Clinical manifestations and consequences of a fracture of the occipital bone. Scales of the occipital bone

The skull consists of several unpaired bones connected to each other and bears a very important features namely, protection of the brain and sense organs. In addition, the initial branches of the digestive and respiratory organs, as well as a number of muscles, are attached to it.

Differentiate the brain skull and the facial skull. The occipital flat bone, its structure will be described below.

General information

The occipital bone is odd, located in the back of the skull, composed of 4 elements encircling the large opening of the anteroinferior section outer surface.
What is normal anatomy occipital bone.

Basilar - the main part, lying to the front side of the external opening. In a child, the basilar part and the sphenoid bone are connected by cartilage, as a result, an occipito-sphenoid synchondrosis is formed. In boys and girls, after the age of majority, the bones grow together, as the cartilage is replaced by bone tissue.

Superficial basilar part with inside, directed to the cavity of the skull, is smooth and slightly concave. It partially contains the brain stem. In the area where the outer edge is located, there is a furrow of the stony lower sinus, which is adjacent to the back side of the stony part of the temple. Outside surface, located at the bottom, is convex and rough. In the middle is the pharyngeal tubercle.

Side part

The lateral or lateral part is a steam room, the shape is elongated. On the surface below and outside are articular elliptical processes, which are called - occipital condyles. Any condyle has an articular surface that articulates it with the first cervical vertebra. On the posterior side is the condylar fossa, into which the non-permanent condylar canal lies.

The condyle at its base is pierced by the hypoglossal canal. It should be noted that the hypoglossal canal passes through the bone. The lateral edge has a jugular notch that combines with the notch temporal bone, which is called the same, the result is - jugular foramen. Passes through it jugular vein, as well as nerves: vagus, accessory and glossopharyngeal.

Rear end

Anatomy of the occipital bone

The most massive part of the occipital bone is the occipital scales, located behind the large occipital foramen and participating in the formation of the cranial vault and base. The occipital scale is an integumentary bone. In the central part outside, the scales have an outer occipital protuberance. It can be easily felt through the skin.

From the external protrusion towards the large occipital foramen there is an external occipital crest. To both sides of the outer ridge, the upper paired nuchal lines branch off. They are a trace of muscle attachment. They are located at the level of the outer ledge, and the lower ones are in the middle of the outer ridge.

Sphenoid bone. It is unpaired, located in the central part of the base of the skull. The sphenoid bone has a complex shape, it contains a body, small and large wings, as well as pterygoid processes.

The mastoid process is a raised portion of the skull behind the ear. Here are the air cells auditory tube that communicate with the middle ear. The mastoid margin, located on the occipital bone, is the margin of the occipital scale that connects to the temple bone. The occipital-mastoid suture is a mastoid edge connected to the surface of the temple bone, which has a posterior location.

Lateral masses

They are limited from the sides by a large occipital foramen. On the outer surface there are condyles that serve as connectors for the articular surfaces of the atlas. What about lateral masses?

Firstly, these are the jugular processes, which limit the jugular opening from the sides. The jugular process is located in the same place as the posterior edge of the jugular notch. On the inside of the skull, the sigmoid sinus runs behind. It has the shape of an arc and is a continuation of the furrow with the same name, but in the temporal bone. The area covering the sublingual canal has a gently sloping, smooth jugular tubercle.

It is also the hypoglossal canal (hyoid nerve canal), located on the side and in front of the large opening. Behind the condyle is the condylar canal, which contains the emissary vein.

Occipital bone injury

The occipital bone, like the entire skull, is prone to injury, which can lead to fatal consequences, since it is in this part that the skull protects the visual center. Therefore, serious damage can lead to partial or complete loss of the ability to see.

Types of damage to the occipital bone:

  1. Depressed fracture of the occipital bone: appears when the skull, namely the occipital bone, is exposed to a small blunt object. In this case, as a rule, the brain suffers.
  2. Comminuted damage: violation of the integrity, which is characterized by the appearance of fragments different sizes. As a result, the bone loses its function, and the structure of the brain is damaged.
  3. A linear fracture is a violation of the anatomical integrity of the bone, in which fractures of other bones, bruising and concussion of the brain are often observed. On x-ray, a linear fracture looks like a thin strip that divides the skull, namely the occipital flat bone.

