What color are candles to attract money? Wax talisman for prosperity

In the material below we will tell the reader how it works green candle to attract money. And we will present the most complete and useful information O important features performing this ritual at home.

Why is it better to perform the ritual yourself?

Since ancient times, people have feared and respected various magical beliefs and practices. Nowadays, little has changed, and we still turn to this teaching in crisis situations. However, in Lately There are too many charlatans. The reason for this may be the fashion for the supernatural and inexplicable, as well as the spread of the World Wide Web throughout the planet. Therefore, an increasing number of people prefer to study and perform various ones on their own at home. They get information from the Internet and in some cases fail. And all because step-by-step instructions are not always reliable and detailed. After all, the esotericists who write them are interested in attracting clients. This means that it is in their interests not to help people with advice, but to force them to seek help. paid consultation or make an appointment.

Our article is for informational purposes only, so following the instructions described will help you perform the ritual with a green candle to attract money correctly and achieve desired results.

What are the consequences of the ritual?

Most of the rituals known to mankind and described on the Internet, refer to the methods of black magic. Even small children know that they all pose a threat to both the customer or performer and the victim. However, this does not stop many people and, at risk, they follow the step-by-step instructions. But having achieved the result, they greatly regret it. After all, the essence of magic is to get what you want in exchange for something else. In other words, dark rituals are a deal with terrible forces, implying a mutually beneficial exchange. And the performer or customer knows only what he wants to receive. But what he will have to sacrifice or what the price of the exchange will be will become known to him only when the process is already irreversible.

The ritual with a green candle to attract money is noteworthy in that it has absolutely nothing to do with black magic. This means that it is safe and does not entail any consequences. It is also convenient because it does not require a lot of time and various “witchcraft” paraphernalia to perform.

Why is a green candle necessary?

The theme of magic is often raised in cinema. For this reason, many of us take this teaching incorrectly. We think that a true magician should wear all black, surround himself with gloomy paraphernalia, black and red candles, from which unreal smoke emanates. However, all this is just material used to create an image and create an appropriate atmosphere. In fact, an experienced sorcerer is strong even without additional “intimidators”. Therefore, if our reader nevertheless decides to turn to a professional for help, you should not blindly believe the surroundings and artificially created image.

Also, many people who first encounter a ceremony to attract money with a green candle are concerned about the question of why it is necessary to use a device to illuminate this particular color. Experts and experienced magicians say that each candle - ordinary, of various colors, church or witchcraft - emits certain vibrations, attracting the corresponding flows. Based on this, it becomes obvious that the green candle attracts the energy of money and wealth.

Features of the ritual

To achieve the desired results, it is extremely important to perform the ritual correctly. To do this, you need to learn about the sacraments that the ceremony with a green candle involves to attract money. There are not many of them, and performing them will not be difficult even for people ignorant of magic. So, having decided to carry out the studied ritual at home, you must:

  • have the appropriate attitude, that is, it is important to believe that manipulations with the candle will work and really bring financial success;
  • use only new candles and those purchased independently;
  • There is also an indication regarding the color of the candle: a magical attribute painted on the outside is unsuitable for the ritual (you should choose one that consists entirely of green combustible material).

Pre-cleaning the spark plug

In reviews of a green candle for attracting money, people who have tried the ritual on themselves often complain that it did not help achieve the desired ritual. Professional sorcerers explain the reason for this phenomenon. Most often, it lies in the incorrect execution of the ritual technology. Which begins not with reading the plot, but with preliminary cleaning of the candle. Moreover, this does not mean washing a magical attribute using chemical agent or getting rid of the candle packaging and price tag. Although the latter should also be taken care of. The point is completely different. It involves fumigating a green instrument with incense.

Dry sprigs of thyme, mint or pine are perfect for these purposes. If for some reason you cannot get them, you can replace them with a mineral saline solution. It's very easy to make. You just need to mix two hundred milliliters of non-carbonated mineral water and one tablespoon of regular coarse table salt. Place the candle in the solution for seven minutes, and then remove it and dry it with a white paper napkin or cotton cloth of a similar color.

