Zucchini puree for complementary feeding - tips and tricks. Zucchini puree for babies: how to prepare a healthy dish, recipes for complementary feeding Frozen zucchini puree for complementary feeding

Every mother should know the recipe for zucchini puree for babies and its advantages compared to analogues from other vegetables and fruits.

Quite often, young mothers have problems feeding their babies. From time to time, the baby may not latch on to the breast and becomes capricious while eating. In such cases, experts recommend switching to a special baby feeding, and at an older age, starting from several months, introduce it into the regular diet different kinds puree.

Today, baby purees are very expensive, and not every average family can afford such a luxury. That is why many parents know how to make puree for babies from various equally healthy vegetables and fruits.

Mashed potatoes can be given to babies only after 6 months and older. In addition, it is recommended to use only 1 ingredient to prepare the first purees, the most successful of which may be zucchini. This vegetable has many benefits.

Useful properties for young children

Zucchini puree for first feeding is a fairly old recipe that was used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. It is with this vegetable that you should begin to introduce your baby to the rich variety of the human diet.

Zucchini puree has many advantages over other vegetables and fruits. The main advantage of this squash dish is the absence of excessive amounts of beneficial nutrients. These components are present in zucchini, but in concentrations that are normal for a child.

Another advantage of zucchini puree is that it contains a large amount of water, which is necessary for the life and health of everyone, even small people. In addition, it is beneficial for the child to have a large amount vegetable fiber, which is also necessary for the baby.

Zucchini puree for babies is usually low in calories, so it is absorbed by the baby’s still unstable digestive system. We must not forget about the presence of a whole set useful vitamins, which will strengthen your child’s immunity (C, B, potassium, magnesium and iron).

It is worth noting that this baby dish will not only be useful for babies, but will also be convenient for parents. It takes just a few minutes to prepare, thanks to which the young mother will be able to devote extra free time to herself.

Correct inclusion in the diet

The introduction of new products into the baby’s regular diet should be accompanied by careful monitoring of the subsequent reaction, because until this moment the child consumed only natural products (mother’s milk). This zucchini dish for kids is no exception.

Experts recommend starting with just one ingredient - zucchini. During the cooking process, you cannot add any dressings or spices, as baby stomach I’m not used to such excessive load. To begin with, you should give babies only 1 tsp. zucchini puree per day. Over the next 24 hours, you need to monitor your body’s reaction. Sometimes the introduction of such a zucchini dish does not cause any changes in the body, but periodically the appearance of allergic rash, upset baby's stool and excessive gas formation.

If you notice that zucchini puree does not cause any negative changes in the functioning of the body, the next day you can slightly increase the dose by 1 tsp.

Experts say that zucchini can slightly loosen stools. If this process is not accompanied by excessive gas production and pain in the intestines, it is necessary to continue feeding, otherwise the child will not be able to adapt normally to adult nutrition in the future. But you also can’t let everything take its course. If you see significant changes in the functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract, you should consult with a specialist as soon as possible, who will tell you whether it is possible to continue feeding with zucchini puree.

After you see that zucchini puree is already accepted normally by the baby’s body, you should introduce completely new vegetables and fruits. Each individual component must be allocated at least a week. Only thanks to such a labor-intensive process will the child be able to absorb almost all vegetables and fruits after just a few months.

However, under no circumstances should you use green or sprouted potatoes for baby puree. It is better to replace old potatoes with various cereals and cereals that are similar in composition.

Preparing the vegetable

Not every young mother knows how to prepare zucchini for the first feeding, so sometimes she makes a lot of basic mistakes. Before you start preparing it, you should process this product as thoroughly as possible.

To begin with, every parent should know that they should buy only fresh zucchini for their child, without damage or rot. Naturally, the best option in this case it will be a young zucchini.

Probably the only negative property of zucchini is the excess of nitrates, which can significantly affect the quality of the resulting puree. In order to eliminate these microelements, experts recommend soaking the zucchini in a 1% salt solution for about 20 minutes. Only after this can you start preparing it. healthy dish.

You can also use frozen zucchini for cooking. Still, not every parent understands how to freeze zucchini for complementary feeding. For this process, you should thoroughly wash the vegetable, peel it and get rid of the seeds. This vegetable can be safely added to purees without fear for your baby’s health. In this case, zucchini retains all its beneficial properties.

