Burning in the eyes of the cause. Unpleasant burning sensation in the eyes - causes and treatment

Patients suffering from dry eye syndrome often complain of increased lacrimation against the background of a persistent sensation of the presence of sand in the eyes. Visual impairment in the second half of the day, dry eyes, fear bright light, redness, stinging and burning are more late signs this disease. The presence of wind, smoke, fan heaters and air conditioners dramatically increase these symptoms. Working at a computer or watching television programs is accompanied by severe discomfort. Allocations lacrimal ducts become quite viscous.

Short description

In the space between the eyeball and the eyelid, there is always a certain amount of tear fluid distributed over the ocular surface as a film. This liquid is joint product the work of several glands, each of which secretes its own secret.
The film consists of lipid, mucin and watery layers. It performs not only protective, but also optical, metabolic functions, which is why it is very important for the normal functioning of the eye. Ideally, with every movement of the eyelid, the eye should be wetted. If for some reason the amount of tear fluid produced decreases or the integrity of this film is violated, then dry eye syndrome occurs.

Among the main causes of this disease are: defects in the glands, various eye surgeries, excessive work at the computer, prolonged reading of books on mobile phones, injuries, low-quality cosmetics, deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals, cigarette smoke, traffic fumes, age-related changes and taking certain medications.

Diagnostic methods

The doctor makes a diagnosis with the help of studies that are prescribed based on the complaints of the patient who applied. To confirm the diagnosis, biomicroscopy of various parts of the eye is performed. Altered areas are detected using special drops. They also measure the rate of tear formation and its evaporation. Characteristic features dry eye syndrome are the absence of thickening of the tear film in the lower eyelid and the presence of foreign inclusions.

Methods of treatment

The main goal of treatment is to restore normal hydration of the eye (its cornea and conjunctiva). Most often, it is enough to use preparations, the so-called artificial tears, for this, they must be instilled into the eye several times a day. Very rarely and only in the most severe cases, dry eye syndrome is fought surgical methods.

Preventive measures

If by the nature of your activity you spend a lot of time at the computer, then you need to increase the amount of fluid you drink. Make sure to maintain the correct eye distance from the monitor, and also take breaks every hour. AT summer time you need to use quality Sunglasses. Blink more often, this advice is also relevant for the winter season.

Stay less in smoky rooms and smoky places, watch out for good nutrition. Women who love to use decorative cosmetics, you need to monitor not only its quality, but also the expiration dates. Also, do not neglect the most elementary exercises for the eyes: rapid blinking, movements up and down and to the sides, as well as in a circle.

Burning in the eyes is one of the most common symptoms a number of ophthalmic diseases. It can appear with various lesions of the cornea, eyelids, conjunctiva and other structures of the eyeball, trauma, uncorrected refractive errors, impaired tear film stability. Unpleasant symptoms can occur acutely and lead to sharp decline ability to work or disturb a person for many months, or even years.

It should be remembered that burning eyes often indicates serious illness visual organ. Untimely access to a doctor in this case can lead to the development of serious complications, and sometimes to a permanent deterioration or even loss of vision. Therefore, if unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. The specialist will identify the cause of itching and burning in the eyes, make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Most people lung burning sensation occurs after prolonged reading or prolonged work at the computer, requiring constant voltage eye. In addition, men and women may complain of pain, discomfort, redness, foreign body sensation in the eyes. All these unpleasant symptoms may indicate asthenopia, spasm of accommodation, dry eye syndrome.

Sudden onset of pain, watery eyes, itching, redness, and a gritty feeling in the eyes most often indicate inflammatory lesion visual organ. Also, this symptom complex can occur with injuries, contusions of the eyeball, burns, foreign bodies of the cornea and conjunctiva. Chronic inflammatory processes are characterized by a sluggish course with aching pains, slight burning sensation and hyperemia of the eyes.

Infectious diseases

Inflammatory eye diseases:

  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • iridocyclitis.

