What does pain in the back of the head mean? Headaches in the back of the head

Pain in the back of the head usually confuses even the patient himself, who cannot always determine the location of the painful sensations. Even headache, among many other reasons, can stem from overstrain of the deep extensors of the neck, located just below the back of the head.

Unpleasant sensations in the upper cervical region, accompanying any movement of the neck, including turning the head and tilting it, can occur even with normal touching of the occipital region.

Causes of pain in the back of the head

Arterial hypertension

Headaches in the back of the head, especially in morning hours, may be a consequence of development.


If the patient is constantly exposed to stress, he begins to develop mental stress, which also leads to headaches. Pain of this nature can be caused by both chronic and acute stress. Risk factors are age over 30 years and being female.


Excessive stress, both physical and mental, which occurs, among other things, as a result of prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, can also cause headaches. Such sensations are not uncommon among car drivers and those who work at a computer for a long time.

Diseases of the cervical spine

Diseases affecting the cervical spine also often cause the patient to have pain occipital part head and neck. The pain increases with any movement of the head or turning the neck. Such symptoms are typical for traumatic sprains, spondylitis, subluxations of intervertebral joints, etc.

Deformation and proliferation of osteophytes

Intense pain in the occipital part of the head and neck is caused by deformation and proliferation of osteophytes - the lateral processes of the vertebrae. This disease is called cervical spondylosis. It is a mistake to believe that osteophytes are formed due to salt deposition: their appearance is associated with the degeneration of ligament tissue into bone tissue. This disease most often affects a person at an advanced age, but can manifest itself earlier if the person is physically inactive, moves little, has sedentary image life. Characteristic features cervical spondylosis are considered painful sensations in the back of the head and back of the shoulder girdle, sometimes radiating to the ears, eyes or covering the entire back heads.

Pain is felt regardless of whether the patient is moving or at rest, but during activity it usually intensifies. The mobility of the neck also decreases, and it becomes difficult to turn the head. The quality of sleep also deteriorates: due to neck pain, the patient often wakes up; increased load to the cervical spine. Symptoms of spondylosis also include prolonged cervical and occipital headaches and difficulty moving the neck when turning the head. The examination reveals limited mobility of the vertebrae of the cervical spine. If you press on the intervertebral joint from behind, the pain intensifies. For a more vivid effect of the study, you can ask the patient to tilt his head back a little.


Seal muscle tissue in the cervical region, called myogelosis, can be caused by the following reasons: muscle stiffness in an uncomfortable position; draft; posture disorders; being in a stressful situation. Characteristic signs of myogelosis of the cervical muscles are: pain in the back of the head; dizziness; pain in the shoulder girdle and stiffness in shoulder movements.

Occipital neuralgia

Neuralgia occipital nerve often accompanied by attacks of pain in the back of the head, which radiate to the cervical spine, ears, lower jaw, and back. Acute bursts of pain cause sneezing, coughing, and head movement. The patient tries to keep his head in one position to relieve pain. Prolonged course of neuralgia of the occipital nerve leads to the development of hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity in the area of ​​the entire back of the head. The sources of occipital neuralgia are mainly spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the cervical spine.

Colds and hypothermia also increase the risk of this type of neuralgia. Pain in the occipital part of the head, characteristic of occipital neuralgia, usually occurs in the form of attacks. The nature of this pain is sharp, it radiates to the ears and neck. Rotations of the neck, torso, and head are accompanied by increased pain; coughing also causes shooting-like attacks. The rest of the time the patient is constantly accompanied by pressing pain in the back of the head. The study reveals hyperesthesia of the skin on the back of the head and spasm of the neck muscles.

Cervical migraine

Its symptoms are intense pain in the temple and back of the head, which can radiate to the superciliary ridges. In addition, it creates a feeling of sand and pain in the eyes, blurred vision, dizziness, hearing loss or tinnitus. Unlike true hemicrania, cervical migraine has a characteristic defining marker. When creating artificial compression in vertebral artery(it is enough to simply press it with your finger at a distance of 2/3 along the line connecting the mastoid and spinous processes of the 1st cervical vertebra) the occurrence or intensification of pain indicates that you are faced with a cervical migraine.

Vertebrobasilar syndrome

Sometimes cervical osteochondrosis causes the so-called vertebrobasilar syndrome. Its symptoms become vestibular manifestations(tinnitus, dizziness, blurred vision, other visual and hearing disorders), pain in the back of the head. Also characteristic of this syndrome are hiccups, nausea, vomiting, and pallor. skin face, some impaired coordination of movements. This disease is characterized by fainting without loss of consciousness, accompanied by loss of balance and immobility, resulting from a change in head position (tilting back, turning).

Prolonged muscle tension

Long lasting muscle tension, associated with incorrect position of the neck and head during exercise, reading or writing. If this situation is repeated often enough, a person may experience so-called. tension headaches. Their main symptom is pressure, progressing to pain in the occipital and frontal part of the head. This sensation may accompany holding the head in one position when watching TV or working at the computer, reading, writing, or playing sports.

Also similar signs can be observed with anxiety, overwork, or concentration on work. The patient may have the impression that an invisible hoop or headdress is placed on his head, squeezing the skull. The nature of the pain is moderate, not spasmodic, but constant. Most often, painful sensations are localized in the forehead (muscle pain), temples, back of the head, and neck. Usually there is soreness in the muscles of the forehead, temples, back of the head and back of the neck. When pressed, tension is felt and in some places there is even compaction; touching causes pain.

