Caring for the English Cocker Spaniel breed. Caring for an English Cocker Spaniel Caring for Cocker Spaniel puppies: grooming

Caring for a spaniel does not require much work from the owner. The main thing is to allow the pet to splash out its energy, because in the urban jungle it cannot show its hunting talents as intended. The dog needs to be walked regularly, play with it home environment and on the street.

Content Features

There are 3 breeds of cocker spaniels - English, American and Russian. Their roots are the same, but there are also differences. For example, the American cocker can be found more often at an exhibition than during a hunt. The main difference between the breed is its long, shiny coat of uniform color. In theory, the American Spaniel is a hunting dog, but it does well in a quiet environment.

The Russian cocker is a descendant of the English one. When the British brought these pets to Russia, breeders liked them. But it was necessary to make the breed more resistant to climate change or hunting conditions. After crossing different types Spaniel breeders managed to breed a dog adapted to wooded, flat and swampy areas.

The common features of all three types of spaniels are activity, playfulness, responsiveness and loyalty. Dogs become very attached to their owner, and if this is not controlled, the puppy can completely lose independence.

Cockers adapt their behavior to the situation. The pet behaves friendly with its owner and members of his family, makes contact himself, and gets along well with children and other animals. But the hunter's skills make the dog a good guard if necessary.

A not very pleasant feature of spaniels is a tendency to continuous, not always justified barking. Because of this, keeping a dog in an apartment will not be easy. Some cockers are stubborn and willful, and have an unshakable sense of ownership over their toys.

Estrus in female cocker spaniels begins at 7-10 months and lasts 21 days with a break of 5-6 months. In this regard, the breed is no different from others. Those who are going to breed puppies need to breed the dog with a male during the last 5 days of estrus.

Who can handle the breed

Caring for a Cocker Spaniel is not difficult. The main conditions of keeping are attention to the coat and regular outdoor games. It is better to get such a dog in big family so that someone is always at home.

Cockers can be left alone, but not for long. Loneliness affects the dog’s psyche, it gets irritated, gets into the habit of constantly howling, barking and ruining things. The spaniel is sincerely attached to only one person, but tries to please all family members and treats everyone with love.

This the breed is suitable for older people who want to have a devoted companion in retirement. The spaniel will not let you get bored, will be a devoted friend, and will amuse you with his acting abilities.

English and Russian cockers can be owned by hunters. If you start raising a puppy right away, by adulthood he will be good companion. Spaniels have a sensitive sense of smell; they do not stand in a stance, but immediately rush to the prey, without giving it time to escape. When it finds itself in the tenacious teeth, the cocker carries it to the owner carefully, holding it by the very edge so as not to damage it.

American spaniels are winners of many exhibitions and shows. If you want to compete, the breed's long coat and neat face will win your heart.

All cockers can be safely left alone with children. You can even leave the house for a while and hand over the reins to your dog. She takes such tasks seriously, not allowing the child to do anything wrong.

All this applies to well-mannered dogs who were shown in childhood who was boss. If you constantly indulge the whims of a seemingly defenseless puppy, then as it grows up its character will become unbearable - the pet will sit on your neck, considering itself to be in charge. Such errors will have to be corrected by the instructor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any dog, even a mongrel one, requires care. You will have to put even more effort into keeping a pet with a pedigree. Cocker spaniels are not overly demanding. The advantages of their content:

  1. They are easy to train. They try to please the owner, so they master the commands without any problems.
  2. Cockers are smart. They quickly understand what not to do and what they can get away with.
  3. They love to travel and tolerate driving well. You won’t have to leave your dog with someone close when you need to leave for a few days.
  4. Spaniels are loyal. They will not run away from you during a walk, or do anything that upsets you.
  5. Pets are easy-going. If you punish a dog, it will understand everything, will not take revenge on you, and will forget about the incident within half an hour.

But things are not so easy with these animals. They also have disadvantages:

  1. Gluttony. Cocker spaniels will not refuse another portion of food, even if they have just destroyed a full plate. You will have to make sure that your pet does not overeat and feed it a balanced diet to avoid obesity.
  2. Selfishness. If you raise a dog incorrectly, it will do as it wants, ignore your commands, and start fights with other animals while walking.
  3. Emotionality. Cockers become attached to their owners and do not tolerate loneliness. If you leave your dog alone for a long time, be prepared for damage to furniture, clothing, and anything else your teeth could reach.
  4. A sense of ownership. Cockers are friendly towards children, but if a child takes the treasured toy, war will begin.
  5. Demand for attention. Spaniels need a lot of time. While you are at home, play with the dog, feed it, pet it, scratch it. If you don’t do this, she will get bored and start looking for entertainment for herself, for example, she will try to test the strength of your slippers.

What to buy

The dog should be comfortable in the house, it should have its own sleeping place. Get a bed or house in advance. Other animals should not be allowed into the cocker’s abode, otherwise he will show aggression.

For a puppy, it is better to buy the cheapest collar and a regular leash without a tape measure. When your dog grows up and gets used to walking next to you on walks, choose more expensive accessories. Choose toys carefully – spaniels love soft and exciting ones.

Think about what your pet will chew so that he does not choose furniture for this purpose. Buy sinew bones, but to begin with, not too large so that the dog can carry them to a convenient place. You need a regular bowl, without a stand, but with high sides so that your ears don’t fit into it.

For hair care you need a furminator or regular brush, but with it, combing will take longer and will not be as effective. For water procedures, you will need shampoos and conditioners specifically for spaniels.

Place of detention

Cocker spaniels are small in size, so they feel comfortable even in a one-room apartment. The dog needs to create a separate corner in order to immediately stop attempts to go to sleep in the owner’s bed.

A pet can only be kept outside in the summer - it is not adapted to cold weather. Make a comfortable booth, put soft bedding and additional toys in it.

