Application of decoction of birch buds. What are they useful for, what do they treat?


Health 04/11/2012

ABOUT medicinal properties People knew birch trees in ancient times, but even now birch is in demand in folk medicine. In spring, birch is especially valued. She can become a real nurse for a person’s body weakened over the winter. Just recently I published an article about the benefits of birch sap. For those who have not read the article and who are interested, follow this one.

Collection of birch buds.

Birch buds are collected in the spring during the swelling period. End of April - beginning of May. Judging by our spring, this year it will be possible to collect no earlier than May. Birch buds.

Birch buds are collected while they are not yet open, while birch sap is moving along the tree trunk. This is very important, because collecting birch buds too early is useless. There's still too little in them useful substances. The buds are collected by hand or cut off along with the branches. I think that the second method is still blasphemous.

Dry them in the open air or in dryers at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Store them in cloth or paper bags or in glass containers.

Birch buds application . Infusions and decoctions of birch buds are used as:

  • Diuretic for edema of cardiac origin.,
  • Choleretic agent for diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  • For respiratory diseases - laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.
  • Due to their anti-inflammatory effect, birch buds are used for hygienic baths and lotions, dressings, for healing minor wounds, burns, diaper rash and bedsores.
  • Birch buds are good to use for neurological pain, for rubbing in arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and other joint pain.
  • For stomach ulcers.
  • For bladder diseases.
  • To improve performance.
  • For painful menstruation.
  • For a cold.
  • As a blood purifier.
  • As an antipyretic.
  • In the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Like this wide range use of birch buds.

Birch buds contraindications . It is not recommended to use tinctures and decoctions of birch buds for:

Birch buds decoction . How to cook it correctly?
Take 10 grams of kidneys per glass of boiling water. Boil everything over low heat for 12-15 minutes, strain. Top up warm water up to 200 ml. Take 1 tbsp decoction. 3 times a day.

Birch buds infusion.

Pour 2 tablespoons of birch buds with 2 cups of boiling water, leave in a warm place in a tightly sealed container for 6 hours (it is best to use a thermos). After this, filter and take the infusion during the day in 3 doses.

Decoction for inhalation from birch buds.

Pour 2 tablespoons of birch buds into 2 cups of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 30 minutes and inhale.

Alcohol tincture of birch buds.

Grind the birch buds in a mortar and pour in alcohol (1 part birch buds, 5 parts alcohol). After a week, the tincture is ready for use. Infuse in a dark and dark place. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. This tincture is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, headaches and migraines, atherosclerosis, joint damage, and severe hiccups.

Externally, this alcohol tincture is used for rheumatism, joint pain, treatment of eczema, for the treatment of bedsores, myositis and arthritis, toothache and gum disease.

It’s great to use birch bud tincture for a cold- just rub the body, it will cause profuse sweating and reduce body aches. It is advisable to drink at the same time birch bud tea . The buds should be brewed as usual as tea and drunk warm throughout the day. After rubbing, you need to go to bed, warmly wrapped in a blanket.

At overwork during heavy physical or mental work, to improve performance, it is good to prepare a decoction of birch buds and Rhodiola rosea roots (1 tsp per 200 ml of water). Boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for an hour, strain. Take a glass 3 times a day, with honey.

For those who like clarity and who still have questions about the use of birch buds, I suggest watching the video:

If you are not ready to collect birch buds yourself, you can buy them at the pharmacy. I wish you all good health with simple recipes from nature.

see also


    26 Mar 2016 at 14:53


    25 Feb 2013 at 22:59





    Scope of use of birch buds. Instructions for the use of birch buds for rheumatism, liver diseases and cough.

    Birch buds are an effective and environmentally friendly medicine. This remedy is widely used in folk medicine. This is due to the availability of birch buds, because birch grows in temperate climates. This tree can be found in any part of Russia.

    The use of birch buds in medicine

    It is worth noting that traditional medicine uses this medicine both for external and internal reception. Ointments, decoctions, teas and tinctures are prepared from the buds.

