Pancreas metaphysical reasons. Psychosomatics of the pancreas: what causes diseases and how to cure them

The pancreas produces substances necessary for the digestion of food, as well as hormones for endocrine system. One of them is known to all insulin, which is designed to control blood glucose levels.

Let us briefly consider diseases of the pancreas. Probably the most common ailment of this organ is pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). It occurs in acute and chronic types.

There are the following physical factors that affect the occurrence of pancreatitis:

  • pathology gastrointestinal tract,
  • blockage bile ducts in the pancreas
  • infection,
  • pancreatic injury,
  • disorders in the cardiovascular system,
  • metabolic or hormonal disorders,
  • malnutrition,
  • allergens,
  • medical preparations,
  • alcohol intoxication.

Note that the above factors medicine, as a rule, refers to acute pancreatitis, whereas the factors of chronic pancreatitis include mainly psychosomatic causes (therefore, pancreatitis on nervous grounds is often detected).

Symptoms of pancreatitis (both types) are: increased gas formation with a violation of the regularity of the chair, nausea, vomiting without a sense of relief, heaviness in the stomach, palpitations, shortness of breath, weakness and malaise, pain in the hypochondrium.

We emphasize that the seriousness and danger of pancreatitis lies in the fact that the changes occurring in the pancreas are irreversible.

The next disease of the pancreas is diabetes. Here, type 1 diabetes is distinguished - when the immune system human destroys the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. A person has to constantly inject insulin from the outside in order to control blood sugar levels - he becomes insulin dependent.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the fact that the pancreas is forced to produce a lot of insulin, as it does not cope with its tasks of influencing the cells of the body (cells become resistant to insulin - this is called insulin resistance). At the same time, the level of glucose in the blood of a person also rises, and he takes hypoglycemic drugs.

In medicine, this is diagnosed genetic disorder pancreas like cystic fibrosis.

Islet cell tumor is a disease of the pancreas characterized by benign or malignant tumor so-called islet cells (clusters of endocrine cells that produce hormones). Usually, physical cause of this disease is advanced pancreatitis.

Pancreatic cancer often develops in the lining cells of the main pancreatic duct and rarely causes symptoms (therefore, it is only diagnosed in advanced stages).

Psychosomatics of the pancreas

To reveal the psychosomatics of this organ, let us recall that it is involved in the digestion of food. Namely, it helps to complete the digestion process: its enzymes break down nutrients for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

We already know that the digestion of food according to Louise Hay and Liz Burbo symbolizes the digestion of information coming to a person from the surrounding world.

This means that the work of the pancreas on the metaphysical plane symbolizes the splitting of informational food: putting knowledge, emotions and desires on the shelves, as well as drawing conclusions.

The second function of this organ is the production of insulin, which controls sugar, also helps to understand the psychosomatic causes. diabetes: it symbolizes how a person relates to the sweetness (sugar) of life.

Type one diabetes (when the immune system destroys its own cells) indicates that there is an internal struggle (in the human soul). This person, as a rule, is weak-willed, cannot control his desires and weaknesses himself and indulges them excessively (therefore, external control is needed).

The second type of diabetes (which mainly affects older people) indicates that a person does not feel the sweetness (joy) of life, does not know how to see them, does not know how to enjoy life, because he is convinced that there are no joys left.

Psychological causes of pancreatic diseases

Let's take a closer look: what negative psycho-emotional experiences cause pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas.