With damage to the cornea (keratitis), the patient will experience the so-called corneal syndrome. It is characterized by pain and sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, intense lacrimation, fear of bright light, blepharospasm (eyelid spasm). In some cases, keratitis can lead to clouding of the cornea and a persistent decrease in visual acuity.

Most common cause itching and burning around the eyes is chronic blepharitis. The causative agents of the disease can be staphylococci, mites of the genus Demodex and some other microorganisms. It should be noted that chronic blepharitis often develops in individuals with uncorrelated refractive errors.

The action of irritants

Burning, tearing and redness of the eyes often occurs due to irritation tobacco smoke, strong wind, polluted air. These symptoms may appear in people long time working with the air conditioner on. As a rule, such discomfort disappears soon after the cessation of action. annoying factor and does not pose a serious threat to human health and vision.

Sometimes burning occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of storage and use. contact lenses. People can get infected from dirty hands or poorly processed soft lenses.

This pathology occurs mainly in office workers. To date, dry eye syndrome is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases - it is detected in 10-20% of the population. Mostly women and people who regularly use contact lenses are ill.

The pathology is characterized by a violation of the structure of the tear film and a lack of tear fluid. Patients complain of dry eyes, tearing, cramps, itching, photophobia, a feeling of sand in the eyes. They also note rapid visual fatigue and intolerance to dusty, dry air. Individuals with dry eye syndrome require regular use of artificial tears.

Prolonged eye strain

For people who are forced for a long time work at close distances, asthenopic complaints often appear. These include rapid visual fatigue, redness, burning and fatigue in the eyes, aggravated after reading or working at a computer. Patients may also experience headaches, dizziness, and other unpleasant symptoms.

Over time, asthenopia can lead to the development of false, and then true myopia (nearsightedness). Therefore, when asthenopic symptoms appear, you should adjust your daily routine and go for a consultation with a specialist.

Refractive errors and their incorrect correction

Some people's eyes may burn due to incorrect refraction. Unpleasant symptoms occur in people with uncorrected myopia, hyperopia (especially with presbyopia), astigmatism. Incorrect correction or its absence leads to spasm of accommodation and / or damage to the oculomotor muscles.

Incorrect correction of refractive errors in children is especially dangerous. Farsightedness in them can lead to the development of convergent strabismus and amblyopia. A sick child may complain of pain and discomfort in the eye area, fatigue when working at close distances. He may refuse to read and play games that require concentration on nearby objects.

Allergic diseases

Allergies are the most common cause of itching in and under the eyes. Patients usually complain about severe redness conjunctiva and profuse lacrimation. Unpleasant symptoms occur mainly in the spring and summer. Remove burning sensation in the eyes and others unpleasant manifestations Not bad help special anti-allergic drops.

The most common allergic eye diseases:

  • spring keratoconjunctivitis (develops in the warm season due to hypersensitivity eyes to ultraviolet light)
  • pollinous conjunctivitis (caused by the pollen of flowering plants);
  • allergic keratitis and blepharitis (damage to the cornea and eyelids, respectively).

Endocrine eye disorders

Pain, burning and redness of the eyes may occur in individuals with endocrine disorders and metabolic disorders. These symptoms may appear in people with thyrotoxicosis or diabetes. As a rule, such men and women suffer from chronic blepharitis, frequent styes and other inflammatory eye diseases. The development of pathologies is facilitated by a decrease in immunity, immunodeficiency states, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Injuries and other eye diseases

Cutting, burning, discomfort and sand in the eyes may occur due to minor damage to the conjunctiva and / or cornea. These symptoms often develop after sand, pili, or small specks enter the conjunctival cavity. If a foreign body lingered in the eye - it must be removed. This task is best handled by an ophthalmologist.

Diseases of the visual organ that can provoke a burning sensation in the eyes:

  • (rise inside eye pressure);
  • chemical or thermal burns;
  • cataract (clouding of the lens);
  • diseases lacrimal organs(dacryoadenitis, canalliculitis, dacryocystitis);
  • benign and malignant neoplasms orbit, eyeball, auxiliary organs of the eye.

