Keeping homeless animals in public areas. Pet law passed

Living in an apartment building, you have to reckon not only with your neighbors, but also with their legal rights. For example, anyone can have a pet, which is not against the law, but often creates inconvenience for people around them. We will tell you what rules and laws regarding keeping pets in an apartment building exist in 2018.

The main rule of living in an apartment building is to use the living space for its intended purpose. At the same time, it is prohibited to violate sanitary standards and the legitimate interests of other citizens. If neighbor's dog barks endlessly or shits under your door - this is a violation. To stop such things, it is often necessary to enter into conflict with your neighbors.

Issues related to the regulation of the residence of pets and their keeping outside the in full are regulated by current legislation. This often leads to conflict situations between neighbors living in apartment buildings.

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Among the regulatory legal acts, the following documents can be distinguished:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2006 No. 25 “On approval of the Rules for the use of residential premises”;
  • Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”;
  • Law of the Russian Federation No. 4979-1 of May 14, 1993 “On Veterinary Medicine”.

In 2018, a bill on the responsible treatment of animals was prepared for the second reading (but has not yet been approved). It is intended that its provisions will come into force legal force since June, but it has not yet been adopted.

In addition to the listed regulations, some issues may be regulated in the Housing Code, Civil Code and Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In addition, local authorities have the right to approve their own bills regarding the rules for keeping pets in apartments. However, they cannot contradict legislation adopted at the federal level.

Separately, mention should be made of the initiative of deputies to create a bill on microchipping of animals. It was planned to approve the need to assign each animal (dog, cat, hamster, etc.) a unique identification code, which would contain information about the owner, diseases, ancestors and other information about the animal. However, the adoption of such a law is not expected in 2018.

What animals are classified as domestic animals by law?

The legislation does not have a clear definition of a pet. In other words, a citizen has the right to have and place in his apartment not only a cat, dog or parrot, but also a more exotic pet - a lion, python, hippopotamus.

There is no ban on specific species. However, there is a rule according to which accommodation should not interfere with the people around you.

However, there are several signs by which an animal can be considered domestic:

  • it is registered and has a veterinary passport;
  • it is vaccinated against rabies;
  • apply to pets preventive actions– for example, he is wearing a flea collar or the animal is subject to regular treatment for other diseases.

These requirements are mandatory in most cases. If the above points are violated, certain measures may be applied to the owner.

Rules for keeping dogs and cats in an apartment building

The basic requirements for keeping dogs and cats in an apartment building are highlighted. Here they are:

  1. The pet must live in the owner's living space. It is not allowed to use common property for these purposes - entrance, landing, basement, attic.
  2. You must not intentionally injure, abuse or harm an animal in any other way. The owner of the pet is obliged to provide proper care for it.
  3. If a pet causes any damage to another person, its owner will be responsible for such actions. In such situations, moral damages, compensation for treatment (if required) and an accrued fine are paid.
  4. The owner of the animal is obliged to monitor its behavior. It is strictly forbidden to threaten your pet or set it against other people. If the animal attacks, the owner will be responsible. In this case, the circumstances of the incident do not matter (whether there was a provocation or not, etc.).
  5. Animal behavior in in public places is also the concern of its owner. For example, it is not allowed for a dog to be in transport, in a store or on a playground without a muzzle.
  6. It is prohibited to use public places as a toilet for an animal. The owner should not allow such things to happen. He is obliged to clean up after the pet in a timely manner.

If the owner notices that his pet is behaving strangely and may be dangerous to people around him, he is obliged to take measures to isolate him. In such cases, you should contact your veterinarian. When a pet dies, the owner is obliged to resolve the issue of its burial.

The apartment must be used for its intended purpose. That is, people are allowed to live there. In such premises it is prohibited to set up shelters, holding centers and special nurseries for animals. Such actions violate housing and sanitary-epidemiological standards.

If a person does not comply with the rules for keeping animals in an apartment building, he may be subject to administrative responsibility. In some cases, criminal penalties are possible.

Difficulties of keeping animals in an apartment

In general, a city apartment is far from the best place for keeping pets. It is understandable when small animals are kept in such a living space, but large species require much more space to provide normal conditions accommodation.

Lack of space, full walks, etc. negatively affects the character of the dog. This, in turn, can lead to unpleasant and disastrous consequences.

Dogs in apartments quite often disturb neighbors. For example, they may bark, which leads to a violation of legal regulations on silence. If this happens, the owner should eliminate this phenomenon as quickly as possible.

This is also a violation of sanitary rules. The situation may give rise to contacting the police or judicial authorities.

What will happen for violating the rules for keeping animals?

Depending on the type of violation, administrative or criminal liability. When the rules of detention are violated for the first time, the preventive measure is a warning. After this, the offender should eliminate the reasons that prompted the neighbors to complain.

The most common type of punishment for negligent pet owners is an administrative fine. The owner of the animal can be fined up to several thousand rubles.

If an animal causes harm to the health of another person, its owner may face criminal liability under Art. 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This may include fines, forced labor, or imprisonment.

In addition, the victim has the right to demand compensation for physical and moral damage caused. The amount of compensation is determined individually. It is not regulated by law, and the victim has the right to request compensation in any amount that seems acceptable to him.

The neighbor's dog constantly barks - what should I do?

If the neighbor's dog constantly barks, then this, of course, will cause problems in relations with neighbors. The first thing to do is try to resolve the situation peacefully. You need to calmly talk to your neighbors and ask them to take action. A voice recording can be used as evidence.

If talking does not help, then you should observe the conditions in which the animal is kept. When there are signs of abuse, the police should be contacted. If suspicions are confirmed, neighbors face a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or even criminal liability with imprisonment for up to two years.

