What kind of breed is Labrador Retriever? Standard and non-standard Labrador color varieties

Labrador retrievers rank first in popularity in America. But all over the world these smart and sociable dogs are very loved. They are prized for their good manners with people, playful nature and loyalty. In the morning, your dog can bring you slippers or a newspaper, accompany you on a run or on a long hike. The affectionate pet will happily play with children, he is peaceful towards cats and indifferent to upholstered furniture. The retriever can be kept in small apartments, but just don’t forget about daily walks with it.

History of the breed

Officially the breed was recognized at the beginning of the 19th century. Labradors were discovered on the island of Newfoundland by European sailors. The inhabitants of the Canadian island used dogs as irreplaceable helpers. The retriever would bring shot game to its owner and dive into the water to retrieve fishing nets. Maybe this explains great love Labradors to water.

The breed was brought to Britain in 1830, where it immediately became loved by hunters. Their natural endurance and developed intelligence often rescued hunters in dangerous and difficult situations, and soft jaws made it possible not to injure the prey. Already in those days, Labradors began to be used not only for hunting, but also as a beloved family member.

The breed was officially recognized by the English Club in 1903. Initially, only black individuals were considered Labradors. Today the standard has changed. Dogs can also be fawn, dark red, chocolate, light cream color.

The name of the breed was obtained in honor of the Canadian province of Labrador. However, at first they were called in honor of the capital - “the dogs of St. John’s.” English hunters did not like this name, but “Labrador” stuck.

In the 20th century, retrievers ended up in America, where they were popular with hunters, athletes and lumberjacks. Over time, the breed found popularity among artists, actors, pop stars and politicians. Labradors have become pet dog, which symbolizes well-being, harmony and comfort.

Nature has endowed retrievers with developed muscles, a compact body and a powerful, wide cranial part of the head. Visually the head is 4-ex one month old puppy looks bigger than the body.

According to the American standard, males should be about 63 cm at the withers, females should be from 55 to 58 cm. Distinguishing characteristics of Labradors include:

The retriever inherited a warm “fur coat” from his ancestors who lived in a cold climate. Wool also has water-repellent qualities. It has no fringes or waves, and feels hard to the touch.

Three colors of the breed are considered standard:

  • black;
  • pale yellow;
  • chocolate.

But the shades of Labrador retrievers’ fur can also be golden, liver, light cream, fox, ed. The dog's chest may be decorated with a white spot.

Description of character and temperament

By nature, Labradors are not dangerous and angry dogs . The description of the nature of the breed includes:

  • loyalty;
  • kindness;
  • patience;
  • friendliness;

Labradors cannot be called bodyguards, but they are ready to serve their owner always and in everything. They can be hunting assistants, caregivers, guides, and even psychotherapists. They quickly get used to people and want to constantly be in contact with friends and acquaintances. Labradors do not like to be alone.

The dog has more than enough energy. The retriever loves to play, so it must be provided with toys and physical activity. Otherwise, out of boredom, the pet may start damaging property.

Because Labrador refers to hunting breed , it quickly responds to various extraneous noise. But a dog will never bark without a reason.

Right well-mannered pet obedient and not aggressive. He has a calm and affectionate attitude towards old people and loves children very much.

Features of education and training

The retriever is willing to train, but you need to start training the dog from puppyhood. Otherwise, the matured pet may acquire unwanted habits. Three-month-old Labrador puppies can solve problems and carry out commands that dogs of other breeds are only able to do at six months of age.

You can discipline your pet through walks and exercise. A short morning walk and a long evening walk will be ideal for the breed. Sometimes you can walk your dog for half an hour several times a day. The pet also needs more serious stress. For this it you can take it for a morning run, play football or other active game with him. Retrievers love to swim, so if possible, they should be taken to a body of water.

You can’t spoil your Labrador too much. He needs to be praised carefully and given treats only as a reward. It is not recommended to raise your voice or physically punish your dog. To prevent a mischievous pet from harboring a grudge against you, you should scold him carefully, but with firmness in your voice.