A linear fracture is characterized by the fact that the displacement of the bones relative to each other is no more than a centimeter. Such a fracture of the occipital bone may go unnoticed and not manifest in any way. Such an injury in a child is especially dangerous, while it is children who often risk getting it due to negligence during games. If after a fall the child has nausea and headache, you need to see a doctor immediately.

If the skull is damaged, which affects the large occipital canal, the cranial nerves will be damaged. In this case, the clinical picture will manifest bulbar symptoms, in which the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. The consequences can be the most terrible: violation of some brain functions, osteoma of the occipital bone, death.

Traumatic brain injury of the occipital region

Three main forms of damage are differentiated:

  • concussion;
  • brain injury;
  • compression of the brain.

The most common sign of a concussion is fainting, lasting from 30 seconds to half an hour. In addition, the victim has vomiting, nausea, headaches, dizziness. There is a possibility of short-term memory loss, irritability to light and noise.

A slight contusion of the occipital bone is accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness

If the occipital bone is damaged and concussion occurs, a whole set of symptoms will appear, which may also be present with a concussion. A slight bruise is accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness lasting from several minutes to several hours. Often there is a short speech disorder, mimic muscle paralysis. If the victim received a moderate bruise, his pupils may react poorly to light, nystagmus appears - involuntary eye fluctuations. If a severe bruise occurs, the patient may fall into a coma lasting up to several days.

A severe bruise can cause compression of the brain. This is usually due to the development intracranial hematoma, but often the cause is cerebral edema, bone fragments, or all of these causes in combination. Compression of the brain, as a rule, requires the immediate intervention of surgeons.

Possible Complications

The most terrible result for a person who has been injured is unilateral visuospatial agnosia, which doctors call disorders. various types perception. That is, the victim is not able to see and perceive the space located on the left.

The consequences of injury can be:

  • traumatic asthenia (decreased performance, lack of concentration, increased excitability, poor sleep);
  • migraines, dizziness, sensitivity to weather changes;
  • bad memory;
  • unstable behavior;
  • depression;
  • hallucinations and other consequences associated with a mental disorder.

Sometimes it seems to the victims that the injuries they have received are not dangerous and are minor. However, if the skull is injured, then this serious reason to see a doctor. Negligent attitude to one's health can cause extremely backfire which may interfere with normal life in the future.

The appearance of a fracture of the occipital bone can contribute to various blows to the head. With this kind of damage, you can get a bruise of the brain. Injuries to the occipital bone can occur as a result of car accidents, falls and in other cases. Fracture is one of the most dangerous injuries, since it is usually accompanied by a person, which can lead to a number of serious diseases that limit the viability of a person.

A fracture of the occipital bone can be obtained as a result of a fall from a height, blows to the occipital region with a blunt hard object, damage from a firearm. Fractures can be conditionally divided into several types:

  1. dented. It can be obtained due to the impact on the skull of blunt objects. Such a fracture in most cases is accompanied by a violation of the membranes of the brain and, in particular, the contents of the brain. The result of a skull injury is a hematoma, which contributes to the displacement of brain structures.
  2. splintered- a fracture of the occiput, which occurs due to the formation of fragments in it, damaging nervous tissue and forming hematomas. Such injuries of the occipital bone can disrupt the structure of its back part, the scales.
  3. Linear. It represents a fracture line, the displacement of the bones is no more than 10 mm. Linear fractures of the occipital bone - all that on the x-ray look like a thin line. A linear fracture of the occipital bone is difficult to determine. If it is accompanied by a transition to, then this can cause epidural hematomas. This type of injury may be accompanied by the development of hypertension.

There is also a classification of occipital fractures, which is based on their location:

  1. Fracture of the bone in the region of the greater occipital foramen. It can cause death. A fracture in the area of ​​the large foramen is accompanied by damage to the vascular system, nervous tissues and.
  2. Damage to the occipital scales.
  3. Trauma of the lateral part. It has a condyle on it.
  4. Damage to the basilar part.

A fracture of the occipital bone can be combined with other bone fractures, for example, sphenoid or. Injuries of the first vertebra may be accompanied by fractures of the condyle of the occipital bone. They appear due to compression or lateral displacement.

ICD 10 injury code

ICD 10 code: S02.1 Fracture of the occipital bone.


Fractures in the region of the foramen magnum have various reasons. For example, damage to the condyles can occur due to a car accident, a fall from a height. If we talk about the causes of linear fractures, then they can be caused by direct effects on lower jaw. Other types occipital injuries appear due to gunshot wound or hit with a heavy object from the back of the head.