How can you tell if an animal is being treated cruelly?

  • restrict movement (for example, a dog sits on a short chain, and the owner does not allow it to warm up);
  • there is no kennel in the yard where the dog is kept;
  • the owner does not act when the animal freezes or overheats;
  • deliberate persecution by thirst or hunger occurs;
  • the animal is subjected to unjustified suffering.

A complaint against a neighbor is drawn up in free form and can be signed by the team. You can take a photo or video as evidence.

If talking doesn't help and no abuse is identified, note the times at which your neighbor's dog barks. When this happens early in the morning (before 9 am) and late in the evening (after 10 pm), you can complain about a violation of the silence law.

The neighbor's dog shits in the entrance - what to do?

Responsibility for the behavior of the animal lies entirely with its owner. If a dog shits in the entrance, you should talk to the owner. When this does not help, the only thing left to do is complain to the police.

However, before you write a statement, make sure that it is your neighbor’s dog who is doing the “dirty business.” This will need to be confirmed with a photo or video.

The complaint may be collective. A lawyer will help you draw it up correctly.

If any difficulties arise, please contact legal advice. Get free legal assistance possible on our website. Ask a question to an expert in a special window.

Citizens living in an apartment building are not at all prohibited from having pets. However, in this case, they are required to comply with the rules and laws regarding keeping pets. If this does not happen, neighbors have every right to complain to law enforcement and judicial authorities.


The law establishes new rules for walking pets. If, according to the old, still Soviet, law, all dogs had to appear in places common use in muzzles and on leashes (whether this rule was followed or not is another question), now the muzzle is canceled.

It is enough to “keep the animal on a leash when crossing the roadway.” highway, in common areas of apartment buildings, on playgrounds and sports grounds.” Each animal “on a collar or bridle” must have a tag with the owner’s phone number.

Instead of a muzzle, dog owners will have to get a scoop: the law obliges “to prevent contamination of public places and territories with waste products of animals.” Otherwise, “responsible persons are obliged to ensure their immediate cleaning.”

Dog poop on the road, lawn, or playground now faces a hefty fine. The first time the owner will be held administratively liable and fined from 3 to 4 thousand rubles. A relapse within a year will cost from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

By the way, walking a pet by a drunk owner risks a fine of “one to five thousand rubles.”

Those who forget to enter their tailed pet into the Animal Register will face a fine of “one to three thousand rubles.” However, the registration of animals is given three years from the date the law comes into force. So even the most leisurely ones will have plenty of time.

To register an animal, you will not need any documents about its purchase - it will be enough to verbally identify yourself as its owner.

The long-suffering bill on the responsible treatment of animals, which has lain in the Duma offices since 1999, is finally planned to be adopted this spring. What to expect for owners of dogs and cats, “Mir Novosti” figured out.

Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded that work on the bill be completed, saying that “the lack of rules and regulations in this area worsens the sanitary situation, and in some egregious cases results in cruelty to animals.”


The law will finally prohibit keeping wild animals in apartments - deputies promise to register each type of animal specifically, drawing up whole list. But if you bought a wild animal (for example, a tiger) before the law came into force - January 1, 2018 - then no one will force you to get rid of it.

Many expected the law to limit not only the types of animals that can be kept at home, but also their number. However, this did not happen. The maximum number of dogs and cats per city apartment is not specified in any way.

“The number of pets kept is determined by the possibility of providing them proper conditions maintenance, compliance with veterinary and sanitary standards,” the law vaguely states.

But now it will be possible to place a dog in a kennel near the entrance only with the written consent of all (!) residents registered in this entrance.

To prevent irresponsible citizens from throwing annoying dogs and cats out onto the street, each animal will be listed in a state register created specifically for this law. information system"Animal Register".

“If ownership of an animal is relinquished, the owner of the animal is obliged to find a new owner for the animal or transfer it to an animal shelter,” the law says. Moreover, contain former pet in the shelter you will have to use your own money - shelters are not obliged to accept abandoned animals for free.


The most revolutionary idea of ​​the new law is the ban on “regulating the number (population) of stray animals by killing them.” The exception is “the need to stop the suffering of a non-viable animal, if it cannot be stopped in any other way, or if the animal has rabies.”

Let us remind you that today the killing of stray animals is officially prohibited only in two cities of the Russian Federation - Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, animals are caught and placed in shelters, in St. Petersburg they are sterilized and returned to their habitats.

The new law obliges all regions to build shelters. Construction will have to be carried out at the expense of regional budgets. However, if there is no money for construction, the region has the right to follow the path of St. Petersburg.

It is also allowed to transfer captured animals “for maintenance individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities”, give them to private shelters.

If an animal “accidentally” dies during the capture process, the capture workers will be held responsible for this - this is stated in the law. The same goes for shelter workers.

The law prescribes a new status - “public inspector for animal protection”. Anyone who has expressed a desire to provide assistance to the authorities can sign up to become a controller. state supervision assistance on a voluntary and free basis.” Each inspector will be issued a certificate.

Inspectors will have the right to seize material evidence of “offenses in the field of animal treatment and send relevant materials ... to state supervisory authorities.” They are also allowed to take photographs and videos of such offenses. However, ordinary citizens are also not prohibited from filming violations.

There are also several ambiguous aspects in the law. Thus, when selling an animal, the seller will have to provide the buyer with information about the animal “in writing”: he will need to indicate the breed of the animal, describe its character, habits and conditions in which this animal must be kept.

Giving an animal to a minor is prohibited. Now it will be possible to give a turtle only to the child’s parents, and will receive from them written agreement accept the gift.