Owners should pay maximum attention to their four-legged friend. The dog should become a member of the family, take an active part in picnics, and watch TV series with the owner. Pets love guests very much, with whom they communicate good-naturedly and sincerely. They willingly play with small children and even cats.

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When wondering whether it is worth having a retriever in an apartment, you should consider the following points:

Feeding Labradors

The pet needs comprehensive nutrition regimen. The owner chooses whether it will be natural or dry food. It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to mix the two types of food. Dogs of this breed often have a habit of stealing food, so you always need to be alert and keep an eye on the food.

Retriever feeding scheme is this:

  1. Up to 3 one month old– six times a day.
  2. Up to 5 months – five times.
  3. Up to 10 months of age - four times.
  4. Up to a year - three times.
  5. An adult dog should eat twice a day.

Puppies love to eat, but they should not be overfed, as the breed is prone to obesity. Nutrition must be balanced.

Throughout the year, Labradors need to be fed with vitamin and mineral supplements.

If you want your four-legged friend feed natural food, then for every kilogram of dog weight there should be 20 g of meat daily. You can feed your Labrador with beef, lean lamb, turkey, and chicken. A quarter of the diet should consist of buckwheat, rice or wheat. If your pet is prone to obesity, it is recommended to feed it barley groats. Another quarter of the diet should consist of pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini, beets, carrots and herbs.

Retriever health

Hardy large dogs they can still get sick. The breed most often suffers from:

  1. From hereditary diseases, which are associated with bones and joints. This may be elbow dysplasia or hip joint. Osteoatritis is common in old age.
  2. From diseases digestive tract in the form of nausea, constipation or diarrhea. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.
  3. From false pregnancy, which may appear in some bitches a couple of months after estrus. She needs to be treated. Also, a veterinarian should be observed during the first pregnancy of a young individual.
  4. From various injuries in the form of cuts, bruises, sprains, fractures, which can easily develop active dog. Open, mild wounds can be treated yourself. For sprains and more serious injuries, you should consult a veterinarian.

With proper maintenance, moderate physical activity and balanced diet Labradors live from 10 to 14 years.

Choosing a puppy

Buy healthy puppy you can have experienced breeder or in a nursery. It is best to choose a pet at the age of 6-8 weeks. When choosing, you must pay attention to the following points:

Bitch or male

To guarantee friendliness and tranquility, many people choose female dogs. However, they are quite stubborn individuals. Moreover, the main heat could be a problem, which takes place twice a year. Owners at this time need to be very vigilant and protect bitches from foreign cables.

There is an opinion that cables are more loyal to their owners and get along well with any pets. They grow into strong, large individuals that are very active and require constant attention.

Therefore, when choosing a four-legged friend, you should remember that you will have to look after him for 10 to 15 years.

It is imperative to carefully prepare for the arrival of a new resident. First of all should be purchased and prepared:

  • mattress for sleeping;
  • individual place for the dog;
  • a bowl for water and food;
  • feeding area;
  • special food;
  • collar and leash;
  • medical first aid kit;
  • toys.

Before a puppy appears in the house, you need to remove carpets from the floors, put away shoes, chemicals, various wires and small objects that small pet may be chewed or swallowed.

Many people wonder: is it worth buying an adult Labrador? A potential pet must be observed in its usual environment. See how he behaves on the street. Ask about bad habits and learn how he communicates with children and other animals. The easiest way to raise an adult dog will be for someone who has already dealt with a similar breed.

Having bought or adopted a Labrador Retriever puppy from friends, be prepared to care for the pet and spend money on its training and education. If you want to have an assistant and true friend– spend more time with the dog, because the breed was bred to interact and communicate with humans.

Height at withers: 25-45kg

Weight: 54-57cm

The color is definitely monochrome. The most common types of color: black, golden, beige, brown with a chocolate tint. It is very rare for Labradors of dark colors to have white spots on the chest.

The tail is round, very thick at the base. Labradors always swing their tail happily from side to side, but the tail should not curl completely over the back - this could be considered a deviation.

Labrador Retrievers have a dense and coarse coat, but at the same time quite soft to the touch. In bad weather and cold, these dogs are saved by the second layer of fur - a dense undercoat.

