Black cocker spaniel. English Cocker Spaniel: characteristics of the breed, reviews

The American Cocker Spaniel is a breed bred two centuries ago to hunt poultry. It is believed that the first representative of Amcockers was registered in the USA in the 1880s, and then American Cockers spread throughout the world, attracting the interest of dog breeders, hunters and lovers of medium-sized dogs with their external and intellectual characteristics.

The modern American Cocker Spaniel is somewhat different from the first representatives of the breed, but many key features have been preserved and passed through two centuries. Today we will talk about the history of the origin of American-type cocker spaniels, highlight the modern standard of the breed, analyze what features, temperament and character these dogs have, and also find out how to care for the American spaniel, in particular, its coat.

American Cocker Spaniel in show grooming

The predecessors of modern American-type cocker spaniels are dogs bred in Spanish lands rich in hunting grounds. Stocky dogs with long floppy ears, similar to modern cockers, were kept by the Crusaders, who went hunting with them in the hope of catching small game, such as rabbits, ducks or woodcock. The dogs were taken from the sunny Spanish land to England, where breeders set out to purify the breed and bred own view, also separated into an independent breed - English spaniels.

When English cockers were already considered an independent breed, took part in exhibitions and were allowed for breeding, American cockers did not exist. The most famous and professional cocker spaniel breeder of that time was James Furrow, whose breeding dogs won international exhibitions and were the standard of the breed. Obo and Chloe, a pair of Ferrow-bred cockers, were sent to the United States and are considered the progenitors of the American Cocker Spaniel breed.

History has preserved records that say that already in the USA a couple of English cockers gave birth to puppies that distinguished themselves big eyes and a short muzzle. They decided not to cull the offspring (as they would have done in the Old World), but to try to breed the new kind spaniels, securing attractive external characteristics. Thus, the exterior of dogs that trace their lineage from the first big-eyed puppies acquired character traits: snub nose, large, slightly bulging eyes, short muzzle, convex forehead, lush coat with rich undercoat.

English cocker spaniel

At first, English and American cockers were mated with each other, injecting new blood. However, the difference between the species became more and more obvious, so such matings were banned, while continuing to work on the exterior of each breed separately. American Cocker Spaniels have been an officially recognized breed since 1946.

American Cocker Spaniel puppies

Description of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

American Cockers differ significantly from other spaniels, although common features Even people far from cynology can notice. What are the differences between spaniels from the USA? First of all, dogs are distinguished by luxurious, silky and thick hair, which forms a fluffy skirt, falling from the body of the animal. American-type cockers are also distinguished by long fluffy ears that hang almost to the ground.

Representatives of the breed are small, but muscular and powerful animals, with easy movements, requiring long active walks. Despite the fact that modern cockers are rarely used for hunting, the dogs have retained their dynamics, their urge to run, swim and travel for long periods of time. By the way, even before the 1900s, Amcockers had their tails docked (cut off), leaving four vertebrae, that is, half a tail. This measure was taken to prevent animals from injuring their tails by wagging them during the hunt. The procedure was carried out in the first days of the puppies' life, until the bones were completely formed. In recent years, this operation is not always carried out, since it is recognized as inhumane, and the breed increasingly tends to be decorative.

American Cocker breed standard

Like any independent breed, American cockers have a fixed standard of appearance and character that every breeder strives for and which a dog with a pedigree must meet. Let us remind you that cockers belong to the eighth group of the FCI - “Hunting, gundog” - and are included in the second section, that is, they do not need working tests.

The ideal representative of the breed is a compact, energetic dog. American cockers are well built, have a harmonious, proud head, easy dynamic movements, and a friendly disposition. Let's take a closer look at the anatomical and exterior standard.

Table. General form American Cocker Spaniel

HeadHarmonious, in good proportion with the rest of the body and body. Deep, wide, square shape. Strong jaws, scissor bite. Nose dark color, large (depending on the color of the dog, it may be dark brown). The length of the muzzle is half as long as the line of the skull
FrameStraight, strong, straight back, arched muscular neck, tail set quite high, animated in movement. The chest is wide, of sufficient depth, but does not interfere with the correct placement of the limbs
LimbsSturdy, strong, no signs of clubfoot or discoloration allowed. Muscular girdle of the anterior and hind legs, strong rear push
EyesRound or almond-shaped, quite large, with a touching, touching, deep expression. The eye color should be dark, regardless of color
EarsLong, hanging down, with soft, slightly wavy hair, set low - at eye level
Wool, colorsThe head has short but soft hair; the body is covered with elongated hair, forming a “skirt” that descends from the animal’s body to the paws, but does not hide the structure of the dog. The coat is pleasant to the touch, silky, should be straight or slightly wavy (cotton or cotton structure, curls are not allowed), and fit well to the body.

Acceptable colors: black or black and tan, spotted (white with black, brown or red spots), roan and roan and tan, ascob (any base color without spots, except black). On the throat and chest White spots are acceptable in any color. In other places, white markings are considered a fault

DimensionsHeight is 38 centimeters for males, 35-36 centimeters for females (at the withers). The weight of animals varies between 8-12 kilograms. The dog is built harmoniously, compactly, does not look squat, but is not stretched out either.
MovementsThe dog has good coordination, moves freely, smoothly, while sweeping and dynamic, but not fussy
TemperamentBalanced, energetic, friendly, without signs of aggression, anger, cowardice

Temperament of the American Cocker Spaniel

The breed standard includes not only external features, but also the character of the dogs. Conscientious breeders of American Cocker Spaniels approach the issue of temperament with great attention, not allowing the breeding of cowardly, aggressive animals prone to anger or attacks on humans or other animals.

Accordingly, a typical American cocker is a friendly, loyal, playful dog, ready to be close to its owner and his family every minute. These cockers are great as companions for a single, energetic person, and as a dog for families and children. The dog will not offend the child; on the contrary, it will become a constant companion for him in games, running around and pranks. Cockers are gentle and affectionate dogs, so you can leave even kids with them.

But, despite the fact that the American Cocker puppy is plush, big-eyed and charming, you should not admire this, at first glance, toy dog. Representatives of this breed have a strong, quick-witted and passionate character; cockers are highly trainable and get great pleasure from “working” interaction with a person. Therefore, you need to train your pet with early age to avoid problems such as damage to household property, barking and howling in the absence of a person, running away during walks or pulling on the leash, which turns walking a cocker spaniel into an ordeal.

A Cocker Spaniel can sit in one place, but not for long.

