What is better to eat in the evening to lose weight. What fruits can you eat at night

Now many people choose healthy lifestyle life and, trying to lose weight, try to find the optimal evening diet. What foods that you can eat at night when losing weight, what is better to refuse and how to overcome the obsessive desire to swallow the refrigerator whole in the evening - the article will tell.

Is it possible to eat in the evening losing weight?

There is an opinion that people who want to lose the unfortunate kilograms should completely forget about the word “dinner”. However, it is clear that an empty stomach will not give rest, so it is necessary to eat in the evening. But what can you eat in the evenings to lose weight? Wise nutritionists also argue about the danger of long fasting: without getting enough nutrients at night human body farsightedly stores fats. This is due to special proteins-enzymes that redistribute nutrients. Fat - energy expended human body at the very last. Turns out you need to eat. What can you eat at night losing weight?

The basic rules of the evening diet say that you must wait before falling into bed with a full stomach. Depending on the products, the digestion time, on average, should be two hours. It is undesirable to go to bed earlier than this period - it threatens to turn around feeling unwell in the morning. Your stomach, instead of deservedly relaxing at night, worked like a Negro on a plantation. It also happens that the food does not have time to be digested, and the process of decay occurs inside the body. A disgusting situation.

Consider what foods should be eaten in the evening so that in the morning there is no discomfort in digestive system. Let's decide what is better to eat in the evening to lose weight.

What you can eat at night when losing weight: a list of products

It is important that the foods consumed are not high in calories and are digested in a maximum of 2 hours. What can you eat in the evening when you are losing weight? Proteins with a small proportion of complex carbohydrates - that's what to eat at night to lose weight. This meat is turkey, chicken, lean fish. Seafood perfectly answers the question of what to eat at night to lose weight. Light and low-calorie, seafood consumed in the evening enriches the human body with essential vitamins and microelements.

Let's remember about skim cheese and accompanying sour-milk joys, sour cream, curdled milk and fermented baked milk. Eggs in the form of an omelet will be a worthy addition to the evening menu to what you need to eat. To lose weight, cook a steamed omelet in the evening, sprinkle with herbs and enjoy.

A useful life hack that you can eat in the evening to lose weight is the choice of foods that, when ingested, make it work hard, thereby burning calories. You ask: “What to eat at night for weight loss?” Vegetables and unsweetened fruits do the job diet food in the evening at 100 percent. Onions, cucumbers, cabbage, celery, carrots, pineapple and apple - with small reservations are suitable for an evening banquet. Just a few fruits are suitable for what you can eat at night to lose weight. Citrus products can harm people with hyperacidity stomach, causing discomfort. Speaking of useful products for weight loss, you should definitely remember nuts. When you lose weight, what can you eat in the evening? Any nuts in small quantities in the evening will do. Nuts should not be eaten too much - they are fatty and high-calorie, a couple of handfuls are enough for the night.

What not to eat in the evening to lose weight

If you are concerned about what you can eat at night to lose weight, then the answer is quite simple. Cross out fried and spicy meat dishes, high-carbohydrate foods like pasta, cereals and flour from the menu. Roast pork, homemade beans, mushrooms with fried onions - none of this is included in the category of "what you can eat in the evening while losing weight." Do not get carried away with sweet foods at night: leave sweets, cakes, chocolate and pies for the first half of the day. Remember the famous proverb: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy”? In the morning, the body is ready to accept a large amount of food and you should not refuse it what to eat. In the evening, to lose weight, the rules of nutrition are completely opposite, because the metabolic rate decreases. Do not eat heavy food at night - you will regret it later.

With fruits and vegetables when losing weight, the situation is the most difficult. What to eat at night to lose weight? Potatoes are categorically not suitable for eating at night. You can afford quite a bit, and it should be boiled, not fried. What can you eat in the evening? It is undesirable for those who are losing weight to eat vegetables of the legume family - the body will not cope with digestion in time. Mushrooms are also inappropriate at night for the same reason. The mushroom consists of chitin, and this is not something that you can eat at night losing weight.

