What happens if you don't sleep for a few days? How long can a person stay awake

Most people have experienced a situation where they had to stay awake for one day. This could be related to large quantity reasons: urgently prepare for an exam, attend a party, complete a summary, or just work out a night shift. However, most people at the same time slept throughout the next day, allowing the body to recover and store energy. But what happens if you don't sleep for 7 days? Or 5 days? Is it possible to refuse sleep for such a time without harm to your health? All of these issues need to be explored in more detail.

Lack of sleep has serious consequences

Night rest plays important features in human life, and therefore, sleepless nights should not become a regular occurrence.

Night rest functions

Complete night sleep positively affects the human body in several ways:

  1. Provides cell and row restoration chemical substances required during wakefulness.
  2. It is during dreams that information that was remembered during the day moves from short-term storage to long-term memory.
  3. Provides normalization of the psycho-emotional sphere of a person.

Such functions are very important for a person. Therefore, when they cannot be carried out due to lack of sleep for two or more days, certain changes occur in the body.

No sleep for one night

When a person does not sleep one day, no serious negative consequences not visible. As a rule, the next day there is a slight drowsiness, a feeling of weakness, a decrease in the ability to concentrate. All symptoms quickly disappear after a cup of coffee or any energy drink. People who are accustomed to working night shifts may not notice any manifestations of lack of sleep at all, but simply fill the missing hours the next night.

Sleepless night before exam

A lot of people don't sleep the night before an exam. Is it possible to do so? This is not entirely correct, since on the day of the exam they will have impaired memory and concentration on intellectual tasks. In addition, a person becomes distracted and may simply not notice the features of the task or miss an important part in the text, which will undoubtedly lead to a bad mark on the exam.

One sleepless night will not cause serious harm to health, however, this should not be abused.

A number of studies show that if a person does not sleep even for one day, his personality characteristics change - the sense of time is disturbed, sensitivity to external stimuli, speech becomes incoherent. As a rule, there are changes in the mood - it becomes unstable and changes quickly.

2 days without sleep

Very rarely, a situation may arise in a person’s life when he will not sleep for the second day in a row. The body begins to poorly tolerate such a situation, which is manifested not only by changes in the functioning of the brain, but also by a violation of the functioning of internal organs, for example, gastrointestinal tract. There are violations of the stool, nausea, a feeling of dizziness and increased appetite. A similar situation is associated with a change in the level of hormones in the blood. Scientific research also show that if a person does not sleep for two days in a row, then he has a deficiency in the work of immunity and the metabolism of various substances changes.

Sleepless nights bring unpleasant consequences

In addition, the following changes are noted:

  • The level of attention is significantly reduced.
  • A number of cognitive functions (memory, speed of thinking) are significantly reduced.
  • Speech is disturbed, becomes incoherent.
  • Changes are also seen in motor sphere human - movements become inaccurate, trembling may be noted.

These symptoms may disappear completely after one or two nights of good sleep.

3 days in a row without sleep

If you do not sleep for 3 days in a row, then changes in thinking, human behavior and in the work of internal organs become even more pronounced. In addition to all of the above, there may be tics, severe speech disorders, and motor disorders. Chills, disturbances in thermoregulation can be noted. Often a person temporarily turns off in the process of being awake.

If you have many days of sleepless nights with the inability to fall asleep, you should always consult a doctor at medical institution to prevent the development of severe negative consequences for the brain and other internal organs.

When a person does not sleep for the third day, temporary dips occur, characterized by a blackout of consciousness for several tens of minutes, which is associated with a disruption in the functioning of the brain.

It is absolutely impossible to neglect a night's sleep

Four days without sleep

After a person does not sleep for four days in a row, his cognitive function fall significantly, which leads to confusion in the mind, increased irritability. A person periodically sleeps without noticing it, and periods of failures can reach up to half an hour. In addition, such people have constant hand tremors, body tremors, changes in appearance associated with increased fatigue.

5 days without sleep

When a person does not sleep for the fifth day in a row, consciousness changes significantly - various complex hallucinations and delusions appear, which is associated with disruption of the brain. Disorders of cardiac activity, thermoregulation systems and other internal organs are noted. Brain activity drops significantly, which is characterized by a person's inability to focus their attention, to think about something. He becomes like a creature devoid of intelligence with complete apathy and occasional seizures.