Dizziness and tinnitus may also occur. Pain can often be reduced by immobilizing the neck. Unpleasant sensations can be localized on one, but more often on both sides of the head, and are not accompanied by nausea. Doctors believe that the reason for their occurrence is the relationship between prolonged muscle contraction and a physical or emotional stimulus that occurs when concentrating on a specific action.

Pain in the back of the head may be a symptom the following diseases:

Treatment of pain in the back of the head

Before you treat anything, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the causes of the pain. If the disease is complex, for example, arterial hypertension or increased intracranial pressure, then such a disease requires urgent etiotropic therapy. Diseases that are considered not complex can be treated with courses medical procedures. The most common such therapies are:


Of course, everyone noticed that if you rub and stretch the area of ​​the neck and back of the head, the pain will significantly decrease. If the cause of a person’s illness is known, then massage can do real miracles. But you can only rely on professionals. Massotherapy, as a rule, are prescribed in courses and these courses can be repeated once or twice a month. At home, you can only slightly rub the area of ​​pain. If a person is diagnosed with hypertension or spondylosis, then massage is completely prohibited.

Exercise therapy (physical therapy)

Specialists will select you special exercises to warm up and relieve tension from the cervical region. Be sure to repeat after the trainer for the course to be successful.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

It helps a lot with a number of diseases, for example, spondylosis, myogelosis, osteochondrosis, intracranial pressure and for other diseases.

Manual therapy

A special procedure that is not related to massage, but is done by the hands of a doctor. It helps very well for the treatment of pain in the occipital part of the head, the cause of which is osteochondrosis or myogelosis.


Helps if you have the following diseases: cervical osteochondrosis, stress. The procedure consists of a targeted effect on human skin.

And finally, we can say that to overcome pain in the back of the head, you need to normalize your rest and sleep time.

Diagnosis of pain in the back of the head

  • MRI of the brain.
  • CT scan of the cervical spine.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys.
  • General blood test.
  • Biochemical blood test (basic minimum + lipid profile study).
  • General urine analysis.
  • Ultrasound of the heart.
  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist (with mandatory research fundus, visual fields).
  • Consultation with a neurologist to determine the final diagnosis, prescribe (if necessary) further studies and treatment.
  • If the patient has no gross neurological disorders, in case of hypertension, NCD, consultation with a neuropsychiatrist (psychotherapist) is required.

Questions and answers on the topic "Pain in the back of the head"

Question:Hello! My husband (31 years old) has constant pain in the back of his head, mainly in the right side of the back of his head (for 8 years), mainly when the weather changes. Blood pressure during headache is within 100/60. Lately Citramon-P has been helping, head and neck massage relieves pain. Works as a driver. A local neurologist checked the reflexes (with needles), looked at the eyes, and said that these were external muscle pains. Prescribed 2 tablets of "Lucetam" 2 times a day for a month. The headache stopped, but dizziness began. Now my head hurts as before, very much! Please advise what to do?

Answer: Let him go to a chiropractor.

Question:Hello, I am 19 years old, height 174 cm, weight 64, this summer I went to the south, there was a kind of poisoning and was diagnosed with gastroenteritis, after which I was worried about heaviness in the back of my head and a state of weakness. I did an MRI - diagnostics, here is the conclusion: MRI data for the presence pathological changes focal and diffuse nature in the substance cerebral hemispheres brain, cerebellum not detected. MR - signs of not clearly expressed arachnoid changes of a liquorocystic nature. Microcyst of the epiphysis. I went to see a neurologist, the doctor said there was nothing wrong, prescribed treatment: Actovegin No. 10 intravenously, Mexidol No. 10 intramuscularly and Milgamma No. 5 intramuscularly every other day, but I am still worried about heaviness in the back of my head and weakness. I give injections for 5 days. Are the medications prescribed correctly? Explain the MRI conclusion and tell me what the diagnosis is?

Question:I am writing to you with the following question: I am 31 years old; during sexual intercourse, as I approached orgasm, I got a very bad headache in the back of my head. The pain was throbbing and the closer to orgasm the more it became. It usually went away within a couple of hours. The last time in the morning there was a feeling of “pulsation” in the area of ​​the back of the head and temples, which completely disappeared only in the evening. Please advise what to do. Maybe you should first take some tests before going to the doctor or taking a course of some pills?

Answer: Headache during sexual tension or physical exertion can be an independent disorder or a manifestation of some kind of disorder in the brain of a different nature. In order to understand this, you need to do an MRI of the brain and examine the blood vessels of the brain. And then when normal indicators After these studies, have your headache treated by a neurologist specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of headaches.

Question:My son is 3 years old. At 2 he went to the garden and began to get colds once a month consistently! But what worries me is this: a week ago, in the morning when he woke up, he began to cry while coughing and complain of pain in the back of his head! Then during the day everything is fine, and the next morning the same picture. For a week now in the morning he has been complaining that his head hurts and rubbing the back of his head, but this is only when he coughs. Tell me what could be the matter! The neurologist examined the child and said that there was no neurology, the skin was healthy and the area of ​​the head was not painful. Help! I'm very worried! You may need to take some tests or do an ultrasound or MRI.

Answer: First, measure your blood pressure and show your child to an ENT doctor. If this picture persists and no apparent cause is found, then do an MRI.