  • The first reason: a person wants everyone to be well, he takes care of everyone, plans for everyone, wants to foresee everything. Such a person outwardly seems strong, active, purposeful. But behind all this intense activity, as a rule, sadness is hidden, deep sadness due to the unsatisfied thirst for love and affection.
  • The second reason lies in the feeling of rejection. Basically, this feeling arises in childhood: when basic emotional needs (for love, affection, protection) were not satisfied, and the child felt rejected. Or a person may still suffer because of non-recognition by his father. All this is superimposed on the state of a person during stress, and he feels the absence inner strength to make your life joyful.
  • The lack of self-love, as the cause of pancreatitis, follows from the previous one: a person who has not experienced love for himself from loved ones, as a rule, does not know how to love himself and does not know how to love or express love for others (simply because he did not see and doesn't know what love is. Such people usually find it difficult not only to give love to others, but also to receive it (assimilate it like a nutrient).
  • The next reason is connected with such destructive emotions as anger, conviction in the injustice of life. Again, we ask: where do our beliefs come from? Yes, many are from childhood. Psycho-emotional traumas of childhood often form negative beliefs and attitudes for life.

As Valery Sinelnikov says, anger and anger are frequent guests inner peace and an adult (inflammation always indicates the presence of anger), it’s good that the modern consumer world likes to throw up problems with a negative (this is how a person usually thinks, forgetting that he himself paints his life in a negative or positive).

Anger due to the prohibition of desire (for example, to express to the offender, or to eat something unhealthy fatty, sweet), as a variant of the previous reason, also causes disturbances in the work of this organ.

  • It happens that a person experiences a feeling of lack, either real or not (even if there is, he thinks that everything is not enough - this is already greed, greed). Such a violation of moderation can lead to an increase in the pancreas.
  • The impetus for the emergence of diseases of the pancreas can also give such a devastating feeling as a deep regret about what has been done or, conversely, about what has not been done. As a rule, this feeling is often associated with intra-family problems.
  • Sometimes a person is consumed by a sense of guilt from his success, which hurt those around him. Or a person tends to self-blame because of failures in the lives of loved ones.
  • Some authors identify generic causes as metaphysical causes of pancreatitis (for example, mother's anger during childbirth or pregnancy has a destructive effect on the body of a defenseless baby). Among generic causes also noted negative phenomena and errors that took place in the life of several generations (for example, there was alcoholism in the family, and the person himself, although he does not drink, is sick).

Since we described the psychosomatics of diabetes earlier, we will not repeat here, but move on to the tumor.

It is known that tumors symbolize old grievances that a person does not want to let go, but, on the contrary, cherishes them. Sometimes tumors are associated with strong remorse. What a person with a pathology of a pancreatic tumor can be offended by, and in connection with which his conscience gnaws, the above will prompt psychological reasons.

Cancer, as a pathology of any organ, is generally associated with a deadly resentment in the past, with which a person does not want to part at the present time (as if he wants to say: “I’d rather die, but I won’t forgive”). If we talk about pancreatic cancer, then we have listed some grievances (they are associated with emotions and excessive desires of a person). Also, the opinion of some authors seems logical that this ailment occurs against the background and as a symbol of the struggle for the very necessary (as it seems to a person). For example, for recognition by his relatives, for inheritance, etc.

How to cure pancreas

  • First, if a person suffers from pancreatitis, then he needs to realize that it is impossible to control everything, it is impossible to solve problems for everyone, it is impossible to take care of everyone, yes, it's unnecessary. Each person has the goal of life development, which occurs through problems, mistakes, lessons, exams. Solving problems for everyone (especially if they don’t ask) is actually selfish (yes, because you didn’t think about the person that he needs lessons for growth), and it also means doing a disservice .
  • Secondly, with regard to the thirst for love, then such a person do not wait from others, but first look at yourself: But do I give Love to my loved ones? What am I doing for this? How do I express my Love? (Hug? Say you love? Cook food with Love? Furnish your home with Love? How do you express Love for yourself? etc.)

The psychosomatics of pancreatitis is associated with a violation of this first metaphysical function of the pancreas. Moreover, the organ itself is located in the area that is responsible for the emotional sphere of a person (for controlling emotions, desires).

I emphasize: Love is in the heart of every person from the very beginning. It's just that this feeling also needs to be developed. Yes, yes, Love can be developed if you train every day. For example, imagine that a small pink ball of your Love (in the chest) is gradually growing, embracing you, your loved ones, your home, city, country, planet, Universe).

