Everything about the Beagle breed, content, character, features. Beagle: a skilled hunter, a cheerful companion and an affectionate pet

A small but very cute breed of hound dog is the Beagle (see photo). She has traits common to most hounds, for example, a keen sense of smell, quick reaction, and sociality. But all this is mixed with extraordinary playfulness and kindness. The Beagle is now one of the most popular companion breeds in the United States. But in Europe their main role is still hunting small game, such as rabbits.

From the history of the breed

Another name for the breed is English beagle. After all, it is in this country that you can trace the history of the variety. There is a legend that beagles accompanied the Knights of the Round Table under King Arthur. According to experts, hounds were brought to the British Isles by the Romans from Greece. These ancient hounds crossed for a long time with local dogs, subsequently not without the help of people. The first descendants of the modern beagle appeared in England in the 19th century.

At the same time, the English Beagle was brought to the USA, where, in turn, it was crossed with local hounds, but this did not give rise to a new breed. The English Beagle remains English, although it is somewhat different from its American version (see photo). The American Beagle is slightly larger and also slightly different in color.

The ancestors of the beagle are considered to be foxhounds - a larger breed for fox hunting, at a time when the beagle was intended for hunting hares. During the time of Queen Elizabeth I, beagles were so small that they could easily fit into the pocket of a hunting jacket, but over time they grew to modern sizes.

Despite the age of the breed, modern standard was approved in the middle of the twentieth century, and its clarifications were made only in 2010. In this regard, the Beagle breed is just beginning to gain popularity among breeders, which allowed the dog to retain its original nature (see photo). This has a corresponding effect on the price of puppies. But, in addition to significant financial costs, the beagle requires a lot of time and patience, as evidenced by reviews from the owners.

Description of the Beagle breed

The modern breed standard describes the beagle as a small but strong and resilient dog. He is well built, has a muscular body, but does not look rough (see photo). Dimensions of an adult dog: height at the withers is approximately 33 - 40 cm, and weight - 8-16 kg.

The Beagle dog is very active and agile; the breed standard does not welcome puppies that are too timid. After all, its main purpose is to hunt hares. And here you need an excellent sense of smell, quick reaction, and, of course, a loud bark. Also important detail The Beagle dog's characteristic is the white tip of its tail (see photo). When hunting, the dog lowers its head and raises its tail. By the way, it should stand straight, not curl up and be tightly covered with hair. Thanks to the white tip, the owner can easily notice his pet. Therefore, the standard does not allow other colors for the tip of the tail.

The entire body of an adult Beagle dog is proportional and well balanced (see photo). The straight lines of the back, front paws, and high tail create a harmonious figure, light but resilient. Muscular hind legs allow you to push off well, which ensures a fast and easy step. Also, dense, knitted paw pads with short claws are simply designed for running through fields and bushes.

The dog has a flexible and fairly long neck, thanks to which it can lower its muzzle to the ground without bending down. The head is of sufficient length, moderately massive. The muzzle is not pointed strong jaws and an almost perfect bite. The nose of Beagle dogs is wide and dark; in light-colored dogs it can be a little lighter (see photo).

The dog's eyes are quite large, normally set and dark brown or hazel in color. The characteristics of the breed focus on the sweet and affectionate expression of the beagle's eyes. This special look remains in adult beagles and is visible even in photographs. The fur around the eyes is slightly darker, giving the appearance of lined eyes.

The dog's ears are long, should reach almost to the tip of the muzzle, fit tightly to the cheeks, and have a thin and silky texture.

The breed's coat is thick, waterproof, and tight-fitting. Any color characteristic of hounds is allowed, but beagles are often tricolor: black with red and white or blue with red and white. Two-tone colors are also common, where the base color is white (see photo). Just as the tip of the tail must be white, a red mask must be present on the face of a Beagle dog (see photo).

The description of the breed quite clearly defines the character of the beagle. He must be cheerful, kind, loving, but at the same time remain determined, smart, inquisitive and energetic.

Caring for a beagle is nothing special and can be easily done at home. Basically, this is a very clean dog, except in cases where the hunter's instinct in him cannot be overcome. Having smelled some interesting smell, the beagle may roll out in its source, so you may have to bathe your pet quite often. Although, due to the small size of an adult beagle, frequent bathing of the dog will not bring much trouble.

As you know, the larger the dog’s ears, the more carefully they should be cared for in order to avoid otitis media and ear infections. This is even more important for the beagle, since it is a big fan of sniffing something, especially in some kind of mink. In this case, long ears almost always end up smeared with dust or dirt. After walking outside, you need to clean your pet's ears especially carefully.

The dog does not need additional hair care due to the possibility of frequent bathing. The long history of the breed has given the beagle excellent health. Having given your puppy all the necessary vaccinations, you don’t have to worry about the risk of any diseases and care for your dog according to standard rules.

Keeping this dog in a city apartment will not bring much trouble if you have enough time for daily walks. It should be remembered that the beagle is very active and needs physical activity. Walking is extremely important for him, because the opportunity to spend accumulated energy will prevent the formation of excess weight. Since the dog is small and loves to eat, if neglected, excess weight can become real threat. The beagle's skeleton is not designed to support additional weight and will suffer from it: curvature of the spine and paws is possible. In addition, physical activity is a source of joy and fun for the Beagle. Therefore, if you prefer to lie on the sofa and sit on a bench, the beagle is not your dog.

Cleanliness, good health and simple care can allow many owners to own two Beagle dogs at once, or even more. In addition, such a neighborhood will benefit not only the dogs, but also you. The Beagle needs a lot of attention, and if the owners are not able to provide it in full, the dog will suffer. Suffering will result in damage to property and training of vocal cords, which neighbors will definitely come to complain about. In addition, the phrase “there is never too much happiness” can easily be attributed to representatives of this breed, which the usual description will not tell us, but reviews from beagle owners will unanimously repeat.

Raising and training a beagle

According to the description of the breed, we can conclude that the beagle is harmonious in almost everything (see photo), and the lack of aggression in its character makes it an ideal dog for the family. But it should be remembered that for perfect dog no less an ideal owner is needed.

As mentioned above, the beagle is a rather capricious dog. Look at any description of the breed, reviews of beagles. They will insist that a dog with such a character is very difficult to train. But a real hunter should have such a character, because having smelled a scent, he must decide for himself where to run. This characteristic can affect your pet's upbringing. But with due patience, you can raise a fairly obedient and intelligent dog, because unlike, for example, a basset hound, a beagle will be happy to carry out and repeat all commands. Of course, until he smells something interesting.

Another characteristic common to all hound breeds, which the Beagle dog also shares, is sociality. Representatives of this breed have retained the instincts of survival in a pack or in a pack with an obligatory hierarchy. Therefore, it is important for the owner to become a leader for the beagle, otherwise he will simply become one himself. The owners of these dogs often give in to the charming look and simply become dependent on these tenderly sad eyes. Then the dog begins to command the person: he decides when he should be given food, when it is best to pet him or take him for a walk.

But this does not mean that the beagle is an uncontrollable breed. Read the reviews of the owners, no one will tell you this. Although in the case of this breed, failures do occur due to the inability to cope with it.

By becoming a leader for your pet, you will get an excellent obedient dog. It is, of course, better to start training with early age when the dog has not yet developed bad habits. And be stricter with this cute naughty boy. A prank allowed once will be considered the norm, and by reprimanding for the same prank a second time, you will simply fall in the eyes of your pet.

When training a beagle, it is important to develop a special approach. Many owners advise basing the training process on the dog’s motivation. And here you can use the beagle’s love for various goodies, as well as praise and affection. Your pet will not remain in debt for such encouragement.

Still, before adopting a puppy, you should read the description of the breed and reviews of the owners again and again. After all, a beagle is a difficult dog, although he is very kind and affectionate, you must be sure that his character is within your strength.

