How to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully. Learning to speak

Therefore, competent speech and the ability to control it are the most important skills of any modern man. In one of the previous articles I talked about the ability to listen and hear, and today I will give a few simple tips About, how to make your speech more literate.

2. Stop swearing

No, of course, if your main interlocutors are street punks, then without masterful juggling swear words not enough. But when communicating with normal people swearing is an indicator of a low cultural level. Few people would like to communicate with a person who cannot express their emotions in competent Russian.

3. Harsh jargon is your enemy.

Jargon and competent speech are two almost incompatible concepts. Almost - because the jargon is different. Of course, two system administrators will understand each other much faster if they use “switch” in their speech rather than “network switch,” but in other cases it is better to call things by their proper names. The semi-criminal and “padonkaff” slang is especially annoying - it’s unpleasant and uninteresting. Rid your speech of these harmful phrases. Tell it like it is: “we got there quickly, because... we were lucky - the traffic lights had a green signal,” instead of “hey, we finally got here on the green light.”

4. Brevity is the sister of talent

If you can express the essence of your thought in two sentences, then there is absolutely no need to “spread it over the tree.” Competent speech requires the ability to speak briefly and to the point. But be careful, when the situation requires detailed clarification, it is better to spend a few minutes on additional explanations than to be misunderstood. Also learn the rules of cultural communication.

5. Vary your speech depending on the situation

Your boss probably won't like it. if he is personally called “Vitek”, and a friend, in response to the address “Vyacheslav Leonidovich...” heard from you, in best case scenario twirls his finger at his temple. Learn to speak “the same language” with your interlocutor, and communication will be more productive.

6. Stop apologizing all the time.

Many people have the habit of constructing their sentences in a pre-apologetic tone. It seems to them that this way they will quickly endear themselves to themselves. This is not true. Confident, straightforward (within moderate limits, of course) speech will have a much better effect on the interlocutor than “I’m not very comfortable asking, but maybe you’ll agree...”, etc. Be more confident and assertive.

7. Watch for returns

8. Expand your vocabulary

Read more literature (“ladies’ detective stories” and free jokes” don’t count) and try to identify any interesting turns of speech or phrases, memorize them. Also make it a rule to open a spelling dictionary at least a couple of times a week and find words there that are unknown to you or little used. But be careful with this advice - use new phrases only in the necessary context. When a person, when asked “what are you doing this evening?”, answers: “I’m taking a siesta,” it looks at least stupid (for those who don’t know, a siesta is an afternoon rest).

9. Study specialized literature

If you want not only to improve your speech literacy, but to become a truly skilled speaker, then you cannot do without good, specialized literature. Which? Personally, in this regard, I really like the materials of Radislav Gandapas - without excess water and really to the point. I can also recommend the book “Secrets of Stylistics” from the authors I. Golub and D. Rosenthal.

Competent speech is the key life success. After all, people are judged not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to correctly convey thoughts and write correctly. A person who knows how to express his thoughts simply, concisely and clearly, and construct sentences correctly, is always perceived more positively. Interlocutors, listening to competent speech, automatically assign a completely different, more high level life competence.

Have you ever lost or not gotten a job because large quantity writing mistakes or needing to clearly explain why you are the right person for the job? The development of competent speech is one of the basic tasks of every self-respecting person. Even if you don't speak in public, the ability to speak beautifully and clearly is valued by everyone. So, how to develop competent speech?

Read fiction

Reading high-quality fiction can hardly be called a waste of time. IN modern world We are exposed to a very large flow of information, mainly listening to the news or reading it on the Internet. But the network, entertaining reading and business literature cannot replace good books recognized domestic and foreign authors.

Reading novels helps you intuitively value the right ones, beautiful offers, develops a sense of language. Reading fiction, science articles in special publications, a person expands his horizons and lexicon. If you want to make your speech more lively and imaginative, read poetry. Identify the rhythm, metaphors and figures of speech that you would like to use.

