Everyone has dates! The incredible benefits of dried dates. Do you need to wash dates before eating? Dates to enhance eyelash growth

Dates are edible fruits date palm- A common food item, widely available as dried fruit. For industrial cultivation, certain varieties of date palm are used.

Dates are highly valued in Islam: the Prophet Muhammad himself loved these fruits, and they are mentioned 29 times in the Koran. Saint Onuphrius also ate dates.

It is believed that dates contain all the necessary substances for humans, so you can live for several years by eating only dates and water. The leaves of date palms in Southern Europe are used during worship on Palm Sunday.

Palm wine "tari" is prepared from the leaves of the Indian species Phoenix silvestris.

Useful properties of dates

Dates contain 60-65% carbohydrates - the highest percentage compared to other fruits, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, protein, oil are also present ; 23 different types of amino acids that are not found in most other fruits.

In terms of their nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties, dates are equal to cereals. They are useful for adults, children, and pregnant women. Fresh dates are added to many dishes - fruit salads, buns, homemade cookies, pies and cakes. Dates are used to produce date honey, sugar, and alcoholic date juice, and palm flour is produced from the heartwood of the tree. Fresh dates keep well in the refrigerator. Date sugar is much healthier for the body than cane or beet sugar. If dried dates are placed in hot milk for a while, their taste improves, and when filled with butter, nuts, almonds or thick cream, the content of protein and protein required by the human body increases.

Arabs make a paste from dates that can be stored all year round. Date fruits are also used to prepare compotes, muesli, jelly and all kinds of confectionery products; they are an excellent dessert. They can be turned into flour to produce a type of honey. After fermentation, they produce a pleasant drink. It should be said that dates do not contain cholesterol at all. Dates are very beneficial for digestion, they have a cleansing effect on the digestive system. Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov recommended consuming dates when intestinal disorders. Since sun-dried dates have a sticky surface and can become contaminated with contaminants and bacteria, they should not be left out in the open air for long and should be washed before use.

Dangerous properties of dates

People suffering from allergic diseases should treat dates with caution. Also, patients with diabetes should exclude dates from their diet, since these fruits have a high glycemic index, which indicates a food's potential effect on sugar levels.

This means that eating dates can cause a spike in blood sugar.

Those who suffer from ulcers and certain intestinal diseases are advised to consume this fruit with caution. There is probably no need to completely give up dates. You just need to limit their number, and first consult with your doctor.

Dates are also harmful to the body with fructose intolerance, since each cup of these fruits contains 29 g of this monosaccharide. Fructose intolerance means that the body cannot digest it properly, which means you may experience gas, diarrhea, and bloating after eating dates.

Another thing to keep in mind is dirty or low-quality fruit. When purchasing, check for mold on the fruit. Wash your dates before eating. hot water. In this case, this fruit will bring you a lot of benefits.

Keep in mind that if you purchase ready-dried dates, they may be treated with sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide. These are toxic compounds with which dried fruits are processed. Thanks to this, they do not deteriorate for a long time and retain their color. Once in our body, these substances can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tube, which leads to various inflammations, and when long-term use- to an ulcer.

It is also important to know how much of this fruit you can eat per day. A person with a normal rhythm of life is not advised to eat more than 10 dates, but for those whose work involves hard work and athletes, the number of dates can be increased to 20-25.

As with other foods, overuse of dates is not recommended. Yes, it can cause severe headache. In addition, large consumption of these dried fruits has a detrimental effect on the condition of the teeth. Since these fruits are very sweet, they can cause tooth decay.

Where the sun gives its warmth all year round, where there is no cold and chilly wind, where snow does not fall, miracle trees grow - date palms. It is here, in the warm region, that the dates, so beloved by everyone, ripen. We will look at the beneficial properties and contraindications of this delicacy in this article.

The birthplace of the sweet delicacy

Where do the composition, calorie content, and contraindications of which are relevant for everyone who loves them? The original homeland of the date palm is the Nile and Euphrates valleys, but now this delicacy is grown in Italy, Spain, Africa and other countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

IN North Africa and Arabian dates are not just a sweet dessert, but also a product that completely replaces bread. It is not for nothing that dates are called “bread of the desert” in the East. It is believed that even if throughout long period time to eat only dates and fresh water, the body will tolerate such a “diet” without stress or harm, because these fruits contain an incredible amount of what a person needs nutrients. The beneficial properties of dried dates are repeatedly described in various medicinal treatises.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a wild date palm; as a rule, these trees are cultivated specifically for growing sweet fruits. And for good reason - dates are in great demand among people from all over the world, so the export of these fruits is quite profitable. There is no such person who would not try these sweet gifts of nature - dates! Benefits and medicinal properties, contraindications and harm - no matter what information lovers of sweets learn about them, both adults and children continue to eat them.

