What is scraping after childbirth. Mandatory cleaning after childbirth

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Cleansing the uterus is a gynecological procedure that can be both therapeutic and diagnostic. There are many indications for this procedure. We will consider the reasons why this operation may be required in the postpartum period.


According to the rules, a woman for five days after the birth of a baby is in maternity hospital under the supervision of doctors. During this period, the gynecologist evaluates her general state, defining the following:

  • body temperature;
  • discharge from the uterus;
  • the condition of the seams;
  • the state of the birth canal;
  • the general well-being of the woman.

Be sure on the second or third day the woman goes to ultrasound procedure pelvic organs. And if the examination shows the presence in the uterus of particles of the placenta, membranes or copious clots blood, then these are direct indications for cleaning the uterus. More specifically, these complications are associated with a strong fusion of the placenta with the uterus, which did not allow the tissues to freely exit in the second phase of labor.

Some women actively resist this procedure, forgetting that the presence of foreign tissues in the uterus is a breeding ground for microorganisms. Their active reproduction can cause purulent inflammatory processes that cannot be cured while the uterus is foreign body. In addition, the presence of organic residues significantly reduces the contractility of the uterus, and this, in turn, is a direct path to infection and the development of serious postpartum complications.

Operation steps

Cleansing of the uterus occurs under general anesthesia. Technically, this procedure resembles curettage of the uterus after unwanted pregnancy. Consider the steps of the operation:

  1. Before the procedure - examination of the female genital organs and their treatment with antiseptics - ethyl alcohol and iodine.
  2. Slow mechanical expansion of the cervix using dilators of different diameters.
  3. Curettage of the upper layer of the uterus. As a result of this procedure, all the remains of the placenta and blood clots are removed.

In addition to the usual curettage procedure, vacuum cleaning of the uterus can be used. Unlike manual method this method is less traumatic for the uterus and it is possible to perform it under local anesthesia.

Postoperative period

After cleaning, the woman stays in the hospital under the supervision of doctors for several days. In the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed medication:

  • antibiotic therapy in the form of injections;
  • taking drugs that stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus;
  • treatment of the external genitalia with an antiseptic solution for at least five days.

Treatment of a woman is prescribed strictly in individually in accordance with the characteristics of her body.

After cleaning, the uterus resembles an open bleeding wound. Therefore, the discharge can last up to ten days. Most heavy discharge observed within a few hours after surgery. Then they become moderate. After six days, the discharge changes and becomes brown. Completely they pass only by the tenth day. After cleaning the uterus, a woman may feel pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which will pass as the amount of discharge decreases.

During discharge, a woman is strictly contraindicated:

  • use tampons;
  • douche;
  • exercise excessive physical exercise including any sports prohibited.

After the operation, the woman is also contraindicated breast-feeding. This is due to drug treatment that penetrates into mother's milk and can adversely affect the health of the baby. In addition, the procedure for cleaning the uterus is very painful and at first the woman feels bad, sometimes being unable to care for the baby. After a course of treatment, a woman can resume breastfeeding.

Complications after surgery

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth is an unsafe procedure, as it can cause complications:

  • violation of the integrity of the walls of the uterus;
  • infection;
  • severe blood loss;
  • infertility;
  • inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • the formation of adhesions;
  • the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity.

Moderate discharge after surgery is normal. However, in cases where after cleaning the discharge is not observed or they stopped very quickly, it is worth seeking the advice of a specialist. This may be due to the accumulation big clots blood in the uterine cavity.

You should not be afraid of this operation. Indeed, if there are indications and untimely conduct of this manipulation, the risk of complications is much higher, up to the loss of the uterus. The most important thing is to choose a highly qualified practitioner who has more than a dozen such operations on his account.

Useful video about curettage of the uterus after childbirth

Curettage is a procedure for removing the mucous membrane from the inner wall of the uterine cavity by surgical intervention. In medical circles, curettage is called curettage. This name came from the fact that the removal of the mucosa occurs with a special pointed instrument - a curette.

The curette is very similar in shape to a spoon. There can be many reasons for scraping. But all these reasons can be combined into two directions: diagnostic and therapeutic (therapeutic). Already from the name it can be understood that diagnostic curettage carried out in case of various gynecological problems who require for their permission additional diagnostics. Therapeutic curettage, in turn, is prescribed to eliminate problems women's health surgically.

Curettage after childbirth

Curettage after childbirth is carried out in order to remove the remnants of the postpartum resolution of pregnancy from the uterine cavity. These leftovers could be:

Child's place (placenta).

