Rivanol similar drugs. Instructions for use Rivanol: methods of application and analogues

Rivanol Dep is effective cosmetic, which perfect way removes hair. Via this tool you can not only remove the hairline, but slow down their growth.

It can be used at home, follow the instructions. This drug very effective even with a lot of hair.

The composition of the drug includes ethacridine and boric acid, which are ideal substances for destruction hair bulb. Rivanol Dep is created in the form of a finely crystalline yellow powder., which is soluble in alcohol and water.

- in the form of a solution;

- in the form of a tablet;

- in the form of an ointment;

- in the form of powder.

It is worth remembering that, like any other medicine, Rivanol Dep - hair remover, possessing certain contraindications which are described in the instructions.

Rivanol Dep is a useful assistant

If you need to get rid of hairline in tender places it is best to purchase 0.1-% water solution . According to customer reviews, it can be concluded that liquid form the drug is not as convenient to use than the powder form, which is easy to make yourself.

The main thing is correct: observe correct proportions. But is it worth it to apply a homemade product to the skin. This can be dangerous, so it is better to buy a ready-made drug from a pharmacy.

Checking medication for allergic reactions

Before using any medicinal product, it is necessary to check the body's reaction to it. Apply a drop of the solution to your elbow and watch the reaction after 4-5 hours. If everything is in order, then you can start a completely painless procedure for getting rid of hairs.

Rivanol Dep medicinal substance to get rid of excess hair. It must be applied to a cotton pad and then wipe the places where the hairs need to be removed.

As solution has a bright yellow color , then there is a high probability of staining the skin in given color. Therefore, if you decide to this procedure, then best time it will be evening for her. The yellow coloration will completely disappear overnight, so in the morning you can go about your business with perfect smooth skin.

This operation must be applied every day for 14 days. After such use, hair growth slows down significantly. After 14 days, you need to stop using Rivanol in order not to make the skin very dry and dehydrated.

If the hairs are very thin and practically invisible due to the fact that they are too light, then their removal with Rivanol will be incredibly effective..

Daily use of this product will allow you to get rid of unwanted hairs completely after 5 days.

Of course, you will not be able to completely get rid of hair growth, but with this tool you can effectively slow down the time of their appearance. In addition, the drug affects the structure of the bulb so that with their future growth, the hairs will be very light and almost invisible.

Additional properties of Rivanol

Rivanol Dep - hair remover It has disinfectant property. It is also used for inflammation in areas of the skin of the face. Thus, removing hairs on the face, you can get rid of various kinds of inflammation. If there are problem areas, for example with pustules, then the drug will quickly eliminate them.

In order to make the cleaning process better and better, Rivanol tablets must be well dissolved in water and a 1% solution should be obtained.

The drug acts on the hair follicles acids, and each person tolerates this procedure differently. Before use, be sure to read customer reviews in order to track the percentage of people for whom the product did not fit.

What else is important to know about Rivanol Dep

The drug "Rivanol" (etacridine lactate) is antiseptic, which successfully fights against many pathogens. Most of all, he is "afraid" of coccal microorganisms, in particular, streptococci. More often, a freshly prepared Rivanol solution is used, although it can also be used in the form of powders, ointments or pastes. In some cases, the drug can even be used intravenously.

Where is the drug used

The scope of the drug is quite large. It is used in surgery, gynecology, dermatology, ophthalmology, urology, in the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The drug is very effective in the treatment of wounds into which the infection has already entered and where suppuration has begun. If this process has not yet begun, then the drug "Rivanol Solution" will prevent infection of the affected areas with pathogens. For treatment, ointments, powders and pastes are also used.

In surgery, the pleural cavity is washed with the drug in patients with purulent pleurisy or after suffering peritonitis

The drug "Rivanol" is effective in the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, It successfully treats chronic dermatitis

Furuncles, carbuncles - this is also the area of ​​​​application of the drug. The remedy "Rivanol solution" in these cases helps to remove pain symptoms and inflammatory process, kill dangerous bacteria

It is noteworthy that the drug can treat mucous membranes that are easily irritated by many drugs. The drug "Rivanol solution" can treat inflammation in the cavity of the larynx, pharynx and mouth, in the nasal cavity. Good results are obtained by therapy with this drug for conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, especially those caused by coccal infection.

