How to remove wax from the ear? How and how to properly clean your ears: an overview of the means, dangerous symptoms and injuries.

According to statistics, every second inhabitant on the planet suffers from the appearance of cerumen in the ears. But the incident is different: most of these sufferers are in no hurry to get an appointment with an otolaryngologist, but cope with an unpleasant illness at home. And, indeed, there are many ways to remove earwax yourself. But before proceeding to the study of the question of how to effectively clean the ears from excess sulfur, you need to make sure that a person actually has a sulfur plug.

AT human body all organs, without exception, are interconnected, and each substance plays a role inherent in nature. Wax in the ears also performs its function: lubricates and protects the ear canals from pollution. Her absence may open ear canal for the penetration of various infections, but also when dry sulfur swells and condenses, it causes serious physical troubles: backache, pain and tinnitus; congestion, gradually turning into partial or complete hearing loss. If a person has such symptoms, this suggests that it is time for him to think about how to remove the accumulation of sulfuric mass from the ear. In this case, available ingredients will come to the rescue, for the purchase of which you will not have to worry too much about the family budget.

Olive oil

Although vegetable oil from the fruits of the olive tree and is recognized by the Office of Sanitary Inspection as absolutely safe for human health, yet high content oleic acid in the composition of oil can adversely affect the following diseases:

  • structure inflammation mastoid process behind the ear, medically referred to as mastoiditis;
  • perforation (violation of integrity) eardrum;
  • recurring ear infections: ear fungus, polyps, otitis externa, otalgia, inflammation of the middle ear.

If listed diseases are absent, you can proceed to the home extraction of the sulfur plug. To remove you will need: 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and 5 drops of any essential oil (lavender, eucalyptus, garlic, oregano or St. John's wort).

Important! Before removing excess sulfur with oils, make sure there are no allergic reaction on the different types oils. To do this, in the evening, put a couple of drops on inside wrist. If there is no irritation in the morning, feel free to proceed with the home operation.

Step 1. Softening the sulfur plug.

  1. Heat the olive oil in a water bath to 36.6C (human body temperature).
  2. Now you need to add the selected essential oil and mix thoroughly with a sterile spoon.
  3. Fill a new pipette with the resulting mixture.
  4. Put homemade drops in your ear (5-6 drops). In this case, you need to tilt your head so that the affected ear “looks” at the ceiling, and wait in this position for 15 minutes. After straightening, use a pre-prepared napkin to collect the escaping liquid.
  5. It is impossible to clean and wash the ears in the next 3-4 hours, since the washing process will follow.

Do not despair if the first procedure does not bring relief. Firstly, you can repeat cleansing up to 3 times a day for 5 days. Secondly, it is quite possible that relief will come if the ear is washed after the oil has softened its sulfur content.

Step 2. Washing.

  1. Fill a rubber douche with warm water (36.6 C).
  2. Tilt your head over your pelvis sore ear"looks" down), grasp with your fingers upper region auricle and pull it back and up in one motion. This simple action will help straighten the ear canal.
  3. Without changing position, slowly pour water into the affected ear. The tip of the pear should not be inserted too deep (5-6 mm inside is enough) to avoid pressure on the eardrum. The pressure should initially be weak, followed by an increase in the poured water jet to an average pressure intensity.

Although earwax will already be softened olive oil, not the fact that it will come out the first time. If time is lost and the sulfur mass has become very dense, several washes may be necessary.

In the absence of results, you should turn to another, more productive method: cleaning your ears using one of the representative peroxides, which, for sure, can be found in any home first aid kit.

Hydrogen peroxide

This is medical device has long been famous for its high antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Hydrogen peroxide is often used not only for processing festering wounds and cuts, but also for the treatment of diseases of the ears. Bacteria, getting into the ear along with dust and dirt, can easily enter the body, moving along the common channel that connects the ear to the nasopharynx. Therefore, it is important to clean the ears in a timely manner from excess sulfur that absorbs microbes.

Getting rid of ear wax with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Many people injure their ears using pure product peroxides. This is absolutely impossible to do. To remove sulfur, dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide with warm boiled water(1x1).
  2. Using a pipette, drop the cleaning solution into the damaged ear (5-10 drops) and, holding it in the “horizontally up” position, wait exactly 5 minutes. During this time, the peroxide will come into contact with the sulfuric substance and cause the cork to soften. At the same time, crackling and hissing will be felt in the ear, and visually the auricle will be filled with foamy bubbles.
  3. After 5 minutes, tilt your head down with a sore ear so that the sulfur lump comes out along with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Then flush the ear canal as described in step 2 above.