How to make a candle “work” for yourself

Another reason for the unsuccessful outcome of the studied ritual with a green candle to attract money lies in the lack of focus of the ritual on specific person. That is, the manipulations may work, but the lucky person who will soon receive huge amounts of money may turn out to be some other person, and not the one who performed the ritual. Therefore, reviews often mention the need to charge a green instrument with your energy. To do this, you need to take the candle in your hands and hold it for some time. At the same time, it is important to think about your wealth, financial well-being, prosperity, material luck, and so on. When it seems that the candle is fully charged and ready for the ritual, you can move on to the main stage.

How to perform a ritual for financial well-being yourself

Before presenting the reader with step-by-step instructions, it should be noted that it is important to perform a ritual with a green candle to attract money to the waxing moon. This moment can be tracked on the Internet or you can wait until a month appears in the sky, which over time will turn into a perfect lunar disk round shape. In addition, to extinguish the candle you need to prepare a special cap. Because blowing out the fire or extinguishing the flame with your fingers is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to perform magical manipulations in all alone, fervently believing in achieving the desired goal.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the ritual

The actions should be as follows.

  1. The person performing the ceremony needs to sit down at the table with a candle in front of him.
  2. The flame should be even and clean. If it fluctuates, the ritual must be postponed to the next new moon.
  3. If there is turquoise in the house, it should also be placed near the candle. This will increase your chances of success.
  4. Light up magic item and look closely at the flame, thinking about your desire, dreaming about it and fantasizing about it.
  5. Then slowly cast the spell on the green candle to attract money, which is presented above. Moreover, it is better not to read it, but to learn it by heart and pronounce it from memory.
  6. Next, you need to sit, looking at the candle and dreaming about the fulfillment of your desire, imagine yourself surrounded by wealth, money and luxury.
  7. Continue this way until the candle remains with a small cinder half a centimeter high.
  8. Then the fire should be extinguished and the following words should be said very clearly and confidently: “I am shrouded in green flame, surrounded by the magic of money, I am assured of prosperity, I will soon be a rich man.”
  9. After this, you need to hide the cinder in a secluded place and wait for your cherished dream to come true.

How to enhance the effect of the ritual

The ritual and spell of a green candle to attract money is practiced all over the world. It is believed that the best day to hold it is Wednesday. Especially if the number, that is, the date, is even. In many cultures, it is customary to burn not one magical object, but three at once. This increases the chances of success many times over. It is also recommended to perform a ritual on Thursday that consolidates the effect of what is being studied. To carry it out you will need three orange or yellow candles. They must be burned in the same way.

There is also advice regarding the frequency of the ritual. Professional sorcerers and magicians say that it is necessary to repeat the ritual every new moon. This will allow for a constant flow of Money.

Ritual with twelve candles

A ritual that is performed with any payday is considered very effective. This could be a salary, a repaid debt, or other cash income. The ceremony takes place at twelve o'clock at night on the twelfth day of the new moon. To carry it out, you need to prepare twelve green candles. The technology of attracting money using a green candle consists of simple steps.

The first thing you need to do is sit in front of the window and place candles in front of you in a semicircle. Place the prepared money nearby. Then light the candles, moving clockwise. And, looking at the growing month, say the words of the conspiracy presented above. Then extinguish the candles and leave them in the moonlight overnight. The next morning, collect them starting from the left side. And on the full moon, burn it completely.

That's the whole secret of success!

Detailed description from several sources: “prayer for money with candles” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

Living comfortably is the natural dream of every person. A special one can help with this magic spell. With the help of magic you can attract cash flows and provide financial well-being.

Variants of popular rituals

Rituals using candles are very effective. The fact that these objects enhance magical effects was noticed by ancient magicians. They are particularly powerful church candles, whose energy promotes cleansing energy field person from negativity.

Rituals with candles aimed at attracting money are classified as white magic. They are very effective and give good result already in the first days after the ceremony.

