Technological line for the production of canned fruits for baby food. Which baby food manufacturers can you trust?

Each parent tries to give their child the best. This is especially true for food. I just want to give the child quality products. Despite the huge variety of companies involved in the production baby food It can be very difficult to choose cereals, mixtures and purees for a child.

Major manufacturers of formula for artificial feeding

Available for sale today great amount formulas for children artificial feeding, they differ in age restrictions, composition and the presence of vitamin supplements in them. Manufacturers, in the struggle for their positions in the market, have created mixtures for premature babies, children suffering from constipation or regurgitation. Let's look at the most popular manufacturers of mixtures.

  • “NUTRICIA” (Nutrition) - a Dutch manufacturer produces vitamin-enriched formulas for children from birth “Nutrilon”, “Nutri-Soya”, for children suffering from protein intolerance cow's milk, "Nental" and "Pippi Junior".
  • Bellakt is a Belarusian company. Often the company's products are received by pregnant and lactating women in public clinics. There are mixtures that are suitable for mixed feeding, and all ages.
  • "FRIESLAND NUTRITION" (Friesland Nutrilon), a company founded in the Netherlands, has long been successfully engaged in the production and manufacture of various formulas and breast milk substitutes, such as "Enfamil", "Frisolak", "Frisosoy", "Frisomel", "Frisopre" and etc.
  • Nestle is a huge corporation, for which the production of formula and baby food products is only one of many industries. This brand is popular among Russian mothers. These are mixtures of “NAN” (Nan), “Bona”, “NESTOGEN”.
  • “Istra – Nutricia” is a Russian company that produces “Malyutka” and “Bebelak” mixtures.
  • "Bibikol" (New Zealand) - the plant produces mixtures of "Nanny" and instant goat milk"Amalthea".
    For your convenience, we have tried to list the most common manufacturers of infant formula. It is important to remember that with all the variety of products in stores and pharmacies, pediatricians do not recommend changing the formula frequently. If the product you are currently feeding your child suits you, and the baby does not have problems with allergies or rashes, it is better to use this mixture in the future.

Main manufacturers of cereals for baby food

In this section, we have tried to compile a list of the main porridge manufacturers on the market in our country. We hope that after studying this list, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of porridge for your child.

  • “Agusha” – milk and dairy-free porridges. All types contain salt and fructose.
  • “Babushkino Koloshko” – there are dairy and dairy-free ones with prebiotics.
  • “Baby Premium” – hypoallergenic, dairy-free and dairy-free, there are porridges for afternoon snacks with a variety of additives.
  • "Bellakt" - dairy and non-dairy, made on the basis of puree.
  • "Karapuz" - milk, dairy-free and liquid porridges of various tastes.
  • "Malyutka" - a proven domestic manufacturer offers 18 types of porridges, dairy and non-dairy.
  • “Nestlé” – dairy-free porridge for first feeding, “Pomogayka” porridge with probiotics, milk porridge with bifidobacteria, “Shagayka” porridge with pieces of fruit for older children.
  • “Nutrilon” - milk and dairy-free porridges, there are hypoallergenic types.
  • “Semper” - dairy-free and milk-free porridges, available for morning and evening meals.
  • “Naturbalance” – milk, dairy-free and liquid porridges.
  • “Frutonyanya” - dairy-free, dairy-free, liquid with prebiotics, pureed porridge.
  • “Heinz” - dairy-free, milk porridges, some are low-allergenic, for older children they have released the “Tasty porridges” line, they are thicker and contain pieces of fruit and berries.
  • “Hipp” (Hipp) – dairy-free and milk-free types of porridges, biorice broth, eat porridge before bed “Good night”.
    Each manufacturer indicates on the box the age at which this product can be introduced. However, before offering porridge to your child, you should consult your pediatrician.

    Main manufacturers of baby purees

    Very useful product for a growing body - baby puree. At correct production and the packaging of the puree contains a lot useful substances. Almost all products in the store meet quality standards and have passed many tests. Consider the most popular manufacturers baby puree, and we will present survey data on what product the residents of our country prefer for their children.
    "Heinz" and "Gerber" occupy leading positions in the ranking of manufacturers, are famous for their environmentally friendly ingredients and high quality products. The main part of the product range is produced at factories in Russia. Reviews by this product positive. Many consumers are unhappy with the high price.
    "Unimilk" plant is a leader among domestic producers, although sales of the manufacturer's purees lag behind foreign competitors.
    “Wim-bill-dan” - reviews about this manufacturer’s purees are contradictory, some parents are satisfied with the product, others are absolutely not, although no serious violations were identified when checking the quality of the product.
    "Simva" - the Russian manufacturer has earned many positive feedback about the quality of your product.
    Domestic purees “Agusha”, “Frutonyanya”, “Tyoma”, “Babushkino Lukoshko” are in great demand - they take first place in the ranking of purees for children’s nutrition early age.