It is not recommended to have Cocker Spaniels for people who are often away from home (the dog cannot stand being alone for long periods of time), as well as for those who do not like long periods of time. hiking, trips to nature, I’m not ready to devote several days a week to training an animal.

Diseases of American Cockers

Despite the fact that the American Cocker Spaniel is a fairly strong dog with a long life expectancy (14-16 years), the breed is characterized by some characteristic diseases. The owner needs to know about breed ailments in order to notice deterioration in the pet’s condition in time and take timely measures.

American Cocker Spaniels are prone to eye diseases

In particular, American-type cocker spaniels are prone to eye diseases: ulcers and corneal dystrophies, cataracts or glaucoma. Often these ailments affect older pets, but can occur at any age. It is important that these diseases can be hereditary. When purchasing a puppy, priority should be given to breeders who offer litters from sires (male and female) who have passed tests for hereditary ophthalmological diseases. If the breeder has negative results for these diseases, the chances that a dog from such a litter will suffer from them are significantly reduced.

Experts identify a number of other diseases that cockers are susceptible to:

  • food allergies;
  • otitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • seborrhea.

Knowing about the breed's predisposition to these problems, the owner must properly care for the dog, preventing the development of diseases. Such prevention includes competent balanced diet, ear and eye care, regular water treatments.

We mentioned above that American cockers are active dogs that require a lot of attention and a lot of activity. This dog cannot be placed on the sofa; the spaniel needs long walks with games, training, trips to nature, where the pet can splash out energy, swim, and run to its heart’s content.

Another difficulty in keeping American Spaniels is caring for their rich coat. From a very early age, the puppy needs to be taught regular bathing and brushing. Let's look at these points in more detail.

How to care for the coat of an American Spaniel?

You need to bathe your animal with shampoo quite often - once every one or two months. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the choice of cosmetics, since luxurious wool will look deplorable if you wash your dog with anything. Regular soap or human shampoos will not work, as they dry the animal’s skin and wash away the protective fat layer from the hairs.

A well-groomed coat is the main decoration of the American Cocker Spaniel.

To wash your Cocker, you need to use a professional shampoo for long-haired dogs. You can focus on the color of the animal, for example, for black dogs it is better to choose products designed for dark fur. They do not contain a large number of a coloring pigment that will allow the hairs to maintain a pure, deep color, without turning brown or gray.

After washing with shampoo, a mask or conditioner is applied to the cocker spaniel's coat, which will add shine, make combing easier, remove static electricity and nourish the hairs that have been freed from dirt. For these purposes, you need to use products containing keratin or silk proteins. You can also use oils - coconut, almond or mink, but then you need to apply them to the coat before washing, and then thoroughly, perhaps twice, shampoo the dog and rinse. This scheme will allow you to moisturize the coat, but not make it greasy and hanging like icicles.

After washing, the dog should be thoroughly dried with a towel, and then proceed to drying with a hairdryer. You should not allow your dog to dry on its own, as wet fur can become tangled. wet dog may catch a cold. Breeders and owners preparing dogs for exhibitions use a compressor - a powerful hair dryer created specifically for long-haired breeds, which allows you to dry even the animal’s rich coat with high quality and very quickly.

The next step after drying is combing. In principle, the more often the owner brushes the dog, the more well-groomed its coat will be, and the risk of tangling hairs will be reduced. You need to brush your cocker not only after washing, but also after every walk to remove dirt, dry twigs, grass and other debris from the coat. Grooming should be thorough, with special attention paid to the “skirt” – the long, flowing coat below the body. For combing, you can use a comb with blunt teeth of sufficient length, a slicker brush, or a massage comb.

Grooming an American Cocker

Above we described actions that every owner can perform at home. But there is one more nuance - American cockers with their long hair are among the breeds that need regular grooming. It is better to entrust this matter to a professional groomer, especially if the dog will attend exhibitions.

Grooming an American Cocker breed is a difficult process that requires the hairdresser to have a whole arsenal of tools. So, the dog’s head and upper back are cut short, leaving a small tuft on the head. The ears are shaved in the upper two-thirds; the fringe from below is not cut off, but only slightly trimmed with scissors. The body is not clipped; in these places the hair is plucked with a special comb or a groomer's knife. The hair on the limbs remains long, while the bottom of the paws is trimmed into a hemisphere, as if the dog were walking around in long fluffy pants.

American Cocker Spaniel haircut pattern

Important point! To prevent a haircut and a trip to the groomer from becoming stressful for the animal, hygiene and grooming procedures must be done regularly. The breeder can also give the puppies their first haircut, introducing them to water procedures, hygiene, combing and trimming their coat. In the future, these responsibilities will fall on the owner. Remember that you won’t be able to force your dog to endure painful brushing once every six months; this needs to be done three or four times a week. Then the animal will patiently endure all manipulations, provided that the owner is gentle and careful.

Other care procedures

Since American Cocker Spaniels have long, floppy ears, they must be cared for as well as their coat. The fact is that dogs with such a structure of the auricle are prone to the appearance of ear mites, otitis media and other troubles that threaten discomfort for the animal and even hearing loss.

The first thing the owner of an American Cocker should know is that the ears need to be inspected daily for accumulated dirt, inflammation or other discharge. If the auricle is dirty, you need to wipe the inner surface with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion (sold in pet stores or veterinary pharmacies). If the dog shakes its head, redness is noticeable inside the ear, or the owner notices other symptoms, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian. He will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe treatment or actions to prevent diseases.

Another feature of spaniels associated with long ears is that the hair on them gets dirty when the dog lowers its head outdoors. To avoid constant washing, you can use a special cap, which is easy to sew yourself. To do this, take breathable or mesh fabric, measure it according to the volume of the dog’s head and sew it together with a ring. Loose elastic bands are inserted into the edges of the resulting headdress.

American Cocker Spaniels wearing hats to protect their ears

The spaniel's nails also require care: like any other dog breed, they need to be trimmed so that the dog can move comfortably. If an animal often walks on asphalt, the claws may wear down on their own; in winter or if your pet walks on the grass and earth, you need to give him a manicure a couple of times a month, armed with a special nail clipper.

You also need to take care of your dog's teeth. After baby teeth have been replaced by permanent ones (this happens at about six to seven months), you need to brush them three to four times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs. It is necessary to accustom the animal to this procedure from puppyhood, so that later the dog does not break free and resist. Periodically, the spaniel should be given chewing toys, with the help of which the dog can brush its teeth. Such toys can be purchased at pet stores. Due to their fibrous structure, the dog’s teeth completely penetrate into them, in the process the plaque is removed and the appearance of tartar is prevented.

