How to get sick with angina. How to quickly get sick with a sore throat: bad advice

It's easy to get sick quickly. Read the article if you really need it. But consider the health risks.

Any disease is a set of problems, troubles and stress for all body systems. But often in life there are situations when catching a cold, you can avoid some difficulties.

  • It's easy to catch a cold if you know some tricks.
  • If you need to get sick urgently, then in this article you will find tips on how to do it quickly and for sure.
  • All ways to get sick quickly really work, but all people keep them a secret.
  • The main thing is to decide in advance how long the disease is needed, and what severity: a simple SARS or tonsillitis.

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, SARS, the flu really with a temperature: 30 popular quick ways

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, SARS, the flu really with a temperature: 30 popular quick ways

Surely the question “how to quickly and really get sick” did not arise for you during the ringing of the alarm clock. You've been thinking about it since yesterday or even earlier. The mistake of every person who needs an urgent illness in the form of a cold is that he only suffers, and does not take action and does not think through a plan. Each way to get sick is good in its own way. You only need to choose what suits you and start preparing for it at least a few hours in advance.

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, SARS, flu with a real temperature?

So, how to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, SARS, the flu really with a temperature? There are 30 popular quick ways:

  1. Turn on the air conditioner. If the house has this device, then catching a cold is a matter of a few minutes. It is necessary to lower the air temperature in the room and spend 5-15 minutes in it. Having frozen well, the result for the body will be immediate. After a couple of hours, you will feel unwell, a runny nose will appear and your throat will hurt. But do not overdo it so that such an activity does not result in pneumonia, and this is already a big health problem.
  2. Draft. If the house does not have air conditioning, open the windows wide open in opposite rooms. 15 minutes of draft and a person with weak immunity will feel the onset of a cold in a few hours.
  3. Water from the refrigerator. If you have a sensitive throat, then you only need to drink a few sips of water from the refrigerator. Make water with lemon to make it easier to drink or cold compote will do.
  4. cold milk drunk within a few minutes is a 100% guarantee that you will get sick. This method works faster than drinking other cold liquids.
  5. After exercising, unzip your jacket outside. It is important to sweat well and warm up. Unzip your jacket and stand in one place. wind or cold air will blow on you, doing its dirty work.
  6. Dress for the weather. If it's cold outside, leave the house in a T-shirt or light jacket. The body will become cold and a cold will appear.
  7. Wet your feet. This method is suitable if it is not summer outside and it has recently rained heavily. Put on shoes that get wet and walk through cold puddles for several minutes (15-20) - a runny nose and temperature are provided.
  8. After a hot shower, go out to the balcony in a T-shirt or T-shirt.
  9. In winter you can jump into the hole, like on Epiphany frosts, plunging headlong. But be careful! This method without preparation can provoke severe spasm vessels, and this big problems health or even death.
  10. Wet your head and go outside in the cold. It only takes a few minutes (up to 5 minutes) to catch a cold.
  11. Refreshing sweets and cold air. Buy a refreshing or minty candy like Rondo in advance. Eat one candy and immediately go out to the balcony. Begin to actively breathe through the mouth with cold air. You will feel a sore throat within an hour.
  12. Cold shower and cold air. Stand under a cold shower for 5 minutes. Then dry off with a towel, put on your underwear and T-shirt, and go out onto the balcony for another 5 minutes.
  13. Ice cream and mint gum. Buy 2 ice creams and 3 mints chewing gum. Bite into large portions of ice cream and swallow until it runs out. Then chew the mint gum one by one. You can alternate ice cream and gum.
  14. Glass with ice. Prepare a glass of 50 or 100 ml. Fill it up a quarter ice water, and to the top pour ground, but not melted ice. Swallow this mixture in one gulp. There will be an instant cooling of the body from the inside, which will lead to a cold.
  15. In winter, in cold and windy weather, go out into the forest and play an active sport in light clothing. For example, you can go skiing, buns or ice skates.
  16. In winter, you can open the window and sit on the windowsill for up to half an hour.. Hypothermia guaranteed.
  17. Hot bath and a glass of cold water. Relax well in a warm bath. Then go out and drink a glass of cold water.
  18. Breathe cold air from the freezer. If it’s warm outside, and you really need to get sick, then you can open the freezer and make a few dozen deep breaths cold air.
  19. Walk without a hat in the cold. But this method won't work if you have strong immunity. In addition, there is a risk of earning meningitis.
  20. Walk barefoot on the cold floor of the house. If you live in a private house, then in winter this method will help for sure. You can wet your feet first.
  21. Get a virus. There are always acquaintances or friends who are already sick. It is enough to spend several hours with a sick person in the same room or drink tea from his mug, and viral infection secured.
  22. Wet your feet and socks. Before walking down the street, wet your feet and socks with ice water. Then put on your shoes and head out into the cold. A couple of hours of such a walk, and you are provided with a sore throat, runny nose and cough.
  23. Cold beer with ice or mineral water with ice cream. You need to drink these drinks in large sips, feeling how the cold passes through the throat and descends lower into the body.
  24. In summer, after the beach, go to an air-conditioned room. Often in the summer people get sick when, after returning from the beach, they go into the room and turn on the air conditioner. There is a sharp hypothermia.
  25. Go to bed with open windows or running fan. In winter, it is strictly forbidden to do this, since irreversible consequences can occur in the body with health! In summer, this action will lead to a cold.
  26. Long stay in the summer under the sun and then abruptly enter the pond. First, the body overheats, then abruptly supercools. The cold will appear in the evening. But remember that overheating of the body leads to sunstroke and skin burns!
  27. Take a ride (even in summer) in public transport with an open window.
  28. Simulation 1st way: rub black pepper in front of your nose while inhaling. Black pepper will cause prolonged sneezing. Another way to cause sneezing and watery eyes is to put two drops of Kalanchoe juice into the nose.
  29. Simulation 2nd way: put a drop of iodine on a teaspoon of sugar. Eat this mixture and in a few minutes the body temperature will rise to 38 degrees. But be careful! This method is not suitable for cores.
  30. But, if you do not want to mock yourself and spoil your health, help will come acting skills. Spread salt or garlic under your armpits before taking your temperature. Make the face of a sick person, put a thermometer. The temperature will rise to 39 degrees. But this game can fail if the effect of salt or garlic is weak.