Family relationships

Beagle - just adorable dog. He is charming, affectionate, easy to gain trust and therefore is liked not only by all family members, but also by those around him. In addition, he is very interesting: he either warily sniffs out something, then jumps and runs sparing no effort, or sticks his nose where he is not supposed to. In a word, you won’t get bored with this dog, but you shouldn’t perceive it as a hyperactive toy either. This dog can be cunning and sometimes one gets the impression that while sniffing out food he is hatching another plan for some dirty trick. There are many such examples in the reviews of beagle owners.

But, he is not actually harmful, and not touchy. It's just his naughty nature. By the way, the breed standard does not allow aggression among its representatives.

Beagle would be better active people, strict and capable of showing their authority, but at the same time optimists and true dog lovers. It is desirable that the owner’s character be in harmony with the pet’s character.

If you do decide to adopt a puppy, you should also remember the difficulties that can arise with a small beagle. Firstly, it should be said that puppies take a very long time to get used to going outside to the toilet. Therefore, your home will not be protected from puddles and heaps for the first 4-5 months. Beagle owners often complain in their reviews about a longer period of getting used to the toilet. Secondly, a puppy can be willful from birth, so consistent training should be started from the very beginning of your relationship. Thirdly, puppies love to chew on something, even if it is not entirely edible. But edible things can even be stolen. Your vigilance and the same consistency in training will help here.

With age, your dog will learn to go to the toilet only during a walk, and will remember the necessary commands, but he will not stop barking, growling and generally making noise. But that’s what hunters are supposed to do, and the beagle’s instincts are very well preserved.

Yet, despite their restless nature, reviews from owners indicate that beagles have completely conquered them. Even if they don’t follow commands, steal food and chew their owners’ slippers, they are still loved. You just need to remember that the beagle is not a toy, but a personality, it has its own special character, but his love for you will be limitless, and friendship with this dog will give you a lot of fun emotions.

A resourceful hunter and a wonderful companion, a nanny and the soul of the company, a hard-working bloodhound and a tireless naughty boy - all these characteristics are inherent in the representatives English breed beagle Experts believe that this dog will keep its owner young, and such medicine cannot be bought at the pharmacy.

General information:

Suitable for inexperienced people
The need for walks
Price Quick wits
Love for the owners Assessing gaming cravings
Get along with cats General dirt in the house
Noisiness Complexity of character
Content complexity Security
Health Executing commands

A little history

Initially, selection was aimed at creating a breed of hounds capable of chasing small game and finding wounded animals. Ideal for solution similar tasks could become dogs with a keen sense of smell, fast legs and an easy-going character.

English hunters in the 17th century already had two types of assistants for baiting rabbits and hares - the northern beagle and the southern hound.

In the mid-19th century, a real fashion for the breed swept over Great Britain. Even pocket beagles appeared, but the idea did not take root and further development continued as part of the improvement of the pack hound. By 1957, the world standard that is currently in force was formed.

A visual description of the breed’s exterior features.

Appearance and features

The latest edition of the Beagle breed description FCI-Standard N 161 is dated 2011. Our hero is classified there in the sixth group, “small scent hounds,” and is characterized as a dog “strong, compactly built, giving the impression of quality without coarseness.”

With a height of 33 to 40 cm, a beagle weighs from 8 to 12 kg. This is an athlete with slightly shortened legs. The color is mainly three-color black, red and white, but combinations of two colors: white with red, lemon, blue, black, red, muted or speckled are quite acceptable. In these matters, experts are liberal, believing that a beagle suits “any acceptable hound color.”

It is important that they are always white:

  1. tip of the tail;
  2. muzzle;
  3. breast;
  4. stomach;
  5. legs.

The coat is thick, with a tight-fitting, hard awn. Brown or hazel eyes, black or brown nose, proportional muzzle, long rounded ears - this is the portrait of a beagle.
The book "The New Beagle" by the authors A.Musladin, J.Musladin, Ada Leuke (USA) includes an illustrated standard that will help the owner determine the chances of his own pet to win in exhibitions.

The characteristics of the breed include an exceptional sense of smell, intelligence, courage and determination, balanced temperament and friendliness.

Intelligence and behavior

The most expressive character traits of a beagle are both its advantages and disadvantages - it all depends on the mood and personal preferences of the owner.

  • The pet's gregariousness and desire to communicate turn it into a companion, a participant in funny games, and a tireless companion for walks. He is hospitable, attentive to children, and friendly to other animals. But loneliness provokes him to forbidden entertainment in the house associated with damage to objects. Another way out for melancholy and sadness is howling and loud barking.
  • His keen sense of smell makes him not only a game hunter, but also a successful sniffer for illegal substances. They are widely used in Europe by border guards, customs officers and police.
  • Resourcefulness and ability to accept own decisions, so necessary on the hunt, makes him an unrivaled naughty boy and naughty boy. His credo is a constant search for new ways to find new food or a toy.
  • Energy allows the hound to cover tens of kilometers every day with almost no rest. How long should walks be in order to deplete the beagle’s strength and prevent him from “warming up” in the apartment? Experts recommend intensive walking twice a day for an hour or more.
  • They are not aggressive, but when they play, they can bite. Lack of restraint can be corrected by training.
  • Charm and artistry brought many representatives of the breed to film sets, and pet, will definitely become the star of family films.

According to Stanley Coren's scale, described in the book "Dog Intelligence", out of 133 breeds, beagles rank 72 and are considered the most difficult in terms of training. Success in performing the command may not occur even after 40 repetitions. The owner should be patient for hundreds of classes. This situation is not associated with stupidity, but with a stubborn disposition and a tendency to make independent decisions in a certain situation.

Another drawback of the beagle is that it gets bored with long repetitions, and therefore classes with the pet should be short and exciting. Trainers provide assistance in teaching the basics of obedience. Tips and advice on training, teaching order in the house and on walks can be obtained from breeders. They, like no one else, know the habits of the breed and the difficulties that the dog owner will face.


Should be created safe conditions for the life of an animal in the house. Wires, medicines, food, and valuables are removed from reach. Shoes will now have to be kept in a closed closet. Be prepared that a curious pet will try to break the taboos and will constantly encroach on the “master’s toys.”

Caring for a beagle is simple. Our heroes have enviable immunity and endurance, are clean, and do not shed much. Their ears require attention: ventilation, weekly inspection and cleaning when dirty are required. The wool is combed out natural brush, rather for massage and pleasure of the dog. With a normal walking schedule, the claws wear down naturally, but in winter you should pay attention to their length and trim them according to our instructions.

The breed is at a slight risk of glaucoma, hypothyroidism and epilepsy.

Some videos of beagles

Yes, from the abundance of energy they become funny pranksters!

The origin of the Beagle goes back to antiquity, namely in an era of prosperity Ancient Greece. The first indirect mentions of the breed date back to this time. Thus, the famous historian and writer Xenophon spoke about hound dogs of compact size. They were popular among hunters due to their outstanding speed and excellent sense of smell - perfect combination for successful catching of game.

Inspired by the example of the Greeks, the ancient Romans began breeding the breed, who later brought the ancestors of beagles to Great Britain and began crossing them with aboriginal dogs. This experiment gave rise to many new breeds: beagles, foxhounds, harriers and otterhounds.

There is another version of the origin of the breed. According to it, beagles appeared as a result of mating European hounds with Celtic ones, and came to England only in the 11th century along with the Normans. At the same time, William the Conqueror brought the Talbot Hound into the country, which, when crossed with Greyhounds, gave rise to the ancestors of modern beagles.

There is also a fascinating legend associated with the breed. In it the dogs appear faithful companions Knights of the Round Table. So, according to legend, beagles accompanied their owners even when they went in search of the Holy Grail.