    Russian manufacturers

    Despite the fact that many foreign manufacturers are opening enterprises for the production of food for children in Russia, domestic enterprises are not inferior to competitors and offer their products of high quality.
    One of the most popular domestic manufacturers is Agusha. For the production of food, equipment from Italy is used, and a constant quality control system has been established.
    In addition to popular brands There are still many domestic manufacturers of baby food, including large factories, whose products are loved by the residents of our country: Tyoma, Malyutka, Babushkino Lukoshko, Frutonyanya, Spelyonok, etc.

    Baby food "Malyutka"

    “Malyutka” is familiar to our mothers, since many of them grew up on the products of this manufacturer. Today, the line of Malyutka products offered is much wider than in Soviet times.
    There are several types of “Malyutka” formulas for newborns, suitable for different types of digestion. child's body. The manufacturer's age range is divided into three groups.
    For the first complementary feeding, Malyutka offers porridges that do not require cooking. 4 types of low-allergenic dairy-free porridges and 12 types of milk porridges with fruit additives.
    The plant producing baby food “Malyutka” is located in the Moscow region. The quality of the manufacturer's products is beyond doubt. And numerous studies and tests confirm this fact.
    “Malyutka” is a manufacturer of food for young children, which has proven its position in the market with many years of work and consistently affordable prices.

    Conclusion: before making decisions about which baby food brands are suitable for your child, we strongly recommend that you consult with your pediatrician, and also ensure that you follow the recommendations for the use and storage of products.

Since 2010, sales of food for children have increased significantly in the country. This is due not only to an improvement in the demographic situation, but also to an increase in product consumption per child. All types of such nutrition are divided into two categories. These are "substitutes" human milk» and complementary feeding products. Based on this, various raw materials are used for the production of baby food.

Main types of raw materials for baby food

Baby formulas

Mixtures come in different bases.

It should be highlighted the following types mixtures:

  • dairy;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • grain;
  • meat;
  • fish

One way or another, any raw materials used must be tested and cleaned. also in mandatory for each type it is necessary to take into account certain specifics.

Milk formulas

For the first type of mixtures, whole, skim and powdered milk is used. Sour cream, cream, and cow butter can also be used. Whole milk has a sweetish, pleasant taste. It has a uniform consistency and White color with a creamy tint.

It is worth noting that it should contain no less:

  • 12.5% ​​dry matter;
  • 3% proteins;
  • 3.3% fat;
  • 4.6% lactose.

In this case, the acidity should be no more than 16-18T. Concerning skim milk, then it has a specific taste. It is obtained by separation. It is characterized by a white color with a bluish tint.

Powdered milk, in turn, is obtained by condensation under vacuum. This type of raw material necessarily undergoes two stages of processing. First it is received, then it is sorted and cooled. Before production itself, it is reheated and separated. Next is pasteurization and homogenization. Afterwards, the raw materials are dried in special equipment, and then mixed with other additives and packaged.

Canned foods

Almost all types of fruits and vegetables are used in the production of canned food:

  • apples;
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • black currant;
  • citrus;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin.

In this case, the raw materials for the production of baby food go through the stages of receiving, sorting, cleaning and preparation, that is, seeds and pits are removed. Next, the products are washed and crushed. It should be noted that at the same time their beneficial features are completely preserved. The raw materials are mixed with water to a puree consistency, and then with all other components and heated. All this must be checked for various impurities, and only then sent for packaging.

Grain raw materials for the production of baby food

As for grain raw materials, this also has its own characteristics. Initially, it is cleaned and passed through a sieve, and then treated with steam. Then the raw materials are crushed, sifted and mixed with other components. Only after checking for impurities does it go for packaging.

Canned food has a different production scheme. Initially, the raw materials can be processed, then the bones are removed. After mixing with the remaining components, filtration, homogenization and air removal must be carried out. The last stage is sterilization. In this case, the temperature should be very high. Next comes packaging.

