The cat worms fall out what to do. What are the worms in a cat and are they transmitted to humans? flatworms in cats

All cat owners should periodically carry out anthelmintic prophylaxis, and when obvious signs diseases, the necessary therapy is required. Below we will consider in detail the types of worms, the symptoms of the disease. Will be given detailed recommendation on the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis.

In veterinary medicine, helminthiasis is a fairly well-known disease that often occurs in pets. Helminths (worms) that infect the cat's body come in several varieties. The most common types of worms in cats are:

Roundworms usually have small size, but are capable of causing serious harm to the animal, since they are in the body in in large numbers, and affect not only the intestines, but also the liver with the esophagus.

Types of worms that are dangerous to humans

Worms in cats can also cause serious problems for owners, as they can cause serious harm to human health. The infection is especially dangerous for children.

  • The danger of opisthorchiasis is that it affects the digestive organs: liver, pancreas, gallbladder.
  • Diphyllobothriasis is in small intestine and sometimes it is about 10 meters long.
  • Echinococcosis and alveococcosis are extremely dangerous for humans, as their larvae can cause serious harm to internal organs.
  • Roundworms enter the body through the skin and infect the human blood and liver.

Larvae of alveococcosis in a pet can be for years without causing him much harm, and a person is threatened deadly danger in the form of: liver tumors, lung or brain metastases.

Tapeworms can be introduced through fleas on the coat of a sick animal. Thus, it is necessary to start the treatment of worms in cats as soon as possible.

Ways of infecting cats with worms

Of course, cats that walk by themselves can become infected anywhere, anytime. But after all, those pets who have never left the house in their lives are often infected with a similar ailment. Main sources of infection:

  1. Products. Raw meat and fish are especially dangerous for animals.
  2. The trash bin is a big danger in the summer, as flies can land on it. They are the main carriers of helminth eggs.
  3. Clothes and footwear of the person. A person, without knowing it, is able to bring worm eggs into the apartment on the soles of shoes with the remains of cat and dog feces.

Kittens have the only way of infection - it is from an infected cat, which can infect them both in utero and through breast milk.

Symptoms of animal infection

You can not engage in self-diagnosis, since it is rather problematic to determine the type of worms on your own.

  • Bad appetite. Sometimes it happens, on the contrary, an increase in appetite.
  • Loose stools, which at times alternate with constipation.
  • Vomit. There is vomiting with worms or blood.
  • There are worms in the stool.
  • There is blood or mucus in the stool.
  • Itching, irritating area anus. Cats, as it were, “ride” with their tail on the floor.
  • Periodic bloating.
  • Cough, difficult breathing at times.
  • Kittens lag behind their peers in growth.
  • The animal becomes lethargic, weak, devoid of playfulness, lies more.
  • Dull, lackluster coat.
  • Animal weight loss.
  • Yellowness appears on the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • Fluid comes out of the eyes.
  • In extreme cases, limb paralysis occurs.
  • Often, pregnant cats have preterm labor.


The veterinarian usually prescribes:

After 14 days, the cat should be given the medicine prescribed by the veterinarian again.

Folk remedies

The question of how to rid a cat of worms with folk remedies is asked by many owners. In addition to drugs, worms in a cat can be removed using folk remedies. If the recipes accumulated by the people help, then worms can be found in the feces.

Required before use folk recipes Be sure to consult with your veterinarian.

Garlic enema

Worms in a cat can be expelled by cleansing the intestines.

  • Finely chop 6 garlic cloves.
  • Pour 250 ml. water at room temperature.
  • Insist for 2 hours.
  • Make an enema.

Pumpkin Seed Infusion

  • 300 grams pumpkin seeds peel, while retaining the green shell.
  • Grind.
  • Gradually pour in 50 ml of water at room temperature.
  • Add 15 grams of honey.
  • Mix.
  • Give the resulting infusion to the cat for 1 hour.
  • After 30 minutes, make an enema using warm water.

herbal collection

Worms in a cat can be expelled by the following herbal collection.

