The importance of vitamins for hair growth. What vitamins are needed for healthy hair

Provocateurs of weakening and hair loss are incorrectly chosen shampoos, frequent use of hair dryers and irons, hormonal disorders, low-quality paint, exposure to cold and heat, vitamin deficiency. Most often, the problem occurs due to the latter cause. Unfortunately the diet modern man can not be called high-quality and complete. But with deterioration hairline can be handled, for this you need to use pharmacy vitamins. Today, pharmacies sell great amount hair preparations based on various components.

Essential vitamins for hair

In order for the hair to remain beautiful and strong, grow quickly, they need the following useful material:

  1. Retinol (A). Provides synthesis of keratin, elastin, collagen structures. With a lack of vitamin hairs lose their softness and elasticity, grow dull, begin to split.
  2. Tocopherol (E). It is necessary to accelerate hair growth, protect them from the influence of negative external factors. Deficiency of the substance causes tarnishing, dissection and profuse hair loss.
  3. Ascorbic acid (C). Stimulates growth processes, improves blood circulation in the follicles, prevents baldness. It is a strong antioxidant that prevents free radicals from destroying hair structures.
  4. Thiamine (B 1). Accelerates growth processes, controls the secretion of the sebaceous glands, prevents the development of dandruff and seborrhea. With a lack of substance, the scalp becomes oily and painful, the hairs grow dull and thinner.
  5. Riboflavin (B 2). Promotes active hair growth, regulates the work sebaceous glands. Vitamin deficiency causes basal fat content of the hairline, excision of the tips.
  6. Nicotinic acid (B 3). Provides complete nutrition and hydration of hair follicles. Regulates cell pigmentation, prevents the appearance of early gray hair.
  7. Pantothenic acid (B 5). Strengthens follicles, improves their nutrition. Helps restore hair damaged by frequent curling, drying and coloring. Vitamin deficiency causes dull, greasy, brittle hair.
  8. Pyridoxine (B 6). Has a positive effect on the scalp, prevents the appearance of dermatological diseases. The lack of a substance turns into dandruff and irritation of the scalp.
  9. Inositol (B 8). Strengthens the structure of hair follicles, prevents hair loss. Deficiency of the substance is the cause of baldness.
  10. Folic acid (B 9). Required for quick recovery hair structures. Accelerates growth processes, regulates pigmentation. Due to vitamin deficiency, hair falls out intensively and turns gray prematurely.
  11. Cyanocobalamin (B 12). Increases the strength of the hairs, accelerates the growth of the hairline.
  12. Biotin (H). Normalizes the structure of the hair, controls the synthesis of secretion by the sebaceous glands. Due to the deficiency of the substance, the hair becomes greasy and looks unkempt.
  13. Unsaturated fatty acids (F). Normalize the work of the skin glands, prevent the development of seborrhea. With a lack of acids, the hair weakens, looks greasy and unkempt.

What effects do different vitamins have on hair?

Each beneficial compound affects the hairline in a certain way, gives a specific healing effect. One vitamin, for example, strengthens the hair structure, the other is important so that the hair does not fall out. Therefore, with certain pathologies of the hairline, it is necessary to take specific beneficial substances that can eliminate the problem. The following are vitamins that fall into two categories: those that accelerate hair growth and prevent baldness.

Substances that accelerate growth processes include:

  • retinol - activates the construction of hair structures (collagen tissues, elastin, keratin);
  • vitamin C- normalizes blood circulation in the scalp, accelerates the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles;
  • biotin - controls the amount of sebaceous secretion produced, optimizes hair hydration, prevents them from becoming greasy;
  • a nicotinic acid– normalizes the structure of follicles, improves their functioning;
  • riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acids - stimulate metabolism in the tissues of the head, accelerate the construction of hair structures.

The list of substances that strengthen hair and prevent baldness includes:

  • ascorbic acid - normalizes the supply of hair follicles with blood;
  • tocopherol - blocks the process of hair loss, protects the hairline from negative environmental factors;
  • biotin - slows down hair loss, prevents premature graying;
  • riboflavin - regulates the production of sebaceous secretion, strengthens the structure of hair tissues;
  • pyridoxine - maintains normal metabolism in follicles and hair tissues;
  • inositol - prevents hairs from falling out of the follicles;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - support healthy condition scalp.

The best vitamin preparations for hair

The most purchased and giving excellent results drug

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 700 rubles

The drug is sold in the form of a dragee. The composition contains antioxidants, biotin, carotene, vitamins and yeast extract. Active substances affect the condition of hair, skin, nail plates: eliminate brittle nails, stimulate hair growth, improve appearance. Dragee should be taken 2 times a day. One package includes 60 units - the amount needed for a monthly course.

  • noticeable improvement appearance;
  • optimal set of useful components, no frills;
  • complete restoration of the hair structure;
  • elimination of inflammation and peeling of the skin;
  • strengthening of the nail plates;
  • stimulation of hair growth.

Cons: not found.

The best amino acid set

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1050 rubles

The American vitamin complex is distinguished by the saturation of the component composition. Vitamin A, tocopherol, calciferol, phylloquinone, group B strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition. Iron, magnesium, selenium are trace elements that have a pronounced antioxidant effect, weakening the effect of various stress factors on the scalp and hair follicles. Rutin and flavonoids strengthen capillaries, improve blood circulation in the tissues of the head. Amino acids are involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers and keratin - compounds necessary for the construction of nail, skin and hair tissues.