Be that as it may, during the reign of Edward II the breed gained overwhelming popularity. Then the dogs were much smaller than modern specimens and even earned the nickname “Glove Beagles” - beagles that easily fit into a glove. Animals were transported in the pockets of a hunting suit or in baskets that were tied on both sides of the horses. These improvised “vessels” could accommodate 10-12 pairs of dogs! The sizes of pocket beagles were miniature: their weight did not reach 8 kg, and their height did not exceed 25 cm.

The book “Artful Esquire”, published in the second half of the 15th century, became the first source where the breed was mentioned under the name we already know. Two centuries later, the writer Blum, who was fond of hunting, presented England with a book in which he described in detail beagles, his favorite breed. In 1790, Bewick revealed the characteristics of these dogs and their main area of ​​​​use - hunting.

Despite their seemingly uselessness, these babies played important role in the process of baiting wild animals. While the normal-sized dogs chased down the game, the beagles continued the pursuit into the underbrush, where the larger hounds could not get through. At that time, this breed was the smallest of the hunting breeds and was used mainly for baiting hares. Beagles existed in this form until early XIX centuries, until they finally turned into larger and more massive dogs.

By the middle of the 17th century, the southern hound and northern beagle were common in England. At the same time, the latter continued to be subject to genetic modifications. So, to speed up the breed, its representatives were infused with the blood of whippets - dogs that resembled a cross between an Italian Greyhound and a Greyhound. The result was positive: Northern Beagles could now pursue prey faster than Southern Beagles, but were still inferior to them in the sense of smell. With the popularization of fox hunting, the need to maintain numerous kennels disappeared.

The number of hounds and beagles has decreased significantly. It is unknown what the fate of the latter would have been if not for the farmers of the southern counties who continued to keep dogs for hunting rabbits and hares. Thanks to this, it was possible to preserve many valuable pedigrees, which later became excellent genetic material for crossing with southern hounds.

Interest in the Beagle breed was revived in the first half of the 19th century. When breeder Philip Honeywood returned to Essex, he took with him a pack of mixed breeds, from which modern beagles descended. According to documentary data from 1845, Philip's dogs were white in color and reached 25 cm at the withers. While Honeywood preferred to breed beagles for hunting, Thomas Johnson preferred to improve the appearance of the animals. Thanks to his efforts, two types of beagles appeared - long-haired and short-haired. Unfortunately, only the second type of breed has survived to this day, while the long-haired ones existed only until the second half of the 20th century. The purity of these dogs is still doubted to this day.

In 1861, the Manual of British Sport divided the breed into four categories: terrier beagle, fox beagle, dwarf beagle and medium-sized beagle (the northern type was characterized by less weight than the southern type). Nine years later, the first representatives of the breed set foot on the lands of the New World, where they received the name “little hounds of the South.” American dog breeders have attempted to change the appearance of beagles. As a result, the breed began to resemble basset hounds and acquired a white color with dark points.

This experiment was considered unsuccessful, because despite the excellent qualities of the hunter, the dogs did not look as attractive as their English relatives. Fortunately, Richard Rowett, a military man from Illinois, owned a large flock of beagles, a significant part of which were immigrants from Great Britain. It was the latter that later spread throughout America, improving the gene pool of beagles.

The threat of dog extinction completely disappeared by the end of the 19th century. In 1895, the Beagle Club approved the first standard, which was presented at an exhibition in Birmingham. It became the starting point for the spread of dogs around the world. At that time, two types of beagles were bred: medium (up to 33 cm at the withers) and relatively large (up to 40 cm). In general, the height of the animal should not exceed 41 cm.

By the middle of the 20th century, the beagle became one of the most popular breeds in America. Many hunters used them to hunt rabbits, which beagles excelled at. Spreading throughout Europe, these dogs played an important role in developing new breeds and improving old ones. Thus, beagles were used to strengthen the paws and reduce growth, which made the hounds more suitable for hunting. In 1957, a new official breed standard was adopted, which is still in effect today.

The end of the 20th century was marked by a successful experiment in crossing a beagle and a pug. The result was unusual breed called "puggle". She was never officially recognized, although the dogs’ exterior looked quite presentable.

Despite the fact that beagles first appeared on Russian territory in 1740, active interest in this breed awoke only two centuries later. Specimens brought from the Czech Republic and England gave birth to offspring, and beagles subsequently spread throughout the country. Now they are actively used not only for hunting, but also as service dogs with a well-developed sense of smell. We should not forget that beagles are also kept as pets - loving, devoted and incredibly charming animals.

Video: Beagle

Beagle appearance

The Beagle is a medium-sized breed with elastic muscles and strong bones - as befits hunters. According to FCI standard, the height of an adult animal at the withers reaches 33-40 cm. The average weight of a beagle is from 8 to 18 kg. Don't forget that males are generally larger than females.

Head and skull

The beagle's head is quite powerful, but does not look rough or clumsy. It differs in medium length, in females it is more refined. The skin does not wrinkle or form folds. The shape of the skull resembles a dome. The occipital protuberance is slightly pronounced.


The dog's muzzle is not pointed. A clearly defined stop divides the distance between the nose and occipital part into approximately equal sections. This is clearly visible when the animal stands in profile. Large nose with wide open nostrils, predominantly black. Weakened pigmentation is acceptable in light-colored beagles. The lips do not fit tightly to the jaws, which is why the animal looks ruffled.


When pulled out, the rounded tips of the ears almost reach the dog's nose. Set low and hanging down to the sides of the muzzle, close to the cheeks. Thin and soft to the touch.


The beagle's eyes are not set too deep, and together with the nose they form an equilateral triangle. Color – nut or dark brown. Dry eyelids fit tightly and have dark pigmentation. The Beagle has an intelligent look even in frequent moments of mischief.

Jaws and teeth

The beagle's strong and robust jaws are positioned so that the lower ones are completely overlapped by the upper ones, thereby forming a scissor bite. The incisors are set vertically. A complete dental formula must be available.


Due to the sufficient length of the neck, the beagle easily follows its prey. It features a slight bend and suspension.


The topline smoothly blends into the dog's moderately sloping croup. The loin is slightly arched, short and wide. We can say that it is well balanced in relation to the rest of the body. The beagle's deep chest is distinguished by voluminous and well-bent ribs, lowered below the level of the elbows. The belly does not sag.


It has a medium length and a high rise. Characterized by a thick coat of wool (especially on the lower part). The Beagle's tail does not curl or droop at the base.


Straight parallel legs are located under the dog's body. They have good strong bones. Oblique shoulders are distinguished by well-developed muscles. Long blades are adjacent to the upper part of the body. The beagle's elbows are turned strictly back. The distance from them to the surface of the earth is half the height of the animal at the withers. Short pasterns leading into oval paws small size, which end in pronounced pads and claws.

Hind limbs

Muscular thighs and straight shins provide precise and powerful movements of the Beagle. The dog's knees have a well-defined angle. The hock joints point downwards. The paws are compact due to crowded toes.

Movement style

The beagle pushes off with its hind legs, while pointing its front legs forward. The step is unencumbered and free. A waddle gait is not typical for this breed. The back remains straight; there is not a single hint of stoop.


The Beagle is the happy owner of a short and thick coat of medium hardness without undercoat. It perfectly protects from bad weather and does not become saturated with moisture in a matter of minutes. During hunting, short hairs do not cling to the branches of bushes. The coat fits tightly to the dog's body and has a healthy shine.


The color of the beagle is variable. The most common type is red, black and white (or, as it is called, tricolor). It can be considered classic, since this is the color that appears to a person who hears the word “beagle”. In addition to it, red-blue-white, red-white, red-white, lemon-white, black-and-white, lemon-motley, hare and badger motley are common. All colors, except completely white, may have specks - small spots. Other options are not valid. Pay attention to the tip of the animal's tail: it always remains white, regardless of the color of the coat.