Blood clots in the uterine cavity. To allow the walls of the uterus to contract unhindered and to avoid inflammatory process and so weakened by the birth of the genital organs of a woman, blood clots must be removed. Cleaning of the uterine cavity can be carried out immediately after childbirth or for several days after the baby is born.

Sometimes curettage may be needed for an abortion with a frozen or abnormally developing fetus. If a frozen pregnancy is detected during an ultrasound scan of a pregnant woman, the uterine cavity must be cleaned immediately. This will help to avoid unnecessary problems with a woman's health.

Curettage procedure after childbirth

To begin with, let's look at how the scraping procedure is generally carried out. Mucosal scraping inside the walls of the uterine cavity is a real surgical operation that requires anesthesia of the patient and complete sterility in the operating room. The cleaning procedure itself will not be painful. Pain appears on initial stage surgical intervention when the woman's cervix opens. To penetrate the uterus, the surgeon gradually dilates the cervix with the help of special dilators (tubes of various diameters).

After sufficient expansion of the passage channel, the doctor directly carries out the scraping procedure itself, using a pointed curette. During cleaning, it is very important to remove the entire layer of the mucous membrane. The remaining uncleaned areas can cause an undesirable inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. Today's gynecological surgery for high-quality gynecological cleaning along with curettage uses hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy is a procedure for examining the uterine cavity using a special video camera inserted inside the uterus. Figuratively speaking, these are the eyes of a surgeon performing a curettage operation. The entire cleaning procedure can take up to 40 minutes.

Curettage after childbirth is also carried out according to the above principle. The only difference of this procedure is that the cervix is ​​already open (postpartum effect). This operation does not require prior anesthesia for the patient's body.

Postoperative Recovery

The scraping procedure, in fact, is very similar to the process of bleeding during normal menstruation. What is in the first, what in the second case is the removal of the mucous membrane intrauterine cavity. Only in the first case this happens forcibly, and in the second case it is a natural process for female body. After surgery, as well as after normal menstruation, the walls of the uterus contract very quickly and, thereby, help stop bleeding. It is because of this that the restoration of the uterus after surgical operation occurs as quickly as after menstruation. The normal course of postoperative recovery of the body is the manifestation the following symptoms:

A few hours after the end of the curettage procedure, a woman can observe blood clots emerging from the vagina. Isolation of bloody clots may be accompanied by general weakness of the body and even drowsiness (if there was anesthesia). This is a normal recovery process of the female body.

Pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain appears in the lumbar region. After a well-performed operation, this pain is similar to menstrual pain. There is no need to panic. Unpleasant pain can give a woman discomfort for several days. None additional treatment in this case is not assigned. You can get rid of the pain with a regular painkiller tablet.

How to speed up the postoperative recovery process?

For the speedy recovery of the body after the scraping procedure, doctors advise following some recommendations.

To exclude infection of the uterine cavity through the open cervix, it is necessary to abandon sex, cotton swabs and hygienic chemicals for the genitals. Sex is forbidden even with a permanent and proven partner. There is great amount latent sexual infections that do not manifest themselves in any way healthy body and do not pose any danger normal operation human immune system. AT postoperative period the immune system weakened by work aimed at restoring the body.

Should be off for a couple of weeks. hot bath or baths (saunas).

It is necessary to wait a little with heavy physical exertion.

How soon you recover after scraping depends on the quality of the operation and on your help to your body.

Many women are terrified cleansing after childbirth is a necessary and final procedure.

Childbirth for the female body is always a complex and rather difficult process, taking away strength and threatening with all sorts of complications. It is the cleaning of the uterus that is a medical method that allows you to eliminate many postpartum complications, clean the uterine cavity from the placenta and preserve the health of a woman for many years.

How it is carried out and in what cases it is shown, how to behave after this gynecological procedure, and will be discussed further.

Gynecological cleaning

When do you need a uterine cleansing after childbirth?

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth is an activity to clean the uterine ducts. As gynecologists themselves note, a woman in her physiology gives birth twice in one visit to the maternity hospital. So the first time she gives birth to her baby, and the second time is the placenta, in which the fetus grew and developed for all 9 months.

It is the afterbirth, which did not leave the uterine cavity in a timely manner, which can cause many complications and the reason for such a gynecological procedure as cleaning the uterus after childbirth.

