Social consequences of alcoholism and its prevention. What is alcohol

For many people, alcoholic beverages are an essential attribute of any holiday or party. Often, drinking another glass of wine or a glass of strong liquor, a person does not think that in addition to pleasant sensations, the heady liquid is harmful. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to irreversible consequences: at certain stages of alcohol dependence, severe pathologies of the nervous and other body systems are detected.

What is alcohol

With scientific point alcohol is directly ethyl alcohol. Ethanol is a colorless liquid with a specific taste and smell. This type of alcohol is obtained by fermentation or artificially. The substance is used as a disinfectant, fuel, solvent. In everyday life, alcohol is called drinks, which include ethanol in different concentrations.

What harms alcohol

Once in the human body, alcohol acts as a solvent, destroying the fatty membrane of red blood cells. As a result, the blood cells stick together. Such formations can block blood flow in small capillaries. The process leads to the fact that the brain receives insufficient oxygen and nutrients its cells are dying. Malfunctions of the central nervous system contribute to the disruption of the functioning of other organs. A large amount of alcohol causes chronic, irreversible pathologies.

What happens if you drink

Consequences from drinking alcohol are associated with toxic effects ethyl alcohol on the body of men and women. severity side effects drinks is related to their strength, quantity and frequency of drinking. Taking small doses of alcohol important events may do no harm. Excessive consumption threatens the development of alcoholic encephalopathy, the formation of dependence, disruption of the internal organs, social degradation and other negative consequences.

moderate use

According to some experts, moderate drinking in quantities permitted by the WHO does not cause much harm to the body, does not form dependence, and does not lead to a state of intoxication. Alcohol in small doses can be useful for disease prevention, as it makes the defense systems work. It should be remembered that this method of preventing ailments is very dangerous, especially for people with genetic predisposition to alcoholism.

Daily use

Representatives of the World Health Organization warn that the use of ethanol on a daily basis is strictly prohibited. Drinking every day, a person runs the risk of gradually becoming addictive. There is a risk of loss of control, a desire to systematically increase the dose - this is a direct path to alcoholism, the acquisition of mental and physical health disorders. It is recommended to take breaks of several days so that toxins are eliminated from the body.


The body perceives increased doses of strong alcohol as poison, so you harm yourself, even if you get drunk very rarely. A large amount of alcohol negatively affects the brain, liver, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Constant abuse of alcohol can cause persistent dependence, which leads to irreversible consequences.

alcohol addiction

Getting inside the body elevated concentrations alcohol can be addictive. This is explained by the toxic properties of ethanol. Alcoholism is a disease that is characterized by constant, uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, a pathological attraction to the state of intoxication, a change in tolerance to alcohol. Experts distinguish the following signs of the disease:

  • The presence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome - when you refuse to drink alcohol, the patient experiences negative physical and psychological changes.
  • The desire to drink appears in any situation that has emotional significance.
  • Changes in behavior are detected: memory lapses, aggressiveness, lack of desire to communicate with loved ones, etc.
  • Lack of a system, alcohol consumption can last more than a day (binge binges).
  • Increased tolerance to ethyl alcohol, increased alcohol rejection threshold.
  • Constant hangover, desire to drink to remove its symptoms.
  • The presence of certain external manifestations (bruising, thickening of the veins, rapid aging of the skin).

When is a person considered an alcoholic?

Experts recommend to distinguish between domestic drunkenness and alcoholism. In the first case, a person can afford to drink systematically, however, stopping the use of alcohol-containing drinks does not bring serious consequences, aggression, occurs at will. This condition is not classified as a disease. An alcoholic is a person who suffers from alcoholism. He is not able to control his desire to drink, the amount of alcohol consumed, he is prone to binges.


