Children's myopia need glasses. Pros and cons

The debate about whether it is possible to permanently use spectacle correction for myopia has been going on for several decades. According to one version, with a weak degree of the disease, constant correction can correct vision and not lead to progress. On the other hand, on the contrary, it can lead to progressive changes. Patients argue more often, but sometimes doctors do as well.

What are glasses for?

Glasses are an ophthalmic device designed to correct visual defects by using optical lenses that compensate for the incorrect refraction of light rays. The advantage of glasses, also, for a person with visual deficiencies, is to reduce the load on the eyes, reduce fatigue and, as a result, reduce the rate of progress of the disease.

Glasses will not help you recover from myopia, but they will help stop the progression and ensure visual acuity.

When to start wearing glasses

This disease is of two types:

Anatomical myopia, expressed in the deformation of the pupil;

Accommodative myopia resulting from weakening eye muscles responsible for the optimal elasticity of the lens, but the shape of the pupil does not change.

With a weak degree of anatomical myopia, you can not use eyepieces, but in without fail you need to monitor your health, as the disease can begin to progress. And if this happens, you can’t do without glasses.

In the case of accommodative myopia, things are a little different. The constant wearing of glasses will play a cruel joke with you, as it will cause subsequent dystrophy of the eye muscles. As a result, at long-term use eyepieces, they completely take over the function of your vision, completely correcting the defect.

How to be?

First of all, make it a rule to visit the ophthalmologist's office as often as the dentist's office. Timely detected problem will allow you to take action, preventing the development of the disease. In addition, you should not neglect the appointment of a doctor.

Unfortunately, many patients, only in the ophthalmologist's office, nod and undertake to comply with all prescriptions. But, coming out of it, they begin to perceive it all, just as advice that you can not follow. As a result, very often the consequences are irreversible.

Greetings, dear readers! For more than a dozen years, disputes have continued on the topic of whether it is necessary to constantly wear glasses with myopia or not. Some believe that optical correction is not needed with a weak degree of this disease, because due to the constant use of additional optics devices, eye contact with external environment only gets worse. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that eyepieces should be worn even when slightest violations eye perception.

Whose side is the truth on? The participants in this dispute are not only patients, but also doctors. Some ophthalmologists are hesitant to prescribe so-called optical correction to patients with less than -1D myopia. As for the patients themselves, they either completely exclude the wearing of glasses for myopia, or use them periodically. Let's try to figure out what's what.

Why do people with nearsightedness need to wear eyepieces? ?

We all know that the purpose of glasses is to help people with poor eyesight. Thanks to this optical correction, we get the opportunity to see the beauty of the world around us in the brightest colors. The advantages of eyepieces are:

  • reduction of visual load;
  • removal of excessive eye fatigue;
  • inhibition of the progression of eye ailments, in particular myopia.

Yes, get rid of myopia optical instruments will not help, but they are able to stop its progression and decrease visual acuity.

When is it necessary to wear optical devices for myopia?

To begin with, I will say that the need to wear glasses depends on. As you know, there are 2 types of myopia:

  1. Anatomical. The reason for this pathology is the deformation of the pupil - due to the fact that it is stretched, the focusing of light rays occurs in front of the retina, and not on it, as happens in people with normal vision.
  2. Accommodation. To development of this type disease leads to a weakening of the muscles of the eyes responsible for the elasticity of the lens. In this case, the shape of the pupil remains the same.

When a child is diagnosed with a weak anatomical eyepiece, you can not wear eyepieces, but do not forget that this disease tends to progress, so sooner or later you still have to resort to correction with glasses.

Important! In the case of continuous wearing glasses, a person will no longer be able to get rid of false myopia, so be sure to consult with your ophthalmologist on this topic.

With accommodative myopia, things are somewhat different. With this type of pathology, it is harmful to constantly wear eyepieces, as this contributes to even greater relaxation of the eye muscles. Continuous wearing of glasses leads to a complete correction of the organs of vision, that is, the muscles of the eyes do not need to work. Accordingly, they will receive less load and will not be able to function at full capacity.