Dates are traded in all countries of the planet by Iran, Israel, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Oman, Morocco and the USA. But the undisputed leader in the cultivation and export of dates is Saudi Arabia.

Obstinate palm

It's pretty tall tree, which sometimes reaches 25 meters in height. These trees proudly rise above smaller representatives of the flora, as if showing their superiority over them. The thick trunk of the date palm is completely bare, without branches, except for the leaves that sway from its crown.

The huge, fern-like leaves of the date palm reach a length of about 6 meters, and sharp thorns form on their cuttings. Plantation workers remove these thorns in advance so that they do not interfere in the future. If this is not done, workers may get injured, and the wounds are very painful and take a long time to heal. The thorns are removed with a heavy and very sharp knife - this is a simple but labor-intensive process, because there are tens of thousands of trees on a date plantation...

Date pollination

After all the dangerous thorns have been removed, the collection of inflorescences from which pollen is obtained begins. Why is this being done? It's simple! A palm tree is a dioecious heterosexual plant, on which male and female flowers are not located together (on the same tree), but separately (on different trees). Plantation workers collect pollen from male inflorescences, process and dry it, and then mechanically transfer it to female inflorescences. By the way, date palm pollen is strong allergen, to which the body will never be able to get used.

Ripening the delicacy

After pollination of date inflorescences, the period of ripening of the crop begins. It is quite long - you have to wait almost 200 days for fruits. At the same time, in order to get the maximum yield from each tree, the inflorescences must be thinned out, removing the weak ones and leaving the strong ones.

By the way, the fruits of the date palm grow mainly at night - at this time of day the tree does not evaporate the water that is so necessary for dates.

After some time, the ripening fruits begin to gain weight beyond what the tree can support. In order not to lose the precious delicacy, the bunches of dates are tied up.

Night fees

The harvest begins at the end of August. Ripe fruits are not picked by hand, but using special equipment. At the same time, work is carried out at night - from 20:00 to 8:00. Once collected, the dates are sorted into boxes, then packed and sent for export. So, sweet dates appear on our tables, containing not only a lot of useful substances, but also the painstaking work of many people.

Most often, dried or sun-dried dates come to Russia, which are eaten with pleasure by adults and children. And they do it right, because the beneficial properties of dried dates are truly invaluable!

Dossier on dates

So, sweet “travelers from distant lands” - dates. We will describe in detail the beneficial properties and contraindications of sweet fruits in this article - such information will be useful to all lovers of this exotic.

Let's start with the benefits. These sweet fruits have magical property: relieve fatigue and stress, lift your spirits, strengthen weak immunity, and are also delicious preventive measure against oncological diseases. And that’s not all that dates hide in themselves! The beneficial properties and contraindications of these fruits have been studied for years - thanks to scientific research, with the help of this delicacy you can not only cure, but also prevent some diseases.

Dates contain a large amount of potassium, which has a positive effect on the heart muscle. In addition to potassium, dates contain iron, which helps the body fight anemia. Among other things, these exotic fruits have beneficial effect on the kidneys and liver, and also help fight intestinal upset.

Natural stimulant

What else do dates contain? The beneficial properties and contraindications for their use have a very wide range, therefore, before eating them large quantities, you should make sure that these fruits do not harm the body. For example, despite all the useful ingredients, dates contain a substance that affects uterine contractions, so expectant mothers should eat them with great caution. And at the same time, if the expected delivery date has already passed, but there are no contractions, then a handful of dates will help stimulate labor. This is how mysterious dates work - harm, medicinal properties, contraindications and indications - all in one!

Dates are simply necessary for nursing mothers - they stimulate lactation and enrich the composition breast milk, thanks to which the baby receives more complete, fortified nutrition. In a word, knowing the beneficial properties of dates and contraindications, you can use this exotic delicacy as vitamins or medicine.

Protecting men's health

What are the benefits of dates for men? This aromatic delicacy is simply a must for the stronger sex! Dried dates contain large amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and dietary fiber. They perfectly satisfy hunger and restore strength. This is especially important for those who do heavy lifting. physical labor. What are the benefits of dates for men? Among useful qualities The product can be called such as: cleansing and improving blood composition, as well as increasing potency and increasing sperm count. Therefore, it is recommended to eat at least a couple of pieces of this delicacy daily - exotic fruits will keep your male strength in good shape.

Exotics are prohibited

Who else can dates harm? Medical and research studies have shown that these fruits are undesirable for people prone to allergies, as well as those who suffer from bronchial asthma, kidney stones and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Ten troubles - one answer!