Prolonged lack of sleep can lead to hallucinations

Such a period without sleep is associated with severe stress for the body, in connection with which irreversible changes in various bodies primarily in the central nervous system.

Day 6 and 7 no sleep

If a person does not sleep for the sixth and seventh day, then his consciousness completely changes - delirium and complex hallucinations prevail, while the level of intelligence drops to a minimum. There is a constant tremor of the limbs and other movement disorders. Internal organs work chaotically, which leads to a large number somatic symptoms.

We see that if a person does not sleep for 2 days, he will experience serious changes. brain activity disrupting normal life. Therefore, in no case should you bring the situation to such a situation, but it is best to organize a good rest for adequate recovery.

Usually man sleeps during the day but there are moments in life that have to goes without sleep. I confess that since childhood I really like to learn everything new, especially about human body. And how can one not do without love for experiments in this area.

Everyone knows that sleep is very important for a person, but also interested in :

What is sleep?, What will happen if you don’t sleep?, What do you feel when you don’t sleep? Then I did not know that I would publish all this on the website www.site

So let me start by telling you how. I did not sleep once in a lifetime 7 days, armed with a notepad.

The article will be divided into 3 blocks.

  1. I'm too lazy to read. Can it be shorter?
  2. I enjoy reading. Can be more?
  3. Question answer

In short:

The first day.

I woke up and decided not to sleep today. I need to do things that I can't do.

2 o'clock in the morning - I feel fine. At the same time I correspond with friends in ICQ.

Dela made it.

Second day.

At 6 am felt nauseous. Ate, watched TV, played a game, Nausea was gone. Feeling slightly tired and weak. 13:00 in the afternoon - no fatigue, weakness is felt. Sensation of weak anesthesia on the whole body.

Day three.

I'm afraid stay awake more. Why? I want to sleep. Stay calm and carry on. OK. He began to speak more slowly. Anesthesia is felt more on the tongue. Sometimes there are freezes of body movement. The easiest part of the body to manage is the eyes. I am playing a game. Irritable. Weakly expressed delusional ideas.

Day four.

I have a feeling that the day is unusual, very long. I started to forget what was going on 1 and on 2 day. Good to have a notepad. Where is the pen?

Searched for 30 minutes. Turns out it was in my left hand. Started see yourself from the outside. The body is weakly felt. Sometimes there is a “cut-off” effect (lags the processor) from 1-10 minutes, although with open eyes. Crazy ideas are strongly expressed.

Day five.

Read what happened to me first and second day. I don't think this happened to me. It seems that the day and life in general is endless. Specifically hallucinations passing at times into euphoria. Losses in memory and body sensation. I can independently, and sometimes without control, get out of my body and fly up to 10 meters around me. And what is most interesting in this state, I can go, controlling myself as in a game from a third person. Crazy ideas are very strongly expressed. I do not want to sleep.

Day six.

I sat on a chair and looked at one point on the monitor, about two hours. He jumped up abruptly and ran to the switched off TV. Began to convince upper part TV that I have to pick up brushes from my place of study. They are in danger. Slow speech. Passing by, I hit the corners and, I stop to realize this blow for 2 minutes. Next I turn on. There was an opportunity, the ability to predict what will happen next for the event. It often gets scary. I see different people. Strongly developed imagination- objects can walk, and I control them. I understood the fullness of the word Marasmus.

Day seven.

I'm in paradise? Notepad does not lend itself to writing. Limbs twitch, tremble. Strange behavior. Vegetable. If a person touches me, then he will be lucky if I answer in a minute or a minute and a half. From lack of sleep severe memory lapses continue.

I decide to finish with the experiment. I'm not very happy that I you can sleep. I do not believe.

Leg. I leave the body and circle over my corpse for about ten minutes, seeing myself from the side. The chandelier starts to lower and the ceiling starts to press down on me. I don't remember how I fell asleep.

Slept 10 hours.

Day eight.



The first day.

I woke up. The day started as usual. I ate, got ready, went to school.

Unlearned. Came home. I realize that I need to do a lot of homework.