The need to wear corrective glasses for different degrees of myopia

For close work, a second pair of glasses or bifocal lenses are often prescribed. A feature of such lenses is that they have 2 optical zones: the upper half of the glasses corrects distant perception, and the lower one improves near vision.

When the degree of myopia is high (more than -6 D), patients, especially children, should wear a special eye device daily, except for visual work at a distance of no more than 40 cm.

With such a low perception, a complete correction is often impossible, so the eye doctor prescribes a "tolerability" correction. He prescribes those devices in which a person will be as comfortable as possible, and not those that 100% correct vision.

Important! Patients with high myopia are mainly prescribed several types of glasses: for regular use, for reading, for working at a computer, etc.

How to choose the right special devices for myopia?

When selecting optical devices for myopic patients, the ophthalmologist first determines the degree of vision loss. For this, following procedures:

  1. Assessment of vision in both eyes. This is really important.
  2. Use of minus lenses to select the optimal correction. This is usually done directly at the doctor's office.
  3. Grade binocular vision. For this, special equipment is used.
  4. Application medicines aimed at easing the tension of the eye muscles, for example, Golubitoks drops.
  5. Trial wearing of glasses that expose the organs of visual vision to various loads.

Video - is it harmful to wear glasses all the time?

I recommend you watch interesting video, where people on the street are asked - "is it harmful or not to wear glasses all the time"? Interestingly, the opinions of passers-by diverged. But the ophthalmologist claims that with the constant wearing of glasses there is no harm, on the contrary, there are only pluses. Happy viewing!


The use of glasses for this disease is the simplest and most accessible way improvement of vision, which does not cause complications. The choice of special devices for visual 100% vision should be approached with all responsibility, because it depends on how successful the correction of eye contact will be in children and adults.

It is very important to contact a qualified specialist who will select corrective eyepieces taking into account individual features optical system patient. In addition, we must not forget that it is possible to apply individual treatment, so as not to use the wearing of additional devices in the future. What do you think - is it harmful to wear glasses all the time? Share in the comments, your opinion is important to us. Take care of your eyesight and be healthy, friends!

21st century, the era of computer technology. An excessive increase in the diagonal of the screens makes the devices uncomfortable and low practical. Tablets, phones, laptops, TVs are becoming a constant daily burden on vision. Unfortunately, along with the benefits, progress also brings harm, in our case in the form of myopia. Medicine provides different ways solutions to the problem: prevention, or glasses for myopia.

In healthy vision, when we look into the distance, the muscles relax, the lens becomes flat and the eye sees far. When we need to see something up close, the muscles increase the curvature, the lens becomes convex, it refracts light more, and we see close objects. The image is refracted by the lens to focus precisely on the retina, otherwise we won't see it.

With nearsightedness (myopia), the lens is constantly curved, so distant objects do not fall into focus on the retina.

And here are two options, due to which the lens is curved:

  • the anatomical structure of the eyeball, then the disease will progress, and corrective optics is indicated and necessary to prevent vision loss.
  • disruption of the muscles that distort the lens (accommodation spasm). In this case, the correction will harm, overloading the already spasmodic muscles. It requires gymnastics, exercises and medication.

Important: correct diagnosis and only a doctor can determine the cause, do not experiment with your own health.

Now let's figure it out, is myopia a plus or a minus, and what kind of glasses do you need?

Diopter is the optical power of the lens, the power of refraction of light. One diopter equals one meter focal length lens, the distance at which a clear image can be obtained. The degree of curvature of the lens is the number of diopters, for a young healthy person maximum - 14 diopters, with age this figure decreases.

To see far, we need to relax the lens and reduce the diopters, so glasses with myopia with a minus, and if you need to see objects that are close to the far-sighted, we add diopters and curvature of the lens, so glasses with a plus. In some cases, plus points are prescribed individually and for myopia.

