Straightening the ears of German Shepherd puppies. The puppy has no ears: what to do? Shepherd's ear fell off at 4 months

In this article we will tell you about when German Shepherd ears stand up and what to do if this does not happen in time. If you adopted a puppy from experienced breeder, which means you are already familiar with the basic rules. You know what this breed should be like. But some issues need attention Special attention and approach them with full responsibility.

A purebred German Shepherd should have upright, medium-sized ears with pointed tips. The auricle is placed forward. When your dog has them hanging on the sides or broken, it means that the path to all kinds of exhibitions and competitions is, unfortunately, closed.

But while your puppy is still small, do not rush to worry. Even if your baby already has one ear erect and the other one is still hanging. After all, each shepherd is individual and the exact day when its ears will stand up cannot be predicted. The best thing to do is sit back and watch your puppy grow into a teenager very quickly.

The time has come

In how many months should this great event take place? Based on the knowledge of experienced dog breeders, the period of ear formation begins at one and a half months and ends at five.

Thanks to the strengthening of the cartilage, the ear gradually increases in size, becoming larger and heavier. Since it is directly related to the formation phase of the ears, they can stand up at two months and, without having time to fully strengthen, fall again by three months. This is how the body of a German Shepherd works and there is nothing wrong with it.

In the period between five and six months you need to be extremely careful and constantly monitor your ears. If they have not stood up again by six months, then you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.. Replacement of ears after seven months is an extremely difficult and sometimes impossible task.

There are several reasons why a puppy's ears do not stand up:

  • fright;
  • non-purebred ancestry;
  • poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy;
  • lack of calcium, phosphorus in the body.

Necessary prevention

If the ears do not stand up on their own after five to six months, then it is necessary to perform some procedures to prevent a possible defect.

What to do? It's not that complicated. During the period of active growth, the puppy’s body is especially lacking in microelements. Should be bone meal, kefir, fish. At the same time with correct mode During feeding, strengthen the muscles of the cartilage tissue with a massage, thereby providing the puppy’s ear with the necessary blood circulation. Natural development can also be helped by various sounds that you suddenly make. Thanks to this, the ears are tensed every time and are fixed vertically.

If there is no proper care and attention for the ears, then no matter how hard you try, good result will not be. In addition to regular cleaning, you should monitor the health of each ear. If there is any redness or discharge, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Nothing helped? This means it's time for radical measures.

Before you start reeling

To get your ears fitted, it is best to contact an experienced specialist. But if you are confident in yourself and your abilities, you can do this procedure yourself. Below we present a few important advice to help you.

Firstly, do not rush this process; it is better to wait six months, when the change of teeth ends. If you rush, you will only harm the German Shepherd and in the worst case, the ears may not stand up.

Secondly, do not overuse calcium. Fifty grams of yogurt or kefir is much better food additives. The excess will be deposited in the dog's bones and lead to orthopedic problems in the future.

Thirdly, monitor implementation. The health of the puppy is directly related to the muscle strength of the ears.

Fifthly, do not forget about special toys and bones. By gnawing on them, the pet strengthens the muscles of the ears.

Sixth, do not allow other dogs to drag your pet by the ears to avoid injury.

We begin to reel in

Before you start the process, remember that you cannot use adhesive materials: tape, tape. They will only cause pain to the German Shepherd.

First of all, you will need foam rollers correct size. Then we purchase a surgical plaster. You will also need two pencils and medical glue. To connect the taped ears you need to find a suitable stick, for example, an ice cream stick.

To begin, remove the plastic axle from the center of the curler, and instead insert a pencil to a depth of two centimeters. Apply glue to the surface of the curler circumference so that it does not drip. Otherwise, it will get into the ear and cause irritation.

They must be placed in the lower part of the auricle so that the ear canal remains open. To make the ear stick, you should lightly press it against the curlers.

Tape the bandage tightly around your ear to the curlers, holding the pencil. Don't forget to remove it before finishing the process. In order not to interfere with blood circulation in the ear, the patch should not be wrapped too tightly.

Using an ice cream stick, fix the erect position of your ears - attach it to back side glue.

What to do after winding

German Shepherd puppies are very active and it is difficult to guess how long it will take the baby to pull off the strapped structure if given the opportunity. Therefore, you need to distract your baby with play to allow the glue to set.

Must be held homemade device about two weeks. This time is enough to insert your pet's ears. Carefully monitor the condition of the winding and correct any shortcomings in a timely manner.