The Cocker cannot be kept on a chain or in an enclosure - he constantly needs freedom of action so that he can splash out his energy.

You can put a playpen for dogs in the apartment. The pet is allowed into it if the owners leave for a while. There should be plenty of space in the playpen; toys should be placed there so that the pet does not get bored and does not look for a way to retreat.

Feeding rules

Proper nutrition is the key to your pet's health. There are two diet options for a cocker spaniel - natural food and super-premium dry food. If you don’t have too much free time, buy ready-made formulations. Feed the dog natural food, if you can devote time to cooking every day, you cannot give your spaniel ordinary human dishes.

In the first 2 months, the puppy needs to be fed 6 times a day with the same food as in the nursery, the amount of food is approximately 0.5 cups. The dog's weight should increase from 350-450 g to 4-5 kg. Establish a clear feeding routine so your puppy knows when to expect food.

After 2 months, you can introduce liquid semolina or rice porridge on milk. Minced meat and bones and grated carrots are added to it. The number of feedings is reduced to 5, and after four months of age – to 4. At this point, the dog’s weight is 8-10 kg.

Starting from the age of six months, the puppy is transferred to three meals a day. At this time, its weight is 11-13 kg. After 1 year, the dog is fed 1-2 times a day. The diet should consist of 80% proteins and 20% carbohydrates.

The cocker's menu should include the following products:

Spaniels should not be given pasta, sausages, sausages, confectionery products and river fish. Do not feed your dog fried, fatty or smoked foods, and do not allow them to eat food from your table.


The Cocker Spaniel needs to be taught from childhood to water procedures and combing so that the adult pet does not cause problems. Only wash your dog if his coat looks dirty. Before doing this, check that there are no tangles in it. Use special dog shampoos or baby products that do not dry out the skin. After the procedure, the pet should be rinsed well so as not to cause irritation.

It is better to care for the coat with several brushes with metal ones, not too fine teeth. Move along the hair growth in this order: neck, shoulders, back, sides, outside of the paws, area around the tail. Then take a softer brush and brush the ears (especially the inside), body, front paws, armpits, groin, hind legs and tail.

Use a wide-tooth comb to remove any dead undercoat, then go over again with the main comb. If there are tangles, they are sorted out with your fingers or a soft brush.

The procedure is performed every 2-3 days. If you live in a private home and often let your dog roam freely, you will have to brush it daily.

It is better to call a groomer to groom your cocker. He knows where to use scissors and where to use a clipper, so as not to spoil the breed. Russian Spaniels do not need to be trimmed.

Taking care of your teeth

As soon as you get a puppy, get him accustomed to the fact that you will periodically look into his mouth and check his teeth. Do this 1-2 times a week, then reward your pet with tasty food.

When baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth (at 6-7 months), they need to be brushed once a month. Choose a comfortable brush and veterinary toothpaste for dogs. A human one will not work, since you cannot explain to your pet that you need to spit out the remains and rinse your mouth. And aggressive substances will cause digestive problems. Regular care taking care of your teeth will prevent dental diseases.

Nail trimming

The cocker spaniel also needs to be accustomed to this procedure. childhood. The claws are cut with veterinary pruning shears at an acute angle. First you need to carefully examine them, find the pulp with accumulation blood vessels. The claw should be trimmed at a distance of 2 mm from its tip.

If you cut too short, you can stop the bleeding with a veterinary pencil or powder. If there are none, sprinkle flour on the wounded finger. If it is missing, wrap your paw with a bandage to stop the bleeding. If it does not stop for more than 5 minutes, take your pet to the veterinarian.

Only trim the nails of dogs that do not wear them down during walks. If you walk with your pet on asphalt, this procedure is not required. If your favorite places are squares or beaches, then cut the nails when they become too long, without waiting for problems with the dog’s health.

Diseases of the breed

On average, Cocker Spaniels live 15 years. good care. Usually dogs of this breed suffer from hereditary diseases. Before buying a puppy, check its vaccinations (they are indicated in the veterinary passport).

Common diseases in cockers:

  • nephropathy (kidney disease);
  • pathologies of bones and joints;
  • eye diseases - conjunctivitis, ectropion, retinal atrophy;
  • middle ear infections, deafness;
  • dermatitis, allergies, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (defect in collagen synthesis);
  • obesity.

If your dog is sick, contact your veterinarian; do not try to treat it yourself. The doctor will find out what the problem is, conduct tests, select medications and dosage. Your task is to follow the veterinarian's instructions and provide your pet with care.

Training Basics

Cocker spaniels actively accept training, but for this you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Timeliness. Start teaching your dog commands with early age, otherwise it will be more difficult later.
  2. Regularity. Work with your pet daily, otherwise he will forget the learned commands.
  3. Sufficient load. Cockers are hunting dogs, so develop their potential. Use more active commands in training.
  4. Tolerance. Don't scold your spaniel for mistakes in training. The animal does not understand your speech; it needs time to get used to it.
  5. Game format. Get your pet interested and training will go smoothly.
  6. Personal contact. If you consider yourself the owner of a cocker, do the training yourself, without entrusting it to other family members or trainers.

First, train your spaniel to respond to your name, thereby attracting his attention. Then teach the command “place”, then “sit”, “to me” and “lie”. An important stage of training is learning the word “no” or its alternative “fu”. They are needed so that your apartment does not look like a battlefield.

Walks and games

Walking is the second favorite activity of cockers after eating. Walk your pet twice a day - morning and evening, or better yet, during the day. On the street, the pet must go to the toilet (this takes about half of the entire walk, since the animal can empty its bladder up to 10 times).

You need to play with the dog - let it bring you a ball or a stick. The second educational game is “Take It Away.” Take the stick, but don't throw it - let the dog grab it from the other side. This is how the spaniel develops self-control. If he starts to behave aggressively, give the command "fu" and end the game. The walk should last at least an hour.