All of these methods really work and have been tested by people. Be careful with the choice of one of the methods - evaluate the health risk.

It often happens that you need to quickly get sick in one night or 5 minutes with a temperature. Above were described ways to get sick with a sore throat or a cold. But you can poison yourself. For example, if you drink a glass of stale juice or week-old tea, then diarrhea and fever are guaranteed.

Remember: From this method, in addition to poisoning, gastritis or other problems with digestive system. Be careful!

Cold will help you get sick in 5 minutes. Eat 200 grams of ice cream quickly while standing in the cold. If there is more time, then you can eat 1 kilogram of this cold treat, then a sore throat is guaranteed.

Simulation will also help you get sick in 5 minutes. You can heat the thermometer over the bulb or use other methods that have already been described above.

Often a cough and runny nose are a sign of an incipient illness. Therefore, children do not even need to measure the temperature when the doctor comes to the house if there is a cough and snot. How can a child get sick quickly and easily at school, at home, in the spring with a cough, runny nose?

It is enough for a person to get a little cold to have a runny nose or sore throat, which causes a cough. To do this, it is enough to go out on the balcony in the cold, stripped to the waist, and drink a glass of beer from the refrigerator or mineral water. Stay like this for another half an hour and the next day you will have a sore throat or SARS.

Children get sick at school if they run out naked into the street during breaks. Even if the child is active and runs in the cold, he will catch a cold. After all, a sharp ingress of cold air into the bronchi provokes hypothermia.

In the spring, when it is still cool, it is enough to walk barefoot through the puddles or just get your feet wet. Cough, runny nose, sore throat and fever are provided.

Sore throat- it's 100% sick leave, since this ailment is always accompanied by high fever, cough and other complications. How to make a sore throat quickly?