After the specified period has expired, carefully remove the patch using a special adhesive solvent. Do not perform actions abruptly - you will cause pain to the puppy.

If nothing helps you, then if you wish, you can go to extreme measures and give your German Shepherd ear implant surgery. You won’t solve the problem, but you can make the dog fit the standard.

To prevent radical procedures, care for the puppy properly and monitor its diet. The dog's health depends entirely on you. Everything else is a genetic disposition.

During the first year of life, a German Shepherd's ears may periodically stand up and then fall again for no apparent reason. Therefore, if you plan to train your dog for a show, then you need to make every effort to get the ears to stand up. Read more about when a German Shepherd's ears stand up and how to raise them yourself, later in the article.

How many months should a puppy's ears stand?

German Shepherd puppies are born with floppy ears. At 2 months they begin to rise, by 3 months they should stand, but for some this process can take up to 5 months. By six months the ears are already well standing.

Reasons for possible deviations

There are individuals whose ears remain hanging or only one ear stands up. There may be several reasons:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If your parents had similar problems, then their offspring will most likely have the same thing.
  2. Poor nutrition before six months of age. During this period, the puppy is actively growing. For proper development bone and cartilage tissue, it needs vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus. If there is a lack of these substances in the diet, the German's limbs may not form correctly, and his ears may also fall off.
  3. Poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy. Lack of nutrients during intrauterine development immediately affects the development of the puppy in the future.
  4. Recently transferred viral diseases. With diseases of this etiology, the body quickly weakens, which affects appearance puppy.

How to install it yourself?

If at 3.5 months the puppy’s ears do not stand up, then measures must be taken to raise them. You can do this yourself.

First you need to increase the dosage of vitamins or change the vitamin-mineral complex. The most common drugs that have received a lot positive feedback, these are vitamins from the following manufacturers: Ceva, Beaphar, Exel, Polidex. In addition, you can purchase regular brewer's yeast with calcium and phosphorus, as well as calcium gluconate. Cottage cheese must be present in your dog's daily diet.

There are several ways to put on the ears of a German Shepherd, and all of them are implemented using a regular roll of adhesive. But before that, it is necessary to shave the hair on the ears to reduce the weight on the ear cartilage.

  1. If the puppy’s ears have not fallen very much, that is, only the tips are hanging, then you can get by by simply gluing them with inside. We take several layers of the patch and stick it on the inside, starting from the top edge of the auricle to the tip. At strong fall In addition to gluing from the inside, you need to roll each ear into a tube and wrap it around with adhesive tape. If the ears are located low, then it is better to connect them together with the same plaster.
  2. With this method, cylindrical pieces cut from dense foam rubber are inserted inside the dog's ear. Then the ears are wrapped with adhesive tape and connected to each other.

Such structures are left for 5 days, then removed and the result is observed. If there is no improvement, every other day they are glued for another 5 days, and so on. If by 8 months the ears have not stood up, then most likely they will remain that way.

Sometimes it's good erect ears suddenly fall, most often this occurs at the age of 1 year. This phenomenon can be corrected by introducing vitamins and cottage cheese, preferably calcined, into the diet.

Have you given your German Shepherd ears?

A distinctive feature of the German Shepherd is its upright ears. How long does it take for them to get up and when should this happen?


When should a German Shepherd's ears stand up?

A German Shepherd puppy is born as a small fluffy ball with drooping ears. By 2 months it grows, its paws stretch out, and thick fur appears.

Already at 2-3 months you can notice the first signs that the ears are standing up. This process can take a long time and last up to 8 months, and in some shepherds up to 1 year. You should be concerned if by 4-5 months you have not noticed them raised.

During the process when puppies' ears stand up, owners need to be vigilant. Wrinkles should not be allowed to occur and treated promptly if they become ill or inflamed.

In a German Shepherd, they can stand up one at a time, sometimes stick out slightly to the side, or fall off again. A veterinarian or breeder should be consulted when examining this organ and looking for weak points in the cartilage, if any.

Medicines and vitamins for pets

When the puppy's ears are raised, enhanced growth the whole body, so the pet needs balanced diet. The body must receive vitamins, minerals, biological supplements and calcium.

  • Pax-Forte;
  • mega;
  • antiox plus;
  • Vision complexes.
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  • reduce the consumption of cereals, especially pearl barley and rolled oats;
  • it is enough to give dairy products, rich in calcium(up to 550 mg of calcium per 1 kg of weight);
  • add bone meal;
  • You can grind regular white chalk.