Use dictionaries

Look for new words. If you hear or read a word whose meaning is unfamiliar to you, feel free to take a dictionary and find out what it means. The origin of words is a very interesting science. What if this becomes one of your hobbies?

In addition to the usual dictionary, there are dictionaries of metaphors, foreign words, special terms, even dictionaries dedicated to a specific science. Use them all - and your vocabulary will begin to grow quickly. You can always find the most accurate word and apply it in conversation.

Play educational games

As you know, children acquire almost all their knowledge of language before the age of seven. A child develops competent speech with the help of the people around him. There are also many games and techniques that allow you to develop your imagination, expand your vocabulary and learn to speak beautifully.

If possible, listen to yourself from the outside. Make an audio or video recording of your voice. If you are afraid of talking into a recorder or getting inaccurate result- ask someone close to you to record you during a normal conversation.

Evaluate your speech. Competent speech is always free from all unnecessary things. How accurately did you convey your message to others? Was she clear? Could it have been said shorter, clearer, more understandable? Are you pausing in the wrong places? Are you constructing your sentences correctly? Are your thoughts confused, are you jumping from thought to thought, confusing your listeners?

Watch the accents. Incorrect accents (call, jalousie and other tricky words, of which there are many in the Russian language) reveal an illiterate and ill-mannered person. There are two options: do not use these words or open the dictionary, textbooks and remember them firmly.

Edit what you've written

Have you written a letter, a message to a friend, a report to management or an artistic essay? Whatever it is, review the text as carefully as possible and try to give it a critical assessment. This is great speech training. If you practice “cleaning” your writing, you will see results very soon. Besides, Speaking will also change significantly!

Once you've written something, try to "switch" to something else (at least go and make yourself a cup of tea), and then return to the text with fresh eyes. Imagine that this is someone else's text. Does it have errors? How accurately is the thought expressed? Is everything clear to you as an outside reader? Is it possible to formulate this idea more clearly and concisely?

Correct speech and competent speech are always bright, expressive and understandable. Get rid of words that do not carry any semantic meaning. They often take up a third of the text, which is why your idea definitely loses. If you can use a simpler and shorter word, use it. You can also try reading it out loud (be sure to do this if you are preparing a speech that you will give).

Develop your voice

Not only grammatically and lexically correct speech is important for communication. Correct manners communication also includes voice control. If you have applied all the methods outlined above, but at the same time express your thoughts in a monotonous voice, devoid of any intonation, listening to you will be unpleasant and not very interesting.

It's worth developing your voice. Do exercises, listen to speakers and try to repeat after them. Sign up for courses oratory skills. Even with little effort, the results will please you, and your interlocutors will stop yawning.


Competent speech is not given at birth. You need to work on this constantly, throughout your life. But even if you devote very little effort and time to developing your speech, reading will become your good habit - more interesting and successful life you are guaranteed.

A pleasant voice, correct diction and the ability to build beautiful sentences - these are the basics effective communication with people. It is no secret that our voice influences the feelings of the interlocutor, and figurative and competent speech easily reaches his consciousness and convinces. Therefore, it is so important to learn to speak beautifully and competently, correctly and clearly expressing your thoughts.

IN Everyday life The ability to speak beautifully will also give you and help you solve any problems easily.

The human voice is a powerful instrument in the development interpersonal relationships. With it you can work wonders: repel or charm, attract attention, invigorate or lull. As a rule, the gift of eloquence is rarely given to someone by nature; it usually means big job. Therefore, if you want to speak beautifully so that people want to listen to you, you will have to practice.

Below are tips and techniques that will help you get rid of the dialect and master the basics oratory and learn to speak beautifully and correctly. First, try recording your voice on a voice recorder. Did you listen and how did you like it? Probably not very... Stuttering, swallowing of endings, unnecessary pauses and many other unpleasant moments are noticeable. Now it’s clear what needs to be changed and what to work on to gain beautiful speech. So let's get started.