Ritual “40 days”

A ritual ritual involving money using a candle, which must be lit every day for 40 days, is considered very effective. If everything is done correctly and with true faith in success, then you can guarantee financial well-being for the rest of your life.

Initially, you need to purchase two candles from the church. You need to give one to the church and order a magpie for your own health. And another candle should be brought home and lit at night for 40 days.

On the last night, while reading the plot, the candle should burn out.

Conspiracy for a specific amount of money

With the help of a candle, a ritual is performed that is aimed at receiving a specific amount of money.

To carry it out you must first purchase:

  • Green candle;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Basil powder.

On the candle you need to write the required amount of money and given name. After this, it should be lubricated vegetable oil, sprinkle with basil powder and set on fire.

The candle is spoken with the following words:

It should be remembered that candles used in magical rituals are lit exclusively with matches. It is very important to carry out the ritual with candles for money alone, this will strengthen the energy message aimed at achieving the goal. It is necessary to carry out conspiracies and rituals without haste and be attentive to all the little details provided for by the ritual. All magical actions must be performed with full dedication and faith in success - this is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of any magical ritual aimed at attracting money.

Conspiracy to attract money

Many people want to swim in wealth and have a large number of money. For most of them, financial well-being is the measure happy life: how more money, the more, accordingly, happiness. This opinion, of course, is wrong, but those who thirst for wealth are sometimes ready to do anything to earn a fortune for themselves. One of these possibilities is the use of magic, offering various conspiracies to attract money.

The use of magical rituals aimed at attracting finance is an unconventional method, but its effectiveness does not suffer from this. Spells and prayers to attract money have helped many people who want to get rich. There have been many such cases, including in my practice.

Features of using conspiracies and prayers to attract money

Magic rituals for wealth are good because they differ practically safe use- By at least, most of them are from the field of light magic. For prayers and conspiracies to attract money to work, they must be carried out according to all the rules, without a single mistake. From the performer's side mandatory there must be faith in magic. If the ritual is done out of a desire to check or out of curiosity, positive result You don’t even have to hope - the effect of the ritual, in this case, may turn out to be completely opposite.

Having decided to use it to attract wealth magic words, you need to remember that money conspiracies are mainly carried out during the waxing phase of the moon. Some can also be pronounced on the new moon and full moon. Unlike conspiracies, prayers that attract money are not strictly tied to the phase of the night star. The performer can read them regularly, at any time convenient for him.

Attract money and wealth with the help of spells and prayers

Three-day spell for candles (spell for Martha the drowned woman)

Buy 3 ordinary candles from the church. During the waxing of the moon, get up at dawn and light one of the candles. Looking at the flame, say the spell 7 times:

“As the girl went alone to get some water, she left and never returned. And then money began to come for her, and they paid and paid for her, but they didn’t pay everything, and they left her forever. Give it to the servant of God (servant of God) (own name) such strength that money would strive for me and not pass me by. Amen!"

Wait until the candle burns, hide the cinder. On the second and third day, repeat the same. You can collect the cinders into one. Put it in a safe place, or, after making a flatbread, hide it in one of the compartments of your wallet. The first results of the conspiracy will manifest themselves immediately after the end of the ritual.

A strong spell to attract money (long-lasting)

This conspiracy is one of the most powerful, so you can read it only once in your life. The ritual will provide material well-being for many years.

Buy 3 wax candles in the temple, prepare 3 coins of any denomination. Perform the ceremony during the growing month.

In the dead of night, place the coins on the table, place candles on them and light them. Then say:

“Like heaven without God, so is life without money. Let the money find me on its own, come to me and never leave me. For a rich and happy life, and a long one. I pray to all the saints so loudly that others turn and help me. Amen!"

Put out the candles, and from now on always carry coins with you. If you suddenly lose it, you will become completely impoverished.