Hind legs

Athletic, pads and fingers well developed.

Front legs

Medium length, straight and powerful.

Wide nose with harmoniously developed large nostrils.

Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

Powerful jaws middle length. At the same time, Labradors very gently and delicately capture prey or a toy. Absolutely correct bite. The teeth are strong and large.

The head is large and harmoniously developed. The profile is well defined. The cheekbones are neatly defined.

One of business cards Labradors Ears are neat, average size, hanging, relatively tight to the head.

Labradors have a calm, intelligent and good-natured look, periodically expressing a slight playfulness. Eyes of medium size. Most often, brown with a nutty tint.

turn on

switch off


Labrador is one of the most popular dogs in the world. The secret of the popularity of this breed is true and simple: Labradors are smart and sociable, they are distinguished by their loyalty and calm character. In the morning, this dog can bring you a newspaper or even a tablet to bed, and will also become an excellent companion and trainer during your morning run. Labradors highly value communication with people and can turn any type of outdoor activity into a holiday.

They will be happy to go hiking with you, climb the mountains and happily take a boat trip. The Labrador dog breed is not at all aggressive: they readily make friends with other dogs, love to play with children, and are also peaceful in their relationships with cats. While you are at work, the Labrador will patiently wait for an evening walk, without touching the wallpaper or furniture. Small apartments do not in any way affect the living comfort of Labradors; the main thing is not to forget about walks and attention.

For anyone who wants a Labrador to live in their home, a description of the breed will help them better organize the care of their pet. These dogs are extremely sociable. They are accustomed to living with people under the same roof and close communication - in a word, being full members of the family. Therefore, if you want to avoid depression in your pet, you need to understand that a kennel in the yard is not an option for a Labrador.


There are many versions of the origin of this popular breed. Many researchers claim that the Labrador is a dog breed that descended from the domestic dogs of the North American Indians. They helped their owners fish. Perhaps this is precisely what explains the love of all modern Labradors for water.

The official period of the discovery of Labradors can be considered the beginning of the 19th century. European sailors saw these dogs on the coast of the Canadian island of Newfoundland. For the Aborigines, Labradors were versatile and indispensable assistants: they dived into the water for fishing nets, and during the hunt they carefully brought game from the water and the thicket of the forest. Often these animals served as guides and guides.

In 1830, sailors brought the first Labradors to Britain. North American dogs immediately became the favorite assistants of British hunters. Their soft jaws did not damage game, and their developed intelligence and natural endurance helped hunters out in the most difficult situations. Sometimes Labradors even saved the wounded. Many decided to use these dogs not only for hunting, but also as pet, who got along well with people.

In 1903, the English Kennel Club officially recognized the Labrador breed. From the very beginning, only black individuals were considered true Labradors. Over time, the breed standard has changed - today the Labrador dog is pictured on the Internet, in magazines and in Everyday life found in fawn (from light cream to dark red) or chocolate color. The standard has changed. The intensity of color is not related to the health of the pet and does not indicate the quality of selection.

Yours current name The dog was named after the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. At first they were simply called "St. John's dogs" (in honor of the capital of this Canadian province), but the common people did not like this name. English hunters. The word “Labrador” turned out to be ideal - in the forests during hunting and just on the streets during outdoor activities, the phrase “Hey Lab! Come here!” sounded confidently and clearly, which over time became iconic.

In the 20th century, the popularity of the Labrador dog breed grew in geometric progression. They found themselves in America again: first as a favorite dog of hunters, lumberjacks and athletes, and then as just a domestic dog, the image of which symbolizes comfort, harmony and well-being. Labradors were owned by politicians and pop stars, actors and artists. Also, do not forget about the practical benefits of these dogs. All over the world they perform important missions: helping sick people during therapy and rehabilitation, being used by the police, and faithfully serving blind people as guides.

Russia's most famous Labrador is Koni, the faithful four-legged friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin.


One of the most famous Labradors of our time is the hero of the American animated series Family Guy named Brian Griffin. Brian is a white Labrador retriever. As befits dogs of this breed, he is a true intellectual and a true member of the family.