Speech technique

It is divided into four subsections:

1. Breathing
The key to successful communication is perfectly executed deep breathing from the diaphragm. This must be learned in order to reduce the pressure on the speech apparatus, then the voice will be deep and sound beautiful. Many breathe shallowly, while the voice weakens, acquires a hoarse tone, becomes silent, quickly gets tired and sometimes even sits down.
When you manage to breathe properly, a healthy glow will appear on your cheeks and your overall well-being will improve.

2. Diction
Good diction is the first condition for beautiful speech. When you eat endings or sounds, speech sounds unintelligible. This happens due to lethargy and immobility of the lips. Because of this, burring, lisping and lisping appear. Speaking beautifully means pronouncing each word smoothly, opening your mouth well for clear pronunciation. You need to learn not to pronounce phrases too quickly or too quickly, since the speed of thinking of your interlocutor may differ from yours, and it will seem to him that you are speaking unintelligibly.

3. Voice
And again breathing, because this is the basis of the sonority of the voice. To create a voice, you need to learn to breathe with your diaphragm and understand how to use resonators correctly. Sometimes you notice when you communicate a lot, your voice shrinks, becomes hoarse, a sore throat appears, it becomes difficult for you to speak and you lower your tone. But it can be made strong, sonorous, flexible, with a wide range of sound. But for this you will need to improve your speaking technique, strengthen it and develop it.

4. Orthoepia
This science studies laws and rules correct pronunciation. Deviation from the rules leads to problems in communication; the listener ceases to understand what you are telling him and does not perceive the information that you want to convey to him. Spend a little time on spelling and your ability to beautifully express your thoughts, correctly placing emphasis even on complex words, will definitely be appreciated by those around you.

Important! Before you start doing speech development exercises, do some exercises. Physical exercise improve blood circulation, warm up the muscles, relieve physical and emotional tension, relax the forearms, shoulders and neck, and all the muscles that affect the voice.


  • head tilts different sides, rotation of the head in a circle;
  • swings and circular movements of the arms;
  • we turn and tilt the body in different directions, drawing circles with the hips.

After charging, you need to lie down on the mat and relax. Imagine a beautiful landscape, feel a light breeze, feel how the sun warms you and you take a deep breath of fresh air.
Now you are ready to practice.

Learning to breathe correctly

If you want to communicate beautifully and for a long time, so that your voice sounds and does not break, you just need to learn how to include the diaphragm in the sound production process. It is located in the solar plexus area.
To get started, practice maintaining your posture using the “wall” exercise, doing it every day for 5 minutes for several weeks. Press your back against the wall with your entire body from head to toe. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. 6 very deep breaths. Inhale at 1,2,3,4 and exhale at 5,6,7,8. Then walk around the house at different speeds, while keeping your back position the same. Tell yourself more often: “I am brave and determined!” Your body will automatically react to these words of conviction with a straight back.

Exercises to train breathing from the diaphragm

The ability to express your thoughts beautifully is only half the success. You've probably noticed that some people want to listen, but others, even very smart ones, don't. What's the matter then? You will be surprised, but in fact it is not what a person says that matters, but how he does it. Pleasant timbre, correct abdominal breathing and the ability to pronounce phrases with different intonations can turn even the most boring report into an exciting show. Below are 3 exercises, after practicing which you will become the master of your voice.

Candle– trains slow breathing. Imagine that you are blowing on a candle; if it’s hard to imagine, then light a real one. Concentrate your attention on your stomach. Exhale slowly, try to keep the flame tilted.

Stubborn candle- do it deep breath, hold your breath a little, and then start blowing sharply and forcefully, trying to put several such energetic exhalations into one breath.

Extinguish 10 candles– the principle is the same as in the previous exercise, only we increase the number of candles from 3 to 10, spending less and less air on blowing out the candles, and leaving the amount of inhaled air the same.
After a few weeks of these exercises, you will notice how your diaphragmatic breathing has become automatic.