Question:Hello! Recently I suffered from laryngitis and pharyngitis. I was treated by an ENT specialist. During my illness, I began to notice that when I tilted my head, the back of the head and frontal area hurt. Now the pain in the morning, after waking up about 10 minutes, it begins to ache in the back of the head, radiates into frontal part head and the lymph nodes under the jaws hurt. Blood pressure is the same as always (hypotension 100-60). The neurologist and therapist are inclined to believe that it is vascular. But I’m worried: could this be a complication after an illness or some kind of infection? Thank you.

Answer: We recommend that you consult an ENT doctor who will rule out the possible presence of sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.). If you do not have these diseases, then the likelihood that headaches are associated with complications after a sore throat is extremely low.

Question:For a long time (about several months), I have had strong pain shooting on the left side of the back of my head, as if the lower part of my head and neck on the left side is cramping. Recently I felt a painful point in that place, when you press it you feel pain and radiates painful rays in different directions, on the neck, shoulders, left ear, even approximately in the area of ​​the tonsils. I can't figure out what it could be. It looks like a tiny red bump. Could it be some kind of tick that has already gone deep? Or what it could be...

Answer: First, consult a neurologist, as pain may be associated with the spine and muscle tension. By the way, this often happens.

Question:Hello! I am constantly bothered by pain in the back of my head on the right, closer to the ear. Sometimes the entire back of the head hurts, accompanied by a rise in temperature to 37 degrees! What could it be? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Hello, you should do an MRI of the brain and cervical spine in order to find out the cause of the pain. The temperature rises as the body reacts to pain.

Question:When the back of the head hurts, is the pressure low or high?

Answer: Pain in the back of the head is a symptom various diseases. It may be associated with blood pressure, cervical osteochondrosis, myositis, etc. You need to look at the complex of symptoms to determine what the cause is.

Most of us spend our working day in the already familiar sitting position in front of the computer, which, of course, cannot but affect our health. It is this long-term sitting that leads to pain in the back of the head, which almost every one of us faces in life. And many, unfortunately, do not pay any attention to such pain, citing the fact that this regularly occurring ailment is common consequence working day. However, if you do not pay due attention to pain in the back of your head, then sooner or later unpleasant consequences there is no way to avoid it. In this article we will tell you about what can cause pain in the back of the head, as well as what needs to be done if you have pain in the back of the head.

Causes of pain in the back of the head

    Cervical osteochondrosis. This disease is the most common cause of pain in the back of the head, neck and temples. In addition to such pain, this disease may be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, and dizziness. There is often a feeling of a veil before the eyes. Osteochondrosis is characterized by increased pain when moving the head. Almost everyone whose work involves a sedentary lifestyle is susceptible to this disease.

    Cervical spondylosis. This spinal disease is chronic. With spondylosis, various cracks and tears appear in the cartilaginous discs of the spine, which can subsequently lead to intervertebral hernia. With this disease, in addition to pain in the back of the head, pain appears in the shoulders and neck. Spondylosis, just like osteochondrosis, is characteristic of those people who, due to various reasons lead a sedentary lifestyle.

    Cervical migraine. This disease occurs as a result of the impact of bone and cartilaginous structures on the vertebral artery, which is responsible for the blood supply to the occipital lobes. With cervical migraine, in addition to pain in the back of the head, the patient experiences pain in the neck and temples, and also develops decreased vision and hearing. Regular dizziness is another symptom of this disease.

    Cervical myositis. This disease is associated with inflammation of the neck muscles, which can be triggered by an injury or hypothermia, for example, when ventilating a room.

    Hypertension or high blood pressure. This disease is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms, which also includes pain in the back of the head. Most often, with high blood pressure, pain in the back of the head appears immediately after waking up. Oddly enough, but often after sudden vomiting, such pain stops.

    Neuralgia of the occipital nerve. This type neuralgia may be associated with earlier onset diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis and cervical spondylosis. Also, previously transferred various colds– influenza and ARVI. In addition to pain in the back of the head, pain also appears in the neck, back, lower jaw and ears. Another symptom of occipital neuralgia is pain in the back of the head that appears when coughing.

    Vertebrobasilar syndrome. This syndrome occurs due to cervical osteochondrosis. Pain in the back of the head with this disease is accompanied by following symptoms: double vision, dizziness, hearing loss, pale face, hiccups and nausea. Another extremely important symptom of this disease is a sudden fall without loss of consciousness.

    Prolonged muscle tension or improper exercise can also lead to regular pain in the back of the head. Incorrect posture, excessive strain and stress can also cause such pain.

What to do for pain in the back of the head

Step 1. Examination

Of course, without contacting a specialist, you cannot cope with such a problem as pain in the back of the head. Therefore, in case of regularly recurring attacks of pain in the back of the head, it is necessary to contact the appropriate specialist, namely a neurologist, who will subsequently diagnose correct diagnosis and will appoint adequate treatment. In addition to any medications, the doctor may prescribe a trip to specialists in other specialties: a massage therapist, exercise therapy doctor or chiropractor. However, if you have sudden attack pain in the back of the head, you can resort to the use of the following medications:

    aspirin. This drug blocks an enzyme that promotes the development various inflammations, and also helps relieve pain;

    paracetamol. Also known by names such as efferalgan, panadol and daleron. Helps eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, however, this drug less effective than its predecessor;

    ibuprofen. This medicine has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Ibuprofen analogues – MIG 400, Nurofen, Advil;

    Diclofenac ointment. Helps eliminate inflammation. This drug is also available under names such as Voltaren and Naklofen;

    ketorolac. Powerful pain reliever. Its analogues are drugs ketorol and ketones;

    pentalgin. Just like ketorolac, it belongs to the group of the most powerful painkillers.

