An extraordinary Cancer woman. How to please a Cancer girl or woman? How to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and keep a Cancer girl and woman? What gifts and compliments do Cancer girls and women like? What kind of guys and men do Cancer girls like?

Cancer woman horoscope

Cancer Woman: appearance

Nature endows the fair sex, born under the sign of Cancer, with extreme femininity. The look of such a woman is piercing, sometimes naive, reflecting the spontaneity and mystery of her soul; if it does not charm, it certainly attracts attention. These ladies intuitively sense the situation and mood, and their appearance is never in dissonance with what surrounds them, they always dress surprisingly harmoniously, creating a complete, complete image. Most people like to dress femininely and choose classic clothes. In makeup, it is typical for Cancer women to use rich dark shades, which only enhances their unique mystery.

Women of this zodiac sign have amazing property: They only get better over the years. Unions with men much younger than them are not uncommon: they look so good that their companions simply do not pay attention to this difference.

Cancer woman - behavior characteristics

Cancer women are sensitive, vulnerable, and very sensitive to the slightest manifestations of negativity from others. It is in the Cancer woman’s nature to attribute double meaning to other people’s words, which is why they often get very upset for no particular reason. Like men, Cancer women are subject to surprisingly rapid mood swings. They can either hate and condemn people, or come to their defense. You cannot mock them and even joke in their presence must be extremely careful.

The Cancer woman is characterized by a guilt complex, she constantly feels that she is doing something wrong, she always imagines that her image in the eyes of others is falling, and something must be done urgently to restore it. She loves to lament better life, never parted with the past, constantly “fidgeting” in it, sorting out old grievances like a rosary, and once again gets upset because of once missed chances. Tears that other people consider to be causeless are also not uncommon for Cancers: this is how their internal discomfort is manifested externally.

Zodiac sign Cancer - woman in work and career

As in everything else, women of this zodiac sign are focused on stability. A career may seem tempting to them, and they may even begin to take successful steps in this direction, but their excessive emotionality sometimes cancels out all efforts in the professional field. If possible, the Cancer woman will try to make herself as comfortable as possible, even in the workplace, to create an atmosphere that is, if not homely, then at least cozy. These workers are respected, their advice and opinions are listened to, they are willing to trust them with secrets, knowing their reliability. According to the horoscope, the Cancer woman takes her work very seriously, but if she is faced with a choice between family and work, she will without hesitation make it in favor of family happiness.

Cancer woman in love

Female Cancers are extremely afraid of looking approachable - in many different senses of the word. They are afraid of appearing vulnerable, they want to give the impression of independent, strong natures. These ladies are charming, modest, always listen sympathetically, delve into problems, and men are extremely impressed by this, so they quickly become imbued with the warmest feelings for them. This woman is designed in such a way that it is difficult for her to give herself completely to love. But, at the same time, if she is lucky enough to find true love, her chosen one will see her willingness to do literally everything for him. But on his part, she also needs a constant demonstration of feelings and care. She will not tolerate an aggressive or indifferent person next to her. In love, Cancer is very faithful, and sometimes her loyalty even becomes obsessive.

Cancer woman in sex

Representatives of this sign are characterized by excessive embarrassment, which manifests itself to a greater extent at the beginning of acquaintance. Afraid of appearing easily accessible, they initially restrain their passion and do it so skillfully that this is often mistaken by their partners for coldness or indifference. In fact, Cancers are very sensitive and passionate natures, aimed at obtaining maximum pleasure in bed. In sex, the Cancer woman will first of all take care of satisfying her own libido, but at the same time she will not forget about her partner, however, she is not inclined to sacrifice her interests for the sake of his pleasure.

Cancer woman in marriage

Women of this zodiac sign get married quite late because of their strong attachment to their parents and home. Having received her beloved man at her disposal, the Cancer woman considers him her property, while being terrified of losing him. She needs a feeling of warmth, reliability and protection. At the same time, Cancers are patient with their loved one. If the husband has problems, the wife will not escalate the situation, will not resort to betrayal, and in a difficult situation will always defend family happiness. The character of a Cancer woman will not allow her to cheat - such entertainment as, for example, flirting with men on the verge of a foul does not attract her at all. Most wives of this sign are not inclined to break the oath of marital fidelity.

Zodiac signs: Cancer woman - mistress of the house

Women of this sign love their home very much, this is the main place in their life, and they will try to do everything to make it reliable, cozy and beautiful. The Cancer woman devotes a lot of time to decorating her home, and does it with taste, although her interior often looks somewhat old-fashioned. The house of the representative of this zodiac sign captivates guests with its comfort and warmth of the atmosphere reigning here. As a housewife, the Cancer woman is thrifty and thrifty; she loves to have plenty of everything in the house and constantly creates all kinds of supplies. Not only is she not wasteful, but, on the contrary, she is prone to hoarding.

The Cancer woman has a whole warehouse of old things that have turned into relics. For the most part, these ladies know how to cook very tasty food, do it thoroughly, and put a piece of love for their loved ones into every prepared dish. It cannot be said that housework is a source of pleasure for them, but they are undoubtedly one of the best housewives.

Characteristics of a Cancer woman - mother

The Cancer woman is the embodiment of motherhood; her “mother hen” instinct is extremely developed. She is incredibly attached to her children, supports them in everything, and cares tirelessly. It should be said that she treats other people’s children very kindly. Their thoughts and feelings are close to her, because in a certain sense such a woman herself remains a child at heart. Cancer mother will not allow her children to connect their fate with just anyone, being very jealous and even suspicious of their chosen ones. There are often situations when the children of these women, because of this, start their own families quite late, but even then Cancer women react to this fact very painfully, because they expect eternal affection from them.

Who is suitable for a Cancer woman according to her horoscope to start a family?

If the woman is Cancer, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio.

What to give a Cancer woman

A gift for a Cancer woman may be associated with her sometimes exaggerated love for the home, which she arranges with maximum comfort for her family. She will enjoy gorgeous indoor flowers in beautiful pots, picturesque reproductions and figurines, elegant napkins and tablecloths, high-quality dishes, etc. The Cancer woman loves to sort through past pleasant memories like a rosary, so a good solution would be, for example, a capacious photo album; she will certainly appreciate it if you prepare an interesting photo collage with her participation. A gift for a Cancer woman associated with the past is also all kinds of antique or antique-style objects, books, boxes, tapestries. A representative of this sign will certainly be delighted with elegant jewelry, for example, made of silver or pearls, and the theme of a cozy home is generally endless for her - a warm blanket, a good coffee maker, cute slippers, etc.

Date of birth is an indisputable factor that influences the similarity of character traits, fates and motives of behavior among thousands of people. At the moment a person is born, the Sun is in one constellation or another. The date of birth determines what character and temperament the baby will have. No science can either confirm or refute the influence of zodiac signs. To understand the characteristics of a Cancer girl, you need to look at her as a separate person.

Character traits

Characteristics of the Zodiac sign for a Cancer woman begin with an understanding of the characteristics of her character and temperament. Cancer - moon sign. The Cancer girl herself is the same. The beautiful representatives of this sign have a complex mental organization. Such a statement as “another’s soul is darkness” fits perfectly with them. They believe in the transmigration of souls and respect the past. And they consider themselves to be a kind of link in a chain that connects the past and the future.