The most strange was the chapter on bites by dogs with suspected rabies - legislators thoroughly disguised it: “Immediately report to the state supervisory authorities in the field of handling animals about all injuries caused to responsible person animals to humans or other animals, and deliver the said animal that caused the injury to the specified authorities for inspection and quarantine.”

The result is absurd: if one horse, for example, kicks another, then it turns out that it must be urgently dragged “to the state supervisory authorities” and quarantined.

New rules The main requirement for dog owners is to prevent the threat of attacks on people and animals and not to damage the property of individuals or legal entities. New concepts and requirements were added to the law on dog walking in Russia in 2018:

  • the collar should contain the owner's contact information;
  • The Federal Law gives the legislative right to subjects themselves to determine the list of places prohibited for walking;
  • dogs potentially dangerous breeds walked on a short leash and wearing a muzzle (in current law wearing a muzzle is not mandatory). A pet of this breed is allowed to be without a muzzle only in a fenced area belonging to the owner.

In the original version, the draft law had a list of potentially dangerous dog breeds, which was excluded after the first reading.

What rules and laws on keeping pets exist in 2018-2019

The updated version includes a definition: potentially dangerous dog breeds - breeds that carry potential threat human life and health. Separately, the Government of the Russian Federation must prepare a list of dangerous breeds. Punishment Violation of the rules is punishable by regional legislative documents.
The law on dog walking in Moscow, like laws and the Code of Administrative Offenses in other regions, established administrative penalties for citizens:

  • uncollected excrement - 1000 – 2000 rubles. (in other regions 500 – 3,000 rubles);
  • the appearance of dogs in the above-mentioned places without a leash and muzzle, the presence of a dog in territory prohibited for it - 1000 - 2000 rubles.

An example of cruelty that could be prevented by registration is the throwing of pets onto the street, which, unfortunately, is often practiced in our country. Laws coming into force in 2018 Terrible “guests” will visit those who have outstanding fines:

  1. From the State Traffic Inspectorate.
  2. For alimony.
  3. Compensation for moral and material damage (refusal).
  4. For various debts in the amount of over 10,000 rubles.

The powers of bailiffs will include the selection of driver's licenses for debts, but not immediately. Initially, the debtor will be notified of the debt. An offer of voluntary repayment will be made, and if refused, the case will be sent to a magistrate for consideration.

After their decision, FSSP employees will confiscate the driver’s license. However, there are a number of limitations in the selection procedure for universities.

Dog Walking Law 2018

New rules for walking dogs Attention Current version The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation interprets cruelty to animals as an action committed for selfish reasons or out of hooligan motives:

  • with the intent to cause pain or suffering to an animal;
  • causing his death or injury.

The new qualifying feature, which is contained in the updated Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is cruelty to animals “for the purpose of causing pain and (or) suffering.” How harsh have the animal protection laws become? In 2018, those found guilty of animal cruelty can receive a prison sentence of up to three years. Such a sentence will follow if there are aggravating circumstances in the criminal case or if the defendant has previously committed similar acts.

Rules for walking dogs in the city – what do you need to know?

According to the government decree, by 2018 all animals in the Russian Federation will receive UIN - unique identification numbers. According to the innovation, pet owners and farmers will have to provide their “wards” with special chips or other identifiers with a UIN. The authorities will also create a federal state information system (FSIS), which will record information about each animal with a UIN.


Active work is underway to implement the initiative. Thus, on behalf of the government, as early as February 2017, the relevant departments must create a scheme for implementing the identification project. According to the authorities' plans, chipization of pets will take place in 2018. The opinions of experts and pet owners regarding the innovation are divided.

On the one hand, chipization should increase the responsibility of animal owners, especially farmers who raise livestock for sale and slaughter.

Federal dog law

SanPiNa No. 50 dated August 22, 2014, excrement must be disposed of in special containers, the presence of which is not observed in all cities of Russia;

  • dogs are prohibited from being in shops, catering establishments, playgrounds and other public places;
  • walking of four-legged animals is permitted in areas specially created for this purpose, indicated by a sign. In the absence of such places, the animal is allowed to walk in vacant lots and in areas designated regional authorities;
  • from 23.00 to 7.00, silence must be maintained during walking;
  • Citizens who are intoxicated are prohibited from walking their dogs.

In many Russian cities Standards for keeping and walking dogs are established by regional legal documents.

New law on microchipping animals

  • Pet tax in Russia in 2018
  • Tax on cats and dogs in the Russian Federation in 2018: true or fake?
  • Dog walking rules in 2018
  • Review of the animal protection law - what threatens the flayers?
  • New rules for walking dogs
  • New law on keeping dogs 2018
  • Law on chipization of pets since 2018
  • Chipization of pets since 2018
  • Laws coming into force in 2018

Pet tax in Russia in 2018 Disabled children are entitled to next year an increase in pensions based on the indexation carried out in April (an increase of 4.1%) and in accordance with Federal Law No. 166. Tax on cats and dogs in the Russian Federation in 2018: true or fake? At the same time, the administration system must remain simple and transparent, and the rights and obligations of the parties are clearly defined.

Mukhtar No. 763

The rules of conduct for the owner and his pet in the park are still determined by the law that has been in force since 1980. The standards include the following requirements:

  • In the park, the animal must be kept on a short leash or use a muzzle. This will ensure the safety of others. An exception was made only for puppies who were not yet three months old;
  • You can't let your dog out where people are walking.

    Choose an empty area located in the distance. If the area is fenced, it is allowed to remove the muzzle;

  • The walking time is not limited, but noise must be eliminated at night. If your dog barks, you should not walk it late at night so as not to disturb other people;
  • The law prohibits walking with animals if the owner is drunk.