In urology, purulent cystitis is treated with "Rivanol Solution"

Arthritis, even complicated by purulent infection, is also affected by this remedy.

The drug may be administered orally, for example, to treat inflammatory processes in the large and small intestine

In addition, the described medicament can be used as a basis for anesthetic injections mixed with novocaine, for example.

AT recent times the drug "Rivanol solution" began to be widely used to remove facial hair. It is worth dwelling on this in more detail, since facial hair is a problem that worries many. And with this drug, the process of their removal is easy, painless and gives good results.

Removal with the drug "Rivanol" (1: 1000)

Why is this drug so widely known in the field of cosmetology, in particular, in solving the problem of removing facial hair? There are several reasons for this:

    hair grows back very slowly after removal;

    removal is absolutely painless;

    The procedure takes just a few minutes.

Since the growth of facial hair is usually associated with unstable hormonal background, then ways to get rid of them are quite interesting big number of people. These are, first of all, adolescents, as well as older people who begin to experience hormonal changes.

The effect of the use of the drug "Rivanol" is very fast. A few procedures are enough - and there will be practically no hair left. Actually, you can see the result after the first attempts.

First, a solution of "Rivanol" 1:1000 is prepared. To do this, dilute 10 grams of the powder bought at the pharmacy in a liter of water. It is important to maintain the desired concentration, since the drug is excreted from the tissues rather slowly. Further, everything is very simple. With a cotton swab once a day, lubricate problem areas. Some may need two or three treatments, some may need five or six. But you need to do this every day. That's all wisdom.

The drug has only one contraindication - serious illness kidneys when protein is found in the urine. No side effects were observed from the use of this remedy. But do not forget to test for an allergic reaction.

A drug Rivanol- antiseptic agent, in the form of a powder for self cooking and in a ready-made solution with a concentration of 0.1% and 1%, has antimicrobial activity, fights coccal microorganisms, is used in gynecology, urology, surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology.

Indications for use

medicinal product Rivanol used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes as a disinfectant. Actively used medicinal product Rivanol in surgical practice, as well as in gynecology, dermatology, urology, ophthalmology, as well as in ENT practice.
The drug Rivanol is used as a solution for treating wounds for the purpose of treatment in the event that an infection has already entered the wound and a purulent process has begun, as well as for a preventive purpose, in order to prevent infection of the wound with pathogens.
The drug Rivanol is used for washing pleural cavity in the event that the patient has suffered peritonitis or with purulent pleurisy.
The drug is used as a means of combating pustular diseases skin, is a remedy that is used in psoriasis. It should be noted that the drug is used successfully in the treatment of chronic dermatoses.
The drug Rivanol effectively fights against such diseases as boils, carbuncles, the drug helps to relieve inflammation, kill pathogens.
Rivanol is also used for inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa, pharynx, larynx, and in the nasal cavity. The drug has also proven itself in the treatment of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases caused by coccal infection.
Rivanol is used to treat purulent cystitis, as well as arthritis complicated by purulent infection.
For the treatment of colitis, inflammatory diseases of the colon and small intestine the drug is administered orally.

Mode of application

Apply Rivanol externally in the form of 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% freshly prepared solutions; in dermatology, 2.5% powder, 1% ointment, 5-10% paste are also used. Sometimes with colitis (inflammation of the colon) and enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine) is prescribed orally. The highest single dose for adults inside 0.05 g, daily - 0.15 g.

Side effects

Application Rivanola may lead to the development allergic reactions, which are usually localized.
If you experience unpleasant or unusual reactions of the body to the use of the drug, you should seek the advice of a doctor who prescribed treatment using the drug Rivanol. It is the doctor who must decide whether it is advisable to continue treatment with Rivanol.


A drug Rivanol should not be used in kidney disease, especially if urinalysis shows that there is protein in the urine.


A drug Rivanol contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Interaction with other drugs

Rivanol does not combine pharmaceutically with alkalis (as a result, a precipitate forms). Insoluble compounds appear when combined with salicylates, sulfates, chlorides, benzoates.


Data on drug overdose Rivanol missing.

