She hit her chest hard in the fall. Treatment for a bruised chest at home with folk remedies and ointments

Closed injuries internal organs always insidious. They rarely appear vivid symptoms but can lead to serious consequences. Breast contusion in women is quite common, but most patients do not attach importance to it. Consider why it is necessary to consult a doctor even with minor damage to the mammary gland.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is more than 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitology, in 1997 he completed residency in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after I.I. N.N. Prifova.

A closed injury has one main feature - no damage skin . Such injuries include a bruise, which occurs most often in everyday life:

  • Falling on blunt objects(furniture, children's toys).
  • Hitting doorframes and corners in the house and on the street.
  • Ball injury when playing with children.
  • The result of hitting the steering wheel in a car accident.
  • Breast injury after rough sex.

As a result, vessels in the mammary gland rupture, and a hematoma forms. Adipose tissue is also damaged, forming a seal in the gland together with a hematoma.

Symptoms of bruised breast tissue

The female breast is characterized by resistance to external influences, therefore, with bruises, violent symptoms rarely occur. This is dangerous injury - the woman does not go to the doctor, believing that the bruise on her chest will resolve on its own. And after a while, serious complications arise, which we will dwell on a little later. The symptoms of injury are as follows:

  • Hematoma. Has typical symptoms - cyanosis of the skin different sizes, compaction of tissues and slight soreness when pressed. If the bruise is localized on the nipple, the pain is intense, making it difficult to wear underwear and occurring even with a light touch.
  • Pain . The mammary gland is well innervated, so at the time of injury occurs strong pain which usually passes quickly. In some cases, when the areola zone is involved, a pain shock may occur.
  • Discharge from the nipple. If the ducts of the gland are damaged, there is an outflow of a clear or bloody fluid, which quickly passes on its own.
  • Temperature . It occurs either immediately after an injury as a reaction of the body to massive tissue necrosis, or after a few days, which is associated with the development of inflammatory complications.
  • General state . Severe chest bruises are accompanied by dizziness and weakness.

The degree of manifestation of all symptoms depends on the severity of the injury. At strong impact the picture is bright. With minor domestic injuries, some of the symptoms may be absent altogether.

Any hematoma on the chest that appears after a traumatic impact should be a reason for contacting a mammologist.

Necessary examination of the chest after injury

After a chest injury, you must first conduct an independent examination of the breast and armpit. It is better to do it in front of a mirror. At the same time, the gland is sequentially probed by sectors with fingers. What may attract attention:

  • Blue skin color, coinciding with the compaction on palpation. By its size, one can judge the degree of damage to the organ. Over time, the bruise changes color to yellowish-greenish and pale yellow.
  • Deformity or retraction of the nipple.
  • An increase in the volume of the mammary gland due to swelling of the tissues.

Sometimes, with a deep bruise, changes are not detected during examination. This is the most dangerous situation because the woman goes to the doctor late.

A mammologist also begins the examination of a woman with an examination, but does it more professionally. At the slightest suspicion of tissue injury, he prescribes an additional examination.

Ultrasound procedure

This method identifies areas of reduced echogenicity that correspond to soft tissue edema. Hematoma on ultrasound looks like a homogeneous echo-negative structure, in which positive areas appear over time fibrous tissue. Only with the help of this method, the size of tissue damage is finally specified.


An x-ray examination, which is prescribed in case of a late visit of a woman to a doctor, when after an injury a long time persists anxiety symptoms(pain, induration, deformity of the gland). In the picture you can see the smallest seal, which is not detected during visual inspection and palpation. For differential diagnosis with a tumor, mammography is indispensable.

Treatment of uncomplicated breast contusion

With timely assistance, this type of injury has favorable prognosis. It is important to know the sequence of assistance to a woman.

First aid at home

Immediately after the injury, the chest must be fixed in an elevated position. To do this, apply a fixing bandage from improvised means (towel, sheet, ideally a wide bandage).

For mild bruises, it is enough to drink the usual painkiller and anoint the hematoma with absorbable ointment: heparin, "Rescuer" and others. The ointment is applied several times a day until the swelling and hematoma disappear completely.