Probably, I will not reveal any secret if I say that Love, as the highest and Divine feeling, is capable of dissolving all the psychological causes of ailments. It has long been proven scientific research. It remains only to constantly take and give this “medicine” in your life.

Be loving and healthy!

Psychological causes of pancreatitis. Psychology of pancreatitis. Psychological causes of diseases - pancreatitis. Pancreatitis psychological causes.

Good afternoon my dear friends!

I have always been interested in the question of the psychological cause of pancreatitis. Why does pancreatitis appear? For what reasons? From whom, from what, etc. And recently, one incident happened to me, which led me to very interesting thoughts and useful conclusions.

As always, everything is in order. Otherwise, just nothing.

Recently, my husband and I had a little conflict. The conflict is normal, but which, as always, kept me awake for a long time. I thought, scrolled and dug everything again looking for true reason conflict. It came to the question - why do we sometimes not understand each other, why is he like this, why does not understand many things. Of course, the old began to float in.

And so I keep spinning, thinking, digging everything up and I can’t sleep. And then I think, yes it all went to ...! Why am I always so worried that I can not sleep! I'm actually pregnant and I can't behave like this.

Offended, not offended, right, wrong, why my life turned out like this, and not like that. Someone is now lying and snoring at the top of their lungs, but I still can’t fall asleep! It’s my own fault that I always feel and perceive everything so deeply! It is necessary to take and ... ... SPIT on everything!

Spit on everyone and everything! And in my thoughts, forgive me for being rude - she spat at everyone and everything. On their unfulfilled dreams, desires and on all who infuriates me!

And it became so cool! Gradually, I began to realize that this is exactly what I need! I started to feel relieved. I began to understand that I myself always sit and pick everything, looking for my own mistakes and those of others. Why ask? I used to think that this should be done in order to draw conclusions from situations, so as not to repeat mistakes in the future, to dig, think and let go of the situation. But in my opinion, I played! I started to dig too much and worry!

It is not right! This led to the fact that I began to worry too much, to worry. That's what I understood! I myself perceive everything too closely and then allow thoughts to experiences! And it really affected my health! On my pancreas!

Realizing this, I began to mentally sparingly spit on all my experiences. On everyone and everything that could cause me feelings. Including many of your thoughts! Here with forgive and let go, it didn’t work out how to spit and let go! I'm probably angry, but I don't care anymore!

Psychological features of people with pancreatitis.

Basically, pancreatitis, like diabetics, are strong, smart, strong-willed people with leadership qualities who believe that everything should be as they think is right. They don't like being violated" right advice". They do not like to obey and want to control everything, especially in the family.

They have an actively working brain that constantly requires carbohydrates, and an increased need for sugar leads to the fact that a person eats everything, which is a huge burden on the pancreas.

Interesting facts, isn't it? But that is not all!

Research and analysis of personality traits of patients chronic pancreatitis showed that excitability is feature pancreatitis, which is formed depending on external factors and social reasons.

This fact suggests the possibility of the appearance of pancreatitis against the background of the initial emotional instability due to the temperamental characteristics of a person's character. In simple words, from the temperament of a person, which depends on his character and on external and social conditions its predisposition to pancreatitis depends.

This is the psychological research of medicine! Not bad is it!

Now about the studies of the psychological causes of pancreatitis by psychologists themselves.

Psychological causes of pancreatitis - research by psychologists.

I have read and heard many times that the main psychological cause of all diseases is digestive system These are resentments that a person holds in himself. And that you need to find them and forgive and let go. But to be honest, I couldn't. Either I found the wrong grievances, or I didn’t forgive. Don't know. But I didn't feel much relief.

Yes, there was relief, but it was temporary and very quickly forgotten.