Let's vote

To make your voice big and sound beautiful, you need to learn how to use the upper (skull, mouth and nose) and lower (chest) resonator systems. Take ten shallow breaths into your belly. Short inhalation and slow exhalation. And you can start exercising.

Moan– don’t forget about posture. Say the sound “M” with your lips closed. Say it as you exhale, without straining. Now start changing the position of your head while making the same sound. Gradually you will begin to feel vibration in the upper resonator. Having mastered the sound “M”, start adding other vowels: o-a-i-y-u, so that they sound like “mmmm-e-mmm-o-mmm-a-mmm-i-mmm-u-mmm-y” " When you have mastered this practice, move on to the continuous pronunciation of different variations of these sounds.

Tongue Twisters. Pronouncing tongue twisters is a truly great way to hone your speech and master the art of speaking beautifully, pronouncing each letter clearly. Try saying the phrase: “broke,.. broke, broke,.. broke, broke, broke,” while rubbing your forehead. We do the same with the words “we are lazy” - rubbing the nasal cartilage, “we caught burbot” - rubbing the cheeks.

Horn– straight posture, lips in a tube, pronounce the sound “U” as you exhale. Next, combine it with other vowel sounds. The main thing is not to change the position of your lips.

Poetry– read them out loud and with intonation, using a medium tone. At the end of each line, inhale and say the line as you exhale. I recommend finding the poem “Reading Rules” on the Internet, which was written by A.V. Pryanishnikov. It is ideal for correct execution this exercise.

Training diction

First, do a warm-up with your speech apparatus. Perform all these exercises 5-7 times.

  • We close our mouth and relax. Say the “U” sound a couple of times, drawing out the “uuuuuu” sound. Now A, slowly opening his mouth vertically, no more than 3 centimeters.
  • Show your teeth. Clench your jaw and stretch your lips in an unnatural smile.
  • Fold your lips into a tube, jaws closed. Make circular movements with your lips up and down, from left to right. With the tip of the tongue we touch the lower row of teeth, open the mouth no wider than 3 cm. Now lift it to the upper palate, then to the left and right cheeks.

Now you can do articular gymnastics.

  • Say the vowels on one exhale, trying to use all your muscles: I-E-A-O-U-Y. Gradually increase the speed of pronunciation and put several ligaments into one exhalation. After you master this combination, start experimenting with others.
  • Do the same with vowel sounds, substituting consonants for them. Example: Bi, ba, bo…. , beep..., beep, beep..., beep, bep..., then with the sound P, TD, KG, FV, M, N, L, R. Gbdi.., Bdgi.., Ftki.., Mi-mi.., Mrli... You do the same with whistling and hissing sounds S, Z, Zh, Sh, Shch: Si-zis.., Zissi.., Zdi.., Sti.. etc. By connecting them into groups and combining them.
    And also read as much as possible more tongue twisters, they will perfectly help you practice your speech apparatus.


The science that studies the set of rules of normative literary pronunciation, emphasis in words, the beauty and sound of speech, as well as the rules of articulation of sounds and phrases. Since there are countless rules in orthoepy, if you want to speak beautifully, pronouncing words correctly, you need to turn to the appropriate literature.

Working with speech

You need to be able to correctly set intonation in your speech, in order to learn this, the best way to train is by expressively reading literary texts aloud, recording them on a dictaphone. Listen, analyze how correct it is, correct the shortcomings and read again. Do the same with an article from a newspaper, technical literature or any other source. Bring life and brightness to your voice - start speaking correctly!