You chose the English Cocker Spaniel for good reason. This is a magnificent breed. A playful and friendly English Cocker Spaniel will give you a lot of wonderful moments in life. Its care and maintenance cannot be called simple, but only for exhibition specimens. In general, dogs of this breed are quite unpretentious.

Of course, your pet’s thick coat will require some attention and time. Caring for long ears should be competent and regular, as well as trimming the claws, as well as brushing the teeth of the little hunter. Every spaniel owner should know his care responsibilities, because we are responsible for the one we have tamed.

The progenitor, the dog Obo, came to our countries from Spain. Thick and black hair, extraordinary endurance and curiosity, developed hunting instincts - these are the wonderful qualities that the spaniel has inherited to this day. The breed was obtained by crossing 2 centuries ago, however, it received international recognition only in 1970.

Characteristic and features English cocker:

  1. The size is medium (at the withers up to 41 cm, weight up to 15 kg), the muscles and joint apparatus are well developed.
  2. The body is folded correctly, the back is flexible, the legs are strong and muscular.
  3. The head is set beautifully, the skull is smooth with an elongated muzzle. The neck is strong and of moderate length.
  4. The dog has a large nose, flat eyes with brown or hazel irises.
  5. The spaniel's ears are long and drooping, set below the level of the back of the head. The shape resembles blades.
  6. The tail is set below the level of the back and is well mobile.
  7. The dog's movements are correct, confident and slightly sweeping.

Special attention should be paid to the wool, thanks to which the breed is loved by many breeders around the world. Nature has endowed the English Cocker with soft and delicate wool, reminiscent of silk in tactile sensations. According to the standard, coat straight (sometimes a little curly) and has a good shine. Closer to the belly it forms a thick skirt, requiring careful care and grooming. The paws have dense feathering resembling a fringe.

Modern spaniels have received 2 purposes: a show dog (including for breeding) and a hunting dog, the requirements for which may differ slightly.

If you decide to buy a hunter spaniel, then, first of all, pay attention to the coat. Representatives of this group of spaniels have a rather short coat and are often white in color, since such a dog is better visible in the grass and water. Tail length hunting cockers is up to 13 cm.

English Cocker Spaniel: how to care for its coat

Cockers owe their beauty and grace to their well-developed coat. High-quality wool requires no less high-quality care, the origins of which are regular combing and competent grooming of the English Cocker Spaniel. B, his coat is less rich, but also requires high-quality care.

So, the spaniel's coat is thick with a moderately developed undercoat, so shedding is the main problem of the breed. The cocker's hair sheds regularly, so trim it several times a week to remove dead hair. We recommend following a rosary, then his coat will be less susceptible to loss.

Comb 1-2 times a week to prevent the appearance of tangles and curls. Use a wide comb to separate tufts of fur, as well as a slicker brush to remove dead undercoat and gradually comb out the puppy's fur.

Once a week, use a human massage brush, preferably a wooden one. It will improve metabolic processes in the skin, normalizes blood flow to the coat, prevents hair loss large quantity hair, will reduce the appearance of dandruff.

But this does not affect the rules of grooming. Regular grooming is recommended for dogs of this breed. Grooming and trimming of the English Cocker Spaniel is performed once every 1-2 months, depending on the degree of overgrowth of the coat.

It is necessary to accustom a cocker to grooming during puppyhood. Carry out the entire range of procedures (even if caring for your English Cocker Spaniel initially takes you no more than 30 minutes), teach it to hygienic haircuts and bathing.

You should also teach your little spaniel to stand still for 2-3 hours (this is how long complex grooming takes on average).

And now about how to cut an English Cocker Spaniel. The cocker breed's haircut is done in a natural style, taking into account individual proportions and hygienic nuances. Haircut your head and body with a special clipper with good power. You will need nozzles of 10 (head) and 15 (torso) mm. Long hair on the ears, belly and limbs is trimmed with scissors to the required length (shorter for the summer), and milled if desired. The tail is cut in the shape of a wedge, and a kind of hygienic “diamond” is cut under it. It is recommended to profile the hair on the ischial tuberosities.

It is recommended to entrust the first grooming of a dog to a professional who will perform a basic haircut, taking into account individual characteristics your puppy. In the future, maintaining a professional haircut will be much easier, because its general contours will be preserved.

What tools and supplies do you need to purchase to care for your English Cocker Spaniel?

  1. Comb with short and frequent metal teeth (slicker).
  2. Comb with sparse and long teeth.
  3. Massage brush.
  4. Brush with soft natural bristles for grooming your puppy's coat.
  5. Professional scissors for haircuts (simple and thinning).
  6. Hair clipper with 4 attachments.
  7. Cosmetic products for hair care: shampoo (simple and medicinal for seborrhea), mask or conditioner, spray to facilitate combing.

Useful video

Watch interesting and very useful videos on caring for the English Cocker Spaniel:

Tail docking

In this section, it is important to highlight the eternal dilemma of owners: whether or not to dock the tail of an English Spaniel. Of course, responsibility for the decision and the procedure itself rests with the owner; we can only give some advice.

If you are raising a hunting spaniel, then docking can be considered a desirable procedure, since the dog often cuts its tail on sedge and thorny grasses.

If the spaniel was purchased as show dog, then you need to take into account the fashion trends for tails and the opinion of dog handlers and judges in different countries. Tail docking is currently being cancelled.

Be sure to leave your favorite cocker his playful tail, which was given by nature for a reason.
Sometimes docking the tail of an English Cocker Spaniel is dictated by necessity (rotting wounds, severe burns, fractures and other tail injuries).

If you decide on the docking procedure, then it must be carried out before the age of 5 days of life, until the puppies see and hear the owner and do not experience severe pain. Tail trimming before the age of 2.5 months should take place with local anesthesia and mandatory suturing.