The owner must remember that any violation of the law is punishable by a fine.

New animal law 2018

Among other things, officials need to establish tangible fines for lack of registration and launch a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the law. Rules for walking dogs in 2018 By a court decision, “knackers from Khabarovsk” are now serving time in a colony. The public considered the sentence for killing animals to be unjustifiably lenient - specifically under this article, girls were sentenced to compulsory labor, real time they received imprisonment for other crimes charged to them (robbery, insulting the feelings of believers and humiliation of human dignity). The draft law on amendments to Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 150 and 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation was ready by November 2017, and 13 December State Duma deputies have already adopted the law on cruelty to animals in the final reading. On the day of publication, December 20, new law It entered into force.

The ban on staying in the places indicated above does not apply to service dogs and guide dogs. “Law on silence” in St. Petersburg - how does it work? Bill on dog walking Since November 2010, the State Duma has been considering draft No. 458458-5 “On the responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” of the law “On the responsible treatment of animals”, which should replace the outdated Soviet normative -legal document. The bill passed the first reading, was amended and supplemented, in particular in Art. 14 added current rules for walking dogs in the city. The law of the Russian Federation in 2018 has not yet entered into force due to the Duma’s constant postponement of the second reading. The law was expected to come into force on January 1, 2018. But due to disagreements between the State Duma committee and the Government of the Russian Federation, the project is still under consideration.

Law on keeping pets in the Russian Federation 2018

That is why the law on dog walking further specifies the responsibilities of the owner, who must: Important! Puppies under the age of six months and individuals whose height at the withers does not exceed 35 cm will be allowed to go outside without a muzzle. Law on chipization of pets since 2018 Media forecasts cannot yet be called accurate. Approximate amount monthly payment per child, depending on the disability group, will be: Disability group Pension amount from April 1, 2018 (rubles) Disabled children and disabled children of group I 12,577 Disabled people of group I and disabled people of group II since childhood 10,481 Disabled people of group II 5,240 Disabled Group III 4,454 Additional compensation payments for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region are already known.

The pension for caring for a disabled person will be 12,000 rubles, and a disabled child, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, will be accrued monthly 1,450 rubles.
You can get acquainted with them at the information stands of city veterinary clinics, on their websites or on the website of the city administration. Review of the animal protection law - what threatens the flayers? Rules for walking dogs in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other regions The norms established by regional authorities have a lot in common. The rules for walking dogs in Moscow in 2018 are regulated by the city law.
Moscow dated November 21, 2007 No. 45 “Moscow Code of Administrative Offenses.” They are similar to the clauses of the federal document. In the Government Decree Sverdlovsk region No. 743-PP dated August 6, 2004 “On approximate rules keeping pets,” as for residents of St. Petersburg in Law No. 273-70 of May 31, 2010.

There is no national law regulating dog walking rules in all areas Russian Federation. But the owner of the dog is responsible for the illegal actions of his animal within the framework of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Essentially, if your dog causes serious harm to another person, you will be punished for causing that harm through negligence, i.e. in the worst case, arrest for up to 6 months according to .

Otherwise, legal relations involving animals are regulated by regional acts. Responsibility for violating dog walking rules, or improper keeping of pets usually does not exceed as long as your animal has not caused harm to anyone.

Rules for keeping and walking dogs in Moscow

In Moscow, the rules for keeping animals are determined by the Moscow City Code of Administrative Offenses “Administrative Offenses in the Field of Treatment of Animals.” While on the territory of Moscow, you cannot visit shops, playgrounds, markets, beaches with a dog without a leash and muzzle, or be on public transport. It is prohibited to walk dogs on the territory of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions working with minors. It is prohibited to appear with a dog without a leash in natural and green areas. All these violations can cost you around 1000 rubles.

Walking dogs without a muzzle Moscow

As long as your dog has not bitten someone, legal relations involving animals are regulated by regional acts. Therefore, when considering this issue, we need to talk about a specific region. In Moscow, you can walk your dog without a muzzle. Restrictions are imposed only on visiting shops, playgrounds, markets, the beach and traveling in transport. In all of the above cases, the dog must have a muzzle, regardless of its size.

Law prohibiting dogs from walking on playgrounds

In Moscow, the rules for keeping animals are determined by Chapter 5 of the Moscow City Code on Administrative Offences, “Administrative Offenses in the Field of Treatment of Animals”. prohibits walking dogs in the territories of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools, other educational institutions and institutions working with minors.

On this moment The problem with dogs poses a great threat to residents of Moscow and other large cities. As statistics show, cases of aggressive behavior dogs in relation to people, and especially children. Many four-legged owners have no experience in caring for and handling dogs. Therefore, in most cases they do not understand or are not aware that mistreatment of animals leads to sad consequences that it is a big responsibility to have a dog. The loss of control over the dog trade and breeding has led to the emergence of huge amount dogs with unbalanced behavior that are difficult to train. Such dogs pose a great threat not only to strangers, but also for their owners. As a result, the number of people bitten by dogs that have owners increases.

When purchasing dogs, most people do not think about the fact that maintaining and caring for them requires a lot of effort and time. And when they encounter difficulties, they simply throw the dogs out into the street. According to various estimates, the statistics of stray dogs on the streets of Moscow are very deplorable: there are from 20 to 60 thousand of them. Many stray dogs unite in packs, thereby posing a threat not only to the elderly and children, but also to adult women and men, especially in terms of sanitary and hygienic conditions. Overproduction of dogs is the main reason for their harsh treatment, which is unacceptable in a civilized society.