Minus 1: do you need glasses

At an early degree (stage) of myopia, there is absolutely no need to immediately wear some kind of optics, a slight degree of myopia, up to - (0.6 - 1) diopters, is easily corrected by reducing the tension of visual activity.

Let your eyes rest, relax, as an option for vision correction - drip special drops at night to relax the spasm of the muscles that compress the lens. But it is at night, since the drops will completely relax the eye for 3-5 hours, during this period you will only see into the distance. If myopia provides tangible discomfort, progresses, the quality of life suffers, then, of course, it is necessary to carry out vision correction.

Myopia myths (video)

Answers to the questions: do glasses spoil vision with myopia, does the TV affect, will the eyes work with glasses and other common fears about the disease in children and adults, we have collected in a video material with an ophthalmologist:

What to choose: glasses or lenses, advantages and disadvantages

When the issue of poor vision becomes an edge, the first dilemma on the way to restoring the quality of vision is which is better for myopia: or glasses? Unfortunately, there is no definite answer, it is individual for each, what is more suitable for whom, we will only give a small list of pros and cons, and it is up to you to decide.

Points Benefits:

  1. It is more convenient to wear, put on, take off - the lenses require hand washing, the presence of storage containers, a special solution, a mirror, always carry everything with you.
  2. Glasses are cheaper. Buying them once, you carry them for at least a year, and the lenses need to be changed periodically. The most gentle for the eyes daily lenses, then monthly, for three months, six months. The longer the period of wearing, the more aggressive the lenses in relation to the eye.
  3. Inconvenience if something gets into the eye, with lenses everything is much more complicated. You can accidentally wash it off, they are easily torn and deformed, if you are not at home or you don’t have spare lenses with you, then you won’t be able to walk in one.
  4. Practicality, you can choose photochromic glasses that will replace both eyeglasses and sun glasses, and if it is also with a special coating for a computer - ideal, your eyes will receive reliable protection from harmful radiation.

Lens Benefits:

  1. They do not fog up when moving from a warm room to a cold one.
  2. There are no problems with active sports, fear that the glasses may fall and break.
  3. An aesthetic moment, it’s just uncomfortable and embarrassing to wear glasses, a mark remains on the bridge of the nose, the eyes visually decrease.

These are the main points. If you want more detailed review and on personal experience watch the video on this topic:

It's up to you to decide, try both options and see which is better and more convenient. Share your experience in the comments with other participants.

What are glasses

Glasses for myopia are divided into several types:

  1. Corrective vision is a full-fledged optics with diopters, which provides 100% vision.
  2. Preventive - for eye training. Glasses with small holes that help to focus. For them there is special technique exercises.
  3. Optics for working at a computer. They have a special coating that protects the eye from harmful radiation and relieves stress on the eye muscles.

How to choose the right glasses for myopia

Definitely glasses for myopia should be prescribed by a doctor. No randomly bought at random will fit, neighbors, in which you just see well, also cannot be used, you risk spoiling your eyesight even more. What glasses are needed specifically for your degree of myopia, only a doctor can determine after the examination.

  1. It is necessary to identify the cause of myopia.
  2. Set the level and degree of myopia for each eye.
  3. Set the correction level in diopters.
  4. Check for accompanying illnesses and astigmatism.
  5. Measure the center value of the glasses and choose a frame.
  6. Determine the complexity of the lens: the number of layers, the presence of cylinders, etc.

For the treatment of myopia, not only glasses are used, but also hardware methods, which the specialist will tell you in more detail about. These simple rules spectacle correction in adults can also be used for myopia in children.

How to choose eyeglass lenses

Basic rules for choosing lenses:

  1. Material: plastic or glass. Plastic is more practical, does not break, is lighter in weight, but has fewer diopters and quickly rubs and scratches. Spectacle glass has stronger optical properties, protect the eye from ultraviolet radiation but heavier and thicker.
  2. By coating - anti-glare, for working with a computer, photochromic, protective coating for quick fogging of lenses and protection from damage.
  3. There are optics with interchangeable lenses, where the criterion is mainly color.
  4. According to the shape of the surface and the effect on the eye optical system in case of myopia, we are interested in divergent lenses, they are thicker at the edges than in the center, there are three types:
    • plano-concave lenses;
    • convex-concave lenses;
    • biconcave lenses.