All of the above drugs are universal remedies for the most various pains, therefore, for pain symptoms in the back of the head, these remedies are also effective. However, remember that frequent use of any medications or painkillers causes addiction in the body, which ultimately leads to gradual increase doses of medicine, and, as we all know, any pills have a negative effect on everything internal organs, especially on the liver. Therefore, going to the doctor should not be put off for long.

Physiotherapy procedures such as magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, laser treatment, ultrasound treatment will also be of great benefit in the fight against pain in the back of the head. Using above the listed activities can be achieved good results in the fight against diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis, myogelosis, spondylosis, as well as occipital neuralgia.

For pain in the back of the head without a specialist in the field manual therapy it is not possible to do without, because it is the massage therapist who helps relieve tension in the cervical vertebrae, as well as improve blood circulation. Today there are two types of massage: soft and hard. Each type of massage is useful and contraindicated at the same time for each individual disease, therefore, in order to relieve pain in the back of the head on your own, without the help of a qualified massage therapist, you should not resort to a hard massage.

Physical therapy is another way to get rid of pain in the back of the head. In order to this method helped you, you need to visit an appropriate specialist who, depending on your disease, will prescribe you necessary complex exercises.

Step 2. Preventative measures

In order for the identified disease to recede forever, or for your pain in the back of the head to be less regular, you should follow these simple rules:

    When you spend a long time at the computer, take ten-minute breaks once an hour: move around, stretch your neck and vertebrae - do not allow blood to stagnate and muscles to numb. It is also recommended to adjust the height of the chair and monitor, which, in turn, should match the level of your eyes;

    Monitor your blood pressure constantly. If you suffer from hypertension, you should definitely contact a specialist who will prescribe a medicine that is suitable for you;

    movement is the key to the health of your back and spine, and therefore the back of your head as well. Take daily 30-minute walks before bed, and do exercises in the morning. By regularly resorting to these methods, you will feel a noticeable improvement within a week. general condition;

    Proper sleep is another important component in the fight against pain in the back of the head. Buy an orthopedic pillow. By the way, it is recommended to sleep with pain in the back of the head on your back - it is this position during sleep that promotes maximum relaxation of the muscles of the occipital region;

    After completing the course of treatment, do not forget about this effective way relieving pain in the back of the head, like a massage. Massage your scalp regularly - this will help relax your muscles and also promote normal blood circulation.

How can traditional medicine help with pain in the back of the head?

Traditional medicine can also help eliminate pain in the back of the head, however, remember that various herbs and infusions, on the one hand, can relieve pain, but on the other hand, they can cause damage to your body. Therefore, before using any folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a specialist. But if your pain in the back of the head is intermittent, then there are several universal remedies that will help get rid of such pain:

    herbal teas – the best remedy, helping to eliminate pain in the back of the head. You can brew linden flowers - this infusion will help you relieve pain. Another effective remedy is a tea made from a mixture of herbs: peppermint, meadowsweet and medicinal sage. For prevention, such teas can be consumed several times a week (if you have no contraindications to them).

    for pain in the back of the head you can do hot compress on the sore area. In this case, you need to drink one glass of hot tea. However, this method does not help everyone; someone, on the contrary, needs a cold compress instead of a hot compress. You can also wipe the back of the head with an ice cube.

    Place a previously crumpled cabbage leaf on the back of your head. Oddly enough, cabbage can really reduce pain syndromes.

    St. John's wort decoction helps eliminate pain in the back of the head. To prepare it, you need to do the following: pour 1 tablespoon of dry St. John's wort with 300 milliliters of boiling water. Next, simmer over low heat for about 8 minutes. Strain and let it brew for about half an hour. It is recommended to drink the resulting decoction half a glass three times a day.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

Not everyone knows what diseases cause pain in the back of the head, the reasons, what to do in this situation, what kind of pain there is. Head pain is a common complaint of patients when visiting a doctor. In one case, headache is the only symptom, while in others it is combined with nausea and other symptoms. Pain in the back of the head is not always a symptom of the disease. They can occur due to overvoltage. What are the causes of headaches?

Mechanism of symptom appearance

If the back of your head hurts, you need to establish the exact cause of this condition, because a headache is just clinical symptom. Millions of people around the world suffer from this disease. Modern man lives in the era of scientific and technological progress. Mass application computers, phones, tablets, elevated background noise, active development of industry - all this negatively affects the state nervous system and cardiovascular system. Pain in the occipital part of the head can be caused by the following pathological processes:

  • brain damage;
  • muscle damage in the neck area;
  • high blood pressure;
  • long-term static load;
  • neuralgia.

Development mechanism pain syndrome different. In the head area there are ligaments, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. In this regard, pain in the back of the head is not always a symptom of the brain.

Types of disease

Headache in the occipital region is divided into several types. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • for migraines;
  • tension headache;
  • cluster;
  • infectious etiology;
  • vascular;
  • metabolic;
  • post-traumatic;
  • with brain pathology;
  • medicinal.