What and how to feed an American cocker?

Like all Cocker Spaniels, the American is famous for its insatiable eating habits. Dogs of this breed often suffer from obesity if the owners are not able to provide the animal with a competent diet and refuse when the dog asks for something tasty. Also, do not forget about the tendency of spaniels to food allergies. To avoid the above health problems, you need to feed the animal according to the norm - balanced and fairly monotonous.

The fact is that the stomach of dogs and their body as a whole does not need a lot of food variety. On the contrary, the more familiar the food is, the better the animal is. Feeding on a schedule, in a certain volume and with familiar foods is the key to good digestion in a cocker spaniel, and therefore overall health.

The owner of an American Cocker Spaniel must decide which type of feeding is most preferable for him: ready-made dry food or natural food. The first option will appeal to those owners who do not want to spend a lot of time preparing a diet for their pet, since modern dry food (super premium or holistic class) contains everything they need.

Premium dry dog ​​food

For an American Cocker Spaniel, you need to choose food for medium-sized dog breeds; some brands, for example, Royal Canin, immediately offer a line for spaniels. This food contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the dog’s skin and coat, helps maintain ideal weight (obesity prevention), and also provides everything necessary for the heart muscle. When purchasing dry food for an American Spaniel, you should pay attention to the “Hypoallergenic” label, or choose flavors based on lamb, turkey or salmon, excluding chicken, as strong allergen for animals.

Having chosen one food and made sure that it suits the pet (the animal is cheerful, active, the fur is shiny, the stool is normal), there is no need to change it. A change in food can only be due to the growing up of the animal, since all food has a line for puppies, growing and adult pets, as well as the elderly.

If the owner decides that natural feeding preferably, he should study the dog's needs in advance. A Cocker Spaniel, like any pet, should not be fed from a communal table. At the core natural diet there is fresh raw meat, scalded with boiling water, vegetables and fruits, sea fish, cottage cheese and other lactic acid products, eggs, offal.

Many American Spaniel owners follow a feeding system called "Barf". This system includes products that are biologically characteristic of a dog as a wild animal. “Barf” imitates natural feeding, that is, the dog receives raw meat and offal, as well as accompanying ingredients: berries, herbs, vegetable oils (burdock, olive).

In any case, the decision to organize feeding is made by the owner of the animal. It is only important to remember that the dog is completely dependent on the person, and the owner’s task is to provide the animal with fresh, high-quality and balanced feeds, containing all the substances necessary for the life of a pet.

Purpose of the breed and training

American Cocker Spaniels have firmly taken their place as pets and companions, but have not lost their hunting instincts. We said above that cockers are a gun breed, the purpose of which is to bring shot game, in particular poultry. The animal easily learns both to bring prey and to raise birds from hiding, but long hair will prevent the cocker spaniel from making its way through grass, bushes or swamps. Therefore, show dogs do not participate in hunting; if a pet is purchased in order to walk under the gun, the owner must provide a comfortable length of fur for it.

American Cocker Spaniel on the hunt

To train an animal to be useful in hunting, it is worth taking special training courses with it. Training cockers includes several stages that are practiced until complete mastery: standing, reaching, intimidating and bringing in game. The dog will also be taught to work with a clicker or whistle, and will be introduced to different types game, they will teach that the bird should be handed over to the owner, and not feast on it alone. But, before you go for training, you need to go through a basic training course with your puppy.

As the name implies, this course includes basic skills for every dog: the ability to walk next to the owner’s leg, come when called, learning the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” and others. Basic training is very important for American Spaniels, because they are restless by nature, and their hunting instincts awaken at the most inopportune moments. A responsible owner who wants to achieve mutual understanding with the dog and learn how to manage it competently will definitely take group or individual classes with a dog handler.

Any active activity will be a joy for a cocker spaniel

If the owner of an American Cocker Spaniel does not intend to take the animal hunting, you can choose other sports where the dog can burn off energy and enjoy movement and working together with the owner.

So, American cockers perform well in. This is a sport involving the interaction between dog and owner. The pet’s task is to accurately and in the shortest period of time go through a course with obstacles, such as a “snake”, barriers of various configurations, tunnels, logs (booms), swings and the like. At the same time, the dog is in “free flight”; it should not be wearing a collar, much less a leash.

Cockers perform well in frisbee - competitions for catching a flying saucer. Another sport in which a cocker spaniel can warm up and even get tired is coursing. Coursing is fun for dogs with hunting skills. A mechanism is installed in a certain area that moves an artificial hare along a selected trajectory. In this case, the “prey” may unexpectedly change direction, freeze or accelerate. Coursing is good because the animal not only realizes its hunting potential, but also learns to make decisions, not get lost in unexpected situations, and in general gets physical exercise.

You can also do tracking work with representatives of the breed - the hunter's instinct greatly helps cockers in this. An excellent sense of smell allows American cocker- Spaniels can be very useful. Dogs of this breed work to search for missing people and help police officers search for drugs. It is especially convenient for the work of operatives that spaniels are small in size and calm, friendly character. This allows dogs to work in places large cluster people: airports, train stations, without scaring others. They also check with spaniels public transport crossing borders - trains and buses, and its compact size allows the animal to easily work in narrow passages and cramped spaces.

American Cocker Spaniels are worked with by rescue workers and volunteers focused on searching for people. The spaniel works well in both wooded or field areas, as well as rubble (stone and snow). Small size and weight also play an important role in the search abilities of spaniels. Firstly, the animal can maneuver between trees, overcome various obstacles and go through many places without the risk of falling through. Secondly, the handler can carry a small dog for some time in order to deliver it to the right place, avoiding a dangerous area.

Video - About American Cockers


American Cocker Spaniels are sensitive, friendly and very people-oriented dogs. Such a pet will be an ideal companion for active person spending a lot of time outside, often going into nature. American cocker spaniels are suitable for both a single owner and a large family, where everyone will be happy with the animal and will not refuse to spend time playing or affection.

Due to its accommodating and calm nature, the spaniel is suitable for both an experienced dog owner and a beginner who is thinking about purchasing a tailed pet for the first time. The main thing is to find a responsible breeder who will not only give a beautiful and healthy puppy, but at any moment he will be able to provide competent advice and tell a person how to resolve this or that issue.

If you want to get an American spaniel, be prepared to give him a lot of attention and love, and then the dog will respond to you with great affection

The English Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized dog with long ears and a cheerful disposition. The name cocker refers to the times when these dogs were used to hunt woodcock, although the breed accompanied English gentlemen to hunt many other species of birds. They make great companions for people who can provide them with the right amount of exercise.