Every person can get addicted to alcohol if they stop controlling themselves, since some cultural characteristics provoke people to use intoxicating drinks during hours of joy, sadness, and on holidays. There are 2 groups of citizens who are especially prone to addiction to ethanol. Specialists highlight the following reasons alcoholism:

  • hereditary predisposition. People with alcoholic ancestors may receive genetic material that is responsible for a high risk of addiction to alcohol.
  • Psychological factors. Emotional experiences (loss of work, unhappy love, death of loved ones) can cause addiction to alcohol. A person tries to drink alcohol to relax, to avoid moral trauma. As a result, he acquires a constant craving for ethanol.

How alcoholism develops

dangerous factor development of alcoholism is that persistent addiction can occur imperceptibly for the patient. A person begins to drink alcohol in companies on holidays or periodically drink to calm his nerves. At this stage, ethanol may not cause adverse reactions. The feeling of relaxation and fun leads to the fact that drinking becomes more frequent. As a result, a person becomes addicted, he begins to show symptoms of alcoholism. Gradually, there is a decomposition of the personality, there comes a physical craving for alcohol.

Stages of alcoholism

Experts distinguish 3 degrees of alcoholism. Each stage is characterized by the following factors:

  • First degree - at this stage of the development of the disease, the patient often has a desire to drink alcohol. If it is not satisfied, it disappears after a while. When the patient drinks, there is a sharp loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed. The person becomes aggressive, irritable, there are episodes of memory loss. Every drunkenness has some reason or other that the patient thinks up to justify it. An alcoholic ceases to evaluate it as a negative phenomenon.
  • The second stage is characterized by an increase in tolerance to alcoholic beverages. At this stage, physical dependence is formed: withdrawal syndrome, headache, thirst, irritability, hand and body tremor, sleep disturbances. With a sharp interruption of binge, complications may occur.
  • The third stage is the craving for alcohol. There are mental disorders leading to amnesia. There is a rapid growth of physical, social and personal degradation. Binge provokes severe exhaustion of the body, if its interruption occurs without medical intervention, the occurrence of metal-alcohol psychosis is possible.

Life expectancy of an alcoholic

The question of how long alcoholics live cannot be given an unequivocal answer, since the body of each person individually reacts to ethyl alcohol. An important factor is the quality of drinks and the quantity of their consumption. Drinking a good glass of wine with dinner can help you live a long life. happy life. According to many scientists, some people may even benefit from it.

The use of cheap drinks, a surrogate, can cause not only damage to internal organs, but also acute intoxication. According to statistics, the average life expectancy of an alcoholic is 48-55 years. At the same time, the period may be shorter for women, heavy drinkers and people who have started using alcoholic beverages while being teenagers. Patients in the 3rd stage of addiction have the highest risk of mortality. They die from severe organ pathologies, living 6-7 years after such a diagnosis.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption at any age causes an increased risk of diseases of the body systems, disrupts the activity of the human brain. The result of such processes is irreversible changes psyche, reduced social activity, causing physical harm to the patient. With regular use, a person experiences constant poisoning, which causes deposits harmful substances inside the body.

Social Consequences

Alcohol addiction directly affects not only the patient himself, but also his family, circle of friends, and career. The patient faces economic difficulties, since a lot of money is spent on the purchase of alcohol. In addition, addiction can cause problems at work, because the alcoholic is not able to perform his functions properly, misses work days due to a hangover.

Constant drunkenness also has a devastating effect on the patient's family. This happens because conflicts become more frequent, the patient becomes aggressive. The life of the alcoholic and those around him is threatened by drunk driving. When driving after drinking alcohol, the likelihood of an accident increases significantly. People who are under the influence of alcohol are more at risk of committing a crime.