As a rule, these girls are gentle, weak and timid, who need the support of their loved ones. He is very sensitive to criticism and ridicule. Cancer is thrifty, she will always have money put aside for a rainy day. But you can’t call her a stingy girl. She can happily spend a tidy sum on shopping. She is also accustomed to shopping therapy to treat mental illness. Cancers love to chat, but they will never reveal someone else's secrets. With friends and with her significant other, she is devoted.

There are so many incomprehensible things hidden in the soul of the fair sex of this sign. But not everyone will be allowed to these secrets. In public she is a confident and independent girl, but alone with her family she allows herself to be fragile, tender and a little fearful. To open the soul of Cancer, you need to show her love and care. And this applies to both relatives and significant other.

To be happy, everyone, without exception, needs to overcome their shortcomings. The Cancer woman has more than enough of them. To change your own destiny for the better, She needs to get rid of such negative character traits as:

Communication and friends

The Cancer girl’s characteristics in communication with other signs are positive. This is a pleasant person to talk to. She can support any topic of conversation. She is a wonderful storyteller. Even her most extraordinary stories are filled with life and very interesting. But this girl’s interlocutors need to remember that she is very impressionable and any wrongly spoken word or joke can completely turn her away from the person.

The mood of representatives of this sign is very changeable; it can change up to several times a day. Often has his head in the clouds. She always has some thoughts and ideas about the future or longing for the past in her head.

These girls have quite attractive appearance. They have many friends and acquaintances. Always ready to listen and help both in word and deed. There are always loyal relationships with friends. Cancers will never allow themselves to speak unflatteringly towards their loved ones, no matter what their relationship is. Before speaking, this woman will analyze every word in order to avoid tactlessness in her expressions and actions. Because he understands firsthand how the words and actions of family and friends can hurt. Like everyone else, representatives of this sign have positive and negative qualities in communicating with people:

  • "pros"- care, attention, tolerance, gentleness, tenderness, condescension, sensuality, loyalty, reliability, understanding and sympathy;
  • "minuses"- isolation, vulnerability, touchiness and temper.

Love relationships and sex

To win the heart of a Cancer girl, you need to know about the principle of “three nos”:

  • no criticism;
  • no ridicule;
  • no to rejection.

Another important principle is respect for her parents. Representatives of this sign, just like others, need affection, care and love, then she will be able to completely devote herself to her loved one.

With all her external and internal qualities, this woman will never take the first step. She expects this from a man, since for her this is a certain indicator of masculinity and leadership. Cancer combines modesty and charm, which make her desirable to many young people. In love, this woman gives herself completely, and demands the same from her other half. In relation to herself, she wants to feel love and respect from her partner. He must constantly say and prove that she is the most beautiful, smartest and has no equal. Cancer will be faithful to such a person and will even forgive minor shortcomings.

The best way to feel the nature of your Cancer lover is while walking under the Moon, somewhere on the seashore or river bank. This is her element. In the moonlight she will appear spiritually naked, showing all her qualities. Perhaps you will be able to capture her alien, magical charm, which is unique to this zodiac sign.

Cancer girls come in two types: some are modest and feminine, others are very clingy. If the couple has been in a relationship for a long time, then the second type of Cancer will not cause any particular inconvenience. But if the relationship is only at the stage of conception and development, then such behavior and persistence can push away the person. Cancers of the second type do not bother much about the fact that their persistence does not suit someone. They cling as if it will forever and it will be difficult to escape from these claws. Fortunately, this type of Cancer girl is quite rare.

In love, a representative of this sign is subject to fears and doubts. Constantly looking for flaws in himself. Her loved one must get used to this and constantly convince her otherwise. Cancer will never agree to an easy and free relationship. She needs seriousness, not simple flirting and sexual pleasures.

This woman will let a man into bed if she has feelings for him. In sex, she loves tenderness, affection and showering with compliments. If the partner takes into account all the wishes of Cancer, he will be able to get great pleasure.

Girls of this sign love comfort and romance. They will have sex slowly, enjoying their partner and the situation as a whole. Since Cancer is a lunar zodiac sign, everything related to the night and the moon will be more important than ever for them. For example, sex at night on the beach is what you need.

Also, candles, an aromatic lamp with oils, and relaxing music will set the Cancer woman in an erotic mood. Her favorite position is “man from behind,” because then she doesn’t have to worry about what her facial expression will be like during orgasm. If this girl’s loved one always takes into account her wishes, then the time spent together will be unforgettable.

Compatibility and marriage

IN family relationships Representatives of this sign are maximalists. A long period meetings are not for them. After six months or at most a year of relationship, these girls give an ultimatum: marriage or separation. Cancer women are an example of those wives who never leave, even if her life partner is a womanizer. This is due to the fact that representatives of this sign are endowed with all-forgiving love. She simply cannot live any other way. She has a fear that she might be left completely alone.

In the compatibility of zodiac signs according to the horoscope, the characteristics of a Cancer woman have a number of positive and negative aspects. Good compatibility will be with the following zodiac signs:

But the Cancer girl will not develop strong and long-term relationships with all signs of the Zodiac. Poor compatibility with men of the following signs:

  1. Excessive sensitivity and tenderness in a relationship will irritate the representative Gemini. Cancer simply cannot get along with a person who treats everything with frivolity.
  2. Man Aquarius cannot satisfy the Cancer woman's need for stability. But these zodiac signs can coexist perfectly as friends.
  3. Scales They can charm a woman, but they cannot provide stability and security.
  4. Compatible with Capricorn below average, since with such a sign there is no confidence in the need for this person.
  5. Charmed the girl at first sight Sagittarius Over time, it will become annoying and bring discomfort to your life together.

For this woman, family is a world where its own rules and traditions reign. For her, her parents will always come first, and then her own family. She is ready to sit late and wait for her husband to get home from work. During the day she will call him and find out how he is doing and whether he had lunch today. She will never dare to raise her voice against her husband first or start a scandal. She characterizes all this as a manifestation of weakness, which is completely unacceptable for her.

As for children, Cancer is a kind and caring mother who cherishes and supports her child in every possible way. Having become a mother, she does not forget about her husband. Her love, warmth and care are enough for both. The disadvantage of such mothers is that their excessive love develops selfishness in the child. Growing up, such children bring difficulties to the family. They cannot decide anything on their own; it is difficult for them to escape from under their mother’s wing.

For such a housewife, a house is a refuge where you can hide from the outside world and be alone with yourself. These women are very economical. This housewife always has a full refrigerator. Their house is a full bowl. Love, comfort and coziness always reign here.

Health and Cancer talismans

The health of this sign can be called satisfactory. The weak link is the stomach and intestines. This sign needs to watch what he has for breakfast. It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the lungs, since this lady often catches colds. A representative of this sign can be let down by such a character trait as suspiciousness. Because of her nervous system girls often fail. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but immediately contact a specialist. This is no joke!