To fully restore hearing and clear the ear canal from sulfur masses, this procedure can be repeated 2 times a day for one week.

But if negative sensations arise, the home procedure with hydrogen peroxide should be stopped immediately. If you wish, you can try a very ancient one, but effective method, with the help of which our great-great-grandmothers got rid of sulfuric plugs and deafness.

white candle

The high performance of this the old way tested and proven for thousands of years. But such sulfur removal requires extreme caution. It is desirable that one of the household members be present during the procedure next to the patient. To "expel" sulfuric matter from the ear, you will need an ordinary white candle, cotton cloth, ordinary pencils and matches.

Removal of excess sulfur with wax:

Don't panic when your ear starts to crackle. This sulfur mass rises up, thanks to the thrust that is created during combustion. Waxing earwax is a physically unpleasant process, but not fatal. Subsequently, after the end of the procedure, you can expand the tube to see the amount of elongated sulfur.

Pharmaceutical means for "expelling" sulfuric plug

Of course, there are people who doubt the safety of home methods and continue to look for ways to get wax out of their ears. Those who prefer to use medicines can purchase cerumenolytic drops: "Remo-wax" and "A - Cerumen". These drops are not in vain very popular in the pharmaceutical market, as they are capable of a short time quickly dissolve even an old, very hard sulfur cork.

Pharmaceutical phytocandles from beeswax, which not only eliminate excess sulfur mass, but also relieve inflammation, preventing the re-emergence of traffic jams.

What Not to Do When Cleaning Your Ears

With any cleaning of the ear canal, safety precautions must be observed. The sulfur plug is too close to the eardrum, so it is strictly forbidden:

  • remove the sulfur plug with matches, hairpins and other sharp objects;
  • fanatically get carried away cleaning the ear with cotton swabs, as there is a risk of even more compaction of sulfur deposits.

If the above methods were ineffective, do not waste precious time - you need to urgently consult a doctor. Medicine is still equipped with special tools with which the otolaryngologist can clean the ears without leaving a trace of sulfuric plug. And in order to prevent a relapse, you can use homemade hydrogen peroxide ear drops 2 times a month as prophylactic, as well as constantly monitor the hygiene of the auricle.

Make sure you don't have an ear infection or damage to your eardrum. Cleaning your ears under these circumstances can be extremely dangerous, so do not use this method if you even suspect one of these problems. Instead, make an appointment with your doctor right away. Symptoms of an ear infection may include:

  • Prepare your own sulfur softener. You can purchase a carbamide peroxide product from your local drug store, or you can make your own. mix warm water with one of the following:

    • 1-2 teaspoons 3-4% hydrogen peroxide solution
    • 1-2 teaspoons mineral oil
    • 1-2 teaspoons of glycerin
  • Prepare an applicator (optional). You can simply pour the bottle straight into your ear if you don't have an applicator handy. But if you have one, it will make the process a little neater and easier.

    • Use a large plastic syringe with a plastic tip, a syringe with a rubber bulb, or even a pipette.
    • Fill the applicator with the product. Take enough so that the applicator is more than half full.
  • Tilt your head to the side. The cleaning process will be more effective if the position of your ear canal is close to vertical. The ear you are cleaning should look up.

    • If you can, lie on your side. Just remember to put a towel under your head so that excess solution does not spill.
  • Slowly pour the solution into your ear. Pour the solution from the bottle into your ear or place the applicator a few centimeters above (not inside) the ear canal and press.

    • If you use hydrogen peroxide, you may hear a hiss or pop. Don't worry, it's completely normal!
    • If possible, it's best to have someone else do it for you. It will be easier for another person to make sure that the remedy has definitely got into the ear.
  • Leave the solution for a few minutes. Keep your head tilted to the side and give the product some time to soak the earwax. 5-10 minutes should be enough.

    • If you are using hydrogen peroxide, then the remedy works as long as you hear a hiss or pop.
  • Drain the liquid. Place an empty bowl under your ear or place a cotton swab on the outside of your ear. Slowly tilt your head and let the liquid flow out.

    • Be careful not to push the cotton swab into your ear - just press it lightly against outside ear, so that it is located so as not to let the liquid through.
  • Rinse your ears. After softening the earwax, use a syringe with a rubber bulb to get rid of the wax residue. Gently spray warm water (approximately 37°C) into the ear canal.

    • Pull the earlobe out and up to open the ear canal.
    • Do this over a sink, bathtub, or other container: it's messy and you can spill earwax residue in your ear.
  • If you ask anyone what is the right way to clean your ears, most often you can hear the answer: “Of course, with cotton swabs.” But the most common answer does not mean that it is correct. And in this case, it's almost a total misconception. Because just cotton swabs are far from the most effective means for cleansing the ear canal. It is also important to know not only what is the best way to clean your ears, but how to do it correctly.

