day, you will save as much as 372 hours per year! And this is 15.5 days per year. This time can be set aside for something useful or interesting. Dedicate it to learning a language, for example, or studying in gym. In general, you can dream up, but the most important thing is to come to such an awareness. And after that, the question of how to get up in the morning cheerful will cease to be relevant. In any case, he will be less worried.


And a couple more points worth noting with attention, talking about how to wake up in the morning cheerful. There is one tricky way by which you can "deceive" your brain. The fact is that caffeine begins to act after 30-40 minutes. This can be confirmed by every person who drinks this drink. Therefore, it is better to set an alarm clock earlier, for those same 30-40 minutes, open your eyes and drink a cup of espresso brewed in advance in the evening. Then put your head back on the pillow and fall asleep safely. Half an hour later, the caffeine will work, the newly wound alarm clock will sound, and the person will get up with amazing ease in the body and a clear head. Here, in principle, how to wake up cheerfully in the morning. How emergency measure may come up. But it shouldn't be abused. Still, it is better to observe the regimen and use the methods previously given as an example.

But it is equally important to know how to wake up in the morning correctly, how to do it easily and relatively quickly.

After all, it depends on what the upcoming new day will be like.

From this article, you will learn how to wake up, get up early in the morning easily, without problems and be cheerful so that the day goes well, happily, and your health and energy are at their best.

If you can’t wake up in the morning and feel overwhelmed afterwards, it means that you simply don’t know how to wake up properly.

Remember the important rule:

Events during the day will be successful, the day will go well, only if you have enough vital energy to accomplish the day's work. It all depends on your personal strength.

The amount of internal energy depends on many factors. Of course, you can specifically increase throughout the day, as you wish. But it is the right awakening in the morning and a competent start to the day that give a large percentage of how much vital energy you will have today.

How not to wake up in the morning

  1. Never wake up to a harsh, loud noise alarm clock.
  2. No need to jump out of bed abruptly in the morning and run to turn off the alarm clock, wash your face, have breakfast.

In these cases, the brain will begin to give commands to wake up very quickly, although the body will not be ready for this yet.

Such a frantic rise in the morning leads to a large release of adrenaline, a reduction in blood vessels, as with stress, increased heart rate, muscle tension.

All this is an unjustified burden on the body, although you do not notice it.

Over time, such an awakening can lead to, or other bodily problems.

Many people think that a sharp awakening in the morning increases vitality. It's a delusion. In order for the energy to increase, you need the right way out of sleep, a smooth rise in strength and right job psyche. Everything should be done slowly in the morning.

Remember that the amount vitality closely related to the work of our psyche.

And it is also important for her to wake up properly.

Firstly, the psyche does not like abrupt transitions from sleep to wakefulness.

Second, she needs the right attitude for a new day.

What will be the first emotions or thoughts after waking up in the morning: bad or good, so will the work of the whole organism: well-coordinated or not, which means the amount of vital energy long after waking up.

If a person thinks about the bad, swears that he has to get up again and go to work, then he will attract diseases, reduce his strength, change the fate of the new day in a negative direction.

And a sharp rise in the morning, like stress for the body, sets your psyche to the same.

It is also important to remember that the health of the psyche, and hence the body, is, first of all, calmness, relaxation and peace. It is very important to wake up in the morning in exactly this state of mind so that the new day goes well. And a sharp awakening in the morning, on the contrary, stirs up, excites the psyche. Everyday stress will be enough for you throughout the day, so you don’t need to start the day with it.

Proper use of the alarm clock

Of course, now few people use the old loud alarm clock. But if you still have it, discard it.

Set the alarm on your phone or other multimedia device to a pleasant melody for you. It is very important that she play quietly at first, and then gradually increase the volume, which means that she does not wake you up abruptly.

Relaxation or classical music contributes to a good pacification of the psyche, which means it is better to put it on. But if you still like some kind of rock, put it on. The main thing is that you like the music, that it matches your soul and that it nevertheless raises the volume gradually, without waking you abruptly.

Don't leave your alarm clock far away. Many do this in order to get out of bed, turning it off.