According to many women in labor, they practically do not notice the exit of the placenta, because at this very moment they already hold their baby in their arms and are carried away by the first minutes of communication with him. But as the practice of doctors shows, this does not always happen - in some cases, the placenta grew so strongly to the uterus and partially left the woman's body or did not leave at all.

In the gynecologist's office for surgery

In such cases, doctors prescribe a manual method for separating the placenta - cleaning after childbirth, helps to remove the placenta completely and is shown as after natural childbirth and after caesarean section.

First of all, in order to determine whether this procedure or not - a woman is checked with an ultrasound scan, and if the results show remnants of blood and placenta in the uterine cavity, then postpartum cleaning is prescribed after the birth of the uterine cavity.

How to clean after childbirth

Cleaning after childbirth - for many women it sounds intimidating, but the procedure itself is necessary and important. Suffice it to say that when caesarean section cleaning of the uterine cavity is carried out even more often than after the natural delivery process.

Due to the fact that particles of the fetal membrane remain in the uterine cavity after childbirth - they can decompose and rot, an inflammatory process develops, which is dangerous for a woman.

The procedure is similar to the birth of a baby and the mechanism in this case is almost the same. However, if she generic activity dragged on and the woman does not have enough strength for attempts - accordingly, the intensity of contraction of the walls of the uterus decreases. As a result, the placenta does not leave completely after childbirth, and doctors have to separate it manually. But as a result, pieces of the placenta can still remain on the walls of the uterine cavity.

Consequences of postpartum cleaning of the uterus

In order to fully eliminate the negative consequences and completely clean the uterine cavity, doctors practice postpartum cleaning. First of all, a woman is examined by a gynecologist on a gynecological chair, using gynecological mirrors.

As necessary, an ultrasound of the uterine cavity is performed and, when diagnosing a pathology, a vacuum type of cleaning of the inner layer of the uterus is performed.

herself planned operation cleaning the uterine cavity lasts about 15-20 minutes, when the doctor applies a local or general type anesthesia, observing all the norms of surgical intervention, the rules and norms of asepsis, as well as antiseptics.

A gynecologist, using special tools, expands the uterus and after that, using a special curette, scrapes the placenta layer from the walls of the uterus. The functional layer of the uterus - the endometrium, will gradually recover, as the subsequent reproductive function the uterus itself.

Reviews of women about postnatal cleansing

After a gynecological cleaning, a woman should be in the hospital for 2-3 days, under the supervision of doctors - these days the woman’s condition is monitored, her body temperature and pulse are checked, what discharge comes from the female genital organs. Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, the external genital organs of a woman are treated with a special antiseptic.

After cleaning for at least 2 weeks, it is forbidden to use vaginal tampons and douche, replace the bath with a shower, refuse to visit the bath and sauna. It is also worth limiting weight lifting and not going to the gym, vaginal sex is contraindicated. The cervix is ​​still open, and its mucosa is injured, and all this together creates favorable conditions for infection and therefore sex in the next 13-14 days is prohibited.

how preventive measures Doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics. The very procedure for cleaning the uterine cavity from the remnants of the placenta is quite painful - for some time the woman will feel pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar back. To relieve pain and prevent the formation of hematomas and blood clots, doctors may prescribe no-shpy or aspirin.

Possible Complications of Postpartum Cleaning

First of all, such consequences are hematometra - a fairly common complication in the practice of gynecologists after cleaning. Similar state occurs due to excessive compression, spasm of the cervix itself - there is a delay in blood clots in its cavity.

To prevent similar phenomenon, compression of the cervix, and, accordingly, the retention of blood clots in its cavity - as noted earlier, doctors prescribe no-shpu or aspirin. This is not a cleansing after childbirth, but it relieves spasms and, in general, heals.

Another complication after gynecological cleaning is uterine bleeding- given negative consequence occurs in the practice of doctors quite rarely, while it is typical for those women who suffer from problems with blood, its ability to clot normally.

When bacteria, microbes, negative effects enter the uterine cavity pathogenic microflora- endometritis may develop. Essentially, endometritis is infectious nature inflammatory process that affects the uterine mucosa.

Sudden cleaning of the uterus after childbirth

When diagnosing any complication, with the manifestation negative symptoms in the form of discharge with pus from the uterine cavity, an increase in body temperature - you should immediately visit a gynecologist. Only an experienced doctor can help - do not practice self-medication.