  • Level of adaptation (4/5):
    • adaptability to living in an apartment (5/5)
    • suitable for novice owner (4/5)
    • sensitivity level (5/5)
    • loneliness tolerance (1/5)
    • cold tolerance (4/5)
    • heat tolerance (3/5)
  • Friendliness (5/5):
    • attachment to family (5/5)
    • love for children (5/5)
    • friendliness to other dogs (5/5)
    • attitude towards strangers (5/5)
  • Health and care (3/5):
    • degree of shedding (3/5)
    • drooling (1/5)
    • ease of care (3/5)
    • general health (4/5)
    • tendency to be overweight (4/5)
    • size (2/5)
  • Learning ability (4/5):
    • ease of training (4/5)
    • intelligence (5/5)
    • tendency to use teeth (3/5)
    • hunting instinct (5/5)
    • tendency to howl and bark (4/5)
    • travel potential(4/5)
  • Training needs (4/5):
    • energy (5/5)
    • intensity (3/5)
    • need for physical activity (4/5)
    • playfulness (5/5)

Main settings:

  1. Group: Sporting dogs.
  2. Height at withers: 37-42 cm.
  3. Weight: 11-15 kg.
  4. Life expectancy: 12-14 years.


You may ask, what is the difference between English and ? Not so long ago they were considered the same breed. The decision to separate the Cocker Spaniel classification took hold in the 1930s, when it became apparent that representatives of the breed in the United States were significantly different from English cockers.

When comparing dogs of these breeds, the first difference that catches your eye is size. The English Cocker Spaniel is larger than the American Cocker. They also have different body types. Unlike the American Cocker, the English Cocker can easily be imagined in the field side by side with his hunting brothers: the Field Spaniel and the Welsh Springer Spaniel.

The charming English cocker is cheerful and affectionate. This is a strong dog with a long square muzzle, expressive eyes, long ears that reach the tip of the nose when pulled forward, and a stubby tail.

The English Cocker has a medium length coat. Dogs that take part in hunting or sporting competitions have their hair cut shorter than show cockers. As everybody sport dogs, English cockers have a large supply of stamina and energy. They are curious and love to explore everything. English Cocker Spaniels are excellent hunting dogs with a sensitive sense of smell; they successfully hunt down game in difficult terrain.

English Cockers are intelligent, but can be stubborn at times, especially if they don't see a compelling reason to do what you want. Obedience training is good for any dog, but... hunting dog It is especially important to learn to respond to your call and obey commands.

Since they are very attached to their owners, it is important to use gentle, consistent training that will not break your dog's spirit.

Training will also keep your cocker mentally stimulated. This is a dog that loves to learn, and its talents are not limited to field hunting. She can show good results in tracking, obedience competitions, flyball and agility.

Because English Cocker Spaniels are very people-oriented, they do well around their human family. Staying long time Alone, bored dogs develop destructive activities. They get along well with children and make excellent companions for people of any age.

Although English Cockers raise the alarm and respond to noise by barking, they should not be expected to be effective. guard dogs. They are too friendly for this job and will most likely end up licking strangers' hands while wagging their tail.


  1. Sometimes english cocker spaniel It is difficult to accustom a child to cleanliness in the house.
  2. English cockers are lovers of barking.
  3. English Cockers are eager to please and love to be close to their family. But they are hunting dogs, and when outdoors they may chase birds or small animals. It is important to train your pet to always come when you call. Walk in a fenced area or keep your cocker on a leash.
  4. Cockers have a gentle nature. Harsh training methods can make them fearful or resistant to learning. Use gentle, consistent training to achieve the best results.
  5. If your English Cocker Spaniel doesn't get enough exercise, he may become overweight or engage in disruptive behavior.
  6. The long ears of the English Cocker Spaniel are susceptible to ear infections.


Spaniels of various sizes have been around for centuries. These dogs were mentioned in the works of Chaucer and Shakespeare. They were divided into two types: Land Spaniels (land) and water. English Cockers are members of the Land Spaniel family. They take their name from the work they performed: hunting woodcock (cock, woodcock), game birds.

Until the last century, a litter containing puppies was not considered unusual different sizes. Breeders made decisions about what puppies were best suited for based on their size, intelligence, and stamina. Closer to end of the 19th century century, English breeders began to divide spaniels into specific breeds: English Springer, Welsh Springer, Cocker, Field, Sussex, Clumber and Irish Water Spaniel.

All spaniels lighter than 11 kilograms were classified as cocker spaniels. Some weight designations caused controversy, and it was eventually decided that type matters more than weight when determining a dog's breed. In 1885 the English Spaniel Club was formed. One of his first tasks was to create breed standards for each type of spaniel.

The development paths of cockers diverged. American breeders selected small dogs with rounder skulls, shorter muzzles and heavier coats. By 1935, it became clear that American and English cocker spaniels were two completely different types. The English Cocker Spaniel Club of America was formed in 1936, and in 1946 the American Kennel Club recognized the two varieties of spaniels as separate breeds.

Despite the fact that it has become very popular in the USA, in the UK the English Cocker is one of the favorite breeds. The relative unpopularity of the English Cocker in the United States has helped the breed remain healthy and close to its roots as a gundog and a pleasant companion. The English Cocker Spaniel is currently ranked 74th out of 155 breeds and species registered by the AKC.


The English Cocker is a cheerful and affectionate dog with an even temperament. He is playful, trainable, and friendly towards people (though sometimes reserved with strangers) and other dogs. The English Cocker will bark when strangers approach. But they will only notify you of unexpected guests and, like typical spaniels, will gladly show the robber where the family silver is.

Like any dog, the young English Cocker Spaniel needs early socialization - contact with by different people, objects, new sounds and experiences. Socialization increases the likelihood that your pet will grow up to be a well-rounded dog.

A great place to start is to send him to puppy kindergarten. By regularly inviting guests, walking in busy parks, and meeting neighbors on leisurely walks, you help him practice social skills.


You should not purchase a puppy from unverified sellers. There is a risk of discovering various genetic diseases that were passed on to the pet from its parents. Check all documents and certificates carefully.

If treated properly, the dog usually grows up healthy, but each breed is prone to its own group of diseases. It is necessary to know about them in order to prevent the development of the disease and avoid serious consequences if problems with your pet’s health arise.