Such an injury can occur in children under the age of one year. The child may fall out of the crib and hit the back of the head on hard objects. If such an injury is observed in a newborn child, then it usually entails a rupture of the hard layer of the brain membrane.


There are several symptoms of an occipital fracture. First, there are respiratory problems. In addition, there are headaches, bleeding, convulsions, the release of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose, ear or skull.

Patients with this fracture experience loss of consciousness, circles under the eyes, nausea, and vomiting. The victim also has hearing and vision impairment. Symptom of trauma cranial fossa may be bruising temporal region if parts of the lateral bones are damaged.

First aid

If there is a suspicion of a traumatic brain injury, you should immediately contact the trauma center to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. He will determine the extent of the injury. If , that is Great chance that the condyle of the occipital bone is damaged.

Often in such cases, first aid is not provided - there is no skin rupture, so others are unaware of possible consequences. But there are several techniques for determining the injury, for example, when the back of the head is bruised on the right, the victim does not feel right side head, left - on the left.

If the fracture is comminuted and there is contamination, then it is necessary to treat the skin with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide). The person himself must be laid on his back so that the head is elevated and turned to the side, otherwise the patient's condition may worsen due to difficulty in breathing. Headaches can be relieved by applying an ice pack.


Diagnosis of a linear fracture of the skull, like other types, is made using an x-ray, which is performed in two projections. Most of the information about the injury is obtained from the results of MRI, CT, ultrasound.

The neurologist diagnoses the type of injury, he conducts an examination, checking the reflexes of the pupils, tendons and joints, interrogates the patient and the observers of the incident.


To cope with an injury in which the base of the skull is damaged is possible with the help of medicines.

Treatment of linear fractures with a transition to the base of the skull is to prevent infection by microorganisms of the cerebrospinal fluid, stop osteomyelitis, encephalitis and other diseases.

The general treatment of such a pathology consists in the following steps:

  1. Apply a sterile dressing to fix the fracture.
  2. Stop bleeding.
  3. Removal of a hematoma.
  4. Prescription of diuretics, antibiotics.
  5. Puncture of the spinal canal to reduce the manifestations of hypertension inside the skull.

Surgical treatment

For the treatment of a fracture of the occipital bone, specialists do not always resort to surgery. If on the side of the inner bone plate there are cracks of the occipital bone with a wavy contour, then it is necessary to remove the depressed fragments of the bones of the cranial vault through surgical interventions. If the operation is not carried out, the crack may spread wider.

The operation in most cases is reduced to trepanation of the skull, elimination of the defect of the occipital bone, suturing of the defect of the hard meninges or closing it with a fascia flap or aponeurotic stretch.


After an injury, bed rest and rest must be observed. If there are no complications, then the victim is in the hospital under observation for a week. The doctor prescribes analgesics, antibiotics and. Patients are injected with a solution of glucose with ascorbic acid, diphenhydramine. In some cases, sedatives are prescribed.

The recovery period of the patient depends on the degree of injury to the occiput: from three days to several years. Some patients have to learn to walk again.

Linear fracture of the occipital bone violates the anatomical integrity cranium. Injury may be accompanied various symptoms and the consequences. The characteristic of the resulting damage depends on the strength of the bruise, the type of injury, the age of the patient and further complications.

Definition and characteristic symptoms of injury

A linear fracture in the occipital region of the skull is a violation of the integrity of the bone cover, passing into the lines of the cranial suture in the following form:

  • depressed skull fracture;
  • cracks different depth and character;
  • shrapnel trauma of the skull;
  • brain injury different area(, occipital, longitudinal brain) or without damage to the nervous tissue.

The main causes of fractures of the occipital bone are the following reasons:

  • traffic accidents;
  • gunshot wounds to the head;
  • falling from a height and landing on the head;
  • - lower and nasal;
  • blows varying degrees and character severe blunt or sharp object along the back of the head.

The symptomatology of the fracture is manifested in the main indications of the patient:

  1. Severe headaches or pain syndrome permanent nature.
  2. Dizziness, which is accompanied by an attack of nausea or vomiting.
  3. When tested for reaction with light, the pupils react dysfunctionally (associated with pressure in the head, nerve damage when the meninges are broken).
  4. Violation of the body's breathing and circulation of the circulatory system.
  5. Sensation of pressure inside the head, accompanied by bleeding from the ear.
  6. The patient cannot clearly react to the surrounding reality, his consciousness is in a confused state, it is difficult to hold him and there is a risk of fainting.
  7. Fluid may accumulate inside the skull at the site of a bruise or impact.
  8. At the site of the affected area, there is swelling, abrasion,.

