Proper feeding of the Russian hunting spaniel. What to feed a cocker spaniel and a puppy, and an adult, and an English, and an American

In Russia, this breed of dog is very popular among hunters. Medium-sized dogs are excellent helpers in finding and delivering prey to the owner. These are fast, agile, dexterous specialists in their field. But before they become like this, spaniels need to be properly raised and fed. So, let's learn about the rules of nutrition for a spaniel puppy, its types, and regimen.

Recommendations for organizing feeding Breeders do not recommend feeding a young spaniel mixed, alternating natural food and ready-made food. It's harmful for adults hunting dog, and even more so for a puppy. After all, for food and live food, the animal produces different microflora in the intestines. Mixing food different types knocks down such flora as metabolic processes. In practice, such combinations can lead to the development of cystitis and hair loss in the dog. Also, you should not treat a spaniel puppy from the master's table. After all, such begging for supplements very quickly becomes a habit and leads to the dog gaining excess weight and begins to become obese.

It is better to give the young spaniel a piece in response to a pleading look. orange peel or lemon. The spaniel, which is a smart dog by nature, will understand that it is not worth asking anything more from your table. It is important to change the feeding schedule as your dog grows, gradually increasing the portion of food. So, up to two months you need to give him food six times a day, up to four - five times, up to six months - four, up to eight to nine months - three times. After this age period, the dog is gradually transferred to adult food twice a day. It is advisable to set clear feeding times. For example, 9.00 and 20.00. Stick to it within half an hour. Then your spaniel's stomach will work like a clock. About dry food This food is convenient to use if the owner is a busy person.

Veterinarians recommend choosing large foods so that the dog can chew on every pellet and brush his teeth at the same time. If you keep your puppy in apartment conditions, then you should not buy food with high content squirrel. Let its content be from 21 to 26%. There is always a standard table on the package, according to which the dog should be given food. And to do this, you should weigh your male or female dog so as not to make a mistake with the dose of food. Excess food will simply overload the dog's liver. It is for this reason that veterinarians advise giving preference to a slightly smaller portion rather than a larger one. Dry food contains minimal moisture. Therefore, be sure to always be near the dog fresh water in the drinking bowl.

Give your dog canned food once or twice a week to make his feeding more varied. Many inexperienced dog breeders often wonder whether a puppy needs additional vitamins when eating dry food. This is determined by the condition of the dog’s coat, its activity, and appetite. You can consult a veterinarian if you are not sure that everything is okay with the puppy. About natural nutrition For centuries, hunting dogs were fed exclusively natural products and trained them into professionals. Therefore, today old hunters prefer to find time to prepare such food and not buy dry food. For growing dogs, a mono diet is ideally recommended.

That is, the more uniform the single portion, the easier it will be digested by the animal’s stomach. For example, porridge can be given alone, with the addition of a small amount vegetable oil, and can be combined with vegetables. This is a carbohydrate meal. Offer meat to your pet separately. Cottage cheese or kefir should also be a separate meal. As for feeding meat, choose low-fat types, which include rabbit, beef, offal, and veal. Beef tripe will be useful for the dog - a spaniel puppy needs raw, unpeeled tripe.

Such food will regulate the dog’s intestinal flora. However, it is not easy to buy it today. It is advisable to cook porridge in water, and in milk only once or twice a week. As for dairy products, give preference to low-fat ones. Any the new kind Food should be introduced gradually to a young spaniel. This will prevent your dog from getting intestinal upset. In general, if we compare, the cost of natural food and dry food for the owner of a spaniel will cost the same amount.

In this article I will look at what to feed a cocker spaniel. The energy and cheerfulness of these original hunting dogs largely depends on the quality of their maintenance and nutrition. I will list foods that are contraindicated for spaniels. I will consider approximate feeding rations for puppies and adult animals of this breed.

From the first days of a Cocker Spaniel puppy's stay in a new home, it must be accustomed to correct regimen and diet, and it does not matter whether it is a representative of the cocker breed or any other.

First month

As a rule, the puppies are under the care of the breeder for the first 4-6 weeks, and the first 4 weeks are nursed by the bitch. For the first two weeks, puppies feed exclusively on their mother's milk. From 14 days you can start feeding babies a special formula from a bottle.

As complementary foods, you can use a mixture of natural cow's or goat's milk and powdered egg yolk. Babies are fed this mixture up to 3 times a day.

From the 21st day of life, puppies are taught to independently consume warm milk, to which you can add a small amount of bread pulp.

After a week, you can add semolina porridge with milk, finely chopped lean meat, calcined cottage cheese.


At the age of 1.5–2 months the baby enters new house and experiences stress.

If the puppy was purchased from a breeder, during the first months of its stay in the new home, you should stick to the original diet of the breeder. Otherwise, the puppy may lose appetite or develop digestive problems.

In the second month, it is recommended to gradually introduce new foods into your pet’s diet. Small amounts are gradually added to the feeding plan raw meat, soft meat bones (very carefully), raw vegetables, a small amount of mashed potatoes.

Up to 1 year

Daily consumption natural food Spaniel puppies up to 6 months of age are calculated based on the weight of the animal. It should be 6-7% of the actual weight of the animal, and at the age of 7-12 months - 3-3.5%.