  1. Eye problems: Cockers are prone to a variety of vision problems, including: progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), degenerative diseases retina, leading to blindness, cataracts, clouding of the eye, glaucoma, which creates pressure inside eyeball, and ocular abnormalities. If you notice redness in your cocker's eyes or he begins to rub his face vigorously, take him to the vet for a checkup.
  2. Kidney failure: Sometimes kidney failure occurs at a young age (between 9 and 24 months of age). Presumably it is inherited.
  3. Congenital sensorineural deafness: A condition that is currently only found in Pied English Cockers. In affected puppies it is present at birth. Hearing impairment progresses to complete deafness before the age of 4 weeks. Some English Cocker breeders test dogs for deafness before breeding them.
  4. Dilated cardiomyopathy: This is a disease in which the heart muscle swells excessively. It is generally accepted that solid-colored cockers are primarily susceptible to the disease. Symptoms include weight loss, weakness, bloating, cough, fainting and rapid heartbeat. Diagnosis is made using x-rays and echocardiography.
  5. Hip dysplasia: hereditary disease, in which the femur does not fit tightly to the hip joint. In some dogs, hip dysplasia results in lameness on one or both sides. hind limbs, but sometimes the disease occurs without pronounced symptoms. As your dog ages, arthritis may develop. Since dysplasia is an inherited disease, affected dogs are not bred.


English Cocker Spaniels are adaptable and do well in city apartments as long as they receive daily exercise to keep them fit. This breed has a lot of stamina, so the dog will enjoy long, brisk walks, a game of fetch, or sports such as agility or flyball.

Puppies have different needs physical exercise. From 9 weeks to 4 months of age, visiting the puppy pad once or twice a week is a great way to provide your little one with exercise, training and socialization. Don't forget about 20-minute walks with continuous outdoor games in the yard in the morning and evening. Throw the ball to the puppy so that he brings it to you.

From 4 to 6 months of age, weekly obedience classes and daily walks of approximately 800 meters are required. This activity plus playing in the yard will satisfy the cocker's needs.

At 6 months - 1 year, you need to play fetch with a ball with a puppy in cool weather, in the morning or evening, and not in the middle of the day. Continue for 800 meter walks.

Having reached one year, your English Cocker Spaniel can start jogging with you, but at a distance of no more than one and a half kilometers and with frequent breaks. As the dog develops, the time and distance can be increased. With a reasonable increase in exercise levels, developing bones and joints will not be harmed.

Train your cocker gently and patiently. He has the sensitive temperament of a spaniel and does not take roughness well. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as tasty rewards, praise, and games. He is a quick learner and if you make the training sessions consistent and fun, you will be more than happy with his abilities.

Like all dogs, the English Cocker can be mischievous and is quite stubborn. He also doesn't mind chewing something. Keep food, trash, and anything else that shouldn't end up in your dog's mouth out of reach, especially during puppy curiosity. A kennel is a great way to keep your cocker out of trouble when you can't control him personally.


It is recommended to feed your dog 2-3 times a day, rather than pouring all the food into a bowl at once. The amount of food depends on the physique, age and activity of the animal. You should remember proper nutrition And special diets, which are prescribed by veterinarians for certain diseases. If the dog is subjected to additional physical activity during training, the portion should be increased.

Try to prevent excess weight gain by controlling the amount and nutritional value of food. But you can’t leave your dog hungry either. Looking at your pet from top to bottom, the waist should be clearly visible. When you run your hands along the sides, it’s good if you can feel the ribs a little and not see them. If you notice your dog is overweight, increase the amount of training and reduce the portion size.

It is important to understand what largely determines the quality and duration of her life. Recommendations and comments from dog breeders on specialized websites and forums make you seriously think about the issue of feeding your pet. Choosing good food and following certain rules will allow your dog to live a long and happy life!

Color and care

The English Cocker Spaniel has a medium-length coat, straight or slightly wavy, with a silky texture. The legs, chest and abdomen are covered with long feathers, which are still much smaller than those of. Cocker spaniels do not need thick feathering as a decorative element; they help protect the dog's body from scratches and other damage when the dog runs across the field.

The English Cocker Spaniel comes in several colors. Among them: motley (white and black, with liver, or shades of red), solid black, liver or red in various shades, black and tan and liver and tan. Any of these colors may have brown spots on the eyebrows, muzzle, throat, rump and legs.

Brush your English Cocker daily and every time he has been in the field. You can trim long fur to keep it from dragging on the ground, and trim the fur on the paws to keep them looking neat.

Coat show dog requires more effort. It must be stripped by hand or with a special knife. If you plan to show your English Cocker, you need to learn how to care for its coat properly.

Clean the ears every week with a cleanser recommended by the breeder or veterinarian. Since the ears droop downwards, there is a tendency to ear infections. When you clean them, check for signs of infection such as foul odor, redness, tenderness, or itching. If your English Cocker frequently shakes his head or scratches his ears, take him to the vet. When it comes ear infection, it is better to start treatment as soon as possible.

Your pet's teeth should be brushed 2-3 times a week. This will prevent the accumulation of bacteria and the formation of tartar. And daily brushing will protect against gum inflammation and unpleasant odor from mouth.

Trim nails only when necessary. This is usually done one to three times a month. If you can hear your dog unintentionally scratching the floor with them, then it’s time for a haircut. Neat and well-groomed claws avoid accidental scratches during play or greetings.

Puppies often become offended when they are brushed, paws touched, or their mouths and ears examined, so try to make this process more pleasant with praise in the form of treats. In the future, the pet will even become more obedient thanks to such procedures.

In addition to all this, the dog’s entire body should be periodically checked for various wounds, infections and inflammations. Carefully inspect the mouth, eyes, ears, nose and paws. This will help you immediately identify potential health problems and prevent them, avoiding consequences. Your pet's ears should not smell like wax or manure, and your pet's eyes should not be red and tired. If any symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a veterinarian, otherwise serious complications may arise.

Communication with children and other animals

English Cocker - friendly, cheerful and affectionate family dog who gets along well with children, especially if they grow up together. Adult English Cockers who are new to children may do better in a home with older children who understand how to interact with dogs.

Try to explain to your child that you need to treat the dog gently and with extreme care, in particular, do not pull its tail. prevent conflict situations and monitor the animal’s mood during the game. Do not allow children to touch your pet while it is eating or sleeping. And never leave your child and dog alone.

English Cockers enjoy the company of other dogs, and they can also get along with cats, especially if they were introduced to them at an early age.


With the help of a list of breeding organizations, buying puppies will become much easier. Also in kennel clubs you can get Additional information about this breed and learn the dog’s characteristics from the owners themselves.