The Cancer girl has magical helpers - talisman stones. According to ancient beliefs, the strongest and most effective for her are:

  1. Moonstone (selenite). This stone is a symbol of the magical power of the Moon. Selenite is recommended to be inserted into wedding rings, to save to long years love and care. Also, this stone in a silver frame will help those who suffer from nervous diseases.
  2. Emerald- stone of the patroness of the hearth. According to legend, this bright green stone ensures a strong family life. It is also useful for those who have vision problems.
  3. Cat's eye (chrysoberyl). This stone brings good luck to those who love gambling. Good helper for colds and asthma. Chrysoberyl brings mental peace, tranquility and excellent sleep.

Briefly about the main thing

Astrologers study movement every day celestial bodies, compile horoscopes for each zodiac sign. These signs help to understand the essence of a person, his inherent character traits, and what talents he possesses. Even a person himself can know himself better, choose the right profession, learn about his strengths and weaknesses. Such knowledge will help you take a step in the right direction in life. Understanding the signs of the Zodiac will help a person decide on friendship and love. With their help, you can find out the compatibility of your character with the other sign you like.

A woman with cancer has many positive characteristics. This representative of her sign is unusually gentle and romantic. She amazes men with her mystery and modesty: it is very difficult to guess what is going on inside her. She is characterized by such qualities as loyalty, obsequiousness, compassion.

She is an excellent wife and housewife. He loves to improve his home and has good culinary skills. She likes to spend her free time at home: noisy parties are not for her at all.

In life, this woman is quite shy. She is very vulnerable and afraid of criticism: she can think about each of her actions for a long time, weighing how it would be better to act.

A Cancer woman may dwell on the past, remembering failures and defeats, and lose confidence in the present. But she, like no one else, needs attention and care: she is ready to give all of herself to someone who truly loves her.

Her mood is often changeable. If she becomes sad, those around her will involuntarily be imbued with the same feelings. During periods of melancholy, it is better to leave a Cancer woman alone, as a gloomy mood is quickly transmitted to others. And it’s almost impossible to pull her out of the pool of sadness and regrets: it’s better to give her time to think about everything.

The Cancer woman is a wonderful friend: she knows how to keep secrets, and will always come to the rescue. But if you offend her, she will remember it for a long time. Making peace after a quarrel with a representative of this sign will not be easy, unless you are friends from youth.

Relationships with men

A love relationship with a Cancer woman should be built on mutual understanding and respect. Vulnerable by nature, she will look for a companion who can appreciate her modesty and will support her faith in herself. Such a woman always attracts men with her mystery: all feelings are hidden deep inside.

But in fact, this mystery is due to shyness. The Cancer woman is afraid to openly show her emotions. She will never take the first step herself and will observe how her admirer behaves: how much care he gives, whether he listens attentively. A Cancer woman can give her heart to someone who truly loves her.

The representative of this sign does not like to flirt too much. She is capable of remaining faithful to one single man, provided that he extols her virtues and assures her of his love. Sometimes her affection may seem tiresome: the Cancer woman needs constant spiritual intimacy. She is not jealous, but control over the life of her chosen one will be constant.

Men should know how to win her heart: relationships need to be built gradually, without pressure or pressure. She loves successful and purposeful people. Although the money issue is not so important, the Cancer woman still pays attention to the leaders.

The man of her dreams:

  • Constantly gives her love and care;
  • Interested in her inner world;
  • Successful and self-sufficient;
  • Well dressed and well groomed;
  • Showers her with compliments, talks about her virtues;
  • Restrained, does not rush things.

At the same time, a Cancer woman always pays attention to a man’s appearance. She does not like unkempt young people: every detail of the wardrobe will be examined by her. The education of the interlocutor also plays a special role. Since the Cancer woman herself is an excellent storyteller, she prefers to talk with witty and well-read people. Also, the high status of her lover is important to her, because she herself is very unsure of herself.

The Cancer woman is not touchy, but if her chosen one neglects her, then the feeling of betrayal will remain with her for a long time. Subsequently, you will have to work hard to understand how to return her love: forgiveness is possible only in the case of a long-term relationship.

If the romance was short-lived, then one cannot count on the return of the chosen one.

What kind of men are suitable

Cancer women are often attracted to strong and confident men. She looks for in her chosen one what she herself lacks: courage, self-sufficiency, optimism. Often people of the same sign can evoke different feelings in her depending on the individual.

For example, she may not like a successful and hardworking Capricorn precisely because of his undeniable merits. The representative of this sign cannot be called envious, but still internally she regrets some traits that she does not have.

Cancer woman compatibility with other signs:

  • Fish. Perfect couple with similar characteristics. They suit each other perfectly and are able to motivate a partner to any achievement. Both of these signs have innate intuition and rich inner world. The two of them are interested, their views are similar. They are able to understand each other perfectly and will lovingly take care of their partner until old age;
  • Taurus. A successful combination of signs. For a fickle Cancer woman, a balanced and calm Taurus would be the best match for her husband. He will look condescendingly at her mood swings, and she will decorate his life with bursts of emotions. Although many minor disagreements may arise, such a couple can live together all their lives. But on the condition that any dissatisfaction will be immediately expressed and discussed;
  • Scorpion. Favorable combination signs. The completely opposite characters of this couple will complement each other in everything. Sexy and charming Scorpio will help shy Cancer open up (in communication, in sex and at work). While Cancer will teach Scorpio to be more reserved and cautious. A faithful Cancer woman will be able to turn a blind eye to her chosen one’s flirting with others for many years, while maintaining deep feelings for him;
  • Virgo. This man is able to give her everything she dreams of: care, attention, love. The union of these signs will be strong due to their similarity. They both strive for stability and balance, do not like noisy parties, and need support and attention. A practical Virgo will be able to provide funds for improving the home, and Cancer will create an ideal family refuge. Despite the changeability of their characters, they are able to live together for more than a year.

It is possible to determine who is suitable based on zodiac compatibility, but this will not always mean the ideal option. Sometimes there are completely incompatible couples who continue to live happily together for many years. Nevertheless, astrologers, having compared the characteristics of the signs by date, warn Cancer women against unions with Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Libra.

How to behave with this sign

To understand how to behave with a woman with cancer, you need to know some of her character traits. The representative of this sign is unusually romantic and feminine, she has a well-developed sense of intuition: men should be honest with their chosen one.

She is unusually vulnerable and quite self-critical, which forces her to look for a partner who can appreciate her merits. The best way winning her attention means showering her with sincere compliments. But don’t be too flattering: she will immediately sense the pretense and suspect the admirer of lying.

Men looking for a way to seduce this girl should choose long-term courtship tactics. Due to her natural shyness and indecisiveness, the Cancer woman is looking for a reliable and reliable partner as a companion. loving man. She needs someone who will constantly tell her about her feelings and promise an alliance until death. Fleeting connections and hopeless novels are not at all interesting to her.

When choosing a life partner, a Cancer woman is looking for someone who can give her a reliable rear: support in difficult situations, help in resolving issues, optimistic attitude towards the future.

Men should also pay attention to how to win her sympathy: a representative of this sign loves decent and gallant fans. She will not look at someone who is sloppily dressed or unshaven. young man, all the more, he will not maintain relations with an insolent and rude person. In her idea of ​​the ideal, the chosen one looks like a decent, successful and romantic man.