Frame selection criteria

When choosing, you should pay attention to the frame material and quality. And also does it match your face shape. There is significant differences at practical use different types frames

The plastic frame is lightweight, does not react to temperature, is less pressed into the bridge of the nose, but fragile.

The metal frame is more reliable, suitable for thick glasses and wear-resistant, but heavy and can oxidize over time.

We invite you to watch a video on how to choose glasses according to the shape of your face. These rules are suitable for conventional and sun protection optics. Happy viewing:

If the glasses are wrong

When optical performance is not right for you, there are a number of consequences, sometimes even irreversible. This must be treated very carefully.

The main signs that the optics are chosen incorrectly:

  1. You feel uncomfortable, your eyes hurt, you get tired quickly, you want to constantly take off your glasses.
  2. Migraines appeared high blood pressure, bad dream.
  3. You get tired quickly, it is impossible to concentrate on small objects.

Consequences of wearing:

  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • deterioration of vision, up to loss;
  • strabismus, if the distance between the pupils is incorrectly selected.

But keep in mind that the new kind optics, as a rule, causes the first week of discomfort. Blurry image, poor concentration, dryness, tired eyes, headaches. This is the so-called adaptation period. If these symptoms persist after a week of use, contact your ophthalmologist again.

Do I need to wear glasses with myopia all the time?

Everything should depend on the diagnosis, the ophthalmologist will prescribe you a type of corrective optics to work while driving a car or working at a computer, or maybe glasses for permanent wear with advanced myopia. Often, having put on the first optical correction of vision, a person quickly gets used to the new quality of life, which stimulates its constant use. A video on this topic will tell you more:

Rules for wearing and caring for glasses

These rules are practically universal for any kind of corrective or preventive optical products.

How to wear glasses for nearsightedness:

  1. Consider doctor's orders.
  2. Vary the environment and the need for use.
  3. Combine with wearing lenses.
  4. Wearing on an ongoing basis with an appropriate diagnosis does absolutely no harm, but, on the contrary, is even useful and necessary.

How to get used to glasses for myopia:

  1. The first week is adaptation.
  2. Choose the most the best frame according to your type of face, then the glasses will go and you will wear them with pleasure.
  3. Get used to a few hours a day.
  4. Take pictures while doing work up close.

Care of optics is carried out through the use of special solutions for treating lenses, it is desirable to wipe them with microfiber, and most importantly, purchase a case, then their life can be significantly extended.

When you need to wear glasses, the ophthalmologist determines directly. He makes this decision only after a series of diagnostic examinations.

  1. Nearsightedness (myopia). The image is formed in front of the retina. As a result, the patient does not see objects that are far away. With such a pathology, it is necessary to wear glasses with a minus value.
  2. Farsightedness. The image is formed behind the retina. As a result, the patient has difficulty seeing objects that are in front of his eyes. Plus lenses are prescribed.
  3. Astigmatism. This is a violation in the visual apparatus, which is formed due to an irregular structure of the cornea or lens. With this defect, several images are created on the retina. Because of this, objects in front of the patient's eyes begin to double and blur. In this situation, toric or cylindrical lenses are used for correction.
  4. Heterophoria. This visual defect is also called latent strabismus and with it there is a certain deviation eyeballs from parallel axes.
  5. Aniseikonia. Images have different sizes on the retina of one and the other eye. A person also experiences difficulty in reading, there is a violation of perception and correlation various items and rapid fatigue of the eyeballs.
  6. Presbyopia i.e. age-related farsightedness.

At what level of vision do you need glasses

The ophthalmologist decides on which vision the patient needs to wear glasses for each individual. This is influenced by factors such as age and the disease itself.

