Phytocandles for the ear. Instructions for use of ear candles

Ear candles are often recommended to be used not only for ear diseases, but also to remove plugs, reduce pain syndrome. This effective product consists of natural ingredients, so everyone can use it.

The phytocandle is a tube small size, which is used to treat pathologies of the ENT organs. This tube is inserted into the ear and the upper end is lit. During the combustion process, the pressure inside the ear canal decreases and the air begins to vibrate. As a result, it warms up ear canal and a light massage occurs.

Phytocandles for ears are used in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory processes of the ear, nose and throat (,).
  • Some types.
  • Inflammation auditory nerve.
  • Headache.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Irritability.

Candles consist of foil, which is coated with a special material and impregnated essential oils. On sale you can find candles containing essential oils of cinnamon, lavender, eucalyptus, mint, etc.

It may also include auxiliary components in the form of various plant extracts, medicinal herbs.

The composition of candles for children does not contain other components except wax, in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

Ear phytocandles have pronounced therapeutic effects, namely:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Calming.
  3. Painkiller.
  4. Warming.

When using wax candles, the effect is observed at the moment of warming and creating a vacuum. This helps clear the ear canal and improve hearing. Candles for removing wax plugs are quite popular.

Review of the best

The pharmacy has herbal candles various manufacturers. The following are the most popular ear candles:

  • Phytosuppositories Reamed. The base includes beeswax and various essential oils can be added: lavender, cinnamon, eucalyptus. There are several types of candles: “Traditional”, “Classic”, “Classic relaxation”. If you are prone to allergies, use “Traditional” phytocandles. “Children’s” phyto-candles are made for children without additives and only from beeswax.
  • Phytosuppositories Dias. Products of this brand are used not only for inflammatory processes in the ear, but also as a relaxant. In addition, the product can be used if water gets into the ear.
  • Phytocandles Lux. Equipped with a special sleeve that protects against wax getting inside the ear.
  • Phytocandles Chudesnik. They help cope with irritability and have a warming effect in any weather. The product relieves diseases of the ENT organs, strengthens the immune system and improves sleep.
  • Phytocandles Aquamir. Such candles can be used effectively for small children if water has entered the ear canal. The product helps not only remove water from the ear canal, but also prevent the development of the inflammatory process. Made from propolis and herbs.

The most popular ear phytocandles for adults and children are listed above. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

How to use them correctly?

Before you start using phytocandles, you need to take a match cap, cotton swabs, a glass of water and baby cream. You will not be able to carry out the procedure on your own; you will definitely need an assistant.

You need to lie on your right side and apply a cloth to the ear area. First, a hole for the external auditory canal should be cut in it. After this, lightly massage the area auricle. Then, according to the instructions, light the candle at the other end, and apply the other end to the ear canal. When the candle burns down to a certain mark (where the foil is located), it is lowered into water. During warming up, you may feel a gentle warmth and a slight analgesic effect.

After this, they move on to cleaning the ear canal. To do this, take an ear stick and make several circular movements. Then you need to insert a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. The same manipulation should be performed for the right ear. EIf discomfort and strong heating are felt during the burning of the candle, the procedure should be cancelled.

A person should not feel a burning sensation, but only a slight warmth.

On the day of the procedure, you should not wash your hair. Chronic diseases can be treated with the use of phytosuppositories and at least 5-6 procedures are carried out per week. At acute pathologies the procedure is carried out every 3-4 days. It is recommended to perform before bedtime. If the procedure cannot be performed before bedtime, then after the session you need to lie down for 20-30 minutes. It is not recommended to go outside for 10 hours.

During the procedure, the child should not be left unattended, nor should he be allowed to do it on his own.You should be careful when using these candles. If not correct use ash may get into the ear, causing serious consequences.

More information about ear candles can be found in the video:

Are there any contraindications?

Phytocandles for ears have some contraindications that should be taken into account before using them. Do not use ear candles if the eardrum or external auditory canal is damaged or injured.

The use of suppositories is prohibited for tumor processes in the head, as well as an allergic reaction to honey.At purulent otitis and other pathologies in which there is discharge of pus, the use of phytosuppositories is contraindicated. The procedure should not be carried out at high temperatures.

Can they cause side effects?

Phytosuppositories in rare cases cause adverse reactions and most often they occur when there is incorrect or long-term use. The components of the herbal medicine may cause an allergic reaction. In some cases, there may be a burn to the ear canal or

If you use phytosuppositories correctly and follow the instructions, then no adverse reactions will be observed.