If we're talking about For fresh produce, you should also peel the skin and remove the seeds. Heat treatment of vegetables can occur in several ways. The first one is boiling. Cooking zucchini this way is very simple. Place a certain amount of zucchini in lightly salted water and cook until it is soft enough. How long to cook zucchini for complementary feeding is an open question, since exact time heat treatment depends only on the type of vegetable.

Zucchini is often cooked in a slow cooker or double boiler. These are very “lazy” cooking methods, since the woman simply puts the zucchini into the machine, which independently monitors the process. And despite this, zucchini turns out to be dietary and healthy for the baby.

Until about six months a child has enough nutrients which he receives from his mother's milk. Therefore, the purpose of introducing complementary foods is not to replace milk, not to compensate for the “lack” of minerals and vitamins, but to familiarize the child with new tastes, prepare him for the introduction of solid foods, little by little “rebuilding” his digestion. The most hassle-free way to introduce complementary foods is to start with vegetable dishes, and one of the first pediatricians usually recommend is zucchini. Experienced parents support them, since preparing zucchini for the first feeding is also very simple.

Vegetables are a valuable source of “filling” carbohydrates, vitamins, as well as fiber and pectins, which remove harmful compounds from the body. Vegetables are very beneficial for the body. Doctors may recommend starting complementary feeding with porridge if the child is underweight, and vegetable puree should be given to babies with unstable digestion, especially those suffering from constipation.

Useful properties of zucchini

Why is this vegetable often called the best option for introducing complementary foods? It’s very simple: it’s easy to prepare, it tastes good, it usually doesn’t cause allergic reactions (we’ll talk about them later), and thanks to the presence huge amount nutrients, improves health. In particular, it can even be used to cope with physiological anemia, which can occur in children under the age of 1 year.

Zucchini is a melon plant, a type of pumpkin, but it contains many more minerals, twice as much vitamin C and much less sugars (which can negatively affect the pancreas and stomach lining).

Here are just some of the advantages of this vegetable.

  • A little fiber, a lot of water. The stomach is not irritated, the intestines are not overloaded with coarse dietary fiber - on the contrary, its work (peristalsis) is gently enhanced, making the product easily digestible.
  • The potassium content in relation to sodium is 100:1. This is the optimal ratio for the body, supporting and regulating water balance. Therefore, it is normalized heartbeat, muscles work well and nerve cells, oxygen supply to the brain improves. Excess water is removed from the body, and with it - harmful substances.
  • A storehouse of mineral salts. In addition to the mentioned elements - here high content magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron.
  • There are only 27 kilocalories per 100 g of zucchini. This allows us to recommend healthy eating children with a tendency to gain weight.

When and how to introduce complementary foods

The first vegetable dishes appear in a child’s diet at the age of 4 or 4.5 months when artificial feeding and after six months of age - during infancy.

Basic rules of “dating”:

  • the puree should consist only of zucchini, be homogeneous in composition, not salted or sweetened;
  • start with breakfast(for example, at 11 a.m.) or from lunch (at about 2 p.m.);
  • offer complementary foods first- before regular breastfeeding (formula);
  • give 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of puree and after a week and a half, bring it up to 50 grams, by 7 months - up to 100 grams, by a year - up to 150 grams per day;
  • if the baby refuses to eat, try giving him the same thing in a week or consult a doctor and change the vegetable to another;
  • don't give new food if the child is not feeling well or in the heat - success is very doubtful.

The dosage when introducing complementary foods is very important. Even if you see that your baby has an excellent appetite and really likes food, do not overfeed him to avoid digestive consequences.

An allergy to zucchini in an infant is an extremely rare occurrence. The vegetable is usually given to children with a tendency to food or any other allergies, as well as those already suffering from such diseases. But it is always important to exercise caution, especially if up to this day there were no vegetables in your baby’s diet at all.

Monitor your child's reaction (it is best to record your observations in a food diary):

  • bloating;
  • redness or rashes on the skin;
  • restless behavior;
  • bowel dysfunction or gas formation.

If such signs occur, stop complementary feeding immediately. You can introduce it again only after a month if your doctor recommends it. This is also why, at first, the puree should be monocomponent (consisting of only one ingredient): adding other vegetables or fruits to it, you are unlikely to be able to determine the “culprit” of a possible allergy.

If your baby develops skin rashes from pureed foods prepared at home from a product purchased at the market, you can try jarred baby food or freeze fresh vegetables. We will talk about this and how to prepare zucchini for complementary feeding later.