  • richness of the component composition;
  • active action of amino acids and antioxidants;
  • strengthening nails;
  • noticeable acceleration of hair growth;
  • beneficial effect on the tissues of the head.
  • due to the rich component composition, the drug is not suitable for high-quality and varied eating people, as it can cause hypervitaminosis.

Proven quality

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1700 rubles

The famous American company Solgar produces highly effective drugs from natural and harmless ingredients for adults and children. Vitamin C and amino acids stimulate the building of protein hair structures. Sulfur bound in plant form helps to form keratin. Zinc blocks hair loss. Copper protects the skin tissue on the head from negative external factors.

  • the absence of animal substances in the composition, due to which the drug is suitable for vegetarians;
  • inhibition of graying of hair, age-related changes skin;
  • strengthening nails;
  • prevention of seasonal alopecia.
  • high price;
  • rare appearance in pharmacies, the ability to easily buy only in online stores.

Excellent digestibility of components

Manufacturer: USA

Average price: 1150 rubles

Another powerful and high-quality women's vitamins from an American manufacturer, featuring an optimal component composition. All useful compounds are in easily digestible chelated form. The composition contains all the vitamins necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin, hair, nail plates in girls. Flavonoids strengthen capillaries, normalize blood circulation in the skin tissues of the head. Silicon and iodine, extracted from algae and plant extracts, improve the absorption of nutrients.

  • good digestibility of nutrients;
  • a variety of positive effects on the female body;
  • prevention of delamination of the nail plates;
  • improvement in the condition of the skin;
  • strengthening hair follicles.
  • high price;
  • insufficient number of tablets for a monthly course.

High popularity

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 500 rubles

Actively purchased food supplement from a domestic manufacturer. Quickly eliminates dandruff, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the structure of hairs, heals split ends. Vitamins and mineral elements contained in the preparation have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the follicles, thereby activating hair growth. The complex helps with alopecia, provoked by hormonal imbalance. But with hormonal problems, taking the drug is permissible only after the permission of the doctor. You need to drink 2 capsules per day, in the morning and evening time. Capsules intended for morning administration are colored red, and those indicated for evening administration have White color. The therapeutic course lasts a month.

  • natural composition;
  • a variety of positive effects on the body;
  • ease of use;
  • effectiveness in hair loss;
  • strengthening nails.
  • rather high cost for a domestic drug;
  • increased hair growth not only on the head, but also on other parts of the body, which is why women need frequent hair removal.

The most used preparation with brewer's yeast

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 1600 rubles

Effective and potent medicine stopping hair loss after perms or radiotherapy. The drug quickly restores the hairline even in a severely bald person, unless alopecia is caused hormonal failure. Also, the purpose of the remedy is to improve the thinned and brittle nails. The composition contains vitamins, mineral compounds, high concentrations of keratin, yeast and the most important amino acids for the body. It is recommended to treat hair with the drug for at least 3 months. The medicine is not prescribed for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

  • noticeable benefits for hair growth;
  • positive result noticeable after a month of admission;
  • restoration of damaged hairs;
  • giving softness and density to the hair;
  • healing of nails;
  • the ability of useful components to accumulate in the body.
  • high price;
  • long-term treatment;
  • the need for consultation with a medical specialist;
  • the possibility of side effects.

Triple buff

Manufacturer: UK

Average price: 650 rubles

Imported vitamins in tablets are based solely on natural ingredients. Contains Vitamin C, Biotin, folic acid, iron, iodine, herbal extracts and other substances that are necessary to strengthen and good nutrition hair. The drug is prescribed to quickly solve the problem of baldness, it also activates hair growth, makes nails strong and even, and the skin is smooth and radiant. The vitamins and natural substances contained in the composition increase the resistance of the skin to the influence of ultraviolet radiation and other negative factors, and accelerate tissue regeneration. It is recommended to drink the drug for a month. 1 tablet is taken per day. A positive result becomes noticeable after a couple of weeks of admission. May be used during pregnancy.

  • triple benefit - for hair, skin, nails;
  • Ease of use;
  • the rapid appearance of a positive result;
  • rich component composition;
  • healing effect;
  • the pills are inexpensive for their level of effectiveness.
  • the drug causes a feeling of hunger;
  • in the first days of admission is possible minor violation work of the digestive tract.

Perfect European quality

Manufacturer: France

Average price: 1400 rubles

A high-quality French vitamin complex is designed for an active positive effect on the hairline. The capsules contain extracts of grapes and green tea, as well as amino acids and trace elements important for hair health in optimal daily doses. The active substances of the drug strengthen the hairs in their entire length, prevent baldness, restore the structure of hair tissues, give the hair shine and volume, have a protective effect on the skin and a general tonic effect on the body. According to the instructions, you need to take 2 tablets per day.

  • ease of use, easy swallowing of tablets;
  • rich composition;
  • improving the appearance of hair;
  • significant benefit for restoring the structure of hairs;
  • effective action against baldness;
  • accelerate the appearance of new hairs.
  • high price;
  • the ability to purchase not in any pharmacy;
  • long wait for an acceptable effect.