An older puppy should consume at least 50g fresh meat per kilogram of animal weight. Lean meats, such as beef, turkey, and horse meat, can be used as the main source of protein.

WITH early age the pet must be accustomed to eating vegetables, such as pumpkin, raw potatoes(small amount), carrots, beets. It is better to do this in combination with cereals, such as rolled oats, buckwheat and rice.

It is undesirable to feed the animal boiled potatoes and millet, as this can lead to intestinal volvulus.

From fermented milk products it is necessary to give preference to calcined cottage cheese and kefir. Twice a week you can give the animal 2-3 chicken eggs, but no more.

Regardless of the type of food, the animal must have access to clean drinking water around the clock.

What to look for when choosing a diet

The choice of diet and type of food must be taken responsibly. There are currently two options for feeding dogs:

There are two advantages to feeding your pet ready-made dry and canned food:

  • high-quality industrial feed completely balanced by the content of nutrients, vital micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins;
  • significant time savings on preparing food for your pet.

In feeding the dog ready-made feed There is nothing bad. Currently, there is a large number of high-quality premium foods (Royal Canin, Hill’s, Pro Plan) and super premium foods (Eukanuba, Advance, 1st choice). Among them you can choose.

Consumption rates for dry food by age are indicated on the packaging. There is no need to carry out any additional calculations.

Second type of feeding natural food requires time spent preparing fresh portions of food every day. Also, the owner needs to supplement natural diet special mineral and vitamin complexes.

Also, a caring owner should ensure that the pet does not have an allergic reaction to a certain product.

Of course, most owners try to feed their pets natural food.

How many times a day should you feed a Cocker Spaniel?

The frequency of feeding spaniel puppies and adults depends on their age. The daily amount of food consumed is often determined by the owner of the animal.

Under no circumstances should you overfeed an animal or feed your dog more than normal. In the intervals between feedings, you should not give the animal food from the table, but pampering your pet with a treat during training as a reward is simply necessary.

Up to two months, puppies need to be fed 6 times a day every 3.5 hours. From 3 to 4 months, the frequency is reduced to 5 times a day, from 4 to 6 months - to 4 times a day, from 6 to 10 months - to 3 times a day.

At the age of 10 months and older, the frequency of feeding is reduced to 2-3 times a day. Adult dogs consume food twice a day (morning and evening).

Diet options

When feeding a spaniel with dry food, you need to consider physical activity pet. The daily intake may vary depending on the type of feed. On the packaging of any industrial feed The daily intake for dogs will be indicated depending on the weight of the animal.

With an average weight of an adult animal weighing from 12 to 14 kg, the daily consumption of high-quality industrial feed will be approximately:

  • at low activity 158-177 grams;
  • at average(normal) activity 183-205 grams;
  • at high activity 208-233 grams.

A slight excess of the norm is not critical.

If you are feeding your spaniel naturally, you can stick to the following diets.

For puppies (2-3 months):

  • frequency of feeding – 4 times a day,
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir) - 150 gr.,
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.,
  • lean meat (raw, scalded with boiling water or boiled) - 200-300g.,
  • any cereal – 100-150 gr.,
  • vegetables -100-200 gr.,
  • vegetable oil – 1 tsp,
  • milk - 350-400 ml.

Adult Spaniel:

  • frequency of feeding – 2 times a day,
  • lean meat or boiled offal -400-500 gr.,
  • cereal – 500 gr.,
  • bread – 100 gr.,
  • potatoes – 150 gr.,
  • carrots – 50 gr.,
  • animal fat -20 gr.,
  • table salt 20 gr.

The diet of an adult spaniel may vary depending on the period of puberty, mating period, pregnancy or feeding of the bitches.

What is forbidden to give

Adults and puppies are strictly prohibited from feeding the following categories of foods:

  • tubular bones (chicken and rabbit)
  • pasta and baked goods
  • pork
  • smoked meats
  • fried, spicy, pickled food
  • River fish
  • onions, garlic (large quantities)
  • millet cereal
  • mushrooms
  • unheated white cabbage.

In addition to the products described above, dogs are strictly prohibited from eating avocados and raw fish.

In this article we looked at feeding options for a spaniel. When choosing a feeding diet, you need to take into account many factors that influence the daily energy expenditure of a puppy and an adult dog. Proper and balanced nutrition is the key to a healthy, active and cheerful pet.

When choosing a future pet, many people choose the Cocker Spaniel breed. This is not surprising, because puppies of this breed look very funny and cute. It's no secret that most buyers fall in love with such animals literally at first sight. A unique intelligent look, a funny “skirt”, an actively moving tail and an incredibly friendly character - all this beckons and attracts you. However, do not think that puppies and adults remain simpletons. When a threat appears, they can defend the owner and his environment, fighting until their last breath. It is not for nothing that this dog was often used for security and hunting purposes.

What types of breed are there?

