Foods that contain a lot of magnesium. Foods rich in calcium and magnesium

For the normal functioning of the body, a balance of many substances is necessary, and magnesium is one of them. What is its role in life? What kind of people should suspect its deficiency? What foods contain magnesium and how can you make up for its deficiency? That's what we'll talk about.

It turns out that magnesium is one of the most “popular” metals in nature, without which plant growth is absolutely impossible. A significant amount of this element is found in plant tissues and colors the leaves in green color, such a pigment in botany is called chlorophyll.

Since elementary school we all know about the circulation of substances in nature, that life is impossible without plants, so we can confidently say that magnesium is one of the main sources of existence for all living organisms.

Since man is a creation of nature, the role of magnesium in his body is enormous, although it is not more than 30 grams in the body. What contains magnesium, in what organs? Most of it is in the bones and teeth, the rest is in soft tissues and liquid media, high concentration of the element in the cells of the brain and heart.

The main task of magnesium is the relaxation and contraction of the muscles, and in one way or another it is involved in more than 350 biochemical reactions.

His involvement is invaluable in:

  • conservation and utilization of energy;
  • protein production;
  • breakdown of glucose, increased secretion of insulin;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • absorption of calcium and vitamins C, B1, B6;
  • formation of a stable cell structure during growth;
  • cell regeneration;
  • tone regulation blood vessels;
  • transmission of nerve impulses.

Magnesium deficiency causes many problems in the body.

With excess magnesium, hyperfunction is noted thyroid gland, impaired reading and writing skills in children, arthritis, psoriasis.

Magnesium can enter the human body only with food, it is perfectly excreted and is not able to accumulate. So, every day you need to eat right, eat foods rich in it.

The daily requirement for the element varies depending on gender and age.

Symptoms of deficiency and excess

Why does a lack of magnesium appear, because according to statistics, more than 80% of the population suffers from this? Mainly because of its extremely low intake into the body. Other reasons may be a failure in metabolic processes, poor absorption of the element by the intestines, prolonged use of certain medications, high cholesterol, rapid leaching from the body with alcohol, diuretics or increased sweating.

When low content magnesium in the human body, the following symptoms are noted:

  • insomnia, constant fatigue and a broken state even after a long rest;
  • nervous excitability, irritability, breakdowns;
  • headaches, impaired coordination;
  • arrhythmia, pressure surges;
  • muscle and stomach cramps;
  • dull hair, their loss;
  • flaking nails.

An overabundance is much less common and, as a rule, manifests itself when kidney failure, violation of metabolic processes, abuse of drugs containing magnesium. At the same time, a person experiences lethargy of consciousness, muscle weakness, slowing down heart rate, low pressure.

To avoid magnesium deficiency, you need to eat a balanced diet. With a pronounced deficiency, the doctor will prescribe special preparations containing a large amount of the trace element, and will tell you which foods contain magnesium, a list of products can also be found on the Internet.

Sources great content magnesium can be called raw foods, ie. not subjected to heat treatment. Of course, a person cannot eat raw grains or nuts alone, so try to steam, boil or bake in foil - this will save more useful substances. Do not marinate and avoid frying in oil, but grilling is sometimes very helpful.

It is not recommended to combine magnesium-containing foods with fatty foods and foods rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, otherwise the food will provoke stomach irritation, active formation of salts. In addition, iron prevents magnesium from being absorbed in the intestines, and potassium helps to flush it out of the body, as it stimulates the kidneys. Coffee, sugar and alcohol are also not best friends magnesium products.

Table with products containing magnesium

Mg can be found literally in everything that is edible, but in different volumes and quantities.

As you can see from the table, these are products plant origin and have very high content missing element in the body. Some of them even exceed the daily allowance. But you won’t be full of nuts alone, so let’s look at where magnesium is found, in what foods it can be found in enough.

The highest daily intake of magnesium in men, adolescents and pregnant women. Boys and girls are in the age of active growth. Pregnant and lactating mothers consume protein for the baby. And men, especially those who work hard physical labor need energy restoration. It is these categories that need increased consumption of animal products.