It becomes clear what is impossible and what you can eat when losing weight in the evening. Fats and carbohydrates - no, with rare exceptions. Protein and fiber-rich foods are what you can eat before bed when losing weight.

Having figured out what you can eat in the evening to lose weight, consider drinks that are suitable for the body of people who crave to become healthy and strong.

Sour-milk natural products have all the properties for a favorable sleep and a calm morning. Beneficial bacteria favorably affect gastrointestinal tract leading to renewal and cleansing of the body. Herb tea at night promotes relaxation and peaceful sleep, and a hearty vegetable juice in the evening will help to get essential vitamins and micronutrients without consuming excess calories at night.

Alcoholic drinks, like high-carb, heavy foods, are not included in the category of what you can eat when losing weight in the evening. Carbonated drinks and sweet fruit juices should be avoided in the evening. The former irritate the stomach at night, interfering with the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The latter are rich in fast carbohydrates and contradict basic rule about carbohydrates that you can eat in the evening. To lose weight, drinking juice at night is not recommended.

What can you eat at night when losing weight, if most diets do not allow eating late at night? Losing weight is recommended to eat 3 hours before bedtime, since during this time the food has time to digest, and you do not have to go to bed with full stomach. A late dinner is not good for the stomach, because in a dream the food is digested much worse, and the stomach does not have time to rest. As a result, a person does not want to eat in the morning and has to skip the most important trick food.

Try drinking a glass first warm water because the body often confuses thirst and hunger. Instead of water, you can drink herbal or green tea with lemon or a teaspoon of honey. If you have had dinner and 3 hours have passed, but you want to eat very much, then you should not starve yourself. There are foods that you can eat even at night when losing weight. First of all, these are fruits and vegetables. Plant food digested in just half an hour, so you don't have to sleep on a full stomach. Dairy products are very useful at night when losing weight: milk, fermented baked milk, kefir. They help you fall asleep faster and make you sleep better. At night, it is better not to eat heavy foods: meat, poultry, eggs and any fatty foods.

What can you eat before bed so as not to spoil the figure? If you want to have a snack at night, then think about whether you really want to eat at this moment. The body can easily pass off thirst as hunger, so drink a glass of water before you eat something. There are no calories in water, which means that it definitely will not be deposited on the sides with excess fat. Please note that hot water saturates much better than cold. If you still want to eat after water, then choose something dietary for a snack.

Milk products

Protein products, unlike the rest, are not deposited in fat, but are used by the body for the operation of all its systems. Proteins help increase muscle mass, which means that now the body will spend more calories than usual. It is best to choose products with low level fat content - they have fewer calories. Low-fat cottage cheese, chicken breast, low-fat boiled fish, protein scrambled eggs or a boiled egg are perfect.

Attention! Protein saturates well, for a long time beating off not only the feeling of hunger, but also cravings for sweets.

Cottage cheese is one of the most suitable dishes for eating in the evening. It is important to choose not a fat-free product, but cottage cheese with a low fat content (about 2%). Protein from low-fat cottage cheese is quickly absorbed - in about 1.5 hours. Such a dinner is useful for both losing weight and athletes. You can not add sugar to cottage cheese - it is better to put some berries, cinnamon or a teaspoon in it natural honey. Also for a snack at night when losing weight, kefir is perfect. This product is a common weight loss dinner option. Low-fat kefir will not provoke weight gain, as it has very few calories. Kefir satisfies hunger well before bedtime. No need to add sugar to the drink - it is better to add cinnamon to it. It will help to speed up the metabolism, which will start the consumption of calories in the body. If you want to use kefir as a complete dinner, then you can make a low-calorie soup from it. You need to take a liter of low-fat yogurt, a couple of cucumbers, two garlic cloves and a little dill. Greens and vegetables need to be chopped and poured with kefir. This soup can be safely eaten in the evening, so as not to get better. An excellent option for dinner is milk. Not only is it not deposited in fat, but it also helps with insomnia. If you do not sleep well, then drink a glass at night warm milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.


