This is how much sleep an adult needs per night. Do you want to know how much sleep an adult needs per day and what is REM

The process of sleep is no less important for a person than, for example, regular meals. And yet, how many times have we sacrificed sleep due to lack of time! What consequences can this lead to and how to improve the quality of sleep? AnySports asked the experts.

No other type of rest, except for sleep, will allow us to relieve tension and fatigue, get rid of heavy and intrusive thoughts, gather strength. At the same time, how much important processes happens in the body at night! The process of synthesis and decay is going on in the body: skin and hair cells are actively dividing, various hormones etc. Yes, and "sleep only with half an eye" - during sleep he needs to sort out a lot of information.

How many hours do you need to sleep to sleep

The genius Einstein slept 4 hours a day, and this did not prevent him from leaving a noticeable mark on science. But how many people are able to withstand such a rhythm? Renders only 1%. By the way, according to WHO recommendations, the average person needs to sleep about 7-8 hours. During this time, in 95% of people, the body is completely restored.

“How many hours a person needs to sleep in order to get enough sleep is an individual indicator,” says Yuri Poteshkin, PhD, endocrinologist. - This largely depends on the characteristics of the central nervous system, a person's reaction to external stimuli, on the method of analyzing information entering the brain, on the convenience bed and so on. On average, the time range is from 6 to 10 hours. More than 10 hours of sleep is simply useless, less than 6 is fraught with lack of sleep.

There is an opinion that proper organization Sleep can "sleep" for one and a half to two hours. This is true, but with a small caveat. “In order to partially recover, one sleep cycle is enough for a person, and this is 80-90 minutes, which includes one phase of REM sleep and one slow wave,” says Olga Yakob, professor, doctor of medical sciences, general practitioner. - For a long time such a rest is not enough, but you can provide yourself with 3-4 hours of vigor. However, if you go to bed at two and wake up cheerfully at six, this technique will not help.

Remember that if you do not get enough sleep, then:

  • Get up and eat more. Short-term sleep disturbance leads to the abuse of high-calorie foods with great content carbohydrates;
  • You have a high chance of getting into an accident. One a sleepless night can negatively affect visual coordination, which, in particular, is important when driving;
  • Look not in the best way. “In one study, participants who experienced sleep deprivation were outwardly more depressed and less attractive,” says Olga Yakob. The problem only gets worse with time! So, accelerated skin aging, researchers at the Royal Karolinska Institute in Sweden, is associated with chronic deficiency sleep";
  • You risk catching a cold. At night, the body produces proteins - cytokines, which are necessary for the regulation of stress and for the synthesis of antibodies that fight infections;
  • Get more. With a lack of healthy sleep, the centers of the brain responsible for emotions become 60% more receptive. The brain reverts to a more primitive pattern of activity when it cannot relate emotions to the situation.

Healthy sleep rules

Human biorhythms are sufficiently regulated by the change of day and night. For a long time we lived in harmony both with nature and with our own organism: we got up at dawn, went to bed at sunset. But the modern lifestyle, with its ability to stay awake for as long as you want, throws off our circadian rhythms. The duration and quality of sleep is declining, and this trend is recent times is just gaining momentum. What you need to consider in order to sleep truly sound and healthy?

. It is better to plan all important things before 17:00. After this time, just do your routine. Otherwise, the stress hormone cortisol, which should decrease during the day, will jump in the evening, and this will make it difficult for you to fall asleep;

Have dinner. At night your body needs nutrients for the formation of skin cells and hormones. So lean meat or fish with a salad of non-starchy vegetables - a couple of hours before bedtime.

Is alcohol okay before bed? "Alcohol causes sudden jump blood sugar,” says Olga Yakob. “And this, in turn, increases the production of insulin, which contributes to a decrease in the quality of sleep.”