A lot of magnesium is found in seafood and its highest concentration is in red caviar (129 mg). Cod liver (50 mg), squid (90 mg) and fatty varieties fish are also recommended to be eaten more often. From meat products, rabbit meat (25 mg) is in the first place, then beef (22 mg) and pork (20 mg).

Herbal products

All kinds of cereals, legumes and cereal crops provide you with enough magnesium. Its content is especially high in sprouted wheat.

Eat lentils, beans, millet. Do not neglect vegetables, the usual set for borscht is good helper in the supply of magnesium. From fruits, lean on bananas, apricots, apples, plums, figs.

In order to effectively and without loss replenish magnesium deficiency in the body, you need to know how it interacts with various substances and elements. Remember that preparations based on it should not be taken after meals, so as not to neutralize the acidity in the stomach.

Magnesium and calcium balance

Since childhood, everyone knows that calcium is essential for strong bones and healthy teeth. But it often happens that the bones break, and the teeth are destroyed. And this despite the constant use of foods rich in calcium. The thing is that without magnesium, all efforts will be in vain, they can even lead to unpleasant results - instead of bones and teeth, muscles will become hard, lose their elasticity.

Calcium and magnesium have similar metabolic pathways, so Ca can impair the absorption of Mg. With a lack of magnesium in the cells, it is replaced by calcium, which is able to accumulate and create unnecessary problems in the body. When the balance is reversed, excess magnesium is simply excreted without lingering.

The optimal ratio of calcium to magnesium is 2:1, but this is if there is no deficiency of one or another element. Since a person mainly suffers from a lack of magnesium, experts believe that it is necessary to operate with other proportions. For 3 parts of calcium, 2 parts of magnesium should be taken.

Cereals and legumes, nuts and seeds hold the record for the content of a substance harmful to digestion - phytic acid. It, like a saboteur, "introduces" into the metabolism and "steals" useful elements - calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, and prevents their absorption.

After conducting numerous studies, it was found that if you eliminate phytic acid from foods, then the absorption of magnesium will increase by 60%.

To neutralize the acid, cereals and beans should be soaked in water, and nuts and seeds should be roasted in a dry frying pan.

Vitamin B6 intake

Vitamin B6 improves the absorption of magnesium from the intestines and promotes its better penetration into cells. It is also called the main companion, as it enhances the effect of the trace element several times.

Magnesium-based preparations always contain B6, and many even believe that this is one and the same element.

Vitamin D intake

Vitamin D, which is found in many foods, also helps to absorb magnesium well: boiled eggs, cheese, hard cereals, oily fish(especially in tuna).

This vitamin enters the body not only with food, but also from sunlight. Spend more time in the sun, sunbathe.

How not to lose all magnesium

To prevent the loss of magnesium, you should not only eat right, but also eliminate the reasons for its non-absorption. Limit tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages, they contribute to the leaching of a useful element from the body. This also applies to diuretics.

Smoked meats, sausages and fatty meat increase bad cholesterol, which is also not in the best way affects the absorption of trace elements.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I always try various means, ways, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.


Why is magnesium needed in the human body, what role does it play. What threatens its deficiency. What does it contain.

Considering substances useful for the body, it is worth mentioning magnesium. This element belongs to the category of anti-stress minerals and tranquilizers. It is very common in nature and is found in sufficient quantities in the body of living beings. So, in humans and animals, it is almost the main element of tooth enamel and bones. It is worth noting its content in plants, marine and drinking water.

The presence of a micronutrient in the diet is mandatory. The main thing is to figure out which foods contain magnesium, where it is the most, what should be the optimal dosage. We will consider these issues in the article.

Daily rate

To eliminate health problems, strengthen immune system and protect the body from negative impacts from the outside, it is worth including foods containing magnesium in the diet. The body already contains a small amount of this trace element (20-30 grams). One percent is in liquid, and the remaining 99 percent is in bone tissue.