You can not get up immediately in the morning after waking up.

It is better to turn off the alarm by reaching out your hand. And if you are afraid to fall asleep again, use the repeated alarm, or better, increase self-discipline.

How to get up early in the morning refreshed

So, it is impossible to get up immediately, and even more abruptly.

Therefore, after turning off the alarm clock, do not rush to get up.

You can soak up under a warm blanket for a few more minutes. Of course, do not overdo it, otherwise you will fall asleep again. Therefore, move around, as if doing light morning exercises in bed. Stretch your arms, legs, move your body a little. Everyone knows how a person usually wakes up, pulling his hands up and doing it unconsciously. In fact, the body needs it, the body tells us what to do, so go to meet him.

Thus, the body will gradually, without stress and injury, prepare for the upcoming day. And stretching the muscles will have a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the entire internal energy.

How to properly wake up in the morning

In order to wake up in the morning cheerful, in a good mood and no longer want to sleep, in fact, you need to wake up smoothly, slowly. This seems like a paradox. But this is how you go to meet your body, and in return it will give you an increased tone.

Ideally, after you wake up in the morning, you need to gradually awaken the psyche.

Of course, if you were awakened by an alarm clock and you need to get up for work, this is difficult to implement, and there is no time. Therefore, after turning off the alarm, just relax a little, stretch, as described above, and get up.

But if you wake up on the weekend and you have nowhere to hurry, then a smooth and long awakening in the morning will be more beneficial for your health.

First, take a look at your whole body, pay attention to how you lie, how warm it is under the covers, how pleasant it is for you to lie.

Listen to the noise around you, in the room, outside the window. It is ideal to wake up to the chirping of birds or just to the sound of nature, such as a slight wind.

Enjoy the fact that you don't have to get up and run anywhere. And if you still need it, then be lazy, so a few minutes, which will not play a big role, but will bring benefits.

Remember what dream you had last night, try to remember all the smallest details of sleep. Actually such simple technique, like remembering a dream, leads to an altered state of consciousness, relaxes the psyche, increases intuition, thereby beneficially affecting your entire being. Maybe the dream will tell you something about the upcoming events of the new day.

How to wake up in the morning in a good mood

If you start the day with positive emotions, then there will be more of them, throughout the day. Yes, and vitality is very dependent on this.

Enjoy what you feel good in bed. If there is a loved one or child near you, kiss or hug him. Say: "S Good morning, dear or dear". Thus, you make it pleasant not only for yourself, but also for others. And such a manifestation of love will return to you in double size, will give you an even better mood and an increase in internal energy.

Love gives energy, which means happiness and health.

Thank the world for waking up, for the fact that you are pleased, for the fact that your loved ones are around you, you are at home, in a calm atmosphere. And if you need to go to work, then think that you will soon return again and in the evening you will be at home among your relatives. If you thank the world and give it Love, the Universe, in gratitude, will give good events during the day and also elevated level energy.

How to get up early in the morning and get enough sleep

If you develop a strict schedule for going to bed and waking up, then there will be a very healthy sleep.

Go to bed and get up at the same time. It is very important.

You will easily get enough sleep, wake up calmly in the morning even without an alarm clock in right time, watch often dreams. A person should not only sleep 7-8 hours, but also go to bed early and get up early. It has been proven that going to bed before 12 pm, the body rests better. Of course, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism, an owl person or a lark. But still, do not forget about.

Many people ask: “How to get up at 5 or 6 in the morning and get enough sleep?”.

It's simple, go to bed early. The secret is simple.

It is normal to wake up in the morning, if you go to bed late it is very difficult.

And if you can't go to bed earlier, then you don't have self-discipline.

Proper falling asleep

Sleeping in the evening affects how the morning will be.

With what mood did we fall asleep, what did we do before going to bed, did our loved one give us love? All this will affect not only sleep, but also awakening, and therefore the whole subsequent day.

If you eat a lot before going to bed, lie down with full stomach or worse, accept that morning will be very difficult and unpleasant.

How can you wake up cheerful in the morning if we force the body to perform at night hard work to digest food or eliminate poisons.