This can interfere with weight loss, since the body will not spend the calories received and send them to fat depots. For an evening snack, you need to choose unsweetened and low-calorie fruits. As a snack, an apple is perfect (especially green, it has the least sugar). Do not peel the peel from the apple - it contains a large number of fiber and vitamins. If you have apples only whet your appetite, then it is better to choose another fruit for a snack. You can also eat an apple with cinnamon - it dulls hunger.

Attention! Not all fruits can be eaten at night when losing weight. They are healthy, contain fiber and vitamins, but some are too high in sugar.

A very good option for dinner is citrus fruits. An orange or grapefruit is perfect. Both of them have a low calorie content and the ability to activate metabolism. The enzymes contained in citrus fruits activate fat burning, and vitamin C has a good effect on immune system. In addition to apples and oranges, we can eat pear, kiwi, pineapple, watermelon (but don't get carried away) or unsweetened berries. Bananas are better to eat in the morning - they are very high in calories and contain a lot of simple carbohydrates. The same must be observed with grapes and other sweet fruits and berries.


Almost all vegetables are harmless to the figure and can be eaten for dinner. Only starchy vegetables are unsafe:

  • Potato;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Corn;
  • Beet.

A particularly healthy snack will be green vegetables and foods with negative calorie(the body spends more energy on assimilation and processing than it receives from them). You can afford cucumber, tomato, radish, carrot, cabbage or greens. You can also squeeze juices from vegetables - carrot, tomato or cabbage.

Practical tip: You can eat vegetables fresh or use them in low-calorie dishes such as salads, light soups, stews or purees. For taste, you can add spices (cumin, cinnamon, curry, turmeric), they will improve metabolism and speed up the fat burning process.

What can not be eaten at night when losing weight?

On the diet dinner you can cook quite a lot various dishes. Generally allowed to use protein products and fruits and vegetables. However, there is a certain list of products, from the use of which in evening time will have to refuse. They either take too long to digest, preventing the stomach from resting at night, or too high in calories for an evening meal. In the morning, a person feels tired and lethargic, and also does not want to have breakfast. This lifestyle leads to a set of excess fat.

Here is a list of foods that are best avoided in the evening:

  • Fast food. This category includes not only hamburgers and french fries, but also chips, crackers, popcorn. These products contain a lot of simple carbohydrates, excess fats that saturate a short time. However, when losing weight, it is better to completely exclude these products from your diet;
  • Fatty meats. Meat takes a very long time to digest in the stomach, which can interfere with normal sleep and disrupt the digestive process. In addition, fatty meat is very high in calories, and it is not recommended to eat high-calorie foods at night when losing weight;
  • Flour, pasta and pastries. Such products contain too many simple carbohydrates, which should be avoided in the evening. Such foods are quickly digested, but just as quickly deposited in fat reserves.
  • Sweets and chocolate. They contain great amount sugar and fat. Such products during the diet should be avoided, and even more so in the evening they should not be eaten.
  • Dried fruits. This product is useful, but only in small quantities and in the morning. Dried fruits contain many vitamins, but they are very high in calories. It is best to consume them either for breakfast or as a snack.
  • Avocado. This fruit is very useful for weight loss, but due to the large amount of fat and high calorie content, it is undesirable to consume it in the evening. It is better to eat it for breakfast or lunch;
  • Yoghurt with sugar. Unsweetened natural yoghurts and all fermented milk products in general are very useful in losing weight, but yoghurts with additives and preservatives are very harmful. If you cannot drink fermented milk products without sweeteners, add some honey or berries to them.

Please note: Also at night when losing weight, it is better not to drink soda or alcohol. The latter is quite high in calories and can cause sleep problems. It is better not to drink diuretic and invigorating drinks such as tea or coffee. It is not recommended to drink compote or jelly - these drinks contain too much sugar.