First aid measures

In case of a linear fracture of the skull in the occipital part, it is necessary to immediately go to the emergency room to see a doctor for diagnosis and prescribe therapy, or call an ambulance.

It is forbidden to touch the affected area on your own, to remove foreign objects if there is a wound.

In case of a comminuted fracture and the presence of contamination, it is necessary to treat the skin with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide). The injured person must be laid on his back so that his head is elevated and turned to the side, otherwise the patient's condition may worsen due to difficulty breathing. Headaches can be relieved by applying an ice pack.

In case of a fracture without breaking the skin, it is found when the patient complains of pain, dizziness, nausea after hitting his head.

Therapeutic measures

When diagnosing and examining the affected area, doctors use:

  1. Craniography - research x-rays without the introduction of a contrast agent.
  2. MRI - a study of electromagnetic waves allows you to assess the depth and extent of the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone and brain.

Treatment depends on the consequences of the injury:

  1. Without hematoma - do not require special surgical intervention, prescribed drug therapy, droppers, bed rest.
  2. Therapy - treatment of the injury site, taking painkillers.
  3. Rupture of the lining of the brain. The fracture line diverges, resulting in a defect. The shell protrudes, the bones gradually move apart in different sides even wider. Such defects are eliminated with the help of plastic intervention.
  4. conservative treatment. If there is a crack in the cranial vault, surgery is performed. Install metal plate, covering the brain, which reduces the risk of damage to it, which threatens the development of epilepsy.

The fusion of bones passes within a few weeks or months. In children this process lasts 4 months, in adults it can stretch for 3 years. The affected area of ​​the occipital lobe is filled fibrous tissues, bridges may appear on the bones.

Activities after rehabilitation are aimed at restoring the bone membranes of the body, restoring the general condition and capacity.

After an injury, bed rest and rest must be observed. If there are no complications, then the victim is in the hospital under observation for a week. The doctor prescribes analgesics, antibiotics and vitamins. Patients are given a glucose solution Ascorbic acid, Calcium chloride, Dimedrol. In some cases, sedatives are prescribed.

The recovery period of the patient depends on the degree of injury to the occiput: from 3 days to several years. Some patients have to learn to walk again.

Possible consequences

Linear fracture does not pass without a trace. It may be accompanied by complications and consequences of the following types:

  1. The circulatory system is a violation of blood circulation and nutrition through the destroyed blood vessels.
  2. Nervous tissue - when areas of the nerve sheaths are damaged, they end up in dysfunction nervous system, the body does not clearly conduct impulses and receives commands from the brain. Damage may be accompanied by paralysis of various areas (for example, paralysis of the facial part, oculomotor region).
  3. Hearing - there is a risk of losing this ability if the nerves are disturbed.
  4. Childhood - traumatized children may experience a delay in the development of body systems. Your child may have visual, hearing, speech, or perception problems.

A common area of ​​the lesion is the intersection of the sutures. This indicates a direct effect on the hard part of the brain membrane.


A blow to the back of the head can have complications in the form of impaired sensitivity, coordination of movements, visual impairment. Damage to the nerve sheaths contributes to the weakening of the functionality of the brain, provoking mental disorders, and reduces the efficiency of the body. It is necessary to protect the head from damage.

A fracture of the occipital bone of the skull is an unpleasant thing, and sometimes fatal. Blows to the head resulting from car accidents, falls, attacks from behind lead to injury. Rarely, only the bone is damaged, usually the brain tissue suffers serious damage. With a fracture of the occipital bone, the consequences are tragic, up to death.


Usually, a fracture of the occipital bone is obtained as a result of a fall from a height, blows to the nose and behind with a blunt object, damage from a firearm. There are several types of fractures:

  1. Depressed.
  2. splintered.
  3. Linear.
  4. Fracture of the bone in the region of the foramen magnum.

A depressed fracture is obtained as a result of the impact of blunt objects that push the bone tissue inward. In this case, as a rule, the meninges and the brain itself are damaged. The result of vascular injury is, which leads to the displacement of brain structures, wedging and other serious consequences. The outcome of the injury depends on the size and location.