Tips for men on how to make a Cancer woman fall in love with them:

  • Dress neatly and tastefully;
  • Be decent and kind, don't be rude;
  • Shower her with compliments;
  • Be interested in her inner world;
  • Keep the conversation going: the Cancer girl loves to talk about various topics;
  • Listen carefully;
  • Don’t rush things, but don’t stop there either: she loves decisive and confident men;
  • Always be honest with her: she will easily expose any deception;
  • Don't hide your feelings, be open. She does not like unpredictable men: all emotions and plans must be voiced.

You should also know that in a relationship she needs someone who strives to create a strong family. She will be attracted to a man who wants not only to get married, but also to have children. Wealth is not a priority for her, but still the chosen one must be quite successful in order to be able to create a cozy home.

In family

A Cancer woman in marriage can be called ideal wife. She enjoys arranging the house, keeping it clean and knows how to cook deliciously. There is always an extra dish in her refrigerator in case someone gets hungry.

Her relationship with her husband is excellent: she is not jealous, is always attentive to her husband and is ready to support him in any situation. But she demands the same from the chosen one: he must be everything to her. Sometimes men suffer from the excessive affection of their wives: total control is established over them. Such a woman constantly needs spiritual intimacy and support: her husband must give her confidence in every day.

IN family life Cancer loves consistency and cannot stand unplanned surprises. She always leaves the solution to the main issues to her significant other: it is too difficult for her to make any choice.

The Cancer woman finds her calling in children. The birth of offspring is the greatest happiness in her life. She is ready to give all of herself to her children: her husband may remain on the sidelines. For many years, such a mother monitors the lives of her children. This often prevents sons from building normal relationships with women, as she tries to control their lives.

In sex, Cancer is unusually sensual and tender. Such a lover is capable of giving her chosen one extraordinary pleasure: love is her element. She will not do this hastily, but will prefer gentle caresses in a cozy bedroom.

Work and business

In work, the Cancer woman seeks stability. She has difficulty changing jobs and is always worried about relationships in the new team. Due to frequent mood swings, she does not always manage to get along with all her colleagues. She simply does not know how to maintain her authority among other people. But what saves her is that she doesn’t like to gossip and knows how to keep secrets. Every employee at the place of duty knows that they can rely on her.

Due to lack of self-confidence, Cancer does not move up the career ladder very quickly. Promotions happen due to certain circumstances, but are almost never her fault. The bosses appreciate the Cancer woman for her punctuality and ability to complete assigned work on time. She will never be late submitting a report: everything will be prepared on time.

Professions that suit a Cancer woman:

  • Historian, local historian;
  • Explorer, traveler;
  • Art critic, writer, artist;
  • Artist, musician, writer;
  • Sales agent, salesman, waitress;
  • Teacher, doctor, teacher.

It is noteworthy that representatives of this sign do not strive for promotion. They practice their specialty to perfection, bringing their skills to perfection.

Helpful information

The Cancer woman is a rather complex and multifaceted personality. Sometimes completely opposite characteristics coexist in her, but this makes her even more mysterious. Here are some qualities that give the answer to how to understand her subtle nature:

  • An excellent conversationalist, she knows how to listen and is an interesting storyteller herself;
  • Able to keep secrets;
  • vindictive;
  • Seeks praise and support, in relationships with a man she is gentle and caring;
  • In bed, unusually relaxed and sensual;
  • She can be very generous and never skimp on gifts, she can lend money;
  • Inventive, open to learning something new;
  • Compassionate;
  • Always remains on the side of her loved ones, ready to help;
  • Dreams of a strong family and a cozy home;
  • In love, she is ready to give all of herself in exchange for tenderness;
  • Has a changeable mood;
  • In moments bad mood prefers to be alone;
  • Clever and insightful.

All these qualities help Cancer women to be a good friend, wife and mother.

In order to win over a Cancer woman, you just need to show enough interest in her. The horoscope says about the representative of this sign that she is created for love and friendship: her willingness to sacrifice herself can conquer anyone.

The following tips will help you win the favor of this zodiac sign:

  • Be honest and open, do not embellish your merits;
  • Become a good friend and support. Always be interested in her affairs, listen with interest to her stories;
  • Be kind and tactful. The Cancer woman does not like rude and ill-mannered people;
  • Don't try to surprise. She values ​​predictability and stability, anything else will scare her;
  • Show your feelings, praise her and admire her;
  • Be self sufficient and a confident person. She appreciates people with a strong inner core;
  • Never discuss her actions or qualities. The worst thing in her life is criticism;
  • Don't test her patience. A Cancer woman is able to hold back her anger for a very long time, but when it breaks out, it will not be good for those around her;
  • Be prepared for constant monitoring. She always wants to be nearby, to know about everything, to guess all the emotions;
  • Share your thoughts and plans with her. The Cancer woman has increased empathy, which allows her to empathize with other people.

Winning her heart is simple: give her love, and she will reciprocate. Because of her gullibility, such a girl can easily enter into a relationship with a man, without even figuring out whether he is suitable for her or not.

She is especially often captivated by her admirer’s imaginary desire to start a family: after all, she so wants to get married as soon as possible and have children. But the most important thing for her is to feel a strong man’s shoulder and be showered with affection.

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The gentle, fragile and graceful Cancer woman has a very sensitive psyche. Therefore, when communicating with her or creating any relationship, you must always show very careful care.

As practice has repeatedly proven, the Cancer woman is a devoted friend and faithful wife.

There is so much secret and incomprehensible hidden in her soul that a stable mood for representatives of this sign is an unattainable goal.

This is precisely the goal, because in public the Cancer girl will try to behave as confident, self-sufficient and independent.

Although this is absolutely not true. It's actually very dependent people who are afraid of being left alone, abandoned.

Do you want your compatibility with a Cancer woman to be perfect? Show her that she is the only one and the most beloved.

Cancer woman - characteristics of the sign

In her behavior, the Cancer woman shows timidity and shyness, and therefore is in great need of support, which only close people can provide her. Shyness will not allow her to express her need directly.

The sensitive soul of Cancer is very susceptible to other people's criticism and ridicule. Therefore, having heard something similar about herself, a representative of this sign, which is part of the Zodiac, will remember it for a long time. After all, in her opinion, the worst thing that can happen is to hear criticism addressed to you.

By the way, representatives of this sign have a really good memory. Having heard something interesting, a Cancer woman can easily reproduce it later.

She also loves history and loves to immerse herself in the past. In her house you can often find history books on the shelves, antiques in the interior, and family portraits and images of ancestors on the walls of the house.

This attitude is Cancer's desire to show the compatibility of the past and the present. They really like to feel like they are a link in a chain of events. Therefore, they are often interested in questions about the transmigration of souls, believing that this is possible.

In communication it is very nice man. A woman born under the sign of Cancer knows how to carry on a conversation and is an excellent storyteller.

Her stories are able to captivate and interest. In addition, she is a wonderful friend who is able to listen and will keep the secrets entrusted to her.

However, you should always be careful about your words and actions. It is very easy to offend Cancer. For example, a bad joke can bring her to tears.

Such impressionability of these individuals originates from the expectations that Cancer draws in his imagination. For these people, the compatibility of reality and imaginary pictures is the norm, and they are sincerely surprised and offended when this is not the case.