Now you know what foods you can eat at night so as not to gain weight. From low-calorie foods, you can cook full-fledged, tasty, but at the same time diet meals. If you don’t feel like cooking, you can have a snack with fruit or a serving of cottage cheese. Do not forget about spices - they suppress appetite and accelerate metabolism, which contributes to weight loss. Instead of store-bought sweet yogurts, take natural and add fruit or berries to it, instead of sweet bananas, have a snack with an apple. Choose the most low-calorie foods that will not lead to weight gain and help you lose weight.

Everyone man of sense understands that overeating at night is not worth it. Abundant late dinners threaten not only the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist and hips, but also undermine the health of the body as a whole. Our digestive system also needs to rest. The last meal, no matter how light it is, should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Ideally, in order to slowly but surely lose weight, you need to have dinner no later than 7 pm with certain foods.

For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, the main principle of nutrition before bed is a maximum of protein and fiber, a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. One of the best options dinner for harmony is a low-fat protein dish plus a vegetable salad. Optimal size servings 300 - 400 grams, where half is fresh vegetables.

What else is good to eat in the evening?

  1. Fish and seafood. Great option for a main course for dinner. Fish, and even more so seafood, contain a high percentage of easily digestible protein with a minimum percentage of fat. Moreover, even the fat that is - special and useful. It contains Omega 3 fatty acid which are essential for maintaining normal operation internal organs and good skin condition. Rest assured that a wise body will use them to good use. The only thing that can round off after moderate eating sea ​​fish- chest, which, you see, is only pleasant for any girl. Seafood is also rich in various vitamins and minerals, including iodine.
  2. Lean poultry meat also good for an evening meal. Dietary white meat chicken or turkey contains a lot of protein. It is the main building block for muscles. It is necessary to create and maintain toned body. In addition, the body spends much more energy on protein digestion than on the absorption of fats or carbohydrates. In other words, by eating protein foods, you become slimmer. Just pay close attention to the process of cooking poultry meat. It is best to cook it on the grill, in the oven or in a double boiler without oil and fatty sauces.
  3. Eggs. Most nutritionists recommend that losing weight eat only the protein part of the egg. However, it is worth remembering that the yolks are just a storehouse beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. They contain the “correct” cholesterol, which contributes to normal functioning of cardio-vascular system. You don't have to give them up completely. The main thing is to observe the measure in everything. If you plan to eat more than 3 chicken eggs medium-sized for the day, remove the yolks and eat only the rest.
  4. dairy products with low content fat. It can be low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, milk, especially goat or yogurt (just make sure that it does not contain sugar and harmful additives). Low fat types cheese is also suitable for an evening feast. In addition to protein, dairy products are rich in calcium, which is building material bones and teeth. Only not every organism is able to absorb “milk” well. Track your individual body response to these foods. Do they cause bloating or other discomfort? If called, it is better to reduce their consumption. As an alternative, you can use vegetable milk, such as almond milk. It also contains a lot of calcium.
  5. Fresh vegetables and herbs. The options for the protein component of dinner are listed above. The process of losing weight will be many times more effective if you supplement them with dishes with high content fiber. Fiber stimulates the intestines, so that food is better and faster absorbed. The body spends more energy on the processing of foods rich in fiber than they themselves contain. It turns out they have not zero, but even minus fat content. Fresh vegetables and herbs are one of the the best sources fiber, since in addition to it they include a lot useful substances. Just do not season vegetable salads with mayonnaise, give preference vegetable oils. By the way, boiled vegetables are also a good option, but not instead of a “fresh” salad, but in addition to it.
  6. Whole grain bread, bran bread, wheat germ and buckwheat are also rich in fiber. Contain complex carbohydrates. It is best to eat them for lunch or breakfast, but sometimes you can also have them for dinner for a change. It won't hurt the figure.
  7. Nuts, dried fruits help out if you really want to eat something sweet for dessert in the evening. They are better than store-bought sweets or cakes. There will be more health and beauty benefits.

