The dog's stomach is swollen - causes. Acute bloating in dogs

doctor intensive care

Owners often pay attention to gradual increase volume of the abdomen, but they do not always give it great importance, thinking that his animal had simply gotten better.
However, a gradual increase in abdominal volume may be a sign various diseases.
Let's talk about the most common ones.

  • Enlargement of the abdomen due to accumulation in abdominal cavity free liquid(ascites).
    Typically, ascites is a sign cardiovascular diseases or liver disease, less often kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract. The belly of such animals looks saggy. If you lift a dog by its front paws, the fluid moves down and the belly becomes pear-shaped.
  • At oncological diseases abdominal organs, an increase in abdominal volume is associated with tumor growth. When examining such an animal, you can sometimes feel a dense formation, and if you look at the animal from above, you can often notice the asymmetry of the abdomen.
  • Female dogs often have a disease called pyometra.
    With this pathology, the uterine cavity is filled with purulent contents, and the amount can be so significant that it leads to an increase in the shape of the abdomen. This disease usually occurs shortly after estrus, and it characteristic feature is increased thirst. Treatment in this case is only surgical, and the sooner this disease is diagnosed and the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance for the animal to recover faster after surgery.

All these conditions can, for the time being, occur against the background of the relative well-being of the animal. The dog owner should clearly know that a gradual increase in the abdomen can be a normal option only in case of pregnancy (obesity is not considered as a normal option).
Therefore, if you notice that your abdominal volume is Lately your pet has increased, it is better to visit a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

In order to understand why your dog’s abdominal volume has increased, in addition to the usual examination, the doctor’s arsenal includes visual diagnostic methods (ultrasound of the abdomen and heart, x-rays) and a well-equipped laboratory.
In addition, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor uses additional methods diagnostics
For example, for ascites, the doctor must perform a puncture in the abdominal wall (laparocentesis) to take a sample of ascites fluid for laboratory research.
If the dog’s condition leaves much to be desired, it is lethargic, and has shortness of breath, the doctor will remove some of the fluid from the abdominal cavity by puncturing the abdominal wall. This is necessary to alleviate the patient’s condition and normalize the functioning of the heart, lungs and other vital functions. important organs until the cause of ascites is determined. A final diagnosis may require consultation with a specialist: cardiologist, oncologist, surgeon.
In controversial cases, when it is not possible to supply accurate diagnosis(usually this happens with cancer of the abdominal organs), an exploratory operation may be required. This most often happens with tumor diseases of the abdominal cavity. The operation is used to surgically cure the patient (if possible), clarify the diagnosis, or take a biopsy.

Remember! The cause of your dog's enlarged belly can be simple or difficult to figure out. But she cannot be frivolous. If a dog has an enlarged belly, there is a serious disorder in its body. Don't wait for a miracle, seek help as quickly as possible. Your dog will thank you, because everything is higher listed diseases It is better and more effective to treat in the early stages.

Belyakov Denis Alexandrovich
intensive care doctor

Stomach bloating is not uncommon for dogs. However, this is quite dangerous condition due to the fact that stretching by gases leads to obstruction of the esophagus, or even torsion of the stomach and its further displacement.

As a result, lung function is impaired and venous outflow, arises cardiovascular failure, the animal experiences rapid shock and dies literally within one to two hours. Bloating in a dog is called flatulence.

  • Gases are always formed in the intestines as a result of digestion. But in a normal situation they move through the intestines and are pushed out.
  • Often, excessive gas formation in the intestines occurs when air is swallowed while eating, when the dog eats too quickly, swallowing food whole.
  • The most common cause of flatulence is deep violations digestive system. They cause congestion in the stomach large quantity gases, which occurs due to rotting food debris. This occurs when the intestines have difficulty digesting certain foods.
  • Flatulence may also accompany food allergies and intestinal diseases that disrupt its normal functioning.


Flatulence can be acute, delayed or chronic form. At chronic course it does not particularly manifest itself as a disease, but over time the animal experiences disturbances in the functioning of the liver and pancreas, which increasingly lead to improper digestion of food.

Veterinarians are often blamed for the development of this condition.

Much more dangerous acute form diseases. At the same time, the dog whines and worries, its stomach is swollen and tense, diarrhea and vomiting may develop, its appetite decreases, and its gums become bluish or gray. An urgent visit to a veterinarian is required, who will conduct necessary research to exclude deficiency of digestive enzymes and intestinal diseases. As a rule, stool and blood tests are taken.

Treatment of bloating in dogs

The main task in the treatment of flatulence is to relieve bloating. To do this, it is necessary to rinse the stomach using an oroesophageal tube and introduce sorbents into it. Sometimes veterinarians pierce abdominal wall a special needle - a trocar, to remove gases.

In severe cases, intensive therapy with peristalsis stimulants is carried out with support for the cardiovascular system.

Preventive measures for flatulence

  • In order to avoid intensive care, it is best to feed the animal properly so that it does not have flatulence. Especially it concerns large breeds dogs that are most likely to experience bloating.
  • The diet of a dog prone to flatulence should consist of easily digestible food, divided into small pieces to avoid swallowing air. It is better to feed three times a day after a walk. You should not give your dog water to drink immediately after active play.
  • It is also better not to experiment with food, but to make any transition to a new diet gradually.