How to spell a word correctly

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Literacy is not measured by grams, but by knowledge, erudition, which means it is written from 1st literate, literate, literate. Although it came from the Greek grammata, it lost one letter “M”. But in the word “grammatical” two “M”s have been preserved. Thus, it is written like this: You just need to remember or consult a dictionary. And now we are looking at the word “literacy”. This adjective comes from the noun GRAMOTA, and it contains one letter M. Indeed, why in Russian orthography are the noun gramata and the word literacy derived from it written with one consonant m? The word "letter" was borrowed in the Byzantine era from Greek language and this is how it was written in the source language: On the way to the Russian language, the word gramata lost one consonant in its spelling, like many other borrowed words: But the term grammar, denoting a branch of the science of language, retained the double spelling of consonants in the root of the word: remember the spelling of one consonant “m” in the words “literacy” and “literacy” and not confuse it with “grammar”. These are words that you just need to remember - literacy and literate with one letter M and grammar with two letters M, these words are exceptions, they cannot be matched to the rule. And therefore the word literate cannot be verified by the word grammar. A literate person, using his natural literacy and studied literacy, always writes only competently. We write a word with only one letter -M-. However, remember that the section and the word “grammar” are written with two -mm-. Very often, the spelling of this word confuses schoolchildren, and not only others. It seems to them that there should be a double letter “M” here, because they draw an analogy with the word “Grammar”. But you need to remember that this is completely different words. The word "literate" comes from the word "literate", there is only one letter "M". The word is written with one M: It should not be confused with words such as grammar, gram, Grammidin tablets for sore throat. When pronouncing, we do not draw M, but pronounce it briefly: Literacy The word literacy is written with one letter m, since it comes from the word literacy, and not from the word gram. Although the word gram-related also has a right to exist, but only in humorous jokes, when, for example, they laugh at a drunk, hinting that he does not mind drinking, that is, taking a gram. They can say about this: How to write the word literacy correctly The words literacy were formed from the word - literacy, literate, etc. And not from the word "Gram". So we write the word - literacy with 1 M, although I really want to stick the second m in here. How do you spell "Literacy" or "Literacy"? According to the rules of the Russian language, the correct spelling of the word is “Literacy”. Write correctly, follow spelling and do not make mistakes! Spelling Literacy Russian Language Literacy How to Spell How to Spell Correctly. Enter a minimum of 50 characters. Questions Leisure and entertainment Spelling How do you spell "Literacy" or "Literacy"? Enter a minimum of 15 characters. Questions and answers are presented on the Answer website.

How to spell a word correctly

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Literate or grammatical which is correct?

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Total found: 6

“Massachusetts” is the spelling recommended by the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. However, if we go to Yandex.Dictionaries and enter “Massachusetts” in the search bar, we will find 61 articles with this spelling, including in TSB. It is worth noting, however, that “Massachusetts” appears more often in Yandex.Dictionaries - 113 entries, including in TSB. On the other hand, there is paragraph 60 current rules, which reads: "§ 60. Double n and double s are written when a root and a suffix are combined, if the root ends and the suffix begins with a consonant n or s: with the suffix -n-, for example: long (length), ancient (antiquity), stone (stone), blast furnace (bombina), legal (law), temporary (base of times-); with the suffix -sk-, for example: Kotlas (Kotlas), Arzamas (Arzamas), Russian (Rus), but: Tartu (Tartu ), Hankou (Hankow); with the suffix -stv-: art (cf. skillful)." Thus, if you follow the letter of the rules, then you need to write "Massachusetts". But that is not all. D. E. Rosenthal in the Handbook of Spelling and literary editing(M. 1978, § 40 p. 10) writes: “If the stem of a noun ends in one s with the preceding consonant, then before the suffix -sk- one s is usually omitted, for example: Reims - Reims, Wales - Welsh (but: Helsingfors - Helsingfors, Tammerfors - Tammerfors, Daugavpils - Daugavpils)". So, does the rule of paragraph 60 apply clearly, de jure and de facto, or does it apply de facto in Rosenthal’s edition, which also takes into account the case of “Massachusetts”, which is enshrined in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences? My personal opinion is that one should distinguish between “Massachusettsian,” that is, relating to the Massachusetts (Indian tribe), for example, “Massachusettsian,” and “Massachusettsian,” that is, referring to the state of Massachusetts, for example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

How do you spell “illiterate” or “not literate”?