In case of an allergic reaction, you must stop the procedure and consult a doctor.

Adverse reactions may occur in children when using phytosuppositories with various additives. You should only choose ear candles designed specifically for children.

What can replace them?

You can prepare ear candles for cleaning the ear canal yourself at home. If not natural wax you can use paraffin.

To make a candle, you need to take beeswax or a paraffin candle. Then prepare the cotton fabric and cut it into strips 50 cm long and 5 cm wide.

Next, soak the fabric in wax. You can add a few drops of essential oil to it to enhance therapeutic effect. You should prepare a cone or mold for winding the tape in advance. The mold must be greased with oil to make it easier to remove the candle. Wrap strips of fabric impregnated with wax onto the cone carefully and do not leave gaps between the turns. If they still exist, then they need to be covered with wax. As soon as the candle has cooled, it is removed from the mold.

Ear pain is unbearable. It permeates a person through and through. While adults can endure these difficulties, children cannot endure these difficulties. This is where they come to the rescue medical supplies, one of them is ear phytocandles.

What kind of remedy is this?

Environmentally safe, effective and completely harmless. You can purchase it without any difficulties or problems. The first mention of this drug came from the lips of American Indians, residents of Ancient East And Ancient Rus'. This was a very long time ago; treatment with a candle in those days was called “burning the ears.” It was believed that wax could absorb all negative information and free the human bioenergy field from negativity. And nowadays, the phytocandle has not lost its relevance, thanks to its healing properties.

The composition of this drug is as follows:

  • propolis extract;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • essential oils (can be any: cinnamon, eucalyptus, mint, lavender and others).

The appearance of the phytocandle is a cylinder made of cotton fabric. It is impregnated with all components and has a thermal effect that affects the eardrum and ear canal. When a candle burns, a vacuum is created, which removes impurities and even sulfur plugs.

It is worth remembering the contraindications in the use of suppositories. These include the following: discharge from the ear in the form of pus, damage to the eardrum, an allergic reaction to wax and brain diseases.

Efficacy of the drug

Ear phytocandles have the following effects:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • warming up;
  • calming;
  • antispasmodic.

When using this drug Ear ache may disappear on the second day. Hearing disappears and improves in ninety percent of patients who use ear phytocandles. Reviews testify to this.

Patients with otalgia will feel relief after the second session. And those who are tormented vasomotor rhinitis, can also resort to the help of this drug. The efficiency in this case is about ninety-five percent.

The most important thing is that with such effectiveness, phytocandles do not have toxic effect not on any organ human body. All these characteristics are achieved thanks to natural ingredients included in the medicinal product.


This tool makes it easier nasal breathing and improves hearing. You can successfully use ear phytocandles at home. The instructions for use that come with the drug indicate that it is used for:

  • chronic and acute diseases throat, nose, ear. Used only after body temperature has normalized;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses: sinusitis and sinusitis, suppositories are used during remission;
  • emergence ear plugs;
  • constant tinnitus, suppositories are used only after diagnosis;
  • hearing loss;
  • migraines, headaches, dizziness, used during painful sensations;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • under stress, the procedure should be carried out within two weeks;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • Do not lie;
  • otosclerosis.

How to use candles

It’s good if you have an assistant to carry out the procedure. In addition, you will need: a scarf or napkin, a glass filled with water, cotton wool, cotton swabs, baby cream and matches.

So, start treatment using ear phytosuppositories. The instructions describe everything in detail.

  • The patient lies on his side, the head should not be very high.
  • Make a cutout for the ear in a cotton scarf.
  • Doing a little massage
  • Insert the lower end of the candle into the auricle up to the mark.
  • Set the top end on fire.
  • Wait for it to burn down to the mark.
  • Take the cinder out of your ear and extinguish it.
  • Use cotton swabs to clean the outer ear canal.

After the procedure, you should not get up immediately. Cover your ear with something warm. Lie down for fifteen minutes. You should not wash your hair for twelve hours. This is how treatment should be carried out using ear phytosuppositories.

Duration of treatment

Now the conversation will be about how long it will take to cure a particular ear or nasopharynx disease. After all, a person will feel relief only if they use ear phytocandles correctly. The instructions for use are a great hint for this.