The main reason for all these negative phenomena is the lack of quality legislation that would regulate the treatment of dogs.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

  1. Causing grievous bodily harm through negligence is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or compulsory work for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of three to six months.
  2. The same act, committed as a result of improper performance by a person of his professional duties, is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to four years, or imprisonment for a term of up to one year, with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

Article 245. Cruelty to animals

  1. Cruelty to animals, resulting in their death or injury, if this act was committed out of hooligan motives, or for mercenary motives, or using sadistic methods, or in the presence of minors, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or correctional labor for a period of up to one year, or arrest for a period of up to six months.
  2. The same act, committed by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group, is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by imprisonment for up to two years.

Moscow City Code on Administrative Offenses

Chapter 5. Administrative offenses in the field of treatment of animals

Article 5.1. Violation of rules for keeping pets

  1. Keeping pets in common areas communal apartments and apartment buildings - entails a warning or imposition administrative fine for citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles.
  2. Allowing domestic animals to pollute common areas in apartment buildings, as well as public places, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for officials - from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.
  3. Violation of the rules for walking dogs established by legal acts of the city of Moscow, including appearing with a dog without a leash and muzzle in shops, institutions, playgrounds, markets, beaches and in transport, as well as walking dogs in the territories of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools, other educational institutions and institutions working with minors - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens or officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles.
  4. Appearing with a dog without a leash in natural and green areas, as well as in specially protected natural areas, if this act does not contain signs administrative offense provided for - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for officials - from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.
  5. Allowing an attack by a domestic animal on another domestic animal, resulting in injury or death of the latter, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens or officials in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles.
  6. Causing injury or death to a wild animal by domestic animals shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens who own domestic animals in the amount of two thousand five hundred to three thousand rubles.
  7. Allowing a negligent attack by a domestic animal on a person causing harm to human health, if this act does not contain signs of a crime provided for in Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from two thousand to five thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to thirty thousand rubles.
  8. Setting a domestic animal against people or animals - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles.
  9. Causing damage to someone else's property by the physical impact of a pet - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from three thousand to five thousand rubles. Note. Within the meaning of this article, wild animals do not include animals in respect of which preventive measures are carried out (disinfection, deratization, disinfestation).

Article 5.3. Violation of the procedure for transporting pets Violation of the procedure for transporting pets by city officials public transport, as well as the procedure for their transportation (except for the cases provided for in Article 5.2 of this Code) in the city of Moscow - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles; for legal entities - from two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 5.4. Violation of the procedure for holding events with the participation of animals Violation of the procedure established by the Moscow Government for holding events with the participation of animals in the city of Moscow - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to two thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles.

Article 5.6. Evasion of registration and vaccination of dogs and cats Evasion of registration and vaccination of dogs and cats against rabies in veterinary institutions - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Draft Federal Law N 633848-6
"On keeping dogs in the Russian Federation"
(edition included in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, text as of October 24, 2014)

Introduced by deputies

State Duma

V.V. Zhirinovsky, A.N. Didenko,

V.S. Zolochevsky




Article 1. Scope of this Federal Law

This Federal Law regulates legal relations in the field of keeping dogs in the Russian Federation in order to ensure public order, as well as the safety of people from the adverse physical, sanitary-epidemiological, psychological and other effects of dogs.

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) dog - a predatory mammal of the canine (wolf) family of any breed, including a cross with wild animals of this family, including a wolf, fox, raccoon dog;

2) domestic dog- a dog owned by an individual or legal entity who owns, uses and disposes of the dog(s), in accordance with Civil Code Russian Federation;

3) stray dog ​​- a dog that is owned by an individual or legal entity, but finds itself without care;

4) ownerless dog - a dog that is not owned by an individual or legal entity, or a dog whose owner is unknown, or a dog whose owner has renounced ownership of it;

5) dog owner - an individual or legal entity who owns, uses and disposes of a dog (dogs), in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

7) shelter (kennel) for dogs - an organization designed to accommodate stray and ownerless dogs;

8) temporary holding point for dogs - an organization intended for the temporary placement of stray and ownerless dogs;

9) registration mark of domestic dogs - a distinctive sign of domestic dogs in the form of a tag on the collar and (or) an identification mark on the body of domestic dogs in the form of a brand and (or) a chip;

10) certificate of completion of a training course in basic dog training techniques - a document issued by a specialized organization to a citizen purchasing or already keeping a dog (with the exception of decorative and indoor dogs), stating that he has completed a training course in basic dog training techniques;

11) license for the purchase and sale and keeping of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds - a document issued by the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation to an individual or legal entity purchasing or already keeping a dog of potentially dangerous breeds;

12) license for the purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds - a document issued by the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation or other bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to an individual or legal entity purchasing or already keeping a dog of potentially dangerous breeds;

13) sterilization of dogs - special surgical intervention into the dog’s body in order to stop the reproductive function;

14) dog euthanasia - killing a dog by veterinary parameters in the presence of incurable disease to stop irreparable suffering or in case of danger of infection, carried out in agreement with the dog owner (if there is one), with a certificate veterinarian and exclusively by means that guarantee a quick and painless death;

15) potentially dangerous dog breeds - dog breeds that represent potential danger for human life and health and included normative act Government of the Russian Federation or a regulatory act executive body state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the federal list of potentially dangerous dog breeds or to the list of potentially dangerous dog breeds of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, respectively.