Unfortunately, the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences does not give such a choice, which leads to confusion.

The fact is that § 60 of the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” regulates the spelling of words that are somewhat different from the adjective Massachusetts in terms of word formation. The difference is this. In the words that we're talking about in this paragraph, the doubled C at the junction of the root and the suffix is ​​not only written, but also pronounced: Russian, Arzamas, i.e. no truncation of stems occurs. The word Massachusetts is formed differently. Here is how the academic “Russian Grammar” of 1980 writes about such cases: “In formations with a morph - sk— and a motivating basis for the combination “consonant + |s|”, including ss, the first consonant of the suf. the morph is phonetically absorbed by the root final: SaxonsSaka, Provence –Provencal, Wales –Welsh, Odessa –Odessa, Prussia And PrussiansPrussian, Donbass– Donbass” (§ 633, note). This phonetic absorption of the consonant C is reflected in the spelling of the word (which is discussed in the Rosenthal reference book).

Let us also note that when deciding on the spelling of a word, one should be guided by the dictionary recommendation, if there is one, and the rule, if there is no dictionary fixation. In this case it is true: Massachusetts(from Massachusetts). The orthographic distinction between the two meanings of an adjective, in our opinion, creates unjustified difficulties for the writer.

Is it written in capital or lower case “the wealth of Western-Siberian subsoil”?

Answer help desk Russian language

Correct with lowercase. Please note: when writing lowercase letters The adjective West Siberian is written together.

Hello! Please tell me if an intonation dash is acceptable in the following sentence? (In my opinion, if this dash is removed, the sentence will acquire clearly expressed interrogative intonations, which is undesirable for this text). Can the use of a dash be considered correct, or is it better to rephrase the last phrase? "We hope that your baby will like the gift from ALPHABET Kindergarten and fruit flavors chewable tablets. And you will entrust the vitamin prophylaxis of your entire family to the ALFAVIT series." Thank you very much.

Russian help desk response

It is better to put a comma before the conjunction _a_ and write this text as one sentence. No dash required.

Grammatically correct speech

Competent speech will never go out of style. People are always pleased to deal with someone who not only shines with inner beauty, but also knows how to most accurately give his thoughts a verbal form. Moreover, a well-delivered speech is not something like a gift of nature.

How to spell the word grammatical or literate

It can and should be developed.

Correct oral and written language

Every language has unique wealth, peculiar to him and it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. This is especially true for a person’s native language. When you hear competent speech or have a perfectly formatted text in front of your eyes, without a single mistake, you immediately form a positive impression of the author or interlocutor.

Develop a culture of writing and oral speech is everyone's responsibility. And this happens every day in the process of communication and learning. It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s not only pleasant to talk with an intelligent person, but also to simply remain silent.

Criteria for competent speech

If we move on to a more detailed consideration this concept, then it should be noted that speech culture means:

  • the relevance of what was said;
  • literacy of written or spoken information;
  • accessibility in understanding the interlocutor’s phrases, clarity;
  • wealth, which consists in the use of various epithets, phraseological units, metaphors, etc.;
  • variety, absence of tautology, unnecessary repetitions that pollute the meaning of what was said;
  • aesthetics.

Lack of literate speech skills

All these errors significantly hurt the ear and carry absolutely no valuable information about the speaker and do not create the image of a literate person.

How to develop competent speech?

The quality of literate speech must be improved daily and brought to perfection. After all, even if a person is intellectually developed, well-read, has deep inner world, but, alas, is not able to express himself clearly, then what he says will be known only to him.