Meat and fish raw materials have a nutritional basis of animal proteins. It contains a set of amino acids that are useful for a growing organism. Can be used different kinds meat: pork, beef, lamb, poultry. By-products are also widely used. As for fish, these are hake, pike perch, and carp.

Regardless of the type of raw material, the technology is as follows:

  • acceptance and inspection of components;
  • cleaning and preparation;
  • mixing and dosing;
  • packing and packing.

The manufacture of each type of product has its own specifics, which must be taken into account.

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Nutricia, a company specializing in the production of baby food, was founded in 1896 in the Dutch town of Zoetermeer. Its founder, Martinus van der Hagen, was the first in the world to obtain the right to produce special milk for infants, similar in composition to mother's milk. In 2007, Nutricia became part of Danone's infant nutrition division (Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition), and the company's products are now sold in more than 100 countries. Nutricia began operating in Russia in 1994, and in 1995 acquired a baby food production plant in the city of Istra and completely modernized it. Now baby formula and cereals under the Malyutka brand are produced here.

The milk base comes to Nutricia from Ireland. It is a dry powder obtained by mixing milk, whey and vegetable oils. The mixture is stirred and then sprayed using a nozzle. Under the influence of hot air, water evaporates from the formed particles and as a result a powder is formed. It is packaged in big bags, which are simultaneously filled with nitrogen, which displaces the air. This is done to prevent oxidation from occurring inside the package. The big bag is hermetically sealed, and then a second bag is put on it for transportation.

Other raw materials enter the plant in the same form: vitamins and minerals, which are delivered from factories in the Netherlands. Nutricia works with foreign suppliers because Russian farmers are not yet able to provide raw materials of adequate quality. All raw materials entering the plant are tested in a physical, chemical and microbiological laboratory. The second is taken outside of production, again to minimize risks.

Then the bags of raw materials are moved to a high-control area. To do this, they pass through a special gateway, in which the transport packaging is removed from them and transferred from wooden pallets to plastic ones. This area is protected from any harmful microorganisms. Local air passes through several stages of filtration. Purified air is supplied to the room through fabric sleeves; they are easy to remove and wash. All equipment and instruments passing through the gateway are disinfected. In addition, the high-control zone is completely free of water. They wash and clean here exclusively with vacuum cleaners. All plant employees undergo daily medical checkup and are not allowed to work if they show mild signs of illness. Those who drive vehicles also undergo a blood alcohol test.

Baby food has increased requirements for primary packaging (that which is in direct contact with the product). For this, foil is always used, which, in addition to its barrier properties, is also good because it does not interact with the product in any way. Every new supplier undergoes quality testing and each batch of material is tested for microbiology.

From here the raw materials are lifted to the fourth floor into the mixing area. There, the bags are opened, the mouth of the bags is disinfected and connected to the equipment, so that the ingredients fall into it without contact with external environment. The components are dosed using high-precision cells and then enter the blender. If there is any deviation, the process automatically stops. After the blender, the mixture falls onto a sieve with a mesh size of 1.4 mm. This is a barrier to possible third-party inclusions in the product. There is a giant magnet here for the same purpose. Dosing, mixing and screening take place on different floors, that is, the process is built vertically, from top to bottom. Typically, compressed air is used to transport the product through pipes, but here it falls under its own weight.

Flour that has passed the incoming control is sifted and then, together with water, enters the extruder for processing. There at a temperature of 180 degrees and high blood pressure the molecular structure of the flour breaks down. This process is somewhat reminiscent of making popcorn. Each particle seems to explode and become like a corn stick. The flour is being prepared, and at the same time thanks to high temperature all extraneous microflora dies. The resulting pellets are then dried and ground. This process saves many nutritional properties, taste and aroma of the product.

The mixed product passes through three floors and enters the packaging area. The contents are packaged into bags in a nitrogen environment. Nitrogen is a safe inert gas that displaces oxygen from the pack, creating a sealed environment and preventing oxidation. Percentage oxygen in the pack is less than 2%. This packaging allows you to store the product for 18 months.

Then the packages are weighed and move to the low control zone, where they are packed into cardboard boxes along with spoons. Each box is marked with its own unique number, in which it is encrypted full information about the product. The boxes are then put through an X-ray machine where they are checked for foreign matter. If the camera sees a particle that differs in density from the rest, the pack is rejected.