Go for a run in the morning. Run as far as you can to get tired and short of breath. Then gradually slow down your run and begin to feverishly inhale the cold morning air with your mouth. Do this for 15-30 minutes. You will feel a sore throat within an hour.

Important: Do not overdo it with running, so as not to harm your health. Some people need to run at least 40-60 minutes to get tired, while others need a 15-minute run.

A certificate or sick leave is issued for a week or more if a person has a temperature. If you have a question, how to do it in order to get sick for a week, then you have to sacrifice your health:

  • hypothermia;
  • eating cold foods or ice;
  • exposure to cold air in light clothes or with a wet head;
  • cooling the body under a cold shower;
  • a sharp change in body temperature: after a hot shower in the cold, and so on.

Choose one of the above methods and act, but do not overdo it.

windmill is viral disease. If you get chickenpox, then the sick leave is guaranteed. Often parents want their child to have had this disease in childhood, since the disease in adulthood is much more difficult to tolerate, causing serious complications.

How quickly do chickenpox get sick? To get chickenpox, you need contact with the patient. So, if in kindergarten or school quarantine because of this disease, it means that one of the children is already sick. Enough healthy child come to his house and just be in the same room or play with some toys. It is believed that this virus can become ill after 1-1.5 hours of contact with the patient.

Getting sick is not a problem. But you need to think about the consequences and whether it is worth taking such a risk, sacrificing your health in the name of your goal. Don't take this article seriously, as a couple of days off is not worth getting seriously ill. Don't joke with your health!

Video: How to get sick and not go to school?!

Frequently asked questions by children school age, students, sometimes the older generation. How to quickly get sick with a temperature for real? Let's take a look at them in this article.

AT environment There are millions of microorganisms that affect our body. The immune system resists their effects and therefore we do not get sick.

But there are stressful situations, they adversely affect the body. It weakens and the person falls ill with this or that infection. The risk of disease increases when healthy man stay close to the patient during acute infection. Such diseases include: tonsillitis, SARS, influenza, chickenpox, etc.

How to quickly get sick in 5 minutes?

People try to avoid contact with the sick, but sometimes there are situations when it is simply necessary to get sick.

How to quickly get sick in 5 minutes? There are many ways that will help you deal with the problem at some point.

How can you quickly cause yourself a temperature?

  • put literally a drop of iodine on a cube of sugar and the temperature will rise.
  • for more safe way rub salt under the arms, the temperature on the thermometer will rise significantly.
  • dip the thermometer into the water hot water or heat your forehead with a heating pad if parents want to check the temperature tactilely.

These methods will literally free you from classes for a few days. To get sick for more long period will have to work a little.

How to quickly make a sore throat?

For this you need:

  • to break your voice well, that is, to shout.
  • eat quick ice cream or drink ice water.
  • if it is spring or autumn, wet your feet and the effect will not take long.
  • drink fatty cold milk. It is advisable to drink it after steaming. The next day there will be a sore throat, slight temperature and you're free for a couple of weeks.

How to get sick quickly in winter with a temperature?

In order to get sick in the winter, a lot of effort is not required. After all, during this period the body is weakened and experiences beriberi, the incidence of the population increases. In educational institutions, in transport, the infection spreads the fastest.

To get sick in the winter in a non-educational institution:

  • you need to throw snow on your collar, while the body should be hot. It is advisable to do this after a run.
  • to go outside without a hat with wet hair or immediately after a bath, lightly dressed. Colds are guaranteed, just take care of your ears. If you get a cold in the middle ear, you will have to spend about a month in the hospital.
  • you can eat ice cubes, snow. By the way, there are many microorganisms in the snow from the street. Inflammation of the throat is guaranteed to you and subsequently the temperature will rise.
  • if the house contains geraniums. Take a geranium leaf and rub the nasal mucosa well. The nose will turn red, a runny nose will begin, you can also do it with pepper. The imitation of the disease will be successful. But this is provided that you are not allergic to these ingredients.
  • Eat mints and immediately start inhaling cold air frequently. You will see the result in a couple of hours.

How to quickly get sick in the summer?