So, we can summarize. Dessert from warm regions is useful for those who:

  1. Anemia, decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  2. Loss of strength, apathy, fatigue.
  3. Brittle teeth and brittle bones.
  4. High blood pressure.
  5. Weakened immunity, frequent colds.
  6. Insomnia, nervous disorders, depression.
  7. Decreased vision.
  8. Swelling of the limbs.
  9. Lack of labor in women.
  10. Decreased quantity and quality of breast milk.

Sweet dreams

We have considered their use. It remains only to mention one fact that will appeal to those with a sweet tooth who just can’t fall asleep quickly. The fact is that dates contain tryptophan, an amino acid that, when it enters the body, is transformed into the hormones serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is the so-called “joy hormone”, it is responsible for our good mood and pleasant emotions. Melatonin is what helps a person fall asleep. Therefore, if after a difficult working day you want to sleep, but you can’t fall asleep, eat a couple of dates - and sweet Dreams won't keep you waiting!

Vitamins and calories

It is rare that anyone who has at least once tried dates (the beneficial properties, harms, calorie content, benefits and vitamin composition of which we discussed in this article) did not like these overseas fruits. After all, sweet dried dates are a kind of natural candy, filled with the sun of hot countries and natural vitamins. All that remains is to describe in detail the composition of this healthy dessert.

So, 100 grams of dates contain:

  • 0.1 grams saturated fatty acids;
  • 1.5 grams of ash;
  • 69.2 grams of mono- and disaccharides;
  • 0.1 grams of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • 20 grams of water;
  • 0.3 grams of organic acids;
  • 6 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 1.9 milligrams of vitamin PP;
  • 0.3 milligrams vitamin E;
  • 1 milligram of B vitamins;
  • 1.5 milligrams of iron;
  • 56 milligrams of phosphorus;
  • 370 milligrams of potassium;
  • 32 milligrams sodium;
  • 69 milligrams of magnesium;
  • 65 milligrams of calcium.

In addition, 100 grams of dates contain about 292 kilocalories.

  • Calorie content, kcal - 300-315
  • Proteins, g - 1.8-2.5 - from 4%
  • Fats, g - 0.2 - 0
  • Carbohydrates, g - up to 75 - 25% (even more for dried fruits!)
  • Dietary fiber, g - 6.7 - 27%
  • Water, g - 21.3 g

Vitamins (descending):

  • Vitamin B3, mg - 1.6 - 8%
  • Vitamin B5, mg - 15 - 8%
  • Vitamin B6, mg - 0.2 - 12%
  • Vitamin B2, mg - 0.1 - 4%
  • Vitamin B9, mcg - 15 - 4%
  • Vitamin A, IU - 149 - 3%
  • Vitamin K, mcg - 2.7 - 3%
  • Vitamin B1, mg - 0.1 - 3%

Minerals (descending):

  • Potassium, milligram - 696 - 20%
  • Copper, mg - 0.4 - 18%
  • Manganese, mg - 0.3 - 15%
  • Magnesium, mg - 54 - 14%
  • Calcium, mg - 64 - 6%
  • Phosphorus, mg - 62 - 6%
  • Iron, mg - 0.9 - 5%
  • Zinc, mg - 0.4 - 3%

The percentage (%) indicates the portion of the average daily requirement for an adult.

Curious! Silicon in dried dates.

According to modern sources, this mineral is up to 17 mg per 100 grams of dried delicacy. This fact is often called very important in diabetes mellitus. But the amount of sugar in natural candy is huge and extremely harmful for a diabetic. And silicon is not a medicine, not insulin, or moreover, it is easy to obtain in supplements - without a single drop of sugar.

Benefits for the body

Looking at the composition, you can immediately understand how dates are beneficial for humans.

  1. Complex B vitamins helps normal operation nervous system and maintains energy balance in cells.
  2. The benefits of microelements are varied. From potassium, which controls basic processes in cells, to iron, which is critical for the delivery of oxygen to cells. From the ubiquitous magnesium to copper, which is important for blood formation and immunity.
  3. Menu saturation dietary fiber- one of the main steps towards harmonious cleansing of the intestines without constipation and flatulence.

Harm and contraindications

Unfortunately, the contraindications for dates are not minor. The main drawback is the incredible sweetness and extremely high glycemic index. Let's take a closer look at why this is bad.

Up to 70% of the mass of fresh dates - easily digestible carbohydrates. For dried dates, this proportion rises to 95% or more. In terms of sugar content, our heroes are ahead of many candies and chocolate bars. They are closest to lump refined sugar. They also contain a lot of fructose.

The glycemic index is extremely high and is 103, and the glycemic load is 42. Thus, when you treat yourself to dates, a significant amount of glucose quickly enters the bloodstream, which is not so easy for the body to cope with.