Comprehensive spaniel care: ears, teeth, claws

If you often walk with your English Cocker Spaniel on asphalt, paving stones and rough ground, then the claws grind down on their own and do not cause any worries to the owner. But still, it is necessary to have a high-quality nail clipper in the house (selected taking into account the size of the dog and the strength of the claw). Sometimes your pet's claw may split or break. Or you will have to shorten it on the fifth finger, which does not reach the ground.

Remove the length carefully so as not to damage the blood vessel in any way. Be sure to sand sharp edges with a nail file. Do not allow the nails to grow or curl, otherwise this may cause injury to the paws.

Dental care involves removing soft yellow plaque and hard stone. Even if you feed your English Cocker Spaniel dry food and regularly buy treats (sinews, ears, dry-cured sausages, etc.), over time the stone will still grow and can lead to tooth decay and an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Teeth are cleaned using 2 types of brushes: a standard one with soft bristles (can be purchased as a finger attachment) and a massage brush with rubber bristles. Apply a special brush to a regular brush. toothpaste for dogs and use a downward motion to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. It's okay if your pet licks the paste - that's what it's designed for. Use a massage brush to gently and slowly move along the gums - this will ensure good blood flow and nutrition to the teeth. Hygiene oral cavity should be carried out 2-3 times a week or as needed.

Unfortunately, a regular brush is not effective enough to care for teeth, so over the course of several months or years, a hard, dark tartar begins to form on the dog, which cannot be removed with home mechanical cleaning.

In this case it will be useful modern procedure stone cleansing using ultrasound is painless, quick (up to 20 minutes) and effective.

Caring for the cute long ears of the English Cocker Spaniel must be carried out competently and in a timely manner, since inflammation of the middle ear is the second scourge of this breed. Due to the tight fit and thick coat, the ears are poorly ventilated and retain moisture well after bathing. All these factors create an ideal environment for the development of bacteria and fungi.

Before bath procedures or while swimming in ponds, cover the ear canal with cotton swabs soaked in vegetable oil. If water does get into your ear, carefully dry it with a napkin wrapped around your little finger.

Check your ears regularly and promptly detect sulfur plugs. It is also advisable to pluck out the hairs growing inside the ear with tweezers.

During tick season, it is not recommended to walk in the field (dry grass), or under trees. After walks, carefully check your cocker's ears. Removing ticks yourself is dangerous - go to the nearest veterinarian, where a doctor will use special devices to rid your pet of bloodsuckers.

Be attentive to your spaniel's behavior. If your pet rubs its ears, scratches them with its paw, shakes its head, or a squelching sound is heard inside the ear, a bad smell or dark plugs - take him to the vet immediately.

English Cocker Spaniel: puppy care

The main rule is to accustom your baby to basic procedures as quickly and painlessly as possible. Before any manipulation, let the puppy sniff the tool or device and play with it, so that in the future the procedure does not cause unpleasant emotions and expectations.

Be sure to pay serious attention. The first combing of the coat, cutting, trimming and cleaning should be done in a playful manner and for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the English Cocker Spaniel puppy, the care and maintenance of which we are discussing, will simply get tired. Please note that a spaniel puppy is playful and restless until about six months old, so getting him to quietly withstand full trimming will not be easy.

Comb using a massage brush with natural soft bristles. Gently run the comb from the head towards the tail. Brush delicate ears and paws carefully.

If the first tangles or matted fur have already been detected, then carefully sort it out with your fingers and then comb it with a metal comb. Try not to pull the fur during the procedure. Behind good behavior Be sure to praise and give a treat.

Carry out all manipulations on the mat so that the puppy’s paws do not move apart or slide. Under no circumstances should you leave your baby alone on a table or high sofa - he may run after you in fear, fall and get injured.

It is very important what first impressions the little English Cocker Spaniel gets from all these procedures. The haircut (photo above) is carried out using safety scissors (rounded ends). Do not torture your puppy with prolonged grooming for several hours - the puppy does not need this. A careful hygienic haircut is enough: cut the area around the paws and ears, straighten the length, remove hair from the genital area.

Before trimming his nails, make sure that the puppy calmly allows you to hold his paw and does not experience discomfort. Trim any loose fur first to prevent seeds, grass, twigs and other debris from sticking to it. Also, the hair growing in the paw pad is removed to its level. The spaces between the fingers should not be trimmed.

Due to its developed metabolism, a puppy may experience discharge from the eyes. Clean them carefully with a damp cloth (without alcohol) every day. Each eye has its own napkin.

Clean your ears with a cotton swab soaked in chlorhexidine. Before bathing, place a cotton pad soaked in oil in the ear canal.

Brushing your puppy's teeth is usually not necessary. But it is advisable to accustom him to the procedure from puppyhood. Examine your baby’s gums (should be pink and matte) and teeth, especially during their replacement period. You can wipe your puppy’s teeth with special dental wipes, which will remove soft plaque and kill germs from the surface of the enamel.

In general, the English Cocker Spaniel breed does not require large physical and financial costs to organize competent care. A healthy spaniel with luxurious coat will represent your family favorably and delight its owner with its dignified appearance.

The Cocker Spaniel breed has several varieties, the most popular of which is the English Cocker Spaniel. Breed standard, features of care and training of a hunting dog.

This dog breed can be called universal: cocker spaniels - good hunters and search engines, wonderful companions. There are several varieties of the breed: the most popular is English, less common are Russian and American cocker spaniels.

An inexperienced person may confuse these breeds, although their differences are quite noticeable. The English Cocker has a silky coat that is trimmed in a practical manner, while the American Cocker has long, thick hair on the paws and belly that forms a luxurious skirt that requires ongoing care. The “Englishman” is about 5 cm taller than the “American”. Lovers of luxury and exhibition shows will most likely choose American Cocker Spaniel, and hunters and fans of sport testing will stop at the English Cocker.