What is required for a diagnosis

Before treating burning and redness of the eyes, the doctor collects an anamnesis and conducts a full examination of the patient. During the conversation, he finds out how long ago and why unpleasant symptoms appeared, how the disease developed. Then the patient is changed intraocular pressure, check visual acuity and refraction. Quite informative is the examination of the eyes in a slit lamp. Perimetry, direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy are also performed.

In most cases, these diagnostic methods allow the ophthalmologist to make a diagnosis. If necessary, more complex research methods are assigned. After setting and clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment.

How to treat

The tactics of treatment depends primarily on the cause that caused the burning sensation in the eyes. At inflammatory diseases of the visual organ, the patient is prescribed antibiotics (Floxal, Tobrex), antiviral (Acyclovir in the form of an eye ointment) or antifungal (Okomistin) agents, immunomodulators (Ophthalmoferon, Poludan), anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indocollir).

At allergic diseases antihistamines (Kromoheksal, Lekrolin), vasoconstrictor (Okumetil), anti-inflammatory (Lotoprednol) drugs are used. In case of contact with the eye of a third-party body, its extraction and the appointment of antiseptic and antibacterial agents are indicated.

If burning and discomfort in the eyes are caused by refractive errors, glasses or contact lenses are selected for the patient. In case of spasm of accommodation, drug treatment, and no correction is assigned. People with dry eye syndrome are shown artificial tear preparations (Vidisik, Oftagel, Vizimax).

Feeling excessive dryness or burning in the eyes is often defined as burning. Sometimes these symptoms are temporary and harmless, but mostly they are a signal of the onset of serious problems with eyes.

Burning eyes: causes

A symptom that delivers very unpleasant sensations can be caused by the following factors:

  • Unfavorable environmental conditions. This symptom is often associated negative impact environment: smog or smoke; windy weather; too bright sun (prolonged exposure to direct sun rays, which can lead to retinal burns); chemical irritants ( cosmetics, washing gels, etc.).
  • An allergic reaction that can cause: fungal spores, mold; pollen, stinging in the eyes and lacrimation; animal hair; dust, etc.
  • Eye diseases (symptoms caused by something eye disease including chronic ones): conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane eyeballs); blepharitis ( inflammatory processes developing on the skin of the eyelids); keratitis (corneal disease); dry eye syndrome; meibomitis, which is chronic; Schergen syndrome.
  • Other factors: age-related changes; taking certain medications, side effects which include dryness and burning in the eyes.
Photo 1: Wearing poor quality contact lenses can cause this unpleasant symptom like pain and pain in the eyes. Source: flickr (Tru Pal).

Additional symptoms with burning in the eyes

A burning sensation in the eyes is often accompanied by other symptoms, of which it is worth noting:

  • various eye secretions;
  • feeling of dryness;
  • redness, pain;
  • fear of light;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • cut;
  • fuzzy "picture";
  • blurred vision.

Cutting and burning in the eyes

Cutting, pain, burning are symptoms indicating the presence of inflammatory processes progressing in the area of ​​​​the eyeballs (conjunctivitis, blepharitis). They are very often supplemented by redness, increased lacrimation, painful sensations to bright lighting.

Cutting can occur in a room with very dry air, as well as in smoky or excessively dusty rooms.

Similar symptoms may also bother people wearing soft lenses.

Burning eyes and tearing

A burning sensation, as well as profuse lacrimation, are the main manifestations of allergies. The glands of the separation of tears begin to work more intensively in order to quickly get rid of the irritant that led to these consequences. In this situation, it is necessary to take an anti-allergic drug in a timely manner, as well as instill eye drops with a medicine that contains corticosteroid hormones.

Dryness and burning in the eyes

People who are near the monitor for a long time or because of their professional activity forced to intensely concentrate their attention, often face the problem of dry eyes.