Medical assistance

In case of severe injuries with extensive damage to the organ, the doctor first of all applies a professional immobilizing bandage. The patient is prescribed the following:

  • Painkillers, including injectable retromammary blockade.
  • Heparin and troxevasin ointments.
  • Antibiotics for high risk infection of the hematoma big size, fever).

Accelerate the process of resorption of hematoma physiotherapy.

Treatment can take up to 30 days, but a woman must strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Only this will avoid serious complications.

Folk remedies

Folk ways work well for mild bruises. Recommend applying cabbage leaf, having previously straightened it with a rolling pin. The sheet is changed every hour.

Effective and anti-inflammatory herbs: calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow. Fatty ointments are prepared with them and the affected areas are treated. To reduce the hematoma, the usual potato starch, which is slightly diluted with water before use. All alternative methods of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

Possible complications and principles of their treatment

Bruising of the mammary gland is not dangerous in itself (with the exception of the development of pain shock), but by the complications that develop during improper treatment or late appeal medical assistance. Consider the most common options.


Any soft tissue injury with the formation of areas of edema and hematoma can lead to the formation purulent abscess by joining bacterial infection. In the mammary gland, this process develops especially rapidly due to the peculiarities of its structure. A woman notes a sharp increase in pain, an increase in body temperature, worsening general condition. In such cases, one has to resort to surgical treatment, the volume of which depends on the degree of suppuration.


A fluid-filled cyst may form at the site of tissue destruction. Its symptoms will be incessant pain, tightness in the tissues. The final diagnosis is based on additional methods research (ultrasound, needle biopsy). The decision on how to treat a cyst is made by the doctor on an individual basis.


The appearance of cancer after a breast injury is not conclusively proven. But oncological disease often occurs in women with a history of bruising of the organ. The likelihood of the appearance of malignant cells increases if there is initially nodular mastopathy. Then a bruise of the mammary gland can provoke the degeneration of cells. Treatment of this formidable complication is carried out according to general principles therapy of oncological diseases.


Extensive tissue damage does not always end full recovery structures. Part of the gland may be replaced by fibrous tissue. Such scars deform the shape of the breast, leading to serious cosmetic problems requiring treatment by a plastic surgeon.

Complications with breastfeeding

Big trouble delivers bruised chest under guards. Even slight damage can cause lactostasis due to squeezing of the ducts by edema and hematoma. E if the integrity of the ducts is not broken, doctors recommend not to stop breastfeeding. On the contrary, it contributes to quick recovery mammary gland.

If the ducts are damaged(from the nipples are observed bloody issues), you can't feed the baby. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to a woman, since in such cases the risk of purulent complications is high.

Breast injury is a serious condition. Even a small bruise on the skin can result in purulent or other complications.

A bruised chest should never be taken lightly!

It is necessary to consult with a mammologist.

How is an ultrasound of the mammary glands done and what can be detected

Bruising of the chest is considered a fairly rare injury. According to statistics, approximately 2% of all injuries with which victims go to the traumatology room fall precisely on a bruise of the mammary gland. A chest injury can become a serious problem for the patient, as it is quite dangerous for the development of various complications.

Causes of injuries and their types

Damage is divided into 2 main types:

  1. open injuries. Characterized by a violation of tissue integrity as a result of stab wound, gunshot wounds, burns, bites, etc.
  2. closed injury. It implies the formation of hematomas and various seals in the mammary glands.

Along with injury chest Quite often, other injuries of the body are diagnosed that have suffered as a result of a situation that entailed bodily harm.

Breast hematoma occurs as a result of injury blood vessels leading to subcutaneous hemorrhage. The structure of the chest makes it possible to withstand numerous straight-line blows, while not causing serious damage and pain. But if the nipples are the affected area, then even a slight injury to this sensitive area can cause a pain shock.

open wounds most often appear as a result of non-compliance with safety rules when handling sharp objects. Approximately the same percentage of open injuries account for the cause of violence. Unlike the closed this species damage is dangerous because it is a favorable place for the vital activity of various pathogenic bacteria. It is for this reason that these forms of wounds are always treated with antibiotics.