Optimal natural composition

Manufacturer: Hungary

Average price: 900 rubles

Good vitamins for strengthening hair, blocking baldness processes, improving the structure of the nail plates and the condition of the skin. The composition contains trace elements, yeast, amino acids - compounds that protect the hairline from negative external factors. Also, the drug contains plant extracts that improve the nutrition and hydration of hair and skin tissues. The treatment is long, for a lasting positive effect, it is better to drink the complex for 3 months. Pregnant women and patients with nail fungus should use the drug with extreme caution.

  • natural composition;
  • rapid cessation of hair loss;
  • prevention of premature graying;
  • minimal side effects.
  • high dosage - 3 units per day;
  • rare appearance in the pharmacy network.

Optimal composition

Manufacturer: Germany

Average price: 460 rubles

The German vitamin-mineral complex is characterized by an optimally selected composition, does not have unnecessary additives, and includes only substances important for hair. Biotin, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers. Zinc strengthens follicles, is responsible for building hair tissue. Oil extract of wheat germ provides the body with vitamin E and fatty acids, and the extract of millet grains - antioxidants. You need to drink 1 tablet per day.

  • high efficiency;
  • tablets are cheap for their level of quality;
  • optimally selected components;
  • noticeable hair growth;
  • improvement in the condition of the nails.
  • long wait for a positive effect;
  • one package is not enough for a full course of admission;
  • the drug rarely appears in pharmacies;
  • The tablets are large and difficult to swallow.
  • an allergic reaction may occur.

The most economical hair product

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 360 rubles

Vitamin and mineral preparation Russian production differs in saturated component composition. Each tablet includes 11 vitamins and 8 mineral elements, as well as a tea extract, which is a strong antioxidant. Daily dose - 1 tablet.

  • excellent combination of price and quality;
  • the drug can be seen in any pharmacy;
  • the tablets are small and easy to swallow;
  • the complex is effective against hair loss;
  • improvement of the condition of the nail plates;
  • positive influence on well-being, increasing the tone of the body;
  • elimination of minor peeling of the skin;
  • useful substances in the tablet are in the optimal daily amount.
  • a large number of auxiliary components;
  • the presence of synthetic additives in the composition;
  • The lid of the jar is not equipped with child protection.

Effective for hair loss

Manufacturer: Denmark

Average price: 900 rubles

A high-quality food supplement based on useful substances responsible for strengthening the structure of hair tissues. The main components are silicon and group B compounds. The composition also contains biotin, which accelerates the formation of hair and nail tissues, prevents baldness, and horsetail extract, which stimulates regeneration processes in cells. The prophylactic course involves taking orally 1 tablet per day for 2 months, and the treatment course - taking 2 units per day for 1 month.

  • high efficiency;
  • fast action, a positive result is noted after a couple of weeks;
  • carefully selected composition;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • strengthening of hair tissues;
  • giving beauty and shine to the hair;
  • restoration of the structure of the nail plates.
  • rather high cost;
  • a package containing 60 tablets is not enough for both a preventive and a therapeutic course.

Biologically active substances for deep healing hair

Manufacturer: Italy

Average price: 2100 rubles

High quality drug in ampoules for intensive care hair. A solution with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, herbal ingredients and animal placenta extract is recommended to block baldness processes and normalize hair growth. Active ingredients useful for improving blood circulation in the follicles and skin tissues of the head. One pack includes 12 ampoules of 10 mg. The ampoule solution should not be pricked, but rubbed into the scalp. The medicine is distributed over the skin using a pipette attached to the ampoules. Procedures are carried out every day for 1.5 months. After the course, it is necessary to make a monthly pause, then the therapy can be repeated if necessary.

  • ease of application with a pipette;
  • no need to rinse;
  • a positive result is noted quickly;
  • the solution smells good;
  • active substances contribute to the disappearance of dandruff;
  • noticeable acceleration of growth and increase in hair density;
  • Can be used to strengthen eyelashes.
  • very high cost;
  • the inability to buy in the pharmacy network, the product is available only through online stores;
  • prohibition to use during lactation due to the content of placental components.

Noticeable firming effect

Manufacturer: Slovenia

Average price: 340 rubles

Good vitamins that positively affect not only the structure of the hairs, but also the appearance of the hairline. The composition contains yeast, amino acids, mineral elements and other compounds that prevent hair loss, stimulate the nutrition of hair and skin tissues. It is indicated to take 1 capsule per day. The course of admission lasts 2 months. The drug can be found in the pharmacy network.

  • strengthening the structure of hairs;
  • acceleration of hair growth;
  • improving the appearance of the hairline;
  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • low cost.
  • inadmissibility of use in childhood.

The best Russian vitamins with the addition of amino acids

Manufacturer: Russia

Average price: 860 rubles

A popular domestic manufacturer of dietary supplements produces a high-quality remedy for hair loss. The composition contains vitamin C, amino acids, zinc, copper, as well as fucus extract, which is a supplier of trace elements to the body. This drug can be chosen as a good replacement for expensive imported products.

  • good combination of price and efficiency;
  • reduction of hair loss;
  • elimination of fragility of the nail plates;
  • restoration of weakened and damaged hairs.
  • large tablets that are difficult to swallow.

Mixing vitamins with shampoo

Apart from internal reception vitamin complexes, you can pierce solutions of retinol and tocopherol. These two vitamins are recommended to be used in injections, when the situation with the hairline is deplorable, because of the vitamin deficiency, the hair climbs very strongly.