Daily prayer for wealth

Read this prayer every morning until you feel that you have enough money. Don't be greedy and don't be stingy! The text is pronounced silently or in a whisper 3 times (you cannot let other people’s ears hear you):

“Holy angels, I come to you with a request. Like the monk who walked from church to church and received no answer anywhere, so I go through life, but I will not rejoice anywhere. Have mercy on me, God's servant (God's servant) (your name), help me become rich and live this life in luxury. May I never know grief and poverty again. With a request to you and with respect. Amen!"

Another prayer that attracts money

The prayer below is also said in the mornings throughout the week. The lunar phase does not matter. Number of repetitions – 3 times. Words:

“As Jesus lived honestly, so he lived correctly. And if this is correct, then may my life be honest and prosperous. May my path be easy and strewn with money. And I will follow the path of goodness, happy and wealthy. Amen!"

Three candles spell to attract money

On the waxing moon, buy 3 long candles in the church, intertwine them with each other. After the clock strikes midnight, light the wicks of all three candles at the same time and say the words below 33 times:

“Burn with triple fire, poverty and need. As the candles burn out, so will the wealth come to me.”

Wait for the candles to burn out. Flush the cinders down the toilet. The effect of the conspiracy will make itself felt in 33 days.

Stepanova's conspiracy to attract wealth

On a new or waxing moon, you need to purchase a church candle. Arriving home, you should remove the wick from it and set it on fire at both ends at the same time. While the wick is burning, you need to have time to say a short spell:

“Fire is eternal. And my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all kinds of goodness. Amen!"

Spell for pennies that attracts money

During the growing month, place 3 coins worth 1 kopeck in the palm of your left hand. Say them 3 times:

“Let penny after penny follow, and let the big money rush after them. Let everyone come to visit me and find peace with me. Amen!"

Place the charmed coins separately from other coins in your wallet. Don't accidentally waste them. From now on they will function as a magnet for money.


When using a spell to attract money, remember that magic does not like lazy people and does not help them. Don’t sit idly by – act, work, and money will definitely come to you.

Just what I was looking for. Simple, accessible and hopefully effective. I’m already using it :)

So how did it go?

I was itching to try it. I haven’t tried magic before, but it’s never too late to start. I'm not doing well with finances right now.

Nowadays there is no way to live without money. Everyone needs money. I did this ritual and I can say that it is effective if you really believe in it.

I’ve never taken such conspiracies seriously, but the article describes the methods so fascinatingly that I want to try them. What if it really works!

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Green candle to attract money and prosperity

In magic, colors have meaning. Candles are used to perform various rituals. The classic color is yellow, but for some rituals it is preferable to use colored wax, for example, they usually take a green candle to attract money.

Green color in magical rituals

First of all, green is the color of material and monetary magic. Candles made in this color are used to attract wealth. In addition, they can be used in healing rituals when it is necessary to improve health, since green is associated with the physical. It is not for nothing that a tree with foliage is considered a symbol of health, spirit and strength.

Green candles sometimes used when performing rituals and conspiracies associated with the beginning of something new. They help direct energy towards good luck and successful completion of affairs.

Installing many green candles in the house helps to harmonize energy, attract happiness and prosperity. Such a house is in balance, and the woman living in it is endowed with beauty and blooming appearance. Wishes in a house with green candles come true faster because the energy flows correctly.

Green is associated with fertility and abundance. If suddenly a decrease in profits is observed in the family, then you can light a candle in this color every day, sincerely wishing that your well-being will improve and that your material problems will stop.

This color is also associated with the world of love., therefore it is used in some rituals to attract happiness.

How to choose or make a candle?

To perform rituals, it is important to choose the right accessories. The easiest option is to purchase a candle in a store. However, everything is not so simple, because the industry offers many options - from thin to thick, unscented and scented, wax and paraffin.

It is best if the candle is natural, that is, made of wax. It costs more, but the ritual is also done to attract money, which means there is no need to spare money. Small “floating” candles in an aluminum shell are not the best option, although if there is no other option, you can use them.

If you want candles to have a scent, then it is better to make them yourself, since the industrial ones have a synthetic scent.