Take 20 grams:

  • Tansy flowers.
  • Peppermint.
  • Buckthorn bark.
  • Wormwood bitter.
  • Seeds of wild carrots.
  • 2 tablespoons herbal collection brew with a glass of boiling water.
  • Give to drink 3 tablespoons in the morning for 3 days.

Carrot juice enema

  • Squeeze out juice of about 20 ml from fresh carrots.
  • Do 1 time per day for 7 days.

Onion tincture

  • Cut a small onion into 4 pieces.
  • Pour 1 glass boiled water but not boiling water.
  • Give your pet in the morning for a week.


As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later. If you follow some rules, you can protect not only the cat, but also yourself from these troubles, which are sometimes not easy to deal with.

  • If you do not give your cat raw meat or fish, then you can avoid such a problem as worms in a cat. raw foods first you need to boil it, and then feed them to your pet.
  • In order to prevent worms in cats, you need to solder them with antihelminthic drugs once every 3 months.
  • In order to avoid this problem, you need to keep the litter box clean and disinfect it regularly.
  • If you regularly treat the animal with a flea solution, then the cat may not get worms at all.
  • Outdoor shoes should be stored in a special closet, away from the pet.
  • The door mat needs to be cleaned regularly.
  • Do not stroke the cat immediately after the street, first you need to wash your hands.
  • A bell around the animal's neck will prevent it from catching a mouse or bird, which can become a source of the disease.

Disease prevention is importance. If the pet is healthy, then the risk of helminth disease in the owner will be significantly reduced, and a healthy animal will delight you with its playfulness and beautiful appearance.

Cat owners often boast that our Murka never had worms. We hasten to upset all cat owners who are confident in this, saying that such a situation is extremely unlikely. Signs of worms in a cat may be absent altogether or be moderate.

Various representatives of all these types can live in a cat's body, but roundworms are most common. In animals, at least occasionally eating raw meat, there is a possibility of infection with tapeworms. And some of their species are transmitted by fleas. Flatworms are unlikely to settle in the body of a cat that does not drink water from natural reservoirs and does not eat raw fish.

Helminths are localized mainly in the intestines of domestic animals. It is their presence that in most cases is detected by the owners of the pet. But some types roundworms can settle in the cat's heart or temporarily occupy its lungs.


In most cases, cats are diagnosed with infection with toxocars and hookworms. Invasion by both species occurs when their eggs enter the digestive tract animal. The owner can bring them into the house on shoes or things, with food or other items from the street.

Toxocara are white, thin worms reaching a maximum length of 20 cm.

Hookworms are quite small compared to toxocars - up to 1 cm. But they cause no less harm.

They feed on the blood of the host, leading to anemia and doing sharp teeth there are many wounds in the walls of the intestines. Several dozen of these helminths can lead to the death of a medium-sized cat in a matter of days. Unfortunately, often such helminthiasis simply does not have time to diagnose.


We are talking about tapeworms that live in the intestines of representatives of the genus feline. Most often found in domestic clawed comrades is a worm called borage.

When eating raw meat or an infected rodent, a cat can also become infected with a helminth called echinococcus.

roundworms dirofilaria prefer to live exclusively in the heart of animals. Usually their owners are dogs, less often cats. The transmission of the larvae of these helminths is carried out at the time of the bite of a pet by a mosquito. Previously, such a disease was recorded in countries with a warmer and more humid climate, but today it is already being diagnosed in Russia and neighboring countries.

In countries with high level animal diseases are vaccinated, but in our country the introduction of such a practice does not yet have sufficient grounds.

Liver worms

In the liver of our smaller mustachioed brothers, flat helminths love to live, even the name of which speaks of their preferences. Such worms are called cat fluke or liver fluke, but scientifically - opisthorchoma.

Common signs of worms in cats

An ordinary apartment cat that eats ready feed, has little chance of becoming infected with any other worms other than round intestinal and borage.

But these few species are quite enough to give the animal a lot of problems in the absence of adequate treatment.

Worms in the intestines

Sometimes worms do not make themselves felt for months, in other situations the disease develops so rapidly that the owner does not have time to do anything (in the case of kittens and elderly animals).