Thus, the development of competent speech requires the implementation of several simple rules:

Many people don't know how learn to write without errors, correctly, so that the text turns out interesting, beautiful, literate and without errors. Anyone can learn this, but if there is no strong desire and desire to write correctly, without errors, then there will be no results. Put our advice into practice, experiment and you will find a suitable way and method for you to write correctly and without errors.

In this article you will learn how to learn write without errors competently, because a correctly composed text is good, but it is even better if it is written correctly and beautifully and without a large number of errors. After all, every person makes mistakes in his life, the most important thing is not to be afraid to make a mistake, but to correct your mistake in time. To do this, in our article you will learn several effective advice to achieve this goal.

Start writing 2-3 texts a day

If you want to learn how to write correctly without errors, you need to learn not from theory, but from practice. To do this, start writing at least 2-3 texts a day. Then you can analyze your mistakes, correct them, and begin to improve your writing. Those people who write often become more literate and educated.

How to spell a word correctly

Check every sentence you write

To learn to write no errors competently, you need to start checking every sentence you write as soon as you write it. If you forget and do not check it, then most likely there will be many errors in it and you will not be able to find out what exactly you did wrong.

Write slowly at first

To learn how to write correctly without errors, you first need to learn how to write without errors slowly and gradually increase the speed of writing sentences. When you learn to write quickly, you will have time to check the written sentence and the entire text. It is also useful for memory and brain development and intelligence.

Read smart books

To learn to write correctly without errors, you need to find smart and literate books by successful authors who know how to write literate texts. Read such books for 1-2 hours a day to learn new words, spellings and other details. When you learn to read carefully, your visual memory will record complex words so that later, when writing a text, they will remember how to spell this or that word correctly. Do not read unreasonable books, as this will, on the contrary, worsen your writing results. Find out: how to learn to write beautifully and quickly.

Read the written text twice

To learn to write correctly without errors, you need to immediately after writing the text, read it 2 times. The first time, you need to pay more attention to errors and punctuation marks, and the second time, to the correctly composed text, its meaning and the sequence of certain sentences.


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Correct spelling: you write

At first glance, the word “you write” is quite simple, but some people often have questions regarding writing soft sign at the end of a word and the letters “i” and “e” at the beginning and middle of a word. Therefore, in order to correctly write the word “you write,” you need to parse it sequentially.

It’s worth starting with the first vowel “i”. In order not to make a mistake in the correct spelling, you need to apply a check to the word. This would be the word “write”. Even during pronunciation you can hear that the letter “e” cannot be there. It would seem strange to parse the word first, because it’s already clear how to write given word. But, as the experience of not only teachers, but also statistics shows, 15% of schoolchildren do not know the correct spelling of basic words. Therefore, in order for the word to be accurately written without errors, it should be analyzed sequentially, looking for arguments that confirm your conjectures. By the way, if you look for a test word that will indicate the correct spelling, then the word you are checking will be spelled correctly.

But questions arise not only with the first vowel, but also with the second. For example, “you write” or “you write.” In order to find out, you need to ask the question, “What are you doing?” The letter “e” will appear at the end, which means it will also be written in the word. This can be done with all words to which this question can be substituted. And using such a small hint, you can learn to write correctly without memorizing long rules.

Spelling the word "correctly"

Also, there must be a soft sign at the end of the word. There are several rules that prove the correctness of writing a soft sign after a sibilant one.

The soft sign must be written at the end of the noun female, at the end of the second person verb, present and future tense, at the end of the verb imperative mood, at the end of an infinitive verb.

In our case, the appropriate option for the word “you write” is the ending of the second person, namely the present and future tense.

There are few rules for writing a soft sign after a hissing one, so it’s very easy to remember them.

Correct spelling

Correct speech is one of the most important signs characterizing a well-mannered, cultured person. Unfortunately, we must admit that now the beautiful speech has lost its ground. But if you want, you can learn to speak correctly and beautifully.