Health implications

Alcohol dependence has a significant impact on the patient's physical and mental health. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause the following effects of alcoholism:

  • The toxic effect of ethanol on neurons (nerve cells) and brain structures begins even when small doses of the substance enter the body. Experts note a violation of the activity of control centers, failures in the regulatory mechanisms of the cortex. Such processes contribute to a rapid change in mood, partial loss of control over actions, irritability, aggressiveness, and the emergence of mental disorders.
  • Pathological processes in neurons adversely affect the functioning of the sense organs, the intellectual abilities of the patient, his memory. With the systematic consumption of alcohol, chronic encephalopathy is observed, a cerebral infarction is possible. Prolonged exposure to alcohol provokes Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's.
  • Cerebral vessels become brittle, aneurysms can form with subsequent ruptures. The risk of blood clots, circulatory disorders, atrophic phenomena of the auditory and optic nerve, ischemic strokes of the spinal cord, brain. Gradually, chronic alcoholism leads to irreversible mental illness, complete degradation of the individual.
  • Consequences of drinking alcohol of cardio-vascular system are: cardiomyopathy with the development of heart failure, hypertension with a tendency to rupture of arteries, veins, aneurysms, ischemia, myocardial infarction, blockade and arrhythmias.
  • The negative impact of frequent alcohol consumption on the human reproductive system is in violation of the viability and maturation of germ cells, the formation of infertility, high risk congenital pathologies fetus. For men, the danger is a decrease in erection, leading to the gradual development of impotence. Also, with prolonged use, persistent hormonal disorders occur.
  • Frequent consequences of alcoholism are ulcerative necrotic and inflammatory processes stomach (gastritis, peptic ulcer), pancreatic lesions, accompanied by chronic pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus. Gradually, doctors note the exhaustion of the whole organism, associated with metabolic disorders and a decrease in appetite. Possible appearance oncological diseases stomach and intestines.
  • Liver diseases are considered by specialists as the most dangerous consequences systematic drinking. Organ cells cannot cope with chronic intoxication Therefore, alcoholics often suffer from fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatitis.

How often can you drink alcohol

The World Health Organization, setting a certain safe dose of alcohol per day, warns that drinking every day is a risk to the normal functioning of the body. To pathological conditions did not occur, it is recommended to take breaks. Experts advise drinking alcohol no more than 1 time in 3 days, while you need to manage with a minimum dose.

Safe amount of alcohol per day

The standard dose of alcoholic beverages established by WHO is equal to the content of 10 g of pure ethanol. Such a portion is called a drink or a unit. The equivalent for it is 330 ml of beer, 150 ml of dry wine, 45 ml of strong alcohol. The World Organization has established the following safe doses of alcoholic beverages per day:

  • For men - 4 drinks, which is equivalent to 100 g of vodka, 3 glasses of dry wine, 1-2 cans of beer.
  • For women, a safe dose is 3 units, which is 1-2 glasses of dry wine, 80 g of vodka, 1 bottle of beer.


The consequences of alcoholism for a person can be traced in all spheres of his life. In personal, negative changes affect the body, there is a degradation of the personality of the drinker. In the social there are a large number of problems with society, directly related to the use of alcohol.

The results of studies show that the nervous system suffers primarily from alcohol. Under its influence in the cerebral cortex, the accuracy and clarity of thought processes are disturbed. Excitation nerve fibers increases, while braking, on the contrary, slows down. Therefore, under the influence of alcohol, spatial coordination and adequate control over one's own behavior are disturbed.

At mild degree intoxication, a person becomes joyful, excessively talkative, loses self-control, mood improves. As the dose increases, control becomes more and more weakened, self-confidence and obsession with others increase. With strong intoxication, excitement becomes violent, a person commits senseless acts, shows aggression. In this state, he harms not only himself, but also others, becomes dangerous to society.

Social consequences of alcoholism:

  • an increase in the number of accidents;
  • violation public order- theft, assault, violence, murder;
  • loss of family, friends, relatives, birth of handicapped children;
  • high suicide rate among alcoholics;
  • increased risk of unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases.

car accident

Road traffic accidents due to drunk driving are one of the most common causes of disability and death. Even if the stage of intoxication is small, the driver's clarity of perception of the environment is greatly reduced, and motor reactions slow down. When drinking 150 g of vodka, time drinker reaction doubles, and when using 300 g it increases 6-9 times. That is, it may seem to the driver that he reacted instantly and braked, but in reality he lost seconds, often precious.
Alcohol (80 g of vodka or 500 g of beer) stays in the blood for a day. Therefore, a driver who drank in the evening should not drive in the morning, he is still drunk. The effect of alcohol is neutralized after its complete removal from the body.