Breast hematoma is the first sign that a chest injury has occurred and a closed mutilation has formed. Hemorrhage can be both deep and subcutaneous. In most cases, all the consequences of a bruise go away on their own, without any complications. Diagnosis of necrosis in medical practice this type of injury is rare.

In the event that pathogenic microflora penetrates into the place of the formed hematoma, the patient has complications in the form of suppuration and abscess. If at this stage no action is taken to treat the situation, the situation will worsen.

The majority of victims complain of pain and induration at the site of injury. According to medical statements, the formation of a malignant tumor in the damaged area is quite small, but such precedents have happened. So far, no exact relationship has been established between injury mammary glands and the occurrence of cancer.

Breast deformity and scar formation, which can replace adipose tissue, dangerous in that it can cause the development of necrosis. Visually, the pathology may look like a retracted area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

To keep your health on long years, in case of even a minor injury to the chest, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist. Diagnosis of the condition of the mammary glands will never be superfluous for a woman.

Based on patient complaints and general inspection by palpation, the doctor makes an assumption about the complexity of the bruise. If necessary, you may need additional research such as ultrasound. With the help of this diagnostics, it is possible to detect areas of hemorrhage that can become infected and lead to purulent mastitis. Ultrasound makes it possible to detect the places of ruptures of blood vessels and ducts of the mammary glands.

Treatment methods for bruises

If a mild bruise has been diagnosed that does not pose any threat to the patient, painkillers may be prescribed as treatment, but they are not recommended to be used unless absolutely necessary. In order for the bruise to come off as quickly as possible, it should not be made up with cosmetics, but treated special ointments, such as the Rescuer. It not only helps to quickly get rid of the hematoma, but also relieves swelling of the affected area.

If the hematoma on the chest is extensive, and the bruise is severe, the patient is recommended to immobilize the mammary gland with gauze bandage. The chest is tightly bandaged so that it is in an elevated position. With a strong pain syndrome, a retromammary blockade can be performed.

Troxevasin and Heparin ointment in combination with physiotherapy procedures help to speed up the healing process. If there are no complications, then the duration of such treatment will take about a month.

At closed form bruise, if there is a suspicion of a septic site in the mammary gland, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. It should be noted that this is not always preventive treatment inflammatory-purulent processes gives positive result. In the case of diagnosing a purulent abscess, which was localized in the injured area, the patient is prescribed surgical operation.

Complexity surgical intervention will depend on the degree of pathology. As a rule, during such treatment, a puncture is performed to remove pus, followed by injection into the cavity. disinfectants and antibiotics.

More radical measures, such as sector resection, are used when a large area of ​​the breast is affected. Excised areas are sent to histological examination. This technique is more traumatic, and therefore, after its implementation, the patient needs more time to recover.


How to treat bruises and injuries, you will learn from our video.

In medical practice, chest contusion is a very rare occurrence, and accounts for only 2% of 100 mechanical injuries that patients turn to traumatologists for. Such an injury can lead to serious consequences in the form of complications of damage to this area of ​​the female body.

This injury received by a woman for any reason can be characterized as follows: damage to the mammary gland is closed injury abdominal tissues, the danger of which lies in possible complications after its receipt.

The international classification of diseases according to the ICD 10 list implies that this injury is under the code S20.0 and is placed in subsections of diseases according to the ICD 10 code, starting with S20.0 - bruising of the ICD breast, and ending with S20.28 - and unaccounted for.


Causes of breast damage in women can be divided into two groups:


severe bruise mammary glands is characterized by the appearance of a pronounced hematoma that occurs at the site of injury. Hematoma bruising may be visualized as external manifestations and subcutaneous processes.

In most cases, bruises go away without the use of any medicines, after some time required for recovery epithelial tissue. Minor bruises usually go away without any visible complications. Cell necrosis in such situations is extremely rare.

In case of getting inside the bruised area foreign body in the form of a certain amount of dirt, a bruise can be very painful and suppuration and an abscess may appear in its place. If in this case, with an injury mammary gland a woman does not make any efforts to provide assistance, the situation may end in adverse consequences.