Head in the clouds and longing for what could have been suddenly gives way to good mood, and then returns to its original state again.

Cancers are very changeable and can be in several different moods throughout the day.

Cancer woman in relationships

For happy life The classic Cancer woman needs only two things - love and protection. That is why she will be able to completely give herself to a partner who will provide her with the opportunity to experience both.

It is important to understand that with all the manifestations of coquetry and charm, such a lady is unlikely to take the first step. Therefore, a man will have to take on the role of a leader, a leader.

Representatives of this sign can flirt, but they will do it very restrained and carefully. After all, they are afraid to seem approachable. And they will not show off their feelings and emotions. After all, the vulnerability that the Zodiac has endowed them with makes them defenseless against the dangers of the world around them.

Therefore, such a trembling soul is looking for its protector, who can shelter it from all kinds of adversity. In return, she will be able to listen and understand the problem, which is very attractive to men. The compatibility of modesty and charm in this sweet woman makes her, although not popular, a desirable companion for many men.

In love, she will be able to give completely and selflessly, but she will demand the same attitude from her partner. He must prove to her every day that she is beautiful, smart and simply wonderful. The zodiac makes these modest women prone to self-deprecation, and therefore she often requires confirmation of her exclusivity.

Such a woman will be faithful to her partner and will be able to forgive many of his shortcomings. But not indifference and aggressive behavior. To win the trembling heart of this doe, you need to show sensitivity, tenderness, affection and care.

A Cancer woman can let a man into her bed when she feels that she has met true love. But in order not to suffer a fiasco for the lover, it is necessary to convince her that there is nothing forbidden in erotic desires.

Cancer will have excellent physical compatibility with a gentle and affectionate partner who will not allow himself to behave rudely. At the same time, it is very important to give her a lot of compliments about appearance and a beautiful body.

And if a lover can take these features into account, he will receive a sensitive and affectionate lover in bed who can give him great pleasure.

She likes to have sex slowly and at the most comfortable conditions. This place could be her home, where she can feel safe. The Zodiac endowed her with the ability to cause an increase in desire with light touches and to sensitively respond to the slightest movements of her partner.

Romantic in life, Cancer lovers in bed will also appreciate the aesthetics of lovemaking. For example, sex on the beach under the light of the moon or a room with scented candles and pleasant music will allow her to relax and enjoy her time. Create such conditions for her, and your compatibility will give you unforgettable moments of sexual pleasure.

In relationships, the Cancer woman shows maximalism. That is, at the stage when it is necessary to move to the next step - to the wedding - she will set a clear condition: marriage or separation.

Loyalty to loved ones also applies to the man you love. But this situation often leads to a depressed state of men who feel as if they are in a cage. Especially when the wife’s fear of losing her husband begins to manifest itself.

She is able to sit until late at night waiting for his arrival. She can call several times and clarify where her husband is and what he is doing, but she will not dare to directly express her feelings in scandals. After all, this would mean showing weakness, and this sign, which is part of the Zodiac, cannot afford this.

For Cancers, home is a refuge in which they hide from the outside world. The economic woman Cancer will maintain order in her home, and will show care and attention towards loved ones.

That's who will really have a “house full of cups.” Everything will always be in abundance here: love, care, food, comfort and coziness. Such a housewife always keeps all her things and never gets rid of them. The same careful attitude is manifested in relation to money. Cancer will have good compatibility with a husband who will not throw money away.

A classic example of a woman born under the sign of Cancer is a wife who will not leave her husband, even if he is an alcoholic, drug addict or womanizer. Such all-forgiving love, which this Zodiac sign has endowed, can confuse a partner. But such a woman cannot do otherwise, because she is simply terrified of being left alone.

In order to find happiness in life, a person often has to struggle with his shortcomings.

Some of them may simply cause discomfort.

But there are traits that can ruin your life for a long time.

When embarking on the path of self-improvement, knowing about her own shortcomings will help her become better.

The Cancer woman may be able to achieve changes in her own destiny.

The always different and sometimes even hysterical Cancer woman can improve her life if she copes with the negative traits of her character. Namely:

  • laziness;
  • steadfastness and perseverance in defending one’s own and, at times, erroneous beliefs;
  • the desire to show oneself as cruel or forgiving, which depends on one’s own sympathies;
  • tendency to denigrate people;
  • aggressiveness;
  • euphoria;
  • mania;
  • various whims;
  • rapid and groundless irritability;
  • manifestation of oddities;
  • inflated value of one's own self;
  • optional;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • slowness;
  • hysteria;
  • lack of composure.

Perhaps a Scorpio man will be the best partner a Cancer woman can meet. His possessive feelings and jealousy are exactly what such a woman needs.

A good couple would be a Pisces man and his Cancer companion. She will be able to return him “from heaven to Earth” and provide him with truly maternal care, which is inherent in this sign.

A Cancer girl will have a long and happy relationship with her Virgo partner. After all, they both love order, show thriftiness and are able to spend money economically.

The compatibility of two Cancers will also be good. After all, they are, in fact, very similar and therefore will be able to understand each other perfectly. They won't get bored together; they will show respect for each other. It is important for both of them not to become depressed at the same time.

For a Taurus man, who is very stubborn, which is what the Zodiac has endowed him with, an alliance with the shy Cancer will also be successful. After all, they will perfectly complement each other with character traits that the other side lacks.

A driven woman born under the sign of Cancer will be able to get along with a Leo man and their relationship will be stable.

A beautiful romance will be an alliance with an Aries man. And if Cancer’s mismanagement irritates him, then the intensity of passions will smooth out all the “irregularities.”

Cancer will have poor compatibility with a Gemini man. Her excessive sensitivity will irritate his calculating mind, but she simply will not be able to get along normally with a person who does not know what stability is and treats everything frivolously.

Aquarius man and Cancer woman they will not be able to build a romantic relationship. His frivolity will not be able to give her the necessary feeling of security and stability. They may be buddies or friends, but nothing more.

A man born under the sign of Libra, which is part of the Zodiac, will be able to charm a Cancer woman. But she won’t feel stability and reliability next to him.

And although the Capricorn man knows how to be confident in the future, his compatibility with Cancer will still be low. Although she will feel protected at first, she may soon feel useless and even become a hindrance in his life.

A Sagittarius man is capable of charming a Cancer companion at first sight, but complete absence His housekeeping will irritate her. In addition, his unpredictability, which this Zodiac sign has endowed, will cause her discomfort.

Cancer woman - general description of the sign

Relationship with a Cancer woman.

In this article you will find a lot of useful information on how to slay a Cancer woman and make her fall in love forever. This sign is quite complex, and the woman is a real mystery. Let's try to figure out the path to her heart.

Cancer girl, woman: what is she like, what is her character?

One of the most unusual and mysterious signs of the zodiac, according to astrologers, is Cancer. This includes ladies born between June 21 (22) and July 21 (22) (depending on the year of birth). These are the true children of the Moon, which patronizes them and has a powerful influence on their temperament and mood.