History of the English Cocker Spaniel

The ancestors of spaniels, like many other breeds, are ancient hunting dogs of the Bronze Age. As a result of selection, dogs with long silky hair, excellent at hunting woodcocks or forest birds, “cockers,” were identified as a special branch.

In England, cynologists began studying and improving the breed in the 19th century. In 1885, the English Cocker Spaniel Club was created, and in 1902 the breed was officially recognized and standards were established for it. The standards gradually changed, the international edition of the standard was published in 1974, and breeders and dog handlers around the world are still guided by it.

In Russia, the first cocker spaniel dogs from England appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but they began to gain popularity only after the 1970s. Participating in all cynological exhibitions, these hunting dogs won the hearts of people far from hunting. They began to be adopted as companion dogs, and at customs and the police (today the police) they began to be used to search for weapons, drugs and missing people.

Appearance. Breed standard

The English Cocker Spaniel belongs to group 8, subgroup 2 of gun dogs. The weight of adult dogs reaches 12.5 and 14.5 kg, and the height is 39 and 41 cm for females and males, respectively. Body length is about 40 cm. Life expectancy is 12-15 years. Small dogs are perfect for keeping in an apartment, provided they are properly raised and given regular walks.

The most remarkable feature of spaniels is their long ears, which were given to the dogs as a result of the painstaking work of breeders. The ears are set low and have long, often curly hair. On the body the hair is of medium length, silky, not curly, but only wavy.

Cockers have round eyes, not protruding. Eye color is dark hazel or dark brown.

The dog's physique is good: rib cage not wide, the muscles are well developed, the body format is square, that is, the height from the ground to the withers is almost equal to the length from the withers to the beginning of the tail. The muzzle also has a square proportion. A beautiful neck of medium length is set on the shoulders, merging with the body. The back is straight. The limbs are powerful, not long, they provide the dog with strong support without reducing its performance. The furred feet end in soft pads; small membranes help cockers to swim well. The tail is often docked.

The description of the Cocker Spaniel breed continues the list of acceptable colors. There are several of them:

  • Single color (black, red, chocolate and others);
  • Piebald and spotted (black/white, red/white and others);
  • Tricolor (eg black, white and tan);
  • Speckled or “roan” (liver roan, red roan).

There should be no white spots on the body of dogs of the same color; only a small spot on the chest is allowed.


Representatives of the Cocker Spaniel breed are cheerful and playful. With such a character, cocker spaniels can perfectly fit into a large family and become a companion to a lonely person. Cockers live amicably with other animals, including cats. For children they become not only a toy, but also best friend, a comrade in all outdoor games. It’s not scary to leave children with them, because spaniels are friendly animals, for the same reason they are not suitable for the role guard dog. But it is not advisable for cockers to remain alone - without their owners, the dog begins to feel sad and may begin to whine and howl.

Like all other dogs, if not properly trained or with a poor pedigree, Cocker Spaniels can exhibit unusual qualities such as shyness, timidity, or aggressiveness when defending their toys or food. But these are exceptions to the rule.

Working qualities

The characteristic of the breed also lies in the working qualities of cocker spaniels. After all, they are not only taken to canine exhibitions: firstly, spaniels are used for hunting, and secondly, they are given sports tests in the fields.

In hunting forest game, the Cocker Spaniel - great helper. He specializes in woodcock, quail, and pheasants, but he is also taken for hare hunting.

He easily dives and swims in the water, and happily rushes through swamps and meadows. With a loud bark, he gives a sign to his owner when he detects game. A sensitive nose is able to recognize the bloody trail of wounded animals after a few hours, which is why specially trained dogs are also hired to chase wild boars, roe deer and moose.

Field trials are aimed at demonstrating and evaluating such qualities as scent, search, obedience, perseverance, and prey delivery.

All positive traits Cocker Spaniels are beneficially used by the police and customs, where dogs search for missing things, look for drugs, weapons and other prohibited items. At the same time, it is difficult to throw them off the scent with additional odors, for example, the smell of gasoline.

Spaniel training

The cockers hunting instinct in the blood, but in order to raise a worthy assistant in the hunt, you need to awaken these qualities and direct them in the right direction. Training English Cocker Spaniels should begin with early childhood, regardless of whether it is planned to raise a future hunter, home companion or international champion of numerous exhibitions. Education begins with the usual commands “Sit / Stand / To me / Next to me.” In parallel with developing obedience at home, you can teach your dog to look for a product (cheese, sausage) without showing it, but only by smell. Team "Search!" is also developed by searching for something hidden in the apartment, which the dog was given to smell first.

From puppyhood, the dog must be accustomed to a leash. Active dog on a walk she can run far away from her owner, and this can be dangerous for her.

Guided hunting training experienced dog handler takes place in one season. During this time, the young dog gets used to gun shots, learns to lift game into the air, look for wounded animals or carcasses, gently carry them in his mouth and give them to the owner.

When feeding English Cocker Spaniel dogs, it is recommended to secure their long ears with an elastic band or a special clothespin at the back of the head, otherwise the ears will fall into a cup of water or food and get dirty. Cockers are always ready to eat and in unlimited quantities; they are prone to overeating, so it is imperative to regulate the amount of food eaten. One and a half to two glasses of food for one meal will be quite enough; after eating, the bowls need to be removed, but water should be available to the dog at all times. Small cocker spaniel puppies eat up to 4-5 times a day, six-month-old dogs - 3 times, adult dogs - 1-2 times.

Many people think about what to feed their cocker spaniel: ready-made food (dry or canned) or homemade food. You need to focus on the dog’s well-being and its preferences: some animals eat only dry food, “drying”, while others do not approach it at all. Ready food must be balanced, contain proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. When feeding homemade food, the diet should include many types of foods: meat, fish, vegetables (carrots, pumpkin), crackers, raisins, cottage cheese, cereals, garlic. It is advisable to give vitamin complexes with food.