Quite frequent symptoms in this injury are complaints about the formation of a compacted area at the site of injury. According to statistics, manifestations of oncology characteristic of this symptom are rare, but they cannot be ruled out. So far, no association has been found between breast injury mechanically and the occurrence of cancer.

In some cases, hemorrhages in the mammary gland form scars that can thicken into adipose tissue and become visible to the naked eye. In this case, the chest is deformed, and the site of the bruise becomes similar to a retracted area of ​​the epithelium.

In some cases, with point damage, for example, during breastfeeding, there may be a modification of the nipple caused by the bite of the child. characteristic symptom similar damage is the discharge of fluid from the nipples.

A characteristic sign of a woman receiving a breast injury is also a change in the color of the skin of the area of ​​damage. Bursting blood vessels in surface layers lymph, provoke small hemorrhages, staining the upper layers of the skin, so you can see the site of the bruise.

First aid

In order to minimize severe consequences chest injury in a woman, it is necessary to provide first aid in a timely manner.

Many people who have witnessed an injury to the female mammary gland fall into a stupor and have no idea what to do if the chest is bruised? How to help an unfortunate woman in the first minutes before the ambulance arrives?

First you need to inspect the damaged area for the presence of hematomas and other injuries caused by a bruise. If the bruise is manifested by a closed wound, the area of ​​damage should be immobilized by applying a tightening bandage to it.

If possible, something cold should be applied to the bandage to stop or prevent internal hemorrhage in the mammary gland. Then call an ambulance, while the victim should be at rest until the ambulance arrives.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment for breast contusion requires accurate diagnosis. Initially, if such an injury occurs, if the woman is capable, she should examine her mammary gland for hematomas or other visible damage.

For severe injuries self-diagnosis should be carried out in front of a mirror, not excluding from attention armpits. If any visible changes are found in the bruised area, it is necessary to contact a mammologist as soon as possible, because the neoplasm of the breast itself or any pathologies caused by domestic injuries can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In order to identify the consequences of the damage received, the most frequent method used in medical practice is ultrasound of the mammary glands. This procedure detects the level of echogenic tissue internal cells organ. Thanks to the diagnosis of the chest of a woman by the method ultrasound it is possible to identify areas of hemorrhage that can come into contact with infectious microorganisms and lead the process of injury to a purulent neoplasm.

Diagnosis of the causes of damage to the mammary glands, in addition to mammography, includes other research methods, such as radiometry. The use of such a method involves the identification possible pathologies at the early stages of the process.

At the first stages of treatment of bruises of the mammary gland, in addition to immobilizing the organ, it is necessary to take analgesic drugs, this will reduce pain and make it possible to perform further medical procedures.

If the examination method chosen by the doctor showed the presence of a boil, it must either be removed surgically or use drug therapy.

Elimination of neoplasms in the mammary gland includes the following activities:

  • immobilization chest area;
  • to the chest;
  • taking analgesic and antiviral drugs.

Serious damage to the female breast requires long-term treatment, since the subcutaneous lymphoid tissue has a necrotic property when it is damaged.

How to treat a bruised breast

Exist alternative ways treatment for breast injury folk remedies:

  1. A sheet should be attached to the bruised place white cabbage, this will help to quickly eliminate the hematoma and stabilize the circulatory system;
  2. Calendula (10 g), pork fat or butter should be mixed and thoroughly rubbed, pour boiling water, previously mixed with St. John's wort flowers in the amount of 1 tbsp. You need to infuse the remedy for 1 hour. Next, lotions should be done on the sites of chest bruises. In parallel with this tool, you need to do therapeutic massages and lotions.
  3. Honey is great for relieving bruises in the chest area. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. product and spread on the damaged area.


In order to speed up the recovery process after a woman has received a chest injury, doctors recommend using Troxevasin and Hepatrin. These drugs are available in ointments and relieve pain, respectively, accelerate the healing process. Together with these drugs, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises should be used.

Bruising of the chest during any kind of aggressive mechanical impact can be a serious threat to health. Therefore, the victim should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible and a full examination should be carried out.

A bruise is a serious injury that affects not only soft tissues. Very often the integrity of the ribs and pleura of the lungs is violated, the vessels are damaged. Edema occurs as a result of a blow, a fall, or due to mechanical compression.