Visual acuity is measured in diopters. This is the power of refraction of the light flux.

With myopia

Thanks to special studies it was found that (myopic) must be worn when working or watching TV with visual acuity from -0.75 diopters to -3 diopters. If the patient's vision is -3 or more, the optics is prescribed for permanent wear.

In addition, myopia is divided into two varieties: accommodative and anatomical. At anatomical shape glasses are required. This is due to the fact that such a pathology tends to progress. Vision correction optics can prevent this. With the accommodative variety, the task of the treating specialist is to strengthen the muscles visual apparatus. In this case, wearing glasses can be harmful, as the muscles in this case relax. The best way out is to perform special exercises for the eyes.

With farsightedness

Glasses for farsightedness (hypermetropia) are prescribed with indicators from +0.75 diopters. They can be assigned both for temporary wear and for permanent wear. If the patient has no concomitant eye diseases(astigmatism, myopia, and others) and objects lose their contour only near, the patient is prescribed optics for temporary use. They are worn when reading, writing, working at a computer, watching TV, driving vehicle and for small jobs.

The decision to correct using glasses is made by the doctor individually for each patient. Even with poor eyesight, if this does not bother you in any way, corrective optics may not be assigned.

Do you need reading glasses

Namely, this is what they call age-related deterioration in visual acuity, initially manifested by fatigue in the eyes, which occurs mainly in the afternoon or in poor lighting. Over time, migraine may occur, which appears after reading a book or working at a computer. This symptom is due to overvoltage In eyes. So that they do not overstrain, you need to pick up special ones. With the help of them, a person can not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but will be able to parse the text much better.

Since the progression of presbyopia cannot be stopped by any special exercises or in other ways, you can pick up special glasses or contact lenses. A noticeable deterioration in vision mainly occurs after 50 years, and then this process slows down. That is why it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist once a year, because during this time the vision may change and you will need to choose other glasses.

As for reading glasses, they come with increased visibility and regular ones. The ophthalmologist may also prescribe bifocals, office glasses, or progressive glasses. If there is no desire to wear them while reading or working in front of the monitor, then you can use lenses, which are also progressive and monovisual (one lens is designed to improve distance vision, and the other corrects near vision). An optometrist can help you find the right glasses or lenses. As a rule, they come with a slight plus (+0.5), but after a couple of years it may be necessary to strengthen them by +2.0 diopters.

How does the doctor determine the need for correction

The ophthalmologist puts the patient at a distance of six meters from a special ophthalmological tablet and asks to read the letters on it. If the patient sees less than seven lines out of ten, then the doctor prescribes additional diagnostic measures.

After all the studies carried out, the specialist decides on the need for corrective optics. To choose the right glasses for glasses, the ophthalmologist presents test glasses to the patient's eyes. Starting from the thinnest. For glasses, those glasses are assigned, in which the patient begins to see objects clearly.

Tables of Sivtsev, Golovin and Orlova

In no case should you wear glasses without the advice of a specialist. This can only worsen your vision and provoke the development of various eye diseases.

There are quite a few ophthalmic pathologies requiring glasses to be worn. These include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Moreover, almost always people after 40 or 50 years old have to use reading glasses, because. they develop presbyopia (i.e. age-related farsightedness). There are other ophthalmic diseases that require a similar correction. But first things first.

Let's look at each case in detail.

Doctors prescribe this method of vision correction for various refractive disorders (i.e., with incorrect refraction of light rays):

  • - the image is focused behind the retina and it is difficult for a person to see objects at close range. In this case, doctors prescribe.
  • - the image is focused in front of the retina, so the person begins to see worse into the distance. Ophthalmologists prescribe a correction.
  • is a visual defect that occurs due to irregular shape cornea or lens. With this anomaly, the rays do not converge at one point on the retina, as is normal, but several foci are formed and, as a result, the picture blurs and bifurcates. This violation is corrected with the help of special or.
  • is farsightedness associated with age-related changes human body.