Endless dysbiosis and bloating have become everyday “companions” of a person. Recently, an uncomfortable illness has become a popular diagnosis among smaller brothers. Bloating in a dog is a multifaceted symptom that indicates an inappropriate diet in best case scenario, on incurable disease- at worst.

Dogs, by their nature, are predators and flour and other foods containing “fast” carbohydrates are alien to their digestion. By pampering your pet with a slice of pizza or bun, you are interfering with the “normal” metabolism. All foods, including vegetables, that provide “quick energy” cause fermentation.

The bacteria that cause fermentation love sugar. By eating carbohydrates, microorganisms release gas, which collects in bubbles and rises. The longer food is digested, the more gas accumulates in the cavity of the stomach and intestines. A strong dog that eats a little “bad stuff” gets rid of the trouble naturally- through the anus.

Need to know! In medicine and veterinary medicine, the process of removing gases from the intestines is called.

What to do if your dog is constantly “farting”? On initial stage, you can help your pet yourself. Your goals:

  • Reduce gas pressure on the abdominal wall - give children's medications for bloating (Espumizan and analogues).
  • Activate intestinal microflora – Hilak Forte or equivalent. At the rate of 5 drops per 5 kg of weight.
  • Relieve swelling and irritation - Smecta, Enterosgel.
  • Gently cleanse the intestines - Duphalac or equivalent.

Bloating is most often seen in dogs with deep chests, particularly Doberman Pinschers. German Shepherds, St. Bernards, Weimaraners, Great Danes, Standard Poodles, Bobtails, Newfoundlands, as well as in older dogs. Males are more likely to suffer from bloat than females.

Bloating in dogs can be a health hazard. It occurs due to the accumulation of gases in the stomach. A bloated stomach puts pressure on others internal organs, falls blood pressure. Blood flow to the stomach and heart stops, and the stomach walls may rupture. The main danger is that bloating can occur with gastric volvulus. Therefore, observing the first symptoms, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Symptoms of bloating in dogs

Typical symptoms may not necessarily occur at the same time. But even with the appearance of the first symptoms, you need to act quickly.

Characteristic symptoms are expressed in an unsuccessful urge to vomit, every 5-30 minutes, with possible separation foam. The urge to vomit may be perceived as a frequent cough.

The animal shows anxiety, whines and cannot take a comfortable position, walks crouched, with an arched back.

The animal's belly increases in size and becomes taut like a drum.

The dog has weakness, shortness of breath, cardiopalmus. The animal may attempt to defecate, which ends unsuccessfully, and may also try to eat pebbles or other hard objects.


There are many reasons for stomach bloating in dogs. A common reason is that the pet may have eaten food that contains foods that contribute to the formation and accumulation of gases in the stomach. These products include brewer's yeast, soy, as well as lemon acid, which often acts as a preservative.

Bloating can occur as a result of air entering the stomach if the animal absorbs food and water too quickly.

Stress, which can be caused by childbirth, exhibitions, changes in the dog’s lifestyle, as well as physical activity before and immediately after meals can also cause bloating in dogs.

One of the reasons may be a hereditary predisposition or diseases of the pancreas.

Treatment of bloating in dogs

Treatment methods depend on the severity of the animal's condition. The veterinarian will insert a tube (probe) into the dog's stomach through the throat to relieve pressure and release accumulated gases. In severe cases veterinarian For the same purpose, a puncture can be made in the stomach with a hollow needle.

A dog in a state of shock is given special medications, and the pain is relieved with antibiotics. IN veterinary clinic They may take an x-ray to check the condition of other organs and the absence of gastric volvulus.


In a dog's first aid kit, especially knowing about the pet's predisposition to bloating, there should always be drugs against the formation of gases.

You can avoid bloating if you don’t allow quick appointment food. To do this, you can use labyrinth bowls and feed the daily portion not in one, but in 2-3 doses per day.

The correct feeding regimen will avoid many problems. The dog should not be allowed to drink an hour before or after meals, so as not to dilute the gastric juice necessary for proper digestion of food, otherwise gases will form. Physical exercise allowed only at least an hour before and after meals.

You need to transfer from one food to another gradually. Choose high-quality dry food that does not contain fat as one of the first four ingredients. It is better to give preference to feed with low content carbohydrates, the source of which is cereals. It is known that grains ferment in the stomach, resulting in the formation of gases.

At natural feeding the diet must include at least 30% raw meat And sufficient quantity fiber. Herbs for pets help reduce the formation of gases.

It is important to avoid stressful situations or minimize stress.

Some “intimate” problems associated with digestion can affect not only humans. Pets suffer from them only slightly less often. For example, a dog has gas. This pathology causes many problems both for the pet itself and for its owners. Let’s say, it’s not easy to live in the same apartment with a dog who… every minute “spoils the air” and at the same time resembles an inflated balloon.