Currently, representatives of three groups of spaniels are used as pets:

  1. American;
  2. English.

As for the first variety, it is considered decorative. In turn, the second is intended for hunting purposes. Caring for puppies english cocker spaniel is simple, so problems practically do not arise. These pets are playful, active and cheerful, which has a positive effect on their health. However, in some cases, puppies become stubborn, trying to get what is forbidden to them. True, such a transition period quickly ends, and the pets return to their previous sweet and obedient behavior.

The main sign of healthy and full development is dense muscles and beautiful coat with a silky coating. One month old puppy can weigh approximately 1.5 kilograms. If feeding is carried out taking into account established rules and recommendations, then the animal will develop and gain weight very quickly . At the same time, the risks of contracting any disease will be minimal.

Very often, breeders are interested in the condition of their puppies' ears. If the ears are healthy, they should be pink in color and there should be no smell or discharge. When dry wax appears, it should be cleaned as quickly as possible using a cotton swab. If there are the slightest deviations from the normal state, it makes sense to ask for help see a specialist or conduct a full examination.

Small representatives of the American Spaniel breed are not much different in behavior from their English relatives. And although they belong to decorative pets, they are also used for hunting. So don't be surprised if new member families will begin to attack domestic hamsters or street bugs. However, you should not punish him for such actions - this is a natural phenomenon. For your pet's development to be successful, it must not be left unattended. Alone, he quickly becomes depressed or even dies. Therefore, your presence is a key aspect in raising a puppy.

Gallery: English Cocker Spaniel puppies (25 photos)

What to feed a spaniel puppy (1 month)

The first month of a puppy’s life is considered the most important period, which plays a key role in the formation of the future pet. It is important to provide your four-legged family member with proper nutrition, care and attention. Otherwise, he will simply lose his external advantages, begin to develop poorly or begin to be capricious. The same applies to 2-3 month old individuals that are actively growing and need the right attitude. By the way, the question: “what to feed a spaniel puppy at 2 months” is often raised on various forums and resources where topics of raising pets are discussed.

Proper nutrition of a cocker spaniel consists of observing the following rules:

Cocker Spaniel puppies are known to have excellent appetites. Breeders should take this into account breed feature, preventing obesity. Do not overfeed your pet, as this may negatively affect the functionality of all internal organs, which will increase the risk of developing various diseases.

Also remember that puppies of this breed lead a very active and mobile lifestyle. To ensure their full development, add special vitamin and mineral complexes to food products. Thus, the question “what to feed a 2-month-old Cocker Spaniel puppy” will be resolved successfully.

Proper pet care

All the subtleties of caring for a cocker spaniel are: proper feeding and hair care. You should accustom your pet to washing, drying, combing and other hairdressing procedures from the first days of his stay in the house.

Bath procedures are usually carried out every seven days, using special means for washing. After taking a shower, the dog is thoroughly dried with a hairdryer and combed. By the way, combing is done daily , and in the first days of life - several times a day.

Every two months, the four-legged family member is taken for a haircut, which will teach him not to be afraid of the touch of outside hands, for example, if you are going to take him to exhibitions. This procedure will also be a good tool for maintaining hair in in good condition. You must accustom your pet to all cosmetic procedures in advance.

Walks with the puppy should not be frequent, but their duration can reach several hours. After returning home from a walk Be sure to inspect the puppy, removing all twigs, debris and burrs that may cling to the luxurious coat.

Don't forget that a properly groomed and trimmed dog is a real pride for you and your family.

Features of education

Raise obedient and beautiful pet- very difficult. Such an active baby is used to running, jumping and galloping, but certainly not to learning and training. Nevertheless, you must immediately show the puppy who is boss and who plays what role. Be a demanding leader and do not spoil the animal . Otherwise it will grow uncontrollable and capricious..

Avoid emotional breakdowns and never yell at your cocker. These dogs react to aggression very negatively. In education healthy pet The “carrot” method is relevant, but not the “stick” method. Do not hit your pet under any circumstances. Instead, carefully and calmly insist on the action that is required.

Be prepared to put a lot of time and effort into learning. You will have to repeat what you have learned many times in order to consolidate the results of your hard work.

Don't forget that the main guarantee successful learning- frequent encouragement. Spaniel puppies love to be praised and thanked. Try giving your baby something tasty, such as a carrot or a piece of cheese, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how he performs the next time he trains.

If you allocate the right amount of time, nerves and your own strength, and approach training correctly, you will be able to achieve incredible results. The pet will grow up affectionate, kind and healthy to the joy of you and everyone around you.

How to feed the smallest pet

A one and a half month old puppy is active developing organism, which requires proper nutrition and handling. At this age, your pet should be given a little more than half a glass of food. As you grow older daily norm increase to one glass. Don't forget to monitor the animal's behavior. If it greedily eats a portion and “chases the bowl,” most likely the portion is too small or the gap between feedings is too long.

If the puppy eats slowly and carefully, periodically moving away from the bowl, most likely there is too much food or frequent feeding. If your tummy feels bloated after eating, everything is explained by overeating.

Give food and water in two bowls with a smooth surface. It is important to eliminate the possibility of tongue damage. In addition, a bowl of water must be placed constantly, and with food - only according to the feeding schedule. Uneaten food should be removed by placing it in a jar or refrigerator until next appointment food. It is important to pay attention to the temperature of the food- the optimal temperature should be about 40 degrees.