Any deviation from the standard is considered a defect in the Beagle breed. Among them:

  • small or, on the contrary, too bulging eyes;
  • gait waddles or in a “prancing” manner;
  • pronounced occipital protuberance;
  • low height of the dog at the withers;
  • poorly developed muscles;
  • partial pigmentation of the eyelids;
  • strongly pointed muzzle;
  • atypical tail shape;
  • unexpressed stop.

Beagles are characterized by the following disqualifying faults:

  • aggressiveness or timidity of the animal;
  • fear at the sound of gun shots;
  • lack of hunting instincts;
  • depigmentation of lips, nose and eyelids;
  • pincer-shaped bite;
  • light eye color.

The male dog's testicles should be in the scrotum.

Photo of an adult beagle

Beagle character

The Beagle is a striking combination of excellent hunting instincts and genuine good nature. These dogs are the best companions for the reason that even at the dawn of the breed they walked side by side with people, making their existence easier. Beagles personify inexhaustible optimism and energy that needs to be thrown out in active games and walks. If you go with your pet to a park where many people relax, the dog’s happiness will know no bounds. The Beagle loves to attract attention from others and feels better in large groups (both human and canine).

Fans of hunting won't find a better pet! The Beagle is distinguished by its endurance, which allows it to be in nature for more than one hour and at the same time feel like a fish in water. A whole day of exciting adventures and pursuit of prey awaits you, which will not escape the attentive gaze of the dog. Does the thought of hunting give you a lump in your throat? This will not relieve you of the need to properly maintain and educate your beagle. In particular, you should regularly set aside time for trips outside the city, where the dog could run around to its heart's content without a leash and without fear of running out onto the road during heavy traffic.

Beagles show remarkable curiosity about new smells. During a walk, it is not recommended to take your eyes off your pet, otherwise he may chase the intriguing aroma and get lost. If you live in a private house, be sure to make sure the integrity of the fence: a dog can slip out even through a seemingly small gap.

The worst punishment for beagles is a day spent alone in a few square meters of apartment. In an attempt to cheer itself up, the dog will resort to extreme measures- destruction of their habitat. When returning home, be prepared to encounter torn wallpaper, chewed furniture, chewed slippers - and the little prankster’s to-do list is not limited to this. If you work long hours and don’t want to witness the apocalypse, get a second dog that will become an active play partner for your beagle.

Representatives of the breed get along less often with cats, and with small animals - decorative rats, hamsters, parrots - and you should completely abstain. You cannot know when a dog's hunting instincts will awaken. If little friend already lives in the house, protect him as much as possible from contact with the beagle.

Representatives of the breed are friendly towards children and will happily take part in a general game, be it chasing a frisbee or tug of war, so families with a small child should pay attention to this breed. The Beagle will be a wonderful friend and will never bare its teeth in response to a careless poke or tug on its tail. The dog will follow its little owner and protect him from the impending threat.

As for the protective qualities of the beagle, opinions differ. Some argue that the animal reacts sensitively to the slightest rustle or unfamiliar smell, after which it notifies the owner with a loud bark about the source of a potential threat. Other beagle owners are more categorical, since they have more than once witnessed a situation where the dog prefers to limit itself to barking and hides behind the owner’s legs. However, this may be enough if the attacker does not know about the characteristics of the breed and abandons his intentions so as not to come face to face with the “brave defender.”

Beagles subtly sense the situation and smooth out its roughness with their mischief. The dog will attract attention to itself, which will eliminate the brewing conflict and make you forget about the reasons for the heated dispute. Sometimes it seems that the beagle is teaching others a simple lesson: put aside the negativity, because in the world there are so many reasons to rejoice and give happiness to each other!

Education and training

The breed is distinguished by intelligence and quick wit, combined with unshakable stubbornness. The Beagle has selective attention and “hears” only what it considers necessary. In other cases, the dog prefers to melt the heart of a demanding owner with a gentle look and a funny expression on its face. The beagle will not miss the chance to show who is boss in the house, and will not immediately carry out even a well-known command. stands in front of you difficult task– muster up your patience and let the dog understand that leadership remains with you. Do not resort to assault under any circumstances, otherwise the animal will lose trust.

It is necessary to start raising a beagle from puppyhood. Optimal time– two to three months from the birth of the dog. The pet must clearly understand the boundaries of what is acceptable, as well as the time of feeding and walking. A beagle needs to be punished for disobedience promptly and moderately strictly, otherwise by the age of one year you will end up with a spoiled dog. Do not forget that representatives of this breed are very smart and will try to evade punishment thanks to their charm and soulful gaze.

Before the beagle reaches puberty, it is recommended to undergo a general course of training, otherwise the dog may become uncontrollable under the influence of instincts and hormones. It is not uncommon for beagle owners to turn to trainers with enormous experience and qualifications. By the end of the course, your pet should follow commands and clearly understand that the last word- not behind him.

If you decide to train your dog yourself, pay attention to the following: monotonous training will sooner or later get boring for your beagle, and he will stop responding to your words. Secret proper training– variety. Come up with an interesting and exciting program, not forgetting to reward your pet with treats and words. This approach will only strengthen your friendship with your beagle and give positive emotions from communicating with a dog.

Proper socialization of your pet is equally important. Introduce him to new people, animals, places and smells so that the correct picture of the world gradually forms in the dog’s mind - the key to the animal’s sociability and friendliness.

Beagles require minimal care and are very unpretentious to their living conditions. The dog's short coat needs brushing once or twice a week. To do this, usually use a brush or rubber glove. During molting of an animal, the procedure is carried out more often. This time the “tool” is a furminator comb, which can easily remove dead hair and make the dog’s appearance more tidy.

Bathing your pet should not be your goal. It is worth giving your beagle water treatments as rarely as possible so as not to wash off the protective “film” from the fur. If such a need arises, use mild soap or hypoallergenic shampoo for dogs with short hair. After taking a “bath,” insert cotton pads into your pet’s ears to remove excess moisture. Eliminate all drafts, otherwise the animal will catch a cold.

After a walk, it is enough to wipe the dirty paws, and sometimes the stomach, with a damp cloth. In rainy weather, it is recommended to wash the lower part of the beagle's body with water containing tar soap. Don't forget to check the paw pads for cuts or wounds. To soften rough and cracked skin, you can rub in vegetable oil. IN winter time years, when the icy asphalt is sprinkled with reagents and salt, you can use “protection” for the beagle’s paws: paw socks or boots.

To care for your eyes, you need to purchase a special liquid to remove secretions from a pet store. If they are too abundant and the appearance appears cloudy, contact your veterinarian immediately. Don't ignore the beagle's long ears. Clean them from accumulated plaque and dust once every two weeks.

A dog's nails should be filed down regularly during walks, but having a nail clipper in the house won't hurt. If necessary, carefully trim the claws and smooth the sharp edges with a nail file. If your beagle panics at the sight of a tool, start with one paw and then the next day with the other. A treat for encouragement doesn't hurt either.

As for your teeth, they should be cleaned once or twice a week using a brush, a piece of bandage or a finger attachment. No need to use your own paste: dogs don’t like the taste and Strong smell human hygiene product.

The beagle's diet should be balanced. Do not forget that this breed is prone to being overweight, and therefore the chance of turning a lean dog into an immobile bun on its paws is very high. For feeding, use premium dry food with high content vitamins and minerals. Its daily dose is usually indicated on the package. From time to time, dilute your monotonous diet with natural products. Be sure to give your animal a teaspoon vegetable oil so that the coat always maintains a healthy shine.

Never give your beagle the following “treats”:

  • dairy products (not relevant for puppies);
  • raw dough containing yeast;
  • river fish in any form;
  • raw meat and eggs;
  • tubular bones;
  • onions and garlic;
  • legumes;
  • pork;
  • mushrooms.

Water must be filtered and always present in the drinking bowl.