Since sugar figures are prohibitive, doctors ban dates for type 2 diabetes. Whether it’s possible or not, one or at least two pieces, well, a couple more - don’t deceive yourself! Dates are poison for a diabetic, and that’s clear.

Regular consumption of dates may also increase the risk of diabetes in healthy people. In addition, the risk of obesity increases. Alas, dates on the daily menu for weight loss are the same nonsense as halva, caramel, molasses, and sugar.

In addition, an unexpected and massive intake of sugars and dietary fiber into the intestines can play a cruel joke on the body. Painful flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation will appear if there was little water that day.

A particular disadvantage is the remaining particles of a viscous sweet mass on the teeth, into which the date turns when chewed. This is a paradise for bacteria. If pieces of sweet treats regularly stick to the enamel, caries develops quickly, especially in children.

Other sources of harm from dates.

  • Wax treatment. Some manufacturers who want to show off the product cover the product thin layer wax. Although such fruits have a pleasant shine, the difficult-to-digest wax clogs the stomach and can cause nausea and intestinal upset.
  • In a small number of people, dates can cause allergies in the form of itching and redness of the skin. Never tried them? Get started with allergy test: Eat little and observe the body’s reaction for at least a day.

Don't give dates to babies. The viscous pulp is difficult to chew and swallow. Regurgitation, aspiration and suffocation are not uncommon scenarios in early acquaintance with our heroes.

Pregnancy and dates

The benefits and harms to the body are especially relevant when it comes to the mother and the unborn baby. Just for fun, let’s calculate how many dates you need to eat per day for the sake of the well-known folic acid. It is especially important when planning and early stages pregnancy.

To cover at least 40% of the need for vitamin B9, you need 1 kilogram of treats. At the same time, this will provide the woman with intestinal upset and an insane amount of sugar, which can be equated to a poisonous bomb.

In fairness, we note an interesting study that talks about including a small amount of dates in the diet during pregnancy. later. Supposedly this can make childbirth easier. ()

Who can eat wisely and how?

Are these sweet fruits really that dangerous?! Who and how can benefit if they include dates in their diet?

  • Men with heavy physical work. Athletes during active training. They will be able to quickly replenish lost energy with sweet dates. However, this does not cancel balanced diet and needs for quality proteins and fats.
  • Students. Immediately before the exam, 4-6 dates will stimulate brain function.
  • Sweet tooths of all stripes, i.e. those who still can’t refuse sweets. It’s better to get extra calories and a spike in insulin in the blood along with healthy vitamins and minerals, without trans fats, artificial colors and flavors.

We select and store correctly

Calorie content, benefits and harm to the body, how much you need to eat in order not to gain weight - all these questions will remain idle if you fail to choose a quality product.

Here are some tips on how to choose the right dates.

  1. The fruits feel fleshy (“full”).
  2. The peel of high-quality dates is almost matte, without creases or cracks, and not many wrinkles. The shameless gloss that appears on most samples on sale is a sign of glucose syrup, which was poured over dried fruits as a preservative. Such beauties stick to your hands and to the bag where they lie.
  3. Pass by dates that are broken, have cracks in the skin, are pitted, dried out or shriveled.
  4. The sweet and sour smell and sugar crystals appearing on the peel indicate that these dates have already lost their quality. The aroma of gasoline and other chemical tints are a definite reason to refuse a purchase.

Many people like fresh Iranian dates. We are no exception. Nobly poured, with tails, in dense rows “one to one”, they appetizingly fill a neat box. It seems that the greatest benefit is guaranteed. There are only two problems left: not to get moldy samples and to properly process the dates before consumption.

Conscientious manufacturers indicate on the packaging about treatment with sulfur dioxide. Yes, yes, we are again saying that even if the product in the store looks great, you need to read the labels. Look for E220 in the composition - here it is, a potentially dangerous substance that often causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

We never tire of repeating that sulfur dioxide easily dissolves in cold water. Just 30 minutes will be enough to minimize possible harm. Choose for yourself whether to use this preparation method for the next batch of fruits you like.

As a last resort, for quick cleaning, you can remove the skin from the fruit. This will also reduce the concentration of anhydride in the meal.

How to store at home

Most manufacturers pasteurize the product (i.e. process high temperature). The goal is to destroy mold germs. As a result, dates store very well. Place them in a sealed plastic bag. Can be kept at room temperature if there is no heat (more than 25*C). They will be edible for up to 6-9 months.

Due to its sweetness and sticky texture, date puree has become famous as an excellent ingredient for vegetarian desserts and no-bake cheesecakes. Watch the video below for two simple recipes.

The fruit of the date palm is a date. Sometimes the Chinese date is called a plant of the Krushin family - Jujube, which, of course, is wrong. Apart from some external similarities, they have nothing in common.