For normal life Russian Spaniel hunting dog proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins are needed. Sources of protein are meat and fish products. Dairy products (buttermilk, skimmed milk) are no less valuable. Carbohydrates contain flour products and potatoes. Animal fats, fish oil and margarine are used. Mineral salts (sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, etc.), necessary for the body for the formation of bone and muscle tissue and digestion, are included in all feeds. Vitamins are found in vegetables, herbs, and fruits.
The daily diet of a dog in factory condition includes (per 1 kg of its weight): 4-5 g of proteins, 12-15 g of carbohydrates, 1-2 g of fats (if kept in an enclosure in winter time the fat rate doubles).

The most nutritious food for spaniel dogs is meat products and meat waste. They are digested faster and easier. The liver, heart, kidneys, udder, spleen are highly nutritious; the lungs, mesentery, intestinal cuttings, and stomach are somewhat less nutritious. Meat products also include raw bones(except tubular) and meat and bone meal. Once a week, it is useful to feed half a portion of meat products raw - to puppies in the form of minced meat, and starting from 7-8 months, when all permanent teeth, - cut into pieces. Only fresh meat products can be given raw. When cooked, they lose up to 60% of vitamin B, chlorides and phosphates, and changes occur in protein. Meat waste from the intestines and stomach is fed only in boiled form due to the possibility of pathogenic bacteria being found in them.

Bones in large quantities are not only unnecessary, but also dangerous food. Excess of them in a dog’s diet causes severe chronic constipation, and sometimes obstruction of the intestinal tract, which can lead to fatal outcome. Chips of tubular bones seriously injure the dog’s oral cavity and esophagus, sometimes causing intestinal perforation. But the ends flat bones with cartilaginous ends, introduced into the feed in moderate quantities, add variety to the food. They contain phosphorus, calcium and sulfur. By chewing bones, the dog strengthens its teeth and satisfies its need for mineral salts.

In canine literature it would be more correct to write “meat products” rather than “meat”. Hunters, as a rule, do not feed adult Russian Spaniel dogs the meat that goes into human food, but use mainly meat waste (cuts, cartilage, caplets - meat cutting waste), some offal, bones, as well as waste from cutting animals and birds - heads, legs, wings, lungs, spleen, intestines, stomach, mesenteries. Meat waste from game birds is given to cops and detection dogs only in boiled form, so that the dogs do not subsequently begin to tear or crush the birds being apported. Meat products from livestock slaughter are replaced with meat from marine animals, sea ​​fish, horse meat.

Once a week, it is useful to introduce raw ocean fish into your diet, which contains a lot of easily digestible proteins, phosphorus, vitamin A, iodine, and bone meal. Also, once a week, the dog is given a raw egg along with food. Raw eggs are beneficial for sick and convalescent dogs and for breeders before breeding. Raw pork or minced pork, raw river or lake fish should not be introduced into the food to exclude the possibility of infecting the animal with worms or tapeworm. Besides, pork fat in its raw form it is difficult to digest and can cause gastrointestinal disorders.

Plant foods are an indispensable addition to meat and fish feed, a source of additional energy for the body. Semi-liquid semolina, millet, rice, barley porridges are well digestible, but the best cereal is oatmeal - it is easily digested and helps strengthen muscles. Oatmeal (raw or lightly scalded with boiling water) is used to season soups or milk. Particularly good in feed rich in proteins soybeans Peas, lentils, beans, even if they are pre-chopped, are more difficult to digest and cause fermentation and the formation of gases in the intestines.

Vegetables, especially fresh ones, are an irreplaceable source of vitamins. Carrots, rich in vitamin A, are especially valuable and are best fed grated. Potatoes are given in limited quantities and only boiled. Dogs eat well boiled or steamed pumpkin added to food, which also has an anthelmintic effect. Fresh fruits and berries are given in moderation. Plant food is also a good filler digestive tract, causing the dog to feel full.

Bread must be added to milk or liquid soup in a stale or slightly dried form - it is quickly saturated with saliva and gastric juice and, therefore, is better digested. By eating crackers (especially rye), the dog strengthens and at the same time cleans its teeth.

Milk is given fresh or fermented; sour milk causes indigestion. Long-term dairy nutrition in adult dogs leads to obesity and sluggish digestion.

An integral part of the diet Russian spaniel dogs - salt. When preparing soup or porridge, do not forget to add half as much salt as for humans.

Canned food and leftover food can be used as food for an adult spaniel dog. They are also used to make soups, adding fats, cereals, vegetables, and, immediately before feeding, bread. At the same time, the food should not contain any remnants of hot seasonings, pepper, mustard, vinegar, or other spices that reduce the sense of smell and lead to kidney disease.

In summer, food is prepared thinner, in winter - thicker. Its temperature should not exceed 30 °C. Do not feed sour, fermented or frozen food. Food should be fresh and varied, which is achieved by alternating meat, fish, dairy and vegetarian days. You cannot raise a full-fledged hunting dog on bread and potatoes alone.