Some are concerned about this question, is it even possible. Of course it is possible, but this can be difficult. After all, in summer our immunity is strongest. We use more vitamins, the sun, infections are less due to the warm, dry period. So in the summer there is a chance to overheat and the temperature will rise to 38 degrees by the evening.

  • go to the beach in the morning and stay in the sun without a hat for as long as possible, overheating is guaranteed.
  • swim for a long time in a pond and at the same time eat ice cream, drink a cold drink. sharp drop temperature will weaken the body and disease will set in. Of course, the throat, bronchi, and lungs will suffer.
  • if possible, go out of the heat into an air-conditioned room where the difference in temperature is at least 10 degrees and stand under it. The longer the better. Cold guaranteed.
  • at night, open the windows and turn on the fan, direct it in your direction.
  • if you have a car, you should open the windows and drive at high speed, but there is a risk of catching a cold facial nerve. In this case, the face can skew to one side, and the recovery is long.

In summer you can easily pick up intestinal infection. worth eating milk product, which stands for several days without a refrigerator. Poisoning guaranteed. Or fish product, but it may threaten dangerous infection botulism. So it's not worth the risk with fish.

How to quickly get sick with angina?

What is angina?

it unusual inflammation throat. Angina gets sick when in contact with a sick person. transmitted by airborne droplets. With angina, the tonsils are predominantly affected. This disease is acute. Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, possibly as a complication after the underlying disease. Angina still has another name - acute tonsillitis. Streptococcus is the most common cause of angina. It can develop in just a couple of hours.

Signs of angina:

  • starts heat 38 - 39 degrees
  • headache
  • acute sore throat swollen lymph nodes
  • laryngeal edema
  • plaque on the tonsils
  • hoarseness

It is important to isolate the patient. But if your goal is to get a sore throat, then you should eat from his plate or he will sneeze on you. You will pick it up very quickly. angina treatment only antibiotic therapy. At improper treatment, causes complications of rheumatism, pyelonephritis, meningitis, otitis media. The most serious complication is sepsis (blood poisoning). Possible death.

How to get sick quickly at school?

There are no special difficulties to get sick at school. In rooms that are poorly ventilated, there are many infections. If one person in the class gets sick, then the possibility of the rest to pick up the infection increases. Yes, if the windows are constantly blowing.

  • you need to take a good run during the break, and then sit near the window in light clothes.
  • drink a lot of coffee, your heart rate will increase, the pressure, too, and a sick leave is guaranteed for the day.
  • in a chemistry lesson, accidentally knock over a reagent with acid on yourself.
  • in a labor lesson, injure a finger or accidentally pour boiling water on yourself.

Sick leave is guaranteed for several days. Just don't overdo it. We do everything carefully, thoughtfully. Simulation also helps, bandage a healthy hand and you will not be able to write in the classroom, supposedly there was an injury.

How to quickly get sick with the flu at home?

Enough contact with the patient. Influenza is a viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Find out which of your friends have this disease. Come visit, be in the same room, hug, kiss, drink from his cup. The flu is guaranteed. For reliability, take a long walk on the street in wet weather, ride buses, minibuses, metro, where there is a lot of people. The disease will manifest itself in a few days.

How to quickly get sick with chickenpox?

Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets. This is a childhood disease, because mainly in early age the child carries it. Immunity, after suffering a disease, remains for life. A person can get sick only if he did not get sick in childhood. Chickenpox is caused by the herpes virus (herpes zostor). It spreads rapidly indoors, and quickly dies in open areas. Easily gets on the mucous membranes of the body. A sick person is considered contagious three days before the rash, during the rash. After the last papule popped out, the period of contagiousness passes. The incubation period for this disease is 21 days.

With rashes, the patient feels:

  • temperature rise
  • headache
  • terrible itching.
  • rashes all over the body and mucous membranes
  • general malaise

Papules should not be scratched, this can lead to scars that do not resolve. Even there are rashes on the mucous membranes of the eyes. Zelenka is smeared in order to find out when the last papule popped up, in order to understand that the patient is on the mend. The contents of the papule are watery, if you comb it, other rashes will pop up around. During this period, it is strictly prohibited water procedures. Chicken pox usually resolves without complications. Recurrences do happen, but very rarely.