Date palms are male and female. Both trees are needed to produce a harvest. Usually planted on 20-25 females one male plant. The palm bears fruit very profusely for half a century or more.

By the way, the fruits are not processed in any way and do not need processing. Due to lack of water, they become so withered already on the palm tree. All that remains is to remove the damaged dates and you can pack them.

The peculiarity and value of the date palm lies in the fact that all its parts are suitable for use: the shoots are necessary for religious rituals, the fruits are used for food, the wood is used to build houses, the branches are roofing building materials, and the trunk fibers are an excellent raw material for making ropes .

Flour is made from the pith of the palm tree. Fruits are raw materials for production alcoholic drink. Date honey is widespread in the East - much more useful than the beet or cane honey we know. Making honey is a complex, multi-step process that results in a sweet, thick syrup. The product can be stored for a long time without losing its quality.

Mesopotamia is considered the birthplace of the plant, since it was in this territory that facts were established confirming the cultivation of the tree in the 4th millennium BC. It is now growing in many countries around the world. suitable climate. From ancient times to the present day, the date remains the most accessible source of food for eastern countries. For food during a long hike in the desert, this is simply an ideal product.

Nutritional value and composition of dates

The Arabs rightly praise the benefits of dates for the body. You can verify this by studying the composition of the fruit. A proverb has been preserved since ancient times: “Whoever eats dates will be healthy in both soul and mind.” Nowadays, scientists do not limit themselves to unsubstantiated statements. The biochemical composition is studied in laboratories. This makes the value of the product clear.

The calorie content of 100 g of fruit is very high - 293 kcal. This explains the rapid saturation when eating dates. The bulk is, of course, sugar, i.e. carbohydrates – approximately 54%. There are significantly less proteins and fats - 3 and 0.8%, respectively. There is very little water in the fruits - only 0.78%. But there is plenty of dietary fiber - about 30%.

In addition, the product contains:

  • Vitamins: PP (1.9 mg), B5 (0.8 mg), C (0.3 mg), E (0.3 mg), B6 ​​(0.1 mg), B1 and B2 (0.05 mg each ).
  • Iron: (1.5 mg).
  • Macronutrients: potassium (370 mg), magnesium (69 mg), calcium (65 mg), phosphorus (56 mg), sodium (32 mg).
  • sugar – 69.2 g;
  • organic acids – 0.3 g;
  • ash – 1.5 g;
  • saturated fatty acids – 0.1 g.

Due to such a rich composition, dates are able to meet many needs. human body. There are known cases when hermits who went into the desert for for long years without harm to health, they ate only these sweet fruits and water. It is not recommended to repeat their experience, but adding variety to your diet will not hurt.

Benefits of dates for the human body

In addition to the fact that dates are used as a food product, they are no less often used as remedy. Their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, immunomodulatory, neuroprotective, and antitumor effects have been proven. In addition, good results were obtained with treatment male infertility(Karomatov I.J., Yusupova G.S. Dates as a remedy. Biology and Integrative Medicine. 2017, no. 2, pp. 143-155).

Strengthens the heart and blood vessels

« American Journal of Clinical Nutrition» published the results of several studies conducted in different countries for 14 years. It was found that when daily use 100 mg of magnesium (5-6 fruits) the risk of stroke drops by 9%. In addition, the product has a hypotensive effect and strengthens blood vessels.

For even more therapeutic effect employees of the Israeli medical center Rambam It is recommended to combine dates with pomegranate juice. This mixture effectively protects the body from the development of atherosclerosis and other vascular and heart diseases.

As a result of studies conducted on mice on the natural prevention of strokes and heart pathologies, amazing results were obtained. Eating dates with pomegranate juice reduces arterial cholesterol by 28% and reduces oxidative processes in the arterial wall by 33%. At the same time, the optimal daily dose for a person: three dates (preferably crushed) and half a glass (to be exact, 118 ml) of pomegranate juice.

Prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease

Modern medicine does not yet have effective means, capable of preventing Alzheimer's disease or at least slowing its progression. Nevertheless, in the process of actively searching for them, doctors came to the conclusion that certain foods and a certain lifestyle can minimize the risk of developing the disease.

It was possible to establish and clinically prove the neuroprotective effect of date fruits, as well as positive influence on memory and reducing anxiety levels ( Subash S. et al.Diet rich in date palm fruits improves memory, learning and reduces beta amyloid in transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. J. Ayurveda Integr. Med. 2015 Apr-Jun 6(2), p. 111-120).

Have an antimicrobial effect

The widespread thoughtless prescription of antibiotics has led to a serious problem - the emergence of bacterial resistance. Production is increasingly strong antibiotics closes this circle even more firmly. The only way out of this situation is to search alternative methods treatment bacterial infection. In this regard, it makes sense to consider the possibility of using natural products. They have many advantages compared to medications, the most significant of which are low cost and the absence of side effects.