    Diseases that can be cured with birch buds:

    • Gynecological ailments
    • Skin diseases
    • Pimples and acne
    • Arthritis
    • For treatment high level cholesterol
    • For metabolic disorders
    • For diseases of the liver and pancreas

    It is worth noting that birch buds have an anti-inflammatory effect. Simply put, this is natural antibiotic. It disinfects perfectly skin and open wounds.

    Birch buds, contraindications

    Despite vegetable origin medications, it should not be used during pregnancy. At this time, the body is rebuilt and works a little differently. Allergies, bloating and intestinal problems may occur when taking the decoction or tincture orally. Accordingly, the intestines stretch, which causes pain in the lower abdomen.


    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • Stomach ulcer
    • Ulcerative bowel diseases
    • Acute kidney and bladder diseases

    How to brew birch buds?

    The process of preparing a decoction of birch buds is very simple. You need to purchase the product at the pharmacy or assemble it yourself. To do this, in early spring, before the leaves bloom, cut off the buds and dry them in the shade.

    Instructions for preparing a decoction of birch buds:

    • Pour a spoonful of raw materials into an enamel pan, pour boiling water over the broth and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes
    • Cool the broth and strain it before drinking
    • Take as prescribed

    Tincture of birch buds in vodka: application

    To prepare the tincture, grind the dry raw materials in a mortar and add alcohol. For one part of raw material you need five parts of alcohol. The container with the solution is closed and placed in a dark and cool place for 10-12 days. After this, the tincture is filtered.

    Store in a cool place in a brown or green glass bottle.

    Instructions for using the tincture:

    • For vomiting and nausea. You need to take 30-50 drops with water or milk. You need to make 3-5 doses per day. At severe vomiting the dose is increased
    • For liver diseases. Take 10 ml of the product three times a day before each meal
    • In gynecology. Vaginitis and cervicitis are treated with douching. To do this, take one part of the tincture and add 9 parts of warm boiled water. Inject 50 ml of solution into the vagina using a syringe.
    • For rheumatism. Take 20 ml of the substance three times a day. It is advisable to do this 35 minutes before meals
    • For the treatment of dermatitis, suppuration and boils. Cotton wool is soaked in tincture and rubbed into sore spots. You can make lotions and applications

    How to take birch buds for cough?

    To do this you need to prepare special ointment. 50 g of raw materials must be crushed in a mortar and 200 g of regular butter must be added. Take unsalted 73% fat. Margarine is not suitable. Cook this mixture over low heat for 60 minutes. After this, squeeze out the kidneys and cool the liquid. After cooling, it will become like an ointment. This remedy is taken one tablespoon at a time. You need to take this medicine 4 times a day.

    You can apply a compress to your chest, smeared with birch ointment.

    This remedy quickly relieves pain and restores connective tissue in the joints. A tincture is used for treatment. To prepare it, pour a spoonful of raw material into a bottle and add 100 ml of alcohol. Leave for 12-14 days. The resulting tincture is used to wipe the joints. After rubbing the product, wrap the joints with a warm scarf.

    This remedy promotes the regeneration of liver tissue and the discharge of bile. At chronic illnesses liver, you can take a decoction or tincture of birch buds. The tincture is taken 10-15 ml before meals. You should not start treatment if you have stones in your gallbladder. This can lead to blockage of the bile ducts.

    Birch buds in combination with others medicinal herbs help cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques.

    Instructions for preparing the medicine:

    • Mix 100 g of dried chamomile flowers, birch buds, immortelle and yarrow in a bag
    • Pour a spoonful of the mixture into 240 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath
    • You can simply cover the mixture with a lid and wrap it in a towel until the liquid cools down.
    • Take a glass of decoction 3 times a day
    • You must take the medicine 30 minutes before meals
    • Continue treatment until all 400 g of plant mixture is finished

    Birch buds for women, benefits

    This is an ancient medicine that was used by Russian beauties.