An upturned nose, long ears with curls and a shaggy forelock hide a serious hunting breed. The American Cocker Spaniel has excellent scent and has been used for hunting game birds for several decades.

Origin story

The American Cocker Spaniel was bred in the USA. In which specific state, and what breeds were used for crossing, reliable information has not been preserved. It is known that the breed was officially recognized in 1880, and in just a few decades it spread throughout the world. The dog was used as a hunting dog; the spaniel copes especially well with birds: duck, wood grouse, guinea fowl. The dog retrieves killed game from any pond or bush.

Description of the American Cocker Spaniel

In contrast, the American Spaniel has a stocky exterior. The fur on the paws, ears and top of the head is longer and thicker. The dog is a hyperactive breed, and many breeders compare it to a wind-up toy powered by Energizer batteries. The American Cocker Spaniel loves active entertainment and eagerly takes part in ball games or catch-up games. But, despite the excessive activity, the breed is balanced and responds well to any changes. Thick coat and soft undercoat protect the dog from frost in winter and from humidity in summer. But the American Cocker Spaniel is not suitable for outdoor living, as the breed is prone to diseases respiratory system. Drafts and cold winds can cause pneumonia and colds.

Breed standard (appearance)

The description of the breed must correspond to the exterior:

  1. Body. Compact, muscular.
  2. Paws. Straight, but not short, with dry muscular system. The paws are dense, the pads are developed, the claws are long. The color of the claws matches the color of the coat, but is often black. The paws are entirely covered with long fluffy hair.
  3. Back. Straight, wide, without sagging.
  4. Head. Round with a wide forehead and a pronounced transition to the muzzle. On top of the head there is a curly forelock of thick wool.
  5. Muzzle. Not long, the bridge of the nose is slightly raised upward. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead forms an angle of 90 degrees.
  6. Nose. The lobe is round in shape, from light liver to black, depending on the color of the dog.
  7. Eyes. Almond-shaped, shallowly set, but not convex.
  8. Bite. Standard, scissor-shaped.
  9. Ears. Round in shape, hanging, covered with long and thick hair on top. They widen towards the base. According to the standard, the tip of the ear should reach the nose, but with the skin, not the fur. The ears are low set.
  10. Tail. Thick, saber-shaped, covered with long hair. Previously, according to the standard, the tail of the American Cocker Spaniel was docked. This made it easier to move around hunting breed while working through bushes and tall grass. Nowadays, spaniels are more often used as a companion, and the tail may not be docked.
  11. Color. Any standard. Dominant colors: black, chocolate or brown, fawn. The light cream American Cocker Spaniel with brown markings looks unusual.
  12. Wool. On the back it is hard, on the paws, chest, belly, ears it is long, soft and straight.
  13. Size. An adult male at the withers can reach 39.4 cm, a female up to 36.8 cm.
  14. Weight. An adult spaniel weighs up to 12 kg.

Character of the American Cocker Spaniel

The American Cocker Spaniel differs little from others active rocks. The following character traits are highlighted:

  • The Cocker adores his owner and is attached to any member of the family. Loves children and will enjoy spending time with them;
  • A mobile dog that finds it difficult to sit in one place. Without a release of energy, the dog will come up with an activity for itself. The apartment will turn into a kind of sports ground;
  • cannot stand loneliness. During a long wait, the owners may damage their property: chew slippers, carpet, furniture;
  • loves to chase birds while walking. Hunting instinct developed better than others, and the dog will chase birds, while the owner cannot influence the animal;
  • does not like drafts and often catches colds, so he prefers to sleep in a chair or in a bed with the owner;
  • The breed is active and needs daily walks. The dog must be let off the leash, minimum time walks 2 hours;
  • The dog loves water, so in the summer, walks are chosen closer to open water. Swimming is best workout for spaniel;
  • Treat other pets well. He will sleep with a cat or dog, feeling like one pack.
  • The American Cocker Spaniel rarely barks, only vocalizing when chasing game;
  • the breed is not a guard breed and does not know how to protect the house or owner;
  • He treats strangers with caution, but quickly makes contact and, with a good attitude, begins to trust the person. Bites in rare cases, expresses dissatisfaction with a growl;
  • The breed is of the sporting type, so it needs exercise: running, jumping, swimming;
  • The American Cocker Spaniel is a very sensitive breed. The dog reacts to any changes in the owner’s behavior.

Caring for an American Cocker

The American Cocker Spaniel is a whimsical breed. The dog has long and thick hair, so the animal needs constant care. To make the dog feel comfortable, the following rules are followed:

  1. The dog needs to be washed with special shampoos and conditioners approximately once a week.
  2. You only need to comb it after washing with conditioner. Under no circumstances should you scratch dry fur every day!
  3. After combing the paws, ears and chest, dry them with a hairdryer. Excessive moisture provokes the development of bacterial skin lesions.
  4. In the summer and before exhibitions, the wool is lightly powdered with baby talcum powder. It will collect excess moisture and prevent the wool from tangling into unsightly strands.
  5. The dog's nails are trimmed once every two weeks. In the summer, the procedure is carried out less frequently, as the claws wear off on asphalt and concrete.
  6. The fur between the pads is clipped as it collects debris and creates a favorable environment for bacteria to grow.
  7. The ears are wiped once a week with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol solution boric acid.
  8. The eyes are treated once every two days, mucus, dust and dirt are removed. It is easier to clean your eyes with a damp cotton pad and chamomile infusion.
  9. It is necessary to groom your dog from an early age. The fur on the paws, ears and chest is evened out. The hair on the back is shorter and coarser; it requires regular brushing.
  10. The dog is given a separate place in the house. The bed is placed away from drafts. For the American Cocker, separate narrowed bowls are purchased that will protect the dog's ears while eating.


Breed health

Puppies are separated from the mother's breast at 1–1.5 months. Up to a year old, a puppy is susceptible to various viral and bacterial diseases. The first vaccinations are given before the cocker's baby teeth change. Initially, the dog is vaccinated against plague and enteritis. You can use mono grafting. But complex preparations will reduce the risk of infection, since vaccines against plague, hepatitis, enteritis, leptospirosis, and adenovirus can be combined in one ampoule. Rabies is vaccinated separately, closer to the animal’s year. The puppy requires vaccination and revaccination at intervals of no more than 3 weeks. More the exact date The veterinarian will advise you on re-vaccination after the first vaccination.

The American Cocker Spaniel is susceptible to the following diseases:

  1. Otitis. Ear inflammation can be avoided if treated in a timely manner and using antiseptics.
  2. Cataracts, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases. Treat with special drops and antibiotics.
  3. Pneumonia, bronchitis. The dog should not be overcooled or lie in drafts.
  4. Allergic reaction. Mainly related to food.