  • When treating inflammatory processes occurring in the ear, throat, and nose, it will take five days. The procedure is performed once a day. If the disease is chronic, the course can last up to ten days. No more than three courses should be conducted throughout the year.
  • Treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in paranasal sinuses, begins only during the period of remission and lasts about two weeks.
  • Tinnitus, if it is not associated with acute inflammatory processes and vascular problems brain, treated for seven days.
  • Use this drug For the treatment of stress, it is best in the first half of the day. The course lasts about two weeks.

People's opinions

Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to use ear phytocandles or not. Reviews may help you decide.

  • For some, this drug is the only salvation from colds, since they are intolerant to antibiotics. To prevent diseases, two sessions are held - in spring and autumn.
  • For others, ear phytosuppositories helped during the trip. There were no drops, and in the medicine cabinet there was only a candle. We used it according to the instructions, and the baby fell asleep.
  • For some, this remedy helped restore their hearing. Five sessions were enough.
  • Many people use phytosuppositories even if they have a toothache or relief occurs immediately after the first session.

A remedy that will come to the rescue on the road, at work, and at home is herbal ear candles. The price no longer matters if something worries and hurts, but it’s still worth talking about it. It is more than affordable and ranges from twenty-five to one hundred and twenty rubles.

Ear candles are an effective remedy for otitis media and wax plugs.. They remove infection, relieve pain and inflammation. In addition, suppositories relieve symptoms different forms sinusitis and allergic manifestations, relieve headaches and congestion earwax.

What it is…

A middle ear suppository is a hollow tube made from beeswax.. One end is inserted into the ear hole, and the other is set on fire. When a candle burns, a draft is formed inside it, due to which accumulations of earwax and dirt are released from the ear cavity. In addition, the ear warms up, and the plant extracts that are present in the candle soothe pain, relieve inflammation and help get rid of infection.

Some people are afraid of this procedure, because you need to insert a burning candle into your ear. In fact, there is nothing dangerous here: it burns only a third, so the ear hole or the skin around it cannot be burned - only pleasant warmth reaches the narrow end of the candle, which is in the ear. To prevent hot drops of wax from getting on the skin, you can cover it with a napkin or cloth. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself - it is better to have someone observe the process from the outside.

How to use wax sticks

Ear suppositories for otitis media are very easy to use. Observing precautions and a certain sequence of actions, you can extract from this drug maximum benefit and get results quickly. This is what it looks like step-by-step instruction by application ear candles:

  • clean the auricle and ear canal from dirt and wax cotton swab or a match with cotton wool at the end. This must be done carefully, without delving too deeply into sore ear. It is not recommended to wash the ears before the procedure - the less contact the diseased organ has with water, the better;
  • Lie on your side and turn your head with your affected ear up. Some people do this procedure while lying on their stomach, but this is uncomfortable and impractical. To prevent the candle from falling out, it is better to always do this procedure while lying on your side;
  • cut a hole in the middle of a paper or cloth napkin for a candle and place it on top of the sore ear;
  • then you should light the wide end of the candle;
  • insert the candle into the ear canal with the narrow end. There is no need to push it there - it will become as it should on its own, you just need to lightly fix it so that it does not fall;
  • continue the procedure until the ear wax removal tube melts to the mark indicated on it, and then extinguish it;
  • Carefully remove the candle and walk along the auricle and ear canal with a napkin.

By following these simple instructions, which are given in the instructions for the drug, pain and discomfort will decrease after the first procedure.

Features of application

In addition to the above recommendations, do not ignore the following warnings:

  • After the procedure, you can’t take a shower for another half day, especially wash your hair.. For otitis media, it is generally better to insert clean cotton swabs into the ear canals before going to the shower;
  • one procedure per day will be quite enough. In this case, the course of treatment should last from a week to 10 days - this information is given in the instructions for the drug;
  • After such warming up, it is better not to go outside for 3-4 hours. If the weather is cold and damp, then we must not forget about a hat, especially with otitis media and with any infectious disease of the ear;
  • It is better to place the wax stick 15-20 minutes before bedtime. To speed up the result, you can wrap the sore ear with a scarf - then the warmth inside it will remain longer;
  • For preventive purposes, ear cleaning candles are placed for two months, but not more than once a week. They cannot be used constantly, as the glands begin to adapt and produce more wax, which can lead to re-clogging of the ear canal.