Large-scale studies have shown the high effectiveness of date fruits in the fight against many potential pathogens of pathological processes, in particular coli and clesibella, which makes it possible to use dates in the fight against pneumonia. An antimicrobial effect was also found against fecal enterococcus. This means that the substances contained in the fruits show good result in the treatment of intestinal infections.

At the first painful manifestations (cough, slight malaise), a simple remedy helps - dates with milk. It effectively relieves pulmonary spasms and cleanses Airways. To prepare, boil several dates in two glasses of milk (preferably homemade or at least full-fat) and simmer for several minutes. Drink 0.5 cups 20 minutes after meals. The prepared product should be consumed throughout the day.

Supports the female body during and after pregnancy

The numerous beneficial properties of dates become especially relevant for a woman during the period of bearing a baby. These sweet fruits contain substances that strengthen the walls of the uterus and, as a result, facilitate the process of childbirth, minimizing the likelihood uterine bleeding and miscarriage, as well as promoting rapid postpartum recovery.

To increase lactation, dried dates are an ideal remedy: tasty and extremely healthy. The secret is that regular consumption of treats promotes the active release of the hormone oxytocin, which increases the volume of milk and enriches its composition.

Often it prevents young mothers from enjoying their new role postpartum depression. Statistics say that this phenomenon occurs in about a third of all women giving birth. Dates can also prevent the occurrence of such a scourge. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, so they can eliminate symptoms that are unpleasant for a young mother.

In addition, date fruits generally have a positive effect on the female body:

  • soften PMS symptoms;
  • improve brain activity;
  • relieve mood swings;
  • give strength;
  • slow down aging.

Return masculine strength

Men at all times ate dates on the eve of important events. From historical sources It is known that Alexander the Great gave his soldiers seven dates before the battle. It was believed that this would give them endurance and increase strength.

Due to its ability to improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels, dates have been used for many centuries as a folk remedy for potency. In addition, their consumption increases the activity and number of sperm, increasing the chances of fertilization.

If you have bad habits, healing fruits will help cleanse the body of heavy metals and toxins, as well as protect against carcinogens and normalize blood composition.

Men should include dates in their diet to:

  • increasing efficiency;
  • prostate cancer prevention;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Can be used for diabetes

Due to the high sugar content in the fruit, many doctors consider this product unsuitable for diabetics. Some of them recommend that patients completely exclude dates from their diet. However, there is another opinion.

Israeli doctors, after carefully studying the product, came to the following conclusions:

  • It is advisable to consult with your doctor in advance about your diet;
  • the number of fruits should be limited to 4-5 pieces per day;
  • Not all varieties of dates are suitable for diabetics (Majkhol is recommended);
  • it is necessary to carefully calculate the total amount of carbohydrates;
  • at severe course disease, the product must be completely excluded.

Improves the condition of the digestive system

ABOUT high level benefits of dates for digestive system wrote also I.I. Mechnikov. Moderate consumption of date fruits benefits the entire intestinal tract, especially colon health. It has been proven that they healing properties help prevent the development of dysbiosis - the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines increases. In addition, stool is normalized, and the risk of many gastrointestinal diseases, in particular colorectal cancer, is significantly reduced ( Eid N. et al.The impact of date palm fruits and their component polyphenols, on gut microbial ecology, bacterial metabolites and colon cancer cell proliferation. J. Nutr. Sci. 2014, Oct 8; 3:e46).

A good effect can be achieved in the fight against heartburn. To disappear unpleasant burning sensation It is enough to eat 2-3 fruits, chewing thoroughly. It is not advisable to exceed the recommended amount. A couple of dates are enough to quickly normalize the acidity of the gastric environment.

It is especially useful to carry out a date fasting day from time to time. For each meal, a handful of fruits is enough (about 100 g). Throughout the day, it is necessary to provide the body with sufficient fluid. Water is suitable for this, Herb tea or decoction.

It is better to relieve infant colic or other digestive disorders with date compote. In addition to your therapeutic effect it will provide the child’s body with vitamins and minerals.

Have an antitumor effect

Today it is believed that main reason development cancer is a genetic failure. For oncology treatment, chemotherapy drugs are mainly used, which cause serious side effects. Radiation therapy as shown medical practice, also often has negative consequences.

The flavonoids, phenolic compounds and selenium contained in dates make it possible to fight the disease more gently. Studies have proven the antitumor effect of the fruit, but, unfortunately, scientists have not been able to fully understand the mechanism of its effect on diseased cells (Arshad H. et al. Therapeutic effects of date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera) in the prevention of diseases via modulation of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-tumour activity. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Med. 2014, 7(3), p. 483-491).