Beagle health and illness

The breed has a strong immune system, but beagles are still susceptible to some diseases. Among them:

  • intervertebral disc disease;
  • deformation of the forelimbs;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • congenital lack of hair;
  • heart and eye problems;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes.

Visit your veterinarian regularly if you want your pet to be healthy and happy.

How to choose a puppy

It is recommended to purchase beagles only from trusted nurseries, where puppies are kept in the right conditions and are subject to veterinary and preventive procedures. Before you start choosing a charming little one, watch the bitch, since in most cases her character and habits are passed on to the kids. Don’t forget to take an interest in the male dog: for example, he should not be a close relative of the bitch.

The best age to purchase a puppy is 1.5-2 months. During this period, the little cat was already accustomed to feeding on its own and gradually moved away from the mother’s excessive care. Don’t forget about the main thing: the sooner the baby appears in your home, the greater the chances of turning him into a well-mannered and obedient dog.

A healthy puppy is active and inquisitive, happily plays with other toddlers and does not run into a corner from the outstretched hand of a stranger. Check your baby for compliance if this is important to you. Are you planning to raise your beagle puppy to be a champion? Then trust your intuition: if you looked at the baby and couldn’t take your eyes off him, then this is your dog!

Photos of beagle puppies

How much does a beagle cost?

The price is determined by several factors:

  • titles and awards of parents;
  • number of puppies in the litter;
  • class - pet, breed or show;
  • popularity of the nursery;
  • age;
  • floor.

The cost of pet-class beagles starts from 5 thousand rubles. The presence of documents and pedigree can double the price. Breeding and show-class puppies cost future owners 20 thousand rubles and more. At the same time, females are more expensive than males.

Perhaps bird markets will offer a lower price, but think about it: is it necessary to sacrifice the future health of the dog for the sake of saving?

The Beagle is an ancient breed of hunting dog with a keen sense of smell, friendly character, quick response and surprisingly friendly character. This is one of the most popular dog breeds all over the world, and is owned by both hunters and ordinary people as a companion and pet.

The first mentions of beagles appeared during the times of Ancient Greece. The birthplace of the breed is considered to be Great Britain. There are different versions of the appearance of beagles in this country. According to one of them, short hounds were brought to England from Ancient Rome.

The imported dogs became the ancestors of otter hounds, foxhounds, harriers and beagles. According to another, the ancestor of the breed was Celtic hounds, crossed into British and French hounds brought to the country by Norman conquerors in the 11th century.

The first mention of beagles in literature appeared in 1475, and in 1650 the breed was described in some detail by the hunter-writer Blum. Reading his works, you can already imagine what a beagle looks like. The books note that the beagle is the smallest of the hunting dogs, but is not inferior in its working qualities to other breeds.

At the beginning of the 19th century, beagles became a fairly common hunting breed. They began to be crossed with paratha hounds. The ancestors of beagles are considered to be foxhounds, harriers and whipets. In 1896, the beagle was shown at an exhibition in Birmingham, and from that time the dog began to rapidly gain popularity.

In the 1870s, beagles were exported to America, and in 1884 a breed club was formed in the country. In 1890, the National Beagle Club was created in the USA and the first hunting competitions were held. By 1954, beagles had become one of the most common hunting dogs in the United States. The official standard currently in force was approved in 1957.

The official Beagle breed standard was adopted in 1957.

Beagles first appeared on Russian territory thanks to the Russian ambassador Ivan Shcherbatov, who bought 63 pairs of dogs in 1740. However, the breed did not become widespread in the country at that time. The revival of interest in beagles began only in 1972. Currently, beagles are most often kept as companions and pets, but some hunters also use them for their intended purpose.

Description of appearance and breed standard, photographs

Translated from modern English, beagle means “hound”, although the name may be based on the Old English “begle” - “small”, or the French “begueule” - “tinned throat”. Each of these versions is close to the truth, since dogs of this breed are at the same time small, fast and with a loud voice.

The Beagle is a medium-sized dog, similar in appearance to the Foxhound, but with shorter legs and longer ears. The height of an adult dog is from 33 to 38 centimeters. Beagle weight is from 8 to 16 kilograms. The dog has a muscular body and strong limbs.

Photo. Beagle dog

Beagle dog in the photo

The breed has the following standards:
  • Head powerful, but not harsh. Bitches have a more elegant and sophisticated head. The skull is round in shape, with a well-defined stop. The muzzle is full, blunt, with moderately drooping jowls.
  • Eyes not set deep, almond-shaped, with tight-fitting eyelids. Eye color is brown or hazel.
  • Ears long, set low, rounded at the edges, soft.
  • Nose large, black, with open nostrils.
  • Bite scissor-shaped. The jaws are strong.
  • Body strong. The back is straight. The chest is deep, reaching to the elbows.
  • Neck medium length, slightly curved, with a slight dewlap under the throat.
  • Limbs short, straight. The shoulder blades are long and laid back. The elbows are pressed tightly to the chest. Hind legs with pronounced angles and pronounced hock joint. The thighs are muscular and wide. The shins are long.
  • Paws rounded, well assembled, with curved toes.
  • Tail of moderate length, set high, strong, not curled.

Disqualifying defects of the breed:

  • Cowardice.
  • Lack of aggression towards the animal.
  • Fear of shots.
  • Height is above 40.5 cm.
  • Lack of pigmentation of lips, eyelids, nose.
  • Light yellow or round eyes.
  • Undershot or overshot.
  • Deformation of the lower jaw.

The standard allows for different color options for beagles, characteristic of hounds. It can be three or two colors.

The standard allows for different color options for beagles: tricolor, bicolor, spotted, motley.

At the same time, some color restrictions are established:

  • The tip of the tail is allowed exclusively white.
  • Pure white color is recognized, but speckling is not allowed.

The most typical color options are:

  • Tricolor with a combination of blue, brown, orange, chocolate, purple.
  • Bicolor – white in combination with red, red, lemon, cream.
  • Spotted - tricolor with spots of any scale.
  • Motley - lemon, badger, hare with markings of an unclean color with various hairs.

The rarest color is “albino” - white without specks or spots. Moreover, monochromatic colors are only allowed as standard: white. There are no other solid colors.

The beagle's coat is typical of hounds: thick, dense. The undercoat is lighter than the main color, uniform. The length of the coat is uniform over the body, slightly shortened on the muzzle and longer on the tail.

Character of the breed

The characteristics of the beagle are based on its working qualities. The purpose of the breed is to hunt small game, so instinct prescribes an innate curiosity to the beagle. The dog sniffs every centimeter of an unfamiliar area, constantly looking for something, and does not miss a single crack.

The Beagle is a public dog and does not tolerate loneliness; he loves to play and have fun.

As a natural hunter, the Beagle is also friendly towards humans and other dogs. He is absolutely not suitable for the role of a security guard, because he loves to meet and communicate with new people. Allows himself to be stroked, he even asks for affection from strangers. The Beagle is a public dog and does not tolerate loneliness. He feels best in public.

The Beagle is an ideal companion for travelers and athletes. He will be happy to run after a bicycle, play with a ball, and explore new territories. Such irrepressible energy and endless cheerfulness can irritate depressed, calm people. A beagle can even run away from a boring couch potato in search of interesting activities.

Beagles love children and enjoy playing with them. The beagle gets used to the company of other dogs and is friends with horses and cows. He has a special relationship with cats, since not every beagle will tolerate being around him. But friendship between a dog and some cats is possible, although in this case special training is required.

The Beagle is a brave and sensitive dog. Warns the owner of the approach of strangers and detects even the slightest odors. But these dogs are not inclined to show aggression, so even very small children are safe with them. The dog's sociability makes it an ideal pet for a large family.