Article 3. Powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in the field of keeping dogs

1. The powers of government bodies of the Russian Federation include:

1) development and improvement of legislation in the field of purchase and sale, donation, inheritance, maintenance, training, breeding, removal and euthanasia of dogs;

2) establishing the procedure and organizing the registration of dogs in the Russian Federation;

3) establishing procedures and organizing licensing for the purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds;

4) establishment general rules keeping dogs;

5) establishing restrictions on the purchase and sale, donation, inheritance, maintenance, training, breeding, removal and euthanasia of dogs;

6) establishing bans on the import into the Russian Federation and breeding in the Russian Federation of potentially dangerous breeds of dogs, as well as on fights involving dogs and other bans.

2. The powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation include the adoption of laws and other regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of keeping, training and breeding dogs on issues not regulated by federal legislation.

3. The powers of local government bodies include certain powers in the field of keeping, training and breeding dogs, transferred to them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. Principles of keeping dogs

1) compliance with established veterinary, sanitary and zoo-hygienic rules and regulations when keeping dogs;

2) protecting the population from diseases dangerous to humans and from the adverse effects of dogs;

3) responsible attitude towards keeping dogs;

4) participation of state authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals in the implementation of activities in the field of keeping dogs;

5) liability for non-compliance with legislation in the field of keeping dogs.


Article 5. General terms purchasing dogs

1. For individuals (citizens), a mandatory condition for purchasing dogs is reaching the age of 18 years. For legal entities - presence in the charter or other regulatory document regulating the activities of a legal entity, cynological activities as one of the main types of statutory activities.

2. Citizens purchasing dogs (with the exception of decorative and indoor breeds) are required to take a course in basic dog training techniques.

Article 6. Peculiarities of purchasing dogs of potentially dangerous breeds

1. The acquisition of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds is permitted in compliance with the requirements of Article 5 of this Federal Law and other requirements provided for by Russian legislation.

2. In case of purchasing dogs of potentially dangerous breeds, a citizen is obliged to obtain an appropriate license for the purchase, sale and keeping of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds from the regional department of internal affairs at the place of permanent residence.

3. For legal entities, a mandatory condition for purchasing a dog of potentially dangerous breeds is the presence of a license for the purchase and sale and maintenance or a license for the purchase and sale, maintenance and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds.

Article 7. General conditions for registration of dogs

1. Any dog ​​that has reached the age of three months must be registered with the dog registration service at the local government authority at the place of permanent or primary residence of its owner.

2. If a dog is purchased that is older than three months, registration must be made within a month from the date of purchase.

3. When registering a dog, its owner is given registration certificate a standard type and a numbered tag that must be attached to the dog’s collar.

4. In the event of the sale or death of a dog, the owner is obliged to submit the dog’s registration certificate and registration tag to the dog registration authority within a week.

5. If a dog is lost, the owner is obliged to notify the authority that registers dogs within three days.

Article 8. Features of registration of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds

1. State registration dogs of potentially dangerous breeds owned by legal entities and individuals is carried out by the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as other bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The regulations on the registration of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with this Federal law.

Article 9. Licensing of purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds

1. The purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds in the Russian Federation are subject to licensing.

2. Licenses for purchase and sale, keeping and breeding are issued:

1) internal affairs bodies:

a) citizens - for the purchase, sale and maintenance of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds;

b) legal entities with special statutory tasks - for the purchase and sale, maintenance and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds;

2) other bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation - paramilitary organizations for the purchase and sale, maintenance and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds.

3. The issuance of licenses providing the right to breed dogs of potentially dangerous breeds is not permitted to citizens.

4. To obtain a license for the purchase, sale and keeping of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds, a citizen must submit the following documents to the internal affairs body at the place of residence:

2) a citizen’s identity document;

3) a medical certificate confirming the absence of mental illness or alcoholism or drug addiction;

4) a certificate confirming completion of a training course in basic dog training techniques;

5) a document confirming that the number of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds kept in residential premises complies with the standards for the minimum total living area for cohabitation human and dog(s), established by law subject of the Russian Federation;

6) written consent to keep a dog (dogs) of potentially dangerous breeds in the apartment of all owners of the residential premises, as well as all citizens living in the residential premises.

5. Legal entities with special statutory tasks in order to obtain a license for the purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds are required to submit the following documents to the internal affairs body:

1) application in the prescribed form;

2) statutory documents, confirming the presence of special tasks;

3) medical reports confirming that employees directly involved in keeping and breeding dogs of potentially dangerous breeds do not have mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction.

6. The application of legal entities and individuals shall indicate the breed of dog (dog breeds) belonging to potentially dangerous breeds that is owned or that is planned to be purchased. The statement lists the measures taken to ensure the maintenance and (or) breeding of potentially dangerous breeds of dog(s). An application for a license is considered by the specified authorities within a month from the date of its submission.

7. The grounds for refusal to issue a license are:

1) failure by the applicant to submit necessary documents or information or submission of false documents or false information;

2) the impossibility of ensuring the maintenance of the dog or failure to provide these conditions;

3) the citizen has not reached the age of 18;

4) failure to provide a medical report confirming the absence of mental illness or alcoholism or drug addiction.

5) repeated commission within a year of an administrative offense encroaching on public order;

6) the citizen’s absence permanent place residence.

8. In case of refusal to issue a license, the internal affairs bodies are obliged to inform the applicant in writing about this, indicating the reasons for the refusal. Refusal to issue a license and violation of the terms for consideration of the application may be appealed by the applicant in court.

9. The validity period of a license for citizens is five years from the date of issue, and for legal entities - ten years from the date of issue. The license renewal is carried out in the manner established by this article.