How to install ears yourself

How many times have your German Shepherd's ears gone up and down again? How do you know that they will get up on their own in a few months? Is it possible to install them yourself?

At the age of a puppy from six months, if the ears are already raised and ready to stand up, you can help them:

  1. Inspection for weak spots in the cartilage. We probe the entire area with two fingers auditory organ from tip to roots. Usually the weak points look like spots, but if there is a crease, they can appear as stripes. When you press this point, the ear should immediately rise.
  2. If there are no weak points or they are in the upper part, then the ears will stand up on their own, you just need to continue to feed the puppy correctly.
  3. If there was a crease or the weak point is located at a distance of approximately 2/3 from the root, then it is necessary to glue the ears.

Improvised means and medicines

There are several ways to glue the ears of a German Shepherd. The first step is to trim the fur on them, on both sides. Then choose one of the proposed gluing methods.

MethodMaterialsWhat actions to take
Wrapping on curlersFoam rollers (without plastic retainer, it must be removed)Place the curlers on a blunt pencil about 3 cm.
Thin patch, better wideApply glue to the surface of the curler ¾ around the circumference. Do not allow glue to drip.
Medical glueWrap the ear around a lubricated curler, which must be inserted with a gap so that the dog can hear
Dull pencilSecure everything well with adhesive tape
Distract the puppy from the new head structure for 5-10 minutes. It will come off on its own within a week if it is not removed by the pet earlier.
Wrapping on cardboardCardboard in the shape of ears without sharp cornersTape the cardboard to the inside of the ear.
Masking tape or plasterWrap it around the bottom so that it stands up.
The structure will last for 24 hours, after which it will fall off painlessly. But the puppy will definitely try to tear it off.
Ear implantsSpecial medical implantsInstalled in veterinary clinics. Need specialist advice.

Finally, some advice from experts for owners of German Shepherds:

  1. Don’t worry if your shepherd’s ears fall down when teeth change, and then rise again - this is considered within normal limits.
  2. They should stand up on your pet's own between the ages of 8 weeks and 6 months. After this, it is recommended to install them yourself.
  3. Don't be afraid of gluing your ears or wrapping them. When done correctly, this will stimulate the ear muscles and help your German Shepherd.
  4. Conduct preventive examinations your pet. You need to make sure that he is healthy, eating properly and has enough essential vitamins and minerals for normal development.
  5. You cannot start the process when your ears stand up. Watch it carefully and take timely measures, otherwise it may not get up at all.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask a professional, veterinarian, or breeder with questions.

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Video “Putting ears on a shepherd dog”

The video explains how to perform an ear examination and provides recommendations on how to perform them yourself.

Today there are more than 400 dog breeds in the world. For humans, they are not only favorites, friends, helpers, but also family members. Toy Terriers are popular for a number of reasons: small size, ease of training and maintenance, as well as a very sweet and curious appearance.

The erect ears add external curiosity to the pets. When breeding a breed, the dog’s exterior characteristics are clearly prescribed, including ears.

Toy Terriers have ears that are always erect, thin, large and set high. The only exception is the long-haired Toy Terrier. These dogs are allowed semi-erect ears. These indicators are especially relevant for breeders. If a Toy Terrier has “soft cartilage”, then most likely such a dog will be disqualified.

If you have started breeding or have just started breeding, you will definitely be faced with a number of questions. When and how should ears stand up? What can you do yourself at home? When to contact a specialist? Let's try to figure it out.

Factors influencing the development of cartilage tissue

Animal age

Age - important factor, which influences the formation ears. Nature intended that during the growth and development of a puppy nutrients, vitamins and microelements go to the construction and final formation of vital important organs and structures.

And soft cartilage tissue (rich in elastic fibers) is a way that nature has come up with to reduce injuries in early age, while the puppies are clumsy. For these reasons, the ears of toy terriers begin to rise only by two to three months of life. Finally, the process of formation of the auricles is completed to the full maturation and formation of the body, It is generally accepted that this moment occurs around the year.

Stress factor

Stress is also an important factor that can affect the development of the ears, but also the immune system.
. Let's take a closer look. You've probably heard the phrase that all illnesses are caused by stress. Yes, she's fair.