Worms in the heart

Adult cats sleep 20 hours a day and it is quite difficult to notice the main signs of the disease - lethargy and drowsiness. In addition to them, heartworm can be accompanied by:

  1. Subfebrile (39–40 ºС) temperature. Please note that cats normal temperature 38–39 ºС and it is measured in the anus.
  2. Cough that cannot be controlled.
  3. Shortness of breath, shortness of breath.
  4. Tachycardia.
  5. Apathy.

Worms in the liver

Liverworms are much more common in cats than in dogs due to the special love of cats for fish. It is impossible to independently determine that a pet suffers from the vigorous activity of such helminths. The onset of the disease is acute, after one to three weeks after infection. Symptoms are similar to poisoning: fever, digestive disorders, yellowness of the mucous membranes. After some time, the disease turns into chronic stage. For clinical picture The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. chronic jaundice;
  2. Frequent vomiting of bile;
  3. Refusal of food.
  4. Pain in the region of the liver.
  5. The stool may become lighter if the bile ducts are damaged.

If you find any signs of worms in a cat, without delay, take his feces for analysis and show the pet to the veterinarian. In no case do not independently prescribe treatment to a clawed friend if you are not sure of the diagnosis.

Treatment of worms in cats

Worms in the liver and heart

It is impossible to independently diagnose cardiac or hepatic helminthiases. If your cat is suffering from the symptoms described above, it may indicate a variety of other diseases that should not be delayed. Get the purr to the vet as soon as possible.

Worms in the intestines

Such helminthiases in cats are usually treated without problems if they were detected on early stages. Diagnosis of such diseases consists in the threefold delivery of feces for research. If all three times the eggs of worms were not found, then, most likely, the cause of the painful conditions of the animal lies elsewhere.

The fundamental difference in the rendered therapeutic effect between these forms. Choose what you can afford and prefer in terms of convenience.

When giving a medicine to a pet, strictly follow the instructions for it. Do not exceed the dosage and try not to give the kittens "adult" products. If helminths are found in a pregnant cat, use only those drugs that are allowed in her delicate position, or better, completely postpone the treatment “for later”.

If the cat lives in an apartment, then competent prevention will almost completely eliminate the risk of infection with worms.

To prevent the body of an adult cat from becoming a home for worms, follow these rules:

  1. Fully exclude raw fish and meat from the animal's diet. Fish for a cat is generally not the best food, experts recommend not giving this product even in a thermally processed form more than once a week.
  2. Build cat food on industrial feed if you have such an opportunity. Better not buy them by weight - at night in a store in an open 20-kilogram bag, a mouse may well walk.
  3. Feed your pet only filtered water. It is better if there are several places in the apartment from where the animal can drink clean water.
  4. fence a cat from communication with yard, access cats and dogs. Even if the neighbor Rex looks perfectly healthy, this does not mean that he did not lick a dead pigeon on the street a minute ago.
  5. Wear a flea collar or treat fleas regularly.
  6. Carry out preventive deworming of the animal every six months or use drops at the withers of a complex effect for permanent protection. Pets that lead a full-fledged cat life, hunting mice and receiving slaps from yard dogs, should be regularly shown to the veterinarian and take their feces for analysis.
  7. Before petting a pet, coming from the street, wash arms.
  8. AT summer period take measures to destroy flying insects in the apartment. On their paws, they carry worm eggs, and cats are happy to hunt for buzzing irritants and eat them.

It is impossible to eliminate all risks, so do not be surprised if, despite the efforts, your beloved woolen friend still picked up extremely tenacious Toxocars. Do not despair, monitor the health and behavior of your pet and regularly take his feces for analysis in order to diagnose the disease in time.

I would like to note right away that if your cat does not visit the streets, this does not mean that she cannot become infected with worms, since their eggs are perfectly airborne.

  • Cestodes or tapeworms - freshwater fish, various rodents;
  • Nematodes or roundworms - brought from the street, can penetrate both through the esophagus and through the skin ("flying feces");
  • Trematodes or flat flukes are freshwater fish and shellfish.

Signs of worms in a cat

Among other things, worms strongly poison the body with their decay products, damage organs with suckers and spikes, take away not only nutrients, but also "eat" the cells of organs.