Important: zucchini should not be included in the diet if the child suffers from hyperkalemia (kidney disease, the main feature of which is impaired excretion of potassium from the body) or renal failure of various origins.

Another rather rare reaction - however, absolutely normal and not related to allergies - is peeling of the skin. To make this problem disappear, most often it is enough to mix the puree with the broth left after cooking the zucchini, or with breast milk. If the peeling is too severe in your opinion, contact your pediatrician.

We select and prepare correctly

Is there a safer way to introduce zucchini into complementary foods, like making your own puree from your own vegetables from the garden. But if the child was born in the summer, the time for complementary feeding will most likely fall in the winter season, when fresh vegetables can only be obtained imported in the supermarket. Imported products may contain high doses of nitrates and other harmful substances. You can get out of this situation in the following ways.

  • Prepare ahead of time. Young green (including greenhouse) fruits no more than 20 cm long are suitable for freezing or pureeing for the winter. Their flesh is tender, pliable, and it is easy to remove the seeds from such vegetables. They should be smooth, resilient, slightly shiny, free of scratches and stains, and from a supplier you trust.
  • Buy puree in jars. Here it is important to pay attention not to the manufacturer (factory products are certified in any case), but to what ingredients he uses. It is best if baby food contains only zucchini and water. “Pear-shaped zucchini” in puree is almost the same as pumpkin, and at the beginning of complementary feeding it is better to avoid it due to high risk occurrence of allergies. It is not necessary at first and mix it with the most familiar food for the baby.

Zucchini does not go well with milk, and there should be an interval of at least 6 hours between these products on the baby’s menu. But this vegetable goes well with protein (meat), fats (a small amount of olive oil), other vegetables and herbs.

Frozen is good too

Fresh young zucchini is not stored for long, as they have a porous thin skin and a lot of water. And ripe large fruits with thick skin, although they can be stored since summer, have a coarser texture and less nutritional value for a child. This is why it is better to freeze young vegetables.

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut off the skin in a thin layer.
  2. Remove the small “cap” from the end of the fruit, and the stalk from the other end (there may be accumulations of nitrates here).
  3. Cut the vegetable into 3 cm thick slices (without removing the core), place in a freezer bag in one layer.

When frozen they are perfectly preserved and mineral salts, and vitamins. Frozen pieces of vegetables should be cooked without defrosting, but immediately by placing them in boiling water or a double boiler. The puree will be slightly watery, but no less healthy than from a fresh product.

How to prepare complementary foods from zucchini

Before you make a healthy dish for your baby, properly process the vegetable:

  1. wash thoroughly in clean cool water;
  2. for a child under one year old - remove the skin from the fruit and wash again;
  3. The fruit bought in a store or at the market must be cut lengthwise and soaked for two hours in cold salted water to remove any remaining chemical compounds (from fertilizers).

Recipes for making puree are very simple: here are a few ways.

In a saucepan

  1. Boil clean (filtered or bottled) water.
  2. Place the zucchini, cut into cubes or cubes, into it and cook for 10 minutes until soft.
  3. Grind with a blender, and for better consistency, additionally rub through a plastic sieve and dilute with zucchini broth.

It is important to remember how long to cook zucchini for complementary feeding - no more than 10 minutes: it will be preserved this way maximum amount vitamin C, and with prolonged heat treatment the vitamin is becoming less and less.

In a slow cooker

  1. Cut the peeled and seeded vegetable into rings.
  2. Place the pieces into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Set the “steaming” or “stewing” mode and the time to 10 minutes.
  4. Grind as described above.

You can also steam in a regular saucepan if you boil water in it and place a colander on top, where you place the zucchini.

There is no need to add salt to the puree, as the baby does not need it. extra salt in the body, but he still cannot understand the fact that it is not in food. Cool the prepared baby food at room temperature, store in the refrigerator after use, but no more than 4 days, and reheat in portions.

Zucchini puree for babies is not only a “conductor” to the world of new taste sensations and adult food cultures, but also a supplier of essential nutrients. It is ideal for awakening a keen interest in food in the baby, but still you should not be persistent in feeding. By the age of one year, your child will in any case begin to get used to new dishes. To make this process as comfortable as possible for him, use the advice of your pediatrician.


Thanks to vegetables, the child receives nutritious carbohydrates, as well as a number of vitamins. The fiber and pectins contained in them help remove harmful elements from the body. When the baby is not gaining weight well, the pediatrician may recommend porridge as the first complementary food, but the option with vegetable puree is suitable for children with digestive problems, especially for those who have constipation.

