What eye color do most people have? The rarest eye color - from ultramarine to albino

Attitudes towards a person are often based on how they look. But there are things that have little to do with it. Eye color is given to us from birth, and there are those who have it the rarest. And sometimes they say a lot about the character of the owner, which is sometimes explained quite logically.

It turns out that the rarest eye color on earth is violet . There is hardly anyone who has seen the owner of such eyes. This color appears due to a rare mutation called "Alexandria origin". Immediately at birth, such a patient has the most common color. It changes after 6-10 months.

Red color very rare. It occurs in people and animals with a certain disease. Also included is White color hair.

Purely green color eyes are very rare. A population study was conducted in Iceland and Holland, which showed that they occur more often in women than in men. The softness of associations is understandable. There is a lot of it in nature - the foliage of plants, the color of some crawling animals, and the color of human organs.

Rare are different colored eyes . Scientifically, this phenomenon is called heterochromia. The color may include splashes of other colors, or simply both eyes are colored differently. A rare phenomenon, but original looking.

5th place.

Blue color the eye is considered a variety of blue. But it is somewhat darker and is quite rare.

6th place.

Yellow considered a variety of brown, but is rare. It is generally accepted that such people are endowed with magical powers. They are said to have telepathic abilities. They usually have an artistic nature. If you have no bad thoughts in your mind, then communicating with people with this eye color will bring real joy.

7th place.

Hazel eye color - this is the result of mixing. Lighting can affect its hue, and it can be golden, brown, or brownish-green. Hazel eyes are a common occurrence.

8th place.

Despite the fact that the owners blue eyes They consider themselves to be in the elite category of society; there are quite a lot of them in the world. They are especially common in Europe, in its northern part and the Baltic countries. Among the population of Estonia, owners of blue eyes are found in 99% of the population, in Germany - 75%. It is generally accepted that its owners are softer and less psychologically developed than, say, those with brown eyes. They are considered a variety gray, although the latter is much more common. In Russia it occurs in almost 50% of cases.

9th place.

Very common in the world black eye color . Its owners usually belong to the Mongoloid race, in the South, Southeast and East Asia. Sometimes the color of the pupil and iris merge, which creates the feeling of a completely black eye. Given the prevalence of people living in these regions, black eyes are not uncommon. In this case, the black iris is characterized by a high concentration of the coloring pigment melanin. Accordingly, the color falling on it is absorbed. The color is also found among the Negroid race. Color eyeball sometimes has a grayish or yellowish tint.

10th place.

Most common brown eye color . His warm personality speaks volumes about his origins. It has a very large number of shades, ranging from light to dark brown. Its owners are found in the following countries:

  • Asia,
  • Oceania,
  • Africa,
  • South America,
  • Southern Europe.

Very bright and warm eye color. It has a sea of ​​shades from light to dark brown. It looks quite strange, and, undoubtedly, impressive.

The color of amber is quite common in human nature. This includes hair, the tints of tanned skin, and, of course, the shade of the eyes. Common name this color group coincides with the color of the stone of the same name, which has many varieties in depth and color intensity. Next, we will look at examples and characteristics of such a feature as amber eye color.

Brief description of amber eye color

This tone falls on the color spectrum between red and yellow. There is no specific definition of what exactly it should be, but by amber people usually mean many similar shades: yellow, ocher, peach, gum, coral, light amber and others. Dark varieties of amber color are characterized by dark coral, red tones, burgundy, rusty shades, etc. The main condition here is the presence of a small amount of yellowness, which gives the main tone a warm tint.

This iris color is a type of brown eye. At the same time, you can meet people who have amber iris color all over the world, from southern countries before Far East. Availability of this physiological feature talking about high content melanin in the body, which can reflect sunlight. The amber shade, being a separate variety brown color, is much less common, although it differs in the same biological characteristics. When a person has a light brown tone instead of brown, it just means less percentage melanin.

Amber eye color is determined by four main factors:

  1. The percentage of a coloring pigment such as melanin.
  2. Availability individual substances giving a yellowish tint (may be associated with liver disease).
  3. Features of the blood vessel system.
  4. Red tint to the iris (often seen in albinism).

By correlating these factors in specific proportions, we obtain different shades of amber color. All these features are largely formed under the influence of heredity, and the pigmentation of the iris is of decisive importance here.

Features of the formation of yellow eye color: interesting facts

The amber-yellow color of the iris is even rarer. In your lifetime you may only meet two or three people who have yellow eye. Perhaps the uniqueness and unusualness of this coloring historically influenced the attitude towards such a person among the common people as “not like everyone else” and even somewhat dangerous: folk beliefs Such eyes are called the “eye of the tiger.” Sometimes the yellow color of the iris is confused with a brown tone, because these shades differ only in highlights and tints. To distinguish between these colors, you need to know that the brown iris may appear greenish, while the amber-yellow one invariably retains a golden tone, sometimes shimmering with copper.