Do not self-medicate, because the results of aggressive exposure to the chest area may be different. Even if there are no visible pathologies and the ribs are intact, the vessels may be torn and blood is poured out of them, which forms a hematoma. Also, there is a high probability of damage to the vessels of the heart and organs. abdominal cavity.

Symptoms of chest injury

Chest contusion always resolves with clear signs, which depend on the force of impact and the severity of the injury. They appear immediately after mechanical action.

The main symptoms that allow you to identify damage to the sternum:

  • sharp pain when inhaling;
  • the formation of a tumor and edema under the breast at the site of a broken rib;
  • there is bruising and bruising;
  • hematoma formation without bruising;
  • the site of injury becomes hot;
  • soft tissues on the left or right are dense.

Often, an injury in this area is accompanied by serious complications: a bruise or fracture of the ribs, trauma to the lungs, abdominal cavity and heart. Signs of a fracture or crack in the chest are sometimes accompanied by a displacement and change in its appearance. If the damage was to the part of the chest on the left, there is a possibility of damage to the heart. This condition can lead to clinical death.

What to do with a chest injury

In case of serious damage, you can not self-medicate. You can relieve pain with painkillers and go to the hospital or call ambulance. The patient should not move, the best position is half-sitting.

When the doctor arrives, he examines the victim for fractures, displacements, bruises of internal organs. Treatment of chest contusion consists of the use of painkillers, the application of compresses and rubbing the puffiness with medicinal ointments.

Depending on the degree of injury and the state of health of the victim, full recovery occurs from 1 to 6 months. With proper and systematic treatment, the bruised area will hurt for no more than 2 weeks.

Help before the ambulance arrives

First aid for a bruise or fracture of the chest is provided as soon as possible after injury.

First you need to call an ambulance, and then follow these steps:

  1. apply a cold compress to the chest to prevent the spread of tissue swelling;
  2. to relieve pain, take a pain reliever and apply a tight bandage elastic bandage or any other fabric on the chest;
  3. if the victim has lost consciousness, bring him to his senses with the help of ammonia;
  4. if there is no breathing, it is necessary to do artificial respiration, the features of this technique will be explained to you by telephone dispatchers;
  5. clean the mouth of vomit and blood, do not let the victim choke on his own tongue;
  6. seat the patient or lay on a hill or pillow;
  7. if the fracture of the ribs is open, treat the wound with iodine solution.

Pain and anti-inflammatory therapy can begin even before the doctors arrive.

Do not try to get foreign objects and debris out of the wound.

Pale skin and blue lips indicate a lung injury. In this case, you should wait for an ambulance. A severe bruise or fracture of the chest threatens the failure of many body systems and clinical death.

Diagnostic measures

To diagnose an injury, a surgeon or traumatologist examines external symptoms. If the pain is sharp and severe, a chest x-ray should be done. The main thing is to determine the severity of the damage. On palpation of the site of injury, unnatural drops and protrusions should not be felt.

If a bruise of the internal organs is suspected, a magnetic resonance or CT scan. After complete examination and exclusion of complications, the patient can be sent home for treatment. If there are displacements of the ribs and internal hemorrhage, surgery is necessary.

Medical therapy

Elimination of the consequences of injury is external influence on bruises, bruises and abrasions with ointments, gels and compresses.

If there are no wounds at the site of injury, you can apply ointments that are prescribed by a doctor:

anti-inflammatory drugs, are used only in the case of intact skin. The most popular ointments are Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. The drug is used up to 4 times a day. If there is a seal at the site of the bruise, it is necessary to lubricate the chest every 2 hours.

Ointment with bodyaga. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates skin regeneration. Via this tool puffiness can be eliminated.

Medicinal ointment with heparin. The drug eliminates puffiness and dissolves blood clots formed from ruptured capillaries. Considered the best healing ointment with a bruised sternum, especially if used in combination with snake venom.

If a pain do not let go, analgesics "Ketorol", "Nise" are prescribed. However, painkillers should not be abused without a doctor's prescription.