Public order disturbance

Relentless statistics show that almost 80% of offenses are committed while intoxicated. Control over one's own behavior is reduced, a person loses a sense of responsibility. But a drunken state does not justify if a person has committed an offense, does not relieve him of responsibility, but, on the contrary, is an aggravating factor. In addition, the drinker is able to harm someone else's and his own health, and doctors are not always able to save their lives.

For effective treatment of alcoholism, experts advise means "AlcoLock". This drug:

  • Eliminates alcohol cravings
  • Repairs damaged liver cells
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Has no taste and smell
  • Consists of natural ingredients and completely safe
  • AlcoLock has an evidence base based on numerous clinical research. The tool has no contraindications and side effects. Opinion of doctors >>

    Violations of ties with society

    Not only threatens the lives of others, but also has serious psychological consequences. By abusing alcohol and living surrounded by loved ones, a person destroys their lives. In such a family there is always tension, fear, irritability, frequent conflicts.

    Welfare is under threat and can be destroyed - things are taken out of the house and changed to alcohol. All earned funds also go to its acquisition, and over time, work is also lost. The same happens with relatives and friends who cannot and do not want to communicate with an alcoholic. A person is left alone, all his interests are the goal of acquiring alcohol, and he degrades as a person.

    Threats to family happiness

    Any degree of alcoholism is dangerous and destructive for the family. A person can calm himself by drinking a little, no one has seen him drunk. All this is self-deception, which is a bad helper. Studies and statistics show that moderate drinkers have a high chance of giving birth to weak-minded, malformed, epileptic, physically and mentally deformed children.

    There is an erroneous opinion that alcohol enhances sexual desire. In a state of slight intoxication, control is removed and feelings and emotions are exacerbated for a while. However, this is possible with small and infrequent use. Frequent drinkers and chronic alcoholics sexual sphere suffers a lot and about its usefulness, and even more so, it’s not even necessary to talk about increased attraction.

    Drinking alcohol can especially hit unborn children - this is the so-called drunken conception. Moreover, it can happen even in those who do not use constantly or are chronic alcoholics. But if intimacy is always accompanied by the use of alcohol, then such couples may not avoid drunken conception.
    Almost always, the consequences of alcoholism for the family are divorces. Drunkenness is the main factor leading to the alienation of spouses; a drinking person is not critical of his behavior and is not able to constructively resolve conflicts. In such conditions, create a happy family and gain family happiness impossible.

    In the family, the reaction of the non-drinking spouse is reduced to irritation and discontent, and the drinker - to incontinence and aggression. On this basis, conflicts occur, often with violence. Alienation of partners grows, disagreements arise between them regarding household duties and raising children, since the drinking partner often does not fulfill them. A non-drinker is forced to bear a double burden, which causes additional conflicts. People simply exhaust each other until the problem of alcoholism requires an urgent solution.

    Do you still think that it is impossible to cure alcoholism?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not on your side yet ...

    And you already thought to code? It is understandable, because alcoholism is a dangerous disease that leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Pain in the liver, hangover, health problems, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

    But maybe there is a way to get rid of the pain? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva's article on modern methods of treating alcoholism...

    Read completely

    Alcoholism in the family is especially dangerous for children, no matter if one parent drinks or both. Such children absorb the dysfunctionality of their family, and it is very difficult for them to become happy, self-confident, full-fledged members of society.

    Alcoholism is a serious disease that has a devastating effect on all areas of a person's life - his body, psyche, family and social life. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to this harmful attachment at the very beginning of its occurrence and take measures to eliminate it.