What exactly should not be eaten and drunk at night? Fast food, alcohol, semi-finished products with artificial additives, fatty meat, sweets, bakery products from ordinary white flour, fried and pickled foods, coffee, black tea. Everything that contains a large amount of sugar (and sweeteners), salt and has already undergone partial processing (canned food, etc.) should be minimized.

Try to eat only foods from the “green” list in the evenings. Learn new recipes for easy and delicious meals healthy eating. Most likely in a couple of weeks you will get the taste and no longer want to return to the usual pasta with cutlets with mayonnaise. And when you see a built, prettier self in the mirror, then you will completely forget about them forever.

All nutritionists of the world in unison say that eating at night is harmful. Not everyone likes to refuse a late-night snack, and many can’t even do it. If the desire is too great, then you should not fight it, just choose the right products! You will get rid of the feeling of hunger, you will not be able to suffer from insomnia without much harm to the figure.

What foods can be eaten at night

It's time to go to bed, and you have a childish appetite? Before you go to the refrigerator, check if you really want to eat? Drink a glass of water, the feeling of hunger will dull a little. If this technique does not work, foods that can be eaten at night will come in handy. Their list is not too long, but you will certainly find a delicious treat that will not cause serious harm to the figure and stomach.

The problem of night food is especially relevant for those whose work ends late, and there is simply no way to have dinner earlier, for example, ten in the evening. In this case, try not to make dinner the main meal, keep it as light as possible. Choose dishes from following list so that there are no problems with digestion:

  • a small portion of vegetable soup (possible with chicken broth);
  • plate oatmeal with a spoonful of honey;
  • beans stewed with vegetables;
  • a light salad with fresh vegetables (for example, apple, carrot, grated beetroot, seasoned with yogurt, not sour cream) with a minimum salt content;
  • omelette (eggs without yolks) large quantity dill and parsley;
  • piece of baked, boiled chicken breast or fish with vegetables;
  • fresh vegetable salad with seafood.

Curd for the night

Safe and healthy cottage cheese absorbed quickly. Your body will only need 1.5 hours to digest it. For those who are on a diet and trying to lose weight, it is better to choose cottage cheese for the night with a low fat content. Eating this product will be useful for athletes. The protein contained in cottage cheese will support muscles for several hours.

Nuts for the night

If you are wondering what you can eat in the evening for the benefit of the body and health, think about nuts. When choosing such an evening snack, remember that it is important to be careful here. If you have a snack with a small amount of delicious nuts, then your body will receive vitamins and energy. When nuts are consumed at night in an unmeasured number, then forget about your attempts to lose weight - this product is very high in calories. 10 almonds, peanuts, cashews or others is the best nighttime snack. Walnut- is not best food at night for the hungry because of the difficulty to digest.

cabbage for the night

White cabbage belongs to the "negative calorie" category of vegetables. This term means that the body will need more calories to digest this product than it will receive with cabbage. Under the influence of the substances contained in this vegetable, the process of losing weight is activated, muscle endurance increases. Cabbage at night is the choice of those who follow the harmony of their body and want to lose weight. Nutritionists recommend drinking cabbage juice in the late evening as a snack if you want to say goodbye to extra pounds and improve sleep.

Carrots for the night

Juicy carrots, eaten before bedtime, will not allow you to gain weight. While you're dreaming, this orange root vegetable is leading active struggle with excess fat. Feel free to eat carrots at night and do not be afraid for the figure, you will not get fat. You can eat carrots fresh or drink in the form of juice. Add some carrots to low-fat cottage cheese or drink it with a glass of kefir. duet with fermented milk products good for your body.

Is it possible to have kefir at night

For most people, the first answer to the question of what is better to eat at night will be kefir. Sour milk in the late evening helps to improve sleep, normalizes bowel function. Kefir at night will kill the appetite of those who do not want to get better, but cannot refuse an evening snack.