But after the last time, it seems like not immediately, but gradually it becomes easier. It seems to me that I have found my psychological cause of pancreatitis. I realized that resentment can be not only on specific person, resentment can be for life, for a stupid situation, for what didn’t work out the way you wanted. Yes, you never know what! There is no limit, just as there is no limit to human thoughts! The most important thing is to understand that you are always offended, dissatisfied!

The first awareness of my psychological cause of pancreatitis came gradually after I decided to have a baby. Before that, I kept thinking, I’ll go out on a good and stable income, then I give birth. During this time I will improve my health.

But no! It didn't work out the way I wanted! No money, no health. No progress is expected so far. Disappointment! Resentment! Why didn't I succeed! Why do others succeed and I don't! Again feelings gnaw.

And time goes by. I just have no time to wait, so I decided to give birth and went and removed the spiral.

Slowly, it began to dawn on me that in life, not everything happens the way you want, and that's okay! This happens not only with you, but with many others! This is the norm, maybe it's just not yours, not your destiny! You can climb out of your skin, but if it's not given to you, you won't get it!

Of course, something does work out, but the basis is not yours, even though you want it with all your heart.

Here the words of a friend finished off.

We had a seemingly ordinary conversation in which she said: “You know, Alka, at one time I realized that life doesn’t turn out the way you want. Life is different."

These words were the last straw for my realization that in life, in fact, it does not turn out the way you want. And it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself or anyone else. It's just different in life. How it will turn out in life, no one knows. So maybe it’s not worth putting a burden on yourself to achieve unrealizable desires?

What about experiences in which you gnaw at yourself or suffer from misunderstanding of you by others? I am always chewing, scrolling and reanalyzing situations that have hit me over and over again. I've been going through serious quarrels for a long time. Why ask? This is how I got myself such a sore as pancreatitis. With their experiences and dissatisfaction with the current life. I wanted my life to be different. I saw it differently, but it turned out to be a complete disappointment!

No, it's not right! Not a disappointment! It turned out the way it did and that's it!

Yes, let disappointed, but now I do not care about everything. As it is, so it is. It's good that I understood this, and now I'm not looking for reasons, explanations!

My mother-in-law is so often stupid and because of this, ridiculous situations often develop that infuriate me. And now I think this is just my opinion based on my experience! What am I nervous about! Let him live as he knows. I'll just stay away so I don't get mad again. Everyone has their own school in life.

And my husband is the same way. All in her. But now everything! I won’t explain anything to him, remake, educate him, let him think for himself! If he read these lines, he would probably be delighted!

In general, I found my healing of the psychological cause of pancreatitis in the fact that I will no longer be loaded, but I will simply spit on everything. It didn’t work out that way for me to forgive and let go, but it’s good to spit and let go! Because it's mine! This is what I needed!

Louise Hay wrote that you need to find your own method that can get rid of the causes of the disease. So I found mine! Maybe it will suit you too! If not, look for yours. Observe what makes you worry. Probably really, it all depends on the nature of the person, but as they say? They say that a person's character is his life.

Here's what psychologists write about the psychological cause of pancreatitis.

The psychological cause of pancreatitis is long-term emotional stress that occurs due to stress or leads to stress. Sometimes in such cases, doctors even recommend that people with chronic pancreatitis not only somehow change their way of life, but even change jobs to eliminate stress.

By Louise Hay, the psychological cause of pancreatitis is rejection, anger and hopelessness: it seems that life has lost its appeal.

A possible solution to help heal pancreatitis is I love and approve of myself. I myself create joy in my life.

Liz Burbo in his book “Your body says “Love yourself!”” writes that a possible cause of pancreatitis, diabetes is a problem in emotional sphere. In her opinion, the pancreas controls emotions, desires and intellect.

A patient with pancreatitis, diabetes is usually very impressionable, he has a lot of desires, among which there are many unrealistic ones. And sometimes he wants something not only for himself, but for all his loved ones. He wants everyone to get their piece of the pie. But at the same time, he can feel envy if someone gets more than him.