It is advisable to do rituals to attract money using a thick candle made of wax. But if such material is difficult to obtain, then use paraffin.

We improve industrial

If you want to scent an object, then do it as follows: scrape a little wax from the bottom surface of the candle. Place this in a bowl and heat over a flame until the wax begins to melt. Now you need to add a few drops to this mixture essential oil. You can use cinnamon, orange, cloves, cedar, lavender, sage.

Oils are used separately or mixed, but for a pleasant aroma it is enough to use 2-3 types of oil in the mixture. The composition is mixed, finally heated to a liquid state, and then evenly applied with a brush to the surface of the candle, after which it is allowed to dry. This creates a scented candle with natural oils at home.

Do it yourself

To make it you will need a wick; you can buy it in church stores or purchase cotton threads. You will need wax as a base. It is taken from other candles or purchased at a store that sells honey. Last - best option, since it has not yet been used.

To color a candle in green color, take food coloring. Some offer brilliant green, it will give bright color, but the substance itself is unsafe.

Empty tubes of paste or cream are suitable for the form. The wick must be secured on one side so that it is in the center of the tube cavity. The wax is melted in a water bath, mixed with dye and aromatic oils. It should be cooled slightly and carefully begin to pour into the mold, making sure that the wick is always in the center. It will take 4-6 days to harden.

It's easier and faster to make a thin candle. You will need a wick and melted wax. The wick is coated with wax, then dipped into the melted but cooled wax several times until the candle of the desired size is obtained.

When making candles, you must follow several rules:

  • Doing so in a good mood.
  • Previously energetically cleanse yourself and the space around you. Mantras or special prayers are suitable for this.
  • You should definitely tune in, think only about the candle and its purpose. Extraneous thoughts may affect the further ritual.

Ritual to attract money

Rituals to attract money and success are done during the waxing moon. It is necessary to exclude distractions, so it is better to do this alone. The space is pre-cleared. Thoughts should also not be distracted, but be directed only at the goal.

In addition to the green candle, other components are used that will help attract good luck.. These are stones: malachite, aventurine, turquoise, jade. They are placed side by side on the surface where the ritual will be performed. One type of stone is enough, no need to put everything in a row.

You will also need coins of the highest denomination. Or a large banknote.

Herbs for spells:

Herbs are placed next to the candle depending on the goals to be obtained.

Runes are cut out on a candle or written on a piece of paper. They also have a certain meaning and help redirect energy in the right direction.

  • Fehu– gives wealth, good fortune, energy for business.
  • Gera– success in legal affairs, a new beginning.
  • Gebo- giving and receiving gifts.
  • Yer– success in financial matters, investments, finding lost or hidden things.
  • Otal– thoroughness, money.
  • Algiz– protection, luck, success.

    Runes are used both separately and in combination. On both sides you can draw Algiz, a rune of protection, and in the middle, you can draw the desired one from other runes, depending on your goals.

    • Money doesn't come out of nowhere, you still have to work. Rituals only help strengthen energy.
    • You can't use them to enrich oneself at someone else's expense.
    • During runtime you need to clearly know what you want and what you are asking from the Universe.
    • Desires must be real and feasible. If you wish a poor person 10 million at once, he is unlikely to receive it.
    • About the rituals performed you can't tell anyone- this destroys energy, and any actions will be useless.
    • During the ritual, all four elements are used: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. This helps bring energy into harmony. The symbol for air can be a feather or smoke from incense sticks, for Water they put a small cup of water, and the symbol of Earth is salt or a little natural earth, but energetically purified.
    • For the ceremony It is advisable to dress in something green.

    Having arranged all the components, read the spell:

    In the name of the Lord and Lady, without harming anyone, let the money come to me. Without causing harm according to my will, let the money come as I want.

    The candle should be left to burn out or extinguished with tweezers until the next ritual. You cannot blow out a candle with air.