Also, ampoule solutions of vitamins can be added to shampoos. Various substances are used as additives, but it is best to dissolve group B compounds in care products. If desired, several vitamins can be mixed into one solution. Most importantly, before using a fortified shampoo, it is advisable to do a skin test for allergies.

Enriched with useful substances shampoo helps to cope with almost all problems of hair and scalp. The exception is alopecia caused by hormonal changes and pathologies of internal organs.

Hair masks with vitamins

For the preparation of masks, vitamins A, E, group B in ampoule form are used. Vitamins, individually or in combination, are added to both homemade and store-bought masks. The optimal dose for a single use is one ampoule. It is best to use retinol, tocopherol, inositol, compounds B 6 and B 12 for masks.

The number of vitamin complexes that attract pharmacy visitors with invocative promises and bright labels is very large. Sometimes, due to the huge assortment, it can be difficult for customers to choose suitable drug to strengthen and grow hair or solve other problems. It is optimal if the complex will include certain vitamins needed in each specific case. We will help you find out what exactly is suitable for stimulating the regrowth of curls and how to properly use drugs in ampoules, capsules or tablets.

Vitamins needed for hair growth

  1. BUT. Strengthens the roots, prevents strands from falling out, activates their growth. Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. IN 1. Its deficiency provokes dryness and fragility of the hair. If the hair is constantly breaking off, it will not be possible to grow luxurious hair.
  3. IN 2. Responsible for the healthy shine of curls. Without this component, the strands quickly become greasy, the tips begin to fork.
  4. B3 (RR​). It is also called nicotinic acid. It is necessary for rich hair color, their density, prevention of early gray hair. Stimulates blood circulation and accelerates the growth of strands.
  5. AT 6. Enhances hair growth, stops hair loss, soothes pruritus and helps fight dandruff. Vitamin p6 promotes the absorption of other useful elements and makes the hair thick and shiny.
  6. AT 9. It activates the growth of strands, stops alopecia and strengthens the structure of the hair shafts.
  7. AT 10 O'CLOCK. It nourishes the dermis of the head, slows down the aging of the hair and allows them to grow at a normal rate.
  8. AT 12. Brittleness, dryness, loss of curls - all these symptoms may indicate a lack of vitamin B 12.
  9. FROM. Stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes hair follicles, prevents falling out.
  10. D. Gives curls elasticity, elasticity and silkiness. Thanks to him, the hair shimmers with a beautiful shine and is distinguished by splendor.
  11. E. The famous antioxidant that accelerates cell regeneration. Gives curls elasticity, shine, silkiness, stimulates their growth, stops the split ends and alopecia.
  12. H. Its other name is B7, biotin or "beauty vitamin". Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, makes curls smooth and shiny. The deficiency of this element results in strong fallout hair.

What products contain

For the health of the hair, many different trace elements are required. With the right balanced diet the body, as a rule, does not experience a deficiency of nutrients, which positively affects the general well-being and condition of the hair. The strands do not fall out, grow at a normal speed, shine beautifully, have a rich color, are smooth and elastic.

People who wisely form their diet are less likely to experience high fat content or dry hair, suffer less from seborrhea and other skin ailments than those who neglect wholesome food.

To accelerate the growth of curls, you need to drink kefir or milk, eat cottage cheese, fish, liver, meat, nuts, eggs. Favorably affect the hair follicles vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereal crops and bran. We have summarized all the recommendations of experts to help you make correct mode nutrition and solve the problem of slow growth of strands. What products contribute to the rapid growth of hair, read on our website.

Important! In addition to food, the condition of the hair is affected by compliance with the rules for caring for the hair, the absence of stress, maintaining healthy lifestyle life, well-established work of internal organs, other factors.

Vitamin tablets

If you go to a pharmacy, pharmacists and pharmacists will offer you several drugs in tablet form: certain vitamins (for example, folic or nicotinic acid), vitamin complexes (Complivit, Aevit and others) or dietary supplements containing additional active substances (plant extracts, yeast, minerals).

For right choice it is necessary to find out the reason why the hair began to grow slowly, and which element they lack: vitamin D, A or E. Without a qualified consultation of a specialist, you are unlikely to manage. In addition, the doctor will advise which of the pharmacy variety is best suited in your case.


Some vitamins for hair growth are well combined with each other, while others, on the contrary, interfere with the process of assimilation of other useful elements. To obtain maximum benefit from taking drugs you need to know which trace elements can or cannot be drunk together:

  1. Vitamins A should be supplemented with C and a small amount of E.
  2. The tandem of B2 with B3, B6, B9 and K is considered successful. In addition to all these elements, it is permissible to connect B3 with H.
  3. B5 is in harmony with other vitamins of its group: B1, B2, B4, B9, B12, as well as ascorbic acid.
  4. B2 pairs best with B6 and B9 with C.
  5. Ascorbic acid itself interacts well with A, E, B5 and B9.
  6. B7 works best with E, folic acid, and zinc.
  7. Vitamin D should be taken along with calcium and phosphorus.
  8. In addition to E, you can add C and selenium to help strengthen hair.
  9. K is combined with B2 and calcium.

Vitamins, which are indicated as optimal for a particular element, are also perfectly absorbed with each other.