If ear pain intensifies and wax tubes do not help, this may indicate a complication of an infectious disease or perforation of the eardrum. Using wax sticks in this case and continuing to self-medicate is very dangerous! In this case, only an otolaryngologist can help.

Which candles to choose

In the pharmacy you can see not many wax ear sticks from different manufacturers. On online platforms selling medical supplies, the choice is much wider. Ear candles are antibacterial and based on plant extracts– phytocandles. Which means should you prefer?

At infectious diseases middle ear, experts often prescribe Doctor Vera ear suppositories. They are antibacterial and effectively cope with inflammation, relieve pain and remove annoying itching that bothers the patient’s ear canal.

If otitis media is caused by excess sulfur, then ear plug candles and “Chudesnik” herbal funnels will come to the rescue. The preparations of this manufacturer are made on the basis of extracts medicinal plants, due to which the ear is quickly freed from excess wax and dirt. After completing a course of treatment with such wax tubes, the production of earwax is normalized. Such phytocandles are suitable for both adults and children.

For inflammation of the middle ear, which is caused by moisture getting into it, Dias ear candles will be effective. They will gently clear the ear canal during ear congestion and relieve pain and itching.

It is worth noting here that some manufacturers use paraffin rather than beeswax to make wax candles. Despite the fact that this makes it possible to use this drug for those patients who suffer from an allergy to beeswax, consumers express dissatisfaction. Paraffin is cheaper and this industrial product, and the wax is natural. However, any complications arising from the use of paraffin suppositories are today was not observed. The main difference is the price: wax sticks, of course, cost more.

Ear candles performed well in the composition complex therapy. If the ear pain is not due to excess wax accumulation or water ingress, this may indicate that an infection has entered the ear. It is especially dangerous when otitis occurs against the background elevated temperature. In this case, candles alone are not enough - you need to consult a specialist who will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and only then select a treatment regimen. The feasibility of using ear candles in the composition complex treatment will be determined by an otolaryngologist.

Contraindications to the use of ear candles

It would seem that there could be no contraindications for the use of beeswax ear tubes, which are made on the basis of medicinal plants. However, there are diseases and conditions for which treatment with this remedy cannot be resorted to. Wax candles should not be used:

  • if there is a suspicion of perforation of the eardrum;
  • with inflammation of the ear, accompanied by purulent discharge from the ear canal;
  • with neoplasms in the ear canal or middle ear;
  • with a complicated form of otitis;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • at hypersensitivity to the components of the preparations: beeswax, propolis, plant extracts included in the composition.

Important! Bee products are strong allergens, and beeswax is no exception. In order not to add problems to yourself and not to provoke an allergic reaction, you need to pass a wax tolerance test. To do this, just rub it on a small area of ​​skin on the wrist, and after a couple of hours it will be clear whether the patient has any reaction to the product. If there is no redness or rash, beeswax ear candles can be used.

You can make your own ear candles to remove plugs using pencils, paraffin or beeswax and cotton. Thin strips of cotton are cut, dipped in hot wax and wrapped around a pencil. Once the wax has hardened, the pencil is removed and the homemade wax stick is ready for use.

You can use self-made candles, but they can only warm up the ear - to remove the infection, you need an antibacterial component, which is present exclusively in pharmaceutical products.

Candles for warming and cleansing the ear – good remedy to combat inflammation, infection and blockage of the ear canal. The use of ear tubes has proven effective in initial stage otitis, but if the disease has become complicated, they will not help. In addition, procedures for warming up the ear canal give results only if it is additional therapy, but not the only and main means of treating middle ear diseases.

One of the reasons discomfort Ear congestion may be due to wax plugs, which are quite difficult to remove without the help of an ENT specialist. Not everyone will be able to properly rinse their ears at home, without having the appropriate skills and without professional tools. And the jaw movements recommended by some sources, designed to push out the wax plug, often do not give the expected effect. IN Lately Another remedy has appeared to combat wax plugs - ear phytocandles.

These are not suppositories that should be absorbed and dissolved under the influence of body heat, but real candles that need to be lit by inserting into the ear. Official medicine the novelty has not yet been recognized, although there is positive results clinical trials. Professional otolaryngologists do not prescribe suppositories for traffic jams; they are skeptical and even disapproving of them. But many people who have experienced the effect of candles on themselves or their own children call them a real salvation. Of course, they must be used with caution and do not forget about contraindications.