In addition, the doctor often prescribes glasses for:

  • Aniseikonia is an abnormal structure of the eyes, when the object is perceived by the right and left eye in different sizes. This leads to the difficulty of combining objects perceived by the eyes into one picture. Consequence visual impairment is the appearance of headaches, drowsiness, fatigue, blurred vision.
  • - this is a hidden strabismus, in which the symmetrical position of the eyes changes. This violation is indicated by a prism diopter.

If you suspect any of the above diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor. If you run these diseases, then vision can worsen even more, there will be headache and severe fatigue eye from behind constant voltage oculomotor muscles.


To identify a particular violation, the ophthalmologist conducts various examinations.

Visual acuity

At the beginning, the doctor checks the patient's visual acuity (not to be confused with refraction). Unlike the latter, this is the ability to recognize objects that are at a certain distance from each other. Check this indicator with various tables. In Russia and the CIS countries, these are posters by Golovin, Sivtsev and Orlova (for children). In other countries, in particular the USA, this is the Snellen table.

Golovin Sivtseva Orlova (children)

The norm is an indicator of one (the subject sees 10 out of 12 lines on the table, for example, Sivtsev, he has 100% vision and does not need to wear glasses). Sometimes this value is higher than the norm and reaches 2 or more units.

If the visual acuity of the subject is lower normal value, there is a possibility that he has refractive disorders (hypermetropia, myopia or astigmatism). Then the ophthalmologist additional research(which we will talk about later) and detects whether the patient has these diseases. When they are detected, the doctor, as a rule, writes out a prescription for glasses or offers the patient other methods of correction.

Important! There is no direct relationship between visual acuity and clinical refraction. A low indicator of the first may also indicate the development of the patient or, in which it is pointless to wear glasses, and most often surgery is required.

Moreover, visual acuity depends on many factors:

  • transparency of the cornea;
  • clinical refraction;
  • conditions of the lens and optic nerve;
  • pupil width.

Clinical refraction

Refraction is the process of refraction of a beam of light in the optical medium of the eye. This refractive power is influenced by the curvature of the lens and cornea.

As we have already said, very often a decrease in visual acuity is a consequence of refractive disorders. If everything is in order with eye refraction, then a decrease in the first indicator indicates the presence of some other anomalies (for example, low transparency of the cornea or lens, etc.).

With refractive disorders, the doctor prescribes glasses. Most often he spends refractometry.

Purpose: to determine the refractive power of the optical system of the eye.

How it goes:

  1. The patient sits down and the apparatus fixes his head in the desired position (it must remain motionless).
  2. After that, the subject must look at various pictures that change sharpness.
  3. At this time, the doctor aims the device at the pupil and measures the right indicators manually and automatically.

Often to get the most correct results before checking, the ophthalmologist writes out the instillation of Atropine.

Another way to check clinical refraction is optical lenses.

The ophthalmologist uses special minus or plus glasses (for myopia or hypermetropia) and changes them until the optimal visual acuity of the subject is determined. To understand if the patient has astigmatism, the doctor uses cylindrical lenses.

Important! Mild astigmatism (up to 3 diopters) can be treated with glasses. But average and a high degree This anomaly can only be corrected by contact lenses or operations.

Optical lenses for vision testing

Cross-cover test and Maddox's study

These diagnostic methods are needed to identify heterophoria (hidden strabismus) in a patient. If the doctor detects a slight deviation, then treatment is usually not required.


This device is needed to diagnose aniseikonia. The degree of violation is expressed as a percentage. Up to 2%, it does not cause severe discomfort. Above 2.5%, treatment is required to correct the size of the retinal image (special glasses with aniseiconic lenses are used for this).

With a degree greater than 10%, the use of glasses is ineffective. And with a difference of more than 30%, correction with glasses does not help at all.

Only qualified specialist. If the picture blurs before your eyes, your eyes often hurt and your head is sure to go to the doctor to understand whether treatment is required in your case. It is forbidden to choose glasses on your own, because if you choose them incorrectly, your vision can only deteriorate more.