Pancreatitis and diabetics are very dedicated people, but their expectations are unrealistic.

Such people try to take care of everyone who falls into his field of vision, and blames himself if the life of other people does not go the way he intended.

A patient with pancreatitis and diabetes is characterized by intense mental activity, as he constantly thinks about how to realize his plans. But behind all these plans and desires lies a deep sadness caused by an unsatisfied thirst for tenderness and love.

In a child, pancreatitis or diabetes occurs when he does not feel enough understanding and attention from his parents. Sadness creates a void in his soul, and nature does not tolerate emptiness. In order to attract attention to himself, he gets sick.

Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" about the causes of pancreatitis, diabetes writes: There are two varieties of diabetes. In both cases, the blood sugar level is elevated, but in one case, insulin must be injected into the body, since the cells of the gland do not produce it, and in the other, it is enough to use only sugar-lowering agents.

Interestingly, the second type of diabetes occurs more often in older people and is associated with atherosclerosis. It is in old age that people accumulate mass unpleasant emotions: grief, longing, resentment for life, for people. Gradually, they develop a subconscious and conscious feeling that there is nothing pleasant, “sweet” left in life. Such people feel a strong lack of joy. Diabetics cannot eat sweets. Their body tells them literally the following: “You can get sweets from the outside only if you make your life “sweet”. Learn to enjoy. Choose in life only the most pleasant for yourself.

According to Sergei S. Konovalov (“Energy-informational medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”), pancreatitis is based on an acute rejection of a person, events and situations, which leads to inflammation of the pancreas. A person in such cases experiences anger and hopelessness, it seems to him that life has lost its attractiveness. The way to heal. Use neutralization techniques negative emotions and attracting positive energy through lifestyle and books.

Psychological Remedy for Healing Pancreatitis

It is necessary to understand one truth from the Bible - the Meek will inherit the Earth and enjoy the abundance of the world!

No need to twitch, wish for the unreal, be smart, decide for others what is right, how not. You have to be calm, meek and modest person! And only then can you enjoy the abundance of the world. I don't know about you, but that's how I got it!

A person comes into this world to learn, to know, and then to create, to create. He has to learn anything. Maybe it will be dancing, knitting, learning the language - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that he must understand that we are all “Students” and came into this world to learn something, and not decide the fate of others. This is not our task.

Everyone should have their own experience and the right to their own opinion in their own personal life. Therefore, there is nothing to climb into someone else's life, even the closest people! Their life teaches something, do not climb, let them think for themselves!

All. This concludes my psychological epic. I think there are plenty of seeds for reflection! With all my heart I wish you to understand and find your psychological or psychological causes of pancreatitis! Good luck, friends!

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Sincerely, Alya.

The article contains common causes various diseases of the pancreas.

You often feel defeated or overwhelmed. Your hard efforts have never been appreciated, you have not been praised, perhaps since childhood. Without positive evaluation and confession you feel rejected, perhaps it is the old childhood trauma of rejection that is brought up and this pattern is repeated in your adult life.

Your need for love never found a proper answer, you were never answered with love in the form in which it would satisfy you, fill you. Therefore, you are always in search of love. Perhaps you feel a huge emptiness inside, as if an abyss without end and edge.

Devaluation and low self-esteem

Another psychosomatic manifestation in diseases of the pancreas - you feel deprived of inner strength, as if you were robbed, taken away - and you cannot resist attacks from the outside - verbal or physical. The people who matter to you may have constantly rejected you, and because of this, you have rejected yourself and your goals.

You often feel that there is something wrong with you or that you are not good enough. You have the feeling that “life has bulldozed you” and significant people have never paid attention to your needs and requirements. Most likely, you not only have pancreatic problems, but also unhealthy behaviors that are detrimental to health, success, and spiritual growth.

Your needs were met by significant people in such a way that you were left confused about what you really wanted from the significant person in the first place. You did not feel safe enough to sincerely express your true needs and desires.