How to get pneumonia?

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is a bacterial disease. Maybe as a complication after an infection.

Caused by bacteria:

  • Pneumococcus
  • streptococcus
  • klebsiella
  • golden staphylococcus.

The main route of infection is airborne. Most often get sick in winter, autumn period. Moisture increases in the atmosphere, bacteria live longer in such a climate. So you can get sick only through kisses and air.

Most often, people who have a weak immune system get sick:

  • smokers
  • the presence of systemic diseases
  • during stress
  • chronic fatigue
  • with reduced immunity
  • at constant horizontal position

Pneumonia can develop congestion If a person spends a long period in a horizontal position, ventilation of the lungs worsens and microorganisms actively multiply. Elderly people are highly susceptible to pneumonia. Most often, pneumonia begins asymptomatically, a slight fever, general malaise, a cough and shortness of breath begin in a couple of days. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor. Treatment is only antibacterial under medical supervision. It can lead to complications if not properly treated. Possible death.

Other ways to get sick quickly

  • go to the bath early in the morning close up and emit poisoning. Pour the ladle of water into the bath while doing this, making vomiting jerks. Get out of the bath, holding your stomach, supposedly poisoning.
  • take vegetable oil, warm it up and drink it. It will be hot and your throat will be inflamed.
  • smell the laundry detergent. You are provided with a runny nose, lacrimation.
  • drink stale juice or week-old tea. An upset stomach is guaranteed.
  • take a dip in ice water.
  • walk with bare feet on the cold floor. This is especially true in the private sector.

In custody I want to add, now you know what diseases you can quickly get sick and their consequences. Ask the question, is it worth it? After all, some diseases can carry backfire, and hit the pocket well. After all, treatment is expensive. Better to go to educational institution even if you don't want to. These are just the little things in life. We must try to cope with difficulties. After all, a lot of life problems can happen further and you can no longer get rid of them. Good luck guys. Be healthy!!!

However, some are interested in how you can get a sore throat. Most often, children and adolescents of school age are interested in this in order to skip classes and stay at home. Urgently getting sick with a sore throat in 5 minutes at home is quite difficult. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations in advance that will help you quickly do this.

Most people don't know why people cause symptoms of illness on their own. Symptoms of malaise are often caused by schoolchildren to avoid going to classes and free themselves from doing homework. They are also attracted to the fact that they will be constantly looked after and even bring food to bed. Most likely, parents will please their children and feed them various goodies that they do not eat daily.

However, before you start getting the symptoms of this disease, you should seriously think about it. After all, angina is a serious infectious disease, which is often accompanied by unpleasant complications. Often, patients have a fever overnight and pain in the throat, which prevents swallowing water and food. Also, patients complain of other symptoms that also appear with angina. These include inflammation of the eyes, coughing, joint pain, and accumulation of pus in the throat. All these symptoms are very dangerous and therefore you need to be prepared for the fact that the disease will greatly worsen your well-being.

Before you try to quickly catch a sore throat with a temperature at home, you need to familiarize yourself with several useful advice. First, a person needs to assess the performance of his immunity. If a the immune system strong, it will be difficult to get sick with tonsillitis. In this case, you will first have to deal with the deterioration of the immune system and only then catch a cold.

When trying to get a sore throat, the time of year is taken into account. It is recommended to do this in winter time, since the probability of contracting an ailment increases by 2-3 times. Summer effective method getting a cold is considered regular consumption of ice cream and cold drinks with ice.

If you still manage to get sick, you will have to immediately begin treatment in order to avoid complications of the disease. Without treatment, patients develop kidney and heart problems. For some, the disease progresses to chronic form which is not easy to get rid of.

Before contact with carriers of the disease, one should work on weakening the immune system in order to increase the likelihood of a cold. There are several useful tips, which will help weaken the immune system and the protective functions of the body:

  • Immerse the lower limbs in chilled water with ice. To do this, it is recommended to draw cold water into a basin or bath and fill it with ice from the freezer. Then the legs are placed in a container of water for 5-10 minutes. This will provoke a violation of the temperature balance and weaken the effectiveness of the immune system. protective function organism.