As for the norm per day, then a common person should be taken with food 0.4-0.5 grams. But it is worth considering that the need for an element increases under certain factors. So, the body requires more mineral in the following situations:

  • in stressful conditions;
  • in the case of an increase in the amount of protein consumed;
  • at the stage of pregnancy or lactation;
  • in the process of taking drugs that have a diuretic character;
  • at the stage of formation of new tissues;
  • with active physical activity (relevant for representatives of power sports).

In these cases, it is worth leaning more on foods rich in magnesium in order to prevent a deficiency.

Its benefit

The role of magnesium is difficult to overestimate. This element guarantees normal operation key systems organism. To be more precise, thanks to its action, almost three hundred enzymes cope with the work 100%. In combination with phosphorus and calcium, it takes part in the creation and strengthening of bone tissue, which is one of the main factors for an athlete. The latter should know where magnesium is contained and saturate the diet with it to strengthen the skeleton.

In addition, the trace element in question is involved in the metabolism of glucose, fats, amino acids. He is the one who transports nutrients to the cells and guarantees the production of sufficient energy. Important Properties- participation in protein synthesis, as well as the transmission of nerve signals and important information at the genetic level. Scientists have proven that regular intake The mineral helps to strengthen the heart muscle and reduces the risk of attacks.

But that's not all. Foods containing magnesium in large numbers, should be in the diet of "siloviki" because of the ability of the element to normalize the work of the muscles and accelerate its growth. In addition, its action is aimed at:

  • lowering cholesterol levels to a safe value;
  • prevention of the formation of kidney stones;
  • elimination of stressful conditions (it has been proven that a sufficient amount of magnesium in food guarantees an increase in resistance to depression and breakdowns);
  • fight against overwork;
  • reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors.

An interesting fact is that magnesium actively interacts with phosphorus and sodium. Vitamins D, E, potassium and B6 are involved in the regulation of the volume of the element.

Based on the foregoing, it is worth making a conclusion about the importance of the substance. It remains only to figure out what products it contains.

Where is the most magnesium?

If we consider the products richest in trace elements, then the leaders are wheat bran . Nutritionists claim that in order to quickly cover the deficiency, it is recommended to take these particular foods with magnesium. But not bran alone. The trace element is found in large quantities in:

  • flax seeds;
  • chocolate;
  • lentils;
  • beans;
  • pumpkin and sesame seeds;
  • nuts (walnuts and pine nuts).

Each of the mentioned elements of the diet has an individual effect on the body:

  • Pine nuts - useful product, in which there is no cholesterol, but a lot of protein. Its advantages are the presence of highly digestible protein in the composition, a large number vitamins and microelements.
  • Sunflower seeds are reliable and effective suppliers of vitamin E and magnesium. An interesting fact is that the seeds contain almost six times more than this useful trace element than in rye bread.
  • Natural chocolate is a product that is considered one of the richest in magnesium, manganese, calcium, etc. It makes it easier for the body to cope with stressful conditions and mental stress.

Powerful suppliers of magnesium are sprouted grains. The main thing is to "prepare" them correctly. All that is required is to pour the grains warm water, cover with a piece of cardboard and put in a warm place. Take after meals. To simplify the process, it is allowed to break the finished product in a coffee grinder.

What other foods contain magnesium? The list discussed above can be continued for a long time. But it should be supplemented with the following points:

  • buckwheat;
  • mustard;
  • almond;
  • cashew nuts;
  • seaweed;
  • barley grits;
  • oatmeal;
  • millet.

What is fraught with deficiency and excess?

It is possible to recognize the lack of a microelement by a number of signs. During the period of deficiency, the appearance of:

  • insomnia and fatigue (even in case of rash);
  • pressure surges;
  • hair loss;
  • frequent headaches;
  • cramps in the stomach;
  • dizziness.

In addition, a lack of magnesium manifests itself in the appearance of flickering dots in front of the eyes, muscle twitches, the appearance of fragility of the nail plates, loss of balance, and so on. To avoid the mentioned manifestations, it is worth knowing what magnesium contains and replenishing the diet with it.

It is also worth remembering that an excess of a substance carries a certain danger. It can cause:

  • lethargy;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • violations of coordination;
  • dry mouth.