    Areas of use of birch buds for women:

    • To reduce pain during menstruation. You need to drink 100 ml of decoction during menstruation three times a day. This helps relieve pain and reduce the amount of blood. This medicine is recommended to be taken after childbirth. It restores the lining of the uterus and reduces the intensity of bleeding
    • For weight loss. A decoction of kidneys is taken to normalize metabolism. Thanks to the cleansing of the body, reactions in tissues are more intense.
    • For the treatment of hair loss. You need to rinse your braids with the decoction after washing. The tincture is rubbed into the roots of hair during hair loss.
    • Reduce the symptoms of menopause. You need to take 15 ml of tincture three times a day

    Is it possible to take birch buds during pregnancy?

    A decoction of birch buds can be taken in the last months of pregnancy. It helps reduce swelling and relieves leg pain. To prepare a decoction, pour 10 g of raw material into 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. The broth is cooled and taken 5 times a day, 50 ml. At the same time, limit fluid intake.

    Birch buds are truly excellent and inexpensive remedy from most diseases. Consult your doctor before use.

    VIDEO: Application of birch buds

    In the article we talk about birch buds, their useful properties ah and contraindications in traditional medicine. You will learn about the rules for procuring raw materials, learn how to use the product for external and internal use. The suggested recipes will help improve your health.

    People have long been using the gifts of Mother Nature in the fight against various diseases. To improve well-being, grass, trees, plants, and plant juices are used.

    Adherents of traditional medicine know firsthand about the medicinal properties of birch. Most often, birch buds are used as part of infusions, ointments, and decoctions to treat diseases and eliminate pathologies in the body. Let's figure out what unique properties the product has and what its beneficial properties are.

    Chemical composition

    Diverse chemical composition provides a therapeutic effect.

    Birch buds contain:

    • Saponins are elements that remove bile acids from the body;
    • Flavonoids – pigments have powerful antioxidant properties;
    • Carotene – a component that cleanses the body of free radicals and strengthens the nervous system;
    • Phytoncides – improve the body’s protective functions;
    • Tannins – have an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • Vitamin C – removes heavy metals from the body;
    • Fatty acids - organic compounds affect the functioning of brain cells;
    • Essential oil is a biologically active component that promotes the health of the entire body.

    Medicinal properties of birch buds

    Medicines made from natural raw materials normalize metabolism and improve the condition of a person suffering from chronic kidney disease. Birch buds are used to treat:

    • Chronical bronchitis;
    • Gastritis;
    • Peptic ulcer;
    • Benign and malignant tumors.

    Indications for use

    Birch buds are used in the treatment of:

    In addition to all of the above, the product is used to strengthen protective functions body, and as a cleanser of waste and toxins. Natural raw materials promote weight loss, but as an additional means.

    Side effect of treatment

    Before using birch buds if available chronic diseases, consult your doctor.

    1. Treatment with natural raw materials will cause harm in case of individual intolerance. An allergic reaction is possible.
    2. Pregnant women and during breastfeeding should refuse treatment with traditional medicine.
    3. Course of the disease urinary tract will worsen under the influence active substances as part of medications.

    The benefits of birch buds for men, women and children

    For women's health

    The natural component helps restore the body after childbirth. Preparations based on herbal raw materials are useful for disorders menstrual cycle and in the preclimatic period. Active components cleanses the blood and normalizes metabolic processes in organism.

    For men

    The drug is used in treatment genitourinary system, relieve inflammation and painful sensations for prostatitis. Infusions and decoctions prevent baldness, which affects men of a certain age.

    For children

    Decoctions based on birch buds are used as anthelmintic. This medicine tastes bitter, so doctors prescribe it in rare cases. Medicinal raw materials help with coughs and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

    Rules for harvesting and storing birch buds

    If you are interested in improving the health of your body, it makes sense to prepare raw materials yourself, the naturalness of which you will not have to doubt.

    For those who do not want to waste time on preparation, there is good news. Birch buds are sold in a pharmacy all year round, but a product prepared with your own hands will be more effective.

    Collection time

    A favorable period for harvesting is considered to be early spring, when the buds have already swollen and young leaves have not yet appeared. Collect raw materials in sunny, dry weather.

    Birch buds are cut from young shoots of the tree. Birch used in medicinal purposes, should not grow near highways, landfills and industrial enterprises. The tree absorbs harmful substances and negates the benefits of using one or another medicine made at home. A birch grove is considered an ideal place to collect the product.