    We clean correctly

    You can clean your ears yourself only if they do not have inflammatory processes, viruses and infections in an active state. If the ear hurts, does not hear well, periodically there is noise or painful "backache", you should immediately go to the doctor. Self-invasion of the ear canal can only aggravate the condition and contribute to the spread of infection, if any.

    In addition, it is very important to know and follow the following simple rules:

    1. The human ear is designed in such a way that healthy condition it has the ability to self-purify. Therefore, it is only necessary to thoroughly clean the auricle and outer part ear canal. And from the inside, sulfur itself is pushed out when the masticatory muscles contract.
    2. With increased secretion of the sulfur glands, it is necessary to ensure that a sulfur plug does not form. For prevention, before you clean your ears, once every 10-14 days, drip a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide and lie down for 10-15 minutes with your ear up. Then tilt your head down so that the remnants of peroxide flow out and clean the ear canal with a cotton swab.
    3. Too frequent cleaning of the ears leads to the fact that the sulfur glands are activated and begin to secrete more secretions. healthy person to maintain hygiene, it is enough to clean the ear canal no more than twice a month.
    4. In no case should hard sharp objects be inserted deep into the ear canal: hairpins, toothpicks, twigs and sticks (including cotton ones). Such objects can easily damage the eardrum, when it ruptures, hearing is sharply reduced. In addition, there is a high risk of infection in the middle or inner ear.
    5. Remember that rubbing alcohol is not an ear cleaner and should not be poured into your ears, you can get a serious burn. Sometimes heating is used for otitis alcohol solution boric acid, but this should be done very carefully and only on the advice of a doctor. Alcohol does not soften or dissolve sulfur plugs.

    The choice of how to clean the ears depends on the age and financial capabilities of the person. Modern medicine has a whole arsenal of effective means for this simple process.

    There is even a special lotion for cleaning the ears, which softens sulfur well, helps to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and does not irritate the skin.

    Cleaning products

    So after all, what do those who care about preserving hearing clean their ears with? Definitely, not with cotton swabs, which only drive and compress the wax inside the ear. Cotton swabs can only be used for external cleaning of the auricle and ear canal. But even these areas are best cleaned with a cotton or gauze swab.

    An ear cleaner for a person of any age should be safe first and foremost.'Cause of all those fixtures that offer various manufacturers, we have chosen the TOP 3, which are as simple as possible to use and at the same time highly effective:

    • wax tubes;
    • mechanical cleaner;
    • vacuum cleaner.

    And now about each of them in a little more detail, taking into account all the pros and cons.

    Mechanical cleaner for children

    A small mechanical ear cleaner that runs on batteries. It is used to safely clean the ears and collect wax in infants and children under two years of age. Wax is gently removed from the external auditory canal using a silicone tip, which rotates at an adjustable speed when the device is running.

    The silicone tip from the device looks like everyone's favorite cotton swab. But in fact, it is a thin tube with a soft silicone head, which very delicately touches the skin, thoroughly cleansing it without irritating it at all. You can purchase replacement tips and illuminated tips to better see where and how deep it is being inserted.

    The main plus is the simplicity and ease of use in very young children.

    Cons: rather high cost and inefficiency of use for adults.

    Wax tubes

    One of the most ancient ways of treating the ears, which was known back in Ancient Egypt. AT modern medicine it was revived just a couple of decades ago and quickly became popular due to its effectiveness and absolute safety. Sticks are successfully used even for the treatment of such serious illnesses, as:

    • otitis (not purulent);
    • eustachitis;
    • ear pain;
    • noise in ears;
    • "shots".

    Wax tubes are also effectively used for cleaning the ears and education. sulfur plugs. They warm up the ear perfectly, forming a draft, like in a chimney, under the influence of which dirt and excess sulfur are “pulled out”.

    The method of using the wax tube is very simple. It is gently inserted into the ear canal of a person who lies comfortably on their side and is set on fire. Ten minutes is enough to relieve pain, remove tinnitus and headache and even make it easier to breathe when you have a cold. For treatment, you can use 2 times a day, for prevention 1-2 times a month.

    Pros: high efficiency, ease of use, low price.

    Minus: little child It is difficult to lie still for 10 minutes.

    Vacuum device

    Vacuum ear cleaner is a universal device that can be used for both adults and children aged 2-3 years. The ear canal is cleaned by a small pump that draws air out of the ear, creating a slight vacuum there. By the principle of a vacuum cleaner, it draws particles of dust, dirt and sulfur from the ear canal through a tube, and also removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.