Treatment for chest contusion includes not only drug therapy, but also physiotherapy with massage. A specialist can eliminate improper fusion of the ribs and reduce the recovery time.

In the first sessions, it is necessary to massage the area around the chest for no more than 5 minutes. Such manipulations will help improve blood circulation and affect the resorption of puffiness and bruising. At the end of the course, it is already allowed to gently rub and knead the areas of the chest for up to 20 minutes. It is also recommended to rub the mummy into the skin during the sessions.

How to treat folk remedies

In addition to the main drug therapy, chest contusion is treated with the help of folk remedies. Phyto-decoctions, tinctures and compresses can quickly eliminate puffiness, bruises and bruises.

  • A complex of herbs on alcohol: violet, burdock, wheatgrass, veronica. Take 20 grams of dried leaves of the collection and insist 5 days in a liter of vodka. Do night compresses.
  • Birch bud tincture. Take the kidneys and alcohol in equal amounts, and keep the mixture in a dark place for about a week. Apply evening compresses for 2 weeks.
  • Tincture of St. John's wort, marshmallow and oak bark. The crushed ingredients are mixed with two glasses of vodka. Use the tincture for compresses, which are done daily for two weeks.

When treating at home, it is worth remembering that it is important to take medications and apply compresses to the bruised area regularly. Keep in mind that some herbs can develop allergies, and from completely alcohol compresses you can get burned.

How dangerous is a chest injury for a person

Sternum bruises can lead to serious injuries to internal organs. If the victim's breathing is disturbed, the skin turns pale and the limbs turn blue, the pulse decreases, it is urgent to help him.

Complications that appear after a blow to the sternum:

  • bleeding that occurs inside the pleura of the lungs;
  • anemia, occurs due to a large hemorrhage;
  • accumulation of air or gases in the chest due to a crack or fracture of the ribs;
  • accumulation of air in the lung tissue;
  • trauma to the vessels of the heart is a rather serious pathology, as it can lead to death;
  • dangerous damage to the right can provoke a lung injury;

A blow to the area of ​​​​the mammary glands carries serious consequences for women. From hard hit hematomas may occur in the chest, which will begin to fester and lead to tissue necrosis. As a result female breast covered with pits and scarred areas.

According to statistics, damage to the chest organs during a bruise occurs in 15% of traumatic cases. The problem is dangerous for its consequences, which can seriously harm human health. The chest protects vital organs (heart, lungs) from injury. Violation of their integrity can lead to lethal outcome, so everyone should know how to provide first aid in this case and where to go.

What is a chest injury

AT medical terminology this concept is called mechanical damage soft tissues with a fast-acting, severe factor, accompanied by the formation of a hematoma. Injury results in loss of integrity chest wall, possible injuries to the heart, aorta, lungs. These conditions can cause changes in the state of the configuration of the sternum, fractures of the ribs, which is fraught with rupture of the vital important organs. Clinical manifestations chest injuries have pronounced local symptoms in the area of ​​application of the traumatic force.


The chest is damaged due to a strong blow. It can be caused by the following reasons:

  • A car accident that results in a person multiple injuries including bruising of the sternum.
  • Sports - blows pursue athletes of many sports, but more often they are cyclists, representatives of contact martial arts.
  • Fall from a height or injury from an object that has fallen on the chest - the degree of damage depends on the severity of the object, the height of the fall.
  • Domestic cases - chest injuries occur during a fight or impromptu street fighting.


The classification of types of bruising of the chest region consists of several elements. These include:

  • external and open injuries;
  • rib fractures;
  • vascular injury;
  • crushing the sternum;
  • injury to the heart muscle;
  • dislocation, curvature of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus;
  • nerve damage, spinal cord;
  • deformation of the organs located next to the injury (trauma of the abdominal wall).

According to the degree of localization, bruising of the soft tissues of the chest can be of two types. These should include:

  • Right chest contusion - can cause damage to the lung, resulting in a risk of rupture of the organ with internal bleeding.
  • Left-sided bruise - especially difficult cases, can cause injury to the heart muscle, up to cardiac arrest with a fatal outcome.