The rule is to drink vitamin complexes only with water did not come out of nowhere. Coffee, tea, dairy products impair the absorption of nutrients. Between taking vitamins and these drinks should be at least 4-6 hours. The same interval is recommended for elements that are not recommended to drink together. These include:

  • B1 does not like his "classmates": B2, B3, B6 and B12;
  • B5 is worse absorbed in the company of copper, and B2 is also in combination with iron;
  • do not take B9 and zinc together;
  • perhaps the most antagonists in B12. These are A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E;
  • drink ascorbic acid separately from B1 and B12. The same couple is contraindicated for tandem with B6;
  • vitamins D and E have a bad effect on each other;
  • another bad cocktail - K, E and A

Attention! The wrong combination of vitamins in complexes or in the form of individual tablets has Negative consequences. You drink drugs, hoping to improve hair growth, but you get a deficiency of certain elements, because they are less absorbed.

Rules and reception schemes

Any tool contains instructions for use, which gives specific instructions regarding the time, duration, frequency and characteristics of the reception. But still There are several general recommendations:

  • it is preferable to take the tablets in the morning. B vitamins can be taken in the evening: they additionally calm the nervous system;
  • the exception is two-component preparations, where one tablet is intended for the day, the other for the night
  • be sure to drink the product with water;
  • do not take tablets on an empty stomach, do it with or after meals;
  • increase your intake pure water to regulate the balance of water-soluble vitamins (so that there is no hypervitaminosis);
  • The approximate course of treatment is 1 month. Sometimes you can continuously drink vitamin preparations for 3 months;
  • observe a break between cycles of reception. It should last about six months.

It is believed that the body absorbs exactly the amount of vitamins that it needs for full functioning. The rest are excreted with liquid.


The vitamin-mineral complex improves the condition of the hair, acting in several directions: strengthening the roots, restoring the hair shafts, reducing the fragility of the strands. The drug is used to treat alopecia, although it is not a medicine. It's just that Alerana contains a lot of elements that are useful for hair. Which ones - you will learn from the review material, which contains full information about this tool.

Under this brand, several different complexes are produced that can improve the condition of hair and nails, replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals. The budget cost of drugs makes them popular among women: one package can be bought at a price of 300-350 rubles. We will tell you in detail about the features, compositions and benefits of the popular Complivit Radiance and Growth Formula complexes.

The vitamin complex contains vitamins, microelements, yeast extract and other useful substances. All this activates hair growth, prevents brittleness and loss of strands, normalizes the secretion of sebum, heals the skin, nails and the body as a whole. The cost of the complex depends on the number of tablets (60 or 90) and ranges from 700-1500 rubles. We will analyze in detail the composition of the Merz dragee and tell you the features of its reception in the next article ...

Contrary to obsessive associations, this element is not related to nicotine from tobacco products, but is used to improve the color of strands, strengthen follicles and accelerate hair growth. Favorably affects the condition of the skin, eyelashes, eyebrows. Its other name is vitamin PP. One of the cheapest remedies (15–40 rubles for 50 tablets) has serious contraindications and causes many side effects. We will explain why you should not stop taking nicotinic acid for some symptoms and when drug withdrawal is mandatory.

Vitamin B9 is known under this name, especially popular among women, since it improves the condition of hair and nails, insures against early gray hair. Folic acid strengthens the roots and is able to revitalize the hair follicles by saturating them with oxygen. This favorably affects the growth of strands. The price of a miracle remedy is only about 30-40 rubles for 50 tablets. You can also buy the drug in ampoules. Find out how to replenish your body's B9 reserves with food or use folic acid as part of masks.

Vitamins Honey Teddy Hair is a well-chosen combination of vitamins, trace elements that can improve the condition of hair and accelerate their growth. Already after a month of regular use, the manufacturer promises significant transformations, soft, silky hair, a solution to the problem of dryness and excessive hair loss. Please note that the cost of multivitamins is somewhat overpriced, because they are made in the form of gelatin bears. This feature distinguishes them from other vitamin-mineral complexes.

Vitamins in ampoules, capsules

Vitamin injection for intramuscular injection no need to poke. You can add the contents of the ampoule to any cosmetic product or simply distribute it over the scalp.

It is even easier to use preparations in capsules to accelerate hair growth. It is enough to drink them according to the instructions for a certain time, from 1 to 3 months. It is not necessary to open the capsules so as not to reduce their effectiveness. By the way, both forms of vitamin products can be found in different price categories, from cheap to expensive.


As part of this drug, there are only 2 components, but which ones! Vitamins A and E improve immunity, eliminate dry skin, make it more elastic, accelerate hair growth and stop strands from falling out. Inexpensive tool you can buy in ampoules or capsules, while spending only 50-100 rubles. Learn about the most effective ways the use of the drug Aevit and what effect it will have on your hair, nails and skin in our article.

The lack of this vitamin affects primarily the strands. They lose their luster, become dry, fall out, turn gray early. Perhaps the appearance of dandruff. Biotin deficiency can be replenished with food, tablets or ampoules. We will give detailed recommendations how to use the injection solution on your own, adding it to masks and other cosmetic products.

