Belladonna composition. Atropa belladonna L. Brief information and illustrations.

Other plant names:

belladonna belladonna, belladonna, sleepy stupor, wolfberry, crazy cherry.

Brief description of belladonna:

Belladonna belladonna is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 2 m high, belonging to the nightshade family (Solanaceae).

In its wild form, belladonna vulgaris (belladonna vulgaris) grows mainly in the Caucasus, Crimea and the Carpathians. The plant is cultivated in many countries of Europe, Asia and America. In our country, the most favorable cultivation zone is the Krasnodar Territory.

The old man in Rome roughly used it for this purpose. When it was rolled in oil, it was easy to detect the poison that would come off the surface. 16 years old The Italians cracked the poison to crack the salt, which would then be eaten by the food. 18th century You will beat the poison so you can shoot. Hallucinogenic or psychedelic drugs are either made from plants, live, or are synthesized. The effects of your induction are sometimes called "travelling." Marijuana and all its updos are weak hallucinogens.

The Amazon had a "bean era" drink in the form of dimethyltryptamine. And the buffet minted Alvari's embroidery, and the Sonoran desert turned around. All hallucinogens are structurally close to serotonin, which is responsible for the transmission of impulses in neurons. Skals - mushroom rye and another mushroom. They are over 50 years old. widely used in treatment and pharmacy. At the same time, they are a strong nuisance, and their alkaloids have a strong impact on nervous system, affecting neurotransmitter function. Meanwhile, in folk medicine, other neurotransmitter extracts, dopaminergic, whose libido is the main source of Parkinson's disease, from the body in your medicine.

Belladonna leaves are harvested for medicinal purposes in June–July. They are used to make a number of valuable medicinal drugs.

Chemical composition of belladonna vulgaris:

Belladonna leaves contain hyoscyamine, scopolamine, atropine, atropamine, belladonine, as well as a number of other biologically active chemical compounds. The alkaloid content in the leaves must be at least 0.3%, usually it ranges from 0.15 to 1–1.2%.

Some of them have an effect, others don't. The Russians crawled the Turkmen Karakumsh in the desert, the town of Margiana. Pietsh Gonur made a settlement. There was a large tombstone, consisting of two parts - secret and secret. Three clay vessels were found in one room. Mayer-Melikyan found remains of cannabis and ephedra. Elsewhere, a 10-molar gun was found that appears to have been used in conjunction with scrubbers to squeeze, squeeze and disappear.

An opaque container containing an unassuming amount of cannabis was found in the next room. Thus, the tombstone could become the basis for the entochiogenic growth of the entire Margiana Sherey. Toguluk 21 was found in a dish with remains of ephedra, but in combination with a head clot. Other artifacts show that some rituals were performed. The cylindrical stamp depicts a stranger, an acrobat and two belly dancing heads. Let me know that in the ceremony you used skulls to represent animals.

These active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of Belladonna vulgaris.

Pharmacological properties of belladonna vulgaris:

The pharmacological properties of belladonna vulgaris are determined by its chemical composition.

In this case, the pharmacological properties of the plant are determined by the main alkaloid of belladonna - atropine, which is a mixture of I- and α-hyoscyamines.

This allows you to identify the psychotropic drug, one in the case of cannabis and ephedra, the other opium and ephedra. Shipping fees vary based on weight. You will not need to pay anything immediately after ordering your basket! detailed information confirmation of the cart and the final amount will be indicated within 1-3 business days. by mail.

Most of our plants are closed root systems, that is, seedlings have grown and are sold in pots. The length of perennial flowers and herbaceous plants is relevant and depends on the season. Greenhouses do not grow plants for sale. All our plants are perennials.


Atropine is an anticholinergic drug that mainly blocks m-cholinergic receptors. Under the influence of atropine, the transmission of nerve impulses in the region of the endings of postganglionic parasympathetic nerves is disrupted due to their immunity to the cholinergic transmitter - acetylcholine. In this regard, atropine is considered a classic antagonist of the functions of m-cholinergic systems and m-cholinomimetic drugs.

We also inform you that a plant list does not exist. Synonyms: bandages, Rioja rhopikis, sturgeon, cherry worm, wolfhound. Belladonna, deadly nightshade. The potato family is a perennial, herbaceous plant up to 2 meters high. The rhizome is dense, branched and overgrown big amount branched roots. The mast is straight, branched, overgrown with wild hairs, green with a purple tint. The lower leaves are cited, false, large, ovate, the upper leaves are layered in pairs, one of which is 3-4 times smaller.