When planning a diet, remember that the magnesium content of foods also depends on the type of processing. So, soaking in liquid leads to a decrease in its volume.

To eliminate deficiency, it is recommended to take the trace element separately during the period physical activity, with kidney disease, private diarrhea, taking diuretics, stress, and so on. At the same time, do not forget about the importance of consulting with the doctor who will prescribe the drug, determine correct dosage and indicate what the course of taking the microelement should be.

Magnesium - extremely important trace element for human body. After all, he takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue and tooth enamel. But these are not all the properties that magnesium has. What contains the above information is quite important, because it allows you to properly plan your daily diet and thus avoid many health problems.

Magnesium - what is this element?

The above substance is an integral component of the teeth and bones of humans and any animal. Plants also cannot do without this trace element: it is part of chlorophyll. Magnesium is also present in sea and drinking water. What is this trace element? This question is very important for a person, since a deficiency of the above substance can provoke serious problems with his body.

The main site of magnesium absorption is duodenum as well as the intestines. A person should remember two important things:

  • alcohol and caffeine contribute to the loss of magnesium in the urine;
  • Excessive amounts of calcium and fat interfere with its absorption.

The need for the above trace element increases in the following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • taking diuretics;
  • regular stress;
  • passion for bodybuilding (the need for the rapid formation of new tissues);
  • childhood.

Useful properties of magnesium

The above microelement has such an effect on the human body:

  • calms the nerves and relieves tension;
  • eliminates spasms in organs (intestines, bladder and gallbladder);
  • normalizes the rhythm of the heart;
  • reduces blood clotting;
  • has a vasodilating effect;
  • takes part in the formation of tooth enamel and skeletal system person;
  • promotes the process of bile separation;
  • normalizes carbohydrate metabolism;
  • takes an active part in the process of protein formation;
  • stimulates the work of the intestine, affecting its peristalsis.

Experts note that if you regularly eat foods containing magnesium, you can avoid many serious conditions, including:

  • disorders nervous system;
  • insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • headache;
  • stone disease;
  • sense of anxiety.

In addition, magnesium reduces the negative effects of menopause in women, and in the stronger sex improves the functionality of the prostate gland.

Signs of a magnesium deficiency

If an insufficient amount of the above trace element enters the body, this manifests itself as follows:

  • regular dizziness, brittle nails, hair loss and fog before the eyes;
  • poor appetite, frequent nausea;
  • disorders of the nervous system (anxiety, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, depression);
  • lack of strength, sleep disturbance, rapid fatigue, disturbing dreams;
  • anemia;
  • tachycardia;
  • disruption of the gallbladder;
  • deterioration of joint flexibility;
  • problems with the work of the pancreas;
  • decreased elasticity of blood vessels;
  • thrombus formation.

In addition, if a person’s diet is absent for a long time, then his immunity decreases, body weight increases, and diseases such as hemorrhoids, hypotension, prostatitis, caries develop, and chilliness of the hands is noted.

The norm of magnesium in the daily diet

The daily requirement of the above trace element for the human body is from 400 to 750 mcg.

It should be noted that it is mainly concentrated in the brain, liver and kidneys. Magnesium is excreted from the body with bile, as well as through sweat and urine.

People with signs of hypotension and irregular heart rhythm should pay attention to their diet. After all, these symptoms may mean that in the body in excess contains magnesium.

What is contained? First group of products

The above trace element is part of many products, but in different volumes. It is important to consider its quantity when planning a diet. Consider foods that contain magnesium. What is this trace element?

Conventionally, all products can be divided into two groups: the main sources of magnesium and publicly available.

The first one includes:

  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • sesame and flax seeds;
  • walnuts and pine nuts;
  • cocoa powder;
  • chocolate;
  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • germinated wheat seeds.

The above products are extremely high in magnesium. By using them daily, you can quickly cover the deficiency of this trace element.

For example, sunflower seeds contain approximately times more magnesium than rye bread. But it should also be remembered that the above products are also high in calories, so it is important not to abuse them.

Where is magnesium found? In products of the second group

The above trace element is part of many other commonly available products. This allows people to get magnesium for their body every day. Where is this trace element found?