The list of components of the German drug includes B vitamins, useful not only for hair, but also for nervous system, immunity. Judging by the high positions in the ratings, Milgamma fulfills the promises of the manufacturer and helps to enhance the growth of curls, strengthen the strands, make them shine, and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. The tool is available in ampoules, dragees and in the form of a cream, so it can be injected intramuscularly, rubbed into the scalp (solution for injection), and also drunk in courses. The features and rules for the use of Milgamma outlined by us will help you choose suitable way hair treatment.

well maintained long hair have always been an indicator of the beauty and physical well-being of a woman. Artificial extensions and expensive procedures for hair growth will not suit everyone's pocket and taste.

There are many masks, oils, balms and serums on the cosmetic market to accelerate hair growth. But not always their use helps to achieve the result. More often, an additional effect “from the inside” is required, that is, the intake of vitamins.

Usually, hair lengthens by 1 cm in a month. But growth can slow down due to illness, stress, heredity, poor ecology, and medication. The lack of minerals and vitamins is one of the main reasons for slow hair growth. Vitamins and vitamin complexes will correct the situation.

Vitamins that stimulate hair growth

Vitamins for hair growth are used in one of two ways:

  • externally (applied to the hair or added to the hair product);
  • internally (taking vitamins as drugs, eating fortified foods).

The second method will be more effective, because this way vitamins are absorbed faster.

The first method also has advantages. When applied externally, the likelihood of allergies is reduced, negative impact on the stomach. But in the case of adding vitamins to shampoo or mask chemical reaction unpredictable, and the penetration of the vitamin through the scalp is negligible. We recommend not to add vitamins to the hair product. Better at home, apply vitamin liquid to clean, wet hair and scalp.

Whatever way you choose to take vitamins for hair growth, you should know what vitamins are needed for hair growth.

These include:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (b1-b3, b6-b10, b12).
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin C.

Let's figure out how each of these vitamins affects the structure and growth of hair.

B vitamins:

  1. Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Strengthens hair, improves color.
  2. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Prevents brittleness and dryness of hair.
  3. Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). Provides rich color, eliminates dullness.
  4. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Eliminates hair loss, activates growth.
  5. Vitamin B7 (biotin). Helps maintain healthy hair.
  6. Vitamin B9 (folic acid). Increases the activity of hair growth, restores and strengthens the hair structure.
  7. Vitamin B10 (RABA). Prevents hair loss, maintains natural color, prevents early graying.
  8. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Prevents the process of hair loss, enhances hair growth.

They also help hair growth:

  1. Vitamin A (retinol). Improves hair elasticity, prevents hair loss and dryness.
  2. Vitamin E. Nourishes hair roots, makes them silky and shiny.
  3. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Improves blood circulation, contributing to the acceleration of growth and compaction of the hair shaft.
  4. Vitamin D (calciferol). Stimulates growth, saturates hair follicles and scalp. Prevents fragility of rods, loss of natural shine.

Top 5 vitamin complexes for hair growth

AT vivo hair growth is slow, and without proper nutrition, they deteriorate and become problematic. This phenomenon is associated with a lack of vitamins. Vitamin complexes for hair growth, which are sold in pharmacies, will help to replenish the balance.


Fitoval is a mineral-vitamin complex, which contains B vitamins, L-cystine, micro- and macroelements (zinc, copper, iron), medical yeast.

Fitoval is used in the following cases:

  • severe hair loss;
  • violation of the process of growth and renewal of hair.

Subject to the rules of taking the medicine, the blood supply to the hair roots increases and the structure improves. These factors have a positive effect on the increase in hair length.

Fitoval is available in the form of capsules, dermatological shampoo and lotion.

Lady's formula. For hair, skin and nails

If you dream of strong and thick curls, then pay attention to these vitamins for hair growth in women.

The composition of the drug includes natural beneficial ingredients: B vitamins, zinc, L-cysteine, gelatin, extracts of kelp and horsetail algae, burdock root. Such a rich composition has a positive effect on the condition of the hair, strengthening and eliminating frequent loss. Lady's formula is also used for thinning and fragility of the hair shaft.

The drug is sold in the form of capsules.

Series "Hair Expert" from Evalar

A new development from the company "Evalar" was created for people suffering from hair problems. A series of products "Expert for Hair" contains B vitamins (cystine, biatin, taurine), horsetail extract, brewer's yeast autolysate, zinc oxide. It additionally includes nutritious and restorative trace elements: acids (citric, ascorbic, lactic, glycolic), panthenol, salicylate and sodium ascorbate.

The composition reduces hair loss, increases volume, adds shine. And this increases the chances of growing long, thick hair.

Available in the form of tablets, shampoo, lotion and hair balm.

If the condition of your hair is far from ideal, try picking up vitamins to strengthen the roots and curls. But which ones are the best? Read reviews and opinions to choose what is right for you.

What vitamins do our hair need?

To begin with, we list the vitamins that make our hair beautiful and thick:

  • "BUT". Retinol, firstly, is involved in the production of so-called building proteins, which are part of our hair and other tissues. Secondly, it stimulates the active synthesis of collagen and elastin and protects the hair from the extremely negative effects of adverse factors. environment. Thirdly, retinol improves the blood supply to the root zone.
  • group vitamins "AT" are also needed. They take an active part in cell regeneration, ensure proper blood circulation and supply the roots with all the necessary nutrients, accelerate all metabolic processes, as well as stimulate hair growth and significantly improve their structure.
  • "E" necessary for moisturizing, without which the hair would be lifeless, brittle and thin.
  • "FROM" strengthens blood vessels, including those located in the scalp and supplying hair follicles with everything necessary.

What vitamin complexes to take?