Why is zucchini considered optimal for first feeding? It is easy to prepare, delicate in taste, and the possibility of allergies from it is minimal, but we will talk about this later. A large number of nutrients help make your baby healthier. Sometimes children under one year old develop physiological anemia, and zucchini helps cure it.

Complementary feeding is very important process in the baby's life. And the first dishes recommended for feeding small children are vegetable purees, for example from zucchini

It is ideal to start complementary feeding with zucchini, because it has a wonderful effect on the body, thanks to the following beneficial characteristics:

  1. The puree is well accepted by the child’s body, helps improve digestion, preventing constipation, and also protects the baby from possible bloating and colic.
  2. Hypoallergenic product. Allergic reactions- an extremely rare occurrence.
  3. Zucchini contains a whole range of vitamins and microelements necessary for the full development of the baby. Among others, there are magnesium and phosphorus, iron and potassium, as well as vitamins B and C.

The positive aspects of the vegetable do not end there:

  • ease of preparation: even a novice housewife can handle the recipes;
  • low price for the product in the summer;
  • fresh frozen product can be introduced at any time of the year;
  • It cooks very quickly, which means mom saves a lot of time.

Zucchini has beneficial properties, which are necessary for the child, and the vegetable is hypoallergenic, which is important for the first feeding

Rules for introducing complementary foods

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Vegetable purees appear in the diet of infants closer to six months, if the child is on breastfeeding and after 4 months, if the baby is a baby, she eats formula. Let us recall the basic entry rules:

  • the puree must be one-component, homogenized, without salt and sugar;
  • It is better to give a sample in morning time(at about 11:00) or at lunch (at about 14:00);
  • first complementary feeding - then breastfeeding or an adapted formula;
  • the first dose is small - from 0.5 to 1 teaspoon, after a week the dose will gradually increase to 50 grams; as a result, by the age of 7 months the baby should eat up to 100 g, and closer to the age of 150 g per day;
  • if the baby does not want to eat, try feeding the product a week later or offer another vegetable for introduction, after consulting with your pediatrician;
  • You should not conduct taste experiments if it is too hot outside or the child is not feeling well - the attempt is unlikely to be successful.

When introducing complementary foods with zucchini, it is extremely important to know when to stop. If you notice a child has a wonderful appetite and a desire to eat more, you should not do this. How much should you give in the end? Give strictly the prescribed dose, otherwise you may get digestive problems.

Before you start giving your baby complementary foods, consult your pediatrician, he will tell you correct scheme complementary feeding of the child (more details in the article:)

Zucchini is a vegetable to which allergies are extremely rare. It is usually offered to children prone to food allergies or its variations, as well as already suffering children with allergies. Still, one should not forget about caution and be extremely attentive, especially if this is the child’s first meal.

Food diary - taking care of your child

It’s a good idea to keep a food diary where you will record all your baby’s reactions to a new product:

  • bloating;
  • redness or rashes on the skin;
  • restlessness, moodiness;
  • bowel dysfunction or gas formation.

If you notice some of the above signs, you should stop introducing complementary foods and consult a doctor. He will tell you when to start introducing food again. Most likely it won't be before a month. When introducing new purees, it is advisable to choose one-component options, i.e. those in which only one vegetable is present. A mixture of vegetables or fruits will make it difficult to identify the “culprit” feeling unwell or allergies.

When, having bought a product at the market and subsequently prepared it yourself at home, you notice redness or rashes on the skin, then perhaps you should replace the homemade version with canned purees or use frozen vegetables for cooking. We will talk further about all possible manipulations and methods for preparing zucchini.

Choose only young vegetables for complementary feeding (more details in the article:). But it’s better to buy zucchini from friends or grow it yourself

Contraindications for use

Attention! Zucchini is contraindicated in children with hyperkalemia. With this disease, the kidneys suffer, which cannot cope with the task of removing potassium from the body. Zucchini is also prohibited for children with kidney failure of various origins.

Another one possible reaction after eating zucchini - the appearance of peeling on the skin. This reaction is absolutely natural and has nothing to do with allergies. To prevent this, mix the zucchini puree with a small amount of water in which the zucchini was boiled or add a little breast milk. Excessive peeling can be shown to a doctor and you can get qualified advice on this matter.