    Having collected required amount birch product, dry at room temperature and then chop. This processing method will save useful elements, available in raw materials.


    Store birch buds in glass containers or bags made of natural fabric or paper.

    The longer a product is stored, the less healing components remain in it. Store raw materials for no longer than one year.

    Birch buds in folk medicine

    Birch buds help cope with diseases gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, skin, as well as pain in the back and legs. Strong antiseptic used in cosmetology, dentistry, dermatology.

    Infusion on water


    • Birch buds – 2 teaspoons;
    • Boiling water – 1 glass.

    How to cook: Pour boiling water over the crushed raw materials. Cool and strain.

    How to use: Take the infusion orally to strengthen the immune system. Effective in the treatment of colds. Water infusion is indicated for treatment chronic tonsillitis. Suitable for gargling. At skin diseases accompanied by itching, baths with infusion are useful.


    To prepare a decoction with birch buds, you will need the same ingredients. The preparation differs only in that the broth is infused for 15 minutes in a water bath. Strain the cold mixture.

    • Compresses are made with a decoction of water to treat burns, body wounds, and ulcers.
    • They treat stomatitis and inflammation in the oral cavity.
    • Rinse hair with a decoction to prevent baldness.

    Rules for taking decoction and infusion:

    1. Serve warm.
    2. Drink 50 ml of the decoction three times a day until your condition improves.
    3. Drink 100 ml of infusion up to 6 times a day.
    4. The drugs are taken in courses.
    5. Depending on the disease, the course and dosage of infusion or decoction is prescribed.
    6. Low concentration infusions are used to treat children.
    7. Do not store the infusion or decoction for more than 2 days.

    Vodka tincture


    • Dry birch buds - 4 tablespoons;
    • Vodka or alcohol 70% - 0.5 liters.

    How to cook: Fill the raw materials with vodka. Leave to brew for 7 days.

    How to use: Before taking the tincture, dilute the product in a small amount of water. Take a teaspoon before meals.

    Result: Relieves Giardia (worms), helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers and kidney stones.

    Ointment for joint pain


    • Birch buds – 200 g;
    • Butter – 400 g;
    • Camphor – 3 g.

    How to cook: In an enamel container, mix the kidneys with oil. Cover with a lid. Place in a warm place for a day if the buds are fresh. It is best to place a heat-resistant container with kidneys in the oven to maintain the same temperature. During this time, the raw material will evaporate. If the kidneys are dry, leave them for 2 days. Strain and add camphor. Stir. Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator.

    How to use: Lubricate the sore areas, secure with a bandage and leave overnight.

    Natural raw materials for weight loss

    Raw materials normalize metabolic processes in the body, which means they promote weight loss. In order to get rid of extra pounds, drink tea with birch buds and make wraps with the same raw materials. Tea has diuretic and diaphoretic properties, removing waste and toxins from the body, swelling disappears. Wraps improve the condition of the skin in problem areas.

    Tea for weight loss is made according to the principle of decoction. The kidneys are poured with boiling water and infused for 4 hours. Strain. Add a teaspoon of honey to your tea and drink 3-4 times throughout the day.

    To lose weight, drink little Herb tea and do wraps. The main thing is to change your usual diet, add to it healthy foods and exercise regularly.

    What to remember

    1. Birch buds are part of medicinal ointments, decoctions, infusions.
    2. Prepare the raw materials yourself; they contain more useful components than the product sold in the pharmacy.
    3. The maximum shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.
    4. The chemical composition of birch buds decides various problems with health.
    5. Do not ignore the contraindications described above.

    In Rus', birch was treated with great respect, because it is not without reason that so many songs are dedicated to it. Birch buds and sap, which were collected in early spring, were especially valued. No wonder. Birch grows only in ecologically clean places, and is also very common in central Russia. Are there any beneficial properties and contraindications for birch buds? Let's study this carefully.