Boxes of product are packed into transport boxes, which are then placed on wooden pallets by an automatic stacking robot. The formed pallet is wrapped in a transparent protective film, marked and delivered to the warehouse in the quarantine zone. Within five days the product undergoes final checks. To do this, samples are taken from each batch and sent to the laboratory. Only after this the product leaves the quarantine zone and is sent to stores.

How to open a baby food business?

One of the most profitable business areas is the production of baby food. Given the increase in the birth rate and food costs per child in a family, the demand for it is constantly growing. Create own production quite complicated and time consuming. But big investment(not only material) are justified by profitability and numerous opportunities to improve production and product quality.

Types of baby food

Baby food is very diverse. The following types are distinguished:

1) Dairy based. Baby food of this type is intended to replace breast milk during the first few years of children's lives. In turn, it is divided into:
- adapted
- partially adapted
- dry
- liquid
- adapted
- fresh
- fermented milk

This group also includes all kinds of curds, yoghurts, and milk. Such products are suitable for older people.

2) Cereal based. This category includes porridges that are enriched with vitamins and given to children as complementary foods.

3) Vegetable and fruit based. These products include purees and baby juices that can be given starting from 3 months of age.

4) Meat products: canned meat or fish. They are nutritious and high in calories, and can be fed to children from 7 months.

5) Dietary products. They are divided into subcategories and given to those children who have problems with their body.
- lactose-free
- gluten-free
- with bifidobacteria
- based on protein hydrolysis

Baby food as a business

The production of baby food as a business is a rather complex task. Therefore, at the first stage, it is better for novice entrepreneurs to focus on those products that are not only in great demand, but also have a long shelf life along with a simple technological process.

Of the advantages, the prospects for the equipment should be highlighted separately, because it is intended not only for the production of baby food products , but in general for release fermented milk products and canned meat.

To open such a business you will need a large number of starting capital: about 8 million rubles (excluding equipment). It is very difficult to predict specific income, but in general the picture looks like this: if you produce 90 tons of baby puree, which is 360 thousand jars of 250 g each (that is, about 3 thousand jars per hour), then at least 130 tons will be required per month raw materials. The costs will be at least 3 million rubles.

If we take milk formula as an example, then the production of a ton will require raw materials with a total cost of 114,000 rubles. At the same time, a jar of puree costs no more than 20-25 rubles, and a jar of milk mixture costs no more than 140 rubles.

Production technology as starting a business

The most important thing you should pay attention to when starting a business is the technology for producing baby food. It includes several stages:

  1. Reception of raw materials.
  2. His check.
  3. Purification of raw materials.
  4. Preparation.
  5. Mixing, dosage.
  6. Packaging.
  7. Packaging of the finished product.

But the production of each type of food has its own characteristics. For example, infant formula has two stages of processing. First, the raw materials are received, then cleaned, sorted, and cooled. Before production itself, it is heated and separated. After this, the milk is pasteurized, normalized and homogenized. The raw materials are diluted with milk sugar, heated and cleaned. At temperatures above 100 degrees, the mixture is processed, vitamins are added to it and homogenized. At subsequent stages, the mixture is dried in a special installation. Then it is mixed with the other components and packaged.

Fruit and vegetable mixtures go through the following stages.

1) Preparatory. The raw materials are sorted, cleaned of rotten fruits, and seeds and seeds are removed from good fruits.

2) After cleaning, the raw materials are washed, crushed, and all useful elements must be preserved.

4) Then it is mixed, sent for heating and homogenized if necessary.

5) The mass is heated to 85 degrees, loaded into a container and sealed.

Grain mixtures have the following production technology. The grain is cleaned using magnetic installations and passed through special sieves. Before sifting, the cereal is steamed. Then it is crushed and sifted again. Next step: mixing the porridge components. An electromagnetic separator checks mixtures for unnecessary impurities. Afterwards it is packaged in boxes, bags, and jars.

Canned food and production stages

1) The raw materials are processed (meat and fish are separated from the bones) and cut into pieces.

2) The raw materials are crushed and mixed with the components.

3) Then it is filtered, blanched, homogenized, and air is removed.

4) The last stage is packaging and sterilization for half an hour at a temperature of 120 degrees.