The golden hue is obtained due to the accumulation of lipochrome pigment. Such pupils can often be found in wildlife. They are characteristic of owls, wolves, eagles, lynxes and other representatives of the animal world, for which this pigment helps them better see prey at long distances. Some people transfer these evolutionary characteristics to the yellow-green color of human eyes, considering their owner capable of dangerous and unpredictable reactions.

In fact, the yellow tone of the eyes is genetically determined and is more common in people with mixed blood, characterized by the presence of Asian genes.

The amber or yellow color of the iris in combination with a green tint gives the so-called hazel color. This iris tone is mixed, sometimes called swamp. Walnut shades can be observed to one degree or another with a variety of iris colors, because any iris color is unique in its own way. Hazel eyes can vary in shades of gold, brown or brownish-green. This color is obtained through a combination of blue and brown tones with a moderate melanin content. Unlike amber irises, hazel irises have somewhat heterogeneous colors.

Myths and legends about golden eye color

It is believed that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. For this reason, in films and works of literature, non-standard eye color often emphasizes an unusual character or unique properties character. However, in reality, people do not have golden eye color. Golden or golden eyes usually refer to eyes that are amber-brown in color. This shade of the iris is found in cats, foxes, wolves and other predators. If a person looks at you with such eyes, then in front of you, most likely, is a character from a science fiction film or a werewolf.

According to the Persian chronicler Rashid ad-Din, Genghis Khan had golden eyes. However, modern Scientific research refute this fact, since in reality (in accordance with the mention of the conqueror’s red hair) it could only be green or light brown. In the film "The Passion of the Christ" the owner golden eyes is Jesus Christ, which is also mentioned in many apocrypha. In the television series Merlin, witches and wizards are distinguished by the golden color of their irises. At the same time, during witchcraft, their eyes begin to glow with a golden light.

Those who have amber or yellow eyes can be advised to combine this tone with warm shades: you can dye your hair golden brown or, for example, light red (which is also true for clothes).

The amber shade of eyes has always been surrounded by legends and mysteries. On the other hand, scientists consider it simply a game of genetics. In any case, such a unique feature is worth being proud of.

The reason for this deficiency of green eye color is considered to be the medieval Inquisition, which mercilessly exterminated their owners. Girls with eyes of an unusual emerald color were persecuted in every possible way, accused of witchcraft, and this has already happened serious reason for ritual burning at the stake.

Most scientists working on research at that time came to the conclusion that 90% of women burned were in at a young age and had no children. And because of superstitious traditions, men of that time preferred to avoid charming green-eyed beauties, who became fewer and fewer over time. Therefore, the current rarity of this eye color has a direct connection with the actions of the Inquisition and medieval superstitious signs.

Green eye color Possessed by people whose bodies produce a very small amount of the pigment melanin, which is responsible for the color saturation and shade of the eyes. Green refers to light colors, A a large number of melanin promotes darker shades.

Collective characteristics of green-eyed people

How can eye color affect character?

A common characteristic that people with green eyes have is deep vulnerability and suspiciousness. Outwardly, they seem calm and restrained, but in fact, inside them there is a real hurricane of feelings and emotions. These people are not inclined to show their emotional condition on display. Green-eyed people are excellent psychologists, they know how to listen, cheer up and calm down, they can be trusted with important secrets and mysteries. Ambition, energy, as well as tenderness and dreaminess coexist perfectly in such people. Among them there are a lot of creative personalities, artists, writers, actors and singers.

People with green eyes are wonderful friends

In a situation of any complexity, such a person will always provide significant support to a friend, even if he himself has to sacrifice something in the name of this. They love to give more than to take, and are able to sincerely rejoice in the success and victories of their friends. In friendship, such people are very demanding; they want to be treated the same way they treat others. Betrayal by a close friend for green-eyed people is a terrible blow, which they will not forgive and in most cases will end their friendship.

Love relationship

This area of ​​life can be characterized by the words “complete harmony.” Green-eyed people feel their partner very well, and sometimes dissolve in him. They are capable of experiencing powerful emotions, deep sympathy and know how to truly love and care. For the sake of creating a strong family with his soul mate, a person with with witch's eyes is able to overcome the most difficult obstacles and endure difficult trials, but they expect the same actions from their chosen one. They will be good partners, diligent family men and loving parents to their children.