Pain in the occipital part of the head can be primary or secondary. Primary is characterized by the fact that it is the main symptom of the disease. A common example is migraine pain. Secondary pain differs in that it occurs against the background of another somatic pathology (tumor, stroke). Secondary pain may occur when using large quantity caffeine If the back of your head hurts, this may indicate taking certain medications or stopping them suddenly.

Pain in the back of the head can be dull, throbbing, squeezing, or sharp. They can be spotty or diffuse. There are 3 degrees of pain intensity: mild, moderate and severe. The pain syndrome can bother a person every day or it occurs periodically. Sometimes, before the onset of pain, its precursors appear. The pain syndrome is most pronounced against the background of inflammation of the hard meninges, blood vessels and nerves.

Main etiological factors

Pain in the back of the head can be a manifestation of the following diseases and pathological conditions:

If you have a headache, the reason may lie in professional activity. There are many professions in which workers assume a forced, uncomfortable body position. The risk group includes programmers and people involved in small manual work (seamstresses, watchmakers, jewelers). They are working in the wrong position. Pain in the occipital region of the head is a sign malocclusion. At the same time, such people are bothered by dull, constant pain. It may get worse in the evening. Pain in the back of the head, especially in women, often occurs against the background of emotional experiences. Sometimes pain is observed during physical activity. Vascular pathology contributes to this.

If the back of your head hurts, the cause may lie in a pathology of the neck. Most common cause is cervical osteochondrosis. Almost every person after 25 years suffers from this disease. Some people have a disease long time is asymptomatic, while others experience pronounced periods of exacerbation. Osteochondrosis is called chronic illness spine, which affects intervertebral discs. At the same time, cartilage tissue becomes less durable and elastic. Over time, the cartilage discs can wear away completely. There are 4 stages of development of this pathology. Pain in the back of the head can appear already at stage 1 of osteochondrosis.

Highlight following reasons development of this disease:

  • incorrect body position while writing or working at a computer;
  • spinal column injuries;
  • circulatory disorders.

Predisposing factors include physical inactivity, low physical activity, stress, hereditary predisposition, prolonged sitting, congenital anomalies development, bad habits. Pain in the back of the head is the most common symptom of cervical osteochondrosis. It is most pronounced in the later stages of the disease in the presence of complications (vertebral artery syndrome).

Vertebral artery syndrome is caused by compression of the vessel and disruption of the blood supply to the brain. The pain is intense and throbbing. Pain can also be felt in other areas (left or right in the parietotemporal region). Head pain, burning, dizziness, nausea, fear of noise and light are often observed. The appearance of pain in osteochondrosis without complications is caused by spasm of the muscles located at the back of the neck. Sometimes the pain is felt in the arms. This occurs when the nerve roots become inflamed.

Migraine pain syndrome

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

When there is pain in the occipital region, you should consult a doctor. In this situation, consultation and examination by a neurologist may be required. Treatment is prescribed after a thorough examination of the patient. Diagnostics includes:

  • identification of complaints at the time of contacting a doctor;
  • collecting anamnesis of the disease and life history;
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the skull;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • neurological examination;
  • conducting electroencephalography;
  • determination of the blood lipid spectrum (if atherosclerosis is suspected);
  • measurement of intracranial pressure;
  • measurement blood pressure;
  • electromyography;
  • ECG and ultrasound of the heart;
  • angiography;
  • X-ray examination of the cervical spine.

Treatment depends on the underlying disease. What to do if you have a headache due to a migraine? Treatment of migraine involves the use of painkillers such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Pentalgin, antipyretics (Solpadeine), serotonin receptor agonists (Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan), and ergot drugs. May be assigned anticonvulsants and antidepressants. To eliminate pain, massage, acupuncture, and placing cold compresses on the head can be performed.

What treatment should be carried out if pain in the head is provoked by a hypertensive crisis? Treatment in this situation involves providing the patient with rest, using antihypertensive drugs, such as "Nifedipine", "Captopril". In case of cerebral or pulmonary edema, Lasix is ​​administered. When seizures develop, it is indicated intravenous administration"Seduxena". During a crisis, blood pressure must be reduced slowly.

If the pain is caused by myositis, treatment involves massage and physiotherapy.

If the headache is caused by overwork, you should normalize your sleep, eliminate stressful situations, and spend less time at the computer. If osteochondrosis is detected, treatment involves long-term use of chondroprotectors. NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) are used to relieve pain. Thus, constant pain in the occipital region is a reason to consult a doctor.

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

IN modern world many people experience painful sensations in the back of the head. Why does the head hurt in the back, what causes such pain, how to get rid of this disease - such questions concern many.

Pain in the back of the head can occur from incorrect position body during sleep or serve as an alarm signal about the presence of serious diseases in the patient’s body.

When the back of the head hurts, the pain can be very different, here are the most common.

Why does the back of my head hurt?

Headache in the back of the head often occurs when various types problems, let's look at them in more detail.

Pain with cervical osteochondrosis

This disease is one of the types of problems with the spine; it consists of rapid aging and deformation of the cervical vertebrae and intervertebral space. Often complications occur in several parts of the spine at once. Lesions localized in the cervical region are often accompanied by pain in the back of the head. The disease develops due to the following factors:

  1. Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Overweight.
  3. Bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes).

Pain with cervical spondylosis

This disease of the spinal column is as follows: the patient’s entire cervical area of ​​the spine is affected, deformation of the vertebrae in the neck area occurs, and neoplasms appear on them, which constantly cause harm to the person. severe pain not only in the cervical region, but also on the back of the head. Cause of the disease:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Advanced age of a person.