Product selection and preparation

Most reliable way preparation - do-it-yourself puree from your own vegetables, grown on your own plot, and then boiled or steamed at home. What to do if a baby born in the summer has to try his first complementary foods in winter time? You can find a fresh product in stores, but most likely it will be an imported version. It may contain nitrates and other harmful substances.

Zucchini keeps well in the freezer. In the same way, you can save any other vegetables for your baby.

Solutions in this case may be as follows:

  • Freeze fresh vegetables for the winter ahead of time. Buy fresh green young vegetables (you can take greenhouse varieties), their length should not exceed 20 cm. Tender pulp will allow you to easily remove the seeds. When choosing, keep in mind that the surface should be smooth, slightly shiny, without spots or other irregularities. It is advisable to buy from a trusted seller.
  • Jar puree. Any product on the shelves of children's stores is certified. In this case, the most important thing is to read the composition. Ideal composition: zucchini and water. It is advisable to avoid “pear-shaped zucchini” in a number of ingredients. It is an analogy of pumpkin, which means it is not suitable for the very first complementary feeding due to a possible allergic reaction.

It is not recommended to combine zucchini with milk. At least 6 hours should pass between taking these two products. To combine with zucchini, choose meat protein, vegetable fats ( olive oil), other vegetables and herbs.

At the time of buying baby food from zucchini, read the composition of the product. There should be nothing there except the vegetable itself and water

How about a frozen version?

Young fruits summer period They cannot be stored for a long time, due to the fact that their peel is very thin and there is a lot of water inside. Large zucchini with thick skin fit well, but are less suitable for feeding children. Their structure is coarser, and their nutritional value is reduced compared to young fruits. That is why freezing young vegetables is an ideal option for the winter. You can do it like this:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut the skin as thin as possible.
  2. Remove the top and also the stalk. They can be a place where nitrates live.
  3. There is no need to remove the middle, so just cut the zucchini into small circles. Their thickness should be about 3 cm. Then place them in a freezer bag in one layer.

Advice for young mothers: freeze vegetables for the first complementary foods for the winter in disposable cups. For the first small samples, choose small cups, then slightly larger ones. Place the chopped vegetables in the container and close with cling film or foil. It is very convenient to store this format. The compact option is also convenient because frozen vegetables can be cooked in a matter of minutes, even faster than fresh ones.

Vitamin C retains its nutritional properties when freezing, but it is still better to resort to the quick freezing option. First you should set the most low value in the freezer, wait about an hour, and then put the cups of vegetables into the freezer. Remaining time in the freezer is 1 hour. After freezing, you can return to your usual temperature levels.

When planning to cook, do not wait for the zucchini to defrost. If you do the opposite, you will end up with only a mushy consistency, but not zucchini at all. To cook, place the frozen vegetable in water and cook for about 5-7 minutes. Once the zucchini is cooked, grind it using a sieve. You can choose any cooking option that suits you: steamed or in a slow cooker. The quality and usefulness of the product will not be affected.

Do not prepare a lot of zucchini puree, as for the first samples of the vegetable you only need a spoonful of the finished product

Preparation options for first feeding

Before cooking, it is important to make correct processing product:

  1. Wash the vegetable in cool running water.
  2. When preparing puree for a child of the first year of life, you need to remove the skin and rinse again with water.
  3. Having bought a product in a store or market, you need to soak the vegetables for about 2 hours in cold water With salt. To do this, you first need to cut each fruit in half. These manipulations are done in order to get rid of possible nitrates.

How to cook zucchini for your favorite little one? Let us give you some simple and delicious recipes. All of them are simple and accessible.

In a saucepan

  1. You need to cook with filtered or purchased clean water. Boil some water.
  2. Cut the zucchini into cubes and place in boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes until tender.
  3. The prepared vegetables should be ground in a blender, or even better, then pass the puree through a sieve, so the consistency will become even nicer and more uniform. Add some vegetable broth.

You should not cook for long, 10 minutes is the maximum. Excessively long cooking will lead to the loss of valuable vitamin C. The measured time period is optimal for preserving all the usefulness of the vegetable.

If the baby does not want to eat zucchini, then there is no need to force him. Or maybe vice versa, then the mother needs to know when to stop and not give more than planned

In a slow cooker

  1. Peel the fruit and remove the seeds, then cut into rings.
  2. Place the chopped pieces into the slow cooker.
  3. To start cooking, you need to press the corresponding button on the panel (“Stewing” or “Steaming”). Set the process time to 10 minutes.
  4. The method for chopping zucchini was indicated above or you can use any other option convenient for you.