At stressful conditions The adrenal cortex secretes a group of hormones (corticosteroids), they increase the body's endurance. When releasing corticosteroids, most of the processes occur at the expense of reserves, depleting the body and reserves, including vitamins and minerals. As a result, the dog is weakened, immunity is reduced, and the psyche is shaken. What could be stressful for your beloved toy terrier? Anything: active training, moving, repairs, exhibitions, visits to the veterinarian, mating dates, whelping, the arrival of a baby in the family. Be sure to watch your pet and note the moments that bother your pet. And try to reduce such situations to a minimum. If you cannot avoid them, you can resort to using sedatives for animals. There are many such drugs on the market, here are a few:

  • "Fitex"
  • "Fospasim"
  • "Stop stress"
  • Da-ba Relax Plus,
  • "Adaptil"
  • Help Dog,
  • Virbac Anxitane.

The drugs are manufactured in various forms: drops, tablets, sprays. You can independently choose the appropriate type of drug for your pet. by price, quality and method of use. However, advice from a veterinarian will not hurt.


Diet: This is worth paying attention to. If you are using premium and super-premium food, then there is no need to worry. Especially when the food is intended for this breed. Such specialized feeds provide the following indicators: protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Manufacturers carry out expensive research, which makes it possible to provide everything necessary in the required concentrations specifically for toy terriers.

Premium food brands:

  • Purina Dog Chow (France),
  • Purina Pro Plan (France),
  • Nutra Nuggets (USA),
  • Brit Premium (Czech Republic),
  • Bozita (Sweden),
  • Advance (Spain).

Super premium class:

  • Nutra Gold (USA),
  • Belcando (Germany),
  • Bosch (Germany),
  • 1st Choice (Canada),
  • Arden Grange (England),
  • Eagle Pack (USA),
  • Artemis (USA).

But if you save on feed or adhere to a natural diet, then do not forget that your the toy terrier will need additional use vitamin preparations and microelements.

So, we have looked at some of the factors that the owner (breeder) can control, and they are quite fixable.

Ear gluing for toy terriers

What is ear taping? This is a fairly effective and cheap method - placing ear flaps. It can be used if the reasons for the failure of the ears were those that we discussed above. How to glue the ears of a toy terrier?

Step-by-step instruction

It's quite simple. You will need a hypoallergenic patch, small pieces of plastic that will serve as a frame, scissors, an antiseptic and, of course, your pet.

Cut the patch to a slightly smaller area inner surface auricle. We glue plastic in to give it strength. Add another layer of plaster on top so that the piece of plastic is completely covered. We give the blank the shape of your toy terrier’s ear.– this is done for the pet’s comfort.

Be sure to process the internal and outer surface ear antiseptic. It's better to take chlorhexidine. Afterwards, dry the work surface, otherwise the patch will not stick. This can be done with cotton wool, paper napkins or a towel. We glue the prepared structure into the ear and carefully level it out.

Afterwards you will need two strips of plaster 7–10 centimeters long, equal in width. We begin gluing from the inner corner of the auricle, then around the circumference. We do not delay under any circumstances. The dog should be comfortable.

The edge of the patch should not be at the base of the ear, otherwise maceration (if the edge of the patch rubs) will cause irritation. The edges of the auricle should be at a distance of a centimeter from each other.

It cannot be completely sealed, the ear canal must be open, the ear needs to breathe.

Ear gluing for toy terriers lasts 14–16 days. In rare cases - up to a month.

The solution to the problem must be approached comprehensively. Gluing is the creation of a frame, but it is necessary to ensure that the cartilage tissue of the auricle becomes stronger.

  1. We take into account age (the procedure must be timely).
  2. We control the diet (if necessary, change the food, introduce additional vitamins and minerals).
  3. We minimize the amount of stress.

Advice : arrange a delicate massage of the auricle. This will increase blood flow and increase nutrition of the cartilage. Do not overdo it!

Advice : introduce gelatin into your diet, it is harmless to the body and has positive influence on cartilage tissue. Gelatin can be given with milk, in the form of broths, jellied meats.

A more expensive option is chondroprotectors.

For example:

  • "Biolysin-Artro"
  • "Artrophyte"
  • "Stop Arthritis"
  • "Gelabon Plus"
  • "Gelakan"
  • "Stride"
  • "Stride Plus"
  • "Phytochondrovite"
  • "Kinosil"
  • "Chondrokan" and others.