Indications and contraindications for the use of ear candles for plugs

Softening sulfur plugs, facilitating their subsequent removal, is not the only indication for the use of phytosuppositories. The components included in their composition have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and calming effect, enhanced by gentle heating. Therefore, suppositories are recommended for use in the following diseases and conditions:

  • colds, ARVI, flu;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose - otitis, eustachitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Read about ;
  • acoustic neuritis, otosclerosis;
  • tinnitus, hearing loss (particularly caused by traffic jams);
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • stress, nervous disorders, sleep disorders.

Candles have a row contraindications:

  • allergies to bee products and other components;
  • purulent processes – if present purulent discharge Candles cannot be used from the ear;
  • perforation of the eardrum, injury to the external auditory canal;
  • tumors in the head area.

Components included in the product

The composition of ear phyto candles includes beekeeping products and essential oils of medicinal plants; the composition varies slightly among different manufacturers, but mandatory component is beeswax. Ear candles are tubes made of cotton fabric or cotton gauze, soaked in beeswax with the following additives:

  • propolis;
  • essential oils - cinnamon, lavender, eucalyptus, clove, fir, sage, mint - in different combinations;
  • powdered herbs.

Candles may also not contain additives. Beeswax, which is impregnated with natural fabric, slows down its burning; wax burns and melts at a lower temperature than paraffin. During the combustion process, an area is created inside the tube slightly low blood pressure, air vibrations occur. Due to this, the pressure on the eardrum is reduced, the heating is complemented by a slight massage effect, the plug softens under the influence of heat, and the reverse thrust inside the candle helps to extract sulfur.

Read about propolis-based ointment.

Let's figure out how to use ear candles.

How to use: instructions for the procedure

The technique of using candles is the same, regardless of the purpose of their use, but the accompanying procedures when removing plugs or treating various diseases vary. You should follow the manufacturer's instructions, since the use of candles from different brands may have its own nuances.


  1. Prepare everything you need: the candles themselves, matches, a glass of water, cotton swabs, cotton wool, an alcohol-containing solution, baby cream, a cotton napkin with a slit along the diameter of the candle, tweezers.
  2. Lubricate the auricle with baby cream and perform a light massage bioactive points, concentrated in this area.
  3. Lay the patient on his side, placing a small pillow under his head, cover the ear with a napkin so that the slot is opposite the ear canal.
  4. Light the upper end of the candle, and place the lower end, closest to which the mark is located, to the hole.
  5. Wait until the candle burns down to the mark (depending on the length, some candles burn for 6-7 minutes, others 10-11), remove the cinder and extinguish it in a glass.
  6. Gently clean the ear canal with a cotton swab moistened alcohol solution, place a cotton swab in the ear and leave the patient to lie for 10-15 minutes on the same side, repeat for the other ear.

The procedure is carried out on both sides, even if the plug is only on one side or the inflammatory process is one-sided. Recommendations for safe use ear candles:

  • start warming up from the side where the problem is absent or less pronounced;
  • Carry out the procedure at night or lie quietly for at least 20 minutes after it’s finished;
  • do not go outside for 10-12 hours after warming up;
  • Do not wash or wet your hair on the day of the procedure.

Necessary Precautions

Before using suppositories, you need to make sure that there is no purulent discharge from the ear and other contraindications. It is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an examination: congestion in the ears does not always indicate the presence of plugs. To avoid burns, you must take precautions when handling fire:

  • keep water nearby and use it to extinguish a burnt out candle;
  • cover the patient's head with a napkin or towel;
  • It is advisable to put a protective circle of cardboard on the candle, which creates an additional barrier between the skin of the face and the burning end of the candle;
  • do not leave the patient unattended, do not try to carry out the procedure yourself, hold the candle while it burns;
  • carefully monitor the process, do not allow the fire to drop below the mark;
    It’s better not to take the cinder with bare hands, and using tweezers;
  • some users recommend wrapping the lower end with one layer of bandage so that when the candle burns, nothing gets into the ear canal; candles and funnels are also available with a seal - a protective insert in the shape of a small coil;
  • For children, use candles marked “children’s”.

An analogue of candles (tubes) are phytofunnels (sockets) in the shape of a narrow long cone, they burn out faster and require skill to use. It is recommended to switch to the use of bells only if candles from the same manufacturer have already been used, and the patient has not experienced a negative reaction.