Rings isolated or pairs grown from leaf hands, down. Green butterfly, five-petalled, fruitful, not rotten. The fruit is multi-colored, purple for blackberries. Bud seeds, brown, pointed surface, length 1.5-2 mm. Flowers from June to August, fruits ripen in July-September.

Atropine has pronounced neurogenic and antispasmodic properties. Under its influence, the tone of smooth muscle organs - the intestines - decreases, biliary tract, gall and Bladder, bronchi, uterus. Due to blocking of the m-cholinergic receptors of the circular muscle of the iris, the pupil dilates (mydriatic effect). In ancient times, the mydriatic effect of belladonna (atropine) was widely used by women to enhance the shine of the eyes and dilate the pupil, and therefore in Europe this plant is widely known as “belladonna” ( beautiful woman).

Spreading. It does not grow in Lithuania itself, but is sometimes grown in gardens and kindergartens. Grows in light, neutral or alkaline conditions in loamy soils. The main alkaloids are atropine, chyoscyamine, 1-scopolamine, apoatropine and beladonine. Preparation. Drugs include leaves and roots. Leaves are collected in the first year of planting in August and in the second half of the year in July-July. Before the cold, the entire earthen part of the plant is washed away.

The chopped leaves should begin to dry for 1.5-2 hours. Rhizomes with roots are planted in September or late March - early April. Kasam will not harm them. Hand protection is better with rubber gloves. All raw materials must be stored in a separate closed room.

Atropine inhibits the function of glandular organs - salivation and sweating decrease, formation decreases. gastric juice and pancreatic juice. Due to the decrease in the inhibitory effect of the vagus nerve on the heart, heart contractions become noticeably more frequent. The peripheral m-cholinolytic effect of atropine is clearly expressed; the drug has a rather weak effect on the n-cholinoreactive systems of the autonomic ganglia.

Bronchial asthma, hemorrhoids, and Parkinson's disease are also treated. Contraindications. Do not use in case of cardiac arrhythmia, neurosis, insomnia, gastric and intestinal atony, glaucoma, or during pregnancy. Pharmacy - poisonous plant. Deadly poisoning is possible even with just a few eaten berries.

This perennial 6-2 m high with dark green leaves and fragrant bell-shaped purple flowers. Blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. Speedy puppy pharmacies have green color, later they cure, and when ripe they turn purple. They are sweet and juicy, which is why they attract children. This plant most closely resembles moist, rich soil. In some countries it swings like a wild plant.

Atropine also has some central anticholinergic effects, which are most pronounced in the cortical regions and in the reticular cholinoreactive structures of the brain. However, the effect of atropine on the higher parts of the central nervous system is quite complex. For example, in large doses, atropine can cause severe mental agitation, manifested in motor and emotional restlessness, sometimes turning into convulsive states.

Reflective poison affects people and some animals, but horses, rabbits and sheep can feed on its leaves without fear. Berries also love berries. Pharmacy pussy eggs affect the nervous system. Some of their doses paralyze some smooth muscle nerves.

Symptoms of poisoning include pupils' enlarged eyes, sensitivity to light, visual disturbances, headache, confusion and seizures. The sleeping dose for a child is only two pussies, for adults - 10. Predictions can occur even when touching a plant.

According to legend, the Italians drank the juice of the plant in their eyes to make them clearer. By the way, one name is “belladonna”, in Italian it means “beautiful woman”. Nowadays, doctors rarely perform atopic dermatitis, one of the mosquitoes, as it widens the students' eyes.

If atropine is in adequate therapeutic doses, stimulating the activity of the respiratory center in medulla oblongata, enhances respiratory function, then in case of an overdose, respiratory depression occurs up to a complete stop (respiratory paralysis).

Belladonna alkaloids, in particular atropine, are rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract or through other mucous membranes and after enzymatic hydrolysis in the liver are excreted from the body by the kidneys. The duration of the general resorptive effect of atropine lasts for 5–7 hours, and when local application on the mucous membrane of the eye, the mydriatic effect can last more than 5–6 days.

Use of belladonna in medicine, treatment with belladonna:

The use of belladonna preparations in medicine is due to pharmacological properties its highly active alkaloids, in particular atropine. They use preparations consisting of individual chemical compounds isolated from the plant, or in the form of total and complex means.