    Alcoholism is a huge problem for modern society. Conventionally, the consequences of alcoholism can be divided into two categories. The first is the consequences for a person who abuses alcohol, related to his health and personality. The second is the consequences for society, the growth of social problems that are directly related to the alcoholism of the population.

    There are quite a few points that can be attributed to the personal problems of an alcoholic:

    · Aggressive behavior and loss of self-control when drunk or hangover;

    Frequent accidents, overheating or hypothermia due to negligence or severe drunkenness;

    Poisoning with low-quality alcohol;

    Risks of developing cirrhosis, certain types of cancer, problems with the cardiovascular system;

    Loss of human performance;

    · Development mental illness;

    · Problems with the legislation;

    · Constant conflicts within the family and its subsequent destruction;

    · Difficulties with money and rising crime.

    At the stage of physical addiction, alcoholism begins to cause many problems of a psychological and mental nature. Note that people who abuse alcohol may develop the following diseases:

    Gastritis and peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach (very often during binges, ulcers perforate with further internal bleeding and death);

    Liver diseases (hepatosis, dystrophy, cirrhosis, etc.);

    Heart failure and ischemia leading to heart attacks and seizures. Also happens during drinking bouts;

    Hypertension (increase in pressure, including in the vessels of the brain, which leads to a stroke);

    Tuberculosis and emphysema, as well as other pathologies respiratory system that develop when a person's immunity is weakened;

    Infertility in women and impotence in men. In addition, alcoholism causes miscarriages and the formation of congenital pathologies in children (cleft palate, dementia, developmental problems, heart defects).

    Separately, it should be noted how alcohol affects the human nervous system. Alcoholism causes necrosis of some areas of the brain (often very large), which lead to a variety of alcoholic psychoses. Alcoholics often experience:

    Alcoholic hallucinations (visual, auditory and many others, sometimes prolonged);

    Feeling of persecution that develops during drinking bouts;

    Feeling of jealousy, which develops, as a rule, in men after 40 years and in some cases is accompanied by erectile dysfunction. An alcoholic will suspect his wife of cheating and behave aggressively towards her;

    · Alcoholic encephalopathy - serious disorders accompanied by memory impairment, motor and other disorders of the human body, which in some cases lead to paralysis;

    · Alcoholic delirium - more commonly known as delirium tremens. It is an acute psychosis that combines hallucinations, motor excitation and narrowing of consciousness;

    Dementia (alcoholic dementia). The disease will occur when brain cells die when exposed to alcohol and toxic substances;

    · Epilepsy;

    Suicidal tendencies.

    In addition, the state of intoxication in alcoholics is often accompanied by memory loss (alcoholic palimpsest) and strong arousal nervous system. People will suffer from sleep disturbances, permanent anxiety state, fear of a hangover, tremor.

    If a person has been diagnosed with Alcoholism, then his appearance may be as follows: a person looks much older than his real age, he has an unhealthy complexion, reddish eyes, dull hair, loose skin with a prominent network of blood vessels. Alcoholism will have a very negative effect on the appearance of women. In this case, the person will have a puffy appearance with obvious signs of aging skin. Due to its characteristics, female alcoholism will develop faster than male alcoholism, therefore, it carries more dangerous consequences and quickly progresses and develops to a chronic state.

    Alcoholism is also dangerous for its social consequences. The disease leads to the degradation of a person's personality. The patient begins to lose basic moral qualities, he loses family and spiritual values. A person considers the achievement of alcoholic intoxication to be the main goal of his existence, because in this state he will feel as confident and comfortable as possible.

    For society, the consequences of alcoholism are devastating, because intoxication and a hangover lead to:

    Numerous car accidents fatal;

    Offenses (in a state of intoxication or with a hangover, when a person becomes aggressive and cannot adequately perceive reality);

    · Accidents in industrial conditions and life;

    absenteeism and decreased productivity.