But at normal flow procedures for uterine cleaning of the placenta left after childbirth, a woman may be disturbed by pain in the area lumbar and lower abdomen meager discharge blood, reminiscent of menstruation - such symptoms will be noted for 7-10 days. At home, it will not interfere with the restoration of the body.

Summing up, one thing can be summarized - the cleaning procedure after childbirth itself is important and not so scary as it might seem at the very beginning. Subject to all the rules of its conduct by doctors, as well as personal hygiene by the woman herself, there are no complications in the woman in labor, and the state of health will be restored in the most short time, unless it is consequences without complications.

Natural childbirth is quite difficult and long physiological process requiring a lot of strength and patience from a woman. It can be conditionally divided into several stages: the onset of labor, the birth of a child and the birth of an afterbirth. The appearance of the membrane in which the fetus developed is the completion of the birth processes: it depends on its integrity whether cleaning will be carried out after childbirth, or, in medical terms, postpartum curettage.

You should not be afraid and, moreover, refuse this procedure: first of all, specialists will definitely examine the condition of the uterus, and find out the validity of the curettage. In order to more accurately understand the meaning of such an action as cleaning after childbirth, a woman should have at least a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reasons for the need for curettage, as well as the consequences of refusing it.

Scraping - cleaning help to the body

It must be said that it is wide famous expression: "Man is a social animal" - finds confirmation in all manifestations human life from conception to death. The process of childbearing is no exception: in wild nature, the birth of any animal is governed by the principles natural selection, and only human children are born under the supervision of medical professionals. It is thanks to the institution of obstetrics that many women maintain their health, the possibility of re-conception, and sometimes their lives (not to mention the health and life of their child) - and therefore one should trust the professionalism of people who are called upon to protect the life and health of their patients. Believe me: without proper reason, cleaning the uterus after childbirth is not carried out - especially at this level medical diagnostics, as today.

The fact is that the integrity of the afterbirth can be violated for some reason: the exfoliation of the amniotic membranes and placenta from the tissues of the uterus may be incomplete - particles of the baby's placenta can remain on the walls of the uterus or in its cavity, causing many diseases.

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First of all, the pieces of tissue (or blood clots) that linger in the uterus undergo decay, becoming an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and viruses - and this can already lead to necrosis of surrounding tissues and blood poisoning, not to mention inflammatory processes. varying degrees gravity.

In addition, even microscopic particles of the afterbirth, being in the uterine cavity, are perceived by the body as alien - and therefore the body seeks to get rid of them, spending its (already depleted) protective resources. As a result, restorative postpartum period is delayed, which increases the possibility of infection of the reproductive organs, and the return of a woman to the normal rhythm of life is postponed indefinitely.

In order to avoid such postpartum complications, vacuum or manual (scraping) cleaning is carried out after childbirth.

If you allow yourself a figurative comparison, then the work of a gynecologist, in this case, can be compared with the services of a cleaning company. Any hostess is able to maintain order in the house, but sometimes it is difficult to cope with the consequences of especially violent parties or visiting too “liberated” guests alone. Then professionals come to the aid of cleaning, who quickly and efficiently restore perfect order and sterile cleanliness: from food debris, crumbs clogged into cracks, prints dirty shoes there will be no trace left, which means that the threat of the “invasion” of cockroaches and microorganisms harmful to health will disappear.

The process of postpartum cleansing and its consequences

It should be noted that in the case of a caesarean section, curettage is performed much more often, and in some clinics it is considered mandatory procedure. This order is due to the fact that labor activity during cesarean section is smoothed out (or completely absent) - and therefore the natural separation of the placenta does not occur. Of course, in the uterine cavity, after removing the child from it, there are multiple remnants of the fetal membranes - and they pose a threat to the health of the woman.

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As for natural childbirth, the statement is popular in the obstetric environment: the average woman gives birth twice in one visit to the maternity hospital (and multiple pregnancy not relevant here). In fact, the exit of the placenta is comparable to the birth of another child - the mechanism of the process is the same.

However, if the labor lasted long enough long time, then the woman may simply not have the strength left for the final attempts - which means that the intensity of uterine contractions may not be sufficient to fully separate the fetal membranes of the placenta from the uterine tissue. Too strong fastening of tissues can complicate the situation. gestational sac to the walls of the uterus. In both cases, the doctor taking delivery has to separate the placenta manually: the result of such an intervention may be pieces of fetal tissue, as well as blood clots remaining in the uterus.

To exclude the possibility of incomplete cleansing of the uterus from foreign residues, a woman is examined in a gynecological chair using mirrors, and an ultrasound of the uterus is also done - and if a pathology is detected, curettage or vacuum cleaning of its inner layer is prescribed.

A planned cleaning operation lasts about 20 minutes and is carried out using local or general anesthesia, compliance with all surgical standards, including the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

Specialists, with the help of obstetric devices, dilate the cervix, and then scrape out the functional layer of the uterine surface with a special curette. The peculiarity of this tissue (endometrium) is in the ability to regenerate: a new uterine mucosa is formed from the lower layers of the endometrium, which does not have the slightest damage - and the functionality of the uterus is restored.

Fast recovery guarantee

As a rule, cleaning after CS and normal childbirth practically do not differ in the method of execution. The rehabilitation period in both cases is also almost the same - it lasts about 2 weeks (unless, of course, birth canal in the case of orthodox births). The first days after the cleaning, the woman should be under strict medical supervision - the doctor monitors the symptoms recovery process: body temperature, pulse rate, abdominal pain on palpation - according to these parameters, a specialist can make correct conclusion about the patient's condition and her readiness for discharge.

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Medications, prescribed during this period, contribute to the speedy recovery and stop the development of inflammatory processes: as a rule, these are no-shpa and antibiotics. Naturally, for this time you should refrain from breastfeeding - and for this you will need to express milk.

An important role during the rehabilitation period after cleansing is played by the observance of certain restrictions: at this time it is recommended to refrain from vaginal sex, swimming in any water bodies (including bathing), visiting baths and saunas - the risk of pathogens entering the uterus is too high. In addition, at this time, you should avoid lifting weights over 3 kg and limit the intensity of sports, as such actions can provoke bleeding.

Childbirth takes place in two stages - the birth of the child and the release of the placenta. If the child's place did not come out on its own, there are suspicions that parts of the placenta, fetal membranes remained in the uterus, so scraping or vacuum cleaning is indicated. It's simple but pretty painful procedure, as a result of which it is carried out after preliminary anesthesia immediately after childbirth, during the next day, the first or second postpartum months. Why you can not do without cleaning, and what complications are possible after it?

In what cases is cleaning necessary after childbirth?

It happens that during childbirth, the placenta comes out partially or completely remains in the uterus. In this case, the obstetrician immediately decides on manual curettage of the uterine cavity or performs vacuum aspiration in order to clean muscular organ. Before discharge from maternity hospital(for 3-5 days) young mothers undergo a control ultrasound.

The reasons why parts of the placenta remain in the uterus are the low activity of the walls and the bending of the muscular organ. When the examination shows the presence of blood clots and placental remnants, signs of an inflammatory process, a cleaning is also performed. The young mother remains in the hospital for another 1-2 days.

Failure to timely curettage will sooner or later lead to hospitalization. This is fraught with the following consequences:

  • uterine bleeding with a drop in hemoglobin levels, weakness, inability to care for the baby;
  • inflammation of the endometrium;
  • sepsis - a common infection of the blood, which leads to infection of the uterus.

If blood clots, parts of the placenta remain in the cavity of the muscular organ, they decompose due to the activity of opportunistic microflora. In addition, the remains of the placenta can interfere with the exit of lochia and the final cleansing of the uterus. Blood clots can clog the vessels of the uterus and come off after a couple of months, which will provoke bleeding.

The best time to cleanse is right after giving birth. However, it also happens that it is prescribed 6-8 weeks after natural delivery or caesarean section due to the appearance of spotting or bleeding.

Cleaning technique

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Cleaning the uterus after childbirth, while its pharynx is open, is the optimal period for intervention. In this case it is possible manual cleaning, which involves instrumental curettage under anesthesia. In some cases, vacuum aspiration is performed. After such a procedure, a young mother lingers in the hospital for 1-2 days.

If the obstetrician is sure that after the birth the baby's place came out completely, a heating pad with ice is placed on the stomach. Then every day in the clinic they do intramuscular injections oxytocin. The substance provokes active uterine contractions, allowing the organ to quickly return to the prenatal state. In this case, the doctor feels the stomach every day and is interested in the volume postpartum discharge. A control ultrasound before discharge shows whether curettage is necessary.

If, according to the results of the control ultrasound, cleaning after childbirth is necessary, the woman stays in the hospital for a couple of days. The algorithm for the procedure is no different from an abortion:

  • the use of general or local anesthesia;
  • treatment of the external genital organs with antiseptics;
  • mechanical expansion of the cervical canal;
  • gentle removal of clots and parts of the placenta from the uterine cavity using a sterile curette.