Due to a significant lack of melanin, owners of green eyes may have various ophthalmological diseases and pathologies. There may also be problems with the nervous and digestive system. Very often, changes in the emotional background are possible, which are associated with a lack of melanocyte production. Green-eyed people are characterized by frequent mood changes, which may be invisible to others.

How many people with green eyes are there in the world?

Out of a population of seven billion, there are only 2% of people who have this rare iris color. For Middle Easterners, Asians and South Americans given color This is absolutely rare. The most “green-eyed” countries are Iceland (about 35%) and Turkey (almost 20% of the population). Also emerald eyes often found among Germans, Scots and northern Europeans. For Russia, this color is rare, so if you accidentally meet green eyed man- consider this a good omen!

The eyes are definitely the window to the soul, and if you know anything about eyes or windows, you know they come in different shades and colors!

Most often, you see brown, blue or hazel eyes when you look at people around you, but some people have very rare eye colors. What are the rarest eye colors and how are they obtained?

Did you know?

Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes! Talk about rare! The next time you see someone with this color, let them know this fact.

Which one is the most unique?

This list of rare eye colors is in no particular order, and if your eye color is one of the ones listed, consider yourself very rare.

1. Black eyes

Have you ever seen someone with eyes that seem black as night? Even though they appear black, they are actually just very, very dark brown. This is caused by an abundance of melanin. You can only tell the difference between a pupil and an iris when looking at a person in bright light!

2. Red/pink eye

Two main conditions cause the eye color to appear red or pinkish: albinism and blood leaking into the iris. Although albinos typically have very light blue eyes due to a lack of pigment, some forms of albinism can cause the eye color to appear red or pink.

3. Amber eyes

This beautiful golden eye color is often confused with brown. The difference is that brown eyes have brown and green undertones, while amber eyes have a uniform color. With a small amount of melanin and large quantities carotenoid, eyes of this shade almost glow! Several different animals have this eye color, but it is truly rare in humans.

4. Green eyes

Very little melanin, but too much carotenoid. Only two percent of the world's population have green eyes. This is definitely a very rare color!

5. Purple eyes

Oh, what purple-blue! This color is most often found in people with albinism. They say it is impossible to have purple eyes without albinism. Mix the lack of pigment with the light reflecting off blood vessels in the eyes and you get that beautiful purple color!

6. Heterochromia

This is not a set of colors, but quite rare disease eye:

  • one iris in the eye is a different color from the other irises (David Bowie!);
  • there is a place in the iris where one part is a completely different color than the rest of the iris due to pigmentation.

This is a rather unusual type of eye. And some people wear contact lenses to make their eye color more uniform. And I think that this eye color is beautiful, and such a rarity should be appreciated by others!

What determines the color of your eyes?

Many people argue that these are purely genetic factors. For the most part this is true. However, there are also genes that determine a person's eye color.

We now know what determines eye color:

  • melanin (brown pigment);
  • carotenoid (yellow pigment).

When you see someone with slightly blue eyes, it means there is a lack of melanin or brown pigmentation.

We all used to have brown eyes?

It is believed that the human race previously only had brown eyes and due to genetic mutations, other options have appeared. Perhaps this is why brown is the most common (but no less beautiful)!

So many people who have perfect vision choose to wear contacts just to have a rare eye color, so if you have a rare color, consider yourself lucky!

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Through our eyes we receive 90% of information about the world around us. They give the world the first impression of us.

Beautiful eyes, an attractive, mysterious or decisive look is what attracts the attention of your interlocutor. This is a “talking” organ that will talk about you and show everything. Therefore, we want our “ business card"played into our hands and was the best.

Structure of the eye

Eyes are compared to the universe not only because of their beauty and aesthetics. This is one of the most complex organs in its structure and functioning, consisting, like cosmic bodies, of many tiny elements.

The organ of vision consists of:

The eye, in its structure and operating principle, resembles a camera. The image passing through the refractive systems of the cornea, lens and vitreous, already inverted and reduced form ends up in the final section visual pathway- occipital lobes of the brain. There the final analysis and decoding of the image seen takes place.

Eye beauty criteria

As noted above, the structure of the eye is the same for everyone. But it is difficult to find people with completely identical eyes.

IN different time fashion dictates its own criteria of beauty. U different nations your idea of ​​beauty. Fashion trends have not spared the eyes either.

The criteria by which their attractiveness is assessed:

Eye color

The color of the iris depends on the content of melanin in it - a high-molecular pigment contained in front layer irises. The color is influenced by the distribution of the pigment, as well as the vessels and fibers of the iris itself.

The following eye colors are distinguished:

In addition, there are many shades and variations of primary colors. So, there are gray-blue, brown-green, gray-green, etc.

What eye color is considered the most beautiful?