Healthy environmental conditions

Both the quality of sleep and the quality of waking up in the morning are affected by external conditions.

So try to create comfortable conditions and a healthy outdoor environment.

If the room is cold, then you are unlikely to want to leave a warm bed.

But it shouldn't be hot either. If the room is stuffy, it is very bad. Fresh air in the morning contributes to a healthier awakening. Sleep with you in the summer open windows, but even in winter, do not forget to ventilate your bedroom.

Try to get some sleep in a tent in nature. You will immediately feel the difference. Thus, it is possible to treat some diseases in general.

What after waking up

What should you do after you wake up in the morning to make your day more successful?

Of course you have to accept water procedures, do morning exercises and take breakfast.

It seems that these are elementary things, but, firstly, I will tell you how to do it more correctly, and secondly, I will offer you more effective replacement morning exercises. All this is in your interest.

But you will read about this in the next article.

Spending extra minutes on proper waking up, in return you will receive good mood and increased efficiency for the whole next day.

So, how to get up, wake up in the morning with ease, be cheerful, happy and sleepy. You just need to be friends with your body, understand what it needs, listen to it.

And now for you a beautiful video and beautiful music.
Vera Brezhneva - Good morning.

You are doing something wrong.

To get good sleep and wake up in good mood, it is worth paying attention to some important things.

These tips will help you not only sleep well, but also feel like a cheerful person. The next morning.

Good sleep at night

1. Stop using your phone before bed.

You don’t need to chat online with friends and surf social networks in the evening before going to bed, because at this time your brain produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. Light from the screen of your smartphone and monitor reduces the production of the hormone, and it is more difficult for you to fall asleep.

2. Sleep in complete darkness.

Some find it easier to fall asleep in a not-so-dark room, while others enjoy waking up with the sun shining through the window. But for a good and effective awakening, it is worth falling asleep in the dark, and, waking up in the morning, push the curtains or blinds to sunlight rushed into the house. Thus, you will cheer up much faster.

Read also:

How to fall asleep quickly

3. Take a hot bath before bed.

Usually in the evening our body temperature drops a little, which makes us want to sleep. Taking a hot bath will change your body temperature. Due to changes in body temperature, you will want to go to bed earlier. Besides, hot tub helps to relax and calm down.

4. Turn off the heaters.

Of course, we all want to fall asleep in a warm room and leave the heater on all evening or all night. This applies more to periods when winter has not yet arrived, but summer is already over. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius. Maybe that's why you can't sleep well.

How to sleep at night

5. Wear socks.

Before your body shuts down completely, it will direct the flow of blood to your arms and legs. But if your feet are warm, then the blood vessels will dilate, the body temperature will drop a little, and you will fall asleep faster.

6. Fill yourself with energy.

Try to wake up 5 minutes earlier than usual to get some warmth and warmth from the sun. bright light. If the weather is overcast, then simply fill the room with light: turn on the room lights or part the curtains. The brightness will cheer you up and your mood will improve.

7. It would not be superfluous to do exercises in the morning.

Physical activity helps not only wake up your body, but also improve your mood and energize you for the whole day. Still, it is worth waking up a little earlier in order to have time to exercise at least 5 minutes.

8. Exercise during the day.

Exercising at the same time every day also improves your sleep. Your body will learn when to expend energy and when to switch off and rest.

The best dream

9. Hard work, good sleep.

If you are active and engaged physical activity, your body will not only look better, but you will also fall asleep easier. It is much more pleasant to go to bed after a hard day and a grueling workout.

10. Early breakfast.

A good hearty breakfast wakes you up and your metabolism. It provides enough energy for effective work. Try to wake up and have breakfast at the same time. It will also help you avoid excess weight.

When you need to get up in the morning, you always do not get at least half an hour more to sleep. But work and other urgent matters do not wait, so you still have to get out of bed. For some people, a quarter of an hour is enough to do this, and for others, even an hour is not enough.

True, it happens that it is possible to force oneself to rise, but to finally wake up and feel a surge of strength, cheerfulness - no. What needs to be done to wake up quickly, and how to feel joy in the morning, and not the desire to quit everything and continue to watch dreams.