    The complex usually includes not only the device itself, but also several multi-colored nozzles. Thus, one device can be effectively used by several family members at once. special shape nozzle protects the ear from too deep penetration of the tip and injury to the eardrum. The device works from batteries or accumulators, the price for it is quite affordable.

    Pros: security, ease of use, versatility.

    Minus: nozzles are not suitable for use in children under 2 years old.

    The use of specially designed tools and devices for cleaning the ears makes the process as efficient and safe as possible. And if the rules for cleaning the ears described above are followed, then you can be sure that cleaning will not cause harm and will not become unpleasant or painful.

    Hearing is an important part of human perception of the world. If the sounds become less and less clear, then the cause may be contamination of the ear canal. There is a substance in the ear - sulfur, which protects it from bacteria, external factors. For example, thanks to ear wax, the likelihood of small insects getting into the ear is greatly reduced. It happens that sulfur accumulates in large quantities. This may happen due to increased work sebaceous glands and improper cleaning of the ears. The second reason is more common. Therefore, the question arises of how to properly clean the ears.

    With similar problem you can see a doctor or buy special drops at the pharmacy, there are also a large number of ways to properly clean at home. It is important to remember that in no case should cotton swabs be used for this purpose, as they only push the wax deep into the ear canal or can damage the eardrum.

    Cleaning with peroxide and salt water

    The simplest and affordable way- cleansing with salt water. To do this, take warm water and add a teaspoon of salt to it and stir until the salt is completely dissolved in water. Then you need dip a cotton pad into the resulting solution. Lie down so that the ear to be cleaned is in horizontal position. After that, pour a few drops into the ear canal and wait a few minutes until the salt softens the sulfur. After the time has elapsed, sulfuric formations should be removed from the outer part of the auricle.

    Another affordable option- hydrogen peroxide. How to clean your ear with peroxide? There are several rules here: it is best to start cleaning the ear canal after bathing, do not use hydrogen peroxide more than once a week, if there are problems with the ear canals, then you should abandon that method.

    1. Let's start cleaning.
    2. First, mix the peroxide with water correctly in the following proportions: ten drops of the drug per tablespoon of water. Secondly, you should use a disposable syringe. It is important that it be clean. It is necessary to tilt the head so that the ear is in a horizontal position.
    3. Release a few drops of the resulting solution into the ear canal, when the peroxide reaches the sulfur, a characteristic hiss will be heard. Don't be scared, it's completely normal. In this way, hydrogen peroxide softens and dissolves earwax.

    Wait, until the hissing stops, then straighten your head to allow the liquid to flow out. If for some reason you do not want to pour peroxide into your ear, then you can simply moisten it with a solution and put it in the ear canal, this can also remove pollution.

    Olive oil cleaning

    A person who prefers to clean with more organic products can clean their ears with olive oil. How to clean your ears with oil? This ingredient is safe for health, but not suitable for an injured ear. For cleaning, you need to warm the olive oil to an average body temperature of 36.6. Thus, you will not experience any discomfort. The best thing heat up two or three tablespoons of oil.

    By the way, if you do not have olive oil, you can replace it with baby or almond oil. When everything is ready, fill the pipette with warmed oil. As before, the ear should be horizontal to prevent oil from escaping. Do not immediately pour a large amount of funds into the ear canal. A few drops will suffice to soften the sulfur. Wait about 15 minutes, this time is enough.

    Repeat the procedure two or three more times if you were unable to clear your ear the first time. Even though olive oil is able to deal with impurities, rinsing may sometimes be necessary, for example, when in large numbers wax accumulated in the ear canal. For washing, you will need a rubber syringe and water at room temperature. During this procedure, there is risk of damage to the eardrum, so care should be taken that the pressure is not too strong. If possible, it is better to consult a doctor, he can do the washing in the safest way for you.


    These were the main ways to clean the ears at home. Every third person probably cleans or once cleaned his ears with cotton swabs. I must say why this is not recommended. First, a stick made of thickly wound, artificial cotton wool only pushes the wax to the eardrum, which contributes to the formation of wax plugs. Secondly, the stick is a foreign object.

    Getting inside, it injures the delicate skin of the ear canal, which contributes to increased production of earwax, and as a result, the formation of a sulfur plug. Thirdly, with inaccurate use of a cotton swab, there is a risk of damage to the eardrum. It is also important to know that earwax is a natural protector of the ear, so it cannot be removed completely.

    Here's another some useful tips , which will be useful for maintaining the ears in a healthy state:

    1. Do not clean the ears with pointed or sharp objects. This could lead to injury
    2. Cold water may cause dizziness when brushing.
    3. It is not necessary to clean the ear canals very often.