The amount of feed fed should not be excessive. If a Russian Spaniel dog completely eats its portion and licks the bowl, this indicates its good appetite. Average in size hunting dog when kept in an enclosure in factory condition, it eats 1-1.2 liters per feeding (with two meals a day); indoors- 0.8-1 liters of complete food in the form of thick soups and semi-liquid porridges. Nutritional value and energy value feed is calculated based on the table data:

In a normally feeding Russian Spaniel dog, the muscles are clearly defined and elastic; when turning the body, the ribs are slightly marked. Overfeeding a dog, excessively giving sweets, throwing pieces of food outside of feeding time quickly lead to metabolic disorders, obesity, shortness of breath, diseases of the heart, kidneys, and skin. Relatively short intestinal tract dogs are not designed to digest large quantities plant food. Enhanced nutrition give to the dog during hunts, during periods seasonal molts, during illnesses and after-treatment, and for bitches also during pregnancy and feeding puppies.

The dog should not be allowed to go hungry. With a lack of food, she loses weight, becomes weak and easily susceptible to disease. For a stud dog that will have no more than 5 matings in a season, the feed rate is not increased, but 3-4 weeks before mating, the diet is enriched with proteins and vitamins.

The dog is fed from a separate bowl and, regardless of age, at a strictly defined time. Its digestive activity is carried out reflexively, and at the time set for food intake, saliva and gastric juice are intensively released. You should not give food to dogs by throwing it on the floor. After feeding, the remaining food is removed, and a clean bowl is poured into the washed bowl. drinking water. An adult dog's water requirement is 1.5-2 liters per day.

Special attention needs to be given Diet of Russian Spaniel puppies, the regularity of their feeding from the time of weaning from the mother until they reach 11-12 months of age, when their growth is basically complete and the body is stronger. At 1.5-2 months they are fed 6 times a day every 3 hours, carefully ensuring that the puppies do not overeat. With age, portions are increased, reducing the frequency of feedings to 5 times a day at 2-3 months and 4 times at 4-5 months. At 6-7 months they switch to 3 meals a day, and after 12-14 months - 2 meals a day.

For food little puppy must go fresh milk, kefir, cottage cheese, raw eggs, butter, ground beef, meat broth with pieces of dried white bread, liquid milk semolina, rice or oatmeal, grated carrots and finely chopped greens. Cheese is very healthy. The puppy's growing body is in dire need of mineral nutrition. However, you should not give your puppy sugar, which can cause itching and partial hair loss.

Good feeding- this is the introduction into the diet of easily digestible feed containing complete proteins, well-digested fats, minerals and vitamins necessary for the puppy’s body during this period of its growth. Feed your spaniel puppy moderate portions to keep him active and playful. The volume of his stomach, depending on his age, is 0.3-0.5 liters; overfilling is unacceptable. The puppy should eat each portion of food and lick the bowl. If he does not do this, then the amount of food is reduced. Leftover food is removed. Under no circumstances should you give your puppy sour or fermented food.

Approximate rations for Russian Spaniel puppies: in the morning (7-8 hours) cottage cheese with milk; in the afternoon (11-12 hours) vegetable stew with meat broth or milk; in the afternoon (15-16 hours) porridge or thick soups with milk or meat broth; in the evening (19-20 hours) meat, cut into small pieces (occasionally chopped meat), along with vegetables, soups or cereals; late in the evening (10-11 p.m.) lightly sweetened kefir or yogurt.

For normal development the puppy needs phosphorus and calcium. To do this, he is given glycerophosphate and calcium gluconate daily at a rate determined veterinarian, a teaspoon of fish oil and finely chopped eggshells. From 5 months of age, the amount of fish oil is increased to a tablespoon per day. Once a day, pharmaceutical sulfur is added to food on the tip of a sharp knife. Next to the food bowl, place a plate with pieces of chalk and dry brewer's or nutritional yeast. Yeast - easily digestible form vegetable protein, rich in vitamins.

From 2 months of age it is useful to periodically, but in a limited manner, give raw cartilage, and from 4-5 months - soft beef and veal bones. The puppy should not be allowed to feel thirsty - there should always be clean drinking water in his bowl.

With mother's milk, the Russian Spaniel puppy received all the substances necessary for growth. After weaning from the mother and until 6 months of age, until his body is stronger, if there is a lack of calcium salts in the feed, phosphoric acid and vitamins A and O, he will inevitably develop rickets. To warn him except good conditions content, requires enhanced good nutrition. The puppy's food includes both phosphorus and calcium, as well as vitamins (often multivitamins). It is necessary to add a teaspoon of meat or fish and bone meal to liquid food daily, and periodically, like an adult dog, give raw chicken eggs and small quantities of raw liver cut into pieces.

To prevent the spaniel puppy from experiencing a lack of vitamins, in the spring and summer, finely chopped greens are added to the food - lettuce, cabbage, spinach, dill, sorrel, parsley, leaves of young nettles and dandelions. Nettle is first scalded with boiling water to destroy the sting of its villi. In the autumn-winter period, three vitamins (A, B, E) are added to the puppy’s food daily, one drop at a time, or replaced with fish oil. Activation of the action of vitamin E) is achieved thanks to ultraviolet rays, so the puppy needs to be walked in the sun more often.