- Follow the rules. There is an opinion that if you want to sleep, you need to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night. To what extent is it true? "I have not met scientific literature any recommendations when it is better to go to bed in order to get enough sleep, - Yuriy Poteshkin comments. - With a late going to bed, as a rule, the time of awakening remains the same. Therefore, a person does not gain the necessary norm of sleep. ”

On this topic:

But there is another opinion: for a period of time from 12 am to 4 am, there is an active synthesis of the hormone melatonin - the strongest antioxidant that takes an active part in the recovery processes of the body, in the synthesis of a number of hormones and in the breakdown of fats. It is also responsible for the quality of sleep. With a lack of melatonin, many begin to sleep intermittently and anxiously, or even suffer from insomnia.

- Move away. Working devices make our sleep intermittent and disturbing. Getting on closed eyes, the light from the screens gives signals about the beginning of the awakening. As a result, activated various systems organs: nervous, endocrine, digestive. And the synthesis of valuable melatonin stops.

- Organize your bed properly. Silence, darkness, room temperature of about 18-20 degrees, a comfortable mattress and pillow, fresh bed linen - that's what you need for a healthy and sound sleep.

- Don't force yourself to fall asleep. If you do not feel like sleeping 10-15 minutes after you lay down, do not torture yourself. Get up and do some simple household chores. After 20-30 minutes, try to fall asleep again.

How to calculate the time and wake up cheerful in the morning

Immediately make a reservation, it is impossible to compensate for the lack of sleep in any way! “If for you 8 is the number of hours you need to sleep to recover, and you sleep for 6 hours, in order to feel rested you need to compensate for the missing hours next time,” explains Yuri Poteshkin . – Therefore, next night you should sleep 10 hours. If you missed 36 hours of sleep, then within 9 days you need to sleep 4 hours more than your norm. Agree, few people can afford such a regime. In fact, we can sleep an hour longer, so those 36 hours will make up for more than a month. If you chronically do not get enough sleep, then you provide yourself with long period recovery."

But even if you sleep the prescribed norm, in the morning you can feel, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. What will help you cheer up?

Rise in desired phase sleep. Normal sleep consists of two phases: slow and fast, the duration of the first is about 70 minutes, the second - 10-15. “The body rests and gains strength during the first phase. The maximum feeling of cheerfulness is achieved if you wake up during the phase of REM sleep, when the work of the brain is activated, ”comments Olga Yakob.

How to catch the beginning of REM sleep? This will help you either special applications for mobile phones, or trackers that are worn on the arm and wake you up in right time and in the right phase of sleep. The accuracy of such devices is usually much higher, because they judge the beginning of the fast phase based on your physiological indicators, and not on the movements of the bed, as applications do.

You can also try changing your wake up time by 15-20 minutes up or down. If after waking up you feel sleepy and rested, it means that you woke up in the right phase of sleep and will approximately know how much sleep you need.

Smart alarm clock. The sunrise simulation gadget will help you wake up more smoothly and without unnecessary stress. Getting on the closed eyes, the light rays gradually bring the body out of the phase slow sleep to fast.

Proper drinks. Ordinary or green tea in the morning can be much more effective than a cup of coffee. Theoretically, coffee will also help to cheer up, but not always. “If you are a “coffee addict”, then the sensitivity to caffeine decreases over time, after about 3 weeks of it regular use, - says Olga Yakob. – Therefore, coffee as a stimulant may not always work. But the action of such herbal preparations like ginseng, eleutherococcus or chinese lemongrass like caffeine."

Hi guys. Today I would like to talk with you about such a topic as "how much sleep an adult needs to sleep per day." After all, you will agree that the topic is quite interesting and urgent. Especially for those who care about their health or go in for sports.

Despite the fact that a person spends about a third of his life in a dream, sleep is an integral part of human life. Do you want to tell me how it all ended when the well-known Napoleon Bonaparte decided to completely remove sleep from the daily routine of his armies? He really believed that you can do without sleep, you just have to get used to it, hold out for the period when you really want to sleep, and then everything will pass. And before ordering his soldiers not to sleep, he decided to test his conjectures on himself. For four days he held on, drank coffee and walked like a plague, but still, in the end, he gave up and instantly fell asleep, lying in bed for almost a day. Waking up, the French commander recognized the need for sleep.

What can happen if you don't sleep?

Napoleon lasted only 4 days, when the destructive consequences for the body had not yet come into force. There are records in the world at which (not to lie) the guy lasted 11 days without sleep. After a week of abstinence, he began to hallucinate (and sound too), severe malaise and weakness, problems with work internal organs and many other problems, both small and large.

As you understand, the guy had to undergo rehabilitation under the supervision of doctors in order to return to normal life. This again indicates the need for sleep.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Although there is an example in history confirming that sleep time can be reduced significantly. You probably know that this famous person I didn’t get enough sleep, devoting only 4 hours a day to my bed. The rest of the time was spent awake. There are a lot of questions related to this phenomenon, but still a person, at least a little, but slept. Which once again confirms that no one can do without sleep.

Sleep for athletes

Rest, that is, sleep, is one of the three main and most important components that are responsible for the health and successful sports activity of an athlete. The other two are training and. If at least one of the components falls out, the other two will simply be useless. The principle of the pyramid is obtained - remove one of the sides, and the other two will collapse.

When playing sports, getting enough sleep is a rather important task for an athlete, because it is during sleep that muscles grow, and not during training, as inexperienced beginners suggest.

You can say that you do not need a mass at all. What about strength? After all, the bigger the muscle, the stronger it is. Yes, you may not have impressive body dimensions, and at the same time be strong man. Bruce Lee is an example. But without restoration, which occurs only in sleep, the increase in strength will not be carried out, like other physical qualities: , flexibility, speed and more.

Do not neglect rest, citing the fact that sleep is not so important. Important, trust me! So the ma'am from the well-known social network suggests itself, where children at a quiet hour in the camp do not sleep, but indulge, and at the bottom of this picture is the inscription: "Sleep, fools!".

How much sleep per day?

There are several factors that you need to build on when drawing up your schedule, in which sleep should occupy its niche.

This is your busyness and habit. And, if something can be done with the third point, then the first two will have to be adjusted.

Habits can be changed, it just takes time. But if you have a certain body type and go in for sports, then what time should you sleep: ectomorph - 8 - 8.5 hours a day, mesomorph - 7.5 - 8 hours, endomorph - 7 - 7.5 hours.

These figures are due to the fact that the first type needs an increased time to recover. muscle tissue by virtue of it anatomical features. The second is enough 8 hours because of his "universality" of the body. And the third, on the contrary, needs to sleep less in order to both restore muscles and increase wakefulness to reduce subcutaneous fat.

By the way, if you think that only the body rests at night, then this is not entirely true - nervous system it also reboots. And other body systems too.

But if you still sleep an average of about 8 hours a night, then nothing bad will happen. It's not for nothing that sleep takes about that long in the army, and they don't pay attention to what kind of physique you have.

But a certain minimum is also worth keeping. Do not reduce the time of night rest below 6 hours. Sleep is superficial and deep. So during this time the body manages to more or less enter into different phases sleep, which is necessary for you and me. If this is not the case, the person simply will not get enough sleep.

Have you noticed how, waking up in the middle of the night, you feel cheerful, and when you lie down again, and waking up in the morning - tired and not getting enough sleep? This is an example of the fact that at night you have not yet entered deep sleep, and in the morning this phase was interrupted ahead of time.

By the way, there were experiments about this. Students were awakened after a certain time, preventing them from falling into a deep sleep. The result - the students were sleepy and irritable. And this is subject to one day of research. And what would happen next?

So, I hope the article “how much sleep an adult needs per day” helped you decide on the time. own sleep and confirmed the importance of this action. Write what you think about this. Subscribe to blog updates and share the article with friends. Sleep well and don't be afraid of Freddy Krueger.

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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Hello! On the agenda we again have a sleepy topic. A child who has just been born spends in a dream most day. But over time, everything changes as a person grows. Adults pay much more attention to work and other problems than to proper sleep.

The body of athletes suffers the most, because it very often receives large portions of the load (some train 5 times a week). Today we will reflect on the question of how much sleep an adult needs per day, so that all sorts of health problems do not affect him.

Last time we discussed the topic if time is very limited. You can find out very interesting "chips" that some people use to effective sleep per a short time.

Doctors say that adults need at least 8 hours to fully relax. Many people are familiar with the simple rule:

  • for labor;
  • for relaxation;
  • Rest takes 8 hours.

But not everyone needs relaxation during this time. There are people who need much more time to rest. But some may sleep quite a bit in order to get a charge of vivacity.

Ordinary analysis allows us to understand that each person sleeps for at least a third of his life. This gap must be properly organized in order to fully recover, having received the necessary strength.

Experts invited people to familiarize themselves with the results of the study, with the help of which you can find the connection between good sleep and people's health:

  1. it is necessary not only to sleep during the allotted time, but also to create a daily routine for yourself, which will allow you to determine the same amount of rest time in one day;
  2. when playing sports, a normalized day is especially important, since it will allow you to get rid of overload and overstrain;
  3. lack of sleep negatively affects the functioning of the heart, so you should definitely take this point into account.

Special table useful tips will allow you to properly organize your mode:

  1. Stick to a daily routine. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time to reap the health benefits. If suddenly the regime is violated, the biorhythms will instantly change. Also try to indulge yourself on the weekends, as the body will rebuild.
  2. Rest duration. Optimal time is an indicator of 8 hours. This is enough to get enough sleep and fully restore the strength lost during the day. However, scientists have proven that it is much better to rest for 360 minutes, but without breaks.
  3. If a person woke up, he should not continue to luxuriate in bed. This can cause involuntary drowsiness, so you waste your time. Remember that awakening brings a new day, which you need to hurry to enjoy.
  4. Condition before going to bed. Before going to bed, you do not need to argue with relatives or have a party. Overexcitation and nerves will not let you sleep.
  5. Relaxation procedures. If you often suffer from insomnia, spend special procedures to help you relax. Give up active affairs, because you will definitely not fall asleep as quickly as you would like.
  6. Avoid daytime rest. Deep dream during the day causes problems at night, because it will be almost impossible to fall asleep.
  7. The situation in the room. Your bedroom should be as comfortable and cozy as possible. It is better not to install a computer and TV in the room.
  8. Don't forget to be active. Athletes who never sit still can enjoy wonderful sleep at night time.
  9. Eating food. Never eat before you go to bed. It is better to have dinner 120 minutes before rest, because otherwise you will be disturbed by heaviness in the stomach.
  10. Smoking, alcohol and coffee. All these factors before going to bed must be eliminated. They are incredibly harmful. for good health so try to avoid them altogether.

How to properly wake up from sleep?

You can create a special wake-up ritual to wake up easily in the morning:

  • a comfortable temperature should reign in the room;
  • set the alarm at such a distance that you have to get up and go to it;
  • ask loved one call you in the morning at a certain time to make the process of waking up more pleasant and comfortable;
  • after lifting can be taken cold and hot shower, and after - drink a cup of invigorating coffee;
  • never change the wake-up time so that the body gets used to it;
  • come up with a special system of rewards and penalties for a successful and unsuccessful rise in the morning.

Thanks to these simple moments, you will be able to get up in the morning with ease. The main thing is that you have good mood so that everything works out.

Symptoms of lack of sleep: what happens to health?

Good rest is the key to human health. But how do you know if you have a lack of sleep? You can detect the problem in time if you pay attention to the symptoms characteristic of it:

  • a person is constantly lethargic and tired;
  • moodiness and excessive irritability are observed;
  • motivation decreases;
  • a person does not want to work and be creative;
  • people suffering from lack of sleep often get sick and suffer from a fungus;
  • there are problems with extra pounds;
  • there is a violation of the work of the main systems of internal organs.

Both a man and a woman need to fully relax in order to prevent the occurrence of such problems.

The optimal time to relax: data for people of different ages

If you think how much time you need to fully relax, then it is enough to sleep 480 minutes a day. But this figure, which was determined for people aged. What is the optimal time frame in other situations?

Scientists who have studied the well-being of people before and after waking up have found the answer to this question. Here's how many hours people need to sleep:

  • newborn children - 14-17;
  • 4 months - a year - 12-15;
  • 1 year - 2 years - 11-14;
  • less than five years - 10-11;
  • children under 13 years old - from 9 to 11;
  • adult child under 17 years old - 8-10;
  • people aged - 8-9;
  • people who are over 60 years old - 7-8.

Scientists note that schoolchildren can sleep even less than the interval indicated on the list. This moment will not affect their health in any way.

If athletes and ordinary people will adhere to the cycle, they may rest less than the results of the study showed. Complete relaxation is divided into several separate cycles. They last for 90 minutes each.

Rest will be complete when a person does not try to interrupt the consequences of the cycles. That is why you can get enough sleep even if you sleep 90 minutes a day. But, of course, this does not need to be practiced constantly. The topic of sleep is still very little studied, but it’s clear that 90 minutes is too little.

If you do not know how many hours it takes to have time to rest, try to monitor your condition after waking up. For some people, 4.5 or 6 hours is enough to restore energy. But many do not have enough and full relaxation to rest. These points are due individual characteristics people, their health and lifestyle.

For example, if there are too many toxins and toxins in the body, the body needs a lot of energy to neutralize this garbage. Weakness and drowsiness is felt with insufficient use clean water. Water energizes us, so drink plenty of fluids!

When is the best time to go to bed?

Scientists who conducted relevant studies have determined the optimal time when a nap can bring maximum benefit.

You'd better go to bed well before midnight. This should be done at least two to three hours before going to bed. This statement is directly related to how the position of the sun affects people's well-being. At midnight, it goes to its lowest point. The optimal time for relaxation is the period from nine in the evening to three in the morning or four in the morning.

Scientists have found that relaxation from Tuesday to Wednesday brings considerable benefits. Let it be not very long, but its effectiveness has been proven in practice. Experts have discovered that this moment allows a person to recover after the weekend. Remains of fatty foods are excreted from the body alcoholic beverages. The biological rhythm that got lost over the weekend is updated again, so after waking up you will again become alert and refreshed.

Athletes who are tired after a week of training prefer to sleep on their free day, soaking up in bed longer. But practice shows that such a pastime is not beneficial. Pressure rises, stress hormones are activated, and muscles tense up.

Getting ready for bed all the way

The quality of rest depends not only on how long a person relaxes. It is important to properly prepare for sleep in order to cope with insomnia and other problems:

  • carefully monitor what time you eat the last time of the day. It is better to have dinner two hours before going to bed, but not later. Of course, it is impossible to fall asleep hungry, so if you are hungry, you can drink kefir or herbal tea;
  • you need to get ready for bed at least 30 minutes before the planned departure to bed;
  • everything you need to do before going to bed hygiene procedures. Be sure to take a contrast shower, which will allow you to tune in to a good rest;
  • it is necessary to ventilate the room 10 minutes before going to bed;
  • the bedroom should not be noisy and light. But this environment is not so easy to create. That is why use a special bandage made of dense fabric, which you can close your eyes;
  • try to stop watching movies with a sharp plot, as they excite the nervous system;
  • do not go to bed when you have thoughts about problems in your head. Leave their decision for the morning, because at night they still cannot be dealt with;
  • To completely relax, ask a loved one to give you a shoulder massage. You can also do simple exercises which athletes often follow;
  • the bedroom should become a place where you should only sleep and have sex. Your room will be associated with comfort.
  • and finally, I will advise you a special supplement for sleep - a hormone that I personally have been taking for a long time.

Apply these tips to good sleep and don't forget its importance. Our hectic lives constantly encourage us to sleep less to save time. But this is not the same economy. With a lack of sleep, the quality of life is lost. Successful person- Sleepy man! That's all, see you in the next posts!

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Hello dear readers!

Being born into the world, a person sleeps most of the time, then, growing up, it becomes a pity for him to waste precious time sleeping. Getting even older, he begins to appreciate sleep, as there is a catastrophic lack of time for it. In old age, a person has time to sleep, but the dream itself, alas, does not come. Let's figure it out how many hours do you need to sleep man and why he needs to sleep at all. What are the symptoms of lack of sleep? And how to get ready for bed to get a good night's sleep.

Sleep provides rest person. In a dream, a person grows and recovers. When a person is unwell, he feels the need to sleep more.

Sleep provides normal work of immunity. People deprived of normal sleep poorly resistant to infections.

Sleep is processing information. received per day. In people who are in the process of active learning, the need for sleep is increased. In the phase of REM sleep, brain activity is higher than in the waking state.

The quality of sleep affects our daily activities, emotions, attention, concentration, creativity, and even body weight.

Sleep deprivation increases morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease, especially in women.

2. How many hours of sleep do you need

Optimal sleep duration for an adult – 7.5 – 9 hours. Such recommendations are given by the World Congress of Sleep Medicine.

And need for sleep by the same person varies from day to day. This means that today 7.5 hours will be enough for you to rest, and tomorrow you will need 8 or 9. In any case, healthy people it is advisable to adhere to this duration of sleep.

Sleeping more than 10 hours a day is dangerous hypodynamia and all the problems due - overweight, insufficient muscle mass etc.

The need for sleep duration is determined genetically. 97% of the world's population will fit the above duration of sleep. And only 3% of people are able to be satisfied with 6 hours of sleep.

If you sleep during the day, then it is desirable limit this time to 30-45 minutes.

Siesta is a great habit and helps you feel refreshed throughout the day. However, it should not be at the expense of a night's sleep.

Optimal time to fall asleep is 5 to 30 minutes. When a person goes to bed and falls asleep earlier than 5 minutes later, this indicates significant fatigue and an acute need for sleep. Falling asleep after more than half an hour indicates two things (either / or):

  • that it's too early to sleep
  • that the person is under significant stress and cannot relax

Now let's move on to the symptoms that indicate that you are not sleeping enough.

3. Symptoms of lack of sleep

People who lack sleep may not be aware of it. Unfortunately, lack of sleep in modern culture is almost the norm. Most people are sleep deprived due to various reasons, over time, the majority begins to be perceived as the norm.

At the same time lack of sleep continues to reduce health and cause serious financial damage.

The harm from lack of sleep and its impact on a person is compared with the damage from alcohol intoxication.

Here are some symptoms that indicate lack of sleep:

  • Fatigue, apathy, lethargy
  • Motivation is reduced
  • Irritability and moodiness
  • Decreased creativity
  • Difficulties with problem solving
  • Immunity is reduced, frequent acute respiratory infections, caries, fungal infections
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • bad motor skills increased risk injury
  • Difficulties in making decisions
  • Increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Other health problems

In general, a small amount of sleep will not bring anything good to a person and will not add 25 hours a day.

Let's look at techniques that will help you significantly improve the quality of sleep.

4. How to improve the quality of sleep

The World Congress of Sleep Medicine has developed 10 commandments for adults:

  1. Set your sleep and wake schedule
  2. Limit siesta time to 45 minutes
  3. Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol 4 hours before bed and do not smoke
  4. Avoid caffeinated foods and drinks 6 hours before bed
  5. Avoid heavy, spicy or sugary foods 4 hours before bed. A light snack is perfectly acceptable.
  6. Be physically active, but not before bed
  7. Use a comfortable mattress and pillow, bed linen made from natural fabrics
  8. Choose a comfortable temperature for sleeping, ensure the room is ventilated
  9. Eliminate all possible sources of noise and light
  10. Book a bed for sleep and sex. Don't work in bed or watch TV

Here are some simple rules to help you sleep better.


Lack of sleep leads to serious problems with the health and financial condition of a person. The sooner sleep deprivation is addressed, the less damage it will cause to you. Falling on your face into a plate is already an extreme, which should not be allowed.

Enough sleep, proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity minimum conditions for health and success.

Thank you for sharing the article in social networks. All the best!

Sincerely, Elena Dyachenko

Or, on the contrary, did not feel a sense of weakness from the fact that he slept too long. What is it, the golden mean, to wake up rested and full of energy for a new day? Let's find out how much a person should sleep in order to wake up rested.

There is a so-called rule of three eights, according to which a person has 8 hours devoted to work, 8 hours to rest and 8 hours to sleep. Based on this rule, in order to get enough sleep, an adult needs to sleep about 8 hours a day. In fact, everything is not so simple.

All people have different biorhythms, "larks" and "owls" need completely different hours of sleep to recuperate. In addition, all people experience an individual need for sleep. For example, Napoleon slept only 5 hours a day, and Einstein believed that he needed 12 hours of sleep to good rest. Therefore, it is better to listen to your body and independently determine what duration of sleep is optimal for you. In addition, the need for sleep also depends on other factors:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • health status;
  • physical and mental stress.

With age, as a rule, a person sleeps less and less. Infants are able to sleep 20 hours a day, older children sleep 10 - 12 hours, of which 2 hours - daytime sleep. Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep. Adults need an average of 6 to 8 hours of sleep. .

The higher the physical or mental daily stress, the more sleep an adult needs to recuperate. The same applies to the state of health, given that the body spends a lot of energy to fight the disease.

As for the floor, there is also quite interesting point. Women in power physical features organism, need more sleep than men. In addition, women, due to their emotionality, spend a lot of energy on experiences, which means they need to restore it.

Do you need to sleep during the day?

Daytime sleep in a relatively short time (20 - 30 minutes) is able to restore energy, give strength and replenish the hours that you did not sleep at night. However, the need for it is also very individual. According to scientists, regular daytime sleep improves performance, strengthens cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of heart attack.

What time of day is the healthiest time to sleep?

It is believed that human activity depends on the position of the sun. Its lowest position is at 12 at night. Based on this, the hours of the most healthy sleep are from 21.00 to 3.00, options are also possible: 22.00 - 4.00, 23.00 - 5.00. In any case, the most useful and productive sleep until midnight. In terms of its effectiveness, an hour of sleep before 12 at night is equal to two hours of sleep at other times.

The human body, especially the work of the brain, is best restored during these hours. And at this time, our so-called subtle body, that is, the mental and emotional component. Effective rest avoids overvoltage and chronic fatigue. Healthy sleep can eliminate psychological fatigue that causes headaches, inhibition of reactions, and increased blood pressure.

Sleep phases?

It is known that human sleep goes through 4-5 cycles per night. Cycles consist of two phases: fast and slow. Most deep sleep in the phase of slow sleep, and waking up during this period is very difficult. Immediately felt drowsiness, weakness and weakness. In the fast phase, the brain is actively functioning, and when waking up, it can remember them. Waking up during REM sleep is easy and does not cause discomfort.

The phases of non-REM and REM sleep come one after the other. In terms of time, the fast phase is approximately 20 minutes, and the slow phase is approximately 2 hours. Therefore, if desired, you can calculate the time of awakening so that it falls on REM sleep. Then you can wake up refreshed and without discomfort.