    Useful properties and chemical composition of birch buds

    Birch buds:

    • Contains betulen and betulol, which are very beneficial for the body;
    • Balsamic essential oils;
    • Vitamins C, PP, carotene, as well as fatty acids;
    • Antioxidants present;
    • Promote wound healing;
    • Many diseases can be treated without chemical drugs.

    Let's take a closer look at the chemical composition of this unique natural medicine. Besides essential oil rich in a whole range of useful substances, the kidneys contain flavonoids and saponins, which can effectively treat a number of serious diseases.

    Flavonoids and saponins have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. In particular, they are active against a fairly large group of viruses and microorganisms. Flavonoids have a detrimental effect on fungi and bacteria.

    Thanks to high content saponin preparations made from this raw material have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect. Therefore, they are effective in the treatment of lung diseases, as they promote the removal of sputum.

    The obvious benefits of birch buds

    Birch buds contain many active substances that have a regenerating effect. The well-known Vishnevsky balm allows you to treat even purulent wounds, it turns out that it contains birch buds.

    Very often children are “brought” after summer holiday worms. Getting rid of them is not difficult at all with the help of modern medical supplies. However, one should not forget that medicines often have serious side effects. In contrast, birch buds have anthelmintic properties, but can solve the problem without serious consequences for health, especially for children.

    They are used in both traditional and folk medicine. It is a strong diuretic and choleretic agent. Kidneys can be given to children and adults as an anthelmintic. The antibacterial effect of this medicine is quite strong; the substances contained in the kidneys are active even against microbes of the enteric typhoid type.

    Alcohol tinctures can rid the body of trichomonas, helminths, lamblia, and ciliates. At the same time, the kidneys help cleanse the body of many toxins. They are used for heart diseases to eliminate swelling. The diuretic effect for men is also strong. They can also help in cases where traditional medications have no effect.

    Kidneys are used as cholagogue for liver diseases, and also with urolithiasis. This is an excellent expectorant medicine that will be useful for tuberculosis patients. Buds are widely used in hair masks, as well as as a facial skin care product.

    Where can I get birch buds?

    You can purchase ready-made medicinal raw materials at almost any pharmacy. However, you can prepare them yourself. Optimal time for harvesting birch buds - from January to the end of April.

    Collection and preparation are carried out manually. To make it more convenient to collect birch buds, we cut off the branches small size. They are tied into bundles and dried naturally, on open air. Dry buds are collected or threshed. If the drying technology is followed correctly, then they can be stored long time. The best option storage - in fabric or paper bags, or you can put them in glass jars.

    If you don’t have time to collect and prepare medicinal raw materials, you can purchase birch buds at the pharmacy. They can be stored for no more than two years.

    There is one more nuance that should be taken into account. You should not harvest buds in the city, or near a busy highway.

    What forms do medicines from birch buds come in?

    Medicines based on birch buds are found in different forms:

    • After the postponed colds or in early spring, when symptoms of vitamin deficiency appear after a long winter, it will be very effective to use birch decoction. You can gargle with it, which greatly alleviates the manifestations of sore throat, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. Birch decoction has a pronounced diuretic and choleretic properties, which allows it to be used for swelling;
    • A tincture of birch buds in alcohol heals wounds, eczema, bedsores and abrasions well. However, you should not drink it, because alcoholic drinks harmful to health;
    • For treatment dermatological diseases, for hemorrhoids, oil tincture has proven itself well. It is recommended to use it twice a day;
    • Ointment based on birch buds is recommended for use for joint diseases, as well as for rheumatism;
    • Kidneys can also be used in for cosmetic purposes, prepare masks to strengthen hair.

    Methods of using birch buds

    In folk medicine, this medicinal raw material is usually offered in the form of a decoction or infusion. In addition, alcohol tinctures and ointments are prepared from birch buds.

    An infusion or decoction will be effective for diseases of the mouth, throat, and nose. Do not forget that birch buds effectively cope with inflammation, swelling, and in addition, promote tissue restoration. Therefore, for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, different types sore throat, you can rinse your mouth and throat, make compresses by moistening a gauze cloth in an infusion or decoction.