  • Wear socks on your feet soaked in cold water. This method is most effective if used in winter. It is recommended to regularly go out in such socks when the air temperature is below zero. You can also go out to the balcony in them and stay there for at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Use a wet blanket or sheet. In order for the patient to become infected with tonsillitis in the coming days and weaken the immune system, they use a blanket soaked in ice water. To do this, a person will have to take off his clothes and wrap himself in a wet blanket from head to toe.

Ways of local impact on the body

Many are interested in how you can get a cold with the help of local methods. There are ways that provoke the appearance of bacterial infections and lead to the appearance of a sore throat. It is no secret that in the body of every person in a dormant state is the causative agent of the disease. If you create favorable conditions for it, pathogens are activated and help to get positive result in the form of a cold.

To activate the causative agents of tonsillitis, it is not enough just to go outside without a hat. To do this, it is recommended to regularly use ice-cold liquid. When preparing such a liquid, 5-7 pieces of ice are added to a small cup of water. Cold water is drunk regularly at least four times a day. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to quickly catch a cold due to hypothermia of the body.

Ways of acquiring redness of the throat

Earning a sore throat or tonsillitis is sometimes quite difficult, and therefore some people first try to get a reddened throat. To do this, you will have to follow a few simple recommendations. To do this, it is advised to periodically go outside in winter without warm outerwear and without a hat. You should also walk barefoot in the snow to supercool the limbs.

The most effective method of getting redness of the throat is considered regular use ice liquid. At the same time, plain cold tap water or carbonated drinks with ice are drunk.

Daily use of cold liquid will definitely cause redness in the throat.

If cold drinks do not help, take an ice bath. To do this, the bath is filled cold water and, if possible, covered with ice. 10-15 minutes of being in such water is enough to redden the throat.

What else can be done?

If the above methods did not help you quickly get sick with a sore throat with fever and sore throat, you will have to use more effective methods.

To get a cold, it is recommended to swim several times in the cold sea or river at a temperature of less than 5-10 degrees. Such bathing is carried out both in clothes and without. At the same time, at the time of bathing, it is better to plunge into the water with your head so that it is thoroughly wet. There are also local methods getting the disease. Some advise periodically drinking milk from the refrigerator, as it is better. plain water causes sore throat.

From childhood, parents teach us to take care of our health, try to protect us from hypothermia and pull on a Panama hat so that the sun does not bake our heads. But sometimes the morning comes when you want to lie under a warm blanket for a couple of days, flipping through the channels on the TV and sipping warm milk with honey.

And then there is a feeling that you can get rid of your duties "seriously" ill. And when a “temporary panacea” for pressing problems is found, the question arises in the head - what needs to get sick, which will cause plausible symptoms. The first reliable way will be a sore throat, and so - how to get a sore throat? Thoughts begin to rapidly look for options and methods to quickly and surely get sick with a sore throat.

First you need to remember what is an infection (the cause of the disease is streptococcus bacteria), The problem seems to be solved without any extra effort, we find this somewhere harmful microorganism and get infected! It remains only to find the one who caught the sore throat, chat with him, drink from his glass or just ask you to cough on you! But a couple of suitable patients are not always at hand, so you need to apply alternative methods disease provocation.

Article outline

How to catch a sore throat using general methods of influencing the body

The easiest way to pick up any infection based on a decrease in immunity, you must first achieve low cell resistance relative to the invading pathogen. The body's defense against viruses and bacteria is drastically reduced and the infection begins to develop unhindered in your body. You can reduce the immunity of your body and earn a sore throat by applying several methods:

  1. Perform the procedure of immersing your feet in an ice bath. Fill a bowl with cold water, add ice to it and let your feet cool down. The temperature balance of the body will quickly be disturbed, which will lead to defensive reaction and sharp decline immunity.
  2. Put on well-soaked socks in cold water. The method will be effective in the presence of sub-zero temperatures outside, since in wet socks you will have to walk on the cold floor of the balcony.
  3. Cold blanket or sheet. It is necessary to soak a sheet in icy cold water, wrap around a naked body and go to the balcony or open the window wide open. it the right way earn a sore throat overnight.
  4. If your body is so strong and the previous methods cause only a slight runny nose - apply the effect of a cold bath. Keep in mind that you need to be mentally prepared as you have to lie down for a long time. Since short-term immersions can be perceived by the body as a hardening procedure, the effect, accordingly, will be radically opposite.
  5. Air conditioning in hot weather. Walk for a while under the scorching sun, throwing on some kind of sweater, when you sweat well enough, go into the apartment and turn on the air conditioner for the most low temperature. Place yourself comfortably right under the stream of cold air and enjoy the coolness, at the same time it will help you quickly and surely get sick with a sore throat. The result is enhanced by the presence of a lot of all kinds of bacteria in the filter element of a home air conditioner.
  6. Use physical exercises. Give the body a good physical activity, sweat well and drink plenty of cold water, a warm throat will not cope with such an attack and will quickly cause the prerequisites for a sore throat.

How to get a sore throat using local methods

Having produced one of the listed options for weakening the body, you can start the activation process.

The causative agent of angina is dormant in every person, so it is easily activated in the presence of favorable conditions.

To earn a sore throat, use ice water. To be on the safe side, drop some ice cubes into the glass. Increases the chances of disease washed down with cold water mint candy.

In addition to water, you can use just ice. It can be dissolved and swallowed in pieces. Apply ice externally to the neck. These activities should cause a sore throat.

For adults, it is important to drink ice-cold beer. In hot weather, cold beer, like sweet water, aggravates the condition of the throat and provokes the appearance of a sore throat.

Everyone from childhood, an adored and pleasant method to earn a sore throat is to eat a lot of ice cream! However, remember that the task cannot be solved with ice cream alone; you need to master 4-5 servings of cold treats. Many children in frosty weather like to lick icicles, this idea can also be adopted, since there are many different microorganisms in icicles, causing the appearance angina.

  1. Always keep in mind that the final result depends on the combined effect of several factors on the body. Without a sharp depletion of the body's immunity, it will be quite difficult to quickly get sick with a sore throat.
  2. Consider the degree of your body's immune threshold. If viruses are not terrible for you, then it will be extremely difficult to force your body to surrender to the mercy of a sore throat. Accordingly, methods should be chosen - more stringent and aggressive.
  3. Take into account the time of year. In winter, getting hypothermia and getting sick with a sore throat is easier, you just need to dress lightly, drink cold water and a sore throat is already provided to him.
  4. If the body resists with all its might and it is impossible to achieve a sore throat overnight, you will have to apply several methods at once that provoke a sore throat.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or SARS. The opinion of an experienced doctor.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many patients regularly seek advice on how to get rid of a cold in a few days. But some are tormented by the question of how to get a sore throat? In practice, there are several tips that will lead to a strong pain in the throat and an increase in the tonsils.

Someone at least once thought about how to get a sore throat. Most often, this question is of interest to schoolchildren who go to skip tests because of unlearned material.

by the most simple method disease is sharp decline immune function. Therefore, the patient needs to ensure that the cells resist the pathogens worse.

In practice, however, there are several general recommendations, which lead to a decrease in protective forces.

  • Immersion procedure required lower extremities into a cold bath. To do this, it is worth typing in a basin cool water and dilute it with ice from the refrigerator. Then lower your legs and wait for them to cool down. Such a process will lead to an immediate violation of the temperature balance and a weakening of the immune function.
  • You can put on socks on your feet that have been soaked in cold water. This method will show effectiveness only if there is a sub-zero temperature outside. To get the result, you need to go to the balcony and walk in wet socks on the floor.
  • You can apply a cool blanket or sheet. The sheet must be soaked in cold water with ice. Then completely undress and wrap it from head to toe.
    For better efficiency you need to go to the balcony or open all the windows wide open. Thanks to this method, you can earn a sore throat in one night.

How to quickly get sick with angina? There are other ways.