For a couple

Steaming is possible using a simple pan:

  1. Pour water into the pan, about ¼ of the volume, and place a sieve or colander on top.
  2. Washed, peeled and seeded, the fruits should be placed in a sieve.
  3. Boiling water will provide the steam needed for cooking. Such a simple device ultimately copes with its task no worse than a double boiler.
  4. To make the process go faster, it is better to cover the vegetables with a lid.

Do not resort to salt, the baby absolutely does not need it, and the baby will not yet notice its absence in food. It is better to cool the puree at room temperature. The finished puree can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. It is better to heat a new portion separately from the total mass.

Zucchini puree for babies is the beginning of a new “adult” life for your little one. Healthy vegetable not only introduces the baby to the food of mom and dad, but also gives a lot of useful nutrients that are so necessary for active growth and development. With its help, you can show the taste beauty of food, but do not overdo it. Do not put pressure on the baby when feeding. Approaching the age of 1 year, your baby will master many more new dishes. Do not forget to listen to the advice of doctors so that the process of accustoming to new things is pleasant and comfortable for the baby.

This modest vegetable has won the respect of nutritionists and pediatricians due to the presence of valuable vitamins and microelements. Zucchini is easily digestible by the human body and does not contain coarse fiber and has dietary properties. This is especially important for babies infancy, because they digestive system Only adapts to solid food. When a baby starts eating solid foods, complementary foods should be easily digestible. And also uh This wonderful vegetable has a calming effect on excitable and capricious babies. That's how interesting he is! Among fruits, pear and apple are considered useful additions to the diet, and among vegetables, zucchini.

Zucchini is ideal for starting vegetable feeding.

What are the benefits of zucchini?

This vegetable is useful for all people with its rich composition of nutrients.

Zucchini is especially valuable for its ability to prevent anemia. And the delicate fiber of zucchini does not irritate the baby’s intestines, and therefore is safe for digestion.

What does this fruit consist of:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins.

Baby's first feeding

Making zucchini puree is so easy, even dad can do it! That's why no need to be lazy and think about buying a finished product in a store. If it's summer or autumn, treat your little one to a delicious and healthy dish you prepare yourself. You cook with love!

Dad is the best cook in the world!

What to do in winter?

If you have a good freezer, you can freeze the prepared pieces in it. This is a great way out. Frozen fruits and vegetables retain all vitamins and useful material , so feel free to put the zucchini in the freezer. Moms should know that you cannot defrost food before cooking!

You need to freeze fresh young zucchini, after cutting them into pieces.

Why is homemade puree better than store-bought?

The fact is that in the factory baby puree starch is added as a thickener. Starch itself is not harmful, but it provokes weight gain. excess weight. And this is completely undesirable for a child!

Kids choose homemade dishes prepared personally by their mother.

How to properly feed your baby?

It is better to start complementary feeding with a small portion: give puree on the tip of a spoon, mixed with breast milk. Gradually increase the portion to two spoons. In a month, vegetable puree should become an independent dish! If you want to supplement the menu with nutritional elements, mix zucchini puree with boiled yolk. Your little one will love a delicious, hearty lunch!

Small steps to big portions.

Just don’t think about adding sugar or salt to the dish and don’t feed this product to your child the next day! It is better to give puree before breast milk, so that the baby eats food more willingly. If he is full, he may simply refuse additional food! Children are also cunning.

Many mothers notice that their babies have... In this case, do not be afraid ahead of time. Increased sweating there may be many natural causes: excessive activity, too warm clothes, excessive crying. If the child is calm and the head remains wet, you should consult a specialist.

Many mothers complain that their newborn baby confuses day and night. This regimen is strictly contraindicated little man and very tiring for parents. How to login correct mode read in.

What to do if your baby spits out food?

In this case, please be patient. Do not force him to eat, but gradually accustom your child to a new dish. Perhaps you should add more breast milk to the zucchini to get the same taste. Then gradually reduce the amount of milk, replacing it with vegetable mush. Intuition will tell mothers the right path! But on hot days and if the baby is unwell, you should not give a new dish. Mommy should know that this is dangerous and can cause intestinal disorders.

Breast milk - best foundation for puree.

If your baby has eaten too much...