    Compresses are effective for sore joints, gout and rheumatism. For burns, eczema, acne, you can wipe the affected area with a cotton pad soaked in the product. This will speed up the healing process.

    Birch buds have a strong regenerating effect. Therefore, this is the first remedy for the treatment of difficult-to-heal ulcers and swelling.

    How to prepare a decoction

    5-6 birch buds should be filled with 0.2 liters hot water, and then bring to
    boiling. Then cool and strain. Drink 0.5 cups of the decoction daily before meals. The same decoction is used for rinsing for colds, sore throat, stomatitis, and gum diseases. This is an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent.

    How to make an alcohol tincture with birch buds

    Indications for the use of this tincture are diseases such as:

    • Cold;
    • Lung diseases;
    • Tuberculosis;
    • Worms;
    • Ulcer;
    • Migraine;
    • Gallbladder diseases;
    • Urolithiasis of the kidneys and bladder;
    • Atherosclerosis.

    In order to prepare the tincture, you need to take 20 grams of dry crushed buds and infuse them in 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. Leave for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then filter and squeeze out the remains. Drink 20-30 drops per 1 tablespoon of water, 3 times a day before meals.

    Alcohol tincture can also be used locally.

    It is effective as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It can be used for rubbing or compresses if you are concerned about:

    • Rheumatism;
    • Gout;
    • Joints hurt;
    • Skin diseases, for example, bedsores, shallow wounds;
    • Toothaches;
    • Ulcers.

    In order to prepare this medicine, you need to grind one part of the buds in a mortar and pour 5 parts of alcohol or vodka over them. Leave for a week.

    Ointment based on birch buds is very popular

    There are two ways to prepare this remedy.

    • Option one. It will take 700-800 gr. good butter, unsalted, and birch buds. All this is placed in an enamel saucepan in layers as thick as a finger. Then you need to wrap the pan with foil and put it in a warm oven for a day. To make the product more effective, you can drop a little camphor into the ointment.
    • Option two. Birch buds are poured with boiling water and then filtered. Melted lanolin is added to the resulting liquid. Allow to harden, the liquid that has formed on the surface is drained. The ointment is rubbed into sore joints for rheumatism. Can be used to treat eczema.

    Birch buds in cooking

    Birch buds can be added to beans, buckwheat or rice dishes. For those who watch their diet and want to get rid of... excess weight, tea will be useful. It is not only effective during a weight loss diet. If you add St. John's wort, chamomile and immortelle to tea made from birch buds, it will not only help to effectively solve the problem, but will also rejuvenate the body.

    The fact is that the kidneys contain a lot of vitamin PP, which perfectly breaks down fats. If you regularly drink this tea, you can cleanse your body of toxins and worms. In addition, kidneys can be added to stewed vegetable dishes. They go well with onions, carrots, pumpkin, and various types of cabbage. You can use them to cook porridge with the addition of vegetable oils.

    Unfortunately, like many medications, birch buds have contraindications for use. It should not be used by women during pregnancy or by nursing mothers.

    Are there any contraindications?

    Considering that the kidneys have a strong choleretic effect, in case of gallbladder diseases, they should not be used during an exacerbation. It is best to consult a doctor. Not all diseases of the gallbladder require the use of drugs with choleretic effect may be safe. In case of urolithiasis, consultation with your doctor will also be useful.

    What harm can be caused by birch buds?

    Don't forget that some people suffer hypersensitivity. Birch buds can provoke allergic reaction. In addition, an exacerbation of kidney disease, and exacerbation of gallbladder diseases. On early stages During pregnancy, you should also refrain from using birch buds.

    In any case, you need to remember that self-medication for any disease is contraindicated. In addition, treatment with birch buds does not cancel the medications prescribed by the doctor.

    Good afternoon, dear readers!

    Let's talk today about a truly Russian plant - birch, which can rejuvenate our body, give it vigor and beauty.

    How can a birch tree give us an attractive appearance and wellness? It's all about the birch buds. This is very strong remedy to maintain immunity and get rid of many diseases.

    If you decide to use birch buds for healing, medicinal properties and the contraindications of this natural medicine should be well studied.