Lady Cancer is special, unlike any other zodiac sign, character. In most cases it is characterized by:

  • Mystery- perhaps this is the most main feature representatives of the sign. This girl is a rebus, as if surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery. Moreover, Rakinya does not do anything specifically for this. It’s just that by nature she is extremely secretive and completely closed to others. You will never know what this woman really thinks, since she prefers to keep her opinion to herself.
  • Femininity– like all representatives of the water element, the Cancer lady is endowed with extraordinary feminine charm and attractiveness. Typically, she also has a beautiful figure with ample breasts.
  • Closedness– for all her friendliness, this person practically does not let anyone into her world. This happens because of Cancer’s lack of self-confidence. But at the same time, they are very afraid that others will find out about it. So you have to hide in your “shell”.
  • Modesty, shyness– Cancer girls never brag. They are not inclined to demonstrate their abilities.
Cancer Girl
  • Devotion– this woman is always faithful to her friends, family and beloved man. She is absolutely incapable of betrayal and will never leave her loved ones in difficult times. And if anyone dares to offend them, Cancer will rush to their defense and, believe me, will fight like a lion.
  • Thrift– the Cancer lady has a need to definitely save money for the future. She rarely throws away old things, putting them away “just in case.” For her own safety, she simply needs to be confident in the future. Often, in the chests of elderly grandmothers of this sign, you can find many valuable antiques. But Cancers cannot be called a miser. She parted with money quite easily. This person just knows how to save money.
  • Diligence and hard work– Representatives of this zodiac treat any work very responsibly. They cannot be called careerists. But if the opportunity to move up the career ladder presents itself, they will definitely take advantage of this chance. But not in order to rule, but to improve the financial situation of himself and his family.
  • Family– the Cancer girl is always very attached to her family. She is extremely kind and caring towards her parents. For this reason, she often gets married in quite mature age, not daring to leave his father's house. And having created a family, she becomes a very caring wife and mother. The head of the family in the mind of a Cancer woman is, of course, her husband. Therefore, she supports him in everything and takes care of him like a small child. Over time, such excessive care begins to irritate some men, while others, on the contrary, are encouraged to sit on her head.
  • Extremely strong love for your children– this woman can be called Mother with a capital M. Children are the main thing in her life, for their sake she is ready to do anything and sacrifices a lot. Cancer literally blows away specks of dust from their children, helps and supports them in all their endeavors and affairs. Often this even goes to the detriment of the children themselves, because due to the mother’s excessive care they turn out to be unadapted to independent life. In addition, Cancer mother is very reluctant to give her daughters in marriage and marry her sons, because it is very difficult for her to part with them.
  • Ability to love— if a Cancer woman decides to get into a relationship, then, as a rule, it is very serious. Her love is simply blind, she forgives her husband a lot and does not dare to leave him even when living with him becomes unbearable. Behind this lies her pathological fear of loneliness. And also a sense of possessiveness: it is difficult for her to accept that she might lose something or someone.

  • Tenderness, sentimentality– behind the apparent coldness of the girl hides an unusually sensitive and gentle soul, who knows how to give a sea of ​​love and affection.
  • Emotionality– outwardly calm Cancers are actually prone to unexpected and very sharp mood swings. This is known only to their close people, to whom the girl can open up. Within an hour, she can cry, get angry or cheer. In addition, she has the ability to convey her condition to others.
  • Vulnerability– these girls tend to exaggerate the meaning of words spoken to them or glances thrown at them. And since Cancers are not confident in themselves, they give everything an exclusively negative connotation. Therefore, they really need the support of loved ones.
  • Thrift– ladies of this sign are wonderful keepers of the hearth. Cancers love their home; it is a real protective fortress for them. Therefore, even though they don’t really like cleaning, they enjoy taking care of their home, constantly improving it. In addition, such women are excellent cooks, their refrigerator is always full of food, and the menu is varied.
  • The ability to keep other people's secrets– these girls can be trusted with any secrets, they will never blurt them out under any circumstances.
  • Romance– the Cancer girl is sure that there is nothing more important in life than Love, which should last a lifetime. That is why she dreams of meeting that one man with whom she will go hand in hand. In this she is somewhat old-fashioned, but it is precisely this quality that gives a woman charm and touchingness.
  • Tact– these individuals have an innate sense of tact, they try not to offend anyone, to act ethically and in accordance with high moral principles. They suffer greatly from being offended or criticized by someone.

Like any other sign, Lady Cancer has disadvantages, which include:

  • Absolute intolerance to criticism– for these young ladies there is nothing worse than criticism or ridicule. They react very painfully to this, suffer and can fall into depression.
  • Tendency to depression– Cancer ladies are constantly in a state of anxiety: they are sad about past mistakes, dissatisfied with the present and afraid of the future. They themselves cannot explain why exactly they are worried and tormented.

Cancer also has disadvantages.
  • Touchiness– even if outwardly a girl of this sign does not show that something has hurt her, in her soul she will suffer. Such a lady remembers an insult not just for a long time, but always. And if necessary, he will definitely take revenge. At the same time, the offender himself may forget, or even not know at all, that he inflicted a mental wound on the young lady.
  • Inability to let go of the past– Cancers constantly remember and analyze events from a long time ago days gone by, go through old letters and photographs, and every now and then return to words once spoken and deeds committed.
  • Maximalism– often such a girl sincerely believes that everyone around her has the same views on life as herself. And sometimes this leads to severe disappointments and resentment.

How to attract the attention of Cancer girls and women?

The mystery and mystique that surrounds the Cancer woman always attracts members of the opposite sex to her. However, not all of them receive her glance. How to attract her attention and win her favor?

  • Give her admiring glances and smile more often. All girls are flattered by such attention, and especially Cancers.
  • be a little mysterious. Although Cancers are not curious, a little mystery will certainly intrigue them.
  • create an aura of slight sadness around yourself. You can complain about your broken heart or complain about how much ingratitude and injustice there is in the world. But under no circumstances give the impression that you are a failure. No, you're just unlucky. And you also hope to meet your true love. These romantic girls They will definitely try to console you.

Attract a Cancer Woman
  • Show that you love animals: install a bird feeder, feed a homeless kitten. This will melt the kind heart of Cancer, who adores nature and all living things.
  • Position yourself as a successful and wealthy person. If your friends or acquaintances include famous and famous people, be sure to mention this. Cancer girls will take this very positively.
  • since these young ladies are very shy, create a situation in which they will be the center of everyone's attention and will be able to show their best qualities. They will definitely be flattered by such an attitude.
  • Always dress stylishly and neatly. A good haircut and an elegant suit make a good impression on all women.

How will a Cancer girl or woman like it?

This young lady needs confidence that you are looking for a long-term stable relationship. This is the only way to please a Cancer girl. So if your intentions are serious, follow the recommendations of astrologers:

  • Be prepared for the courtship period to be quite long. Rakinya needs time to learn to trust you and open up completely. They are very careful in their sympathies, and prefer to have enough time to study a potential suitor for their hand and heart.
  • Courte such a girl as in romance novels: have a candlelit dinner, read lyrical poems, give bouquets and cute souvenir trinkets, admire the night stars.
  • Always give a Cancer woman as many compliments as possible.
  • Let your lady of your heart feel that she will be behind you, like behind a stone wall. She really needs protection and will appreciate such a gentleman.
  • At times treat her like small child: pamper, indulge whims, comfort in a fatherly way during a period of sadness. Deep down, Cancer always dreams of such an attitude.