It is also important to know that you should not overfeed your baby. It happens that a baby happily eats porridge or drinks fruit juice, and then an intestinal upset begins. Be attentive and sensitive! Don’t give in to joyful emotions and don’t admire your baby’s excellent appetite - measure the amount of food carefully.

Dosed portions and stomach upset are not a problem for you.

Reviews. What do young mothers say about feeding zucchini?


“We started feeding him with liquid gruel, the consistency of which was slightly thicker than milk. They gave me a teaspoon at first. Then they increased the portion and density. The baby eats with pleasure!”

“And we started feeding after three months. My son's constipation has stopped! She feels great and eats with gusto!”

“I stew the zucchini in a double boiler, then chop it. To prevent the puree from becoming thick, I add a little milk.”

can serve as a signal serious illnesses GI tract, or maybe a reflection of what mom ate the day before. A professional will tell you when to sound the alarm and when to change a nursing mother’s diet.

Along with zucchini puree, pumpkin puree is also popular. This berry is rich in beta carotene and vitamins that are necessary for normal development crumbs. young mothers share.

Healthy zucchini dish recipe

Let's find out how to prepare zucchini puree correctly so that it is tasty and healthy for children. Any mom knows that You need to prepare food for your baby from fresh ingredients. The ideal option would be to pick vegetables from your own garden bed. But not everyone has a garden or a summer house. There is no need to be upset - buy food at the market. Just choose fresh and high-quality fruits.

Full of vitamins and microelements.

Take a young zucchini with a tender skin, rinse it thoroughly under running water and peel off the skin. Then cut the pulp into small pieces, remove the seeds, place in an enamel saucepan and cover with water. Let the water just cover the top of the pieces. Then rub the boiled zucchini through a strainer scalded with boiling water, cool and feed the child.

Remember that vegetables for cooking should be poured hot water, and not cold: otherwise the vitamins will not be preserved! If you do not have a young zucchini, then soak the ripe fruit in water for three to four hours to remove the bitterness and pesticides.

Apple and zucchini puree

And here's another one interesting recipe. If your little one is familiar with apples, you can make a delicious lunch of apples and zucchini! Only Take a sweet apple, without sourness. Boil the apple and zucchini separately until tender, then combine and strain through a strainer. Do not add sugar, otherwise you will teach your baby to sweets prematurely!

It was delicious! I want more!

We got acquainted with a healthy and tasty vegetable that will help your baby grow healthy and strong. When your child gets used to the new product, you can make mixtures of several fruits and vegetables. The main thing is that the baby does not have allergies and intestinal disorders. Carefully monitor your baby’s body’s reaction to new foods. In case of skin rash, remove the product from the menu or replace it with another. Let the baby grow up healthy and happy!

One of the main concerns of happy parents of recently born babies is what to feed their beloved children so that they grow up healthy?

From the age of six months, milk ration infants can already be diluted light vegetables, therefore we recommend including boiled zucchini in the menu for children under one year old!

We offer an interesting selection of options for preparing this gift of summer garden beds as children grow older - from light mashed potatoes with water to more complex dishes for one-year-olds!

Why you need to start complementary feeding with zucchini

First tasting adult food occurs at 5-6 months - it is by this time that the infant’s digestive system has already matured to perceive something other than mother's milk. The first thing the baby tries is zucchini!

The main advantage of any representative of the “squash breed,” including zucchini and squash, is its vitamin wealth, which is so necessary for a growing baby! Zucchini puree, as well as casseroles and soups based on it, satiate, while providing a gentle diuretic effect.

Zucchini is rich in main building materials- microelements sodium, potassium, iron, which are needed for development internal organs, including the heart muscle!

How to cook zucchini for an infant at home: general rules

  1. What is suitable for an “adult” table (damaged, overgrown, spoiled fruits) is completely unacceptable for a child! It needs only the most selected, young fruits.
  2. If the baby is already more than 7 months old, you don’t have to remove the zucchini peel when cooking. But, in this case, the fetus must be taken as young as possible!
  3. Vegetables need to be washed twice: before and after peeling. Even better, after the first wash, put the zucchini in clean water and let it stand so that the nitrates leave, if the vegetable was grown in a less prosperous area.
  4. It is better to take an enameled pan for cooking.
  5. Children older than 6 months can already be given zucchini with meat. Best of all - with lean and tender chicken fillet! The vegetable can be boiled in ready-made meat broth.
  6. If the baby has already tasted zucchini, then you can safely add other vegetables to it. Children really like, for example, purees based on carrots, cauliflower and zucchini!