The English Cocker Spaniel walks with pleasure and for as long as the owner has the time and patience. At the same time, in long hair Burrs, chips, and twigs get stuck, which must be removed after a walk. In spring and autumn, dirt becomes a problem for the owner, and in winter – frost and sticky snow. To eliminate the need for daily bathing of the dog and to protect it from the cold, owners buy or sew clothes for the cocker spaniel (usually overalls).

Ears need to be cleaned in a timely manner, make sure there are no wax plugs in them, and avoid getting water in them when bathing. To prevent the appearance of tartar, spaniels' teeth are cleaned with special pastes or sometimes allowed to gnaw. raw bones. Overgrown claws are trimmed promptly. After a walk, you need to wash off the salt and dirt from your paws.

Cockers' coats require frequent brushing, especially after walks, at least every other day. The long coat is combed with a sparse comb, and the short coat of the body is combed with a brush with frequent short teeth. Bathing - as needed, using special shampoos, but at least every two months. Also every two to three months, to give general appearance dogs are neat and well-groomed, they are cut. The Cocker Spaniel's haircut has its own characteristics and is usually carried out according to the requirements used for exhibitions: shortened hair on the sides, back, croup, inside the ears, between the pads of the paws, on the head and on the cheeks; lack of bangs and beard. The long hair on the ears is trimmed in a teardrop shape.

Health and illness

Caring for a cocker spaniel also involves monitoring its health and following the recommendations of veterinarians. Caring for the dog's future health begins from the first days of its life. Let us immediately note that if you have any problems, you should contact a specialist, and not prescribe treatment for your dog yourself, especially if you are encountering symptoms for the first time.

Vaccinations for puppies should be done strictly following the recommendations of veterinarians; Before vaccinations, it is necessary to drive away worms. English Cocker Spaniel puppies should not go outside until they are quarantined after their first mandatory vaccinations.

Cocker spaniels have some health problems that are common to the breed. So, long ears not only often get dirty when walking and eating, they also create big problem with ear canal ventilation. Because of this, inflammation, otitis occurs, sulfur plugs accumulate, and it may be necessary to long-term treatment. An unpleasant smell appears from the ears, the dog rubs its head with its paws or shakes it. To prevent this problem, you need to wipe your ears weekly and remove wax discharge with cotton swabs.

With the bulging eyes of cockers, such troubles as conjunctivitis or blepharitis periodically occur. In normal times, you only need to wipe your eyes with a gauze swab after sleep, removing mucus. But drafts, dust or bright sun often cause inflammation - the edges of the eyelids turn red, tearing or suppuration begins. In this case, the eyes folk recipe, wipe with strong tea, and drop eye drops into the conjunctival sacs.

If tartar prevention does not help, then when tartar begins to form, it is recommended to wipe the teeth of cocker spaniels with a cloth with chalk or 3% hydrogen peroxide. If you don't fight tartar, it will cause inflammation, putrid smell, suppuration of the roots and even tooth loss, especially in old dogs. When tartar is advanced in veterinary hospitals, it is removed with special equipment.

Other health problems such as elevated temperature, diarrhea, refusal to eat, can be caused by many reasons. Only one can understand them veterinarian. Always keep the telephone number of the veterinary clinic or veterinarian on duty in an accessible place. Don't put off visiting your doctor!

When choosing a future pet, many people choose the Cocker Spaniel breed. This is not surprising, because puppies of this breed look very funny and cute. It's no secret that most buyers fall in love with such animals literally at first sight. A unique intelligent look, a funny “skirt”, an actively moving tail and an indescribable friendly character- all this beckons and attracts you. However, do not think that puppies and adults remain simpletons. When a threat appears, they can defend the owner and his environment, fighting until their last breath. It is not for nothing that this dog was often used for security and hunting purposes.

What types of breed are there?

Currently, representatives of three groups of spaniels are used as pets:

  1. American;
  2. English.

As for the first variety, it is considered decorative. In turn, the second is intended for hunting purposes. Caring for English Cocker Spaniel puppies is easy, so there are practically no problems. These pets are playful, active and cheerful, which has a positive effect on their health. However, in some cases, puppies become stubborn, trying to get what is forbidden to them. True, such a transition period quickly ends, and the pets return to their previous sweet and obedient behavior.

The main sign of healthy and full development is dense muscles and beautiful coat with a silky coating. One month old puppy can weigh approximately 1.5 kilograms. If feeding is carried out taking into account established rules and recommendations, then the animal will develop and gain weight very quickly . At the same time, the risks of contracting any disease will be minimal.

Very often, breeders are interested in the condition of their puppies' ears. If the ears are healthy, they should be pink in color and there should be no smell or discharge. When dry wax appears, it should be cleaned as quickly as possible using a cotton swab. If there are the slightest deviations from the normal state, it makes sense to ask for help see a specialist or conduct a full examination.

Small representatives of the American Spaniel breed are not much different in behavior from their English relatives. And although they belong to decorative pets, they are also used for hunting. So don't be surprised if new member families will begin to attack domestic hamsters or street bugs. However, you should not punish him for such actions - this is a natural phenomenon. For your pet's development to be successful, it must not be left unattended. Alone, he quickly becomes depressed or even dies. Therefore, your presence is a key aspect in raising a puppy.

Gallery: English Cocker Spaniel puppies (25 photos)

What to feed a spaniel puppy (1 month)

The first month of a puppy’s life is considered the most important period, which plays a key role in the formation of the future pet. It is important to provide your four-legged family member with proper nutrition, care and attention. Otherwise, he will simply lose his external advantages, begin to develop poorly or begin to be capricious. The same applies to 2-3 month old individuals that are actively growing and need the right attitude. By the way, the question: “what to feed a spaniel puppy at 2 months” is often raised on various forums and resources where topics of raising pets are discussed.