Cancer will like it
  • Show Cancer that you need her, like air or water, that without her your life is simply unthinkable. This is exactly what a girl born under this zodiac dreams of.
  • Show concern for her when meeting her from work, walking her home, throwing your jacket over your shoulders on cold evenings. Remember that your attention and protection are more valuable than any gifts to this girl. However, this fragile person is also unlikely to like obsession.
  • Don't be too pushy, this will probably scare off the Cancer woman. Although she needs a strong protector, she does not like pressure and pressure.
  • It is interesting that, being quite reserved and cautious, the lady of this sign prefers open, quite predictable men.
  • Be able to tell interesting stories and listen carefully. Raquinhas love intimate conversations and lively conversations. Get ready for the fact that on the first date she may enthusiastically discuss the film or novel she likes.
  • Remember that money is not the main thing for a Cancer woman. She will not date a rich, but ill-mannered and rude gentleman.
  • Be honest and don't play any roles. You should not pretend to be someone who you really are not. These ladies sense the falseness immediately.

How can a man or guy fall in love with, conquer, conquer a Cancer girl or woman according to their zodiac sign?

Changeable Cancer women live according to their own special laws that only they understand, which do not always lend themselves to logical analysis. Therefore, to conquer such a personality, a man needs to put in a lot of effort and show great patience, which is simply not possible for some zodiac signs.

In order to conquer this mysterious and unpredictable nature, a man needs to take into account the characteristics of her subtle soul:

  • Aries– Your strong temperament will always attract weak Cancer. Your brightness and ability to look after beautifully will conquer a timid girl. However, the pressure and “great passions” inherent in you can also frighten her. Show prudence, be more lenient and restrained.
  • Taurus– You have a lot in common with a girl of the Cancer sign: the desire to create a cozy home, family values ​​and a sense of duty. Therefore, it will be quite easy to achieve love from this lady. Create for her material well-being and ensure maximum comfort. But you should overcome your temper and not be such an “autocrat” in everyday life.
  • Twins– a strong friendship is possible between you rather than passionate love. Your opinions and beliefs, and even reactions to the same events, are too different. And your changeability and love for “distant spaces” greatly hurts such girls and encourages them to crawl into their “shell.”
  • Cancer- You have a good chance of reciprocity. However, just like her, you are not confident in yourself and are somewhat childish. And this lady needs strong support and a firm hand that will guide her in the right direction. Try to convince her of your firmness and strong character. And do not fall into sadness and despondency, to which you are so prone.
  • a lion– don’t be too assertive, this can alienate a timid young lady. Show your best qualities: generosity, reliability, ability to care and protect. And don’t forget that not only you, but also your chosen one loves compliments. Therefore, praise her more often.
  • Virgo– Cancer is a lucky find for you. She will be able to appreciate your prudence, calmness, accuracy and ability to accumulate savings. To make her fall in love with you, refrain from criticizing her so as not to hurt this sensitive nature. In addition, you will have to do romantic things that are difficult for you.
  • Scales– Your politeness, courtesy and ability to be pleasant will certainly charm this lady. However, in order to keep your “Crawfish”, you need to be at home more often and give up the social parties that you love so much.
  • Scorpion– the stars say that you can easily win Lady Cancer. After all, you and her general views and principles. Protect her from the bouts of depression to which she is so susceptible, and her gratitude will know no bounds. But you need to curb your jealousy, because a woman of this sign will always be faithful.

  • Sagittarius– inherent in you life force and irrepressible energy will initially attract Cancer like a magnet. But soon the dissimilarity of views and worldview may disappoint the girl. In order to maintain a relationship, you need to be more sensitive and curb your freedom-loving nature
  • Capricorn– show Cancer your willingness to take care of her and provide a calm and comfortable life. In return you will receive all the sincerity, tenderness and devotion that a Cancer woman is capable of. Just try to compromise more often and do not forget to say words of love, without which this lady simply cannot feel happy.
  • Aquarius– unfortunately, the stars do not believe in your success with a Cancer woman. You are too different from her. And you will have to give up almost all your habits and views in order to win the heart of this woman.
  • Fish– to conquer a Cancer girl, you don’t need to do anything special. Just be yourself. Your inherent sense of duty and responsibility, tenderness and ability to console in difficult times will forever bind this girl. And your need for a reverent attitude towards yourself will resonate with over-caring Cancers.

Cancer woman and girl: how to understand that she is in love, that she likes you?

It is almost impossible to understand the true attitude of a Cancer woman towards you because of her secrecy and silence. In addition, the representative of this sign does not recognize relationships in public. It is extremely difficult to get her to demonstrate her feelings.

In addition, you need to understand that the Cancer girl is a very weak, easily hurt, sensitive nature. But at the same time, with all her appearance she tries to demonstrate completely opposite qualities - independence and strong character. Therefore, she will not call first or take any other steps towards getting closer. The initiative should come only from you.

To understand whether this mysterious young lady likes you, use the advice of experienced astrologers:

  • When talking to a girl, change the conversation to the topic of her personal life or family. If she doesn’t close herself off, but willingly tells you about it, you can rest assured that she is not indifferent to you. After all, this sign is very secretive, and does not reveal itself to just anyone.
  • With people who are indifferent to her, the Cancer girl behaves coldly, and even arrogantly. She won't waste her charm. Such a person flirts only with those who are truly interested in her. At the same time, be careful: these ladies flirt very subtly and unobtrusively, and you may not even understand it.

Take into account the fact that Cancers are very shy people and may even refuse to go on a date, even though the gentleman is, in principle, pleasant to her. Don't give up, be more persistent, but not intrusive.

How to seduce a Cancer girl or woman?

Seducing this woman of the water element is not easy. After all, for her, sex and love are equivalent concepts. And love, in turn, smoothly flows into marriage and family. Therefore, short-term passionate romances are unacceptable for a serious Cancer woman. And if suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, this lady allows casual connection with a man, she will prefer never to meet with him again, as she will believe that she has opened up to him too much and has become too vulnerable.

So if you want to seduce this girl, get ready for a long and diligent courtship:

  • first, just become her friend whom she can trust
  • take your time, and for your first sexual date, find the right time and place
  • make sure that the “tent of love” is comfortable and beautiful
  • create a romantic atmosphere: candles, champagne, aroma oils. A night beach illuminated by moonlight is even better

Seduce Cancer
  • show that you are completely fascinated by her and do not notice anyone around, that you want to be only with her
  • shower her with compliments all the time and admire her beauty
  • appeal to the sentimentality and hyper-maternal feelings of the Cancer girl
  • be gentle, affectionate and never be rude, even as a joke

When seeking the affection of a Cancer girl, keep in mind that she rushes into love like into a pool and gives her whole self to her beloved. Therefore, if your plans do not include marriage or a long-term relationship, you should not enter into a relationship with her, so as not to cause Cancer suffering.

What do Cancer women and girls like in bed?

Behind the timid nature of the Cancer woman hides sensuality and natural eroticism. However, only sensitive and patient men who understand the subtle mental organization of their partner can awaken these qualities.