It's no secret that it is buckwheat and millet that hold the record in this regard. Also a lot of magnesium is found in wheat bran and grains, peas, corn, rye bread. This trace element is present in many vegetables, including:

  • tomatoes;
  • White cabbage;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • onions and green onions;
  • pumpkin.

Fruits are also no exception and are rich in this trace element, especially bananas, apples and plums. What fruits contain magnesium if they are dried? The answer to this question is simple. Dried apricots and figs are quite rich in it and can easily provide the daily requirement of the body.

In addition, magnesium is found in dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream), meat (pork, rabbit, veal), fish and other seafood, as well as eggs.

What vitamins contain magnesium? These are Nutrilight, Complivit, Centrum, Merz, Multi-Tabs and others.

Many products containing the above trace element are publicly available, so consuming them daily is not difficult.

For normal and healthy work internal organs and systems of the human body without fail you need to use many different micronutrients. These include copper, iron, potassium and others.

One of the most important minerals on this list is magnesium. Its inclusion in the diet helps prevent thyroid disease, cordially- vascular system, is the prevention of diabetes.

Currently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing a deficiency of this mineral. But to maintain its concentration at the proper level, it is enough just to eat foods containing magnesium.

Useful properties of the trace element

The considered mineral, falling into internal organs human, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system of the body, has a slight sedative action, stabilizes the work muscle fibers, which make up the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, Bladder and biliary system.

In addition, magnesium helps to increase the resistance of the heart muscle to a lack of oxygen in the blood, stabilizes the rhythm of the heart, and improves the coefficient of blood clotting. By the way, this property is actively used to counteract dangerous states. For example, in a hypertensive crisis, a patient is given an intramuscular injection of a preparation containing magnesium.

Blood vessels, expanded as a result of exposure to the microelement in question, allow better supply of oxygen to internal organs and tissues. This is great prophylactic from the formation of malignant tumors.

The substance will be an excellent preservative for the accumulation in the body of the so-called adenosine triphosphate, which serves as an energy source in many biochemical processes.

Magnesium improves the action of certain enzymes produced by the glands internal secretion. The latter contribute normal operation of cardio-vascular system. They also prevent the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

Without this element, the proper functioning of the nervous system is impossible. Magnesium is part of the tissues of nerve endings and synapses, is involved in the conduction of impulses from the brain to the muscles and vice versa.

Knowing what foods contain magnesium and including them in your daily diet, a person can avoid many pathologies:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • sleep problems;
  • restless states;
  • headache;
  • stress.

Magnesium helps the body adapt to cold temperatures natural environment, participates in the formation of bones of the musculoskeletal system, is part of the enamel of the teeth. Without it, the processing of carbohydrate foods is impossible, as well as the synthesis of certain amino acids necessary for the passage of biochemical processes in the body.

For men, this microelement helps to normalize the work of the prostate gland, and for women - to cope with many disorders that occur in the pelvic organs.

Signs of a magnesium deficiency

The lack of one or another microelement in the human body is eloquently evidenced by certain external symptoms. So, a small amount of magnesium can be determined by the following features:

  • dizziness, visual disturbances, brittle hair and nails;
  • loss of appetite;
  • muscle spasms and cramps, eyelid twitching;
  • rapid fatigue, sleep disturbance;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • anemia (lack of red blood cells in the blood plasma);
  • malfunctions of the choleretic system, as well as the pancreas;
  • decreased flexibility and mobility of the joints.

Ways to make up for the lack of a mineral

However, it is much better to add foods containing this mineral to the diet. To do this, you just need to know which foods contain magnesium.

Magnesium is found in large quantities in:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • flax seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • walnuts and pine nuts;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • legumes;
  • germinated wheat seeds.

The use of dishes containing the above elements allows, among other things, to saturate the body with other useful elements. For example, sunflower seeds contain a lot of vitamin E.