    Conspiracies to increase wealth

    To attract wealth, you will need a green candle, salt, a cup of water, lavender oil and a bunch of chamomile or other money herb. You need to light a candle, mix salt, crushed herbs, oil. Fingers are dipped into the water, then into the mixture and pronounced:

    Salt and herbs of Earth and Fire, bring what I desire: prosperity, wealth, carry the word, fulfill my will.

    After this, apply some of the mixture to your wallet.

    The following spell is performed with a burning candle, looking at the growing lunar disk:

    Oh, waxing Moon, make my income grow and increase. Money comes to me, they reward me for my work.

    Or another option:

    Hello Luna. I am worthy of the good I ask of you. Let abundance come to your home. Let prosperity come to your home. May my deeds be crowned with success. My dreams come true, my prosperity increases.

    Ritual with church candles

    To attract success, you can also use classic church candles. Traditionally, prayers are read in front of icons for these purposes. However, you can also use conspiracies. They should be aimed at good and under no circumstances desire other people’s wealth and money.

    For a church candle they read conspiracies about attracting work, asking for an increase in salary for themselves or their husband.

    Take five wax candles. They light up. You should cross yourself and say:

    A kind of hope and support, Mother Theotokos walked across the sky, carrying bags of gifts. The bags opened, the gifts fell. I (name) walked downstairs, collected gifts, and took them home. I lit the candles and distributed them to my friends. Burn the candles, add more money to the house. So be it.

    Leave the candles burning on the window in front of the visible waxing moon.

    When performing any rituals and conspiracies, you should believe in the power of fulfillment of desires. There should be no doubt. In addition, you need to make your own efforts; the Universe doesn’t just give you anything.

  • There are many magical rituals for attracting wealth and prosperity. But we will only consider those rituals for which you will need candles.

    In general, the magic of candles is considered one of the most powerful, since the flame of a candle creates a special energy that fills our desire, pronounced in front of the candle. This energy helps your desire come true and you become richer.

    It is believed that the color of the candle you are going to use in the ritual plays a role. Yes, for money rituals They use green and less often white candles.

    At midnight, light such a candle in front of you and look into its flame. Think about the wealth you want to achieve. When the candle flame becomes uniform, say the following words out loud: “Burn green fire, come to me for money!”

    To enhance the effect, you can say this phrase several times as loudly as possible.

    Also, on the table around a candle, you can lay out bills of different denominations so that the candle flame illuminates them, filling them with the energy of your desire. Place these bills in your wallet and spend them over the next few days.

    Be sure that the money you spent will come back to you a hundredfold.

    Ritual with two candles

    To perform this ritual you will need two long thin candles, white and green. The white candle represents you, and the green candle represents your wealth.

    On the first day (a better evening), place these candles on the table at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other and light. Look into their flames, imagine how your energy is intertwined with the energy of wealth, think about why you need money and what good it will bring into your life. After some time, you can blow out both candles.

    The next day, place the same pair of candles closer to each other. And also think about your future wealth. Repeat the ritual every day, each time placing the candles closer to each other. When the distance between them is reduced to a minimum, twist the short stubs together into a tight knot and tie with a red or gold ribbon.

    Now you and money are connected by a common energy, and wealth will find you on its own. Store candles as a talisman.

    Ritual with bay leaves

    This ritual is usually performed on a waxing moon and when you clearly know why you need money, for example, when you want to buy something specific.

    You will need a green candle, a large metal dish, and seven whole intact bay leaves (a bay leaf seasoning that is added to soup).

    So, place the candle in the center of the dish and light it. On the laurel leaves, write a word that symbolizes your desire, for example, “Ford Kuga” or “red dress.” This can be done with a pencil or marker. Then light the leaves one by one from a candle, throw them on a dish and let them burn completely.

    If the leaves just char, light them again. While the candle is burning down, you can peer into the smoke from the laurel and imagine that your wish has already come true. Or walk around the apartment, carrying this dish in front of you, and let the dissipating smoke fill your entire home with the energy of money.

    These are not all the rituals for attracting money; we have considered only the most interesting ones. Remember that if you decide to perform a ritual, but the candle flame smokes, it is better to postpone it until the next day or another time.