Buddy and Seamus are the first Labradors in the history of the American White House. In 1997, US President and saxophonist Bill Clinton decided to get dogs of this breed.

Psychology and Intelligence

No matter what description of the Labrador breed you come across, you will always notice common feature: The intelligence and intelligence of these dogs are especially emphasized. They easily understand a person’s commands and words even by the intonation or timbre of their voice. These dogs are very capable and can perform standard household functions, such as handing you gloves, an umbrella, a book or a tablet at a specific time or on command. They know how to adapt to your habits and sense your mood. If you are sad, the dog will be sad with you. If you feel good and are ready for a wonderful walk on a sunny day, he will find his favorite ball and bring the leash in his teeth, happily wagging his tail.

The key feature of Labradors is their character. Labradors are calm and friendly, at the same time active and not at all annoying. They obediently follow commands, try to please their owner and even protect him from trouble.


These dogs are not aggressive at all. They can even make friends with a cat, and they especially love playing with small children.

Long-haired pets are always happy to have guests in your home and are ready to communicate good-naturedly and sincerely even with strangers who are seen for the first time. Unfortunately, sometimes excessive sociability and curiosity cause harm to animals. According to statistics, attackers most often kidnap dogs of this particular breed. Therefore, Labrador owners should remember that leaving their four-legged friend on the street without supervision there is a risk of the dog being kidnapped.

One of key points Keeping a Labrador requires active communication between owner and pet. He should be a member of the family - watch TV series with you, wait for your child’s birthday, take an active part in family picnics in nature, and so on. You need to communicate a lot with a Labrador, because words of praise for this dog are much more important than any treat.


In the description of the Labrador breed, one can also notice another often cited characteristic: the high mobility of these dogs. Labs need physical exercise and long walks. Even the most obedient Labrador can live in your apartment disaster, if you periodically forget about his needs. But this is not out of anger, vindictiveness or resentment - it’s just that in this way (throwing things around, splashing in the bathroom, tearing up the wallpaper and sweeping your computer off the table) the Labrador will be able to entertain himself and throw off energy.


Even at the age of a puppy, a Labrador understands that the most important thing in his life is a person. Therefore, education is usually not difficult. The owner must show that hyperactivity is not always good, and a person’s favor cannot always be achieved through a desire to please and wagging the tail. Accustom these dogs to walks and physical activity: it is this rhythm that will lead them to discipline and give you life together With a Labrador there is peace and joy.

Labradors should not be spoiled. They should be praised carefully, and treats should only be given as some kind of reward. If the Labrador is mischievous, you can safely, but carefully, raise your voice. The pet will understand its guilt and will not hold a grudge against you.

Walking and exercise

These long-eared dogs are very calm, but at the same time extremely active. How is this possible? This is one of the features of the Labrador dog breed that makes it even more unique.

An intelligent and well-mannered Labrador always knows when to speak up or distract you from your business. The secret to successfully raising a four-legged friend is controlling his activity. The owner just has to set the rhythm. It must be remembered that Labradors are very active, so only walks and physical activity can calm their activity. The ideal option is a short morning walk (about half an hour) and a long evening walk (about two hours). Sometimes this regime should be alternated with a series of several short walks - 4-5 walking sessions of half an hour each. They also simply need more serious loads - for example, a Labrador will be happy if you decide to play ball or frisbee with it. You can safely take your pet for morning jogs, hikes or even bike rides - thanks to its natural endurance, the dog will follow the bike for a long time without any problems.

There is no escape from genetics; the Labrador breed was born on the ocean coast - these dogs love water very much. Therefore, at least once a month they need to have water treatments. If possible, the animal can be brought to the nearest clean river or to a forest lake.

Any leisure- joy and the best fitness for a Labrador, so the owners of these dogs have the opportunity to experiment in every possible way. The main thing is that rest and entertainment do not harm the dog and others.

According to the fierce captain of the Manchester United football club, Roy Keane, there was only one a true friend and an interesting companion - a Labrador named Triggs.