Storage conditions

In a dry place protected from light.

Release form

Powder 1g. package, Solution 1% 100 ml, Solution 0.1% 100 ml.


Rivanol contains: ethacridine lactate - 0.01 gr. in 0.1%, 1g. in 1%, demineralized water.

Main settings

ATX code: D08AA01 -

Rivanol is a powder and a ready-made solution at a concentration of 1% and 0.1%, which contain active substance ethacridine lactate .

Boric acid is no longer included in the composition, as it was when released in the USSR. During this time, the pharmaceutical industry has advanced, and this component is not added to the new composition.

Release form

Available in powder form (1 gr. package) and ready solution 100 ml. in two types of concentration 1% and 0.1%.

The powder is crystalline, yellow, odorless. Has a bitter taste. Poorly soluble in alcohol cold water dissolves more easily in hot water.

The aqueous solution is not stable and must be used freshly prepared.

Not available in tablet form.

pharmachologic effect

What is Rivanol is described in detail in the annotation to the drug. This tool has antiseptic effect , therefore, it is used in the process of combating a number of pathogens. The drug is most active in relation to coccal microorganisms, in particular to streptococcus .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

There is no data.

Indications for use

Rivanol is used both for treatment and for the purpose of prevention as a disinfectant. It is used in surgery, urology, dermatology, gynecology, ENT practice, ophthalmology.

It is used for the purpose of treating wounds, subject to infection and the development of purulent processes inside them. Also used for preventive treatment of wounds.

In the treatment of patients who have undergone peritonitis or purulent pleurisy , used for washing the pleural cavities.

Used to fight pustular skin diseases, at chronic dermatoses , at .

Prescribed for treatment boils , removal of inflammatory processes on the skin.

It is used in the development of inflammation on the mucous membranes of the larynx, pharynx, mouth, and in the nasal cavity.

In ophthalmology, it is used for other infectious diseases eyes caused by coccal infection.

Rivanol is also used in the treatment purulent cystitis , as well as arthritis complicated by purulent infection.

Inside is taken at , inflammation of the large and small intestines .


It is not used to treat people suffering from kidney disease, in particular, in the presence of protein in the urine. You can not take the drug with intolerance to its components.

Side effects

In the treatment of Rivanol may develop local allergic reactions .

If the patient notes the manifestation adverse reactions, he needs to immediately contact the doctor who prescribed the course of treatment.

A solution of 1% Rivanol is used to stop hair growth and, with a long course, can completely remove hair follicles.

Instructions for use Rivanol (Method and dosage)

The instruction for Rivanol provides for its external, less often - internal application. The instruction for external use provides that it is necessary to prepare a solution for external use immediately before using it.

Rivanol solution is applied externally (Rivanol 0.1% (solution 1:1000) 0.05% (1:2000), 0.2% (1:500). In dermatological practice, Rivanol 1% ointment, 2.5% powder is used , 5-10% paste based on Rivanol.

Inside is prescribed in a dose of not more than 0.05 g (single), not more than 0.15 g (daily).

Rivanol for removing hair that grows in unwanted places can be used, since it contains ethacridine , destructive hair follicle. Hair removal solution is prepared as follows: 10 grams of powder is dissolved in 10 liters warm water. Every day, the solution is applied with a cotton swab to the growth sites. unwanted hair. The solution is used every day for at least two weeks. Before starting such a course of treatment, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test by applying the solution to the bend of the elbow and waiting 6 hours. If a allergic manifestations No, you can start a course of treatment.


Cases of overdose are not described.


Rivanol is not pharmaceutically compatible with alkalis (as a result, a precipitate forms). Insoluble compounds appear when combined with salicylates , sulfates , chlorides , benzoates .

Terms of sale

The drug in the network of pharmacies is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Store the product in a dark and dry place. Store in a dark container.

Shelf life

You can store the drug for 5 years.


In pharmacies you can buy analogues of the drug -, Ethacridine lactate and others. Analogues of the solution have the same active substance, but when replacing the drug, you should still consult with your doctor first.


Ethacridine lactate , Acrinol , Acrycid , Etodin .