No consensus about what eye color is the most beautiful. Even among men and women there are different preferences.

So, men prefer women with cold blue or bright colors. brown eyes. If they associate the former with aristocratic elegance, the latter with passion and inner fire. Women are more selective and consider rare people beautiful unusual colors and their combinations. If it’s blue, then it’s bright, if it’s brown, then it’s with golden splashes.

Lists of the most beautiful eyes among celebrities will tell most clearly about people's preferences.

Beautiful eyes in men

Legendary musician David Bowie– owner different color eye. Even though the twist came after the fight, it only increased the love of the rocker’s fans.

Also among the men with the most beautiful eyes are Johnny Depp with his deep brown eyes, blue eyes Zac Efron with a pure and innocent look, Jared Leto with the endless gaze of big blue eyes, and Alain Delon.

Beautiful eyes in women

The first places in such lists for many years have been occupied by Megan Fox And Angelina Jolie. Their beautiful cut of light eyes with a predatory look slays men on the spot.

And the actress Kate Bosworth has an anomaly - one eye is blue and the other is brown.

About huge expressive eyes Indian star Aishwarya Rai For many years now they have been talking about it as something unearthly. Big eyes Zooey Deschanel also attract the attention of millions of fans of the actress.

Why is green eye color considered rare and beautiful?

One of the rarest colors of the iris is green.

It is observed in people with a small amount of melanin in the iris. Only 2% of all people have such eyes.

Perhaps the attractiveness of green eyes is partly due to prejudices and stereotypes about green-eyed people.

Coincidence or not, the vast majority of green-eyed people are girls and women. This is why the opinion that all women with green eyes are witches is true.

Nowadays, more than half of all people with green eyes live in the Netherlands, Iceland, as well as other Scandinavian countries and Turkey. In countries of Asia, Africa and South America Such eyes are rare. However, the same as in Russia.

The actress has the brightest and most unusual shade of green eyes. Tilda Swinton.

Rare eye colors in the world

Although green eyes are beautiful, they are not the only rarity.

There are also other unusual eye colors:

Why do people strive to change their eye color?

People tend to strive for the beautiful and perfect. First of all, we strive to make ourselves perfect, to get closer to our ideal. The eyes did not escape this either. People change the shape of their eyes, the shape of their eyelids, and get eyelash extensions. Why do people want to change their eye color?

There may be the following reasons for this:

How can you change your eye color?

On one's own. So, maybe blue, but within a few weeks, they can change their color to gray, brown or other colors.

Also, as we get older, our iris color loses its brightness and saturation and becomes more muted. Can lead to a change in eye color severe stress or shock, as well as certain diseases (especially eye diseases). Short-term changes depend on mood, lighting, etc.

But how to change your eye color arbitrarily and quickly enough:

  • Cloth. The right color of wardrobe items can slightly adjust the color of your eyes. If you wear clothes of blue color for the owner of blue eyes, this will make them more saturated. And blue clothes will add the same shade to gray eyes.
  • Makeup. By emphasizing light eyes with dark shadows or a pencil, you can make the color darker and deeper. And when using certain colors, you can adjust yours, for example, with gray shadows grey-blue eyes pure gray.
  • Lighting. When the lighting changes, the eyes may change color. This is especially visible on light eyes. They can change shade from blue-gray to green.
  • . One of the most safe ways temporarily change eye color. They can change the color either dramatically or slightly adjust it.
  • Self-hypnosis. Perhaps the power of suggestion acts only on oneself, but with a certain attitude, the eyes can be seen in a different shade.
  • Meditation. Just like self-hypnosis, meditation and trances are not scientifically proven methods for changing eye color. In any case, this method will definitely not harm the body.
  • Eye drops. Prostaglandin hormones, when used as eye drops, can make the eye color darker and more saturated. But it is important to remember that first of all this is a medicine. Application without medical indications can lead to undesirable consequences and cause irreparable damage to the eyes.
  • Laser correction. During this operation, by removing melanin from the front layer of the iris, it can lighten the eyes, changing the color from brown to gray or blue. But this method is quite expensive, irreversible, and also has possible side effects.
  • Surgical intervention. There is a radical way to change

    Types of colored lenses

    Colored lenses are aimed at changing eye color.

    Depending on the effect that needs to be achieved, as well as on their characteristics, there are different types lenses:


    Beauty is a subjective concept. And different things are considered beautiful at different times. Therefore, the criteria for eye beauty may change over the course of several years.

    And large-scale changes carried out to comply with the canons and indulge momentary impulses are irreversible.

    But if the desire to change something, for example, eye color, was deliberate and balanced, go for it, but choose safe methods.

    After all healthy eyes- most beautiful!