When working with a PC, the eyes stare at one point for a long time, blink less, and, accordingly, are poorly moistened with tears. The mucous membrane dries up, which causes burning and severe discomfort.

Burning and redness of the eyes

One of the most common causes of eye redness is an infectious disease called blepharitis. The infection affects the follicles that are on the eyelid (its wet part).

Similar symptoms can occur with conjunctivitis. Note that if the pathology was provoked by a virus, then the patient can be dangerous to others, because this disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Uveitis is an inflammation that affects blood vessels, causes burning and redness of the eyes. The disease itself is not as terrible as the complications that may appear later, including 100% blindness.

Also, one of the ailments that give such symptoms is a disease of the cornea, or rather ulcers on it, which occur due to bacterial damage to the iris of the eyeball.

The eyes also turn red with the development of glaucoma, when eye pressure rises rapidly and the patient feels sharp pain and a decrease in the quality of vision.

Injuries to the cornea can cause burning and redness of the eyes.

Burning in the eyes with fever

As a rule, a symptom characteristic of viral and infectious diseases- temperature accompanied by a burning sensation in the eyes.

There is, for example, a sign adenovirus infection which affects the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, lymph and intestines.

What measures should be taken if there is a burning sensation in the eyes

The method of treatment largely depends on the specific causes that provoked the occurrence of the symptom in question.

Photo 2: Self-medication can negatively affect not only the local level, but also harm the whole body as a whole, so taking any medicines should only be carried out after consultation with a specialist. Source: flickr (Brett Renfer).

What not to do if a symptom appears

If there is a burning sensation or dryness of the eyeballs, in no case should you:

  • rubbing the eyes and eyelids, as this contributes to increased discomfort, which then will be difficult to eliminate;
  • drip eye drops without medical indications;
  • wear contact lenses.

In what cases should you urgently visit an ophthalmologist

It is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor for any unhealthy symptoms, however, there are special factors, when they appear, you need to urgently make an appointment with a specialist. Among them are the following:

  • burning sensation in the eyes accompanied by photosensitivity, painful sensations, lacrimation;
  • the presence of any eye discharge;
  • blurred or reduced quality of vision (blurred picture) along with dryness and burning.
Note! Even if a person does not experience any of the above symptoms, but feels dryness or burning sensation that does not go away for several days, it is necessary to visit a specialist in order to avoid the risk of developing serious pathologies and irreversible processes.

Homeopathic treatment for burning eyes

Many patients suffering from various eye pathologies, ask the question - does homeopathy help in this?

If we consider the principle of comprehensive treatment of the body, on which the method is based homeopathic treatment, then for the eyes it can also do a lot of useful things.

Homeopathic medicines, in particular classic granules and drops, help treat various inflammatory processes, as well as chronic and acute ailments, such as conjunctivitis, barley, blepharitis, chalazion, dryness and burning sensation due to allergies and other diseases.


Homeopaths prescribe:

Apis, Belladonna, Clematis, Natrium muriaticum, Nux vomica, Sepia and Mercurius solubilis.

From blepharitis with the presence of ulcers great help like this homeopathic remedies, how:

Creosotum (Kreosotum), Argentum nitricum (Argentum nitricum), Petroleum (Petroleum) and Kali phosphoricum (Kali phosphoricum).


Silicea (Silicea); Lachesis (Lachesis); Sepia (Sepia); Graphitis (Graphites); Aurum metallicum (Aurum metallicum).

At barley upper eyelid , appoint:

Pulsatilla once.

If a barley appeared on the lower eyelid:

Staphisagria (Staphisagria) also once.

For conjunctivitis, accompanied by burning, fear of light, itching, profuse lacrimation, help well:

Apis (Apis); Arsenicum album (Arsenicum album); Arnica (Arnica); Belladonna (Belladonna).

halazion may also cause itching or burning symptoms. It is usually prescribed from him:

Conium (Conium), Thuja (Thuja) and Medorrinum (Medorrhinum); Oculoheel drops. They quickly relieve fatigue, eliminate dryness and burning, as well as redness from skin eye.