Pain with cervical myositis

Inflammatory reactions in the skeletal muscles with damage to bone tissue - this is how this disease is characterized. When it occurs, one of the symptoms is a headache (severely) from the back of the head. Factors contributing to the occurrence of the disease:

  1. Complications after an infectious disease.
  2. Hypothermia of the body.
  3. Spinal injuries, sprains.

The disease is accompanied by constant aching pain in the neck, which also affects the back of the head.

Pain due to hypertension

Narrowing of the arteries, leading to increased blood pressure, loss of vascular tone - this is hypertonic disease. The disease has no specific signs, but symptoms may include a headache in the back of the head. What causes the disease most often:

  1. Stressful conditions.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Excessive physical activity.

With myogelosis of the cervical area

The disease occurs due to the formation of a seal in the neck muscles. Symptoms are: feeling tired, dizzy, feeling stiff, headache in the back of the head. The provocateurs of the disease are:

  1. Nervous overstrain.
  2. Frequent stress.
  3. Incorrect posture.
  4. Colds.

In case of malocclusion

Incorrectly positioned teeth affect the gums and chewing functions; over time, the process of chewing food can become painful, which leads to a person having a headache in the cervical and occipital regions.

With increased intracranial pressure

This condition is characterized by severe and constant pain in the back of the head. The pain may intensify and is often accompanied by vomiting or attacks of nausea. The causes of pain are an increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid and surges in blood pressure.

Cervical migraine

This disease, widespread in the modern world, is characterized by headaches in the back of the head and frontal lobe, the patient has a feeling of fog when looking at something, in the ears, and has difficulty concentrating.

If the back of your head hurts, the pain can also be caused by:

  • pathologies in the cervical spine due to a person’s professional activity;
  • experienced stressful situations;
  • vascular diseases in the neck area, accompanied by pressure surges;
  • neuralgia.

Characteristics of pain and most common locations

Pain in the back of the head is usually localized on both sides of the head, affecting the following parts of the body:

  • part of the cervical spine at the back,
  • frontal lobe
  • eyes ears, facial muscles, jaws,
  • upper back.

Pain that occurs in the back of the head is usually paroxysmal in nature. While pain in the temple area, eyeballs or ears can rather be called sharp and shooting. Often, any touch to the back of the head only intensifies the attack.

When pain in the back of the head may occur:

  • with sudden bending of the body,
  • when turning your head,
  • during a coughing attack,
  • after suffering from infectious diseases,
  • at night or early in the morning,
  • after suffering a head injury,
  • with a sharp change in blood pressure,
  • in unstable weather conditions,
  • while chewing food.

Pain in the back of the head during pregnancy

Expectant mothers quite often experience discomfort in the occipital region. There is no pathology in this, it’s just that the body of a pregnant woman is subjected to additional stress, affecting the musculoskeletal, nervous and cardiovascular system. Occipital pain is often a consequence of fatigue, physical and emotional stress.

If the pain is not constant, a pregnant woman should rest more and do special exercises to help relieve muscle tension. At constant pain you must immediately contact a specialist.

Actions of a person experiencing pain in the back of the head

If attacks of pain in the back of the head are isolated in nature, there is no need to sound the alarm; most likely, bad people are to blame for this weather, overvoltage or awkward position during sleep. But, when the back of the head constantly hurts, and the reasons are unknown, what should a person do?

Of course, without delaying to consult a specialist, only a competent doctor will be able to find out why the headache hurts, what treatment should be prescribed to the patient.

What examinations are usually prescribed upon application:

  • visual examination with mandatory blood pressure measurement,
  • a series of analyzes
  • brain tomography,
  • examination by an ophthalmologist,
  • X-ray examinations of the spinal column,
  • brain.

Only in this way will the doctor be able to determine the correct diagnosis and discover the cause of the pain. Based full examination The patient is prescribed therapeutic treatment. Independent and uncontrolled reception painkillers can only temporarily relieve symptoms, but will not help cure the disease.

If the back of your head hurts very strongly and often, you need to visit a neurologist, also the reasons painful attacks Doctors such as a cardiologist (if problems with blood vessels are suspected) and a traumatologist (and cervical spine) can detect it.

How to avoid back pain

If you have a headache (sometimes) in the back of the head, you need to try to get rid of the factors that cause attacks of pain, as well as:

  1. Adjust your daily routine by highlighting right time for a good rest.
  2. Choose a comfortable pillow in cases where pain occurs after a night's sleep.
  3. Refuse bad habits(drinking alcohol, smoking).
  4. Perform complexes physical exercise aimed at stretching the muscles of the cervical spine.
  5. Try to sit on a chair with a high back.
  6. Introduce foods containing fatty acid to avoid inflammatory processes.
  7. Maintain proper posture.

Procedures that can alleviate or completely eliminate pain symptoms

To relieve pain you can take medications which help relieve pain. These are mainly drugs containing such active substance like ibuprofen. The most effective are: Pentalgin, Paracetamol, Citramon. All medications must be taken strictly according to the instructions; if they do not help, you must consult a doctor so that adequate therapeutic treatment can be prescribed.

In the treatment of pain in the back of the head, in addition to therapeutic treatment, the following procedures are often prescribed to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition:

  • Physiotherapy.