Labradors are far from the most whimsical dogs. But the owner should definitely adhere to several rules:


In any photo, the Labrador stands out as beautiful long hair. Unpleasant consequence such breed characteristics- heavy shedding. Therefore, if you want to protect your apartment from fur, comb your Labradors with a simple comb several times a week. In some cases, once is enough. Also, don’t forget that Labradors love water. For example, during a walk they may try to swim in a puddle. In such cases, after a walk, the coat should be rinsed with clean running water and the dog should be wiped with a soft towel.

Ear care

Excessive moisture and dust in a Labrador's ears can lead to ear infections. infectious diseases. Wipe your Labrador's ears dry after water procedures, and also use special hygienic liquids.

Otherwise, everything is quite simple: Labradors need to brush their teeth every day with a good toothpaste, and also trim their nails at least once every week and a half so that they do not interfere with walking and running.

Labrador and your apartment

When arranging a corner for a Labrador, you need to remember that this dog loves communication and should always be aware of family affairs. Therefore, from the individual place of the Labrador it should open good review- the dog needs to see you at least fragmentarily and always be within reach. You should not buy boxes or kennels with a roof, because the Labrador is unpretentious and not at all timid. That's why the best option There will be spacious and high-quality bedding made from natural materials. Its size should allow the dog to stretch out and relax. It is also advisable to have some of your things near the Labrador's place. For example, if you like to go on bike rides together, it would be a good idea to keep the bike a few meters away from the dog.

What to feed a Labrador dog

The feeding habits of these animals determine their large size and rather high energy expenditure. In addition, the nutrition of Labradors should ensure the prevention of joint diseases, which are often found in these animals. If a Labrador dog is given natural food, then half of her diet should be meat products (20 g of meat for every kg of weight). Beef, chicken, turkey, and lean lamb are suitable. ¼ of the diet will consist of cereals (wheat, rice, buckwheat). Long-digesting barley groats are recommended for dogs prone to obesity. The remaining quarter of the diet will consist of vegetables: carrots, beets, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, and greens. But, of course, experts will always be of the opinion that high-quality dog ​​food is more suitable for a Labrador: with such energy costs, the pet needs to eat a balanced diet, which, unfortunately, is not easy to provide with natural nutrition.

Always ready to swim, run races, play and walk with his owner

The strong build and open, cheerful disposition of the Labrador Retriever make him completely tireless. He is ready to swim, run races, play and walk with his owner anytime, anywhere! If you are looking for a dog that is easy to train, smart, balanced and also playful, choose the Labrador breed. Most of these dogs love children very much. However, it is necessary to remember one of their weaknesses - appetite! Maintaining optimal body weight in representatives of this breed is quite difficult.


They are good with children, have an easy-going disposition and get along easily with other pets.

Labrador is one of the few dog breeds that are popular all over the world. And they deservedly gained such popularity. Almost the main characteristic of the Labrador is the rare friendliness of dogs of this breed. As a rule, they are good with children, have an easy-going disposition and get along easily with other pets. These are capable students who willingly and actively participate in the learning process. However, if they get bored, you can expect any mischief from them! If you want to get a Labrador Retriever, study the breed description and think about whether you can cope with its cheerful and active character.

The Obaki Labrador Retriever breed (or simply Labrador for short) is one of the top five popular breeds worldwide. Why do so many people get a pet of this particular breed? Why have Labradors won so many hearts and is this dog right for you?

A little history of the breed

In order to understand the reason for the endurance, amiability and good nature of the Labrador Retriever breed, it is necessary to delve into history.

The exact origin of Labradors is still unknown, but according to some sources their ancestors helped the Indians North America fishing - pulling nets out of the water.

Europeans, who first encountered these dogs in early XIX centuries in Canada, became attached to them and almost immediately began exporting them to Europe. And it is not surprising, because Labradors can not only help in hunting, diving into swamps and lakes for shot game, but also transport carts with loads, save people during a storm and perform guard duty.

Most widespread Labrador retrievers have already received end of the 19th century centuries in Great Britain, from where they were later transported around the world.

Since then, the nature of these dogs has changed significantly, and they are now more companion dogs than hunting dogs.

In our time main feature Labradors are considered to be amazingly friendly, obedient, lack of aggression and very high level learning ability.

See also . What you need to know before getting such a dog.