So, what vitamins to strengthen hair and roots should be taken? We list the most common, as well as give a description and reviews about them:

  1. "Vita Charm"- domestic multivitamin preparation, which is available in the form of tablets (each coated). Take these vitamins daily, one tablet. The composition includes substances such as retinol, thiamine, nicotinamide, riboflavin. This remedy It has a positive effect not only on the hair, but also on the skin and nail plates. The opinion of consumers proves that the drug is very effective. Its cost is about 170 rubles for 30 tablets.

    The drug "Vita charm"

    User Review:

    Feedback from “Oksana1994”

  2. « Doppelhertz active: vitamins for healthy hair and nails. There are not only vitamins, but also various plant extracts, as well as minerals. All these components strengthen curls and make them healthy and attractive. hosted this drug satisfied, and its price is about 270-300 rubles.

    "Doppelgerz asset: vitamins for healthy hair and nails"

  3. "Perfectil". In that combined preparation contains many nutrients necessary to strengthen and improve hair. Your hair will be protected from the influence of environmental factors and will acquire a healthy structure. You need to take one capsule after meals only once a day, which is very convenient. The cost of the drug is about 450 rubles, and many do not like this price.

    The drug "Perfectil"

  4. - a complex preparation of American production, which has a balanced composition, which includes not only minerals and vitamins known to everyone, but also useful plant components. There are many indications for use, among them is hair strengthening. You need to take two tablets per day. The price of the product is about 1500 rubles (for 60 tablets), but the reviews about the complex are the most positive.

  5. . It is a vitamin and mineral combined complex, which is a dietary supplement. All those who took the remedy were satisfied and noticed changes in better side a few weeks later. The cost of the supplement is about 300 rubles for a pack of 30 tablets.

  6. "Revalid"- a vitamin preparation designed specifically to strengthen hair, as well as to combat hair loss. The course of treatment lasts a month, a day is needed
    Take three tablets (one after each main meal). The remedy costs about 900 rubles (for 90 tablets), many people who took the drug were satisfied with the effect.

    Vitamin preparation"Revalid"

  7. . This dietary supplement contains vitamins, minerals, as well as natural extracts (yeast, for example), which have a positive effect on hair and nail tissues. Most of the reviews are positive, and the cost is relatively low (about 600 rubles for 60 tablets).

    User Review:

There are other means, but they are less popular and in demand.

Remember that vitamins to strengthen hair should be selected by a specialist, since the reasons for the deterioration of your curls can be very diverse.

Life in a modern metropolis is endless everyday life, eternal traffic jams, fatigue, respectively, all these aspects affect the hair, legs and skin of the fair sex. Active and modern women are at risk of hair damage, dullness, etc. To care for hair, create and maintain thick and healthy hair, the fair sex does absolutely everything. After all, beautiful and healthy hair says a lot about its owner, and also serve as a sign of femininity and grooming.

In the list of drugs that give hair vitality, volume and beauty, promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, vitamins occupy an important position. Consider what vitamins are useful for our hair, which ones useful properties and have features. Your attention is presented Top 10 best vitamins for hair 2018.

On a note!

To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions and without interrupting the course of treatment. However, you should consult your doctor before using.

The best remedies for hair loss and hair growth

10. Complivit Hair Growth Formula capsules 30 capsules

Biologically active additives in the form of capsules accelerate the process of hair restoration, have antioxidant properties. Vitamins are equipped with all necessary elements for healthy hair growth: vitamins A, C, E, B6, B5, as well as zinc, copper, manganese. The duration of the drug is 1 month. Vitamin effectively promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss and brittleness.


  • Maximum efficiency;
  • Prevents hair loss and dullness;
  • Restores the structure of the hair;
  • Maintaining hair moisture;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Affordable price.


  • Perhaps the appearance of bloating;
  • Contraindicated in pregnant women.

Vitamin complex contributes to the growth of healthy hair, maintaining vitality and shine. Vitamin and mineral composition is a source of enrichment of the body with amino acids and minerals micro and macro elements necessary for hair growth. Also, the drug increases the density of hair, providing them with a healthy shine, has favorable influence on the scalp, prevents hair loss and split ends. The drug protects the hair follicles and has an antioxidant and strengthening effect. Vitamins must be used strictly according to the instructions: 1 tablet "Day" - in the afternoon or in the morning, and 1 tablet "Night" in the evening.


  • Reduced brittleness;
  • Improving the condition of the scalp;
  • Affordable price;
  • Increased immunity;
  • No side effects;
  • Good vitamin composition;
  • Hair growth and strengthening;
  • Positive reviews.


  • Bulk size tablets.

A nutritional supplement with an improved formula containing vitamins, herbs and minerals. The drug effectively fights hair loss. The composition of the drug includes biotin, which stabilizes blood sugar levels, promotes the process of burning fat, improves the functioning of the nervous system. At correct application the drug, the hair becomes much stronger, grows faster and does not fall out.


  • Affordable cost;
  • Maximum efficiency;
  • Improves the structure of the skin and hair;
  • Strong hair;
  • Healthy hair shine;
  • Useful vitamin composition;
  • Noticeable result;
  • Prevents hair split;
  • The appearance of new hair;
  • Beneficial effect on nails and skin.


  • Not detected.