Proper nutrition of a cocker spaniel consists of observing the following rules:

Cocker Spaniel puppies are known to have excellent appetites. Breeders should take this into account breed feature, preventing obesity. Do not overfeed your pet, as this can negatively affect the functionality of all internal organs, which will increase the risk of developing various diseases.

Also remember that puppies of this breed lead a very active and mobile lifestyle. To ensure their full development, add special vitamin and mineral complexes to food products. Thus, the question “what to feed a 2-month-old Cocker Spaniel puppy” will be resolved successfully.

Proper pet care

All the subtleties of caring for a cocker spaniel are: proper feeding and hair care. You should accustom your pet to washing, drying, combing and other hairdressing procedures from the first days of his stay in the house.

Bath procedures are usually carried out every seven days, using special means for washing. After taking a shower, the dog is thoroughly dried with a hairdryer and combed. By the way, combing is done daily , and in the first days of life - several times a day.

Every two months, the four-legged family member is taken for a haircut, which will teach him not to be afraid of the touch of outside hands, for example, if you are going to take him to exhibitions. This procedure will also be a good tool for maintaining hair in in good condition. You must accustom your pet to all cosmetic procedures in advance.

Walks with the puppy should not be frequent, but their duration can reach several hours. After returning home from a walk Be sure to inspect the puppy, removing all twigs, debris and burrs that may cling to the luxurious coat.

Don't forget that a properly groomed and trimmed dog is a real pride for you and your family.

Features of education

Raise obedient and beautiful pet- very difficult. Such an active baby is used to running, jumping and galloping, but certainly not to learning and training. Nevertheless, you must immediately show the puppy who is boss and who plays what role. Be a demanding leader and do not spoil the animal . Otherwise it will grow uncontrollable and capricious..

Avoid emotional breakdowns and never yell at your cocker. These dogs react to aggression very negatively. In raising a healthy pet, the “carrot” method is relevant, but not the “stick” method. Do not hit your pet under any circumstances. Instead, carefully and calmly insist on the action that is required.

Be prepared to put a lot of time and effort into learning. You will have to repeat what you have learned many times in order to consolidate the results of your hard work.

Don't forget that the main key to successful learning is frequent encouragement. Spaniel puppies love to be praised and thanked. Try giving your baby something tasty, such as a carrot or a piece of cheese, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how he performs the next time he trains.

If you allocate the right amount of time, nerves and your own strength, and approach training correctly, you will be able to achieve incredible results. The pet will grow up affectionate, kind and healthy to the joy of you and everyone around you.

How to feed the smallest pet

A one and a half month old puppy is active developing organism which requires proper nutrition and appeals. At this age, your pet should be given a little more than half a glass of food. As you grow older, the daily norm is increased to one glass. Don't forget to monitor the animal's behavior. If it greedily eats a portion and “chases the bowl,” most likely the portion is too small or the gap between feedings is too long.

If the puppy eats slowly and carefully, periodically moving away from the bowl, most likely there is too much food or frequent feeding. If your tummy feels bloated after eating, everything is explained by overeating.

Give food and water in two bowls with a smooth surface. It is important to eliminate the possibility of tongue damage. In addition, a bowl of water must be placed constantly, and with food - only according to the feeding schedule. Uneaten food should be removed by placing it in a jar or refrigerator until next appointment food. It is important to pay attention to the temperature of the food- the optimal temperature should be about 40 degrees.


The Cocker Spaniel is a very good-natured, cheerful, cheerful and energetic breed. Such a pet will not let its owner get bored. Long and mobile ears, a clear voice and a curious nose will follow you relentlessly.

This breed of dog is ideal both for hunting and for a simple lover of active recreation. The Cocker's appearance is very beautiful: wavy and shiny locks contrast with his athleticism. A harmonious physique, an intelligent and insightful look, hard work and determination - this is what a cocker spaniel is.

About the history of the appearance of the Cocker Spaniel breed

The history of cocker spaniels dates back to ancient times. Their ancestor is the fold-eared bird dog, which was introduced by Julius Caesar BC.

Despite the fact that the facts are very unreliable, we can say with complete confidence that it was the British who bred and developed such a breed as the cocker spaniel. According to information obtained from stud books, English breeders developed a whole line of different types of spaniels by crossing various European breeds, including Great Danes and Molossians.

Small in size, strongly built and very fast, spaniels are called cockers. They are used mainly for bird hunting. In the book “British Cynology” (1801) you can find the first mentions of these dogs, and already in 1985 the first club of spaniel lovers was founded. He makes a significant contribution to proper development a breed that will eventually become one of the most popular.

Modern spaniels are united by one legendary ancestor - a black meadow spaniel named Obo, born in 1879. The dog was an excellent producer, and became the father of a branch of squat and somewhat elongated spaniels, distinguished by endurance and courage. The main task of Obo's descendants was to search for game in the dense thickets.

For many decades, the black color of spaniels was especially popular, but by the beginning of the 20th century, spotted and golden spaniels appeared.

Since the 40s of the last century, it has been introduced new standard breeding spaniels based on coat color. This is due to the fact that when crossing monochrome dogs with spotted ones, puppies with white markings on the chest, white paws and a blaze on the face dominated. Despite the beauty of such puppies, breeders unknown reason avoided this color. Nowadays, such dogs do not participate in exhibitions and competitions.

More than 100 years have passed since the cocker spaniel ceased to be pure hunting dog. Now she is friends with a wide variety of people: from homebodies to avid travelers.

All cockers are characterized by lightning-fast reactions, excellent instincts, excellent memory and concentration.

Intelligence and character traits of the spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel is considered the most intelligent dog breed. This dog is easy to train and learn. Since the breed was originally bred for hunting purposes, the dog's intelligence manifests itself more strongly in activities related to pursuit and achievement.