Pine nuts, by the way, do not contain cholesterol, but are rich in protein compounds. This property is well known to people who do not eat food of animal origin. The protein contained in the fruits of cedar is perfectly broken down in the stomach. Nuts contain many vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

The nutritional properties of walnuts are also hard to overestimate. These fruits, as well as peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds, contain a large amount of useful substances:

  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

And, of course, magnesium is so necessary for our body.

Natural chocolate, thanks to its constituent elements, including magnesium, helps a person cope with a stressful state.

Another excellent source of the mentioned trace element is wheat germ. They can be successfully used to quickly replenish magnesium deficiency in the blood. The fact is that when a sprout appears from a grain, the starch contained in wheat breaks down into components, each of which is much easier to process. gastrointestinal tract person.

In wheat sprouts, the concentration of magnesium, in comparison with seeds, increases 3 times, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E appear.

To prepare the described dish, you should pour the wheat grains with warm water, cover the dishes with a lid and put it in a dark place for 24 hours. After that, dry the seeds with a paper towel. You need to eat them 30-40 minutes before the main meal.

Oddly enough, the magnesium content in regular milk and dairy products is low. And in buckwheat, on the contrary, this microelement is present in a fairly large amount. Some others beneficial features buckwheat allow us to recommend it for consumption by people suffering from diabetes and overweight body.

Below is a list of products containing the element in question, indicating its amount and% of the recommended daily allowance use.

Table of products containing magnesium


mg per 100 g

% of daily
norms (male)

% of daily
norms (female)

Dry beans
beech nuts
Millet groats
Soybean flour
Barley groats
Soy, grain
Soybean flour
Fresh yellow beans
Buckwheat grain
colored beans
natural chocolate
Canned peas
Whole peas
Whole wheat flour
Skim milk cheese
Swiss cheese
Green pea
Wheat bread
Prodel buckwheat raw
Tomato paste (40%)
Diet bread
Milk chocolate
Pearl barley
Tomato paste (20%)
Fresh vegetables
parsley root
Tomato paste (10%)
canned beans
White rolls, etc.

When compiling a diet aimed at increasing the amount of magnesium in the body, do not forget that any meal should be balanced. Otherwise, a large amount of fat or carbohydrates that you consume with food, rich in magnesium, can cause harm that far exceeds the expected benefits.


Diets and healthy eating 27.02.2017

Today, dear readers, I again return to the role of minerals in the life of the human body, which are an indispensable component of the human diet. Both a prolonged lack of minerals and their excess in the body lead to disruption of metabolic processes and diseases of individual organs and systems.

Not so long ago we talked about, and today my article is devoted to magnesium. We will take a closer look at what foods contain magnesium, what role it plays for our health, what daily requirement in it, what threatens the lack and excess of magnesium for our health. Consider everything without delving into medical terms and chemical processes. Let us learn only what we need to know at our everyday level for each person.

Most of us know that magnesium is vital for cardiovascular health and is often prescribed along with potassium to improve the metabolic processes in the heart. The functions of this mineral are much wider, they literally affect our entire body, which is why magnesium is so important in food, it is important to build your diet in such a way that the body gets everything it needs with food.

Why is magnesium important to the human body?

In human nutrition, magnesium is one of the critical components, therefore, it is necessary to know which foods contain magnesium in order to prevent its deficiency. This mineral plays a huge role in the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body:

  • Improves the conductivity of nerve impulses, normalizes the nervous system;
  • Acts as an antispasmodic muscle spasms internal organs;
  • Acts as a mild vasodilator;
  • Improves intestinal motility, affecting digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestine;
  • Improves the separation of bile;
  • Promotes the removal of excess cholesterol;
  • Supports the immune system;
  • Improves metabolic processes in the body, prevents the development of diabetes;
  • Improves the work of the heart muscle;
  • plays important role in the process of blood supply to the heart;
  • Participates in the energy balance of the body;
  • Beneficial for skin health;
  • Prevents inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • Regulates the absorption of calcium, preventing its accumulation;
  • Required for normal development bone tissue.

