How to hold a cat to trim its nails. How to trim a cat's claws at home if she resists? Convenient accessories for caring for animal claws

By purchasing a fluffy kitten, each owner takes responsibility for caring for a new friend. In addition to feeding, bathing and combing the fur, the pet needs to periodically trim its overgrown claws. We will tell you how to trim a cat’s claws at home correctly and painlessly in our educational article!

Many owners of furry pets wonder why they should trim their cat’s claws at all and how important is this procedure? Any female cat's claws grow throughout her life.

Yard animals independently adjust their length by scratching against the asphalt and tree bark. But it’s not easy for domestic cats to do this, so to create the optimal claw length, we use caring owner and a special tool - a nail clipper. There are also silicone claw covers for all cat breeds.

If the claws are not trimmed, the consequences can be quite unpleasant, both for the animal itself and for its owner. Too large claws disturb the animal, and there is also a risk of them growing into the pad of the paws, which will cause pain. It will be difficult and quite painful for the cat to move on its paws.

In addition to tormenting the animal, overgrown claws can noticeably damage appearance furniture in the house. The British or British Fold is patient with this procedure, as he has a calm nature by nature, but can fight back. Fluffy kitten, obeying his natural instinct, will definitely find a suitable surface for combing them.

This could be the owner’s favorite sofa, walls with new wallpaper, the door of a stylish cabinet, etc. Do you want to avoid such unpleasant consequences? Then don’t be lazy and regularly trim your beloved pet’s overgrown nails! There is also a special anti-scratch that helps prevent damage to your furniture or you from the animal.

How to trim a kitten's claws correctly?

This procedure is quite unpleasant for the animal, so kittens often resist and do not allow their owner to perform a neat trim without unnecessary problems. If the kitten long hair completely covering the nail, it becomes more difficult to trim. In addition, it will constantly break out.

Let's look at expert advice on how to trim a kitten's claws without hurting him or yourself:

  • It is better to start pruning with early age, the kitten will gradually get used to it and will tolerate this unpleasant process more calmly;
  • when you caress and stroke your furry pet, apply slight pressure to the paw pads so that he gets used to such a touch and does not resist when trimming;
  • should not be carried out this procedure when the animal is hungry or too active, choose a moment when the cat is drowsy or sleeping;
  • If the animal shows aggression, it is better to postpone the planned care activity for a while.

4 stages of nail trimming:

  1. feed the kitten and try to calm it down;
  2. stroke and cuddle your beloved pet;
  3. Gently press on the pad of the paw and trim the tip of the claw using special clippers for this purpose. After trimming, it is recommended to smooth the cut area. A scratching post is used for this;
  4. If during the procedure you accidentally injured your pet's paw, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide;

Convenient accessories for caring for animal claws

To trim nails at home, purchase special tools in advance (you can buy them at any pet store). In this case, pruning is painless and almost unnoticeable. Do not use ordinary nail scissors or other accessories for personal use. Your pet must have its own grooming accessories!

How should you properly trim overgrown claws on a long-haired or short-haired cat? You should have the following tools in your arsenal:

  • special scissors for cat claws (claw clippers), the cost of such an accessory starts from 230 rubles. up to 800 rub.;
  • forceps (guillotine or crescent-shaped);
  • a practical nail file for filing nails;
  • cotton swabs + antiseptics for processing damaged areas(just in case).

All pet manicure accessories must be kept clean. After trimming, antiseptically clean the surfaces of the instruments using regular medical alcohol. This will prevent the cat from becoming infected during the grooming procedure.

Where is it better to trim your pet’s nails – at home or in a special pet salon?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the individual capabilities of the owner and personal desire to participate in such a responsible event. Some owners find it easier to take their pet to a pet salon to have its nails trimmed by an experienced professional. This procedure is carried out on a paid basis.

Do you want to save costs? Then purchase all the necessary tools and perform this care procedure in the comfort of your own home. After all, we have already talked about how to trim a kitten’s claws and why this is done. Over time, you will gain experience, and the cat itself will get used to such an unpleasant, but necessary process. Simply put, after a few months this procedure will not cause any difficulties.