Belladonna and atropine are used as antispasmodics and analgesics for peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic hyperacid gastritis, for diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder, for some forms of pancreatitis, as well as for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, intestinal colic and other diseases accompanied by spasms of smooth muscles.

For gastric and duodenal ulcers, atropine should be administered orally in an effective dose (up to appearance of mild dry mouth), selecting it individually. Depending on sensitivity to atropine, the dose may correspond to 6-8-10-12-15 drops of a 0.1% solution taken 2-3 times a day. Prescribed 30–40 minutes before meals or an hour after meals. When the disease worsens, atropine is first administered under the skin.

For pain associated with smooth muscle spasms, atropine is often administered with analgesics (promedol, morphine, etc.).

Belladonna preparations and individual alkaloids isolated from it are prescribed for bradycardia of vagal origin, atrioventricular block and angina. Marked healing effect belladonna preparations in the treatment of bronchial asthma, hypersecretion of sweat and lacrimal glands.

In ophthalmic practice, atropine (0.5–1% solutions) is used to dilate the pupil with diagnostic purpose(to identify true refraction, fundus examination, etc.) and during therapy inflammatory diseases(for iritis, iridocyclitis, keratitis, etc.), relaxation of the eye muscles caused by atropine provides functional rest and promotes the elimination pathological process.

In case of poisoning with cholinomimetic and anticholinesterase substances, a 0.1% atropine solution is injected into a vein, and if necessary, again.

As an antidote, atropine is prescribed for poisoning with acetylcholine, carbacholine, various cholinomimetic and anticholinesterase substances, including organophosphorus compounds, as well as for poisoning with morphine and other analgesics. Atropine is often prescribed together with morphine (omnopon) to reduce the side effects associated with the excitation of the vagus nerve.

In anesthesiological practice, atropine is used before anesthesia and surgery and during surgery to prevent broncho- and laryngospasm, limit the secretion of the salivary and bronchial glands and reduce other reflex reactions and side effects that may occur due to stimulation of the vagus nerve.

Belladonna belladonna contraindications and side effects of atropine:

When prescribing belladonna preparations, great caution should be exercised due to the possible increased individual sensitivity of the patient. Treatment should begin with small doses. A slight overdose can cause dry mouth, impaired accommodation, dilated pupils, difficulty urinating, tachycardia, and constipation. With more severe poisoning, motor agitation, loss of coordination of movements, hallucinations, delirium, blackouts, increased body temperature, dilated pupils and photophobia occur. In general, poisoning with belladonna alkaloids occurs as an acute mental disorder.

Belladonna poisoning is more common in children. In case of poisoning, emergency gastric lavage and the administration of laxatives are necessary. activated carbon, tannin, m-cholinomimetic (pilocarpine) and anticholinesterase (prozerin) drugs, sleeping pills.

Contraindications to the use of belladonna preparations: glaucoma, sudden organic changes in the of cardio-vascular system.

Dosage forms, method of administration and doses of belladonna vulgaris preparations:

Effective herbs are made from belladonna leaves. medications and forms used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's look at the main ones.

Atropine sulfate:

Atropine sulfate (Atropini sulfas) is an odorless, white crystalline or granular powder. Easily soluble in water and alcohol. The solutions have a neutral reaction; to stabilize injection solutions add a solution of hydrochloric acid to pH 3.0–4.5, sterilize at +100° C for 30 minutes.

The drug atropine is prescribed orally, parenterally and locally (in the form eye drops). Orally prescribed to adults in powders, tablets and solutions (0.1%) at 0.00025–0.0005–0.001 g (0.25–0.5–1 mg) per dose 1–2 times a day. 0.00025–0.0005–0.001 g (0.25–0.5–1 ml of 0.1% solution) is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously. Children are prescribed, depending on age, 0.00005 g (0.05 mg) - 0.0005 g (0.5 mg) per dose. Higher doses for adults orally and subcutaneously: single dose 0.001 g, daily dose 0.003 g.

Atropine is available in the form of powder, ampoules and syringe tubes of 1 ml of 0.1% solution; tablets of 0.0005 g (0.5 mg); 1% eye ointment and eye films in plastic cases of 30 pieces each containing 1.6 mg of atropine sulfate.

Atropine is included in Kellatrin tablets.

Store the drug in a well-closed container.

Belladonna tincture:

Tincture of belladonna (Tinctura Belladonnaе). Prepared from belladonna leaves (1:10) in 40% alcohol. Prescribe 5-10 drops per dose. Belladonna tincture is included in “Drops of Zelenin” and others combined forms.