Life expectancy depends on genetic predisposition, nutrition and animal care. On average, the life expectancy of the breed is up to 13 years.

Puppy training

You need to start training your puppy immediately after he gets used to his name. The dog learns basic commands: sit, place, fu, lie down, come to me, next to me, walk. Training takes place in a playful way, otherwise an active dog will lose interest in learning and ask to run.

During training, the dog is rewarded with special treats. Spaniels are not suitable for human biscuits or sausages, as the breed is predisposed to food allergies.

To train your dog, you will need a leash, collar or harness. Mini representatives of the breed are led on a harness so as not to rub off the fur on the neck. For spaniels, a basic training course is sufficient. The guard course is not suitable for the breed. To learn hunting skills, the owner takes the animal into the forest along with experienced dogs.


The American Cocker Spaniel often suffers from indigestion and is prone to obesity. Food allergies also make adjustments to the diet, so it is easier to use specialized dry food for feeding: Royal Canin Cocker Adult, Go Sensitivity + Shine Turkey Dog Recipe, Brit Care. Suitable for any brand small breeds with sensitive digestion and a tendency to allergies.

Mixed feeding is also allowed. Natural products added to the diet:

  • fermented milk: cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat sour cream;
  • lean meat: beef, turkey, rabbit;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, rolled oats;
  • quail eggs, no more than 1 per day;
  • seafood without bones and shells.

If the dog’s diet consists only of natural food, then it is supplemented vitamin complexes. The following vitamins are suitable for a spaniel: Hokamix 30, Beaphar Duo Active.



The photo shows a black and white American Cocker Spaniel. Black and curly ears make the dog attractive.

A red cocker with a mischievous curly forelock looks cute.

The chocolate color of the puppies makes them look more like little bear cubs.

English Cocker Spaniel - breed hunting dogs, was used mainly for bird hunting. These are active, athletic, good-natured dogs, today they are more companions than hunters. In addition to the full, classic name, they are also called English spaniel or English cocker.

  • Loving, sweet and gentle, the well-trained English Cocker Spaniel is great for families and gets along in any size home.
  • Even well-trained dogs are very sensitive to handling and intonation and may become offended by rude or undeserved treatment.
  • They need good care. Be prepared to devote time or pay for grooming services.
  • While playing, they get carried away and use their teeth, which for children can result in tears and scratches. Wean your puppy off this from the very beginning.
  • They love to serve people and respond well to positive reinforcement. They are smart and learn quickly.
  • They can bark loudly and it is important to teach the dog to respond to the command “quietly”.

History of the breed

The first mentions of spaniels are found about 500 years ago. The name of the breed comes from the Old French word espaigneul - spanish dog, which comes from the Latin Hispaniolus - Spanish.

Despite the seemingly obvious indication of the breed’s homeland, there are different versions about its origin. Dogs similar to them are found in artifacts of the Cypriot and Egyptian civilization, but the breed was finally formed in Spain, from where it spread to other countries.

Initially, Cocker Spaniels were created for hunting small birds and animals that they raised under gunfire. Since hunting was very popular in Europe, they quickly spread throughout it and came to the British Isles.

Even the word “cocker” itself is of English origin and means woodcock, the name of a bird popular among hunters and living in wooded and swampy areas. The ability to lift a bird both from water and from land and its activity have made the English Cocker a desirable and popular dog.

These dogs first participated in an exhibition back in 1859, it was held in Birmingham, England. However, they did not admit separate breed until 1892, when the English Kennel Club registered it.

In 1936, a group of English Spaniel breeders created the English Cocker Spaniel Club of America (ECSCA) and the club registered the breed with the AKC. In addition, in the USA, there is a similar breed, but breeders from ECSCA ensured that it was considered separate and not crossed with English ones.


The English Cocker Spaniel has a round, proportional head. The muzzle is wide, with a blunt edge, and the stop is distinct. The eyes are dark in color, not protruding, with an intelligent expression. The ears stand out - long, low-set, drooping.

They are covered with thick and long hair. English spaniels have a large nose, which contributes to their sense of smell. The color of the nose is black or brown, depending on the color of the coat.

The dogs have magnificent, silky fur, and come in a variety of colors. The coat is double, the outer coat is soft and silky, and underneath there is a thick undercoat. It is longer on the ears, chest, belly and paws, and shortest on the head.

By different standards Differences in color are acceptable. For example, according to the English Kennel Club standard, white spots are unacceptable for dogs of solid color, except on the chest. The variety of colors is beyond description.

In the past, the tail was docked to prevent the dog from getting caught in dense bushes. But now these are domestic dogs and docking has gone out of fashion.

English cockers are the smallest of all spaniels. Males at the withers reach 39–41, females 38–39 cm. They weigh approximately the same, 13–14.5 kg. Their body is strong, compact, and well balanced.


English Cocker Spaniels are sweet, playful, funny dogs. Their sensitive nose is always near the ground, catches smells and follows them; after all, they are a little hunter. Despite the fact that they are a companion dog and have lived in the city for a long time, their instinct has not gone away.

This instinct, plus the desire to please the owner, makes the English Spaniel easy to train. They like to learn, as they are very energetic, active and inquisitive, and any training is a joy for them, if not boring.

Just make the spaniel a guard and guard dog no training will work. They would rather lick a thief to death than bite him. But they are great for families with children, especially older ones.

The only drawback of the breed is that it is a little nervous. A rude attitude and strict training can turn a fun-loving dog into a timid and downtrodden creature. If a puppy is raised without socialization, it can become timid, fearful and terribly afraid of strangers.

Socialization and communication allow you to raise a healthy and good-natured dog. Even with normal upbringing, English cockers are so emotional that they are prone to involuntary urination, especially from excitement.

Active, they need daily walks to satisfy their hunting instinct. At this time, they can chase birds and small animals, and while following the trail they can forget about everything. You need to remember this and let the dog off the leash only in safe places, so that you don’t have to look for it later on.

Like most hunting dogs, the English Cocker loves to be in a pack. Moreover, by “pack” he means his family and their environment, they need attention and love. Due to their sensitive nature and sociability, they have an extremely difficult time with loneliness and become depressed. The dog is looking for a way out and finds it in destructive behavior: barking, aggression, damaging furniture.

These character traits are the same for both the English Cocker Spaniel and the English Cocker Spaniel, but the former is considered more balanced. But, keep in mind that everything written above is average characteristics and each dog has its own temperament.