Electrophoresis is one of the most effective physiotherapeutic procedures, which is often prescribed to patients with pain in the head and neck. The principle of action is to improve blood flow in blood vessels and muscles, increase lymph drainage.

  • Massage courses.

Especially the “collar” one, is also considered an effective way to get rid of pain in the head and neck area.

Massage should be done in courses, at least ten sessions per course. Massage treatments not only help relieve pain and tension, but are also an excellent preventive measure.

  • Manual therapy.

Contacting a chiropractor often leads to complete relief from pain after just a few sessions, but if the pain does not go away, it is still necessary to undergo a full examination.

  • Physical exercise.

For a disease such as osteochondrosis, a special set of physical exercises is often prescribed ( physiotherapy), helping to relieve muscle tension and reduce headaches. The exercises should be performed under the supervision of a specialist.


There are many recipes to reduce pain symptoms in the back of the head:

  • We drink green tea with mint. Good green tea, supplemented with fresh mint or a few drops of mint ether, helps improve the tone of the whole body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and reduces pain. You should only drink a freshly brewed drink, adding a small amount of honey to it;
  • preparing healing decoction from medicinal herbs. For preparation you will need: dried hawthorn fruits, dry valerian root, motherwort, dried bearberry. Pour two parts of hawthorn, motherwort and bearberry into a glass container, add one part of valerian, pour boiling water over it, let it brew for an hour. Strain the broth and take half a glass before meals 2-3 times a day. This drink, taken regularly, will relieve tension and reduce pain;
  • we use essential oils. Essential oils of rosemary, peach, and mint will help reduce pain in the back of the head. A few drops of ether should be applied to the back of the head and begin to gently rub it in a circular motion;
  • We make contrast compresses. Sometimes contrast compresses help relieve pain in the back of the head. A warm or cool damp cloth is alternately applied to the back of the head; this procedure helps the person relax and reduce pain.

Pain of various etiologies often spoils plans, interferes with work and rest. A condition where the back of the head on the left side of the head hurts quite often brings patients to the doctor. Sometimes it is difficult for a specialist to make a diagnosis, especially if accompanying symptoms does not exist. Then you have to analyze the patient’s lifestyle, habits, and then conduct an examination of the whole body in order to find the reasons why the back of the head on the left side of the head hurts.

When pain appears in the head, in the occipital region, this is a symptom of diseases of the spine, blood vessels, and also neuralgia. Even if the pain occurs due to stress or sedentary work, then you need to accurately determine the reasons why this happens, especially with increasing and prolonged attacks.

Pain in the back of the head on the left side: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Features and types of pain

Doctors identify several features of pain in the occipital region:

1. Primary, which is not a disease and appears in 90% of cases.

2. Secondary, which appears as a result of inflammation and occurs in 10% of cases.
Approximately 4% of patients who complain of a headache in the back of the head find serious illnesses, which can become a threat not only to the general condition, but also to life.

Pain in the back of the head may appear in different sides and most often it occurs on the left.

As a rule, discomfort is observed during head movements, and some patients think that the symptom appears not in the head, but in the cervical region, after prolonged work in sitting position or extreme fatigue.

There are several types of pain in the back of the head on the left side:

1. Acute. It begins as a result of emotional tension, stress and depression.

2. Dumb. Unpleasant sensations appear, the person cannot touch the head. Similar condition characteristic of osteochondrosis and arthritis.

3. Aching. The back of the head hurts due to spasm in the shoulders or neck. Often occurs during severe mental stress.

4. Pulsating. Pain in the back of the head when high blood pressure and often symptoms appear in morning time. In addition, white spots appear in the eyes and tinnitus.

Regardless of its appearance, an occipital headache on the left causes a lot of discomfort; a person cannot concentrate and work normally.

If symptoms appear regularly, then a high-quality and complete diagnosis is necessary.

Causes of pain

The reasons why the back of the head on the left side begins to hurt can be different and they are all presented below:

1. Diseases of the cervical spine, which include osteochondrosis, migraine, spondylitis.

2. Neuroses.

3. Pathologies of the neck muscles, for example, myositis and myogelosis.

4. Hypertension.

5. Increased tension in the blood vessels of the brain.

6. Staying in one position for a long time, after which the neck and head swell and pain appears.

7. Increased loads.

8. Diseases of the maxillotemporal joints.

9. Stressful situations and depression.

Any reasons should not be left to chance and wait until the headache in the back of the head passes.
This only worsens the condition, leads to nervousness and irritability, and can also aggravate the failure to diagnose the disease.

Details of reasons

For a more detailed understanding of why it hurts in the back of the head, we need to consider the most common causes and factors that provoke them.

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine that leads to rapid destruction of the cervical vertebrae.
The disease can have a destructive effect in several parts of the spine at once.

The main provoking causes of the pathology:

1. Office and other sedentary work.

2. Passive lifestyle, without simple physical activity.

3. Bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse.

4. Obesity.

5. Incorrect seating position during work, resulting in poor posture.

6. Heredity.

The first sign of osteochondrosis is pain in the back of the head on the left side, but many people cite simple fatigue. If not used timely treatment, then possible Negative consequences, which can no longer be corrected.

Spondylosis– a disease of the spine that begins after the degeneration of cells, the vertebral ligaments turn into bone tissue. Due to this, growths begin to appear on the spinal column, which do not allow normal movement of the neck, and stiffness in movements occurs.