  1. Use conditioner. If on the street summer time year, you can walk for several hours under the scorching sun. At the same time, a warm sweater or shawl should be put on the body so that the body can sweat a lot.

    Then go to an apartment or room where the air conditioner is turned on strongly. Stand for twenty minutes under a stream of cold air. The next morning the patient will wake up with a sore throat.

  2. Apply strong physical exercise. The body needs to be given a big load, so that it not only sweats a lot, but is also tired. After a thirty-minute workout, you need to drink two glasses of cold water.

    In such a situation, a heated body simply cannot withstand the stress and weakens.

Ways of local impact on the body

How can you get a sore throat using methods of local exposure? There are techniques that lead to the activation bacterial infection in the form of streptococcus. It is generally accepted that the pathogen is in the body of each person, only in a dormant state. When favorable conditions are created, bacteria begin their vigorous activity.

To get sick with a sore throat, it is enough to use an icy liquid. For the method to be effective, a few pieces of ice must be added to the mug with a drink. To increase the chance of catching a cold, you need to drink mint candy with cold water.

Ice can be used instead of cool liquid. It can be absorbed into in large numbers or swallow in pieces. It is also recommended to apply ice to the neck area.
If the patient is already an adult, then it is worth drinking cold beer. In the summer heat, this drink acts just like water.

Instead of all the above methods, you can just eat ice cream in large quantities. It is worth noting that one delicacy this problem don't decide. You need to consume at least four servings of ice cream.

Before getting sick with tonsillitis, the patient needs to assess the state of his immune system. If everything is in order with immunity, then it will be quite difficult to catch a cold.
One way may not work. Therefore, if the patient specifically sets the task of earning a sore throat, then you need to resort to several methods at once.

Also consider the time of year. It is generally accepted that in the cold months the chances of getting sick increase significantly. Often in the summer, people get sick with a sore throat. The reason for this is the abuse of ice cream and the flow of cold air coming from the air conditioner.

It will be difficult for a sick person to quickly get rid of a sore throat, especially if it is bacterial in nature. At the same time, it is not the disease itself that is dangerous, but the complications that it carries with it.

As you know, tonsillitis affects the development of internal organs. Often, after a sore throat, people suffer from diseases of the heart, kidneys. The composition of the blood is also disturbed, which leads to a strong weakening of the immune function and a slow reproduction of antibodies.

If the patient has never had a sore throat, then when using such methods, it can become chronic. Any hypothermia will lead to the activation of a bacterial infection.

If the sore throat is catarrhal in nature, then it can be cured in three days, if measures are taken in a timely manner. But in most cases, it instantly becomes purulent and lasts at least five days. Then the treatment process necessarily includes the use of antibiotics, which also negatively affect the digestive system.

Duration of sore throat

Experts say that angina is a fairly contagious disease. But only if the person has close contact with the patient, lives with him in the same apartment and uses things.

In other cases, it will not be possible to catch a sore throat so quickly. The most minimal incubation period is ten to fifteen minutes, but such a process is extremely rare. On average, this period ranges from two to five days.

Even if the patient has chronic tonsillitis, it takes at least three to four days for the development of the disease.

It turns out to instantly get sick only if the person’s immune system is already greatly weakened. But it’s better not to expose yourself to angina. If a person wants to get sick and take a sick leave for a few days, then it is better to get rhinitis. This disease rarely carries complications, and it will be possible to sit at home for five days.

It is worth noting that the main symptoms include an increase in temperature up to forty degrees, a strong pain in the throat, perspiration, loss of voice. To completely eliminate the symptoms, it is enough to sit at home for up to five days. In this case, you will have to drink antibiotics, and carry out procedures every hour. It is also impossible not to treat a sore throat, since it is dangerous with complications and because of this, the patient is often placed in a hospital.

It is also worth noting that the above methods can not only lead to tonsillitis, but also more serious diseases in the form of sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and meningitis. It is much more difficult to treat them, and besides, the patient will have to lie down at home for at least two weeks.

Do not put yourself and your health in danger. Before you decide to get sick, you need to think about what consequences await a person.