You feel like everything you've got in life has come at a high price. Because of this, you get angry, and you have a constant background feeling that life is not fair.

Thirst for control

You find it difficult to organize your life. You plan a lot of time, trying to foresee ahead. This desire to control gives you a feeling of overload, overstrain.

Family problems as a cause of pancreatic psychosomatics

You have experienced a lot of stress - this is due to the stress in the marital relationship of your parents. Perhaps it is the stress of chronic tension or injury. Perhaps there was adultery between your parents, and this created an atmosphere of resentment and lack of trust in your childhood. You still don't feel safe.

Anger, shame, guilt

You have a lot of unexpressed anger. This anger can be felt even in the way you communicate, it literally seeps into your interactions with people.

You may be holding back shame, embarrassment about a past event.

Perhaps your success touched the people around you, and they felt insignificant, without value. This has created a feeling of guilt in you that you cannot part with.

Cause by gender

  1. Pancreatic diseases can also be caused by trauma to the mother during pregnancy - for example. If she was angry or abused during pregnancy.
  2. Another reason is alcoholism or infidelity (fornication).

How to solve problems with pancreatic psychosomatics in a spiritual way

  • Turn to God, ask for awareness of exactly your reasons. As you become aware, pray, repent for certain events, states.
  • Forgiving with God's help important people, environment - everything that God points to.
  • Asking God to heal the soul - for example, to add unreceived love, a sense of value and the right to life, etc.
  • Ask for healing right now physical level- how useful it is for you, if it is God's will.

Many doctors confirm the fact that most diseases in humans develop due to psychological problems. The appearance of diseases is promoted by non-perception of oneself, resentment, depression, emotional overstrain, and so on.

This theory was put forward by psychologists. Experts are convinced that each pathology occurs in a person not by chance. It reflects his perception of his own mental world. Therefore, in order to identify the true cause of the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to analyze your spiritual state.

One of the most important organs necessary for the full functioning of the body is the pancreas. Many people experience her illnesses such as pancreatitis or diabetes. To understand why these diseases appear, it is worth knowing what Louise Hay writes about the pancreas in her book Heal Yourself.

Common diseases of the pancreas

When the pancreas becomes inflamed, pancreatitis develops. It can be chronic and acute form.

Often the disease appears against the background of a violation of the digestive tract, of cardio-vascular system and due to alcohol abuse. In the acute form of the disease, symptoms occur suddenly. To characteristics include pain in the hypochondrium, vomiting, nausea, constant fatigue, violation heart rate, flatulence, shortness of breath.

It is important for people suffering from pancreatitis to avoid emotional stress. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will only worsen. For some patients with chronic pancreatitis, doctors recommend reconsidering their lifestyle and, if necessary, changing jobs to a more relaxed one.

Another common disease of the pancreas is diabetes. The disease is divided into 2 types.

In the first type, immunity destroys cells parenchymal organ responsible for insulin secretion. To control the concentration of sugar in the blood, the patient has to inject insulin for life.

In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas can produce insulin, but the body's cells stop responding to it. With this form of the disease, the patient is prescribed hypoglycemic drugs for oral administration.

Other diseases affecting the pancreas:

  1. Cancer. An organ is made up of cells different kind, and all of them can turn into a tumor. But mostly oncological process appears in the cells that form the membrane of the pancreatic duct. The danger of the disease is that it is rarely accompanied by obvious symptoms, so it is often diagnosed at a late stage.
  2. Cystic fibrosis. This is a genetic failure affecting various organs and systems, including the parenchymal gland.
  3. Islet cell tumor. Pathology develops with abnormal cell division. Education increases the content of hormones in the blood, it can be benign and malignant.

Psychosomatic causes of pancreatic diseases

Sugar level

From the point of view of psychosomatics, any illnesses are the result of negative attitudes invented and launched by man. Almost all pathologies appear due to wrong thinking and negative emotions. All this creates favorable conditions weakening the body's natural defenses, which ultimately leads to disease.