For a late dinner, use the recipe for kefir soup. Take a liter fermented milk product, 1-2 cucumbers, a bunch of dill and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Grind the products and fill them with kefir. Delicious and safe late dinner is ready! An alternative to kefir is curdled milk or low-fat yogurt: you get the traditional Greek dish tzatziki.

Cheese for the night

For those who want to eat at night, a couple of pieces low-fat cheese not prevent. Complete absence carbohydrates makes it not the most dangerous food for the diet. Give preference to varieties with a minimum fat content so that cheese at night is not reflected in your mirror. To reduce calories, combine this product with fresh vegetables: broccoli, cucumbers or celery

What fruits can you eat at night

Following a diet, many believe that there is no fat in fruits, but only healthy fiber, so they are in no hurry to give up their favorite fruits. Often this statement is true, but sometimes fruit at night is food that will not be slow to appear in the form excess weight your body. You need to know exactly what you can eat at night, and which fruits are better to refuse. Even late in the evening, citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, grapefruits), pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, pears, apples will not hurt. These fruits are products that can be eaten after 6 pm. Bananas and grapes are not worth eating.

apples at night

If you can’t fall asleep in any way, then an apple will help muffle your hunger. The fruit is better to choose green, it has less sugar than red or yellow. To make it easier for the body to digest an eaten apple before bed, nutritionists recommend peeling it. For some people, these fruits, on the contrary, whet the appetite. In this case, apples are best consumed in baked form.

Is it possible to eat bananas at night

High calorie bananas - direct contraindication to the use of these fruits for those who are losing weight. Chemical composition banana causes cheerfulness, relieves fatigue, so this fruit is not the best solution for a night snack. If your weight is normal, then you can easily afford to eat bananas at night, only in small quantities and not too late. From tasty and healthy fruit you can make a cocktail. Mix in a blender a glass of milk, half a banana and 50 ml carrot juice and some honey. It is better to drink a drink no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Orange for the night

Another answer to the question of what you can eat before bed is oranges. Low calorie content, a significant content of useful fiber make citrus fruit an excellent delicacy for treats at night. Be careful, oranges at night can cause even more appetite. You have half an hour to fall asleep, otherwise hunger will not be slow to appear again. If you notice this feature behind you, then it is better to choose other products for a late dinner.

What not to eat at night

The list of foods to avoid in the evening is much longer than the list of allowed foods. Getting into the stomach shortly before sleep, many products lie there like a “stone” until the morning, poisoning the body. Waking up, you will feel lethargic, tired, your immunity will weaken, and overweight will certainly appear over time. Experts say that it is strictly forbidden to eat the following categories of products at night:

  1. Snacks: chips, popcorn, crackers. In quiet foods, the number of calories "rolls over", so they should not be eaten even during the day.
  2. Fat meat. Prolonged digestion of this food puts it on the black list for anyone who cares about their health.
  3. Bread, buns, pasta. Flour products will be digested by your stomach quickly, but they will immediately settle on the sides, buttocks and tummy. Beware of these products if you do not want to gain weight.
  4. Chocolate and other sweets. Excess calories will certainly make themselves felt overweight.
  5. Dried fruits. dried apricots, raisins, dried dates are foods high in fructose, so they should not be used for late-night snacks.
  6. Avocado. The fruit contains a lot of fat and calories, you should not eat it in the evening.

Video: what you can eat at night while losing weight

Giving dinner to the "enemy", as ancient wisdom says, until recently, healthy lifestyle adherents considered it right. But scientists have investigated this issue and found out whether this meal should be ignored. It turned out that dinner is good for the body, especially if you know what to eat in the evening to lose weight.

Proper dinner will lay the foundation for next day will ensure high performance. This is especially important if you have a workout the next morning. The feeling of fullness will allow you to sleep, which contributes to normal exchange substances.

Nutritionists advise to have dinner not before 18 o'clock, as many believe, but 3 hours before falling asleep. Therefore, when working late, the last meal can be planned even at 21.00.