The coat of Cocker Spaniels is their pride and curse. Naturally, almost all grooming is done on the coat, not on the ears or eyes. Owners of show-class animals leave it long, brush the dog daily and bathe it regularly.

For those who just keep the dog, it is easier to trim it, since then it is necessary less maintenance. But, in any case, they need regular trimming.

The breed is considered a medium shedder, but due to the length of the coat it is noticeable and seems to have a lot of it. During seasonal molting Cockers need to be brushed more often, daily, so that the hair does not remain all over the house. During other periods, less often, two to three times a week.

Brushing removes dead hair and prevents it from becoming tangled. Especially often the fur becomes tangled in active dogs, those who go hunting. Plus, any forest debris is stuffed into it.

In addition, there is another area vulnerable to dirt - the ears. In addition to the fact that they themselves are long and do not allow air to circulate in the channel, dirt often gets clogged in them.

This mixture leads to the dog developing an infection and inflammation. If your dog scratches its ear or shakes its head, be sure to inspect the ears for redness or foul odor. If any are found, take the dog to the veterinarian. And check and clean your ear canals regularly.


The average lifespan of English Cocker Spaniels is 11-12 years, which is normal for a purebred breed, although somewhat shorter than other dogs of similar size. English cockers live about a year longer than theirs.

In 2004, the English Kennel Club conducted a study which revealed the main causes of death: cancer (30%), old age (17%), cardiac diseases (9%).

Most often, English spaniels suffer from bite problems, allergies, cataracts and deafness (affects up to 6%).

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English cocker spaniels are considered one of the oldest spaniel breeds.

Currently, they have passed on the laurels of primacy in popularity to their brothers - the American Cocker Spaniels. However, the number of admirers of this breed is still large to this day.

Let's consider the main features of the English Cocker Spaniel breed: description of the breed, history of origin, character traits, as well as advantages and difficulties in keeping pets.

The history of the origin of the dog breed goes back to the distant past.

They were brought to the lands of England by the troops of the great commander Julius Caesar. Although the authenticity of this information remains in doubt, it has been definitely proven that the British made a significant contribution to the development of this breed.

In accordance with the stud books, breeders bred entire families of spaniel dogs.

At the very beginning, spaniels were divided into field and swamp (depending on the location of the hunt).

The field ones, with their stance, suggested to the hunter the places where birds congregated, and the swamp (or aquatic) ones successfully took part in hunting with nets. Later, dog handlers managed to develop a universal dog that could catch any game.

Thus, long-haired spaniels became especially popular in the 17th century. In 1883, after an exhibition, the dog breed was divided into two categories (depending on size): large dogs(more than 11 kg) were called field spaniel, and smaller ones were called cocker spaniel.

This weight limit for cocker spaniels was later removed. The founder of all cockers that exist today is considered to be a black male named Obo, who appeared in England at the end of the 17th century.

The dog breed was obtained from his son - Obo II.

In Russia, the English cocker breed did not immediately become widespread. The first representatives of purebred dogs from England appeared in our country at the beginning of the 20th century.

The fame of the “happy cockers” came after the exhibitions of the 80s, when not only hunters, but also ordinary lovers of four-legged pets became breeders.

The official breed standard was adopted in 1902, which has now undergone a significant number of adjustments and additions.

The outline of the skull is smooth: it looks elegant and at the same time impressive. The large nose provides a delicate sense of smell.

Large eyes, but not bulging. The iris of the eyes is of brown shades: from dark brown to hazel. The ears are located at eye level, reaching the tip of the nose in length; lobe-shaped, hanging.

Strong jaws with an absolutely correct scissor bite. The neck is short and strong.

The chest is quite deep and developed. The ribs are embossed. The loin is short and powerful; straight topline, gently sloping towards the base of the tail.

The tail is extremely mobile, located below the level of the back, but even when moving it should not lift up. Subject to docking when using dogs for hunting purposes.

The limbs are quite muscular, strong, with dense pads.

The coat, in accordance with the breed standard, should be straight, silky and shiny, without curls. Characterized by different lengths coat: short on the head; the chest, tummy and ears are more abundantly covered.

There are two main colors of the breed: solid and spotted. Solid colors include all shades of red, chestnut, black, sable and tan.

At birth, there may be small whitish areas on the face or limbs, which disappear after a while and become completely unnoticeable.

Dogs of the same color may have tan or transition - areas of a different shade (from chocolate to wheat). The saturation and depth of color in tan marks is important.

Colors that do not yet meet the standard include: brindle, white with black or brown pigmentation and blue (steel).

In the spotted coat color, white is added to the base coat. Moreover, the distribution of white areas is completely unpredictable.

For example, a dog is considered black and white as being completely black with a few white markings; and almost white with small black areas. Many faces spotted color adds specks, which can be either dense or sparse.

By nature, the English Spaniel is playful, responsive and affectionate. He loves to be with his owner all the time and is quite sociable.

An obedient and cheerful cocker will become a favorite both in a large family and for a single owner. It should be noted that dogs of this breed are overly dependent on their owner.

Therefore, from an early age, the cocker should be taught to be independent. Also, the English Spaniel can be quite capricious with regard to personal belongings, especially toys.

The English spaniel is a tireless worker and an excellent hunter. He is an excellent specialist in finding and retrieving game thanks to his excellent eyesight and sense of smell.

He can even hunt for pigeons, crows and other birds while walking.. At home, he is cheerful and good-natured, trying to involve all family members in the game.

With the right upbringing they find mutual language even with cats. These restless fidgets can treat strangers with distrust and jealousy.

English Cocker Spaniels are not touchy and take punishments with understanding. They are sensitive to changes in the owner's mood.

They constantly try to please, so it’s easy. Pets love when they are given a lot of attention and care.

When choosing an English Cocker Spaniel as a pet, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of the breed.

The advantages include:

The small size of the pet and the beautiful exterior of the dog. The height at the withers in males reaches up to 41 cm, in females - up to 39 cm.

These dogs were an adornment of the royal court. Even the formidable King of England Henry VII, who issued a ban on keeping dogs at court, made concessions only for small spaniels - the favorites of the ladies of the court.

This is an active and hardy dog. An English spaniel can be a good travel companion on a long walk and even on a trip. Calmly tolerates driving in the car.

English cocker spaniels are intelligent dogs and easily accept training.

These are valuable assistants during search work: they are often used by the customs service when searching for prohibited goods.

They also help rescuers when searching for living people under landslides.

Despite the large number positive characteristics, the English Cocker Spaniel has some disadvantages.