A pulsating pain appears in the back of the head, which radiates to the eye part of the head or to the ears. The development of the disease is often observed in older people, as well as in office workers.

Myositis– inflammation that begins in the muscles of the body and affects several bone tissues at once. In addition to the development of inflammation inside the body, the patient’s skin may change.

The main causes of the disease are as follows:

1. Infectious diseases.

2. Constant hypothermia.

3. Injuries various kinds and frequent seizures.

If the patient has myositis, pain in the occipital region on the left will be pulsating, but initially the attack occurs in the cervical region. Doctors use radiography to make a diagnosis.

On early stages Myositis can be treated with antibiotics, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. Additional measure There will be the use of physiotherapy as well as massage. If the disease is advanced, treatment is only possible with surgical methods.

At hypertension a person’s blood pressure increases, causing a headache, and the nature of the attack is pulsating, squeezing and appears on the left or right side. In some hypertensive patients, attacks appear immediately after sleep, and are also accompanied by dizziness, heaviness and general poor condition. The headache gets worse while moving. After vomiting, the sensations in the back of the head weaken.

For neuralgia begin inflammatory processes occipital nerve, this problem often occurs due to hypothermia. The pathology is accompanied by burning and severe attacks in the back of the head, after which it radiates to other parts. Various movements and coughing can intensify the sensations. If a person does not move and is at rest, then a dull headache persists.

If diagnosed intracranial pressure That is, the patient has a headache in the back of the head all the time.
Often the condition is supplemented by floating pressure and fainting. The attacks intensify at night, and in the morning the patient feels nauseous and vomits.

In some cases, the back of the head hurts due to profession or stress. This is caused by the same type of body position for a long time, when the neck muscles are constantly tense. The symptoms are long-lasting, dull, and with rubbing the symptoms go away a little.

A similar problem occurs during stress, because in this state the whole body tenses and the blood begins to pulsate strongly, which leads to high blood pressure. Due to this, people may feel a pulsation in the back of the head on the left side of the head.

The most frequent illness- this is a migraine. In this case, the patient will experience the following symptoms:

1. Pain appears in the forehead, back of the head or temples.

2. Cloudiness appears before the eyes.

3. Adds tinnitus.

4. Patients cannot concentrate.

The attack becomes stronger if you press down in the area of ​​the spinal artery. Only a doctor can diagnose this condition.


After a visit to the hospital, the doctor collects information from the patient’s words about the symptoms and factors that could cause discomfort in the left area of ​​the head.

After this, laboratory diagnostics are carried out, which makes it possible to determine exact reasons seizures.
The following methods are used for this:

1. An MRI of the head and neck is performed.

2. They do an ultrasound.

3. X-ray and electroencephalogram are used.

After receiving the necessary data, the doctor prescribes treatment and other possible therapy, which will relieve seizures in the head.


When it hurts left side head from behind, then treatment depends on established cause. If the headache occurs as a result of a migraine, doctors may prescribe pain relievers. Various antidepressants and anti-seizure medications are used for additional treatment of migraines. Relieve severe attacks You can use acupuncture, as well as massage or compresses.

If the cause is high blood pressure, then doctors recommend complete rest. If convulsions occur with hypertension, it is recommended to use more serious medications only as prescribed by a doctor; in addition, measures should be taken to reduce blood pressure, but not sharply.

If an attack occurs due to overwork, then you just need to improve your sleep, get more rest, and avoid stress. It is recommended to reduce the time spent working on computers.

If the back of the head on the left side hurts due to osteochondrosis, then you should use long-term treatment with the help of chondroprotectors and also as prescribed by a doctor.

Many attacks appear as a result of an unstable emotional and mental state.
This means that it is necessary to use measures to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and for this you can use ordinary medicinal herbs and medicines based on them.

Head pain itself in the left or right region can lead to frustration and depression, so if symptoms persist for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

To normalize the mental state, it is recommended to use the following herbs:

1. Valerian root and mint.

2. Motherwort.

3. Oregano.

4. Yarrow.

Also, headaches on either side can be relieved with essential oils and this is suitable for this:

1. Eucalyptus.

3. Rosemary.

4. Lavender.

The oil should be applied to the problem area and simply breathe or use ethers to create compresses.

If you have a headache or an attack in a certain part of the head, then you should use some preventive tips. It is not always necessary to immediately take pills and other medications that can relieve symptoms; it is enough to follow the doctor’s advice:

1. Normalize sleep and sleep at least 7 hours a day, and also set aside time for rest.

2. Use more in your diet plant food and dairy products.

3. As soon as the headache begins, you need to curtain the windows and lie in the dark.

4. Take walks outside every day, or at least ventilate the room.

5. Buy a device for humidifying the air in the house.

6. Eliminate or reduce alcohol consumption, and also give up cigarettes.

7. During an attack, you can use a compress from a crushed cabbage leaf.

8. Play sports or do exercises every day.

9. Monitor your emotional and psychological state.

Unpleasant sensations can be easily removed by giving a light massage of the cervical region, head or shoulder girdle, for 10 minutes. After this, the muscles will relax, the inflow and outflow of blood will improve, and spasms will disappear.

Study self-treatment no need, because this can aggravate the situation, the only exception is the inability to visit a doctor, call ambulance or if spasms occur as a result of stress.

Any drugs and folk remedies can relieve discomfort, but have no effect on the disease. published.

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