Many people know that doctors prescribe magnesium when a person is in a state of severe stress. Here you need to pay attention to foods that contain magnesium in sufficient quantities, and possibly additionally take supplements with magnesium. The most common such drug is Magnesium B6.

daily requirement for magnesium

Magnesium in food is the main source of this macronutrient, and your diet should be designed so that we get the necessary daily intake of magnesium from food. Norms necessary for the body magnesium are averaged, they depend on the age of the person, on his gender, weight category, physical condition.

For an adult, the norm per day is 300 - 500 mg of magnesium. The need for magnesium increases during physical exertion or mental stress.

Children up to a year receive all the necessary minerals from breast milk mother. From one year to 3 years, a child needs 60 - 150 mg of magnesium per day. The norm for children from 4 to 6 years old is 150-200 mg of magnesium per day. From 7 to 10 years - 250 mg, and for children older than 10 years - 300 mg of magnesium. There are recommendations for calculating required amount magnesium for children is 6 mg of a macronutrient per 1 kilogram of weight.

Signs of magnesium deficiency in the body

Signs of a lack of magnesium in the body are very similar to the symptoms of many diseases, so it is difficult to recognize it on your own, you can miss it. serious problem with health. This means that before taking medications with magnesium, you need to consult a doctor, and even better - take a blood test for the content of magnesium in the blood serum.

What are these signs by which one can suspect a magnesium deficiency in oneself in order to sound the alarm in time?

  • Constant feeling of tiredness that doesn't go away long time without any objective reasons;
  • Rapid fatigue even after minor physical exertion;
  • Increased hair loss and brittleness;
  • Brittle nails;
  • Decreased immunity, manifested in frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • Irritability, mood decline, tearfulness, anxiety, depression;
  • Sleep disturbance, trouble falling asleep;
  • Even with a normal night's sleep, a person feels overwhelmed, not rested, as a result of which his working capacity decreases;
  • There is sensitivity to changes in the weather, to jumps in atmospheric pressure;
  • Dizziness, frequent headaches;
  • Memory impairment and decreased concentration;
  • Pain and cramps in the muscles various parts body, most often calf muscles, bone fragility;
  • Nervous tics in the face - involuntary twitching of the eyelids, lips, cheeks;
  • Heart pain, palpitations, feeling strong pulsation in body;
  • Disorder of the digestive system.

And it should also be noted that deficiency, lack of magnesium is one of the reasons for the increase in pressure!

With such symptoms, foods containing magnesium in large quantities are needed, which must be included in your daily diet.

Causes of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can be primary, caused by genetic pathologies, it is quite rare. Secondary magnesium deficiency in the body is most often due to insufficient intake of the trace element with food and water, there are other risks of its deficiency, let's look at them.

  • Eating fatty foods excess weight, obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Frequent infatuation various diets for weight loss;
  • Passion for alcoholic beverages;
  • Frequent consumption of coffee and black tea;
  • Prolonged indigestion, diarrhea;
  • Frequent stressful situations;
  • Passion for salty and sweet foods;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking diuretics;
  • Violation of the kidneys;
  • Abuse of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Foods Containing Magnesium

Let's take a closer look at which foods contain magnesium. There are a lot of them and they are all quite affordable and should be included in the diet daily.

Nuts, seeds

Foods high in magnesium include sesame, peanuts, almonds, Pine nuts, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds. They need to be included in your menu quite a bit, but enough to cover most magnesium needs can be precisely due to seeds and nuts. Moreover, almost all nuts contain other minerals, vitamins, amino acids are also very important for our health.


Did you know that one of the record holders for the amount of magnesium for us is rice bran?

100 grams of rice bran contains 200% of the daily requirement of magnesium! There is a reason to pay attention to them.

Where else is there a lot of magnesium? It is advisable to accustom yourself to eat cereals, a lot of magnesium in unpolished brown rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal. Magnesium in cereal dishes is easily absorbed by the body, it is in an ideal ratio with calcium and phosphorus. Cereals can be alternated, it is good for health to eat a small portion of cereal for breakfast every day. In addition to magnesium and other useful substances, cereals will provide the body with energy and fiber necessary for good digestion.