Why do you want to sleep in the morning?

The answer to this question seems obvious - the body has not yet had time to move away from sleep, the brain has not yet worked at full capacity, and therefore it is difficult to force yourself to cheer up and start everyday activities. However, the reasons why it is difficult to wake up in the morning may lie elsewhere. Pay attention to how long it takes you to get out of bed from the first time your alarm goes off. If you fit in 20 minutes, you can assume that everything is normal and the desire to sleep more is caused solely by physiology.

If the amount of time to get out of bed in the morning is more than half an hour, this phenomenon is called heavy lifting, which may be the result of individual features body, and improper organization of rest.

Is there anything you can do about the urge to break your alarm every morning? It is possible and even necessary, since getting up early is good for health.

Proper sleep

In order for it to be such, it is necessary first of all to properly prepare for it.

Waking up in the morning is much easier for those who take into account the following recommendations:

  • At least an hour before going to bed, do not watch TV or use a computer;
  • Give up alcohol before bedtime, as well as tea, cocoa, coffee;
  • If you decide to eat at night, do not overeat, but rather give up a late dinner altogether;
  • Take a hot bath about an hour before relaxing;
  • To make it easier to get yourself out of bed in the morning, read a book at night, listen to music, play games with someone. board games or just chat.

Rest is also important. It is believed that the ideal system for dividing the day is into three equal parts of 8 hours each (for rest, for work and for sleep). However, each person may have their own regimen.

Despite the fact that 6-8 hours of sleep is considered normal, some people need 5-6 hours of rest, while others need 10-12 hours of sleep. The main thing is that this does not worsen your well-being.

Waking up easily

There are a number of tricks that will help with this.

You don't have to get up as soon as you open your eyes. It is recommended to do charging, which will take quite a bit of time.

It's not about exercise, but about those that are done in bed:

  • Yawn. The body performs this procedure with pleasure. Moreover, he feels the need for it, because thanks to it, oxygen enters the brain, saturating it, which will help you wake up quickly in the morning;
  • Eye exercises. The whole day the latter will be in suspense, which means they need to be prepared for this. Without moving your head, look around your room - ceiling, walls, window;
  • Sipping. It will allow you to awaken not only the brain and set it to work, but also the body.

If these activities do not help, you can apply other techniques that will help you wake up quickly and feel your best.

  • It is necessary to meet the morning in a bright room. It is very good if there is a person next to you,
    who is ready to throw open the curtains in the bedroom before you wake up. If there is none, do not close them at night;
  • The room should be at the right temperature and enough fresh air- it will help you wake up quickly. To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room at night. By the way, you can feel more cheerful by airing the kitchen before eating breakfast;
  • Music. Many modern people wake up to an alarm clock mobile phone. These devices allow you to customize any melody to which you will wake up. Put something upbeat, invigorating. When you get out of bed, you can also turn on your favorite music;
  • Kitchen. When it is cozy, this is, of course, good, but a calm environment does not contribute to a person waking up quickly. Your kitchen needs a little "cheer up", for example, bright curtains and / or dishes;
  • Citrus. All citrus fruits have a scent that promotes wakefulness. If you eat at least one tangerine for breakfast, you will feel a surge of energy. Some people replace the eating of citrus fruits with just the smell, purchasing air fresheners with the desired aroma, but waking up so quickly in the morning and not wanting to sleep all day like a natural fruit, of course, they will not help.

In addition to all these techniques, a positive attitude helps to gain vigor.

Some people wake up in the morning in a bad mood, thinking about problems, troubles, negatively perceiving the fact that now you need to get up and get through traffic jams to work, where the boss and a lot of routine things are waiting.

Of course, such thoughts will not help you quickly wake up in the morning, not only if you did not get enough sleep, but also if you slept all night like a baby.

Massage your fingers and earlobes. Tactile sensations transmit information to the brain that it is time for a person to contact the outside world. Get in a positive mood. Think about what good awaits you today, and remember only this positive moment- it will allow you to feel a surge of strength.