So, according to Louise Hay, the pancreas begins to function poorly due to self-rejection, anger and feelings of hopelessness. Often it seems to the patient that his life has become uninteresting.

Common psychosomatic causes of pancreatic diseases include:

  • greed;
  • the desire to rule over everything;
  • suppression of emotions;
  • the need for care and love;
  • hidden malice.

Diabetes often develops in altruists. Many patients want immediate relief most of their desires. Such patients love justice and know how to sympathize.

Louise Nay believes that the main reason for the appearance of diabetes is the longing for unfulfilled dreams and the unreality of desires. The psychologist also claims that the disease appears against the background of emotional emptiness, when a person thinks that there is nothing good in his life.

A common problem for diabetics is their inability to report own desires. All of this can lead to severe depression and deep feelings of grief.

Failures in the production of insulin by the pancreas are often observed in children who do not receive parental attention in in full. Moreover, Louise Hay notes that often a lack of paternal love leads to diabetes.

Also, pancreatic diseases appear due to the suppression of anger, if a person is politely silent when he is rude or offended. In order to contain anger, the body needs a large number of sweets and fatty foods.

If you do not satisfy his needs, then all negative energy concentrated in the pancreas. This will slowly destroy the organ and disrupt sugar metabolism.

The appearance is due to the lack of the ability to control one's own anger and everything that happens in a person's life. Research has proven that rampant greed and greed are frustrating hormonal balance leading to the development of tumors.

Pancreatic cancer can symbolize a person's opposition to the outside world.

A negative attitude to everything that happens and constant anger significantly evade the risk of developing malignant formations.

How to get rid of pancreatic diseases with the help of psychology and esotericism

Scientists have proven that thoughts have a direct effect on the body. Therefore, it is possible to normalize the work of the parenchymal organ only with the right psychological mood and the formulation of ideas.

It is possible to prevent the development or reduce the intensity of the manifestations of pancreatitis, diabetes and tumor diseases with the help of internal energy. Louise Hay recommends treating the above diseases using special settings.

A person must accept himself, love and approve. It is also worth learning to control your life and fill it with joy yourself.

  1. nervousness;
  2. depressed mood;
  3. poor performance;
  4. insomnia;
  5. fast fatiguability.

For people suffering from pancreatitis or any other, it is important to change their attitude towards others. You need to learn to defend your position, not allowing others to offend you.

In case of malfunctions of the pancreas, it is impossible to constantly be in a state of emotional stress. It is necessary to get rid of the accumulated negativity by any means. Effective Methods for many, it is sports, a favorite thing, or a sincere conversation with a loved one.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory-necrotic process in the tissues of the pancreas, which can be caused by various reasons. The disease is accompanied by severe intoxication, damage to almost all organs and systems, often leading to death.

As well as traditional reasons, the development of the disease can provoke negative thoughts

What is psychosomatics

The term "psychosomatic" comes from Latin words, which in translation mean "soul" and "body". This is a special alternative direction in medicine, which studies the psychological causes that cause the development of various diseases of the internal organs.

This science has received great importance in the study of diseases such as bronchial asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks and idiopathic - arising without apparent reason- arterial hypertension.

In many pathologies, there is a connection between personality type, psychological discomfort and the development of a very real disease, which further aggravates the human condition.

When medical examinations do not find clear reason disease, then most likely it is such psychological conditions as anger, depression, irritation or banal fatigue. In such situations, treatment medications without work with the psyche will not lead to a positive result.

permanent nervous tension and chronic stress are dangerous not only for the mental, but also for physical health human

It is the study of the psychological causes of various diseases that psychosomatics is engaged in. Consider what is its role in the development of pancreatitis.