Education and training

The hunting beagle is a typical hound dog, smart, quick-witted, attentive, but willful. She hears all commands perfectly, but if any of them is in her this moment not in the mood, she will pretend that she is deaf. The breed's characteristics include its ability to make decisions independently. This is typical for many hunting dogs, and the beagle is no exception.

The characteristics of the Beagle breed include its ability to make decisions independently.

You need to raise a dog from an early age, actively using reward methods. Beagles love affection, praise, and treats, and they need to be trained using these weaknesses. At the same time, beagles are stubborn and capricious; the owner should carefully monitor the dog’s behavior and try to outsmart it.

You cannot indulge in pranks or disobedience. Feeling weak, the dog will certainly begin to be capricious and refuse to carry out the command. At the same time, the dog is very cunning, and the owner must learn to recognize their tricks from the first days.

IMPORTANT. In addition to learning commands, the dog requires active socialization. Travel around unfamiliar places, meeting new people will help raise a cheerful, sociable and calm dog.

Purpose of the breed

The Beagle is a hunting dog, so it shows its best qualities when used for its intended purpose. Thanks to its exceptional sense of smell, the breed is used by customs to search for explosives and drugs. In Australia, the dog is used to search for termites, and in America the breed is used for food and drug inspection.

Beagle is not guard dog, he will joyfully meet all strangers.

The character of the beagle dog does not allow it to be used as a guard country house or apartments. This breed does not have watchdog qualities. The beagle, of course, will notify the owner about the appearance of a stranger on his own territory, but then he will try to make friends with the stranger and play. Barking is more about greeting a stranger than defending territory from him.

Features of hunting with a beagle

In Russia, acquaintance with the beagle as a hunter is just beginning, although in European countries this breed is quite popular in this capacity. Wherein this breed has excellent working qualities and can become a real hunter's assistant. Desire and perseverance in the pursuit of prey are the main characteristics of the beagle hunter. He completes the task no matter what, efficiently and accurately.

The ideal option for using a beagle on a hunt is to work in a pack or pair. A young dog is trained to search for animals and pursue prey. The acquired skills are tested in field tests, after which the dog receives a diploma or certificate.

A significant disadvantage of beagles as hunters is their passion for chasing prey. The beagle that picks up the trail does not hear the owner’s calls and often gets lost in an unfamiliar forest. Hunters should take this feature into account and train the dog in advance in such a way that, at the owner’s command, it returns from the crawl.

The ideal option for using a beagle on a hunt is to work in a pack or pair.

One of the main qualities of the breed is persistence in achieving goals. This is both a plus and a minus in assessing the beagle as a hunter. A dog will never refuse to pursue prey to the last, even if the animal leads it into an impassable swamp. This behavior of a beagle during a hunt often leads to sad consequences.

The main function of the beagle in hunting hare and fox is to search for the trail and resting place of the animal and lift it under the gun. When hunting a duck, the dog picks it up and then delivers the killed bird to its owner.

The beagle is not used alone in wild boar hunting. In this case, the work of the pack is carried out. The dogs track the animal, surround it on all sides and, with the help of a ringing bark, drive the hunters to shoot. The beagle's voice also helps hunters navigate. Where is the boar currently located?

Features of maintenance and care

Short-haired beagles are clean, unpretentious in food and care, so they are ideal for keeping in a city apartment. In the house, the dog needs to be given a personal space with a warm, cozy bed away from radiators, air conditioning, and a balcony door.

In the house, the dog needs to be given a personal space with a warm, cozy bed.

The dog's sleeping place should have a hard filling, a removable cover and such a length that the dog can stretch out to its full height.


The dog's fur is combed once a week with a special glove or brush. During the shedding period, a furminator or a terrier brush is used for combing. Beagles do not require frequent bathing.

A dog's floppy ears require special care, as dirt accumulates in them and infection develops. Once a week, wipe the ears with a damp cotton pad dipped in strong brewed tea. If your dog starts shaking its head and there is an unpleasant odor coming from its ears, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

The beagle's eyes are wiped with a damp cotton pad every 3-4 days. Once a week, brush your teeth to remove tartar. Once or twice a month, the dog's nails are trimmed if they do not get worn down while running down the street. An indicator of the need for the procedure is a characteristic clicking sound on the floor.

Rules for keeping a beagle in a private house and apartment

In country houses, it is possible to keep a beagle outside so that he always has the opportunity to breathe air and exercise for his own pleasure. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the fence. Otherwise, the dog will dig a hole under him and run away.

Beagles need regular exercise, otherwise they will get bored.

It is worth checking the tightness of the gate closure. A dog needs an insulated kennel to sleep. Keeping it in the yard does not replace the need to communicate with the dog and go for walks in the forest.

The main problem of keeping beagles in a city apartment is the need for active walks. The Beagle needs regular exercise, otherwise he will get bored, get fat and his character will begin to deteriorate. If the puppy is left in a locked room for a long time all alone, he starts acting up. Beagle owners note that.

IMPORTANT. A pet left unattended almost deliberately becomes destructive in order to attract attention to itself. Therefore, experienced breeders do not advise adopting a beagle for people who are at work from morning to evening and do not have the opportunity to walk the dog during the day.

Feeding a beagle: how to create a diet

This breed does not know moderation in food, so the diet and frequency of food intake must be carefully monitored. A puppy up to 2 months is fed 5-6 times a day, from 2 to 6 months - 4 times, from 6 to 12 - 3 times, an adult dog - 3 times.

The beagle is fed dry food or natural food.

For feeding, you can use dry food or natural products. Dry food must be chosen from premium or super-premium brands (,). The ideal option is holistic food with a high protein content (,).

Natural diet must consist of the following products:

  • Meat – about 70% scalded or lightly boiled. You can use chicken or turkey mixed with porridge 2-3 times a week.
  • Sea fish without bones - once a week, raw and frozen.
  • Fermented milk products or milk for puppies.
  • Vegetables and fruits - 10 - 15% of the diet. Pumpkin, zucchini, apples, grapes, and pears are good for dogs.
  • Buckwheat porridge, rice, oatmeal – 30 %.

ADVICE. Nuts, crackers, biscuits, baby cookies, crackers, cheese can be given to the dog as a treat or reward for following commands.

Contraindicated for Beagles:

  • Potato.
  • Legumes.
  • Salty and fried foods.

Beagle health and life expectancy

The average life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 12-15 years. However, dogs that are intensively used in hunting most often do not survive to this age.

Can also reduce life expectancy hereditary diseases:

Beagles may suffer from cataracts, dermatitis, and congenital deafness.
  • Problems with joints and spine.
  • Eye diseases: Beagle mating is carried out after preliminary acquaintance of partners.

    It is recommended to establish contact on neutral territory, where mating will then take place. If, at the first meeting, a bitch and a dog show obvious hostility and aggression, it means that they are not ready for mating and the event should be abandoned.

    Before mating, the dogs are introduced on neutral territory.

    Readiness for mating is determined by the color of the discharge and the behavior of the dog. The discharge becomes creamy. If you stroke a dog on the back, it freezes and understands the tail. , after a walk, when the dogs are calm and not tired. The bitch is brought into the dog's territory. Control mating is recommended to be carried out on the second day.

    Choosing a puppy: what to look for

    Before buying a puppy, you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it and its gender. If a beagle is purchased as a devoted friend and pet, any puppy will do, as long as it is healthy and active. To use a dog for training or hunting, the puppy is selected based on the working qualities and appearance of the parents, as well as by analyzing their documents.

    It is recommended to buy a puppy at the age of 1.5-2 months, when he is already stronger and transferred to independent feeding. At this time, the baby can already adapt to the new environment and get used to the new owner. By this time, an experienced dog handler can already identify the presence of signs of breeding marriage.

    The chosen puppy must be active, inquisitive, well-fed and not afraid of strangers. The baby's coat should be shiny, his nose, eyes and ears should be clean, and his mucous membranes should be pale in color.

    Photo. Beagle puppy

    Little beagle puppies in the photo

    The pet is assessed according to the following breed criteria:
    • Strong, correctly positioned limbs.
    • Scissor bite.
    • Long, soft ears.
    • Two- or three-color color that meets the standards.
    • Correct, confident movements.
    • A good appetite.

    The Beagle breed is not cheap. But the range of prices for puppies is quite large, since they are influenced by the pedigree of the dog and the presence of real champions in it.

    You can buy a purebred beagle puppy in nurseries in the following cities:

    1. Moscow - at prices starting from $400 (www.beagle-vendeen.ru, http://www.beaglevista.com/).
    2. St. Petersburg - at a price of $500 (ami-shegoday.com, http://kennel-beagle.rf/).
    3. Kyiv - at prices starting from $300 (http://barstail.kiev.ua/about/pokupka/, http://barstail.kiev.ua/).

    Pros and cons of the breed

    The advantages of beagles are the following qualities:

    • Friendliness.
    • Good health.
    • Sharp sense of smell.
    • Unpretentiousness in food.

    The main advantages of the beagle are friendliness, good health and an excellent sense of smell.

    The disadvantages of the breed are considered to be stubbornness and willful character, the need for long, active walks.

    Height at withers: 33 - 45 cm

    Weight: 12 - 18 kg

    Variable. Tri-color beagles are common. All colors can be spotted. The tip of the tail is invariably white.

    The back is straight and level, strong. Rib cage quite long and developed. The loin is short, strong and flexible. The stomach is not retracted.

    Hind legs

    The thighs are muscular and powerful. Fingers tightly gathered. The claws are short. Hocks are short.

    Front legs

    Straight, set vertically under the body, with good bone and round bones.

    Durable, moderate length. Set on high. No twisting on the back and no falling forward at the base. Well pubescent below.

    Long, with rounded ends, almost reaching the tip of the nose when pulled out. Set low, soft to the touch, hanging gracefully, lying close to the cheeks.

    Short, dense, thick. The cover does not allow moisture to pass through and protects during bad weather.

    Teeth, jaws and cheekbones

    The jaws should be strong, with a perfect, even and complete scissor bite.

    Dark brown or walnut in color, neither deep set nor protruding, widely spaced. Soft intelligent look.

    Broad, preferably black, however lighter pigmentation is allowed in lighter colored dogs. The nostrils are wide open.

    Medium length, powerful, but not coarse. Refined, without folds or wrinkles.

    turn on

    switch off


    The Beagle is a British hunting breed with a rich history. These dogs are very fast, despite several short legs, brave and active. They take training quite hard due to their characteristic restlessness, but at the same time they are very smart, understanding and loyal. Their sense of smell is one of the most advanced in the canine world, which is why they are currently used as service animals, successfully helping police, military and customs officers. In addition, beagles are wonderful pets - infinitely kind, loving and unpretentious, which contributes to the popularity of the breed.

    Photo: kerry james, flickr.com/photos/whoskerry/ Photo: Julie Natonabah, flickr.com/photos/wallys_momma/ Photo: Alain Picard, flickr.com/photos/alainpicard/


    There are many versions of the origin of this charismatic hunting breed. The legendary Greek historian Xenophon argued that in Ancient Greece there were small hounds with a low body that could pursue game not only at speed, but also worked on the scent thanks to their excellent scent.

    The ancient Romans could have followed the example of the Greeks and also started breeding these dogs. It is believed that it was they who brought the ancestors of the beagle to the territory of modern Britain, where they began to cross them with native breeds. It is also possible that England in antiquity had its own hounds long before the guests from Rome. According to historical information, Prince Pwyll of Wales had a personal breed of white hounds.

    Be that as it may, by the middle of the 18th century in Britain there were two key breeds for hunting hare and other small game - the southern hound and the northern beagle. It is believed that the basis for the creation of modern beagles was a group of dogs collected by string from all over the island in the mid-19th century by breeder Parson Honeywood. She was demonstrated at an unofficial specialized dog show in Essex and created a sensation. Just a few years later, every British beagle kennel had descendants of dogs from the famous Essex group.

    In 1870, the first beagles arrived in America. In the New World they were called "little hounds of the South." American breeders, by the way, as always, tried to change the dogs - they had very light heads, like dachshunds, they resembled basset dogs and had a distinctive white color with dark spots. They perfectly helped hunters, but, according to experts, they were not distinguished by external beauty. Around the same time, Illinois General Richard Rowett assembled his pack of beagles, which was dominated by the classic British. Gradually, the dogs of the military leader and passionate hunter spread throughout America, significantly improving the exterior and gene pool of the growing breed.

    Beagles became more and more popular - both in Britain and in the USA. At the beginning of the last century, there were about a dozen active clubs of breeders and lovers of this breed in these countries. However, the official Beagle standard was approved only in 1957. Since then, it has remained virtually unchanged, and beagles have significantly expanded their specialization - from now on they were considered not only excellent hunters, but also disciplined service dogs, who, thanks to their excellent sense of smell, helped police and customs officers in searching for drugs and other prohibited goods. At the moment, the beagle dog is actively used by border guards in Russia.

    But we should not forget that modern representatives of the breed are, first of all, excellent pets, distinguished by their intelligent appearance, wonderful character, devotion and love.

    In 1980, a somewhat strange, but surprisingly successful, crossing of a beagle and a pug was carried out. A new breed called "Puggle", but has not yet been officially recognized, despite its charming exterior.


    In most cases, descriptions of the Beagle breed focus on the dogs' intelligence, intelligence and spontaneity. Unfortunately, today their traditional and fundamental qualities (excellent scent, endurance, determination) are not highly valued by inexperienced breeders. Sometimes the advantages of beagles are generally considered something negative, because a born hunting dog is like “too difficult to keep and not a cute enough pet.”

    Yes, objectively speaking, raising a beagle requires effort and patience from the owner, but this does not mean at all that these dogs are stupid and primitive. The purpose of this breed involves the desire for independence and quick decision-making, so it is not entirely fair to expect unquestioning obedience from a real hunting dog. This is simply not inherent in her nature: the little hunter always remains true to her instincts, although she can boast of excellent adaptive abilities.

    The beagle is very sensitive to smells and even on an ordinary walk in a city park can easily start up and follow the scent. Therefore, for proper socialization and training with a dog, it is necessary to complete a basic obedience course (basics of obedience). With well-planned and sensitive training, the beagle is not an eccentric and uncontrollable monster, but an energetic and inquisitive dog that amazes its owner with its resourcefulness and sense of humor.


    The Beagle is an excellent companion dog (this is a common quality for all hunting dogs, because even at the beginning of the formation of the general group they spent all their time with people), the personification of cheerfulness and optimism. Beagles have incredible energy and are never bored. They are pack hunting dogs, so noisy companies You won’t scare them, quite the opposite - beagles adore social dynamics, attracting attention to their person. The more people around them, the happier they are.

    The charm of this pet cannot leave anyone indifferent. Even though Beagles have a tendency to be destructive in the home, they can get away with anything. After all, the owner feels that the dog is not doing this out of malice, and, looking at his cheerfully raised tail and loving eyes, continues to selflessly love the mischievous dog. In addition, a well-mannered beagle will never exhibit typically barbaric qualities if given proper attention.

    These pets are not at all aggressive and always try to defuse any conflict with their tomfoolery. In the company of barking street dogs or a domestic quarrel, he will try to draw all the attention to himself, making everyone forget about the cause of the dispute. This dog always seems to be trying to remind others that focusing on the negative in life is simply stupid, because you can simply rejoice and bring happiness to each other, regardless of the circumstances.


    There is simply no limit to the love a beagle has for his family. And if the owners lead active image life is simple perfect union. This dog will be equally happy to go jogging with you in the morning and lie on your lap in the evenings.

    The Beagle dog breed is perfect for children. They are playful, incredibly affectionate and not at all aggressive. Very often, it is with babies that the Beagle establishes the closest contact and complete mutual understanding. After all, they themselves retain a childish temperament at any age. It is advisable that the child is at least four years old, otherwise he may simply not physically cope with the restless dog.

    The beagle quickly makes contact with family guests. You won’t even have time to blink an eye, and your friends are already tugging at the dog’s ears, and he’s cheerfully wagging his tail.

    The Beagle is inquisitive and can easily make friends with other animals both on the street and in your home. The exception is cats. For a beagle, a cat is an enemy, a target and a prey. Let us immediately note that compromise is impossible here.

    These dogs have a ringing, impressive voice, but are completely unsuitable for home guarding. The Beagle is very hospitable and will give a stranger a loud bark as a joyful greeting, but not a threat.

    Perhaps the worst thing for a beagle is to be completely alone: ​​without an owner, friends and other spectators for his funny jokes. Beagles' character deteriorates from loneliness - at first the dog simply becomes irritable, but it all ends in aggression and destructive behavior. The best way out for people who spend a lot of time at work would be to get a second beagle for complete canine idyll. The main thing is to leave them plenty of toys.


    As you can judge from just one photo of a beagle, these long-eared dogs are so charming that the owner is certainly tempted to behave much more gently with a puppy or young dog than necessary. And in a few months you will get an adult dog that dominates its owner. To avoid this, from the first days of your pet’s stay in the house, you need to work to ensure that he recognizes your authority and respects you, and not just loves you devotedly.

    You should make it clear what can and cannot be done in your home, as well as establish where the puppy will eat and go to the toilet. Punishment for non-compliance with the rules should be moderately strict and always prompt (punish without delay) for correct perception. Do not fall for the beagle’s tricks and manipulations, because he is very resourceful and smart, and will always try to evade responsibility.

    It is very important to take a basic obedience course and work through all the basic commands before your dog goes through puberty. Otherwise, a hyperactive beagle, torn by instincts, hormones and restlessness, may become beyond your control. If you do not have the desire or necessary training skills, contact a qualified and caring trainer.

    As for training, given the beagle's temperament, training should be intense and frequent, but not long. Otherwise, the pet will lose interest in them. 10-15 minutes of exciting and creative tasks with the obligatory reward for successful completion in the form of a treat (of course, verbal praise is also necessary) will make your friendship even stronger.

    The main thing for the owner in raising a beagle is patience, love and perseverance. Many owners who have successfully completed this task admit that it was serious work, first and foremost, on themselves.

    Walking and exercise

    Beagles are perfect hunting dogs and therefore need serious physical activity and games that, if possible, imitate hunting.

    These dogs need to be walked 2-3 times a day; Each run should ideally last at least an hour. These animals are very fast and agile - don't let their short legs fool you. Keeping up with them is problematic - they, like small bulldozers, will pull the leash with all their might. Besides, simple walks you won't get away with it. On weekends, you will have to go to the forest or any other place with natural ground to allow this cute bundle of energy to run around without a leash. Let us immediately note that you can let a beagle off a leash only if the dog is perfectly trained and obedient, because, as you know, these pets are extremely difficult to control. Especially if the beagle smells something - in such cases he “turns off” his ears and falls into a kind of trance at the mercy of instincts, not responding to the owner’s call.

    You can and should walk with a Beagle dog in any weather, because the coat perfectly protects it from wind, rain and snow. Games with her should have an element of pursuit - this could be a bike ride, running after a toy or a remote-controlled car. It should also be taken into account that beagles are pack animals, so they will be happy to have fun running around in the company of other medium-sized and large breeds. You should be careful with miniature four-legged pets, because beagles can drive Yorkies or pugs to the point of exhaustion.

    The sense of smell of long-eared hunters is considered one of the most advanced dogs in the world, so they are currently used as service animals, successfully helping police, military and customs officers. Russian border guards These hyperactive and intelligent pets are also highly valued.

    Beagles' sense of smell is considered one of the most advanced dogs in the world, which is why they are currently used as service animals, successfully helping police, military and customs officers. Russian border guards also highly value these hyperactive and intelligent pets.


    Beagles are very unpretentious and easy to care for. Judge for yourself: they shed imperceptibly, have no characteristic odor, are clean and not prone to excessive salivation.

    The basis of their grooming is just basic coat care. Their short and thick coat needs to be combed once a week under normal circumstances and two to three times during seasonal molting. Beagle dogs should be washed only if they are heavily soiled, because they are very clean by nature, and their fur is able to repel dirt. After a walk, you just need to wipe your paws wet rag and make sure there are no cuts on them.

    Eye care is also typical. As you know, it is the eyes that speak about a dog’s health. Check them several times a week, removing any discharge with a cloth soaked in special eye hygiene liquid from the pet store. The Beagle's gaze should be clear and meaningful. In case of cloudy eyes and excessive heavy discharge contact your veterinarian.

    Ears should be cleaned, inspected once a week, and cleaned once every two weeks. In this breed they are very long and pressed against the cheekbones, so they cannot always be ventilated. This structure can cause the accumulation of bacteria, so clean them from even the slightest plaque and dust.

    Beagles' claws are quite short and can be worn down naturally during walks.

    Beagle and your apartment

    If you decide to get a beagle, be prepared for the fact that your apartment will become a field of research and a place have fun adventures for a puppy. This cheerful dog will teach you perfect order, you can be sure.

    Young beagle exploring the world primarily with teeth. Hanging wires, open sockets, shoes, remote controls, chargers, plants and books are all at risk of becoming prey to the puppy. Your valuables should always be kept in securely locked cabinets. Food and inedible chemicals with a tempting smell that the beagle will certainly want to taste deserve special attention. Always try to look at the apartment through the eyes of a puppy and remove anything that might interest him. To prevent your pet from gnawing on your furniture and door frames, you can spray them with something bitter: for example, a diluted mustard solution or special means from the pet store.

    When choosing a place in the house for your pet to sleep, keep in mind that the puppy will rest there while you are not home. Accordingly, there should be the least amount of things valuable to you. It is better not to place it in the corridor, as the noise on the staircase will constantly worry the dog. Observe your pet and what he likes to do in his sleep: burrow into a hole or lie with his paws outstretched. Depending on this, choose a bed. This can be a pillow-like mattress that takes the shape of the animal’s body or a special sofa for dogs. You can put a cage in the house, put a mattress in it and cover it with some kind of cloth on top. As a rule, representatives of the Beagle breed feel very comfortable in such minks. The puppy should always have access to bowls with clean water and food on a stand that can be adjusted to suit the pet’s height.

    Make sure your dog has sufficient quantity toys. Beagles prefer small toys (no larger than the palm of your hand). For example, special bones or rubber toys in which you can hide food. This should distract your dog from eating your household items. On the street, the beagle will happily play Frisbee. Only the plate for the dog should not be the usual plastic, but made of strong rubber.

    What to feed a Beagle dog

    These pets love to eat heavily. Moreover, they can be truly gluttonous. These are not picky dogs, but it is worth considering that they prefer large portions. You should not allow them to overeat, even if it seems to you that the dog is not full, since beagles do not know moderation and easily get fat. Beagles need to be fed 2-3 times a day at strictly designated times. You can choose ready-made, high-quality food from a pet store or feed your dog regular, natural food. In the latter case, meat should make up 70% of the diet, and cereals, vegetables and fruits - the remaining 30%. Fatty foods, smoked, salted, fried, liver meat, rolled oats and chicken should be excluded from the beagle's diet to avoid digestive disorders and allergic reactions.

    about cats - nonsense. I got along well with the house cat. They don’t sleep in an embrace, but they eat from the same bowl. They also periodically bring in a cat for foster care, so there’s generally love and licking of ears