Frequency of procedures

How often can ear candles be used? The effect of heating lasts for 48 hours, so when treating diseases it does not make sense to use them very often, and one procedure may be enough to remove plugs. The instructions usually contain the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the frequency of procedures depending on the indications, but if such information is not available, suppositories can be used according to the following scheme:

  • to remove plugs - daily, until the result is achieved, but if after the first attempts the plug does not disappear and no improvement is observed, it is better to contact a specialist;
  • for acute inflammatory processes – once every 2-3 days, 3-4 procedures per course;
  • for chronic diseases - 1-2 times a week, 5-6 procedures;
  • for preventive and hygienic purposes, including to prevent the formation of sulfur plugs - 1-2 times a month.

Safe and effective products for children

There are ear candles for adults and children, they differ in diameter. The following manufacturers produce children's ear candles:

  • Alcyone (Doctor Vera brand);
  • PE Konyukhov (Diaz brand);
  • Phytomedicine;
  • Reamed, IP Sergeants do not recommend using their products for children under 5 years of age.

The main parameters that should be taken into account when treating a child:

  • the name indicated on the packaging must contain the words “children’s” or “for children”;
  • the diameter of the candle should not exceed the diameter of the baby’s ear canal;
  • When using for the first time, carefully monitor the reaction: if it is noticeable that the baby does not tolerate the procedure well, it is better to refuse further use of suppositories;
  • a child should not be afraid of fire.

Popular brands of candles for removing wax plugs

How much do ear candles from popular brands in Russia cost?

  • Reamed (Samara) produces a series of wax ear candles and herbal funnels with different composition, for adults and children over 5 years old:
    • Traditional - beeswax without additives;
    • Classic – with essential oils of lavender, cinnamon, eucalyptus, cloves;
    • Relax - with lavender oil.

    Manufacturer's selling prices per package of 2 pcs. 18.5-20.5 rub., pack of 10 pcs. 74-82 rubles, depending on the batch size. Prices in pharmacies are 30-33 rubles. for 2 pcs., 106-125 rub. for 10 pcs.

  • IP Sergeants, a Saratov apitherapist and manufacturer of herbal candles, offers candles for ear plugs (tubes and bells) with propolis and medicinal herb powder, the burning time of which is increased to 10-11 minutes. The products are sold via the Internet, the price per pack is 20 pcs. – 500 rub.
  • Phytomedicine– candles for children and adults with essential oils. Available in packs of 2 and 4 pcs. Prices:
    • Candles for adults No. 2 – 24-28 rub.
    • Children's candles No. 2 – 27-31 rubles;
    • Children's candles No. 4 – 37 rub.
  • Diaz (Konyukhov ChP)– ear candles for children and adults with essential oils, propolis extract, a collection of medicinal herbs. There are compositions “Sage” and “Mint”. Prices:
    • Children's candles No. 2 – 29-33 rubles;
    • Candles No. 4 – 60 rub.
  • Candles Doctor Vera children's (manufacturer Alkion LLC) contain beeswax without additives. The price of a package of two candles is 36-41 rubles.

Homemade ear candles have been used for quite a long time, but only in last years their industrial production, and these products appeared in pharmacies. Ear candles (phytocandles) are classified as auxiliary products medical purposes, are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, including for removing wax plugs.

How to use ear candles, see the video below.

Clinical trials conducted by specialists in Moscow and Samara confirm the effectiveness of phytosuppositories in the treatment of otitis media, hearing loss, congestion and tinnitus, as well as their safety (when used correctly). Reviews about this product are quite contradictory. When choosing candles, you need to follow the instructions, take precautions and remember that ear candles are not a panacea, but an aid.

Ear candles instructions for use recommend using for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases ENT organs, eliminating dizziness and migraines, relieving emotional stress and normalization of sleep. They contain only natural and environmentally friendly ingredients that do not harm harmful effects on human health. ABOUT healing power ear candles have been known since time immemorial. They were actively used in medical purposes American Indians, residents of Rus' and the Ancient East. In ancient times, candle therapy was called ear burning and was used to combat many ailments.

Appearance and composition

Ear candles are natural remedy, the instructions for use of which indicate that they have local anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, warming and soothing effects. They are elongated hollow tubes made of cotton material, impregnated with healing ingredients. Each phytocandle is equipped with a foil limiter, which makes its use at home convenient and safe. You can see straws for sale different sizes. Adults should buy candles with a diameter of 8 mm. IN pediatric practice use smaller sticks (they must fit completely in the ear canal of a small patient).