Crap! I'll have to sit down today. You need to make a passe-partout for your study pictures. I started working with music. The mood was good. Music by Joe Satriani.

I understand what remains sleep only 3 hours and decide stay awake.

Second day.

I didn't sleep all night. I went to eat and felt nauseous. Fatigue in the legs. I decided not to drink regular tea because you want to sleep. Two sachet tea + Two spoons coffee + Two pieces of sugar.


Stir and drink hot. Seems to have improved. Ran to school. A classmate noticed bruises under her eyes. And I like the state. Feeling alienated from people. Happy sleepy state gone.

Graduated and played online game. Ate and drank the same recipe - 2 sachet tea plus 2 spoons coffee plus 2 tablespoons Sahara= I like the state - I don’t want to sleep.

Closer to 23:00 - I want to sleep, but I want to feel what will happen if I overpower myself today. Turned on the game and started playing. I got through that period. At night I decided to strengthen my magic recipe. - 2 sachet tea + 4 spoons coffee + 0 spoons Sahara.


Even nauseous, the back of the head ached. Gone after 30 minutes.

I eat apples. Ate 4 pieces.

The condition is normal. Fruits and vegetables helped a lot. On the second day, they are completely knocked down. The biological clock. The whole body does not understand what is happening to it. For him, it's stressful. Eyes do not close, feeling that matches have been inserted. Already on this day, small vessels burst before my eyes. I dripped 2 drops of tea in each eye and the redness went away.

This time I was listening not to classic rock, but to Nightwish.

There were thoughts about stopping the experiment, but since I'm curious, the body movements continued.

Day three.

I feel like I'm slowing down. I ignore the state. And I continue to study.

There is a certain fear that I might die from this. drinking a drink - 2 sachet tea + 4 spoons coffee + 0 spoons Sahara. In 10 minutes I want to make chifir. I pour half a pack of loose tea into a mini saucepan and boil. I drink and feel energized. I'm not afraid of anything.

By the evening there is irritability for everything. I understand that I slow down in actions, in conversation. I laugh at myself, and even have fits of laughter. In the evening I sat down to write music. " I am superhuman" I think. Periodically, not to sleep, I move eyeballs in all directions. I respond to people late. I pour half a pack of loose tea into a mini saucepan and boil chifir. Cheered up. There was no feeling that I did not sleep a few days.

There is indifference and a feeling that my body is left to the mercy of fate.

Day four.

The day is unusually long. I don't understand when was the beginning of the day and the end. I'm starting to get confused with the days. I feel seriously tired. I decide to strengthen the drink with my " healing properties» - 4 sachet tea + 8 spoons coffee + 5 spoons Sahara.

Headache, shoulders. The heart is beating like crazy. I understand that you should no longer consume so much sugar along with coffee and tea. It is better to eat sweets separately from this drink.

I forget what happened on the first and second day. Started to disappear into space. The brain responds with delays.

I get fired at school that I hang out and behave strangely. I tell all my classmates all sorts of nonsense and ate I keep laughing. Art teacher praises. There are crazy ideas, some hallucinations begin. I'm starting to come up with an idea for future paintings. I begin to hear the music, to see strange people. I'm afraid of shadows. Cats scare me. BUT! Luckily, I'm stopping this farce and...

4 sachet tea + 8 spoons coffee + 0 spoons Sahara.

After 10 minutes I repeat the elixir

Next days I just can't write in detail. I hope you understand.

I will partially copy them from the above.

Day six.

I sat on a chair, looking at one point on the monitor, for about 2 hours. He jumped up abruptly and ran to the switched off TV. I began to convince the top of the TV that I should pick up the brushes from the places of study. They are in danger. Slow speech. Passing by, I hit the corners and, I stop to realize this blow for 2 minutes. Next I turn on. There was an opportunity, the ability to predict what will happen next for the event. You can cross the street and do not have to stop to see if there are cars there or not. Without turning his head, he simply let cars through and when they passed, he walked on. And then I thought that this is the way it should be. It often gets scary. I see different people. Strongly developed imagination- objects can walk, and I control them. I understood the fullness of the word Insanity. I talked to the wall and tried to make friends with the ceiling. Some things wanted to kill me. In general, there is a mania that they persecute me different people and items.