10. The regulations on licensing the purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds and the form of the corresponding licenses are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 10. Cancellation of licenses

1. Licenses for the purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds are canceled by the authorities that issued these licenses in the following cases:

1) voluntary refusal of these licenses or liquidation of a legal entity, or death of the owner of the dog;

2) systematic (at least twice a year) violation or failure by legal entities or individuals to comply with the requirements provided for by this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the issues of keeping and breeding dogs of potentially dangerous breeds;

3) the occurrence of other circumstances provided for by this Federal Law that preclude the possibility of obtaining licenses.

2. A decision to cancel licenses on the grounds provided for in paragraph 2 of part one of this article must be preceded by a preliminary written warning to the license holder by the body that issued the license. The warning specifies which legal norms and the rules are violated or not fulfilled, and a deadline is set for eliminating the violations.

3. The decision to revoke a license can be appealed by the owner of a dog of potentially dangerous breeds in court.

4. In case of cancellation of licenses, re-applying for them is possible for legal entities - after three years from the date of their cancellation, and for citizens - after one year from the date of their cancellation.

5. In case of voluntary renunciation of licenses, no deadlines are established for re-applying for them.

Article 11. Dog registration fee and benefits for its payment

1. For the registration of a dog, the registration authorities charge a fee in the amount established by the executive body of local self-government, no more than one-time established by law the minimum wage on the day the duty is paid.

2. The following are exempt from paying the registration fee for dogs:

1) institutions government agencies executive power and executive bodies of local self-government using dogs as service dogs;

2) blind citizens using dogs as guide dogs.

3. Owners of sterilized dogs pay a prescribed fee of 50 percent.

Article 12. Funds received from payment of the dog registration fee

Funds received from dog owners in the form of payment of registration fees are subject to transfer to local budgets at the location of the body carrying out registration.

Article 13. Procedure for collecting payments when issuing licenses and extending their validity

For the issuance of licenses for the purchase and sale and maintenance, for the purchase and sale, maintenance and breeding of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds, for the extension of the validity of these licenses, one-time fees are collected from legal entities and individuals. Dimensions specified fees are determined based on organizational and other expenses associated with the issuance of these documents, and are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.



Article 14. Rights and obligations of the dog owner

1. The dog owner has the right:

1) receive from local government bodies, as well as the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of veterinary medicine and the institutions subordinate to it, the necessary information about the rules for keeping and walking dogs on the territory of the municipality, the procedure for catching stray and ownerless dogs, the procedure for organizing shelters (kennels) ) for dogs and other places of temporary detention of dogs, places of sale of dogs, places of disposal (burial) of deceased dogs;

2) decide on sterilization and cosmetic surgery of dogs;

3) place dogs for temporary detention in a shelter (kennel) for dogs;

4) exercise other rights of dog owners that do not contradict current legislation.

2. The dog owner is obliged:

1) be responsible for keeping the dog;

2) prevent cruelty to the dog;

3) maintain public order, the rights and legitimate interests of persons living in the residential premises, not disturb the peace and quiet of citizens, ensure their safety when keeping a dog;

4) provide the dog with a place to keep it, care and care, taking into account its natural needs for food, water, sleep, movement and natural activity;

5) comply with veterinary, sanitary and zoohygienic rules and standards for keeping a dog, vaccinate the dog against rabies, starting from the age of two months, with further annual vaccinations throughout the life of the dog;

6) prevent the dog from causing harm to humans and (or) other domestic animals;

7) prevent dog behavior that endangers the property of citizens and causes harm to personal non-property benefits, including the dog chasing passers-by, cars, motorcyclists, cyclists, climbing trash cans, tanks and garbage dumps, as well as being unattended by a bitch during heat;

8) upon the return of a captured dog that belongs to him, pay for the services of a specialized organization for the issues of stray and ownerless dogs related to the catching, feeding, maintenance and veterinary treatment of non-therapeutic dogs;

9) comply with the rules for transporting domestic dogs in passenger transport;

10) take dogs into common areas (elevators, corridors, stairs, landings), into the local area of ​​apartment buildings in a muzzle (except for puppies up to two months of age and dogs small size- up to 20 centimeters at the withers) and on a short leash no more than 1 meter long;

11) walk dogs in a muzzle (except for puppies up to two months of age and small dogs - up to 20 centimeters at the withers) and on a short leash no more than 1 meter long (except when the dog walking area is fenced) accompanied by the owner or another persons on his behalf in places (areas) specially designated by local authorities for these purposes, marked with signs about permission to walk dogs, and also have items for collecting excrement, and in the absence of specially designated places, walk dogs in vacant lots or other places, determined by local governments;

12) immediately clean up the excrement of his dog, including the entrance area, landings, elevators, playgrounds, pedestrian paths, sidewalks, adjacent areas of residential buildings, streets, lawns;

13) in cases of keeping dogs in the local area of ​​individual residential buildings, other fenced areas, ensure the isolation of the dogs or keep them on a leash, and also place a warning notice about the presence of a dog at the entrance to the territory;

14) in the event of the death of a dog, ensure disposal (burial) of the corpse dead dog in accordance with the law in places established by local governments;

15) comply with other requirements for keeping dogs established by current legislation.

3. Dog owners are prohibited from:

2) appearance with dogs at children's playgrounds, sports grounds, places of public events (except for events with the integral participation of dogs), in cinemas, schools and preschool institutions, healthcare facilities, public catering and trade organizations, with the exception of guide dogs and service dogs who are on duty;

3) walking dogs in a state of alcohol, drug or other toxic intoxication.

5. Dogs of potentially dangerous breeds cannot be owned by persons with mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse, as well as recognized by the court incompetent.

Article 15. General conditions for keeping dogs

1. The conditions for keeping dogs must comply with veterinary, sanitary and zoohygienic rules and standards established by the relevant executive authorities.