The life of a dog is associated with constant metabolism and energy consumption, which is reimbursed to the body. nutrients, coming with food. Energy expenditure is significantly higher in puppies and young dogs due to the growth of their bone and muscle tissue.

Spaniels first appeared in Spain, hence the name. Like the British Beagle, the breed was bred for hunting. The dogs were then brought to England. All spaniels have floppy ears and thick, short hair. The color can be any, classic colors are red, black, chocolate.

Breed variety

All representatives of this breed are smart, loyal, sociable, and friendly. They are easy to train. There are many subspecies of spaniel. But the most common are English, American and Russian cocker spaniels.


The first Englishmen were distinguished by their larger size. They were crossed with Japanese spaniels brought as a gift to the Queen of England. The hybrid turned out to be an English Cocker Spaniel. This is an agile and hardy hunting dog with a developed sense of smell.

It differs from the American and Russian spaniels in body proportions, head size and shape. It has a dense muscular build, a short body, strong strong paws, the head is curved in front and slightly flattened. The eyes are smart and kind. Height at withers – 34–41 cm, weight – 12–16 kg.

The English Cocker has a long, silky and thick coat of various colors. She demands ongoing care. A purebred spaniel does not have curls, curls, or curly waves. He is friendly towards people and other dogs and loves to play with children.


The English cocker spaniel is the ancestor of the American one, they are similar in appearance. The American is inferior in size and weight to the English and Russian. Height at withers – 35–39 cm, weight – 12–14 kg. American cockers have large expressive eyes, a shorter muzzle and a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle, the fur is longer, thicker and more luxuriant, the ears, belly, and chest are decorated with curls of wool.

The color is colored, black, black and tan, any other solid with or without tan. U American cocker developed hunting qualities, but now it is a decorative dog.


The Russian Cocker Spaniel is a cross between different types of spaniels. Soviet breeders wanted to get the most suitable dog for hunting. The Russian Spaniel's body is slightly longer than the American and English Spaniel's, and its legs are also long, which makes galloping easier in difficult places.

Height at withers – 36–44 cm, weight – 13–18 kg. The head is light, slightly convex at the sides, the profile is almost rectangular, and upper lip slightly rounded. The coat is medium length and thick. It is forbidden to cut it. In addition, the Russian Cocker is a good watchdog.

Price of puppies

Behind purebred dog who will hunt or participate in exhibitions, contact the nursery. The price depends on the pedigree; the rare color also increases the price. An English Cocker Spaniel puppy from ordinary parents costs between 7,000-10,000 rubles, from titled parents - 10,000-35,000 rubles.

A spaniel puppy from hand, at the market or in a pet store costs 2000-5000 rubles. But here they can sell you a mixed breed or a sick dog obtained as a result of inbreeding. Americans cost a little less, the price of a puppy from titled parents is up to 30,000 rubles. The price of Russian cockers is approximately the same.

How to choose the right one

It is better to adopt a puppy at 2 months, when his psyche and immunity are stronger. The dog breeder will give you a document with his name, information about pedigree, vaccinations, deworming.

When visiting a breeder, pay attention to how the bitch and puppies are kept. Observe all the puppies of the same litter. None of them should be lethargic or look sick. The puppy's area should be dry and clean. Mom looks cheerful, well-fed and healthy.

Watch how puppies eat. A bad sign is if they eat poorly, they approach the bowl sluggishly or turn away. Puppies must be healthy, moderately well-fed, clean, and active.

At 2 months they stand firmly on their paws, play a lot, run, and jump. They are cheerful and curious. U healthy puppies the coat is smooth, shiny, the nose is moist, the ears and eyes are clean, without discharge. They should not have physical defects - umbilical or inguinal hernias, visible consequences of birth or postpartum trauma, symptoms of rickets.

The bite should be a scissor bite, like that of an adult dog. The number of incisors in both jaws should be 12, 6 in each jaw. More or less of them indicates a tribal marriage.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the proportionality of build and movement, and whether there are any visible deficiencies in the position of the paws.

Cocker spaniel puppies are future hunters. They are characterized by playing hunter and prey. The “hunter” sneaks up and attacks the “prey”. Then the roles change, the “prey” becomes the “hunter”. In this game, puppies develop their instincts. As for gender, this is the personal choice of the owner. Spaniel breeders note that these dogs are docile and calm.

Bitches are more obedient and balanced, they quickly get used to their owner, but during fights between dogs, bitches behave more aggressively. Raising a male dog is more difficult.


Your pet's thick coat needs daily care. Brush your spaniel every day. Pay special attention to the ears, belly, fluffy “skirt” and “pants” on hind legs. You will need a long-toothed comb, scissors to remove tangles, and a small massage brush. Wash your dog with shampoo once a week long hair. Soap and regular hair shampoos will not work. After washing, dry the wool with a hairdryer.

Cocker spaniels need trimming and haircut, this will be done in a grooming salon.

The spaniel needs long walks and active games in the air, but do not forget to protect your pet from fleas and ticks. Take him for a run, take him out into the countryside, let's go for a swim - spaniels love water very much.