Belladonna extract:

Belladonna (belladonna) thick extract (Extracturn Belladonnae spissum) is part of a number of combined dosage forms. Single doses: 0.01–0.02 g.

Dry belladonna extract (Extracturn Belladonnae siccum). In the manufacture of dosage forms, the dry extract is used in double quantity in relation to the thick extract due to the lower content of alkaloids. Higher doses for adults orally: single 0.1 g, daily 0.3 g.

Anti-asthma collection:

Anti-asthmatic collection (Species antiasthmaticae). Ingredients: belladonna leaves 2 parts, henbane leaves 1 part, datura leaves 6 parts, sodium nitrate 1 part. Used for bronchial asthma in the form of cigarettes.


Solutan. Complex drug, containing 0.01 g in 1 ml liquid extract belladonna. Used for bronchial asthma and bronchitis. The drug solutan is prescribed orally, 10–30 drops 3 times a day after meals.

Bellataminal tablets:

Tablets "Bellataminal" (Tabulettae "Bellataminalum") contain 0.1 mg of belladonna alkaloids and other components. Used for increased irritability, insomnia, climacteric neuroses, neurodermatitis, vegetative dystonia. "Bellataminal" is prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Becarbon tablets:

“Becarbon” tablets (Tabulettae “Becarbonum”) contain 0.01 g of belladonna extract and other components. "Becarbon" take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day for intestinal cramps and increased acidity of gastric juice.

Bepasal tablets:

Bepasal tablets (Tabulettae “Bepasalum”) contain 0.012 g of belladonna extract and other components. "Bepasal" is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Bellalgin tablets:

Tablets "Bellalgin" (Tabulettae "Bellalginum"). A complex preparation containing belladonna extract 0.015 g. "Bellalgin" is prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, mainly for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by increased acidity, spasms of smooth muscles, pain.

Bellasthesin tablets:

Tablets "Bellastesin" (Tabulettae "Bellastesinum"). A complex preparation containing 0.015 g of belladonna extract. Take Bellastesin 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for stomach and intestinal spasms.

Stomach tablets with belladonna extract:

Stomach tablets with belladonna extract contain, in addition to wormwood and valerian extracts, belladonna extract - 0.01 g. Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Candles "Betiol":

Candles "Bethiol" (Suppositoria "Bethiolum"). Contains 0.015 g of belladonna extract. Betiol suppositories are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and fissures anus.

Candles "Anuzol":

“Anusol” suppositories (Suppositoria “Anusolum”) contain, among other components, 0.02 g of belladonna extract. Anuzol suppositories are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Belladonna vulgaris leaf and preparations obtained from it (extracts, tinctures) are stored with caution.

WITH Italian language"belladonna" translates as "beautiful woman", and with light hand the Russian people got their current name"belladonna". The plant has a tall, straight stem, strong and branched rhizome, and broadly lanceolate leaves. It grows up to 2 meters in height, and the root can go up to 1.5 meters deep. The lower leaves are alternate, while the upper ones are arranged in pairs, and one of them always stands out from the others. The leaves reach a length of 20 cm, have a dark green color and an oblong (ovoid) shape.

The plant blooms for six months, starting in mid-May and ending in late autumn. The flowers are bell-shaped, emerging from the axil of the upper leaves. At the beginning of flowering, the flowers acquire a yellow tint, gradually changing it to a dirty purple color. The fruits are most often harvested at the end of summer, although they ripen until the first frost. They are represented by shiny, spherical blue-violet berries that resemble cherries in appearance.

Belladonna grows on all continents. She can be found in northern Africa, Latin America, throughout Europe and Asia Minor. In Russia it grows wild in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Cultivated in the Krasnodar region. The plant prefers high hills, as well as beech and oak forests. Belladonna can be found at altitudes exceeding 1000 m above sea level. It is not demanding on soil, but grows best on humus soils along ravines and river banks. Plantations must be removed after 4-5 years, since belladonna greatly depletes the soil.

Preparation and storage of belladonna

Both the above-ground part of the plant and its rhizome are used as raw materials. Belladonna leaves are collected at the very beginning of flowering, picking them off by hand. This can be done during the first half of summer. As soon as the first fruits ripen, the rest of the above-ground part begins to be harvested. To do this, belladonna is cut like any other plant at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground. The roots are also removed by hand at the end of summer. To do this, they are pulled out, all branches are cut off, carefully shaken off the ground and steamed. The root cannot be washed, as it may soon rot and become unsuitable for preparing raw materials.