Reasons for the development of pancreatitis

There are two forms of this disease: acute and chronic, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms and syndromes. The following reasons may play a role in their development:

  • Mechanical blockage or spasm of the ducts, which leads to a violation of the outflow of secretions from the pancreas. As a result, the secret stagnates and an inflammatory process develops. Such a blockage can be caused by roundworms, scars, benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Acute or chronic intoxication due to alcohol intake, some medicines, toxic substances, exposure to allergens.
  • Traumatic damage to the organ, infectious processes.

Despite the existence of more than 20 possible causes development of pancreatitis, none of them is decisive in the development of the disease. So, some patients who take alcohol for a long time do not have this problem, while others develop pancreatitis after the first drink of a glass of champagne. Perhaps the whole thing is precisely in the psychological state of the patient.

Careful history taking, including questions about the psychological state, mandatory item when examining a patient by a doctor

It turns out that in addition to the main cause, there is always a psychological component in the development of pancreatitis, and sometimes the psychological causes of the disease come to the fore and are decisive in the development inflammatory process.

Scientific substantiation of the psychosomatic causes of pancreatitis

The mechanism of development of pancreatitis is inextricably linked with malnutrition and dysregulation of hormones and enzymes.

Majority psychosomatic factors that provoke the occurrence of pancreatitis can be explained from the point of view of science.

unbalanced diet, overweight and overeating. Bad mood, depression, fatigue, it is easiest for a person to “seize”. No one "eats" depression healthy vegetables and fruits. To combat psychological discomfort, people usually choose sweets, soda and other unhealthy foods. All this leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

Seemingly harmless sweets not only cheer up, but can also cause serious illnesses.

Alcohol. Allocate separate form alcoholic pancreatitis, which is associated with the use of alcohol and its surrogates. Although alcohol is a completely tangible cause, the problem of alcoholism lies precisely in the psychology of the patient.

Violation of hormonal regulation. All processes in the human body proceed under the influence of hormones. For the production of key hormones that activate the work of all glands of the external and internal secretion the brain responds. normal operation of this body depends on the psychological background and mentality of the person.

Sedentary lifestyle. A psychologically unhealthy person prefers to lead a sedentary, inactive life, where there is no place for normal physical activity. This leads to disruption of the work of not only the pancreas, but the whole organism.

Hypodynamia is one of the main enemies of modern humanity

How psychosomatics explains the development of pancreatitis

The psychosomatic theory of the development of pancreatitis is based on emotions that can cause illness. These are anger, fear, joy, interest and sadness. All these emotions, controlling the human mind, can lead to the development of pathology, which occurs due to various reasons:

Psychotypes at risk of disease

Psychosomatics claims that there are certain psychological types people who should be particularly wary of the development of pancreatitis. This is:

  • People who did not receive affection and love in childhood. When the disease causes an increase in attention and care for their person, it soon becomes chronic. Imaginary discomfort and complaints develop into a serious pathology.
  • A strong-willed personality type who seeks to control all aspects of his life. Problems in the family or at work lead to constant self-flagellation and introspection, which results in a real illness.

The desire to control absolutely everything in life can be one of the causes of the disease

  • Weak, weak-willed people, inclined to indulge all their weaknesses and whims. This type of personality most often develops painful addictions that they cannot control, and against this background, serious illnesses develop.

Principles of treatment from the point of view of psychosomatics

Therapy psychosomatic problems consists in serious and constant work on oneself. If, when pancreatitis occurs, specialists do not find any serious reasons for its development, you need to pay attention to your psychological background and way of thinking.

It must be remembered that in acute phase disease, not a single bright thought will help the patient. Only help here drug therapy or surgical intervention which cannot be delayed.

The role of psychosomatics is more aimed at preventing the disease and treating the chronic inflammatory process in the pancreas. What methods can be used:

Pancreatitis is a multifactorial disease. The cause of its development can be both an infection and a far-fetched problem. You should take care of your mental health no less than about the bodily, and then the disease will have no chance.

For possible psychosomatic causes of the disease, see the video: