How to develop flowing speech. Discordant speech

Beautiful, correct speech is a necessary attribute of a successful man. Why is it so important to develop speech for an adult if he has certain problems with it? Maybe we shouldn’t bother and continue to communicate at the same level? It’s better, of course, to improve your skills. I'll explain why.

Firstly, with correct, confident speech, efficiency in communication immediately increases. It becomes easier to come to an agreement with a person, convince him, and also make a good impression.

Secondly, in a pickup truck this is an important component of successful seduction. "It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how you say it."

How to develop correct and beautiful speech for an adult

If there are obvious speech defects, then the first thing you should do is visit a speech therapist. With the help of a doctor, you can quickly improve the situation for the better. He will give recommendations on how to properly work on correcting speech.

If you have no obvious defects, then you can enroll in a public speaking school. There they teach you how to speak and speak in public confidently, to interest the audience, so that people listen to you with enthusiasm. Of course, this costs money, and often significant money. But eventually you will rise in life new level, and the fee for these courses will be returned more than once. Such schools operate in most large cities.

How to develop competent speech

In order to develop competent speech, you will have to work hard. You can take the first steps yourself:

Reading fiction . Extremely useful activity, in which you learn the correct and understandable presentation of thoughts, a new vocabulary, subtle feeling humor and much more. After consciously reading several books, you can already feel a certain result.

Viewing Public Speeches famous people . Choose the person who most impresses you in terms of beauty and literacy. This could be a politician, a business coach, or a person in some other profession related to publicity. Watch recordings of his performances, remember the moments you liked the most and made an impression on. You can also try to repeat certain moments of their speech.

Exercises for home training:

In addition to the above tips, you can do it at home specific exercises that will help you in public speaking. Important Terms For successful development- methodicality, diligence and awareness of what you are doing at the moment.

#1 Reading tongue twisters. Where would we be without them? One of the most productive and popular exercises for speech development, which in a positive way affects articulation. To begin, choose several tongue twisters to work on different sounds. Each tongue twister should be carefully worked on, bringing its pronunciation to perfection.

#2 Reading aloud words with a combination of several consonants in a row. For example, comedy, postscript, angstrom, wakefulness, etc.

#3 Reading passages and sentences with correct intonation and expression.

#4 Story by keywords. To do this, you should write down a few words that are not related to each other, and use them to come up with them on the fly. short story. This exercise develops logical thinking and intelligence.

#5 Dialogue with the interlocutor. Choose a topic, sketch out a short conversation plan. Target this exercise– the ability to competently conduct a conversation, captivate your interlocutor, and acquire persuasion skills in a real situation.

Of course, these exercises, like the entire article, are the tip of the iceberg. But with the help of this information you received basic concepts about the development of speech in an adult. And if you complete the exercises above, your communication skills will noticeably improve. Good luck!

It is difficult to overestimate the importance competent speech. People with well-spoken speech and a large vocabulary achieve great success in any area of ​​life. If a person does not know how to express his thoughts and speaks illiterately, most people will not take him seriously. In addition, bad speech can be very annoying. The tips below will help you learn to speak correctly.

If you find it difficult to express your thoughts normally or express an opinion about something, start reading a lot. You will be able to expand your vocabulary, learn to construct phrases and improve your spelling. Make time to read every day. IN certain days Read aloud to learn to speak clearly. Choose books that will bring you pleasure and development. Be sure to include classical literature in your list of books to read - it uses pure Russian language. After reading the books, briefly summarize the essence to your friends or relatives. A competent and lively story will evoke emotions and questions in listeners regarding the work. If you have problems with diction, set aside time every day to say tongue twisters. Start with simple phrases and then move on to more complex and longer ones. Once you have mastered the tongue twisters, start saying them with nuts in your mouth. If you do the exercise regularly, your diction problems will disappear. Take any word (tree, music, joy). Think about it for thirty seconds. And over the next minute, expand on the idea of ​​this word as you wish. You can also express your opinion out loud about a quote from a great person, a movie, a text you read, or something you did. Try to find a person in front of whom you could improvise like this. He will listen to you carefully and point out the main mistakes (if any were made).

Start writing movie reviews or essays on the topic of any works. You can also start leading Personal diary in the form of dialogues and detailed stories about all events. An alternative would be short fictional stories. You will learn to compose thoughtful, competent and complex sentences. Many specialists in oratory They believe that you first need to learn to express your thoughts through text. After this, it will be much easier for you to apply the acquired skills in communication. If you hear a new unfamiliar word, write it down and find out the meaning and origin. But don't take advantage of being too smart and in long words in everyday speech. It's better to use them at the right moment. In everyday life, use simple and clear words spoken correctly.

Finding a person with good diction is becoming increasingly difficult, because few people consciously strive to improve their speech. Speech abilities are rarely given naturally, so exercises should be done to improve pronunciation. But does every person need clear pronunciation?

The delivered diction implies a clear pronunciation of words and correct location speech organs. The reason for poor diction is birth defects speech apparatus. But the reason may also be imitation of the speech of other people in childhood. But even with poor pronunciation, improvement is possible if you use special exercises for diction.

The delivered diction helps:

  • Achieve understanding. If a person has not worked on speech development, the information he expresses will be difficult to perceive by people who are seeing him for the first time and are not accustomed to the peculiarities of pronunciation.
  • Make an impression. Improving diction helps when you need to express yourself with the best side. An example is a conversation with an employer who would be more willing to give a position to a person with clear pronunciation.
  • Attract attention. If a person is constantly developing his pronunciation and voice, any story he tells will be more readily accepted than if he has a speech impediment.

Development of pronunciation in adults

The development of diction in an adult differs in that the production of sounds is much more complex. When a person is accustomed to pronouncing words in a certain way, he has to change not only the pronunciation, but also the perception of his speech. Before improving your diction, it is worth considering the main types of exercises.

  • pronunciation of tongue twisters;
  • listening to your voice;
  • breathing training.

To learn beautiful speech using tongue twisters, it is worth choosing several such phrases designed to develop pronunciation certain sounds and find out which ones are more difficult to pronounce. It is on them that you should concentrate your attention. It is important to pronounce such phrases regularly so that the speech apparatus gets used to the correct pronunciation. Working on yourself means doing exercises every day.

A tool that helps you learn to pronounce sounds correctly is dictation recordings. If you listen to your speech on a recording, you can understand that it sounds completely different from how it sounds when talking to your interlocutor. When identifying defects and correcting them, you need to constantly record speech until they disappear.

A common problem is shortness of breath when speaking long phrases. This becomes noticeable during public speaking. To get rid of this problem, the diaphragm training method is used. One of the diction exercises is to draw out the vowel sound as you exhale for as long as possible. At first you can only do this for a few seconds, but later the time increases to 25. Breathing training also involves changing the pitch of your voice. Another way to practice is to blow up balloons.

With regular exercise, the results appear within a few days. But to maintain the effect, you need to do all of the above constantly. At the same time, it is worth using books that are intended for speech development.

Text for diction development

For development correct pronunciation There are texts that are compiled on the same principle as tongue twisters. They usually combine several tongue twisters to develop different sounds. This means that to correct diction you do not need to search for texts. To practice, just find tongue twisters to make all the sounds and combine them into a single whole.

To help the formation of correct pronunciation occur faster, nuts are placed in the mouth different sizes or a pencil is clamped between the teeth. After removing such items, you can feel that it has become easier to pronounce even complex phrases.

Helps develop diction expressive reading fiction. By recording your pronunciation on a voice recorder, you can easily determine which sounds are being pronounced incorrectly.

The longest tongue twister

“On Thursday the 4th, at 4 and a quarter o’clock, the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but 33 ships tacked, tacked, but never caught, and then the protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol, as the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller was eloquent, but not reported cleanly, and so reported about the wet weather that, so that the incident did not become a contender for a judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where the tufted laughter laughed and shouted to the Turk, who was blackly stoned with a pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, a pipe, buy a better one a pile of peaks, it’s better to buy a pile of peaks, otherwise a bombardier from Brandeburg will come and bombard him with bombs because some black-snouted guy dug up half his yard with his snout, dug up and dug up; but in fact the Turk was not in the business, and Klara the King was sneaking to the stall at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Klara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tar widow Varvara, 2 of these thieves stole firewood; but it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were making noise in a fight - so the thieves had no time for the bombardier, but also not the tar widow, and not the tar children; but the angry widow put the firewood in the barn: once firewood, 2 firewood, 3 firewood - all the firewood could not fit, and 2 woodcutters, 2 woodcutters, for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the wood yard, where the heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died; the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself, to which Senya carries the hay in a sleigh, then Senka carries Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled hops, Senka sideways, Sonya head on, everything into a snowdrift, and from there only a head of bumps knocked him down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found the sachet on the highway; Sonya - Sashka’s friend was walking along the highway and sucking a dryer, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had 3 cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly like a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya, with the cheesecakes in her mouth, would over-mix the sexton, - over-mix: it buzzes like ground beetle, buzzing and spinning: was at Frol's - Frol lied about Lavra, will go to the Lavra at Frol Lavra will lie that - the sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain, the snake has a snake, the hedgehog has a hedgehog, and a high-ranking guest has taken away from him a cane, and soon again 5 guys ate 5 honey mushrooms and a half-quarter of a quadruple of lentils without a wormhole, and 1666 pies with cottage cheese from whey from yogurt - about all of that, the bells were ringing with groans, so much so that even Konstantin - a Salzburg unpromising man from - under an armored personnel carrier he stated: just as all the bells cannot be re-ringed, all the tongue twisters cannot be repeated, all the tongue twisters cannot be re-spoken; but trying is not torture. »

How to improve your diction in a short time

Sometimes it is not possible to perform exercises to practice pronunciation due to lack of time. In such situations, articulatory charging is used. It consists of several simple exercises:

  • Moving the jaw back and forth. During such actions, the mouth is in an open position.
  • Pronouncing the vowels o, u and y. This should be done in a bent position with your arms crossed over your chest. At the same time, the voice lowers and the sound is pronounced in a drawn-out manner. After the next sound, you need to rise to a standing position, and then tilt and repeat the action.
  • Tongue movements. Good exercise For rapid development diction is a movement in which the tongue alternately rests on the cheeks. This is done both with closed and with open mouth.
  • Touching teeth. This exercise is performed with your mouth wide open. With your tongue you need to touch each tooth in turn, following the top and bottom rows.

After performing such diction exercises, the clarity of spoken phrases increases, so they are often used by people speaking in front of the public.

Is it worth taking speech development courses?

There are speech development courses designed for speakers. They include not only exercises for correct pronunciation, but also tips to help cope with problems that arise during public speaking. The programs of such courses consist of several lessons:

  • rules of articulation;
  • learning the basics correct breathing;
  • development of vocal range and strength;
  • rules for constructing intonation;
  • study of orthoepy;
  • mastering the basics of gestures.

Courses help you learn correct technique pronunciation and overcome the fear of speaking in front of an audience. Working on yourself involves long sessions, which is why announcers do this.

Speech defects arise due to improper structure of the speech apparatus or due to improper formation of sounds in childhood. The first type of defects can only be corrected with the help of speech therapists or dentists, if we are talking about irregular teeth structure.

You can correct your speech by using the normal arrangement of the organs of articulation during a conversation. In the absence of deviations in the development of the body, defects appear:

  • sonorous sounds;
  • hissing;
  • whistling.

The occurrence of such defects occurs as a result of even a slight deviation of the speech organs from their natural location. To pronounce correctly, you need to know how to correctly position your lips, tongue, soft palate and lower jaw. This can only be achieved through training, because working on speech correction implies constant improvement.

How to fix slurred speech

A common speech defect that manifests itself in people with a normally developed articulatory apparatus is slurring. It manifests itself in swallowing entire syllables during a conversation. Such a defect is formed in childhood due to unconscious imitation of others. To get rid of it, you need to perform the following exercises to improve diction:

  • Scan poems, following the rhythm. You should choose works that are more difficult to read. An example is Mayakovsky's poems. This kind of self-improvement will help you quickly correct speech deficiencies.
  • Often pronounce words that have consonants next to each other. For example, counter-revolution. After composing such words, you should say them several times a day.

This will help you improve your pronunciation in just a few weeks.

How to put a voice

There are 3 exercises that help develop your voice.
In order for an audible effect to appear, it is necessary to perform the exercises for several months. Such exercises include:

  • Pronouncing vowels. To perform the first exercise to develop diction, you need to pronounce vowel sounds one by one until you have enough breath. Saying “i”, “e”, “a”, “o” and “u” can make your voice more sonorous. Work on voice training occurs constantly, since during breaks, even for a few days, the effect becomes less noticeable.
  • Activation of the abdominal and chest area. To activate the abdominal and chest areas, you need to pronounce “m” with your mouth closed. The first utterance of the sound should be quiet, the second louder, and the third time you need to strain as much as possible. vocal cords. If work on pronunciation and voice occurs without performing these exercises, the effect is reduced.
  • Pronouncing words with the letter "r". Also, to establish the voice, the sound “r” is pronounced, which also improves pronunciation. To do this, you first need to growl the sound “rrrr”, and then pronounce more than a dozen words containing the letter r in a row. During pronunciation, the letter should stand out. This exercise will help you develop your voice and improve your diction. Books also help develop diction when read aloud.

To develop diction and achieve clear pronunciation, you need to work hard. Only with the help regular classes and training you will achieve tangible changes.

You should understand where you are “overdoing” with facial expressions and gestures and where they are not enough.

Learn to highlight the main thing

In order to make your speech beautiful and interesting, you need to learn to highlight key points and leave out unnecessary details. The mistake many people make is that during a conversation they try to convey and describe absolutely every detail. This makes the speech boring and uninteresting from the very beginning. It’s no coincidence that A.P. Chekhov said: “Brevity is the sister of talent.”

Watch your intonation and speak confidently

The liveliness of speech and its beauty also depend on the intonation with which you pronounce it. You need to understand that a beautiful thought loses its value if it is poorly expressed. Most likely, you have noticed that listening to lecturers, teachers or just an interlocutor with a monotonous speech is boring and uninteresting. Therefore, if you want your speech to be beautiful and listened to with interest, learn to use intonation correctly.

In order to make your intonation correct, read stories, poems, and fairy tales out loud with expression. You need to read so that the intonation matches the role of each character from the work.

Parodying actors, politicians, journalists and other people who have beautiful and correct speech will help improve speech intonation.

Also, intonation depends on your mood and interest in the topic of conversation; if you are really interested in it, you will talk about it with interest and enthusiasm in your voice.

The reason for monotonous speech is often lack of self-confidence. Usually, people who are insecure are afraid to let their emotions and feelings out, and they also speak very quietly. Therefore, if your speech is monotonous due to self-doubt or low self-esteem, then you should first work on your self-confidence, for this you can read the article. Self-confidence will not only make your speech colorful, but will also help you achieve success throughout your life.

Isn't it nice to listen to radio announcers or television show hosts who speak clearly and correctly? It turns out that anyone who is willing to work hard on their sound can become such a speaker. For a beautiful story, you will have to learn the rules of the language in which communication takes place. But mere truisms about grammar, vocabulary, and phraseology will not be enough. What else is missing? correct speech? How can I make it improve?

Train speech breathing

Good speech (phonation) breathing is the key to the correct placement of pauses in the story and the optimal duration of spoken phrases. Training the chest and abdominal muscles increases endurance, energizes you and even has a positive effect on your vocal abilities. One of the most effective exercises This technique is done in this order:

  1. accept comfortable position lying down;
  2. relax all your muscles, concentrate on your breathing;
  3. try to inhale so that rib cage not heaving - go to abdominal type breathing;
  4. exhale slowly;
  5. repeat the steps until you feel that it has become easier to breathe through your “stomach” (and not your diaphragm).

“Adjust” volume

A speaker speaking from the podium speaks loudly and boomingly. At everyday communication The sound is different - more even, calm. If you reverse the situations, you get absurdity. No one will hear the quiet rhetorician. A listener who suddenly begins to sharply raise his tone will most likely not understand such a change and will be offended.

In a normal conversation with friends, colleagues, and loved ones, a softer tone is used, without exaggerating emotions. The story from the stage, on the contrary, sounds a little theatrical, loud. How to train your speaking voice:

  • read prose or drama out loud, trying to present the climactic moments as vividly and sonorously as possible;
  • start speaking a long phrase almost in a whisper, and end with almost a scream and vice versa;
  • try to display the volume of heard sounds;
  • experiment with timbre, parody the voices of famous people.

Correct breathing, described in the first tip, also helps a lot in setting the volume of the sound.

Watch your speech rate

The speaker took the stage. He is dressed in a clean, neat suit. On his face one can read the readiness to encourage action, determination. The gait is confident. The audience holds its breath. Stopping at the microphone, the speaker greets the audience. Everything is going according to plan, nothing should interfere with success.

But the whole process is disrupted by one ill-considered detail..

No, these are not problems in the text of the speech, not a sudden breakdown of the microphone. The announcer suddenly starts talking like a fifth grader who doesn’t like reciting poetry. He chatters, “swallows” the endings of words, and often misspeaks. There is a feeling that he is trying to get rid of the public as quickly as possible. And the audience doesn't like it. The listeners don't even understand what we're talking about we're talking about. The speaker stubbornly ignores the problem

It's actually simple. Performing is stressful. When a person is nervous, all processes in his body instantly accelerate. Speech tempo is no exception. How to cope:

  • 10 minutes before going on stage, start speaking very slowly and draw out your sentences;
  • study articulatory gymnastics— it will help you pronounce every word clearly even in a stressful environment;
  • during a speech, ask a question to a person from the audience, tune in to the pace of his answer, or better yet, even slower;
  • at home, voice out the story using a stopwatch and counting how long it takes to play each block. Take a stopwatch or timer with you to the event to refer to.

In everyday life, the temperament of the interlocutor also plays a role. Melancholic and phlegmatic people love leisurely, long conversations. Cholerics and sanguine people prefer to find out everything as quickly as possible. By catching and adopting the conversation style of a friend, you can better convey information to him.

Work with intonation

A completely neutral tone is only acceptable in a scientific report. In other situations, conveying emotions improves the story.

The correct change of intonation ensures a smooth transition between semantic blocks of speech and creates an impressive effect of contrast and surprise. The liveliness of the sound affects the audience better than the most reliable facts or arguments. To train intonation background, as well as for the voice, reciting works is suitable.

Improve diction

“Chewed”, “swallowed”, distorted sounds will not decorate either a public speaker or a simple storyteller. Good diction can be achieved in several ways:

  • pronounce tongue twisters, practice chants, sing ditties;
  • pronounce complex combinations of consonant sounds (dbdi-dbde-dbda, rzh-rsh-shr-zhr, skrpo-skpro);
  • do speech apparatus gymnastics;
  • study dictionaries to identify the correct stress in words;
  • read texts aloud with a wine cork, marble or stone clamped between your front teeth.

You can use these methods separately, but together they will have a much greater effect.

Clear tongue

  • vulgarisms, rudeness, especially obscene language;
  • borrowed lexemes where the native language can be used;
  • aimless tautologies - repetitions of the same words or phrases;
  • inappropriate terms, jargon, professionalism, slang;
  • inversions - incorrect word order.

Wait a second and a half before answering

This simple rule solves several problems at once. It allows you to make sure that the interlocutor has finished his remarks, which means he will not be interrupted by an answer. Politeness and knowledge of the rules of etiquette are just as important as diction or literacy.

At the same time, a second’s pause gives you the opportunity to collect your thoughts and start a new phrase clearly, organized, and clearly. It only takes a second and a half for the brain to start building logical chains. An instant response does not have this advantage. This pause will not be too long, and for the interlocutor, it is quite possible that it will remain completely unnoticeable.

Ask for help

Sometimes tackling a task on your own seems like an impossible task. Asking for help in such cases is normal. Who should I contact?

To friends. You can ask loved ones to listen to everyday conversations or the text of a speech and point out mistakes. Speech defects, its paucity, frequent repetitions, deviations from the main topic, an insufficiently sharpened sense of humor - these are what friends or relatives can identify.

To the specialists. Courses in public speaking, speech culture, and diction will help develop communication skills. In addition, visits to:

  • coaches personal development (confident man speaks accordingly);
  • speech therapist;
  • neurologist (prescribes medications to improve brain activity, blood circulation);
  • a psychologist or psychotherapist (as in the example with a coach, only everything is on a deeper level).

To the Internet. If you don’t want to pay for success, you can try the option with YouTube channels. Will gather here a large number of bloggers who share their “recipes” for improving speaking skills. However, there is a minus - sometimes serious mistakes appear in the speech of these “specialists”. Therefore, it would be better to find the website of a recognized expert and look for videos on his blog. Sometimes online webinars are held free of charge on such platforms.

A good voice recorder can also help. It will be enough to record your recitation and then listen to it carefully, identifying errors, and then carefully working through them.

Correct speech is not delivered in a matter of minutes. To master the art of communication, you will have to practice diligently and daily. However, after the time and effort spent, a worthy reward will come. Those around you will listen to the speaker’s stories, greedily “swallowing” every word. The train of thought will speed up. People will begin to listen to advice or suggestions more often. A good reputation will be strengthened. Competent sound is a reliable attribute of success.