All these methods can be applied regardless of the quality of your vacation and its duration. But if a person does not get enough sleep, he may need additional activities.

One of them is a contrast shower. It not only gives energy, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body, hardening it, increasing immunity. The procedure ends with a cold shower, and its duration as a whole should be 3 minutes.

Many people also practice such a method as a contract with their own brain. You need to agree in advance - before going to bed. Tell yourself that waking up tomorrow morning will be easy, and your mood will be cheerful and optimistic.

Do not despair if your auto-training does not bring results for the first time - after a few applications of this technique, you will definitely see the result.

If you are at work

Probably, each of us at least once faced with a situation where at the height of the day you want to sleep.
Work at this moment should, as they say, boil, but you are not able to do it, because the body requires rest. Invigorating gymnastics will allow him to return to work.

We have long divided people into owls and larks according to the time when they wake up and when they work best. I am more of an owl than a lark, because the night for me is something special. It is at night that wonderful thoughts and ideas come to mind. But inspiration is inspiration, and life dictates its own rules, and we can’t always go to bed and get up when we please. You still have to wake up early in the morning.

The child needs to be taken to the kindergarten by 8:30, and the manager vaguely resembles the headmaster of my school, so I'm a little afraid of her - it's better not to be late. You still have to get up early, and often it turns into a whole quest: to wake everyone up, feed, wash, and dress some. folk wisdom“Raise - raised, but forgot to wake up” - this is about me. And, as always, interesting tips and a look at the problem of getting up early from a slightly different angle come to the rescue.

10. Avoid "night traps". It's when your hand reaches out to interesting magazine or a book, or maybe your TV remote or computer to see if someone has commented on your post. The latter is especially dangerous, since we are all familiar with "Honey, someone on the Internet is wrong!".

11. Dinner should be light. And avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks at night.

12. Accept bath before bed. Can be with lavender oil - very relaxing. Good for kids to brew sedative collection and add to water. Although on particularly difficult days, this will suit you.

13. Try to go to bed always at the same time.. And even on weekends.

14. Turn off all lights completely. It is best to sleep in total darkness. If the night light is on, your body will not be able to fully relax and will be on guard all the time. And what is healthy and sound sleep here ?!

15. Find the right alarm ringtone. It should not be too soft, otherwise you just won't wake up. But it is also better not to choose too sharp and loud. She can be quite annoying. It would also be nice to put the alarm clock somewhere far away so that you have to get up for it.

16. Woke up? What about stretching? Good and correct sipping is very useful. They should not be sharp, otherwise you risk pulling your leg or back or getting a cramp as a gift. Stretch gently and sweetly.

17. Charger. As children, we were forced to do exercises in the gardens and primary school in without fail. And who can boast of a daily morning routine now?

18. Glass of water. After waking up, it would be nice to drink a glass of water. Water will help your body wake up and remove the substances accumulated during the night.

19. An unobtrusive reminder. Still can't wake up? Try, for example, hanging your plan for the week or day in the bathroom next to the mirror. While you wash your face and recognize yourself in the mirror, at the same time you will read what you have planned.

20. Comfortable morning wake up clothes. It can be a bathrobe, slippers or warm socks (very important in winter, when you don’t especially want to get out of bed).

21. Find a friend in misfortune, that is, someone who will not allow you to stay in bed after the alarm. And even better if this person is very positive and energetic. Then the kick will be something like a charge of vivacity.

22. Be prepared for bad surprises. When you are sleeping sweetly, you may be awakened by a late call or bad dream. And after you wake up, falling asleep quickly again may not work. So it would be great if you could find your own way to fall asleep.

23. Cheer up. Cheerful music of your favorite artist in the morning is the best soundtrack for getting ready for work. Plus coffee, tea or favorite fresh juice - a pledge good morning and high spirits.

24. And open the window again. Only after waking up. More fresh air - we drive sleep out of the apartment!

A friend of mine said that she found the perfect time to sleep - from 23:00 to 6:00. And she feels great if she goes to bed and wakes up in this time frame. Perhaps everyone has such a comfortable time for sleep, it remains only to find it.