Why is sleep deprivation dangerous?

So, the experts found out how much an adult needs to sleep: from 6 to 8 hours a day (in some sources - from 7.5 to 9). If such a regime is constantly violated, it develops chronic sleep deprivation. Humanity is currently experiencing sleep deprivation. Most adults do not produce enough good habit: sleep little during the work week, and on weekends increase the duration of sleep to 12-13 hours a day, compensating for the previous lack of sleep. However, this method not only does not make up for the insufficient amount of sleep, but also worsens the situation. In medicine, this phenomenon is called the term "sleepy bulimia".

If a person does not sleep a day, as much as necessary, he has many health problems. Among them:

  • decreased performance, deterioration of the ability to concentrate, memory;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • headache;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hormonal disorders, accompanied by an increase in the content of cortisol (stress hormone), a decrease in testosterone production in men;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • overweight;
  • muscle pain, cramps.

Besides, constant lack of sleep leads to a failure of biological rhythms and subsequent sleep disturbances, which can be very difficult to cope on your own, without the help of doctors.

Sleep related disorders

  1. Insomnia (otherwise insomnia). A person falls asleep heavily and sleeps much less than required, often awakens.
  2. Hypersomnia. There is increased, unhealthy drowsiness.
  3. Psychosomatic insomnia. The disturbance is emotional in nature and usually lasts no longer than 3 weeks.
  4. Presomnic disorders. A person falls asleep heavily, while staying in a state of sleep for as long as an adult needs to sleep.
  5. Intrasomnia. Characterized by frequent awakenings.
  6. Parasomnia. Sleep is accompanied by fears, nightmares. There may be bedwetting, epileptic seizures.
  7. Postsomnia. Poor physical health after waking up, feeling overwhelmed, drowsiness.
  8. Bruxism. Spasm of the masticatory muscles, in which the jaws are compressed, a person grinds his teeth in his sleep.
  9. Apnea. Slowing down and short pauses in breathing during sleep.

Is long sleep good for you?

There is general rules How many hours of sleep does an adult need. And not only lack of sleep is harmful to health, but also excessive sleep. Sleeping more than 10-15 hours a day is not recommended, because in this case, an excess of the sleep hormone is produced, causing fatigue, laziness, apathy. Too much sleep can also result in:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  • an increase in migraine attacks.

How to organize healthy sleep?

For sleep to bring maximum benefit It is not enough to know how much a person should sleep. It is necessary to properly organize sleep.

  1. Mode. For sleep to be beneficial, a person needs to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. It is desirable that the regime does not change even on weekends. Otherwise, the biological rhythms of a person go astray.
  2. duration. Mandatory sleep should average 6-8 hours. But it is very important that sleep is uninterrupted. It is better to sleep 6 hours without waking up than 8 hours, but with awakening.
  3. Fast rise. Experts recommend getting out of bed as soon as you wake up. First, there is a risk of falling asleep again. Secondly, the body must get used to the fact that the day begins after waking up at a certain hour. This will soon become the norm and become a habit.
  4. Preparation for sleep. At least two hours before bedtime, you need to exclude food intake, an hour - physical exercise and emotional experiences. You need to go to bed in calm state. If you have problems falling asleep, you can have a relaxing procedure (aromatherapy, listening to calm music, a warm bath, or something else).
  5. Limitation of daytime sleep. In order to fall asleep well and quickly in the evening, it is better not to sleep during the day, or to limit daytime sleep (no more than 30-45 minutes). Lunchtime naps should be beneficial, but not at the expense of nighttime sleep.
  6. Sleep organization. The mattress and pillow for sleeping should be comfortable and meet orthopedic standards, bed linen should be clean and fresh, made from natural materials. The bedroom should be ventilated before going to bed.

Scientists have proven that people who sleep the same number of hours every night live longer than those who do not comply with the sleep schedule.