    There is a lot of information that the magic of a candle is great like no other.

    But everything is so confusing that it is simply impossible for readers to figure out when to buy which candle, what to say, what to believe, and so on.

    Nevertheless, the choice of target depends on the color of this “magic instrument”.

    The fire of one candle itself attracts money, another attracts happiness, and a third attracts.

    If you know such nuances, then you can do without words.

    Candle spell and the power of magic

    By the way, this is what real magicians do. There is no need to waste energy on ritual.

    Take a candle a certain color(in meaning), with a quick, concentrated mental image, they fill the flame with intention and leave it to burn.

    The ritual takes place almost without their participation, on its own.

    This and an ordinary person it will work out. Let's figure out how and what to do.

    On a green candle

    The majority of the population associates this color with crispy, pleasant pieces of paper. They say it won't last long.

    However, for now our greens are associated with the dollar. Therefore, it is advisable to use such an association.

    Associated with it is the most powerful egregor of wealth, to which we all give a little (and some all) of our energy.

    It is necessary to buy a candle and perform the ritual on Thursday. This is the day of Jupiter, when the energy of money is more accessible to a person.

    1. Light a candle and place it in front of the mirror.
    2. Look at its light so as to keep the reflection in your field of vision. You will have two lights in your eyes.
    3. Read these words:

    “I multiply the fire of greenery. I multiply wealth, attract money. As the light multiplies, so does my money! How many rays, so much income! Amen!"

    Everyone knows that red is . A candle of this color is usually used to read conspiracies aimed at relationships. At what, any.

    If you want a person to treat you well, use red candles in the ritual. If you want to bewitch them, they are the same ones. If you want to make a lapel, you will also need the same attribute.

    This fire is associated with the work of the third chakra. Just a light already awakens your energy. And if you put intention into it, then it will “stir up” someone else’s.

    To attract love, you can perform such a ritual. It is quite multifaceted. If you already have an “object” of passion, then use his name. If this is not observed yet, then say “fate”.

    Buy a candle on Friday and perform the ritual on Sunday. It is very good if there is a full moon on this day. But no, it’s not necessary. After all, a full moon on Sunday rarely happens, but you always want love.

    Sit alone, place a candle in front of you and read the following words seven times:

    “The fire of love at the tip of the candle, it burns, it flares up, it fills with passion. Let it enter my soul and bring reciprocity. Let the slave (name or destiny) soul be filled with affection and love for me, like hops on a holiday, like holiness during Lent. Let our loneliness be interrupted! Amen!"

    On white

    This “magic tool” is most often used to cleanse the aura. Just like a white church candle helps.

    You need to look at its light for a while, tuning in. It is recommended to achieve a state where balance reigns in the soul.

    Now read these words slowly and thoughtfully:

    “A candle illuminates a house with holy fire. It brings us good, burning out evil. Her light flows further across the threshold, cutting off the paths of envy and malice, knowing no rest day or night. Expand the flame, jump over the ceiling. So that the radiant star will be in the house forever! May luck and success be shared among everyone! So that peace and harmony reign, and quarrels and envy disappear! Amen!"

    For such a candle they read conspiracies - protection, and also those that help to cope with any misfortune.

    Here, for example, is a conspiracy against damage and the evil eye on a church candle:

    “I burn out the devil and the devil with holy fire from the soul and body of the servant of the Lord (name). I clean everything, fill it with light, not for an hour, but forever! Amen!". Or these words can be said: “Dry branches do not come to life, they feed the fire. Living leaves cannot be destroyed. The sun and stars protect them. Light of the holy candle, cure me of evil! May trouble not touch me. From now and forever! The candle burns and protects me! Amen!"

    To get rid of the disease, you can also use church candles. But this is not a quick thing. If you decide to undertake such a ritual, then keep in mind that you will need to repeat it many times (at least a month).

    For every illness there is a conspiracy. But there are also universal ones. This is a kind of request for health.