Thus, relying only on the help of dates for existing oncology is very risky. But they are ideal as a preventive measure. To enhance the healing effect, a mixture of several ingredients is made:

  • ground dates;
  • caraway;
  • cassia;
  • liquid honey (natural).

It is recommended to take the medicine 1.5-2 tsp. half an hour before meals. The product will help prevent the development of pathology, as well as restore the body after chemotherapy.

Useful for any weight

Dates are unique in that they are equally useful for both fat and thin people. If you are overweight, you can use the product as the basis of your diet:

  • 4 days – only dates + water or tea;
  • 2 days – green apples are added to the diet.

During these 6 days overweight will literally melt. The diet has already been tested by many and has proven its effectiveness. The only warning: you should not exceed the recommended periods - sticking to this diet for more than 6 days is unacceptable.

Because of high content sugar dates fell out of favor with dentists. Doctors believe that sweet fruits negatively affect tooth enamel and can cause tooth decay. Therefore, it is advised to wash down sweets with warm tea (without sugar, of course), and do not forget to rinse your mouth after eating.

Dates are not at all suitable for an evening snack. The fact is that it takes several hours to digest them. That's why best time for their use - morning or at least the first half of the day.


Considering the ambiguity of the properties of dates (on the one hand, proven value and nutritional value, on the other - theoretically possible harm to the body), there are several relative contraindications for the use of this product:

  • Diabetes– adding dates to the menu is possible only after medical consultation.
  • Stomach ulcer– only a limited amount of fruit is allowed.
  • Urolithiasis disease– use carefully, no more than 2-3 pieces.

In some cases, dates are strictly prohibited:

  • Allergy– if you are hypersensitive to fruits, you should avoid eating them.
  • Severe diabetes mellitus– the product can cause very serious consequences, up to fatal outcome, so it is completely excluded from the diet.

For healthy person general rule this: you need to eat dates in moderation, then they will bring only benefits.

How to eat dates

Everything should be done in moderation. Even if there are no direct contraindications to eating the fruit, you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. Of course, there are no specific recommendations on how many dates you should eat per day. Although it is generally accepted that for a healthy adult the maximum permissible daily norm dates is approximately 100 g. However, this norm can even double - for example, for athletes or actively working people. For different categories There are some nuances to eating fruits:

  • If you have problems with the intestines, you need to mix 5 fresh fruits with ¼ tsp. black pepper and 1 tsp. butter. Take the resulting composition early in the morning, immediately after waking up; you can have breakfast only 2 hours later.
  • Popular American trainer Tracy Anderson recommends preparing a date smoothie for pregnant women for breakfast. She claims that her wonderful recipe will help maintain her figure in such a difficult time. female body period. To prepare, oat bran, pitted dates and natural yogurt in arbitrary proportions need to be loaded into a blender. If desired, you can add raspberries or other berries.
  • Children will definitely love khushaf, because it tastes very much like ice cream. This is a milky date drink. To prepare it, pitted dates are placed in a saucepan, vanillin, salt and sugar are added to taste, and milk is added. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. If everything was done correctly, the drink should taste appetizing light brown color. To get the most intense taste, khushaf needs to be thoroughly infused. To do this, it is sent into the cold for 5-6 hours. Then beat with a blender.
  • For problems with potency or for prevention, pour a handful of dates with 2 glasses of milk, add 1 tsp. cinnamon Sent into the cold for a day. It is especially useful to take the mixture in autumn and winter.
  • Experimenting and mixing dates with other ingredients will help diversify the menu. For example, interesting combinations can be achieved by playing with spices. However, you need to remember that simultaneous consumption of date fruits with any citrus fruits can cause stomach upset.

It’s not for nothing that the small sweet fruits are called the bread of the desert. For some peoples they are the only source of essential nutrients. The date palm provides a person with literally everything necessary: ​​from building materials for housing to food. In our area, assessing the benefits and harms of dates for the body must be approached from a different perspective. Of course, you don’t need to give up such a valuable, nutritious and tasty product, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with it either.

Dates are a product that is well known to us and loved by many since childhood. The fruits of the date palm have been considered a delicacy since ancient times. Widely cultivated in hot countries and sold throughout the world. Most often we purchase dates in the form of dried fruits, because it is in the dried form that they acquire their characteristic sweetish-spicy taste. Like any product, dates are not suitable for everyone. Let's consider what are the benefits and harms of dates, what is their role in human nutrition.

Useful properties of dates.

1. First of all, dates contain a large amount of dietary fiber (6.7 g per 100 g of product). Dietary fiber normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, adjust the chair. Due to the fact that they are not digested by the body, fiber cleanses the intestines of toxins and participates in the restoration of its microflora.