Raw materials for production

Raw materials are purchased from suppliers either in Russia or abroad. Milk of any consistency, sour cream, butter and cream are used as dairy raw materials. Grain raw materials include cereals and flour. Meat raw materials include all types of poultry, offal and meat. All berries, fruits and vegetables serve as fruit and vegetable raw materials. A large assortment of fish is purchased from fish raw materials: ocean, freshwater, sea.

Equipment and premises for production

Obviously, all technological process must be carried out at the factory, which, in turn, must meet all types of safety requirements. The room must be equipped with a ventilation system. The workshop must be equipped various types ventilation, as required by hygiene. All warehouses, laboratories, and household premises are equipped with separate ventilation systems.

According to SanPiN, the air that enters the room must pass through cleaning filters. All products should not be kept near heating devices or in direct sunlight.

Equipment needed for production baby food, and namely products from fruit and vegetable raw materials.

1) Washing machine – 300,000 rubles.
2) Crusher – 50,000 rub.
3) Steam thermal unit – 500,000 rubles.
4) Blancher – 70,000 rubles.
5) Wiping machine – RUB 350,000.

Equipment necessary for the production of porridges.

1) Grain hulling machine – 200,000 rubles.
2) Sifter – 12,000 rubles.
3) Grinding unit – 150,000 rubles.
4) Screw dryer – RUB 300,000.
5) Aspirator – 70,000 rubles.
Equipment intended for the production of canned food.
1) Defrosting chambers – 300,000 rubles.
2) Machine for grinding raw materials – 150,000 rubles.
3) Refrigeration chambers – 150,000 rubles.
4) Units for deboning meat – 200,000 rubles.
5) Mixing/salting unit – RUB 250,000.

General equipment.

1) Seaming machine – 500,000 rubles.
2) Autoclave – 600,000 rubles.
3) Washing machine – 400,000 rubles.
4) Labeling machine – 200,000 rubles.
5) Packing machine – 1,000,000 rubles.
6) Pump – 40,000 rub.
7) Tank – 650,000 rubles.
8) Belt conveyor – 25,000 rubles. per meter
9) Scales, carts, loaders, saws.

Employees and positions

It will be necessary to hire a large number of employees for operational positions.
- Loaders
- Engineers
- Helper workers
- Cleaners
- Accountant
- Packers
- Packers
- Technologists
- Warehouse managers
- Security guards

The number of employees depends on the size of the enterprise. Although everything is automated, people will still be needed to manage the process.

Important documents

To open such a business you need to obtain a certificate of state registration. The following documents will be required:
1) Application for registration,
2) Technical documentation,
3) Consumer label,
4) Product test results,
5) Sampling report,
6) A copy of the trademark.


All manufactured products reach store shelves through intermediaries. The target audience is parents. Products can be supplied not only directly to supermarkets, but also to specialized children's stores.

How to attract customers and increase sales?

Considering that there are already many manufacturers who have proven themselves with the best side, you can increase sales and attract customers with the help of some tips.

1) We must try to constantly expand the range and release new products.

2) It is important to take time to pack. It should be comfortable and airtight.

3) Packing should be carried out in small jars, to which straws or spoons should be additionally attached.

The production of baby food is a complex process that requires not only basic knowledge and experience, but also large financial investments. Therefore, you should not create an enterprise thoughtlessly. You must first soberly assess your strengths, level of awareness, and only then begin to develop a strategy for creating an enterprise.

Business plan for baby food production dedicated to substantiating the economic efficiency of creating an enterprise for the production of baby food.

Baby food market actively developed until 2009, but rising food prices during the economic crisis led to a reduction in volumes. There was an increase in 2010 Russian production among baby food products. The increase in consumption of products intended for feeding children is a consequence not only of an increase in the birth rate, but also as a result of changes in women's lifestyles. More and more parents stop wasting time on cooking, buying ready-made formulas, canned food and instant cereals.

The fruit and vegetable juice segment accounts for more than half of the baby food market. This can be explained by the fact that among consumers there are buyers different ages, and not just children. Other market segments account for a smaller volume, since they are included only in the diet of children. The smallest volume falls on the segment of dry milk mixtures and powdered milk. On Russian market The share of imports is large in the segment of canned meat and fruit and vegetables, as well as in the segment of dry milk mixtures. The smallest share of imported products falls on the segment of juices, liquid and paste dairy products.