Muscles get eaten. You can walk with your hand raised near you for an hour and only then you will understand that you can lower it. Then, that day, I did not know that this was all happening, because I did not sleep.

Day seven.

I'm in paradise? Notepad does not lend itself to writing. Limbs twitch, tremble. Strange behavior. Vegetable. If a person touches me, then he will be lucky if I answer him in a minute. Severe memory lapses. Further I know from the words of other people. I don't smile. Facial expressions in sleep mode. Eyes move furiously in different directions.

I decide to finish with the experiment. I'm not happy that I can sleep. I do not believe.

Leg. I leave the body and I circle above myself for about 10 minutes, seeing myself from the side. The chandelier starts to lower and the ceiling starts to press down on me. I don't remember how I fell asleep.

Slept 10 hours

Day eight.

I'm alive. I understand who I am. No headache. I want to eat. I want to drink. Feeling of reality. Inadequate understanding of the time of day. I don't remember what happened. I took a notebook and began to remember. Entered all the notes into the computer. I am pleased to.

I do not want to advise, but how weight loss diet(lose 1-5 kilograms) the experiment proved to be good. After that I lost 3 kg.


My famous mug, in which I brewed a "healing" potion - 250 ml.

Question answer

- How stay up a few(2-3) days?

If needed 2-3 days go without sleep, then you NEED to evaluate the strength of your body. The challenge is to feel more or less adequate these days. It is necessary from the first day to eat fruits and vegetables in advance, mainly orange, lemon, apples, grapes, pomegranate, carrots, and beets. These fruits and vegetables will help the body prepare for prolonged stress. Also helpful, before and on time sleepless nights take honey. Be sure to drink invigorating drinks. Tea, coffee, whatever you like. Permissible to use energy drink(no more than 500 ml per day). It is unacceptable to use alcoholic drinks. Exercise and, if possible, move on foot. Wake up your body with invigorating music.

It is advisable to wash your face more often and douse yourself with cold (ice) water completely 2-3 times a day, provided there are no contraindications. Cold water will help to awaken all the cells of the body and stimulate the human immune system. Don't dress too warmly. Heat makes our body calm and put to sleep.

If possible, close your eyes for 15-20 minutes and relax. Sleep in 15 minutes will greatly energize your body. The main thing is not to undress, otherwise 15-20 minutes will turn into a 6-8 hour sleep.

- What happens if stay awake?

Anything. If you have not yet understood after reading (or have not read) the article, then I will answer this way:

Dizziness, nausea, weakness, pressure problems. Fever, vomiting, imbalance, irritability, aggressiveness. Loss of real perception of the surrounding world. Heart pain, anemia, joint pain, back pain. Hallucinations, delusions. Lethal outcome and much more. Here, what happens if you don't sleep.

- I do not understand sleep or not. How to check?

Find out in the evening. Eye fatigue may suggest. Move your eyes left, right, up, down. If you feel that the muscles of the eyes ache, then they are tired, therefore it is possible that you didn't sleep or just tired. If you cannot move your eyes and cannot open them, then you are still sleeping.

- How long to sleep without harm for good health?

- How many people can not sleep ?

There is a record in the Guinness Book of Records for the number of hours. In the winter of 1963, it was installed by 17-year-old schoolboy Randy Gardner, who was awake for 264 hours (11 days). After that, representatives of the Book of Records stated that they would no longer register attempts to break this record, as this could represent threat to human health. Nevertheless, attempts to break the record continued ...

The next lucky winner was Tony Wright, a 42-year-old Briton from Cornwall. Tony stated that he would use a technique in which the hemispheres of the brain would be awake alternately, like in dolphins, but he did not explain the essence of the technique. The experiment took place in a bar, it all started at 6 am on May 14, 2007. Accompanied by friends and under the supervision of online webcams, Tony set about conquering the record. While the experiment lasted, Tony kept a diary, the original can be read in English. On the 11th day, Tony began to slur and feel irritable from too much bright colors, but still managed to hold out and set a new official record - 275 hours without sleep. Unfortunately, he did not get into the Guinness Book of Records, since the experiment was too dangerous, but the record was recorded and covered in the media.