2. The presence of pantothenic acid in dates suggests that they regulate metabolism in the body, increase immunity resistance during acute respiratory diseases, control the functioning of the nervous system and adrenal glands. Remember this, when consuming dried dates, the benefits and harms are in an incomparable balance - and the advantage is in the direction of benefit.

3. A large number of Retinol, or otherwise vitamin A, in dates will help keep your hair healthy and not split, and your nails beautiful and strong.

4. Dates contain the most important element for the body - potassium. It maintains normal cardiac muscles, as well as the muscles of the human skeleton. A small portion of dates - 150-200 grams will completely replenish daily requirement potassium for an adult, and for a child to get the required amount of potassium it is enough to eat only 2-3 pieces of date fruits.

5. When considering whether dates can contain both benefits and harm, one cannot help but evaluate the amount of calcium they contain - 64 mg per 100 g of product. Calcium is a macronutrient that every person needs, because the strength of bones, skeleton and teeth directly depends on it. sufficient quantity in organism. In this regard, dates are recommended for pregnant and lactating women who need a balanced and calcium-enriched diet.

Dates also contain a number of vitamins, thanks to which the nutritional value of these fruits increases significantly:

  • Thiamine (B1);
  • Riboflavin (B2);
  • Niacin (B3);
  • Pyridoxine (B6);
  • Folacin (B9);
  • Ascorbic acid(vit. C);
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin K

Rich energy value— 277 kcal per 100 grams of product suggests that dates can be a complete snack during the working day. A fairly high-calorie product, thanks to fast carbohydrates they satiate the appetite, give energy and strength.

  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper;
  • Manganese, etc.

Dates will help maintain strength on long journeys and tiring roads. Therefore, it would be worthwhile for a traveler to take a portion of date fruits with him for a snack; this has been adopted by researchers and just amateurs long journey- overwork becomes easier to bear thanks to this healing product.

There are many legends that dates are such a nutritious and rich in composition product that eating only it and drinking water, you can stay healthy and live a full life for many decades. There is even evidence of similar experiments. Perhaps these stories have some good basis, given the extreme usefulness of dates. But I would like to warn you that you should not expose your body to such extremes. Moreover, dates include benefits and harms, and there are people who should better refrain from including this tasty product in their food.

Contraindications for eating dates.

Dates - so useful product, that, it would seem, it is not only possible, but also necessary to be eaten by every person. However, there are restrictions that do not allow certain categories of people to include dates in their diet.

— Dates should not be consumed by people with diabetes. They very quickly increase the amount of sugar in the blood, which is unacceptable for people with increased glucose levels.

— Dates have a high glycemic index and at the same time are considered high-calorie foods. Therefore, dates should not be included in the diet of people who are obese or overweight.

— People with increased dental caries should consume dates with caution - the sugars contained in dates have an aggressive effect on tooth enamel. And if it is damaged by caries, then within a day there is a risk of complicating the course of ordinary caries with pulpitis. However, this is a feature not only of dates, but also of most dried fruits.

As you noticed, there are much fewer cons than pros. The benefits and harms of dates are a very subjective concept, but it is still worth paying attention to the above points for your own peace of mind.

The norm for the consumption of dates in daily nutrition.

Taking into account the benefits and harms of dates, the daily norm for consuming fruits is 3-5 pieces per day. A child only needs 1-2 large date fruits. This is the optimal amount recommended for replenishing vitamins and minerals. If you get carried away or simply decide to enjoy more, you should not eat more than 300 grams. dates per day. Dates take quite a long time to digest due to dietary fiber, and if you “overdo” the amount you eat, you can get the exact opposite effect - your stomach will “get up”, your intestines will react with constipation, and the digestion process will take a long time. Then you can’t do without medications. Therefore, always take measures so that this wonderful product brings only benefits to your body.

Dates in daily nutrition - how to eat?

The best option It will be easy to simply eat the whole dried dates, not forgetting to remove the pit. The peel should not be removed under any circumstances - it contains many valuable substances and coarse fiber.

Choose large, juicy fruits; they will delight you with a sweet and slightly tart taste. Dates are a great addition to tea instead of sweets and flour products. Even without sweetening your drink, dates will make your tea drinking enjoyable and moderately sweet.

Dates can also be added to homemade baking if you like candied fruit pies. Dates can be a great substitute for raisins.

Children older than 8 months can cook compote from dried dates, you need to pour 200 grams of dates with a liter of boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes and let it brew for about an hour. Even picky kids will like this compote, and most importantly, it will soothe the tummy and prevent the formation of painful colic.

Add dried dates to your favorite dishes - bake with duck instead of prunes, decorate ice cream and cook rice kutia with pieces of dates. A little imagination - and you will surprise not only yourself, but also your loved ones with the result.