The raw materials are dried at a temperature of at least 40-45 degrees. Most often, industrial ovens or winnowers are used for this. To dry, the grass must be finely chopped and thin layer place on the oven shelf. In the artisanal way, belladonna must be dried under a canopy in hot weather. summer days. Dried parts of the plant are hypertoxic, so they must be stored separately from other raw materials, in tightly closed tin or glass jars. Raw materials are stored for no more than two years.

Composition and medicinal belladonnas

  1. IN medicinal purposes use the leaf, grass and rhizome of belladonna. Plant raw materials are used to make medical supplies used to treat gastritis, kidney stone disease and inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  2. In addition, preparations based on plant extract have an irritating effect on the body’s nervous system, activating mental and physical activity, increasing performance and endurance.
  3. decoctions, tinctures and powders from raw materials are used in folk medicine to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  4. Belladonna extracts are used during anal fissures and atrioventricular block.
  5. main active substance belladonna is atropine. Atropine is a popular plant poison that can be fatal in excessive dosage. However, if used correctly - with knowledge, then it helps to reduce the secretion of the salivary, gastric and bronchial glands.
  6. The raw materials of the plant have a strong effect on the human heart. In particular, it disables nervus vagus, increasing heartbeat and improving conductivity. Of course, this is life-threatening, so using raw materials at home can be life-threatening.
  7. Decoctions of belladonna leaves have an anticholinergic and antispasmodic effect.
  8. The plant is rich in esters, derivatives of tropin and sconine. In addition, the root of the plant contains coumarins, glycosodide and chrysatropic acid.

The use of belladonna in folk medicine

Zelenin drops for the treatment of heart neuroses

This herbal collection is widely known in folk medicine. To prepare the drops, you need to take 2 tablespoons of lily of the valley, a tablespoon of valerian, 2 teaspoons of belladonna and menthol. Place all this in a plastic vessel and fill with a liter of vodka or half a liter of 96% alcohol. Infuse for 3 weeks, after which it is poured into a glass vessel (!Important). You need to use 30 drops 3-4 times a day. Store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Belladonna tincture for the treatment of gastritis, smooth muscle spasms and hemorrhoids

40% alcohol and crushed belladonna leaves should be taken in a ratio of 10 to 1. Leave on the windowsill, closer to sunlight within 1 week. The finished tincture should acquire a reddish-brown color, a bitter taste and a characteristic odor. The tincture contains about 0.02 percent of alkaloids, which is an acceptable dose for an adult body. Take no more than 2 teaspoons per day, and can be diluted for taste linden honey or jam.

Enema of belladonna root powder to cleanse the body

When severe poisoning you can do a quick enema based on belladonna powder until it arrives ambulance. To create a cleansing enema, you need to pour 100 grams of powder with a liter of boiling water, let it cool to room temperature or put it in the refrigerator to speed up the process. The resulting decoction should be divided into two doses.

Anti-asthma collection

This collection is sold in pharmacies in the form of a powder suitable for smoking. The collection consists of two parts belladonna, 1 part henbane, six parts datura and 1 part sodium nitrate. The drug must be used during asthma attacks. To do this, pour the powder into a teaspoon and put it on fire. The smoke released is inhaled. In some cases, the powder is sold in the form of cigarettes.

A decoction of crushed plant root to improve performance and relieve fatigue

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 20 mg of powder and add 500 grams of water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes. You can start taking the decoction immediately. Drink no more than 100 grams of decoction per day, distributing it evenly throughout the day. In some cases, the dosage of raw materials can be reduced.

Alcohol extract for the treatment of glaucoma and high blood pressure

To prepare the extract, you need to take 40 grams of crushed belladonna raw material, fill it with 400 grams of 96% alcohol and leave for several weeks. Readiness can be determined by its dark green hue and characteristic smell.


  • Making tinctures and decoctions without consulting a professional herbalist or doctor is strictly prohibited. All parts of the plant contain a potent nerve poison that can cause poisoning varying degrees gravity.
  • Mild poisoning begins to appear 10-20 minutes after ingestion. Its signs are burning and dry mouth, difficulty breathing and speaking, hallucinations, photophobia, dryness and redness of the skin. In this case, you need to urgently perform gastric lavage. Vaseline oil and seek help from doctors.
  • A severe form of poisoning is accompanied by the same symptoms, only this time the body temperature rises sharply and falls arterial pressure. Available death caused by paralysis of the respiratory system.