Advice : better visit veterinary clinic. The veterinarian will identify the cause based on the tests and choose best treatment for the dog. Help with choosing medications.

Surgical correction of the auricle in toy terriers

A completely different formulation of the question, what to do with the ears of a toy terrier if the reasons why your pet’s ears do not rise are– genetically determined pathologies and injuries. The gluing method will not work here.

The only solution is surgery. And then, in the case of genetic conditioning, even surgery may not help the auricle become properly.

Ear plastic surgery – simple operation in terms of technique. The surgeon attaches the required form the auricle, and to increase the ability of the ears to stand upright on their own, the skin is tightened. Thanks to tension, the flap of skin holds the auricle in the desired position.

I would like to consider a few nuances. If the causes of this pathology were genetic, then it would be dishonest for breeders to resort to tricks. Such an animal should be culled and not allowed into the breeding scheme. So that pathology does not accumulate in descendants.

If the cause is injury (cartilage may break), then think about who this toy terrier is for you? If he is first and foremost a friend and family member for you, then does it matter what your pet looks like? After all, you won’t love him less. If for you the dog is just a “toy” that you can show off, then that’s a different question (that’s on your conscience).

Resorting to surgical intervention, remember that it is performed under general anesthesia. There is a risk fatal outcome, as well as complications after anesthesia from of cardio-vascular system. The liver and kidneys may be affected and worsen chronic diseases. Make an informed decision. If you decide to have your toy terrier’s ears corrected surgically, then spare no expense in conducting preliminary research so that Minimize the risk of complications and death.

Love your pets, because you are responsible for those you have tamed!

Nowadays, this is a breed that can always protect and save from danger.

These are loyal and devoted dogs.

They also get along well with children.

They maintain excellent relationships with other pets.

To have such a dog means to find good friend and a companion who will not leave you in difficult times.

The breed is suitable not only for protection and protection, but also for the family.

Let's find out about everything in detail.

At birth, the ears are not yet formed.

They are soft cartilage adjacent to the head. This cartilage is the dog's ear.

Over time, as the puppy begins to grow, the ear becomes stronger and increases in volume.. As the dog grows, the cartilage will turn into an elastic plate that lacks blood vessels.

The cartilaginous plate is covered on both sides with a layer connective tissue- this is the perichondrium. It ensures the development of the underlying cartilage.

The perichondrium contains many small vessels and capillaries.

They are helping necessary substances, necessary for growth and strengthening, enters the cartilage. This is how the ear becomes: stem cells, like bricks, build the stem part of the cartilage.

Cartilage cells produce collagen and elastin. The strength of the ear depends on these substances.

When do your ears stand up?

Many people notice that small German Shepherd puppies often have ears much larger than their heads. This is due to the active work of all parts of the auricle.

WITH before cartilage cells actively produce collagen and elastin, so the ear grows quickly, outstripping general development dogs . The ear grows and develops throughout the puppy's first period of growth, when it becomes larger in size, but the ears still remain drooping.

The formation of ears is directly related to the change of teeth in a shepherd dog. Because of this, the ears may stand up at 2 months and then suddenly fall down. Nothing can be done about this; these are the characteristics of the German Shepherd’s body.

After 4 months, cartilage production of substances decreases. By this time, the superstructure of stem cells practically disappears - the structure of the auricle reaches a certain density. The dog’s ear seems to stop growing, takes shape and is already “standing”.


Don't be scared, because it happens that ears stand up 1-1.5 months later.

A cause for alarm is if the dog is already 8-10 months old and the ears are still hanging.

Many people take care of their puppy’s ears almost from birth, but this is still a short period of time to establish them..

It must be remembered that each dog develops individually, so you should not terrorize your baby with endless examinations. It's better to just enjoy his growing up and ensure his healthy condition.

Prevention of formation

In order for a puppy’s ears to stand up on time, it is necessary that the body receives everything essential vitamins and minerals:

  • Add to bone meal, fish and kefir;
  • Massage the auricle - this will ensure proper blood circulation and strengthen the cartilage;
  • Sudden sounds that need to be made will help. The ear will strain and stand up.
  • Monitor the health of the ear and if there are any abnormalities (irritation, redness), take your dog to the veterinarian.

Why don't they get up?

A puppy's ears may not stand up for various reasons.

The most important thing is to go to the veterinary clinic in time. There the doctor, after asking you a few questions, will find out the reason for this phenomenon.