If you noticed that your pet's behavior has changed, then a trip to the veterinarian is a must. Indeed, many types of worms are not detected with feces, since their habitats are different: lungs, heart, liver.

Treatment for worms in cats

Anthelmintic preparations can be in the form of tablets, suspensions, drops on the withers and injections. And also subdivided depending on the age of the pet and the method of exposure (for an adult or for larvae and eggs too).

Before you buy medicines, be sure to ask him side effects because many of them are very rigid. For example, they can cause vomiting, loss of appetite for several weeks, and allergies. The most common drugs:

  • Fenasal;
  • Pirantel;
  • Prazitel;
  • Caniquatel;
  • Dirofen.

Drontal is by far the most frequently counterfeited drug.

Signs of worms in cats and treatment

The duration of treatment depends on the number of worms in the body. It can last from several days to several weeks.

After treatment, do not forget to worm the animal every three to four months, as well as before vaccinations and mating.

When are dewormers for cats contraindicated?

  • When the cat is in position and during lactation;
  • Kittens under 3 weeks of age.
  • First of all, as a preventive measure, one should not forget to regularly deworm the pet and “keep in order” its immunity.
  • Also, carefully heat treatment food, clean the tray in time.
  • Do not walk around the house in street clothes and shoes. It should be immediately cleaned in the closet upon arrival from the street.

Preventive measures

Now you know what are the signs of worms in cats and consequences this disease. Take care of your pet and do not forget to worm it in time. And then she long years will delight you with his company.

Bruslik Maria - specially for - a site for lovers ... into yourself!

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An animal can be infected when helminth eggs enter the body orally (when eaten by a cat, for example, raw fish) or through skin. Often, a mother infected with helminthiasis can transmit the disease to a kitten in utero. It is noteworthy that sometimes a person can infect an animal with helminthiasis by bringing worm eggs on shoes, clothes, personal items. Therefore, the owner of the cat should also monitor their health, because worms are also dangerous for humans.

Types of worms and diseases they cause

Tapeworms or cestodes

Diseases in which an animal becomes infected with cestodes have the following names and symptoms:
  • Dipilidiosis- the causative agents of this disease - worms up to 30 cm long, affect the cat's intestines and mucous membranes. They enter the body of an animal with fleas or withers when a cat licks its fur. Such a disease is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy of the animal, loss of appetite.

    Usually, treat a cat for worms followed in the morning on an empty stomach. Some drugs can be mixed into food, but sometimes the cat refuses to eat the food offered by the owner, feeling the presence of a foreign smell or taste. In such cases, you can drip the medicine (suspension, drops or tablets crushed and diluted with water) directly into the mouth of a sick animal, having previously fixed it securely.

    In especially advanced cases, treatment can take place in several stages. Before deworming, you should carefully study the instructions for the medication, follow it strictly. An overdose of such drugs can threaten damage to the internal organs and even the death of a cat, especially if the animal is elderly, with reduced immunity, or vice versa, too young.

    Veterinarians do not recommend deworming too young, pregnant and lactating cats, purchasing drugs on their own. Having a small kitten or a cat with offspring, it is preferable to purchase an anthelmintic prescribed by a doctor.

    Prevention of diseases by helminthiasis

    As a rule, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, the owner of the cat should be aware of such important and simple measures, the observance of which can save the animal from worms:
    • Washing hands with soap after visiting public places, transport, etc.
    • Disinfection of the cat tray, bowls, bedding.
    • Carrying out preventive deworming of animals (with the same drugs intended for treatment) that communicate with wildlife - about 4 times a year. For animals leading a domestic lifestyle, helminthiasis should be prevented 2 times a year.
    • heat treatment river fish(in addition to the harm from the possibility of infection with worms, it is generally harmful for a cat to consume river fish).
    • If you find fleas, you should purchase drugs to combat them. Such bloodsuckers can be intermediate hosts of helminth eggs.
    • Rodent control.
    • Compliance with hygiene in general: both your own, and the animal, and housing.
  • The appearance of worms in the body of cats is dangerous for their health; among specialists, this condition is called helminthiasis. The disease may have different character leaks depending on the type of worm that appeared during internal organs cats. Based on this, distinguish the following diseases- nematodes, cestodoses and trematodose. They are caused by round, tape and flatworms.