Flatulence, as a by-product of bacterial fermentation, often develops due to poor-quality feeding of the animal. Various dietary fibers complex carbohydrates, overeating or a sudden change in diet are the main predisposing factors. It is also believed that some other brachycephalic breeds are inherently predisposed. But not only pure flatulence can be the result of problems with feeding or digestion.

Increased “secretion” of intestinal gases can cause not only flatulence, but also aerophagia. It is usually accompanied by a phenomenon also known as "borborygmy". Chronic stomach grumbling is not its only manifestation. It should not be assumed that all cases of borborygmi are accompanied by flatulence. Excess gases can force the dog to constantly, but in this case they are still evacuated from the body, and therefore there are fewer prerequisites for flatulence. So many veterinarians are of the opinion that in these two cases the “generation” of intestinal gases occurs by various reasons and leads to various consequences.

Borborygmi, in particular, can occur in dogs, greedily and in large quantities absorbing food. The faster they eat, the more air enters the digestive organs, and the higher the likelihood of developing belching and similar phenomena. But! If the animal cannot belch these gases back, which leads to the development of flatulence, it is imperative to find out what obstacle is causing this. It is possible that there is a tumor or other foreign body, preventing the normal passage of gases.

Most common reasons

The most common cause of flatulence is complex carbohydrates, less often - low-quality offal and meat. The latter, in particular, contain large amounts of indoles, phenols and sulfur derivatives. However, strong gas in a dog is sometimes caused by completely benign products, but under certain conditions. We will talk about them below.

Read also: Microfilariae in the blood of dogs: what is it?

Food allergies. It is known that at least 60% of all dogs have grain intolerance. Simply put, you shouldn’t feed your dog cereal if it makes him bloated afterward. The danger of intolerance to cereals is also that even after switching the animal to a normal diet, its digestion does not return to normal in one day. All this leads not only to chronic bloating, but also causes constipation, serious dysbiosis, and then diarrhea occurs.

Legumes. Soy and other legumes are often the main predisposing factor for bloating not only in people, but also in pets. Moreover, digestive tract Many dogs cannot digest legumes at all. But still, in cases where the dog has had the same soy in its diet since puppyhood, the pet’s gastrointestinal tract gradually adapts to its digestion. Problems most often begin in those animals into whose diet soy was added suddenly, and without a preparatory period. This happens, for example, from dry food with big amount vegetable protein.

Overeating and eating low-quality food. In dogs, food intemperance becomes a common problem. The pet cannot calmly pass by any garbage heap. Eating waste – common reason Digestive problems resulting in severe bloating.

You should also not get carried away by feeding your pet leftover food from your table. For example, lactose intolerance is often diagnosed in dogs - even a small piece of cheese “donated” to a pet can lead to bloating in its intestines. In general, veterinary nutritionists are not in principle against feeding excess food to pets. But they strictly warn that such food should make up no more than 10-20% of the dog’s total diet.

Gastrointestinal diseases and flatulence

Certain medical conditions also increase the risk of flatulence. If there are any problems with the intestinal villi, for example, the absorption capacity of the mucous membrane sharply decreases, which leads to the effects of fermentation and even rotting of products found in the intestines.

So, boxers and french bulldogs predisposed to histiocytic nonspecific ulcerative. In many cases it is caused by pathogenic strains coli(treatment with conventional enrofloxacin is effective). Uncontrolled use of antibiotics also leads to bloating. They completely destroy all the beneficial intestinal microflora, which in dogs is responsible for digestion in the large intestine. The consequence is poor digestion of food, its remains begin to ferment and even rot. All this leads to massive release of intestinal gases. Especially the anacid one leads to a similar effect. When the food in the stomach is not exposed to the “full” gastric juice, she simply rots. The entry of such a “delicacy” into the intestines not only leads to bloating, but can also cause serious food poisoning. This is especially dangerous in the case of young animals and puppies.

Read also: Tularemia is a dangerous infectious pathology in cats and dogs.

Proper diet

When a dog often passes gas, you need to try to normalize its diet. The problem is that without special knowledge in the field of nutrition, this can be very difficult to do. Digestive problems can be caused by just one or two components of a dog's diet, and identifying them is a priority for both the veterinarian and the pet owner.

To determine what exactly is the cause of bloating, you need to remember whether any new foods were included in the dog’s diet. As a rule, flatulence does not just appear “out of the blue” - there must be some kind of “trigger”. It is some new feed component. But everything is always so simple. Sometimes bloating develops against the background of a food allergy, the occurrence of which is impossible to predict.

For this reason Veterinarians recommend feeding dogs suffering from flatulence with food moderately rich in dietary fiber. They normalize digestion and help improve peristalsis (that is, the intestines begin to contract normally). The latter, in turn, allows the dog to release the gases accumulated in its gastrointestinal tract.

In severe cases, special therapeutic diets may be prescribed. But! Their choice should be approached very biasedly. Many "medicated" foods may contain guar gum or modified starch, which promotes flatulence. In addition, a dog with a tendency to bloat should be limited in protein. It is this that is the main cause of smelly belching. Digestive system a sick animal cannot normally process protein-rich food, which again leads to putrefactive and fermentation processes.