Signs of damage to the chest depend on the severity of the injury, the time of its receipt. Symptoms are divided into general and local. The latter include:

  • acute pain when pressed or sudden movements.
  • Swelling of the tissues at the site of injury due to the accumulation of lymph in them.
  • Constant pain syndrome is characterized by aching, throbbing sensations when coughing, talking.
  • Hematoma formation due to damage to small vessels, subsequent hemorrhage into soft tissues.

Symptoms of injury may increase. This happens with damage to the lungs and pleura. Status refers to common features injury complications. Symptoms:

  • slow heart rate;
  • downgrade blood pressure;
  • rise in temperature due to inflammatory process;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • stop breathing;
  • hemothorax, pneumothorax, traumatic shock.


The diagnosis is made by a surgeon or traumatologist. The standard procedure consists of the following methods:

  • Questioning the patient about his condition, time, reasons for the bruise.
  • Inspection - to study the shape, size of the chest, the presence of deformation.
  • Palpation is carried out with careful movements to determine the condition of the ribs.
  • X-ray - study bone structures chest cavity.
  • MRI is a visual examination for damage to the organs of the chest, assessment of the condition of soft tissues, blood vessels.
  • CT is prescribed after radiography for accurate diagnosis of bone structures.

First aid for chest injury

AT emergency the victim needs first aid before the arrival of the medical team. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The victim must be provided with complete rest, it is better to place him in the “half-sitting” position.
  2. If a rib injury is suspected, a pressure bandage should be applied - ask the victim to inhale, then tightly wrap his chest and fasten the bandage to a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.
  3. Apply an ice pack to the bruise to reduce swelling.
  4. With a strong pain syndrome, you can give the victim an analgesic local action(Kitanov, Baralgin).


Methods and methods of therapy depend on the severity of the injury. Recommendations are as follows:

  • Minor bruising - home treatment with limitation motor function, the use of traditional and traditional medicine.
  • Average degree– the patient can be treated at home with general normal condition.If there is a suspicion of the development of complications, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis.
  • Severe - immediate hospitalization for life-saving measures.

Treatment of a bruise at home

Within 2 days after the injury, cold compresses should be applied to relieve swelling and pain. The procedure is carried out 15-20 minutes 5 times a day. On the third day, the compresses should be warm, which contributes to the resorption of the hematoma. All the time after the injury, apply a tight bandage - it will allow the treatment process to proceed more efficiently, reduce pain.

Such injuries disrupt the victim's sleep. So that the pain does not interfere with sleep, a pressure bandage is attached on the exhale, a large pillow should be placed under the lower back. The mattress must be rigid, so the spine will not be deformed, and the pain will become less pronounced. An anesthetic should be taken at night. Physical exercise are limited, it is possible to do breathing exercises so that sputum in the lungs does not stagnate. Useful procedures of magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, which can be prescribed by a doctor.

Medical therapy

Treatment of chest contusion in the event of a fall, impact or accident is characterized by an integrated approach. Effective use of the following forms and groups of drugs:

  • Painkillers (ointments, gels, tablets) - Baralgin, Tempalgin, Diclofenac, Spasmalgon.
  • Anti-inflammatory (tablets, ointments) - Ibuprofen, Nise.
  • Thrombolytic (ointments, gels) - Lyoton, Troxevasin. Means contribute to the resorption of the hematoma.

Medical treatment is often carried out with the help of ointments. They can be classified as follows:

  • Ointments with non-steroidal components (Voltaren, Diklak) - eliminate external and internal inflammation.
  • Ointments based on badyagi (Comfrey, Zhivokost) - dissolve the bruise, reduce pain.
  • Heparin ointments (Lavenum, Trombless gel) - anesthetize, have an antithrombotic effect.

Gels and ointments for bruises of the chest are used more often than other means. For this reason, it is necessary to take a closer look at effective drugs for the treatment of contusion. One of them is Finalgon:

  • Combined remedy for external use. It has a warming, vasodilating effect on bruises.
  • It is recommended to apply a small amount of ointment 2-3 times a day for 10 days.
  • The advantage of the tool in quick action and a wide range use.
  • Cons: many side effects, use only from 12 years of age.
  • Gel based on troxerutin, which strengthens blood vessels, is an antioxidant. The tool has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory action. It is used for pain and swelling after bruises, thrombophlebitis.
  • The gel is applied to the damaged area in the morning and evening for 6-7 days.
  • The undoubted advantage of the drug can be considered a small list side effects.
  • Disadvantage: can not be used in violation of the integrity of the skin.