Corn flakes are not sweet Rye bread with bran, wheat bran are also good sources of magnesium. Wheat sprouts are sold in a pharmacy, you can cook them yourself, this is a wonderful biologically active product that gives a person an incredible boost of energy. Magnesium in wheat germ is combined with potassium, which has a positive effect on cardiac activity.

If you are sprouting wheat grains at home, buy them at specialized stores, in supermarkets in departments healthy eating. It is important that the seeds are intended for nutrition and not treated with chemicals.


Seaweeds also hold the record for magnesium content. 100 grams of seaweed contains 192% of the daily requirement of magnesium.


Foods rich in magnesium include legumes, especially soy. From beans, lentils, peas you can cook very tasty and healthy meals, however, you should not abuse beans for the elderly, since with age, the beans are absorbed by the body much worse and instead of benefit, you can get a severe indigestion.

Foods rich in magnesium. Table

Name Quantity
mg per 100 g
wheat bran 550
Pumpkin seeds 500
cocoa powder 430
Sesame seeds 350
cashew nuts 270
Buckwheat 258
Soya beans 248
Almond 230
Pine nuts 230
Dark chocolate 200
pistachios 200
Cornflakes 200
Peanut 180
Hazelnut 170
brown rice 150
Cereals 135
walnuts 135
Pearl barley 133
Sunflower seeds 125
Halibut 120
Millet 115
Dried white mushrooms 102
Squid 90
milk chocolate 63
Dates 59
Shrimps 50
Cod liver 50
chicken eggs 48
Rye bread 47
Brynza 22

Vegetables fruits

Separately, I would like to highlight vegetables and fruits, on which our health depends to a great extent. Various vegetables and fruits contain less magnesium, but it is present in significant amounts in beets, cabbage, all garden greens, especially beet tops, green peas, and spinach. From fruits, I would like to highlight watermelons and watermelon seeds, bananas, dried apricots, prunes and raisins.

Magnesium in vegetables, fruits. Table

Name Quantity
Watermelon 224
Dried apricots 65
Spinach 60
dill greens 55
Raisin 45
Beet 43
Salad 40
Carrot 38
Green peas 38
Lentils 36
Black currant 31
Bananas 30
kohlrabi cabbage 30
Avocado 29
Cherry 26
Potato 23
Broccoli 21
Tomatoes 20
Parsley 20
apricots 19
Green onion 18
Grape 17
plums 17
White cabbage 16
cucumbers 16
Peaches 16
Radish 13
melons 13
oranges 13
Pears 12
Sweet pepper 11
eggplant 10
Apples 10

Along with magnesium, for its better absorption, it is necessary to increase the amount of foods containing pyridoxine or vitamin B6 in the diet. This vitamin is found in pine nuts, walnuts, in legumes, in fish (tuna, mackerel, sardines), in cereals and beef liver.

The combination of calcium and magnesium for our health

Magnesium can interfere with the absorption of calcium by the body, so it is necessary to control the level of calcium in the blood if you take magnesium supplements for a long time.

For the same reason, magnesium and calcium preparations are not recommended to be taken together. If there is a lack of these two minerals in the body, and you decide to take biological food supplements, then you first need to drink magnesium preparations, and only after that you can take calcium.

Let's watch the video material: what doctors say about the role of magnesium in the human body, and what foods contain magnesium in large quantities.

Signs of excess magnesium in the body

Harmful and even dangerous is not only a lack of magnesium, but also its excess in the body, although an excess of magnesium from food is almost impossible to obtain. But overindulgence magnesium preparations can adversely affect well-being. For this reason, it is impossible to prescribe magnesium preparations for yourself, their intake must be agreed with the doctor in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Symptoms of an excess of magnesium can be:

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • Loss of coordination, unsteady gait;
  • Noticeable slowing of the heart rate;
  • dry mouth;
  • Prolonged nausea without visible reasons, frequent loose stools.

I hope, dear readers, that the information was useful to you, I wish you good health, because it largely depends on ourselves, on our lifestyle.

And for the soul, we will listen today Vladimir Shtertser - For you Romantic video with flowers and beautiful piano music.

see also


    22 Feb 2018 at 1:17