    Often, alcoholics, as the disease develops, begin to look for less qualified work, and after that they do not want to work at all, because during a hangover it is simply impossible. Alcoholism will force a person to seek the most simple ways extraction of money. First of all, alcoholics will spend all their savings, their own and family, after which they will begin to ask for a loan from relatives and friends, and in the future they will begin to steal and receive funds in other criminal ways.

    Consequences of female alcoholism

    The consequences of female alcoholism are seen as more serious because many women become mothers. If during pregnancy the expectant mother will consume alcohol, then the likelihood that the child will be born with serious morphological disorders greatly increases. These are incorrect proportions of the body, head, limbs, and problems with the sense organs, as well as any other underdevelopment of the fetus as a result of congenital pathologies.

    Apart from external signs, in children in this case, brain failure will most likely be observed, expressed in hypermobility, lack of concentration, a tendency to destruction or aggressiveness. Mental and motor development in children who were born alcoholics is slow or unsatisfactory, so they cannot fully master all the necessary skills.

    If parents drink, then children develop in a very difficult environment that injures their psyche, so they often develop: stuttering, enuresis, night terrors, stubbornness, aggressiveness. These children have very unstable emotional development: anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies may occur. With violations in mental development, there will be great difficulties in learning and contact with peers.

    Consequences of child alcoholism

    If due to physiological female body more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than men, then the children's immune system cannot cope with toxins at all. To become an alcoholic, a child must drink alcohol for only a few months. And then there are dire consequences.

    Alcohol will destroy the baby's developing organs. The cardiovascular system and liver will suffer to a greater extent. There is a slowdown mental development, aggressiveness. Under the influence of alcohol, children lose the ability to think normally, so their actions can be very cruel. Not having sufficient funds to buy alcohol, they will definitely go to some kind of crime. If there are not enough funds for beer, vodka or wine, then alcoholics will simply sniff glue. When a person becomes a drug addict, he quickly degrades, destroys himself mentally and physically.

    Consequences of beer alcoholism

    Today, beer alcoholism is so widespread that society is forced to seriously think about the future of the country. Young people are sure that this drink is completely harmless and even somewhat useful, so it is young people who, in most cases, become beer alcoholics. There is not much difference whether beer alcoholism or ordinary alcoholism, because the disease is in any case an addiction that causes serious harm to the body. Beer alcoholism carries with it many consequences.

    Periodic drinking of beer is the cause of the development of all kinds of diseases. Young people suffer from disorders of mental and sexual development. Alcoholic toxins, which are contained in beer, lead to the breakdown of the most important systems. First of all, the brain, cardiovascular system, liver, gastrointestinal tract will suffer.

    When abused, beer has a great effect on the heart. Beer is instantly absorbed in the stomach, so the bloodstream overflows, increasing the workload on the heart. From this, the veins and borders of the heart expand, which leads to a state of "beer heart". Such an organ will not pump blood well and become flabby.

    Beer alcoholism also affects the nervous system. First of all, the people around will suffer. Beer leads to outbursts of aggression and stupidity. And what could be worse? People who constantly drink alcohol are cruelty. Beer contains psychoactive substances that are present in hops. That is why it gives a stupefying and intoxicating effect. The worst thing is that soon the human nervous system begins to get used to it, so without beer an alcoholic will no longer be able to relax, rest and calm down.

    The effect of beer on the brain is also devastating, because this drink will kill cells. Dead cells will be excreted along with urine, which is filtered by the liver. In the brain, dead cells are not restored, therefore, with systematic drunkenness, a person begins to grow dull before our eyes. AT young age the consequences of alcoholism are more pronounced, because there is a decrease in intelligence and a loss of learning ability.

    It should be noted that beer contains cadaverine, a cadaveric poison that has a toxic effect on the brain.

    Beer abuse leads to negative impact on the reproductive functions. Alcohol, which is contained in beer, stimulates the regeneration of the seminiferous tubules, and beer heavy metals will disrupt work endocrine system. In addition, the beer will begin to suppress the production of testosterone, so the man will begin to resemble a woman in some ways - he will have an enlarged chest and expanded pelvis.