  • For many representatives of this zodiac, sex in relationships is of a secondary nature, and feelings and tender confessions come first. Therefore, Cancers are quite passive in bed and rarely take the first step.
  • As a rule, these ladies are embarrassed by their own love for sex and carnal pleasures. And therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, they can be slightly tense, preferring to make love in the dark or in positions when the partner is behind and does not see the expression on the partner’s face.
  • Cancer women don't like quick sex. They prefer leisurely caresses, without fuss and haste.
  • The environment in which the act of love occurs should be as comfortable as possible and create an atmosphere of security. Therefore, representatives of this sign often prefer to have sex in their own home, where they feel more confident and free.

Cancer's preferences in bed
  • Cancers feel the mood of their partner very subtly and try to make every effort to make him feel like a king in bed.
  • At the moment of taking off her clothes, it is very important for this shy young lady to hear compliments from her man about how beautiful she is. This gives her confidence and allows her to relax.
  • Cancers are very gentle with their partner, they are happy to touch him, stroke him, and kiss him. They themselves also enjoy receiving the reciprocal caresses of a loved one.
  • Be prepared for the fact that Cancer will not say his desires directly. She sincerely believes that a man should intuitively feel what exactly she expects from him.

How to keep a Cancer girl or woman?

A man will have to solve the puzzle of the Cancer woman’s soul all his life. And even after living with her for many years, he will never be able to fully understand her. Next to such a girl, any young man will feel the strongest and capable of great feats. Raquinhas can wait for their only betrothed all their lives. And even being married, a woman’s soul will be full of doubts about the correctness of her choice and whether she missed her true love in the past.

Therefore, constantly, throughout your life, prove to your chosen one that you value and adore her:

  • If possible, always be near her. In your absence, be with her invisibly, using SMS or sweet notes left on the table in the morning
  • Don’t stop admiring her beauty, youth, intelligence, and housekeeping skills. Remember to praise her often
  • show concern in everything: greet her from work, carry bags, take an interest in her affairs, the health of her parents
  • be kind and gentle with this sensitive young lady. You need to treat it like a fragile porcelain vase, trying not to touch or injure it.
  • For the sake of her family, this woman is ready to sacrifice her career, dreams and ambitions. So don't disappoint her. Prove that she was not deceived in her hopes of happiness with you

Keep a Cancer woman
  • never criticize her parents. For her, family is the basis of all foundations. And you are required to show respect to her relatives
  • Don’t bring discomfort and confusion into her life. This woman is rational and loves order in everything.
  • Lady Cancer catastrophically does not tolerate conflicts and showdowns. She is very worried about them and cannot calm down for a long time. Therefore, try to avoid quarrels and disputes
  • do everything possible to make your chosen one believe that her world worries you more than anything in the world, and her thoughts and feelings are important to you, that you will never leave her alone with difficulties and will always accept her as she is
  • Since the Cancer lady is always overcome by doubts and hesitates in her relationship, be a strong and confident partner, capable of taking responsibility for your future together

What compliments do Cancer girls and women like?

The Cancer woman, like no one else, needs compliments. This person is constantly unsure of herself. It seems to her that she is not young and beautiful enough, that she has unjustly offended someone, that the food she has prepared is tasteless or not enough, that the plants in her garden are not well-groomed enough. Therefore, do not skimp on praise.

In the case of Cancer, it is impossible to overdo it. The main thing is that your words sound sincere and do not look like rude flattery. Compliments can be different, and there should be a huge number of them.

There are many things to admire about this girl:

  • beauty and grooming
  • intelligence and broad outlook
  • the ability to cook amazingly and create comfort in the home
  • sensitive attitude towards family and friends
  • kind heart and compassion

What kind of guys and men do Cancer girls like?

A girl born under this sensitive and romantic sign needs, first of all, spiritual comfort and complete security.

And she likes men who can provide her with these conditions:

  • discreet, but with a romantic character
  • independent and purposeful
  • wealthy, strong on their feet
  • gallant, with good manners and knowledge of etiquette rules
  • moderately energetic
  • those who love a relaxing holiday
  • caring towards their parents
  • sensitive and gentle
  • self-confident
  • not greedy, but not spenders either
  • endowed with a natural sense of tact
  • wishing to have children

Guys for a Cancer woman

And these young ladies will try to avoid such gentlemen:

  • having too hot and passionate temperament
  • restless and restrained
  • overly assertive and brutal
  • with pronounced sexuality

What to give a Cancer girl for her birthday, New Year?

It is both easy and difficult at the same time to please a lady who is under the influence of the Moon and has such a contradictory character. After all, Cancer is usually silent about her desires, and it is difficult to understand what exactly can please her.

Therefore, when choosing a gift for such a person, take into account the characteristics of her character:

  • For a girl born under the constellation Cancer, the cost of the gift is not important. The main thing is that it is given from the heart and is proof of your special attitude towards her
  • these young ladies are sure that you yourself, on an intuitive level, must guess what to give her. Therefore, be careful and pay attention to her subtle hints
  • Cancer women can safely give cute souvenirs and trinkets, as long as they are sentimental and romantic
  • Surprises and extravagant gifts are unlikely to please such a lady. It’s better to give something that made her happy last time (another piece of jewelry, another perfume)
  • It is preferable to choose delicate flowers: lilies, irises, orchids
  • the offering for such a girl may not be material. She will be delighted with romantic gifts in the form of a flight to hot-air balloon, named after her star, a luxurious dinner by candlelight or on the seaside
  • the gift must be beautifully packaged. Aesthetic Cancers will be offended if it is prepared “in a hurry”

Gift for Cancer

Lady Cancer will surely be pleased with the following:

  • since this woman spends all her energy on loved ones and denies herself a lot for their sake, pamper her paid spa treatments- salon, silk pajamas, exquisite perfumes, exclusive cosmetics.
  • Cancer loves water and everything connected with it. Therefore, she devotes a lot of time to decorating the bathroom and making it cozy. Can you give something related to water treatments: sauna set, soap self made, beautiful towels, exquisite shower gels, bath oils.
  • these women adore their home and constantly decorate and improve it. Give beautiful furniture, lamps or elegant decorative elements.
  • girls of this sign are sensitive to the past. They love to look through old photographs and touch antique things. Feel free to give a digital photo frame, camera, or antiques.
  • a feeling of security and comfort is what the Cancer lady strives for. She will definitely be pleased warm robe, unusual cozy slippers, woolen blanket.
  • All women love jewelry, and this sign is no exception. Give preference to white gold or silver, as well as stones of light shades (pearls, topaz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, moonstone).
  • very important for Cancers family traditions. They really love home holidays, when everyone gathers around the big dining table. Beautiful dishes, silver plate, a large holiday service will come in handy.
  • Representatives of this sign are easy-going. Therefore, they will be happy to receive a tourist voucher as a gift, preferably to the sea.
  • Considering that Cancer women are excellent cooks, give sushi sets, an illustrated book of recipes, or pay for a master class on cooking unusual dishes.

Take your choice seriously. After all, by pleasing Cancer with your gift, you will prove your attentiveness to her. And the girl will definitely appreciate it.

Video: Psychological portrait of the zodiac sign Cancer