Further, the dubious record was also not counted by Tyler Shields - American professional photographer. He set his own record for staying awake for 40 days. Tyler stated that he didn't sleep 968 hours in a row specifically to become a record holder. After setting the record, he admitted that the most surprising thing was that he even did not feel tired. And all the people around him, who watched him, also did not complain of fatigue.

However, despite the photographer's efforts, the Guinness World Records team said: "It is very difficult to establish the truth that Tyler Shields actually went without sleep for many hours is very difficult. That is why we cannot put this record in the Guinness book.

Everyone who didn't sleep for more than 2 days, do not recommend repeating the experiment, as it is dangerous to human health.

- How much man needs to sleep?

Each person is different. Who is enough for 4 hours, and who sleeps all 12 and complains that not enough sleep.

I think that the number 8, which doctors constantly tell us, is outdated and conditional. Sometimes it is better to sleep in the afternoon for 30 minutes extra. It will feel like you slept for 3 hours. And you feel energized.

- Why not take a picture of a sleeping person?

There are many reasons why this should not be done. One reason is superstition. Who is superstitious, then for this person this sign will be significant in his life. In the 19th century, there was a tradition in Europe to photograph dead people as if they were just sleeping. The deceased was dressed in smart clothes and laid on the bed or "seated" on an armchair and photographed. Often one could come across photographs in which the deceased was depicted during an impromptu family tea party “sitting” at a common table. Hence the origin of superstition - originally from eyes closed the dead were captured in the form of sleeping people in the photo.

To believe or not to believe is everyone's business.

Another reason - sleeping person photo usually with weak bioenergetics.

The last reason is simple. A person can simply be frightened by a bright flash and send you to hell, and he will be right.

There will be more questions - ask.


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You are currently in the topic: How I didn't sleep for 7 days. Topic about how I did not sleep 7 days.

Hello, dear readers blog! Our senses are most active during the day, we cannot see in the dark, and our skin needs daylight to make it easier for the body to produce vitamins, so the question: “Is it bad to stay awake at night?”, I think, is rhetorical. Therefore, let's consider together all the dangers that insomnia leads to or night image life.

The influence of melatonin

I already told you, and that if he is still awake at 2 a.m., this can eventually lead to depression and a loss of “taste of life”. All due to the fact that it is at this time that our body produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates our sleep. That is, if there is a lack of it, and people who lead a nocturnal lifestyle have a significant lack, it is likely that insomnia, nightmares will appear, and the dream itself will be superficial, during which the body's resources will not be replenished.

Have you noticed that after a sleepless night it takes several days to recover? Move on. During deep good sleep finally ours is resting nervous system, the brain processes the information that has been received during the day, and the work of all organs and systems of our body is normalized. What happens if you bring down the natural biorhythm? You simply deprive yourself of the opportunity to lead a healthy, active life and feel young and vibrant. Melatonin generally plays almost leading role in our body because:

  • Regulates the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • Has a stimulating effect in the sexual sphere;
  • Suspends the aging process;
  • Regulates pressure, the work of brain cells, as well as digestion;
  • Helps to adapt when changing time zones;
  • Has antioxidant properties.


scientists to avoid lethal outcome, did not complete the experiment, so they did not give a clear answer on how many people can do without sleep, if only because they could not exclude during the experiment such breaks for the brain as superficial short-term sleep.

On the first day, the subjects felt lethargic, on the second day they became distracted and aggressive. On the third day, hallucinations were already appearing, on the fourth, they looked incredibly exhausted and exhausted.

The maximum period without good rest- 5 days, then the experiments were stopped due to the threat of death, since already on the third day brain cells begin to die.


It is believed that if a person cannot fall asleep at least three times a week, this indicates the presence of insomnia. And if he sleeps less than 6 hours, or with interruptions, for example, in connection with work, where there is a rotational regime, then chronic sleep deprivation may well develop. This state is equivalent to the one that a person feels if he does not sleep for two days, that is, lethargy and aggressiveness. And if you read my article, in order to become more kind and gentle, maybe it's not about character, but just need to rest more?

Do you know how much a person should sleep? On average, from 6 to 8 hours, there are cases when 5 hours is enough, but such people are very rare.