Examine your pet's eyes and ears every day. If you notice discharge from the ears and your dog is shaking his head and scratching it, take him to the vet. If wax builds up, clean it with a damp cotton swab.

Spaniel nails can become ingrown; trim them once a week with dog clippers. Deworm your animal twice a year.

Newborn puppies

Caring for a newborn spaniel puppy is not difficult. The bitch will feed, lick and protect the cubs. In the first hours of life, they independently find their mother's nipple. If you have motherless puppies at home, choose a milk replacer for them. It is sold in pet stores in powder form.

While you are looking, give the puppies condensed milk, take four parts milk and one part boiled water. Don't give cow's goat milk, baby food. This is not suitable for puppies.

In the first days, babies sleep and suck, and rapidly gain weight. If they don't squeak, it means they're full. In the first week of life, they do not have a proper thermoregulation system. They will not shiver in the cold. Normal temperature body for a newborn spaniel – 34.5–36 °C. Monitor the temperature in the bed if they are growing separately from their mother. If the bed is colder than +30 °C, there is a chance that the puppies will freeze.

You can put electric heating pad into the bed. Do not install it over the entire area of ​​the bed. Around the eighth day, trim your puppy's nails to prevent him from scratching his mother's nipple. Trim nails once a week, cutting off only sharp edges.

Puppies open their eyes from the 11th to 15th day of life. The rumor appears a little later, on the 18th day. In the third week of life, babies walk and explore the territory in the bed and beyond. They become cute, playful and active. They begin to get out of their corner and go to the toilet. In the fourth week of life, the first teeth, first the canines, begin to emerge. From this time on, complementary foods can be introduced.

Before bringing your spaniel, prepare the necessary things.


Protect your pet from dirt during walks. A spaniel will need a knitted hat with an elastic band to protect its long ears from dirt and water. For the off-season, your dog needs a waterproof overall. For the summer, choose light clothing - it will protect the thick coat from leaves, dry branches and small debris. Winter clothes not needed - thick wool will protect well from the cold.


It is needed for both a puppy and an adult dog. Buy leather, about 2 centimeters wide. Attach a sign to it with your address and animal's name. Make sure your finger fits between the collar and the dog's neck. This will ensure that the animal is breathing freely.


Buy a leash made of durable leather. Length from 1 to 2 meters, width approximately 0.6-2.5 centimeters. There is a loop at one end for you to hold it comfortably. At the other end there is a carabiner clasp.

Do not go for a walk without a leash to avoid unpleasant incidents.


All muzzles are made from soft skin. Wear it when you go outside. The dog may try to remove it at first. Over time, the pet will get used to it.


Spaniels are playful and active, buy toys for your pet; pet stores have a large selection of toys made of plastic or durable rubber. Don't buy small toys so he won't be able to swallow them.

Bowl for water and food

The water bowl should be in one place and accessible to the dog. Bowl with food - only during feeding.

Prepare for the arrival of a new family member. Remove wires from equipment from the floor, household chemicals, small and sharp objects, all things that the dog can spoil or swallow.


Follow the feeding schedule. Remember that the dog must eat at a certain time, do not give kibble between feedings. Spaniels should not be overfed; they tend to become overweight.

If you refuse the offered food, do not replace it with another, remove it and offer it next time. If you replace the food at least once, the puppy will quickly learn that he can beg for something more tasty. Under no circumstances force you to finish what you are given.

In the first months, the puppy actively grows and gains weight.

ageapproximate weight
1 month1.5 kg
2 months3.0-3.5 kg
3 months5.0-6.0 kg
4 months6.5-8.0 kg
5 months8.0-10.0 kg
6 months9.0-11.0 kg
7 months10.00-12.00 kg
7-10 months12-14 kg

If your puppy's weight varies greatly, consult your veterinarian.

Feeding mode:

  • up to 2 months, the puppy is fed 6 times a day every 3.5 hours;
  • from 2 to 4 months, feed 5 times a day, every 4 hours;
  • from 4 to 6 months – 4 times;
  • from 6 to 10 months – 3 times;
  • from 10 months – 2-3 times a day.

Natural food

Natural food should be balanced. Choose nutritious foods every day that contain the nutrients you need for growth and development.


Give your puppy up to one year old 50 g per day for every kilogram of weight. Give an adult dog 200-250 g of meat per day. Include boiled liver, kidneys, heart, and udder in the menu. Add finely chopped vegetables to the meat.


Give a puppy up to a year old calcined cottage cheese. You can cook it yourself. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of 10 percent calcium chloride to half a liter of boiling milk. Throw away the curdled cottage cheese. Give the remaining whey to the puppy to drink or brew cereals. You can give good hard grated cheese, add it to porridge and vegetable mixtures. Milk is good for puppies, but may cause laxative effect. Give the puppies kefir and yogurt.


Nutritious and beneficial for dogs. From 4 months of age, feed raw yolks mixed with dairy products or porridge. Raw protein not digestible. Give eggs soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet. With a meat menu, one or two eggs per week is enough.