    If you collect and dry herbs yourself, keep in mind that birch buds should be collected from mid-April to early May, when they are just beginning to swell. During this period they emit a resinous aroma. If you rub the bud in your hands, the smell intensifies.

    It is better to conduct the collection outside the city, where there are no highways or cars. The buds should be dried in the sun and stored in cotton bags or glass jars.

    What are the benefits of birch buds? Remember what you always used to steam in Russian bathhouses? Birch broom. Those who have at least once experienced this pleasure remember what a pleasant aroma the bathhouse fills with!

    The whole secret lies in the phytoncides contained in the leaves of the plant and, of course, in the buds. Another valuable substance is balsamic oil with its unique composition:

    • betulenic acid;
    • resinous compounds;
    • fatty acid;
    • alkaloids;
    • carotene;
    • tannins;
    • vitamins C, PP;
    • microelements and others.

    However, the invaluable characteristics of the kidneys do not end there. Birch buds have many medicinal properties:

    • diuretic;
    • choleretic;
    • blood purifying;
    • wound healing;
    • disinfectant;
    • painkillers;
    • sweatshop.

    They help a lot at different inflammatory processes and infectious diseases:

    The benefits of birch buds for women

    For women, birch buds are useful in that they facilitate the flow of blood during menstruation and promote healing in postpartum period, relieve symptoms of menopause.

    For those wishing to lose weight, they accelerate weight loss because they activate metabolism, remove toxins and waste, and are a choleretic and diuretic.

    Rinsing with a decoction of green buds is very beneficial for hair. Russian girls used to always rub their hair with fresh birch leaves after bathing. Thanks to this procedure, their braids never became thin.

    The benefits of birch buds for men

    Benefits for children

    Birch buds are useful for children because they activate metabolism and improve brain activity. Since ancient times, a decoction of birch leaves has been used to bathe infants: the phytoncides have a calming effect on infants.

    Contraindications for the use of birch buds

    However, despite such big list beneficial properties, birch buds also have some contraindications:

    • acute phase of urinary tract diseases;
    • lactation and pregnancy;
    • renal failure.

    In any case, before starting treatment with birch buds, be sure to consult your doctor.

    How to use?

    Exist various ways, how to take decoctions, ointments and tinctures of birch buds with vodka. It all depends on what healing effect you want to achieve.

    Preparing a decoction of birch buds

    To prepare a decoction of kidneys, you need to pour 10 g of raw material with a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be boiled for a quarter of an hour. Before eating, drink half a glass of the broth. This remedy will give essential vitamins in the autumn-spring period and will strengthen the body.

    Preparation of alcohol tincture of birch buds

    Alcohol tincture can be used both internally and externally.

    • To prepare it, you need to pour 20 g of birch buds with 100 ml of alcohol or vodka. Leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. Half an hour before meals you should take 20-30 drops of tincture three times a day.
    • For external use, the tincture is prepared differently. To do this, take 1 part buds and 5 parts alcohol. After a week, the product is ready. It is used for rheumatic pain, erosion, gout, eczema, and as a mouth rinse.

    Preparing ointment from birch buds

    You can prepare an ointment from birch buds. Here are some recipes on how to do this:

    • Place 0.8 kg of butter and a handful of birch buds in a deep saucepan. Cover the pan, wrap it in foil and place in the oven for a day. After preparing the ointment, you can add a little camphor to it to enhance the effect. The resulting product can lubricate joints.
    • The second method of preparing the ointment is slightly different from the previous one. Birch buds soaked in boiling water should be filled with lanolin. When the mixture hardens, the ointment can be used.
    • There is a third way, more accessible. It involves lard. To do this, you need to cut the lard into pieces and place it in a pan with a layer of 2 cm, and on top - the kidneys with a layer of 1 cm. The cooking principle is the same as in the case of butter. Place a pan with lard and kidneys in a preheated oven for 12 hours. It is best to do this during the day, then at night you can lubricate sore joints and sleep peacefully.

    If you want to be healthy, use birch buds. This folk remedy, which has virtually no contraindications and is allowed even for children.

    See you again, dear friends!