Dinner calories

When thinking about dinner options, you should not forget about the calorie content of dishes. After all, even the most healthy foods, which are eaten in excess, lead to the deposition of fat.

The daily calorie requirement is:

  • for men - 2.5-3 thousand kcal;
  • for women - 1.5-2.0 thousand kcal.

The evening meal accounts for 20% daily allowance. The calorie content of dinner should be about 550 and 350 kcal, respectively.

Dairy products

This food is quickly digested by the body. It prevents the appearance of extra pounds, improves performance gastrointestinal system. Preference is given to products prepared using thermostatic technology, when milk is fermented directly in the package. However, you need to buy products without any third-party ingredients and sugar. If you want, you can add components that help burn calories - for example, cinnamon, bran, or ennoble the taste with berries and fruits.

Cottage cheese, cheese

This is one of the most successful dinner options for those who are wondering what to eat in the evening while losing weight. It is useful in that 100 g of the product contains at least 12 g of protein. But at the same time, it has less fat than even lean meats.

Cottage cheese with a fat content of 0% is not recommended by nutritionists, since lipids are needed for the absorption of calcium and vitamins. Preference should be given to a product containing 1.8-5% fat. In addition, the substance CLA, which prevents obesity, was recently discovered in cottage cheese.

The optimal amount of cottage cheese is 2-3 tablespoons. The best culinary companions of the product will be fresh vegetables, herbs, berries, bread. But it is best to eat it in pure form. Especially harmful are additives such as jam, jam.

You can use the product in the form of a casserole. For its preparation take:

  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l;
  • fructose - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • a pinch of soda.

The components are mixed. The oven is heated to 180°C, curd mass put into the mold and bake for 30 minutes.

Suitable for the evening and feta cheese, goat's milk cheese.

Lean meats

Lean meats - what you can eat in the evening to lose weight. The choice is quite wide - chicken, beef, veal, turkey. The most useful baked, boiled or grilled meat. This not only reduces the burden on digestive tract but also contributes to the preservation of vitamins and minerals. Meat is served with green vegetables. It is better not to use breading when cooking.


This product is good to use not only for breakfast, but also for dinner. They are boiled in the shell or without it (poached eggs), omelettes are made. Although some of the vitamins are lost during heat treatment, you can’t drink them raw. This reduces the risk of salmonella infection. Raw protein also contains the substance ovidin, which binds vitamin B1.

Attention! If you have a late dinner, then it is better to cook soft-boiled eggs - they are digested faster than those cooked in the form of fried eggs.


Fruits for weight loss are recommended to be consumed 20 minutes before dinner. This allows you to reduce the amount of evening servings of food. It is enough to eat one pear or one and a half oranges weighing no more than 200 g. Fruits sometimes replace dinner. Due to the abundance of fiber, they will help cleanse the intestines, but at the same time do not overload it. You can combine them with yogurt, yogurt.


Vegetables have several valuable properties - an abundance of fiber and low calorie content. Therefore, more energy is spent on their digestion than it comes in. In addition, fiber improves bowel function, activating metabolism, and partially binds fats.

Those vegetables that you can eat in the evening while losing weight are in the list below:

  • different types of cabbage;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • bell pepper;
  • leaf lettuce;
  • celery (stems, roots, leaves);
  • vegetable marrow;
  • turnip;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • green peas;
  • boiled beans;
  • eggplant.

You can make stew from zucchini. For him take:

  • zucchini, carrots, onions, peppers - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt and seasonings - to taste.

Vegetables are cut into cubes. Everything, except tomatoes, is poured into a saucepan, oil is poured and simmered for 10 minutes over low heat. At the end, seasoned tomatoes are added, brought to a boil and removed from the stove.

Kasha, bread

These products are recommended to be consumed in the morning and afternoon. Then they give strength, provide the necessary energy, eliminate the feeling of hunger. Some of them can be used in the evening. The most useful for losing weight are:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • unpolished rice;
  • pearl barley.