So, the consequences of non-compliance with sleep :

  • Immunity decreases, and as a result, there is a risk of various infections that lymphocytes cannot fight back.
  • Stress resistance is at a minimum, so not only the body will suffer, but also relationships with loved ones and at work. Irritable people are usually shunned, and this is a significant obstacle to achieving their goals.
  • The risk of developing cancer is growing.
  • Metabolism is disturbed, so people who lack sleep or insomnia are more prone to obesity.
  • There is a risk of developing a disease such as diabetes mellitus.
  • Due to lack normal amount melatonin causes hypertension, that is, increased blood pressure.
  • There are problems with blood vessels and the heart, the risk of getting a stroke or cardiac arrest increases significantly.
  • Impotence or decreased arousal.
  • Due to the impact on the psyche and the development of depression, suicidal tendencies may well appear.
  • A person ages prematurely because the skin becomes lethargic, as does his well-being. Hair can fade, sometimes even begin to fall out, and the eyes will watery and redden.
  • Due to the increase in cortisol, and this is a stress hormone, the renewal of brain cells is suspended.

Among other consequences, there is a huge risk of getting into an accident, because the state of sleep deprivation is very similar to the state that alcohol causes.

  1. If you find that you have insomnia or lack of sleep, do not start taking sleeping pills. You can only harm yourself, or become addictive, after which you will have to constantly increase the doses, since without pills it will become completely unrealistic falling asleep on your own. That is why you should definitely see a specialist who will prescribe a competent and safe treatment.
  2. If this happens, and part of the night you could not rest, be sure to set aside at least half an hour during the day to take a nap. This will at least give a little vigor and increase efficiency.
  3. Take a warm bath in the evening or drink a glass warm milk. I talked about this and about what types of insomnia exist.
  4. Before you get behind the wheel, be sure to listen to your well-being, and if you feel that you need to rest, look for solutions, maybe someone else can drive the car, or there is an opportunity to delay the trip, after all, you are risking not only your life , but also those around them.


That's all for today, dear readers! As you can see, the consequences cause enormous damage to health, so do not test yourself for strength, and rest as much as you need to wellness. Good luck and take care of yourself!

7 (85521) 7 29 211 6 years

There are tips on how not to fall asleep! But what would after two days without sleep also feel good, alas, this does not happen. Well, except for the drugs. I hope you manage without them.

    0 0

5 (3267) 2 14 47 6 years

I just passed my philosophy exam yesterday. I didn’t sleep all night, I got ready, in the morning I was all dead. drank coffee very very strong 2 mugs. turned on my the most favorite tunes that invigorate and so on until he left for exams at 11. then he came drank coffee again. and started preparing for IT ... then again for the session. Then we walked with friends. In the end, I came at 10 and with a laptop on my stomach, and with the handset raised from the phone, I passed out on the couch. The body couldn't take it anymore. The second day I think no one will last The main thing is not to think about sleep and keep yourself in good mood . IMHO

    0 0

8 (115661) 8 15 115 6 years

This is not available to civilians. Only the military. Each country has its own battle cocktails. If you buy Modafinil (Alertec) from Europeans, you can stay awake for two or three days without any negative feelings. But, do not forget that the main thing for the military is efficiency during the battle and service. How will a person live there, will there be any serious consequences- they don't care.
The Saudis are feeding Syrian rebels with amphetamine-based pills. You don’t sleep there either, but it blows your mind) Drugs, after all.

So it's better to sleep for at least an hour or two. The body cannot do without sleep. To restore strength, the body produces melatonin, the sleep hormone. It can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. You drink, fall asleep, you just need to internally tune in that you only sleep for two hours and ask someone to wake you up) With melatonin, sleep is very strong. When you tune in, the body knows that it doesn’t have much time, it won’t go into a prolonged phase of sleep. And if you cross - then you can be dragged, the person "dies" there, so you want to sleep at the moment of waking up)
After waking up, contrast scent and make a civilian "combat cocktail") This is a mixture of various invigorating alkaloids and mint.
Mint is needed so that there is no nervous tremor and the heart does not beat too hard.
Those. you take a teaspoon of coffee, a teaspoon green tea, two teaspoons of cocoa, a pinch of dry mint or a bag of mint tea, a little sage if available (good for the brain), you brew everything, insist, filter and drink. The taste is peculiar, but not nasty) It invigorates well, the head becomes fresh, better than just coffee.
So that you do not want to sleep for a long time - buy a tincture of Rhodiola rosea in a pharmacy. Ch. Spoon inside and do not want to sleep. unaccustomed to it, you can freak out.
This is a set for a fighting cocktail) You can also add alkaloids of chocolate or Coca-Cola.