And now we offer several delicious and simple homemade recipes - zucchini dishes for children under one year old! They are quick to prepare and inexpensive, that is, they do not require large financial or time expenditures.

At this age, the first complementary food in the form of zucchini puree is introduced into the children's diet. It is being prepared for water based– no spices, flavoring additives or salt!


  • White zucchini – 200 g;
  • Purified water – 150 ml.

Making zucchini for a 5 month old baby with your own hands

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly, as mentioned earlier, clean it and cut it. The finer the cutting, the faster the baby’s complementary foods will be ready.
  2. Fill with hot water and place on medium heat. Once it boils, cook for another 8-10 minutes.
  3. We turn the softened pulp into a homogeneous medium-thick puree using a blender or an ordinary table fork.

The norm for one serving for a six-month-old baby is 0.5 teaspoon. If the baby eats the zucchini “delicacy” with pleasure and feels normal afterwards, then the portions can be gradually increased.

From 7 months of age, you can already add a little vegetable oil or butter to vegetable puree.

Delicious vegetable puree for your baby with your own hands

Babies enjoy eating vegetable purees, which contain sweet carrots, hearty potatoes and tender zucchini! We suggest preparing such a treat for your beloved little one using the following recipe.


  • Fresh zucchini – 0.5 small fruits;
  • Carrot – 0.5 fruits;
  • Potatoes – 2 small tubers;
  • Cold pressed olive oil – 1 tsp;
  • Purified water – 0.5 l.

Step-by-step preparation of vegetable puree for a child under one year old

  1. We clean the washed fruits and wash them again with water.
  2. Divide them into small pieces (the smaller the cuts, the faster the dish will be ready).
  3. When the water boils in the saucepan, put the carrots in it, after 5 minutes – the potatoes. Add the zucchini cubes 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. After straining the vegetables, grind them until smooth in a blender.

Before feeding them to your baby, you need to season the dish with oil. It is better not to salt the vegetable puree, but if the baby flatly refuses to eat the offered treat, then you can add just a few salted crystals to it.

Zucchini puree with cottage cheese: recipe for a baby 8 months old

If your baby is already more than 7 months old, but still stubbornly refuses vegetable complementary foods, you can try treating him with zucchini-curd puree!

To do this, you need to boil a small zucchini fruit in lightly salted water, preparing it for cooking in the usual way.

Then we simply combine the prepared pieces of vegetable with cottage cheese and turn them into a homogeneous paste with a blender!

Zucchini and meat puree for a 9 month old baby

One of the favorite recipes for zucchini dishes for children under one year old is a puree of poultry and this delicious, tender vegetable! Starting from 9 months, you can safely give it to your child and include it in your own adult menu as a dietary option.


  • Young zucchini (or zucchini) – 1 pc.;
  • Chicken or turkey fillet – 100 g;
  • Cold pressed olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • Filtered water – 0.5 l;
  • Salt – a pinch.

How to deliciously cook homemade zucchini for a 9 month old baby

We wash the meat and cut it into small pieces, add water and cook, adding a little salt, until the fibers peel off. When it’s ready, take it out and add the peeled and chopped squash pulp into the broth.

Simmer the zucchini over low heat until softened (about 10 minutes).

Then all that remains is to grind the vegetable to a paste-like consistency along with the meat. If the mass turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted with broth.

Homemade chicken soup for a 10 month old baby


  • — 150 g + -
  • Broccoli – 150 g + -
  • With each month, the child's taste needs become more and more refined. He no longer wants to eat empty water soups with boiled vegetables. So, it’s time to find out how to cook tasty and satisfying zucchini for a 10-month-old baby with other vegetables using meat broth!

    • Boil the meat in purified water, not forgetting to cut it finely.
    • Peel the onions and carrots, chop them and sauté in oil over low heat for only 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously. Vegetables don't need to be browned - they just need to be a little simmered!
    • Separately, cook broccoli and zucchini cubes (you can use frozen ones) until soft in salted water.

    Then all that remains is to combine everything and grind all the products to a puree-like consistency!

    To provide your baby with a healthy variety of food, you will need fresh food, suitable utensils and just a little time. And also our simple and original recipes on how to deliciously cook zucchini and other vegetables for a child under one year old!

    Each of the proposed options for the first vegetable complementary foods was approved by mothers and received the highest ratings from their beloved children, who acted as fastidious tasters.