The uterus is cleaned for no more than 15-30 minutes; a young mother gradually recovers from modern anesthesia, without headaches and other side effects. To increase the contractility of the uterus, injections of oxytocin or similar drugs. Bleeding should not be normal, only lochia. The volume of secretions will gradually decrease, over time they turn pale.

In a public maternity hospital, the cost of cleaning is covered by compulsory medical insurance. In a private hospital, you will have to pay from 7 to 20 thousand rubles for the procedure. (depending on the level of the institution, the anesthesia used and drug treatment during the recovery period).

Cleansing of the uterus can be replaced by washing, which begins the day after delivery. The course includes 3-5 procedures. The task is to remove the remaining clots and conduct antiseptic treatment cavity of the muscular organ. Manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia after exposure of the cervix using mirrors. Lavage is carried out in two ways:

  • Aspiration. A silicone tube is connected to the intravenous infusion system, through which a washing solution (antiseptic, enzyme, antibiotic, anesthetic) is pumped into the cavity. Extraction of contents is carried out using an electric aspirator through an expanded channel.
  • By gravity. Instead of a silicone tube, a rubber catheter is used. The contents of the uterine cavity comes out by gravity.

The rehabilitation period and ways to speed up recovery

The recovery period after curettage is about 2 weeks and coincides with rehabilitation period after childbirth. The condition of a young mother is controlled by a doctor, his task is not to miss the onset of the inflammatory process.

During recovery, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antispasmodics and other drugs are indicated. The doctor selects the type of medication, their dosage and course of administration individually. The weakened state of the patient after childbirth, the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and general well-being are taken into account. During the period of therapy, breastfeeding is temporarily stopped. Lactation is stimulated with breast massage and pumping. This will help to quickly establish feeding the baby after discharge from the hospital.

In order for the recovery process to be successful, the young mother should take into account the following recommendations:

  • do not visit the sauna, bath, do not take a bath for 3 months;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • avoid swimming in open water;
  • do not use tampons, only pads that need to be changed regularly;
  • exclude intimacy and physical activity for 1.5 months.

If cleaning is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, complications can not be afraid. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the doctor and be sure to undergo a follow-up examination.

Possible complications after curettage

The main criteria for a successful curettage:

  • no inflammatory process. what is confirmed by the results of ultrasound;
  • normal body temperature, which does not rise above subfebrile values ​​(37.5);
  • general satisfactory condition a young mother, slight dizziness and weakness are possible as a result of the interventions;
  • pulling mild pain in the lower abdomen, which gradually disappears;
  • lack of scarlet spotting, normally there may be lochia - slight discharge, which eventually becomes paler and completely disappears in 6 weeks.

About complications and the need for additional medical intervention testify:

  • severe uterine bleeding, in which sometimes it is necessary to make a decision about the extirpation of the uterus;
  • hematometer - the absence of lochia after cleaning (indicates a poor-quality operation and accumulation of secretions in the organ cavity);
  • decreased contractility of the uterus;
  • an unpleasant smell of secretions is a sign of tissue infection;
  • high body temperature, febrile condition.

The doctor performs curettage after cesarean section especially carefully, taking into account the fact that the integrity of the muscular organ is broken. For this reason, the uterus recovers more slowly, contracts worse. She returns to her previous state 2 weeks after birth, and the sutures heal a little longer.

Ultrasound on the 3rd day after surgery allows you to assess the condition of the muscular organ. Edema postoperative scar can talk about endometritis, which is treated with medication. Despite the fact that doctors thoroughly clean the uterine cavity during a caesarean section, sometimes ultrasound shows the presence of clots. If particles of the placenta or proliferation of the endometrium are found, they are cleaned under anesthesia. next pregnancy It is recommended to plan after 3 years.

Poor-quality curettage can lead to health problems in the future. It negatively affects the further ability to bear children, leads to adhesive processes in the pelvic area. Subsequently, there may be difficulties with conceiving and bearing a baby, violations hormonal background, which lead to fibroids, cysts and other gynecological pathologies.

No one is immune from complications during manipulations. To reduce the risk of their occurrence allows the operation by an experienced doctor with the help of modern equipment. In this case, the endometrium will quickly recover, and new pregnancy possible in the next ovulatory cycle. During lactation, it is difficult to miss, and if the spouses do not plan children, it is better to take care of the means of protection.