I have a lot of experience sleeping for several hours. I tell from practice) But in this mode it is necessary to nourish the body very well. Vitamins, honey, fruits, figs for the head and dried apricots for the heart (the heart is the first to suffer from lack of sleep), sea kale. raw eggs, is a storehouse of amino acids and useful substances.

After such overloads, you need to rest twice as much. Those. one night you do not sleep - then you need to sleep for two nights in a row. Three nights for 3-4 hours - you also need to sleep off a couple of days.

    0 0

5 (3163) 1 13 38 6 years

and feel good?))) turned down! it doesn't)
but there is a way to listen to a couple of songs of your MCH and go to sleep, at least on the backstage! Or go home to bed!
It's not hard to stay awake for 2 nights. just resist the chewing take horizontal position! or close your eyes!
when you start to fall asleep, get up, go for a run, take a drink...
or take 10 minute pauses and ask to be woken up in 10 minutes! not earlier, not later! it helps to cheer up a little!
I stay like this for 4-5 days! but then the head counts 2 + 2 for 5 minutes! so be careful!

Oddly enough, neither the causes of sleep nor its evolutionary origins are practically unknown to science. After all, from the point of view of nature, sleep can hardly be called something expedient. If a person or animal is sleeping? his consciousness is switched off for several hours. Needless to say, in this state, the chance of being eaten by predators will increase significantly.

And yet, if not the reasons, then some patterns in the expediency of sleep, scientists managed to find. It turned out, for example, that adults who sleep from 6 to 8 hours are characterized by greater longevity. But excess sleep is fraught with a number of diseases, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. But also chronic sleep deprivation also linked to cardiovascular disease, but also depression, obesity, and even brain damage.

What happens if you don't sleep at all? After the first sleepless night, the mesalimbic system is activated in the human brain, releasing dopamine into the blood. From this, a person becomes more energetic, more positive and more active in terms of sex. Good? Further it will be worse. First, in the brain, one by one, the structures responsible for making decisions and evaluating their consequences are turned off. Outcome? decreased self-control. Fatigue takes its toll, and the reaction rate slows down more and more, and with it the functions of perception of the surrounding world are weakened.

Scientists have found that the assessment of a person's appearance by other people directly depends on whether the person slept well. A sleepy person is perceived as unhealthy and unattractive

After two sleepless nights in the human body, glucose metabolism and work are disturbed. immune system. After three sleepless nights, hallucinations may appear.

The longest sleep deprivation in a scientific experiment lasted 264 hours or 11 days. For obvious reasons, they did not continue the experiment. But what have scientists managed to find out? To their surprise, after 11 days without sleep, the person became only more distracted and irritable, with difficulty perceiving the world. But it did not have any consequences for the body. Medically, all organs functioned normally; there was no brain damage or mental disorders. It is worth remembering, however, that the experiment ended there. Therefore, there is no guarantee that if it continued, irreparable harm would not be done to human health.

After all, experiments on rats showed that after two weeks of sleep deprivation, poor animals died. However, scientists do not have confidence that the cause of death was the lack of sleep, and not the stress of constant awakening. Perhaps the study of fatal familial insomnia will shed light on this problem? rare genetic disease brain, in which the person suffers from an increasingly severe sleep disorder. In fact, he suffers from insomnia, which leads first to hallucinations, then? to mental disorder, and then to death. Despite the fact that the number of patients with this type of insomnia does not exceed a hundred people? average term life after the onset of the disease is no more than 18 months. As insomnia progresses, one by one they stop working internal organs. In other words, although lack of sleep does not equate to rapid death, prolonged sleep deprivation will affect the body negatively and may even lead to death.