Cereals and bread

They diversify the puppy's diet. In first place in nutritional value is rolled oats. Soak it in kefir, whey, broth, milk. Steam the porridge, and generally give almost raw flakes to an adult dog. Cook rice and buckwheat porridge in milk, add carrots, pumpkin and other vegetables, except potatoes.

Offer an adult dog and a teenage puppy to chew on rye crackers and crusts from fresh wholemeal loaves.


Give carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, zucchini finely chopped or grated. Beets - only boiled. Add raw chopped greens to the main dish as a vitamin supplement. Raw berries and fruits, dried fruits are good for a puppy. Boiled pumpkin with porridge is good as an anthelmintic.

As a reward, give your puppy dried fruits and cheese. During the teething period from 3 to 7 months, give the puppy 2-3 tablets of calcium gluconate or calcium lactate per day. You can grind them in a coffee grinder and add them to food.

What not to feed:

  • too hot and cold food;
  • spicy, salty, fatty, sweet, smoked foods;
  • river and raw fish;
  • do not give bones;
  • pasta;
  • legume products and potatoes;
  • white bread;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • candies and chocolate;
  • pork and fatty lamb;
  • raw chicken meat;
  • food from the table.

Sample menu for a puppy 2–3 months old:

6.00 – cottage cheese + warm milk;
10.00 – rice porrige With boiled meat and grated carrots;
13.00 – finely chopped raw meat or boiled fish with crushed boiled vegetables;
17.00 - cottage cheese + warm milk;
20.00 – rolled oats with whey with meat and vegetables;
23.00 – boiled meat and milk porridge.

Dry food

Dry food contains all the beneficial substances a dog needs. Start feeding your puppy canned food. Add dry food to the canned food, so you will gradually switch to it completely. Using the same principle, switch to dry food from natural food. Consider premium and super premium food.

The main thing is that the dog likes the food and does not cause allergies or eating disorders. We sell food for pregnant and lactating bitches, for aging dogs, dietary and medicinal food.


In the first year of a dog's life, 4 vaccinations are required. Before each vaccination, the dog is dewormed. The schedule is like this:

  • at 1.5 months a vaccination against enteritis (hepatitis) is given;
  • after 10-14 days - repeat;
  • at 2.5 months a vaccination against plague is given;
  • at 7 months - repeated;
  • after 8 months - rabies vaccination.

Dogs are vaccinated every year throughout their lives. Do not vaccinate if she appears sick, is in heat, or is pregnant. Put a mark in the veterinary passport with the date of vaccination and the seal of the veterinary station. An official seal is needed if you plan to travel anywhere by train or plane. After vaccination, the dog does not need to be washed for 10 days, make sure that it does not get wet, and do not overcool.


Spaniels are prone to certain health problems. Do not forget to carefully examine your pet and, if necessary, show it to the veterinarian.


Long ears protect ear canal dogs from foreign objects. But due to insufficient ventilation, increased humidity is created, which affects the development inflammatory diseases. If you notice discharge and an unpleasant odor from the ears, the dog scratches its ears, shakes its head, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Check your pet's ears every day to remove excess wax. Do not allow water to enter. Protect when swimming ear canals pieces of cotton wool in vegetable oil.


Spaniels are prone to eye inflammation. Wipe your eyes with a cotton pad if signs of inflammation appear - purulent discharge, watery eyes, the dog is afraid of light - contact your veterinarian. Before this, wipe your eyes with chamomile infusion.


If your pet itches or irritates the skin, these may be signs of an allergy. Alternately change foods from your pet's diet or replace dry food. Observe what places your dog is scratching; these may be flea bites.

Training and education

Cocker spaniels need attention. They quickly adapt to the new home, lifestyle, and habits of the owner. Start raising a puppy immediately, until its psyche is formed. Teach respect and proper attitude towards the owner. Dogs of this breed are smart, but do not expect the dog to learn order instinctively.

The Cocker Spaniel is affectionate with family members and strangers. Teach him not to be distracted by every passerby, not to sniff or jump on strangers. This can cause discomfort to strangers and be dangerous for the animal itself.

When keeping a cocker spaniel, use affection and persistence. They are sensitive to punishment, do not punish them verbally or physically. If you notice that your dog is trying to go to the toilet at home, try to interrupt it and take it outside to the appropriate place as quickly as possible. If you notice that your dog is constantly trying to shit, consult a veterinarian; perhaps the reason is the pet’s health.

The following recommendations will help in training a cocker spaniel:

  1. Timeliness. You can start training from the age of 5-6 months. It is easier to teach a six-month-old puppy commands than adult dog with an established character.
  2. Regularity. Reinforce each command; the animal tends to get distracted and forget. Conduct training daily.
  3. Sufficient load. The Cocker Spaniel is primarily a hunter and bloodhound. Physical activity is mandatory for him. During training, teach the spaniel the necessary and active commands (trot, “fetch”, etc.).
  4. Tolerance. Praise and reward the puppy for following the command. Do not punish for failures, do not raise your voice or ignore your pet.
  5. Game approach. Try to turn training into an entertaining game, the results will not be long in coming.
  6. Personal contact. Do not entrust training to other family members, friends, etc. To establish contact with your pet, train him yourself.