If your dog small size, you can accustom her to the home toilet. .

Appearance and character of the Labrador

This breed is immediately noticeable by its strong build, proportionality, strong paws and straight tail, similar to that of an otter.

Labradors are medium-sized dogs, height at the withers is about 55 cm. Weight adult dog 25 - 35 kg. Some males can grow up to 45 kg or even more.

Weight and size of Labrador puppy at different ages

Strong rib cage, strong neck, muscular paws - these dogs are well built. Labradors have small, charming, floppy ears that are covered in short hair and are very soft.

At all their fur is quite thick, short, with water-repellent qualities - the dog can stay in the water for an hour, then get out, shake off and dry almost immediately.

Labradors used to have only black color, but now there are fawn, chocolate and even auburn.

The character of these dogs Three main traits can be distinguished: activity, friendliness and gluttony. Last quality contains a great threat, but we will talk about it a little later.

Possible diseases

Most often modern purebred dogs suffer from hereditary diseases that appeared during the selection process. Unfortunately, Labradors are no exception. They can be affected by congenital diseases of the eyes, bones, and joints.

One of the problems is dysplasia femoral and elbow joints, But it is not congenital disease. It can develop if improper care for a puppy - for example, from an excess of calcium, phosphorus or simply excess weight.

By the way, about excess weight

The fact that Labradors love to eat too much often ends badly for them, since one of the main health problems for these dogs is obesity. Obesity can cause problems with the heart, hormones and joints.

All in all, It is necessary to protect the dog from overeating, give her age-appropriate physical exercise (Labradors love to run after sticks, play ball and just fool around on the lawn), spend more time with her - and then your pet will be healthy and cheerful.

Is a Labrador dog right for you?

The main question you should ask yourself before purchasing a Labrador is: can you devote as much time as possible to the dog? If you work all day and do not have such an opportunity, it is better not to get a dog of this breed.

Labradors – very affectionate, they are emotionally dependent on their owners. The dog does not tolerate prolonged loneliness - if a Labrador sits alone for a long time, it may develop unpleasant habits in the form of causeless but constant barking, destruction of the owners’ property by gnawing and tearing shoes and interior items with its paws, and similar horrors.

Of course, this only applies to those dogs that most spend their lives alone, not those with loving owners We went to the store for a couple of hours.

In general, adult Labradors, receiving sufficient load during walks, they are extremely calm and docile animals. They will easily be able to share living space with other pets and are sympathetic to small children (even to such bullying as pulling the tail and ears, the Labrador will not snap).

Labradors unpretentious in terms of footage premises - the main thing is that the dog has its own place, even if it’s quite small.

Labradors well trained– you just need to start training on time and stand your ground until the end.

Serious problems There is no need to care for them: it is enough to comb the coat a couple of times a week and carry out such procedures in a timely manner. hygiene procedures, like cleaning ears, teeth and trimming nails.

You don’t have to wash your dog often, since the coat has a special structure that repels not only water, but also dirt.

Walking with a Labrador It is necessary forty-two minutes a day, giving plenty of time to play and run around during the walk.

These dogs are suitable for almost any family composition: a lonely person will find a friend in him, a family with children will find a cheerful companion in games and tricks, old man or a person with disabilities– solid support and support in life.

Labrador Retriever is a dog for intellectuals. This is exactly what they say about this breed. Animals are unusually smart, quick-witted, and charming, and not every owner can appreciate these qualities. Previously, this dog was intended only for a narrow circle of people in the English elite club, but today it is loved in families all over the world. They prefer to have Labradors famous people. But anyway, best host– this is the person who will love, appreciate and care for the pet.

Features of the character and temperament of a Labrador

Breed experts call the Labrador's character truly angelic. Reliability and good nature - that's it features this amazing animal. The dog is quite easy to train, has a healthy psyche, is balanced, and unpretentious. Labradors are often found in families with children. The dog copes well with the role of a nanny, since he is able to stoically endure any pranks, takes care of the child and is not at all aggressive. You can trust him with children of any age: he is one of the few dogs that understands how to behave with a “human child.”