    Human danger

    The available data suggest the presence about 32 types of worms, which can equally often be found in humans and cats.

    When worms appear in the body of a cat, the symptoms of the disease may differ, since this is primarily influenced by the degree of damage to the cat by helminths. In other words, the symptoms of the disease depends on the number of worms in the body animal. If the disease is just emerging, then it can be very difficult to determine it due to the lack of characteristic signs. But often there is a group of symptoms that suggest that a cat has been infected with worms:

    • Depression, change in appetite, rapid weight loss, fast fatiguability, in kittens, this manifests itself in a lag in growth and development;
    • wool is constantly in a disheveled state;
    • When examining the mucous membranes, signs of jaundice can be detected, as well as hallmark is an enlarged liver or anemia;
    • Job disruption digestive system; periodically observed diarrhea or signs of vomiting;
    • Some animals have a cough;
    • Formation of discharge from the eyes;
    • Unpleasant burning in the anus;
    • With a long course of the disease, there are symptoms of poisoning of the body in the form of paresis of the legs, convulsions, etc.
    • Abortion or early childbirth;
    • The presence of clots of mucus and blood in the excrement of an animal.


    Worms can get into the body of a cat different ways, so to prevent this a number of rules must be observed:


    Today, in pharmacies, how can you find a lot of drugs that allow you to remove worms at home at any stage of their development, allowing you to short time ensure the recovery of the animal. These drugs are mostly are universal and can be used in the fight against any kind of helminths: nematodes, cestodes, trematodes.

    The drugs available today in pharmacy chains differ from their previous counterparts in that they are less toxic. Choice modern drugs for the treatment of cats from worms at home is very large and is represented by tablets, suspensions and drops. The following drugs have proven themselves well: pratel, prozicit, drontal, milbemax, etc.

    During treatment, you should strictly follow the instructions for the drug: you must follow the indicated dosage, and give the drug in the morning on an empty stomach. It is not required to prepare a cat for taking the drug by cleansing the intestines and using laxatives, transferring the animal to a starvation diet. First the tablet must be crushed, then it is added to a small amount of feed and mixed well. If the cat does not want to eat such food, then the drug must be administered orally by force.

    To make it easy to do, you need to fix the animal well, throw the head back up, and put the drug in the mouth on the root of the tongue. Often this causes severe salivation, but you do not need to worry about this - this is a natural reaction of the body. Make sure that the cat has swallowed the entire dose of the medicine, otherwise it will not be possible to guarantee the desired result.

    For the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to conduct two full courses. with a break of 14 days. In some cases, when the disease is advanced, it may take longer to cope with a large number of helminths. You can follow the process by results laboratory research: for this, feces are taken for analysis for the presence of helminth larvae.

    To avoid undesirable consequences it is recommended to conduct a course of treatment for worms before pregnancy. Do not take the word of experts - any medicinal product has a certain degree of toxicity, and this may affect future offspring. But even if this could not be done in a timely manner, then even after the onset of pregnancy, cats can be given drugs that are indicated in such cases. Exists certain group medicines , which can be given to the animal in the first half of pregnancy (milbemax), as well as in the second (drontal).

    Treatment of kittens

    The presence of worms in a pregnant cat's body increases the risk that kittens may be infected while they are in the womb or after birth. If this happens, then you should not rush to the pharmacy and buy anti-worm drugs there. It is worth checking with your veterinarian first, as not all medications may be equally safe for small kittens.

    When determining the dosage, they are guided by the weight of the animal. If you make a mistake with the dosage, then this can lead to serious consequences until the death of the kitten. Drugs are considered to be quite effective milbemax, drontal, prazicide suspension, dirofe. Kittens can be treated no earlier than they are 10 days old.


    An effective measure to prevent the appearance of worms in the body is deworming, which, with regular reduces the chance of infection. But even if this happens, you should not panic. Today there are many effective drugs, which, if timely appointed, can save the animal from any kind of worms.