Comminuted - the formation of fragments that damage the nervous tissue. Fragments can be of different sizes, can be displaced relative to each other. Linear - damage in the form of a line, while the displacement of the bones is up to 1 cm.

A bone fracture in the area of ​​the foramen magnum is life-threatening and carries severe consequences. In this case, large vessels and cranial nerves, spinal and medulla oblongata are damaged.

Fracture of the occipital bone rarely occurs without injury to neighboring parts of the skull: the temporal, sphenoid or parietal bones, with which it is connected with sutures. Both open (with damage to the covering tissues) and closed fractures are possible.

Clinical manifestations of a fracture of the occipital bone

Symptoms can be vegetative manifestations, pain, bleeding, secretion of cerebrospinal fluid, the appearance seizures. Main features:

  1. Nausea, vomiting, caused by direct irritation of the receptors due to impaired circulation of the CSF (intracerebral fluid).
  2. Glasses symptom: circles in the eye area.
  3. Possible liquorrhea from the nose or ear: separation of a clear liquid, usually with blood (symptom of a handkerchief).
  4. Convulsive syndrome, changes in the intensity of muscular-articular, pupillary reflexes.
  5. Loss of consciousness.
  6. Violation of blood circulation, respiration due to damage to the stem section.
  7. Disorder of swallowing, hearing, vision (in the occipital region there are visual centers).

Trauma leads to damage to the fourth ventricle and the release of CSF from it. Pupils may not respond to light. Liquorrhea through inner ear happens at break eardrum due to injury. There may also be bleeding.

A dangerous complication of a fracture of the occipital bone is infection of the brain with pathogens, development inflammatory process(cm. ). Patients experience loss of consciousness up to.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the extent of damage, X-ray examination in two projections. You may also need magnetic resonance imaging, CT, ultrasound procedure. The neurologist conducts an examination, questioning the patient and witnesses of the incident. The main reflexes are checked: tendon, articular, pupillary.

Elimination of the consequences of craniocerebral trauma is carried out with the help of drug therapy or surgical intervention. Treatment consists in the prevention of infection by microorganisms of the cerebrospinal fluid, brain, bone tissue, prevention of osteomyelitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis.

The therapy includes several measures:

  1. Applying a sterile dressing to immobilize fracture fragments.
  2. If hematomas have formed, especially with a herniation of the brain stem, its removal is indicated.
  3. Diuretic therapy, puncture of the spinal canal to reduce the manifestations of intracranial hypertension.
  4. Antibiotic therapy to prevent septic processes and infection of the brain tissue.
  5. Tamponade of the wound.
  6. Treatment of bleeding with surgery or hemostatic drugs.

If a hematoma is found on, an operation is performed to remove it. The patient is shown trepanation of the skull, as its formation pushes the brain stem. With a septic complication with the appearance of pus in the cerebrospinal fluid, the introduction of antibiotics is indicated. a wide range actions in the cavity spinal cord.

Urgent care

If a TBI is suspected, the victim must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible. medical institution for diagnosis and treatment. Calling an ambulance is one of the first steps. If there is a wound with contamination, it should be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Immobilization of the victim necessary condition. It is better to lay the victim on his back so that his head is elevated. Since vomiting often occurs with craniocerebral injuries, it is necessary to lay the patient's head on one side to prevent vomit from entering the Airways. After all, their aspiration is fraught with blockage of breathing, as well as the development of aspiration pneumonia, which worsens general state sick.

Headaches can be relieved by an injection of Ketorol or an ice pack to reduce bleeding.

The consequences of a fracture of the occipital bone

Injury often results in disability or death. Damage medulla oblongata in case of injuries near the large occipital foramen leads to impaired breathing, blood circulation, which is fraught with lethal outcome. Perhaps the development of a coma.

Damage to the cranial nerves, the spinal cord, which is close to the foramen magnum, leads to disability. When the spinal cord is damaged, the patient is paralyzed forever. Rehabilitation and careful patient care are needed.

Damage to the bones of the skull and the central nervous system is a lesion in which the victim needs to be hospitalized as soon as possible. Delay can cost lives.

With a fracture of the occipital part, its anatomical integrity is violated. The injury is accompanied by bruises in the brain area and other injuries.


The main causes of a fracture of the occipital bone:

  • car crashes;
  • serious falls from a high object;
  • damage to the nose and lower jaw;
  • gunshot wounds;
  • blows with heavy objects on the back of the head.