The income part of the business plan is based on the marketing research"Baby food market", which ensures the relevance and reliability of the source data. The format of the explanatory note (report) corresponds to methodological recommendations Ministries Agriculture and the requirements of OJSC Rosselkhozbank. The business plan is accompanied by a financial model (in MS Excel format), which takes into account all aspects of financial planning and meets the standards of leading banks.

The goal of the project is development food industry and organization of processing of agricultural products.

Project type - organization of production on the basis of purchased equipment, construction of warehouses and production facilities.

The way to achieve the goal is Mastery modern technologies production and processing of agricultural products, ensuring the profitability of production and increasing employment.

We offer to update the data according to your conditions free of charge. The update period is 5 working days.

Baby food production concept

Production of baby food
Plant capacity *** tons per year
Consumers - the population of the project implementation region and neighboring regions
Sales of products through chain stores, wholesale and retail markets, pavilions, convenience stores

Product consumers

Individuals (divided by income level);

Ready-made business plan for a baby food shop

Based on up-to-date information about the state of the industry
Complies with the standards of Russian and international banks
Includes a full-fledged financial model for further project implementation
Considers influence federal programs agricultural development

Financing scheme

The total cost of the project is *** million rubles
Own funds - 50%
Borrowed funds - 50%
Loan volume - *** million rubles
Interest rate - 14%
Loan collateral - collateral in the amount of *** rub.

Assessment of the economic efficiency of the project:

Payback period (PBP) - *** years.
accepted discount rate (D) - 18%
discounted payback period (DPBP) - *** years
net present value (NPV) - *** rub.
internal rate of return (IRR) - ***%
investment return index (PI) - ***
Project break-even point (BEP) - ***%
repayment period of borrowed funds (RP) - *** years.
debt coverage ratio (minimum) - ***

The report contains 59 pages, 22 tables,4 drawings

1.1. Project goals
1.2. Project financing
1.3. Project economic efficiency indicators
2.1. general information about the project
2.2. Product Description
2.3. Baby food production technology
2.4. Characteristics of the purchased equipment (equipment)
2.5. Environmental issues in production
3.1. Volume and dynamics of the baby food market
3.2. Domestic production and main manufacturers
3.3. Export and import
4.1. Market of raw materials and supplies
4.2. Potential sales market capacity
4.3. Marketing strategy project
5.1. Organizational and legal form of project implementation
5.2. Main partners
5.3. Project implementation schedule
6.1. Conditions and assumptions adopted for the calculation
6.2. Initial data
6.3. Tax environment
6.4. Product range and prices
6.5. Product production plan
6.6. Nomenclature and prices of raw materials and materials
6.7. Number of personnel and wage
6.8. Overheads
6.9. Capital Expenditures and Depreciation
6.10. Product costing
6.11. The need for initial working capital
6.12. Investment costs
6.13. Calculation of profits, losses and cash flows
6.14. Sources, forms and conditions of financing
6.15. Assessment of the economic efficiency of the project
7.1. Sensitivity Analysis
7.2. Break-even level
7.3. Project risk assessment
Appendix 1. Production technology
Appendix 2. List of purchased equipment
Appendix 3. Number of staff
Appendix 4. Organizational plan
Appendix 5. Tax environment
Appendix 6. Calculation of prices for resources
Appendix 7. Overhead costs
Appendix 8. Calculation of net profit
Appendix 9. Project financing and debt service schedule
Appendix 10. Risk assessment

List of tables

Table 1 Nomenclature and prices of products as of August 2012
Table 2 Product production plan
Table 3 Number of personnel and wages
Table 4 Capital costs
Table 5 Product production cost structure
Table 6. Investment costs
Table 7 Project efficiency indicators and calculation parameters
Table 8 Critical changes in risk assessment parameters
Table 9 Probability of operational risks
Table 10 Probability of capital investment risks
Table 11 List of purchased equipment and inventory
Table 12 Staffing and wages
Table 13. Personnel introduction plan for the first year of the Plant’s operation
Table 14 Stages of project implementation
Table 15 Tax environment
Table 16 Calculation of prices for resources
Table 17 Overhead costs
Table 18 Calculation of net profit
Table 19 Project financing and debt service schedule
Table 20 Changes in the discount rate and payback period of the project
Table 21 Price changes finished products and production costs
Table 22 Changes in prices of finished products and production volumes

List of drawings

Figure 1. Structure of fruit imports
Figure 2 Fruit puree production line
Figure 3. Fruit filling production line
Figure 4. Fruit curd production line