With bruises of the chest, the treatment is supplemented and systemic drugs. An example of Phlogenzym:

  • The tablets are made up of animal enzymes and plant origin. They prevent the formation of edema, blood clots, inflammation, have immunostimulating, analgesic properties.
  • The list of indications is huge. For bruises, take 3 tablets three times a day for 14 days.
  • The advantages of the drug are in the systemic effect on the body.
  • Minus the high cost of tablets.

Heparin ointment is considered the most popular among the people from bruises. Her description:

  • The drug belongs to anticoagulants and painkillers. Relieves pain, inflammation, prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Ointment is used for bruises, hemorrhoids. To accelerate the resorption of the hematoma, a course of treatment is prescribed from 5 to 15 days. Apply the product 2-3 times a day.
  • The main advantage of the ointment, in addition to the price, is the rapid absorption and speed of onset of action.
  • The negative aspects include the condition for controlling blood clotting with prolonged use of the ointment.

The final review is Badyaga cooling gel. Its characteristics:

  • The basis of the gel is a powder of the simplest - river and lake sponges. The tool accelerates the resorption of bruises, heals damaged vessels and capillaries, relieves swelling.
  • The scope of Badyagi is huge, but for bruises, the gel is prescribed 4 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Advantages: low cost, even newborns can use the gel.
  • The drug has no cons, individual intolerance to the components of the gel may occur.

Surgical intervention

Often there are situations in which resuscitation or the help of a surgeon in a hospital with subsequent rehabilitation is required. Such situations are possible in cases where complications arise after a bruise. These should include:

  • hemothorax;
  • subcutaneous emphysema;
  • heart failure;
  • hematoma for more than 1 week;
  • thromboembolism;
  • pneumothorax.

If fluid, blood or air accumulates in the pleural cavity, then the patient is given drainage. It will help remove unnecessary components from the pleura. Then there are activities intensive care. In the presence of a hematoma for 7 or more days, the help of a surgeon is necessary. He makes a puncture in the damaged area, through which stagnant blood comes out. Damage to the lungs, heart, large vessels requires immediate extensive surgery under general anesthesia.

Folk methods of treatment

At mild degree bruise effective folk therapy in the form of compresses, wraps, ointments, alcohol tinctures. Helps relieve pain herbal collection from horsetail, hernia, knotweed, cornflower flowers, bearberry, birch buds and bean pods. All components are taken in equal proportions - 20 g each. The resulting mixture must be poured with 250 ml of vodka, insisted for 3 days and compresses are made on the damaged part of the body.

There are a lot of traditional medicine for the treatment of a bruise. Effective are:

  • Soap ointment. Laundry soap finely grate and mix with chicken yolk. The ointment should be applied to the damaged area 2-4 times a day.
  • Table vinegar should be mixed in equal proportions with honey. Soak a napkin with the resulting mixture, apply to the hematoma. The procedure should be done 3-5 days 2 times a day.
  • Cilantro for pain relief. 50 g of greens should be brewed with a liter of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strained infusion take a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Finely grate the horseradish root and apply twice a day to the hematoma for a week.


Possible consequences of a bruise of the chest region occur immediately or after some time. In this case, the risk of the following dangerous states:

  • Fracture of the ribs, which entails damage to blood vessels, soft tissues.
  • Violation of the integrity of the pleural tissue - pneumothorax, which leads to the ingress of air between the lung and the pleural sheet.
  • Median fracture of the sternum.
  • Compression of the lung on impact pleural cavity blood - hemothorax. The condition is due to rupture of large vessels.

For women, a bruise is dangerous not only for the above consequences. The beautiful half runs the risk of damaging the mammary glands, resulting in an increased risk of seals. Fibrosing hematomas can provoke the development malignant tumors. Regardless of gender, bruises can cause stroke, myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac arrest.