The most useful loaves are made from "exploded" grains (round braces resembling popcorn). They do not contain fat, starch, yeast, sugar. They are better to replace the usual bread.

Fish, seafood

Low-fat fish and seafood are also allowed for evening meals. The proteins from these foods are easily digestible. Fish contains essential fatty acids - Omega-3, 6. They strengthen the heart and reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, help restore metabolism, the violation of which causes the formation excess weight. Seafood, moreover, is an aphrodisiac and suitable for a romantic candlelit dinner.

To please the family with a delicacy, you can cook salmon in Chinese style. For 4 servings take:

  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • pineapple juice - 200 ml;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salmon fillet - 800 g.

Soy sauce, juice and honey are mixed and boiled over a fire until the volume is halved. The fish fillet is cut into strips, sprinkled with black or white pepper, poured over with the prepared filling and marinated for 30 minutes. Then the fish is laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven, baked until tender.

Digestion time

When choosing foods for dinner, take into account the time of digestion of food. This will be the answer to the question of what you can eat after 6 pm, which worries most of those who are losing weight.

Table 1. How much food is digested

The product's nameDigestion time, minimum
Freshly squeezed juices15 minutes.
Fruit and vegetable salads, watermelon20 minutes.
Citrus fruits, juicy vegetables (tomatoes, lettuce, celery, cucumbers, bell peppers)30 min.
Semi-sweet fruits (cherries, apples, peaches)40 min.
Avocado, starchy vegetables (pumpkin, chestnuts), cereals (rice, buckwheat, etc.)60 min.
Soft-boiled eggs, drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), broth, milk, boiled fishFrom 60 min.
Legumes1,5 hour
Seedsfrom 2 hours
Nuts, peanutsFrom 2.5 hours
Chicken, beef, ham, rye breadFrom 3 hours
HerringFrom 4 hours
Mushrooms, fatFrom 5 hours

If you have dinner 4 hours before bedtime (18-19 hours), then fasting is acceptable. protein food- fish, veal, eggs, legumes, products from sour milk. Vegetables are suitable for a later meal.


If hunger is felt after dinner, then it is allowed before bedtime. Products, quantity and the energy value evening servings are given in the table.

Table 2. Food for a snack before bed

Attention! Some nutritionists consider it necessary to refuse fruits after 16.00. In any case, you should refrain from bananas, grapes.

Opponents of fruit insist that it is preferable to opt for vegetable salads flavored with lemon. From sunflower oil dressings, sour cream, and even more mayonnaise, you should refuse.

Tea against evening hunger

When the daily calorie limit is out, and a snack threatens to gain extra pounds, you can brew herbal tea.

Peppermint tea will not only help satisfy your hunger, but also calm you down after a hard day. It is prepared from 200 ml of boiling water and a tablespoon of herbs, infused for 10 minutes. If necessary, sweeten the infusion with a teaspoon of honey.

Sage lowers glucose levels, normalizes blood pressure, relieves stress. Such an infusion is included in your menu with excess weight. The herb also reduces the concentration of cortisol, the stress hormone. This promotes weight loss in the abdomen.

Dandelion can replace coffee and help you lose weight. The soil is cleaned from the roots, washed. The raw materials are chopped into large pieces and dried in an oven at t ° 180 ° C for 20 minutes to dark brown. Before preparing the drink, the roots are ground in a coffee grinder. Take 3 tsp for one cup. powder, wait 6 minutes. Top drink can be sprinkled with cinnamon.

Food to Avoid

In order for dinner to benefit the body and help get rid of excess weight, the following products are excluded from the evening menu:

  • fried foods;
  • sweet pastries;
  • fast carbohydrates;
  • potatoes, pasta;
  • red and fatty meat;
  • fast food;
  • offal;
  • smoked meats;
  • sweet sparkling waters.

One of the main rules of a healthy dinner is a calm environment. The TV must be turned off so as not to be distracted and accidentally overeat. Food is served on a beautiful plate to enhance the enjoyment of eating it.

Video about what you can eat in the evening