Brevity, simplicity, literacy

These are the basics of correct speech and competent speech. People have forgotten how to speak correctly over time for a number of reasons, starting with the widespread decline of culture in the 90s. This needs to be learned again. At least because competent speech not only characterizes a person positively, but also helps in communicating with other people. Imagine: you are talking with a person who abuses vulgar, slang words. Do you want to continue communicating with him? Hardly.

Every person can learn to speak beautifully. The richness of the language allows us to describe any objects with extreme accuracy. It is not at all necessary that the speech be verbose. After all, too long a narrative, even a beautiful and imaginative one, is very tiring and sometimes annoying. Therefore, we must remember that one of the main requirements for correct and beautiful speech is brevity. It is necessary to quickly move on to the main essence of the issue, not to delay the introduction, and not to be distracted by unnecessary trifles. Then your story will have the desired effect.

Of course, you need to speak competently. A person who often makes mistakes in accents or uses words incorrectly is absolutely unattractive. For example, all business speech may be crossed out with the word “lay down”, instead of the correct “put down”. In the same way, a boss who incorrectly places stress on words "document", "quarter", is unlikely to inspire favor and trust among business partners.

Techniques for correct speech production

For those who want to speak beautifully, various techniques provide every opportunity to:

  • Correct breathing. By taking a deep breath, you will master breathing support while pronouncing vowels and consonants at a slow pace, pronouncing each syllable and each word. This helps to use all shades of language.
  • Oratory. Smooth speech, correct articulation, and clear sound make the listener listen even more attentively to the narrator. Properly delivered speech includes training using patter, whispering, and artificially fast pronunciation.
  • Brief, precise summary. Practice expressing your thoughts concisely.
  • Logics. When communicating or speaking, you need to follow the logic of the narrative and cause-and-effect relationships. The logic of thinking and storytelling is based on general education and a broad outlook.

Using language training exercises, you will automatically expand your communication, gain confidence in professional field, learn the art of persuasion and easy manipulation of listeners.

Exercises for staging correct and beautiful speech will be useful in staging breathing, voice, controlling resonators, strengthening vocal strength and endurance, enriching intonation, and practicing the correct tempo of diction. How can you learn to speak great? The answer is simple - patiently practice the technique.

Lessons for establishing proper breathing

Phonation breathing is an important factor in correct speaking. The diaphragm is responsible for inhalation - a muscle that delimits chest area with the abdominal and muscles that control the movement of the ribs during breathing. The most natural position for comfortable breathing is lying on your back with completely relaxed muscles.

Make yourself comfortable by lying on your back. One hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Try to inhale so that your chest remains motionless and your stomach rises. Exhale slowly and repeat this exercise until abdominal breathing is easy and without strain. This kind of breathing needs to become a habit. Moreover, such an exercise will well invigorate you from sleep.

Of course, to achieve the dream of beauty, words are simply correct positioning breathing is not all you need. Most often the problem lies in psychological level. This could be a fear of the public, residual memories from visits to a speech therapist in childhood, or simply the inability to interest the interlocutor.

You can easily cope with all this with the help of simple lessons on correct speech:

If you feel unsure of yourself, it is quite difficult to communicate and open up in front of your interlocutor.

There are several steps you need to take to free yourself from fear:

  • acknowledge the presence of difficulties and prepare for the long work of getting rid of worries;
  • understand the reason (you may even have to resort to a psychologist);
  • been through difficult situation, let go of the past forever and enjoy the present;
  • start communicating - only methodically overcoming your fears will allow you to learn to communicate with people (you can mentally come up with plans, for example, 10 long conversations and 20 short conversations in public transport or in line);
  • if it is difficult to immediately start conversations in a company, you can first communicate by phone (by at least, there will be no external manifestations);
  • When training goes smoothly, you can take the initiative in meeting the opposite sex.

But there are still people who are naturally modest, and there is no need to suffer because of this. Modesty is not a vice! Work on yourself, on personal development, improve your skills of correct speech when communicating, try to be open and sociable.