The main symptoms of a fracture of the occipital bone:

  • Strong headache;
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • violation of the normal reaction of the pupils;
  • violation normal operation respiratory system and blood circulation;
  • confusion, there is a risk of losing consciousness;
  • an abrasion or swelling is observed above the site of the lesion.


From the nature and type of occurrence, fractures are:

  1. Depressed. Occur after exposure to the occipital part of a blunt object. Characterized by a violation of the integrity of the back of the head, brain damage. At risk are blood vessels. This contributes to the gradual formation of hematomas in the dura mater. Clinical picture depends on the size. If fragments are formed during damage, there is a violation of the integrity and damage to the brain.
  2. Linear. In the picture, such injuries look like a thin line. On the X-ray, you can see a displacement of up to one centimeter. There is a blurred picture. Linear fractures grow together without any consequences. Only in rare cases do such injuries go to the cranial base.
  3. fractures cranial foramina. It is characterized by damage to the cranial type of nerve endings, a violation of the functionality of vital organs and systems of a person. Appear bulbar symptoms- impaired speech and swallowing function.
  4. Isolated. Rare cases. The anterior part of the skull suffers.

By localization, fractures are:

  • Direct. They are characterized by the development of deformation processes in the area of ​​impact. These are the most common injuries.
  • Indirect. Damage is transmitted from other bones that are affected.

Consequences of injury

A fracture of the occipital bone has the following consequences:

  • violation of the integrity of the blood vessel system;
  • damage to the endings of the nervous system;
  • paralysis of the facial part and oculomotor nervous region;
  • risk of hearing loss.

Most often at risk parietal bone, rarely frontal or occipital part. When crossing the cranial sutures, conclusions can be drawn about strong impact on the head part and damage to the dura mater. Due to this effect, a linear fracture of the occipital bone occurs in a child. It appears as a smooth transition into the cranial suture.


To diagnose trauma in adults and children, craniography is used - an X-ray type study without the use of contrast agents.

When examining the patient's images, the doctor looks at the line that serves as the intersection of the cracks in the furrows of the vessels. Possible damage to the arteries and blood vessels that are inside the base of the skull. Such a manifestation is fraught with the occurrence of epidural hematomas.

The characteristic of the image may show elevation or compaction of the edges of hematomas. In general, this picture gives the impression of a depressed type fracture.

Sometimes during medical research errors were found when cracks, that is, fractures of an incomplete type, were taken for a vascular sulcus. The shadow line in this case is sharp.

Specialists identify several signs of a linear injury:

  • takes the form of a straight, narrow and unbranched line;
  • the gray color of the furrow of the vessels, in size it exceeds the width of the fracture line;
  • gray coloration of the cranial sutures, their considerable width.

More exact setting diagnosis is possible in a week and a half after the injury.


If during the study no hematomas, brain damage were found, then such injuries do not require special surgical intervention - therapeutic measures are enough to maintain normal state patient.

Therapy consists in treating the injury site and taking painkillers. If a person has lost consciousness, he must be examined and diagnosed by a specialist within four hours. With the normalization of well-being and the absence of reasons for concern, the patient is sent home.

The most important are the first few weeks after the injury. During this period, the affected area is gradually filled with fibrous tissues. If the line of injury is narrow, ossification occurs. This process in children lasts from four months, in adults - up to three years. If the line is wide, bridges form in the bones.

A conservative method of treatment is used when there are cracks in the arch cranial region, which smoothly continue to the base line.

Surgery is required when the bone plate is displaced by more than one centimeter. Then there is a risk of damaging the tissues of the meninges. What further threatens the development of epilepsy.

In injuries less than 3 years, rupture of the lining of the brain is possible. The fracture line diverges, resulting in a defect. The shell protrudes, the bones gradually move apart in different directions even wider. Such defects are eliminated with the help of plastic intervention.


Fracture of the occiput linear type does not pose a serious threat to human life. He lives without specific manifestations. However, even this, like other injuries of the cranial part, is fraught with the development of hypertension.

The symptoms of a fracture are obvious - not only a severe headache is characteristic, but also a loss of consciousness. The fracture is accompanied by nausea, bouts of vomiting. In this case, the pupils stop responding normally, the person's consciousness is confused, there are no clear thoughts.

If you find any symptom of a fracture, contact a specialist immediately. Only timely diagnosis and the prescribed course of treatment will save from further negative manifestations of the fracture.