Burning in the eyes is one of the most unpleasant sensations that can cause not only physical inconvenience, but also negatively affect appearance because it causes redness. Eye burning can become a real problem, which is why it is advisable to identify the provoking factors of this manifestation for the purpose of further treatment.

The reasons

The following factors can contribute to the occurrence of a burning sensation in the eyes:

  1. Injury. In the event of an accidental bump, fall, or small object on the eye cornea there is a sudden and acute sensation
  2. Eye diseases infectious origin. Here, a wide variety of pathogenic microorganisms can act as pathogens.
  3. Feeling tired and strained eyes
  4. Increased internal eye pressure. As a rule, this is observed in the presence of diseases related to neuralgia or ophthalmology.
  5. Allergen reaction. There is also a profuse lacrimal secretion.
  6. Burns. May have thermal or chemical effects
  7. Violations at work endocrine system. Disease thyroid gland may be the main cause of ocular burning
  8. Dry Eye Effect. Occurs as a result underproduction fluid from the lacrimal glands
  9. Contact lenses . The reasons may be improper wearing, as well as lack of hygiene when using lenses.

To other reasons for the appearance of such discomfort include cigarette smoke, an air conditioner or heater that is in operation, which significantly dry the air.


In itself, eye burning is a symptom that can become fundamental in diagnosing a number of diseases. It is mainly characterized by the following manifestations in the corresponding area of ​​the face:

  • Itchy sensations
  • Feeling of peeling
  • Redness
  • Painful reaction to light.

However, most often burning sensations in the eyes are accompanied by profuse lacrimation, which indicates the development of a reaction allergic type. The lacrimal glands at an intense pace begin to produce fluid, which is caused by their desire to wash off the allergen pathogen. It would be advisable to take antihistamine category medications, as well as use drops based on corticosteroids.


Therapeutic measures to eliminate burning in the eyes are taken in accordance with the factors that caused this manifestation.


As a rule, treatment with ointments is prescribed in the presence of infectious pathogens. The most effective are:

  • . Has a small amount side effects and is recommended for use in burns, injuries or diseases caused by malignant bacteria.
  • . It is an antibiotic drug that wide range impact on microbes.


They are the most convenient drugs of choice in the treatment of burning sensation in the eyes. In this category of medicines it is worth noting:

  • "Artificial tear". They are prescribed for the “dry eye effect” in order to moisten the mucous membrane of the visual organ. The medicine is instilled into the conjunctival sac. The treatment procedure involves the use a large number liquids
  • "Ophthalmoferon". The presented drops are suitable as the main medicinal product or means for prevention. The use of "Ophthalmoferon" is relevant for the "dry eye" syndrome or in the presence of pathologies of viral origin
  • "Tsipromed". The medicine can also be used as prophylactic. However, more often it is prescribed for eye injuries or infectious provocateurs.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can help by offering a variety of compresses and lotions that help treat burning eyes.

  • Chamomile lotions. For the purpose of their use, a decoction of chamomile is first made. Cotton pads soaked in the resulting mixture should be applied to the eyes in the morning and evening time. In this case, the face should not be in cosmetics.
  • Lotions from potatoes. In this case, the halves of potatoes boiled in their uniforms, pre-cooled, are applied to closed eyelids. The procedure must be carried out before going to bed. This method contributes not only to the removal of burning sensations, but also dark circles under the eyes
  • Tea compresses. Two tea bags are poured over with boiling water, after which, after having cooled down, they are placed in the freezer for a short period of time. After a certain time, they are applied to both eyes. As a result, signs of fatigue and overexertion disappear.
  • Herbal compresses. Here can be used various herbs: mint, linden, calendula, aloe. For the implementation of compresses from these plants, a decoction is first made.