    These are the pronounced and well-known consequences of the abuse of beer. Every year, experts publish new facts that confirm the harm caused by beer.

    Alcoholism and other addictions greatly complicate normal life society, so it is very important to take some preventive measures that will prevent the formation of dependence on alcohol in young people. Sports, creativity, culture, as well as many other ways of developing the human personality, should be cultivated.

    Currently, alcohol abuse is an important problem in Russia. According to statistics, as of 2019, the number of patients with alcoholism exceeded 5 million people, or 3.7% of the total population. Complications of alcoholism have become one of the leading causes of premature death. In addition, the largest number of all crimes were committed while intoxicated. Frequent use of alcohol inevitably leads to dependence; alcoholism and its consequences destroy not only health, but also life.

    What is alcoholism

    Alcoholism is a mental disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of drinks containing ethyl alcohol. As a result of a state of constant intoxication, a person's health deteriorates, his ability to work, well-being and moral character decrease. A person becomes addicted to alcohol on a physiological and mental levels. Alcoholism is not compatible with a normal social, personal life. With prolonged use of high doses of alcohol, irreversible mental disorders inevitably occur.


    There are many reasons, conditions that can lead to chronic alcoholism. As a rule, this is stress as a result of an emotional conflict, domestic, domestic problems, the loss of a loved one, difficulties at work. Alcohol abuse is promoted by a depressive personality type with low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with one's actions, deeds and achievements.

    The hereditary factor matters (father, mother or other blood relatives suffer from alcoholism), as well as various kinds negative factors environment and culture, upbringing, availability of alcoholic beverages for minors. In addition, the consumption of alcoholic beverages contributes low level life of the population, the lack of good jobs, the lack of opportunities to get an education.


    Alcoholism is a disease that develops over years and even decades. Clinically, there are three main stages in the development of this mental disorder:

    1. First stage. It starts with the fact that a person increases the dose of alcohol and drinks more often. He drinks a lot, often, coming up with excuses for drinking alcohol. At the same time, they begin to develop characteristic symptoms: a person quickly loses control over his behavior, inadequate. The next day, after drinking alcohol, it is noted feeling unwell but without the need for a hangover. A clear sign of the onset of alcoholism is a person's persistent confidence that he can stop drinking at any time.
    2. Second stage. It is observed in patients who are registered in narcological dispensaries. A person's resistance to alcohol increases, so the doses of alcohol gradually and imperceptibly increase. In the second stage of alcoholism, the initial symptoms intensify and new ones appear. Each time, the doses increase, which leads to prolonged binges for several days in a row.
    3. Third stage. The final one is manifested by severe complications. In the third stage, the patient begins to have a disorder mental functions and alcoholic degradation of all vital important organs organism. Resistance to ethyl alcohol increases, a person drinks systematically, daily, several times a day, but in small doses.

    Some narcologists distinguish the final, fourth stage, which is characterized by a severe mental disorder (alcoholic psychosis), withdrawal syndromes and nervous complications(seizures, dementia). A chronic alcoholic is not able to think independently, speak normally and establish social contacts, and is indifferent to the outside world.

    A person at this stage drinks often, in small portions, is constantly intoxicated. During this period, the patient loses his family, often a house, lives on the street. Alcoholism of the fourth stage is not amenable to any therapy, tk. all organs, body systems are destroyed by the action of ethyl alcohol, chronic intoxication with its metabolites. A person who has reached this stage does not live long, dies from a coma that occurs from prolonged drinking.

    Harm of drinking alcohol

    In the initial stage of the development of alcoholism, the consequences of alcohol poisoning (headache, nausea) are manifested. Over time, the symptoms of regular drinking become apparent: the mood changes frequently, changes dramatically, and depends on the use of alcohol. Without drinking, the patient becomes aggressive and inadequate, memory lapses appear. An alcoholic thinks only about drinking, there are no other joys, hobbies and needs for him, and even the need to eat fades into the background.