Perfect velvety skin without inflammation, flaws and other imperfections is what women at any age strive for. Facial hair is a real tragedy! If you are faced with similar problem, do not despair and complex, modern medicine and cosmetology offer many solutions!

You can get rid of the antennae and remove the fluff on the cheeks with the help of expensive procedures in salons (photoepilation, laser hair removal), and on their own - shugaring, wax strips, clay, epilator. Recently, a method has gained popularity that, according to reviews, does not cause any discomfort, use for hair removal Rivanola. But first, let's find out the reason for the increased growth of unwanted hair.

Causes of unwanted facial hair in women

  1. Menopause - the activity of the ovaries stops, and, as a result, the male hormone androgen begins to be intensively produced, which provokes the growth of facial hair;
  2. Puberty - hormonal changes in the body cause, in turn, changes in the structure of the hair. And again, the main “accused” is androgen;
  3. Hirsutism is a disease in which a woman's body contains very a large number of male hormones. In such a case, it is necessary special treatment, otherwise the situation may worsen over time;
  4. Heredity - you can’t hide from it, you can’t hide;
  5. Hormonal imbalance,increased hair growth on the cheekbones and temples may indicate a metabolic disorder substances;
  6. Taking certain medications;
  7. Incorrectly selected cosmetics, namely creams based on lanolin, which, with prolonged use, increase hair growth on the chin and above upper lip. Creams containing elastin and collagen in their composition are recommended to be used only after thirty-five years, otherwise facial hair growth can be provoked;
  8. And, of course, shaving and pulling with tweezers helps to turn a light fluff into coarse and dark hair.

So, the first step is to visit a gynecologist and an endocrinologist, to discover the "root of evil", and only then look for ways to get rid of unwanted hair.

Painless and fast

Relatively recently, a new "home" method of hair removal has appeared, which is based on the use of the drug Rivanol.

Rivanol (etacridine) is a disinfectant and wound healing agent. That is why it is actively used in the treatment of a number of gynecological, surgical, urological, skin and eye diseases.

You can buy Rivanol at any pharmacy without a prescription. It is sold in various forms- tablets, ointment, solution, powder, powder. To combat hair, it is precisely the solution that is needed, and one percent. The price of Rivanol is up to 400 rubles per 50 milliliters.

Like any drug, Rivanol has contraindications. But they consist of only two points - it is forbidden to use when kidney disease and individual intolerance components that make up the drug. There were no cases of negative interaction with other drugs or overdose.

Reviews of women who have used Rivanol for hair removal are mostly positive. Some used it not only on the face, but also on the arms and legs. Of course, there are those girls who did not notice the result, for whom this method did not fit. But the drug did not harm anyone, this can be said with absolute certainty.

Important! Before use, be sure to do an allergy test: lubricate a small area of ​​​​skin with a solution, for example, on the leg or elbow. If redness and itching do not occur within six hours, you can safely use Rivanol for its intended purpose.

How to use rivanol for hair removal

The whole wisdom of using the drug is as follows. It is necessary to apply a 1% solution of rivanol on a cotton pad and wipe the problem areas once a day, daily, without interruptions. The result should be visible within a week. Unwanted hairs will thin out, become brittle and light.

If after two weeks you notice that there are no more visible changes, the procedure can be stopped. Still, Rivanol is a drug, an antiseptic, and it is not recommended to use it for too long.

The only drawback of this method is that the effect will not be lightning fast, you need patience and regularity. But the method is absolutely painless and gives a lasting effect - the hair grows very slowly, or does not appear at all! By the way, now you can forget not only about the hair on the face, but also on the arms, legs, in the armpit area!

Rivanol can also be used:

  • at inflammatory diseases skin, mouth, eyes, burns, as well as for the disinfection of small abrasions and wounds.
  • with boils and abscesses, abrasions, abscesses, weeping abrasions, diaper rash in the form of compresses and dressings with a solution.
  • with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, pharynx, flux in the form of a rinse.

In custody

Rivanol for hair removal is just perfect! This method can rightfully be called effective and relatively budgetary. Excellent result for short term and without side effects– what more could you want! And also this drug is good to have in your first aid kit - it can solve many problems.

Now you know what to do if hormones have played a cruel joke. The most important thing is to visit a doctor in time and find out the cause.