Labradors value communication with people; they don’t single out anyone in the family, but they know how to approach everyone. They get along well with other pets. You can be sure: in a short period of time the Labrador will find mutual language even with the most unsociable pet. The dog doesn't know what jealousy is.

Labrador Retrievers really need to interact with people. A dog deprived of attention becomes bored and sad.

Both for service and friendship...

Thanks to their innate intelligence, Labradors successfully master various professions: nanny, rescuer, guide, policeman, etc. The dog is loyal to humans, willingly obeys and is one of the best service breeds.

They definitely know how to recognize emotional condition the owner, sympathize and empathize. They successfully treat people for depression. This is a dog for communication, an attentive and understanding friend who is always happy to listen and support.

Dogs help in the treatment of children with Down syndrome, autism, and cerebral palsy. Four-legged doctors work with patients just like doctors.

Labrador is ideal family dog. She is sincerely happy when the whole family gets together and expresses dissatisfaction when she has to see someone off. The dog loves guests and happily takes part in all family events.

Labradors seem to be created to serve man, it’s not for nothing that they are called “angel dogs.”

Developing the Character of a Labrador

If you have purchased a puppy of this breed and do not know at all how to raise it correctly, try to imagine what it would be like Small child. Try to act intuitively. Raising a puppy is not a difficult process. A pet “for the soul” does not need special training. The dog must be explained what is good and what is bad. Do not yell at the dog under any circumstances, and especially do not use physical punishment: firstly, this is cruel to the animal, secondly, by doing this you will spoil the dog’s psyche, and thirdly, the dog will get used to screaming and simply will not react to it. Never humiliate a dog! The educational process should take place in a calm environment. For a pet, the love and understanding of the owner is especially important.

Key points of education:

1. Cleanliness.

2. Exemplary behavior on the street.

3. Acceptable behavior in the home environment.

Labrador puppy with early age It is necessary to teach people to “do their business” on the street, but inside the apartment? in a tray or on a diaper.

Be prepared for the fact that a small and active lump will leave teeth marks on everything that is bad and lying anywhere, so try to put wires, shoes, toys away so as not to tease doggy As he gets older, he will outgrow this habit.

You cannot feed your dog from the table; it must eat in a place specially designated for feeding. Snacking is unacceptable; it will be quite difficult to wean an adult dog from it.

Give your dog special place for sleeping and do not allow them to sleep on chairs or with you on the bed.

The dog understands quite quickly what's what. The owner himself must put much more effort into the education process in order to resist the temptation to pamper this lovely creature.

Thus, when the right approach to the educational process, a puppy turns into an intelligent dog with good manners.
Labradors are easy to train. Excellent learning of all skills in the game. An intelligent and hardworking dog will be very happy to learn new tricks.
At home, a Labrador will willingly do some simple work, for example, fetch slippers. Teaching him basic things is quite simple, and it is even useful for the development of intelligence. The “sofa-street-sofa” mode is not entirely suitable for such a dog.

Color and character

When choosing a Labrador, many people are interested in the question: does the Labrador’s color affect its character? Experienced dog breeders answer unequivocally “no”. The character of a dog does not depend on its color, but on genetics and the characteristics of its upbringing. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, and also to be sure of the breed of the dog, it is recommended to take puppies that have already grown up.

Labrador girl and boy character

Girls are more obedient and calm, affectionate, very attached to their owner, you can walk with them without a leash, because... bitches do not need to explore the territory. Problems with walking can occur only 2 times a year, when I'm in heat. During this time, it is better to keep the dog on a leash.

When walking, Labrador boys behave a little differently. They strive to mark everything around, carefully examine the surroundings and get to know everyone. If a Labrador is poorly trained, he will run away endlessly, so it is better to walk the boy on a leash, otherwise he can easily be bitten by other dogs. But there's a dog at home magically turns into a good girl and causes absolutely no trouble - sheer joy.

No matter who you choose: a boy or a girl, this dog has so many advantages that you simply will not notice the shortcomings.

Labrador? A wonderful dog with a golden character. She will teach you how to live life to the fullest and enjoy simple things. She will charm and captivate with her devotion, ability to sincerely love and truly make friends.