    1. For example, light three candles. Place them in a circle.
    2. Place a photo of yourself (or the person you are reading) in the center.
    3. Say once:

    “I’m talking now God's servant(name) from illnesses and illnesses, so that he doesn’t get sick anymore. Get rid of the shaking and aches, without you there is a worry. I drown you in water, burn you with fire, so that you fear God’s servant (name) night and day. Go, black sickness, to distant lands, don’t waste your time! I bring health to God’s servant (name), so that his fate is happy! Amen!"

    To black

    Such rituals are performed mainly to cause harm to another person. This is fraught with certain consequences for the performer.

    No one can arbitrarily and without punishment appropriate the rights of the Higher Powers, although there is such a temptation.

    Here, for example, is how you can, property or idea. You can even steal luck from anyone, just substitute the right one into the plot.

    Just keep in mind that what you want to “spoil” will not turn out good for you. Luck will not be yours, but the simple will melt away like fog. Do you personally need this? Think for yourself.

    1. Buy a black candle.
    2. Light it up on the waning moon.
    3. In its fire, burn a photo of the person to whom the influence is directed, say the following words six times:

    “Satan caught his tail and became his benefactor. You, damned brat, are now in my power. Run your body son of god(name) occupy yourself and carry out my plans. I want to... (describe in a few words). Not by the Lord, but by the devil! Not in white, but in black! Not good, but evil! (Their) fate is in jeopardy!

    With the help of candles you can attract money, luck, love, and also learn about your present and future

    Red. This color is considered both the color of blood and passion. It is used in love spells to ignite attraction, but a red candle can also serve for protection. It will strengthen the body, give strength to fight circumstances, and protect the owner from energy attacks. By walking around the house with a lit red candle, you will protect it from negativity. Psychic Regina Fedorenko spoke in more detail about how such a protection ritual is performed.

    Orange. The color of luck. It is good to light such a candle before an important event, be it a public appearance, a date, or a deal that must certainly be in your favor.

    Green. Money color. By lighting a green candle in your home, you let the Universe know that you would like to improve financial position. With a green candle you can protect your wallet so that it is not stolen and the money in it is not transferred. To do this, circle the wallet three times clockwise with a lit candle, as if drawing a circle around it. In addition, green is the color of health. To improve your well-being, stop getting sick, relieve anxiety or extinguish headache, a green candle can be lit in the room where you sleep and left for a short period of time.

    Blue. The color of intuition. Helps to find out the truth. It attracts the desired changes. You can combine this candle with another. For example, if you want to find your calling and earn more than you currently do, try lighting blue and green candles.

    Blue. White with blue. A bluish candle simultaneously allows you to find yourself and calm your inner demons. It is also good to light it up for reconciliation. Blue color relieves anxiety and puts you in a contemplative mood.

    Violet. Mystical color. If blue enhances the sixth sense, and red strengthens physical strength, then together they release your internal energy.

    Gold (or other sparkly candles). Typically, they are made to light up during the holidays and create a festive atmosphere. But such a candle can bring variety to dull everyday life. By lighting these candles, one makes wishes and visualizes dreams. You can try this yourself. Get a golden candle, wait for a quiet time when no one will distract you, light the candle and try to imagine what you want in colors. Imagine how you can get it, what you do for it, what your triumph will be when you get what you want.

    Black. Sometimes you can see such rather ominous candles. They are often used to cause damage. They draw energy from their owner, feeding on it. When inducing negativity, it is important to remember that it always comes back, bringing a back blow to the one who intended evil.

    Universal ritual with a colored candle

    Each candle can be worked differently, but there are general method, which is suitable for any candle. Write what you want on paper and burn it in a candle flame. Select the color of the candle based on your desire: if it is associated with wealth, remember the meaning of a green candle, and if with personal happiness, look for a red or pink one.

    Candle color in fortune telling

    Many fortune tellings involve candles and water. The combination of opposite elements helps to lift the veil of secrets over the future. For fortune telling to go in the right direction, the candle can also be selected according to desired color. This is exactly how he recommends doing fortune telling using a candle and water.