    If none of the above methods helped you, consult a doctor, he can give some more tips on how to properly clean your ears.

    Very often, people, trying to maintain maximum hygiene, begin to actively clean their ears, considering the sulfur produced in them to be dirt that needs to be removed. As a result, with the inability to carry out such a procedure, complications arise that can not only cause illness, but also completely deprive of hearing. To prevent this from happening, you should not only know how to clean your ears, but also understand when to do it and when not. Many consider this procedure very simple and can perform it using even sharp wooden or metal objects, which in most cases leads to serious consequences.

    Why is wax produced in the ear?

    Earwax, which is removed during ear cleaning, is a complex product of the external secretion glands. Depending on gender and age, its composition varies. This product helps maintain normal microflora ear canal, which is very important for maintaining normal hearing. In addition, earwax provides:

    • protection of the ear from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the tissues;
    • prevention of the development of fungal diseases;
    • cleansing the ear canal from dust particles;
    • maintaining sufficient moisture in the ear canal;
    • lubrication of the ear canal and prevention of its cracking due to extreme cold or heat.

    When earwax is produced in normal amount, there is no need to forcibly remove it, since it does not spoil the appearance and does not cause discomfort. In small amounts, sulfur is released from the ear during chewing and does not form noticeable traces. This is a natural cleansing of the ear that should not be tampered with. Purification can be done only when there is too much sulfur, and it not only spoils appearance, but also threatens with the formation of ear plugs, which are a very common problem.

    What Not to Use to Clean Your Ears

    In order not to harm your health in the process of cleaning your ears, it is important to know what things are not suitable for this purpose. It is strictly forbidden to use the following items to clean the ear cavity:

    • matches;
    • toothpicks;
    • needles;
    • hairpins;
    • pins;
    • cotton buds.

    If everything is clear with sharp objects - there is no doubt that they can cause serious injury by breaking through the eardrum, then about cotton buds many people have a question, what is dangerous in them. The vast majority of people consider them to be the ideal ear cleansing tool that cannot cause any harm.

    The danger of a cotton swab lies in the fact that the user does not always feel the pressure correctly due to the apparent softness of this object, and the wand easily penetrates too deep and, reaching the eardrum, can pierce it. In addition, this cosmetic instrument may cause damage to the skin inside the ear canal. This happens for the reason that at the moment of rotational movement of cotton wool, which is too thick for the ear, can erase the top layer of the skin. Because of this, a free passage into the tissues opens up for pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which various purulent-inflammatory processes easily occur. Another danger of using cotton swabs is that they do not completely free the ear canal from sulfur, bringing it out, but to a large extent tamp it, and over time, a sulfur plug forms in the ear, which requires separate treatment and in most cases can only be fully removed by a doctor.

    Do not use for cleaning the ears and special ear candles, which are designed to remove sulfur plugs. If you use them simply to get rid of sulfur, then this will cause overdrying of the ear canal. As a result, the external secretion glands begin to work too actively and produce an excessive amount of sulfur, which becomes a big problem.

    How to clean your ear

    Ideally, only the auricle and the entrance to the ear canal should be cleaned. This should be done with wet cotton wool, without exerting strong pressure. Such treatment, ideally, is well carried out with a solution sea ​​salt. To get it in 1 glass boiled water pour 1 teaspoon of edible sea salt without a slide. After complete dissolution of the salt, the composition is filtered through a cloth just in case, in order to clean it in case of remaining undissolved salt particles. Having dipped cotton wool into the composition, the ear is carefully wiped first from the outside, and then from the inside. Washing if needed ear plug you can use the same solution.

    If it is necessary to clean the ear canal, then for this you should use cotton turundas, which should not have a thickness of more than 8 mm. They are moistened with heated olive oil or hydrogen peroxide. Turunda must be well saturated with liquid, otherwise it can injure the skin of the ear canal when screwed into the ear. During the procedure, there should not be pain, as they indicate that there is an injury to the ear canal.

    With special care, you need to clean the ears of young children, so they do it only when absolutely necessary. Due to the mobility and lack of understanding by the child of the ongoing procedure, injury to the eardrum may occur due to the unexpected and sudden movement of the baby.

    Why You Shouldn't Clean Your Ears Regularly

    Perform regular ear cleaning urgent need do not do it. The fact is that permanent removal sulfur from ear canals, when it is not produced in excessive quantities, leads to the fact that the normal process its release - the volume of sulfur increases many times, and auricle its rollers begin to appear. To prevent this from happening, you should not clean your ears more than once a month.

    At right approach To clean the ears, the procedure is completely safe and does not lead to negative consequences.