Article 16. Keeping a dog on the owner’s territory

1. Dog owners who own or use land plot, may keep dogs free-ranging only in a well-fenced area, where the possibility of causing harm to the life, health and property of persons outside this territory, or on a leash, is excluded.

2. A warning sign must be made about the presence of a dog at the entrance to the site.

3. The dog owner is obliged to ensure that the dog behaves in such a way that it does not cause disturbance to others.

Article 17. Dog vaccination

1. Every dog, starting from the age of two months, must be vaccinated against rabies.

2. Vaccination is carried out in a state or municipal institution at the place of residence of the citizen or the location of the legal entity, about which the owner is issued a corresponding certificate.

3. The owner of the dog is obliged to provide it at the request of the state veterinary inspector for inspection, diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations and therapeutic and prophylactic treatments.

Article 18. Being with a dog in public places

1. It is prohibited to stay or walk dogs on playgrounds and sports grounds, in children’s territories. preschool institutions, educational and healthcare institutions, in premises intended for trade food products, and public catering places.

2. In places of public recreation for citizens, in transport, dogs, accompanied by the owner, must be on a short leash no more than 1 meter long, in other public places - on a loose leash. Dogs may be off leash in areas where dogs are allowed to roam freely.

3. When crossing streets and near highways, the owner of the dog (the person walking the dog) is obliged to take it on a short leash in order to avoid traffic accidents and the death of the dog on the roadway.

4. The dog owner is obliged to accept necessary measures to prevent dog behavior that endangers the life, health and property of citizens and causes harm to personal non-property benefits, including the dog chasing passers-by, cars, motorcyclists, cyclists, climbing trash cans, bins and garbage dumps, as well as being an unattended dog in heat time.

Article 19. Ensuring sanitary safety

1. The owner of a dog is obliged to immediately report to veterinary institutions and health authorities about all cases of a dog biting a person.

2. Citizens are obliged to immediately report cases of sudden death dogs or suspected cases of rabies. Until veterinary specialists arrive, a dog owner who suspects he has rabies must isolate the animal.

3. Throwing away dead dogs is not allowed. Dead animals are subject to disposal and burial in the manner established by local governments.

Article 20. Carrying dogs on public transport

1. It is allowed to transport dogs by all types of passenger transport, subject to conditions that prevent disturbance to passengers.

2. When transporting a dog (except for dogs of decorative and indoor breeds), the owner must ensure that the dog is muzzled and on a short leash no more than 1 meter long.


Paragraph numbering is given in accordance with the official text of the document.

2. When transporting dogs, its owner must have with him a veterinary certificate of the established form indicating the date of vaccination against rabies.

Article 21. Treatment of dogs when used in entertainment, mass and sporting events, when organizing entertainment

1. The treatment of dogs when using them in entertainment, mass and sports and other events, in television filming, filming and photography must prevent causing them pain, injury, mutilation and death.

2. It is prohibited to conduct entertainment events that include baiting, stalking, killing dogs, as well as using them to kill other animals, with the exception of cases of using dogs for sport or commercial hunting.

Article 22. Cruelty to dogs

1. It is prohibited to cause pain and suffering to dogs, except when this is necessary to protect the life and health of people and animals.

2. It is prohibited to trim or chop off the tails and ears of dogs, except in cases where such an operation is performed by a veterinary institution on dogs to comply with breed standards.

4. It is prohibited to leave animals without water and food, as well as to keep a dog in conditions that do not correspond to its natural needs, including on a leash shorter than two meters or three times the length of the dog’s body.

5. If further maintenance is impossible, the animal must be transferred to another owner or taken to a shelter for ownerless and stray dogs.

6. The owner of a dog in case of illness is obliged to seek veterinary help in a timely manner.

Article 23. Killing of dogs

1. The killing of dogs is permitted:

1) when defending against an attacking dog, if the life or health of a person (people) is in danger;

2) according to veterinary indicators (euthanasia):

a) if the dog has signs of diseases common to humans and dogs;

b) if the dog has an incurable disease to stop its irreparable suffering.

2. Euthanasia is permitted only with a certificate from a veterinarian and exclusively by means that guarantee a quick and painless death. Euthanasia must be carried out with the participation of a veterinarian.

1) drowning and other methods of suffocation;

2) use toxic substances and minerals, the doses of which cannot ensure compliance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of this article;

3) presence of minors.

4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article do not apply to cases of killing an animal in defense from an attacking animal, if the life or health of a person (people) is in danger.


Article 23. Disposal (burial) of dead dog corpses

1. Disposal (burial) of the corpses of deceased dogs is carried out by specialized organizations for the issues of stray and ownerless dogs or legal entities whose charters contain the right to carry out this type of activity, in accordance with the current federal legislation in places established by local governments.

2. Places for disposal (burial) of corpses of deceased dogs are determined by local governments in accordance with the current legislation on sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, veterinary medicine, and protection environment, architectural, urban planning and construction activities.

3. It is prohibited to dispose (burial) the corpses of deceased dogs in places not specifically designated for these purposes.

4. Information about the location of disposal (burial) sites for the corpses of deceased dogs is provided by a local government body or a specialized organization on the issues of stray and ownerless dogs to the person who directly applied for this information, or by publication in the media.

5. Disposal (burial) of the corpses of deceased dogs belonging to legal entities and individuals is carried out at the expense of the dog owners.

6. Disposal (burial) of the corpses of stray and ownerless dogs who died on the territory of the municipality is carried out at the expense of local budgets.


The numbering of articles is given in accordance with the official text of the document.

Article 25. Liability for offenses in the field of keeping dogs

Dog owners and officials bear responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of keeping dogs in order, provided for by law Russian Federation.