    The second stage of the development of dependence is characterized not only by psychological, but also physical necessity in alcohol. The body requires new, higher doses of alcohol; without it, it ceases to function normally. At this stage, a person often quits work, becomes apathetic, depressive. The patient can no longer stop drinking on his own.

    At the third stage of the disease, a person quickly degrades as a person, the psyche is disturbed. Morphological destruction in the central nervous system, the work of organs and systems of the body lead to a partial loss of movement and speech, there is sudden paralysis of the whole body. Malignant neoplasms develop in liver cells, severe diseases of the kidneys and blood vessels occur. In addition, frequent intoxication leads to alcoholic delirium, often fatal.

    beer alcoholism

    Despite the fact that beer is a low-alcohol drink, it poses no less danger to life and health. Such alcoholism has a direct negative influence to all body systems. Among the most unpleasant consequences beer addiction - the harm that the drink causes to the heart. Large doses of "foamy" will affect the general well-being and the state of its vessels.

    In the history of medicine, the term "Bavarian beer heart" is known, which was designated by a German physician for patients whose hearts had time to pathologically change as a result of daily use lots of beer. This condition is characterized the following signs:

    • thickened walls of the heart chambers;
    • necrosis muscle fibers;
    • dilated cavities of the heart;
    • decrease in the number of mitochondria in cells.

    Consequences of alcoholism

    Over time, excessive alcohol consumption negatively affects all aspects of a person's life: from health to social status. Ethyl alcohol has ruined the lives of many thousands of people, because of it families break up and children are born with deformities and disabilities. Consequences of alcohol intoxication, social problems and much more - this is the result of uncontrolled drinking.

    alcohol poisoning

    Negative consequences hard drinking and alcohol intoxication can be irreversible for human health. Often noted fatal outcome when using critical doses of alcohol in conjunction with sedative drugs, drugs. Detox symptoms:

    • headache;
    • nausea;
    • loss of appetite;
    • hand tremor;
    • tachycardia.

    Children of alcoholics

    reproductive system one of the first suffers from uncontrolled consumption of alcohol-containing drinks, so healthy children are rarely born from chronic alcoholics. A child who was conceived by drinking people often has genetic mutations (Down's disease, Turner's syndrome, phenylketonuria). Frequent anatomical abnormalities intrauterine development: heart defects, underdevelopment of organs, anencephaly, hydrocephalus, etc., alcohol syndrome develops.

    If alcoholics have a daughter with rice, give birth to offspring with pathologies. This is due to the fact that the precursors of the eggs are born during intrauterine development and are not renewed in the future, but simply mature, therefore, unhealthy children are born in a girl who was systematically exposed to ethyl alcohol even in the womb. As a result, attention is paid to the prevention, elimination of female alcoholism.

    Social Consequences

    Alcohol is often an impetus for criminal behavior, as it it relaxes the human mind, gives a feeling of impunity. The social consequences of alcoholism include:

    • fights;
    • theft;
    • sexual violence;
    • causing material damage;
    • bad behavior;
    • murders;
    • domestic violence;
    • drunk driving.


    One of the methods of prevention, treatment and prevention of alcoholism is coding, i.e. a set of measures aimed at developing a reflex rejection of alcohol or emotional disgust. In modern narcology, there are several types of such a procedure:

    1. Medical. The use of drugs, causing intolerance even small doses of ethyl alcohol.
    2. Psychotherapy. The use of modern methods of influencing mental perception.
    3. hardware coding. The use of physiotherapy to develop alcohol intolerance.
    4. Hypnotherapy. Use of sessions of individual or group hypnosis.

    Coding is considered successful, after which a person physically cannot drink any alcohol, even if he wants to. When alcohol is taken, such patients immediately experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache. The most common method of coding patients with alcoholism is medication.