A burning candle inserted into ear canal, warms the problem area and provides an effect vacuum therapy. After the procedure, a person’s hearing improves, blood circulation is restored eardrum, wax plugs dissolve, nasal breathing becomes easier, pain in the ears and head disappears, sleep normalizes.

The therapeutic effect of ear phytocandles is provided by the natural components included in their composition:

  • Beeswax
  • Propolis extract
  • Extracts from plants
  • Essential oils (lemon, lavender, mint, eucalyptus, cinnamon, cloves, fir)

Ailments for which ear candles are used, contraindications to it

Phytocandles made from beeswax are today produced by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. If all requirements for use are met, they are completely safe. Experts recommend using this remedy to combat such ailments:

  • External and otitis media
  • With sulfur plugs
  • Acoustic neuritis
  • Tinnitus
  • Hearing problems
  • Spicy and chronic form rhinitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Frontit
  • Sinusitis
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Stress
  • Irritability

Before using ear candles, a sick person should consult a doctor. Despite natural composition, this remedy has contraindications that must be taken into account during treatment. Ignoring them can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s health. Doctors prohibit the use of phytosuppositories for:

  • individual intolerance to wax and propolis;
  • hypersensitivity to herbal components included in the product;
  • injuries to the external auditory canal or eardrum;
  • the presence of pus in the ears;
  • malignant formations in the maxillofacial area;
  • elevated body temperature.

Features of the use of phytocandles

How to use ear candles correctly? To achieve the expected therapeutic effect, the patient must carefully follow the instructions for use. Before starting the warming procedure, he should prepare 2 phytocandles, matches or a lighter, a cloth napkin with a hole for the ear, hygiene sticks, cotton wool, a container of water and moisturizer. At first, it is advisable for the patient to be helped with the procedure by someone close to him.

Before lighting a phytocandle, a person should lie on his right side, and on left ear apply a pre-prepared napkin, leaving only the ear canal open. After this, it is recommended to lubricate inner part auricle with cream and massage lightly for 1-2 minutes with your fingers. The massage will provide a rush of blood to the hearing organ and provide a more pronounced therapeutic effect. When preparatory procedures are completed, the patient needs to insert the candle into the ear canal with the lower end to the level of the foil stopper. Upper part wax tube should be set on fire and remain in horizontal position until the fire reaches the foil. The burnt phytocandle should be extinguished in a glass of water, and the ear canal should be thoroughly cleaned of soot and wax using hygiene sticks. To maintain the warming effect, a cotton wool pad is inserted into the hearing organ for 4–8 hours. Then the procedure is repeated in the same way for the right ear.

Ear candles should be used no more than once a day. The duration of their use is determined by the attending physician. In acute inflammatory processes, warming manipulations are recommended to be carried out at intervals of 1 day, in chronic inflammatory processes - after 2–3 days. Ear plug removal candles should be used daily. If within 3-4 procedures the cerumen plug does not dissolve and does not come out, the patient should contact an otolaryngologist.

When treating headaches or migraines, use the product only when you feel unwell. Usually one session is enough to relieve pain and regain wellness. If you have problems sleeping, the use of suppositories should be carried out in evening time, to combat stress and irritability - in the first half of the day.

Safety rules, adverse reactions and storage

It should be remembered that careless use of ear candles can lead to a fire. To avoid this, the patient should remove all flammable objects and liquids from the room in which medical procedures are planned. Women are advised to collect long hair in a ponytail.

When used correctly, ear wax candles practically do not cause side effects. In rare cases, against the background of their use, a person may develop local allergic reactions. If during the use of phytosuppositories the patient has any health problems, he should refuse further treatment and inform your doctor about this.

When sealed, ear candles should be kept in a dry place at an air temperature no higher than 18 °C. Their shelf life does not exceed 2 years. After opening the package, wax tubes are stored on the refrigerator shelf for no more than 6 months. Expired product must be disposed of with household waste.

Ear suppositories are not a cure, so they cannot be an alternative. drug therapy. In order not to aggravate the course of the disease, they should be used after consultation with a doctor. Experts often prescribe phytosuppositories in combination with medicines. Thanks to this approach to treatment, they are able to obtain a noticeable therapeutic effect in a short period of time.

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