The most common reasons why ears do not stand up:

  • Birth injuries to the ears of a puppy;
  • Ear diseases;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • suffered by the dog;
  • Does he receive sufficient quantity attention and walks;
  • Do you use bio-fertilizers and which ones?
  • Hormonal disorders in pet parents;
  • Do you monitor the growth of both the puppy and their relationship relative to age;
  • The dog suffered a serious stressful situation, because of which it cannot return to normal;
  • The puppy's parents also had problems with ear placement;
  • Perhaps this is a reaction to a recent vaccination, or, conversely, you missed a vaccination and the puppy’s immunity is struggling with some disease.

What to do about it?

The very first and most important thing is to contact a veterinarian. Only he will be able to understand this situation by finding out the source of the problem. But there is a large number of ways that will help your dog’s ears get stronger and stand up. They also need to be agreed with your doctor.

Most experts are inclined to believe that if a dog’s ears have not risen by 8 months, then this will no longer happen. In this case, an operation to install implants is performed.

The problem will not be eliminated, but the dog will meet the standard. This will allow him to participate in exhibitions.

Remember that there is no 100% guarantee that your puppy's ears will stand up naturally.

“We rarely go to clinics with this problem - they won’t tell us anything that we don’t already know. Basically, if after 4 months there is no progress, then everyone immediately starts radical methods. This is not always correct; first you need to try gentle ones. In most cases they help. And immediately grasping for the most frankly inhumane methods means harming the dog in the first place.”

Staging methods

There is a method that breeders and specialists call “reeling”.

You will need large foam rollers or alternatively a small insulating tube, white surgical tape, medical glue, unsharpened pencils, a popsicle stick (or any other):

  • Remove the central axis from the curler and insert a pencil 2 cm deep into the hole. Treat the surface of the curler with medical glue.
  • Insert the curler into the puppy's ear so as not to damage or block the ear canal. They can be pressed lightly so that the surface of the ear sticks to the glue.
  • Cover the ear with the curlers with a plaster. Do this while holding the pencil. Wrap in a circle, starting from the bottom. It is important to not do this too tightly so as not to harm the puppy or cut off blood circulation in the ear. Just before the end of the process, remove the pencil from the curler.
  • Stabilize taped ears. To do this, place a popsicle stick on the back of your ears and secure it. The stick will keep your ears erect.
  • Distract your puppy so he doesn't remove the wrap.
  • Keep the wrap on your ears for 10-14 days.

Even if the puppy does not have only one ear, you need to wrap both.

Another way is to make sure your puppy gets enough calcium. To do this, give him one tablespoon of cottage cheese or yogurt for each feeding.

But you should not buy or give calcium supplements to your puppy. The excess will be deposited in the bones, which can lead to problems in the future.

The most gentle way

One of the methods for installing ears is gluing. To do this, you must first identify the weak points in the auricle.

If they are located in the lower or upper part of the ear, then you cannot do without it:

  • Prepare two pieces of cardboard that will be slightly larger than the weak point, cut off a piece of adhesive tape.
  • Plug the dog's ear canal with cotton wool, then shave the area where you will glue the cardboard. Treat the area that had to be cut. Treat the sticky side of the patch as well - this is necessary so that when peeling it off you do not damage the sink. Wait for it to dry and stick the patch on. Press it to your ear and smooth it out.
  • Next, take a piece of cardboard, grease it and the patch in the ear with Moment glue or another quick-drying glue. Holding the ear, glue the cardboard. Then secure it with a second piece of tape.
  • If this procedure is required on the second ear, then repeat it in the same way.
  • Keep the patch on your ears for 1-2 weeks.

What to do after?

Once your dog's ears have stood up, you need to prevent them from falling back. And this may well happen if you, overjoyed, stop paying attention to this problem.

You need to keep your ears upright.

To do this, put the dog's ears under tension. loud sounds as often as possible, without trying to scare. Call her, call her by name, give commands. Do everything to keep the auricle in a tense state most time.


Also examine your ears for weak spots so that you don’t miss a moment and do the gluing in time.

A massage of the ears will not hurt, as it will disperse the blood over the entire surface of the ear.

Conclusion and conclusions

Setting up the ears of a German Shepherd is a process that requires the dog's close attention.

Of course, not everyone needs their dog's ears to be in an erect position, because not everyone gets him for shows and competitions.

But correctly placed ears are aesthetically and physiologically correct.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to correctly position the ears of a shepherd dog:

In contact with