The most effective hair growth stimulator reduces hair loss. In addition to the positive effect on the hair and scalp, dietary supplements, which include vitamins, minerals and amino acids, have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. Clinical Research it has been proven that after 10 weeks of use, the drug reduces hair loss by 46%. The vitamin preparation nourishes the hair follicles, providing them with the missing components.


  • Nourishes hair follicles;
  • Reduced hair loss;
  • Stimulates hair growth;
  • Thick hair;
  • Stimulates follicles that are at rest;
  • Suitable for both women and men.


  • Price.

Thanks to its miraculous properties, hair oil has entered our rating. Perhaps these are the best vitamins for hair loss. The oil is intended for severely damaged hair, vitamins provide moisture to the hair, giving it a healthy shine, softness and silkiness. The main composition of the vitamin, which instantly restores damaged hair structure: argan oil and jojoba oil. Jojoba oil is responsible for moisturizing the hair for 24 hours, balances the production of sebum, and most importantly contains amino acids responsible for collagen and elasticity. Argan oil, on the other hand, contains the lion's share of vitamin E necessary for strengthening hair, and the oil also nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, while improving blood circulation of the hair follicles, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, providing antifungal and antibacterial effects.


  • Convenient price;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Noticeable result after the first application;
  • Softness and silkiness of hair;
  • Moisturizing the skin;
  • Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • Useful, balanced composition;
  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • natural remedy;
  • UV protection;
  • Exclusively positive reviews consumers;
  • Suitable for all types of hair;
  • Does not leave a greasy effect;
  • Does not tangle hair;
  • Antibacterial action.


  • Difficult to find for sale.

Multi-vitamin complex as the main components of which are the most necessary for giving vitality to hair, vitamins of group B, MSM and biotin. Also, the vitamin complex is rich in restorative elements: vitamins A, E, C, selenium, iodine, zinc, copper, calcium, each of which protects and cares for hair in its own way. The preparation is ideal for vegetarians, does not contain artificial colors, flavors, does not contain soy milk and gluten.


  • Gluten free;
  • Quality product;
  • Maximum efficiency;
  • Positive reviews;
  • Suitable for vegetarians;
  • Rich mineral composition;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Improves the condition of the skin and nails.


  • High price.

4. Evalar - for skin, hair, nails tablets 60 pcs

Belonging to the categories of dietary supplements, the remedy has a positive effect not only on the hair, but also on the skin and nails. It daily provides the body with nourishing and regenerating elements that preserve the natural beauty. Sulfur is the main component of the building blocks of hair - keratin and collagen. It is the sulfur-containing amino acids that the preparation contains required amount, are the basis good growth healthy hair. As part of the preparation, proteins containing amino acids, zinc, copper, vitamin C comprehensively care for hair, nails and skin. The course lasts at least 2 months.


  • Suitable for vegetarians;
  • Without GMO;
  • Gluten free;
  • Fresh, radiant skin;
  • Strong nails;
  • Thick hair;
  • Vitamin composition;
  • Affordable price.


  • Not recommended during pregnancy;
  • Not recommended during lactation.

The balanced and rich composition of the vitamin complex improves the structure of hair and skin. Solgar's formula is specifically designed to stimulate collagen, a key ingredient for skin, hair and nails. Vitamin C and copper keep hair looking healthy and shiny, as well as protecting it from external influences. Zinc in the composition of the drug, reduces hair loss. Methylsulfonylmethane, also known as MSM, is a sulfur compound needed to create keratin. The drug is an excellent option for vegetarians, since it does not contain animal components. It's safe to say that Solgar are the best vitamins for hair and nails.


  • Gluten free;
  • Quality product;
  • Kosher product;
  • Suitable for vegetarians;
  • Maximum efficiency;
  • Rich mineral composition.


  • High price.

Due to his useful composition, vitamins take care of the hair, giving it a noticeable shine, strength. Wheat germ oil, equipped with vitamins F, A, K, B, has healing and antioxidant properties. Horsetail dry extract provides collagen, which makes hair smooth and silky. Vitamin PP as part of the preparation activates hair growth and strengthens their roots. As part of the enzymes necessary for cellular respiration, vitamin PP stimulates the supply of oxygen to the hair follicles. Hair becomes thicker due to improved blood circulation in hair follicles, due to wheat germ oil.


  • Affordable price;
  • Balanced and rich composition;
  • Stimulates hair growth;
  • Thick and silky hair;
  • Quality product;
  • Does not cause allergies and itching;
  • Optimal capsule size;
  • Ideal value for money;
  • Verified brand.


  • After a month of use, it is worth continuing the course.

1. DHC vitamin-vegetable complex for hair 30 days

Closes our rating of vitamins for hair miraculous vitamin- plant complex DHC. This complex gives the hair shine, makes it thick, and also enhances hair growth and helps to strengthen them. The package contains 90 tablets and the course is designed for 30 days. The vitamin complex contains Pueraria Mirifica extract, millet extract, selenium and other vitamins. Pueraria Mirifica is a plant containing estrogen, it has a beneficial effect not only on the scalp and hair, but also on general health. Selenium prevents hair from breaking, B vitamins enhance hair growth, give shine and strength. If you feel unwell, you should stop using the drug.


  • Thick and lush hair;
  • Improvement of blood circulation of the scalp;
  • Glitter hair;
  • Prevents cross-section;
  • Noticeable result;
  • Strengthening immunity;