Whenever possible, you need to give the dog a chance to fulfill its purpose. In ordinary life, the intelligence of a cocker spaniel remains the same, but it must be maintained by constant games that imitate hunting.

By nature, the cocker is gentle and kind dog. Such a pet is ideal for a large family, but among the family it will definitely choose its “favorite” owner, to whom it will become attached forever. If you do not teach your dog discipline and independence from childhood, then it will show its friendship too intrusively.

Cockers are sociable and proactive. They happily support any hint of a game and often act as ringleaders themselves. Female cocker spaniels often tend to be dominant over their owners. Not a very good character trait - loud barking with or without reason. But with proper upbringing, the unpleasant sides of nature can easily be corrected, since spaniels are easy to train and have a deep mind.

Cocker in society

Cocker Spaniels make excellent companions, ready to go with their owner anywhere. They will constantly demand attention and wag their tail cheerfully.

Separately, we can say about the attitude of cockers towards children. They behave with angelic patience with kids and will not show aggression under any circumstances. Here, an adult should explain to the child that the dog is not a toy and can be accidentally harmed. An adult will be an excellent companion in any outdoor games, helping the child develop physically. Another unpleasant character trait of a cocker is jealousy. Sometimes it may be that a cocker spaniel will never give up his toys. To avoid quarrels and troubles, it is important for adults to tell their child about this in time.

Cockers treat strangers normally, although sometimes they can bark for the sake of order.

Spaniel training

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by obedience and discipline. The owner needs to be creative in training due to their temperament and excitement.

A small puppy receives quite a serious mental load during its upbringing, so there is no need to start training before reaching the age of three months. In the first months, the puppy’s psyche and character are formed, so during this time it must be treated with care and very sensitivity. From three months, you can gradually and carefully accustom your puppy to the simplest commands - “come” and “place”. It’s important to dot all the i’s right away. On initial stage your puppy will try to dominate under the guise of play, but it is important to let him know that you are the boss. Giving your puppy the opportunity to go out with other dogs will make him more balanced. If you successfully complete the first stage of training, working with an adult dog will bring you only joy. Respect, intelligence and a desire to please will make a cocker an excellent student.

The irrepressible thirst for life and energy of the cocker requires a constant outlet. If regular physical activity If it doesn’t, the dog’s character will deteriorate. If you decide to get a cocker spaniel, then you need to be prepared for regular long walks or jogs together. If this is not possible, come up with another entertainment for the dog, preferably one that imitates hunting, since the dog is still a hunting dog. The main thing is ingenuity and imagination. The spaniel breed is a leader in obedience disciplines, tracking and agility. If you decide to let your dog off the leash, make sure that you are in complete control of the situation, as natural instincts can be much stronger than instilled habits and trigger at the most inopportune moment. A dog may chase a bird or a cat, and then you will not be able to stop it.

Cockers also love water and are excellent swimmers. There will be nothing wrong if your pet takes a swim in cold water in the fall. Their immunity is very strong, and the instinct of self-preservation will tell you when to get out of the water.

In Russia, the cocker spaniel is very popular service dog. Innate instinct and intuition will allow you to serve faithfully in the police, customs or military units.

Caring for a Cocker Spaniel

When owning a cocker spaniel, many people believe that its coat does not require special care. This opinion is wrong. As soon as the puppy grows up, there will be so much hair that it can sometimes be very difficult to handle. In addition, if you do not accustom your puppy to cleaning procedures from an early age, then the adult dog will have an extremely negative attitude towards them. Such a dog, both small and large, needs to be brushed three to five times a week. You can use a wide variety of brushes and combs. A massage glove will also come in handy.

Just like brushing, bathing should be regular. You can bathe your dog once a month and use specialized shampoos and conditioners for long hair. Such products nourish the coat and remove static electricity. After washing, the dog should be covered with a terry towel to allow the fur to dry. Then you can start drying, for which you will need a hair dryer with cold air, a hair brush and a comb.

The haircut should be done by a professional groomer. Each dog is individual, and a bad haircut will not make your pet look beautiful.

An experienced master will immediately understand which features can be emphasized and which ones can be smoothed out. After a high-quality haircut, the spaniel should look natural and neat, as if it had not been cut at all.

In addition to bathing, combing and hairdressing procedures, it is necessary to take care of your dog’s nails and teeth, namely, brush them regularly. For cleaning, you will need a nail clipper, which is used to cut the nails without reaching the joints. Tartar removers are used to clean teeth.

Pet in your apartment

You took a cocker spaniel puppy into your apartment. At first, he should not be left alone; moreover, it must be remembered that despite his hunting instinct and orientation, the spaniel is a domestic dog. It is highly not recommended to keep her on a leash at home. The dog must move fully and freely so that the skeleton and muscles develop correctly.

The puppy must initially know its sleeping place. The Cocker is very gentle and sociable, loves tactile contact, so they often try to climb into the owner’s bed. It is better not to abuse this and use it only occasionally, for example, when an overly emotional pet needs to be calmed down. The dog's sleeping place should not be in a draft or in a passage. The best option there will be a bright and dry area of ​​the apartment. It is also very important that from your sleeping place the pet had a wide viewing angle and could watch you. You can use a children's mattress, or even better, an orthopedic one, covered with natural fabric.

Dog food

Cocker spaniel dogs have an excellent appetite; they burn a lot of calories due to their restlessness, so they need to be replenished. Wherein, adult dog fed only once a day. Meat can be beef, horse meat or chicken. You can pamper yourself with offal - lungs, hearts, liver, stomachs, but only boiled ones. Among seafood, the cocker most likes catfish or cod, cleaned of bones and fins, and among vegetables, cabbage, turnips, carrots or pumpkin are preferred. All vegetables must be grated. Every day you need to include porridge (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) in your diet. Milk soup or homemade noodles are suitable as an addition.

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