  • Declawing should be done in good light (preferably near a window in daylight);
  • the animal must be in a comfortable position;
  • claw cutting is performed on the front and hind legs;
  • before trimming, be sure to press down on the pad of the paw so that the claw appears;
  • Only keratinized tissue (approximately 1-2 mm) can be cut; be careful not to touch the pulp;
  • do not scare the animal, do not use force, try to gently negotiate with your beloved cat, attracting affection and kind attitude;
  • if you can’t hold the pet on your own, involve another family member in this procedure, one will hold it, and the second will carefully trim the claws;
  • experts recommend producing antiseptic treatment cut surfaces after the procedure;
  • When finished, treat your beloved pet to something tasty, he will definitely appreciate such a reward!

If you managed to accustom your kitten to trimming its claws from an early age, be sure to carry out this procedure regularly. It is not advisable to take long breaks, as the cat may lose the habit, which will cause new difficulties the next time you leave.

How often should nails be trimmed?

This procedure must be performed as it grows. Experience shows that owners have to trim their beloved pet’s nails 2-3 times a month.

At what age does a pet need to be declawed?

What tools are best to use?

Choose quality manicure tools for animals. Very easy to use and practical for cutting, scissors made of stainless steel with rubber lining on the handles.

Is it possible to cut while the animal is sleeping?

Is it possible to trim cats' claws when they are sleeping? Not only is it possible, but even necessary! Many owners of purebred cats claim that grooming while the cat is sleeping is the most convenient and safest.

The pet is relaxed, does not show aggression, allowing its beloved owner to perform even and high-quality pruning without accidental injuries. Therefore, our tips on how to properly trim your cat’s overgrown and sharp claws without effort will definitely come in handy. Put them into practice and you will succeed!

What to do if blood appears on your paw due to an accidental injury?

The main thing is not to panic in such a situation! Nothing bad happened; the wound cannot be serious if you used special tools for animals. What do we have to do? Simply treat the bleeding area with hydrogen peroxide. Such wounds heal quickly. But still try to be careful and not cause pain to your beloved pet!

How to trim a fluffy cat's claws?

Some cats of elite breeds have too long fur, covering their paws and claws. In such cases, cutting should be done after preliminary cutting of the wool tufts on the paw, which prevent free access to the animal’s claws.

Manicure for furry pets is often necessary not for the safety of the owner’s hands or furniture, but for the health and comfort of the animal itself. How to trim a cat's claws at home, how often does it need to be done, and what life hacks can you learn from experienced groomers?

Not many cats climb trees and fences enough to grind off their claws naturally. Scratching post, though best friend From the point of view of saving a person's home, a manicure and pedicure cannot always be replaced by a cat's. How, when and with what to trim the claws of purrs?

Trim a cat's claws: how, why and when

Many novice cat breeders wonder: is it possible to trim cats’ claws? Doubts are justified by the presence of a scratching post and references to the past, when cats were fluffy, and they caught mice, and no one gave them a manicure or styling. The opinion is widespread, but does not stand up to criticism.

Just like humans, animals' claws continually grow throughout their lives. IN wildlife or as close as possible to the conditions of village life, the claw will wear down on its own when the animal climbs trees and runs on hard surfaces. Domestic cats, which are in modern world The vast majority cannot achieve such loads even in theory. In an apartment, cats sharpen their claws on a scratching post and try to gnaw the ends on their own, but in a healthy animal, the claws grow faster and a manicure is necessary.

A cat's claws are curved and retract into the pads of their paws, but the space for retraction is far from infinite. Overgrown claws become dull and peel, causing cats discomfort when walking and can injure the pet when it decides to scratch behind its ear with its hind paw.

The most dangerous are the claws on the fifth toe of the front paws. They dig into the pads and injure soft fabrics. It will be painful for the animal to walk, and an infection may get into the wound, which will provoke much more serious problems with health. On hind legs Cats' claws are also trimmed. They do not grow into the paw pads, but it is even more difficult for an animal to grind them off on a scratching post than the front ones.

The growth rate of claws is individual for each animal, but determining how often to trim a cat’s claws is not difficult. On average, the procedure is carried out once every two to three weeks. First, inspect the paws. If the tip of the claw has become long, has begun to dull and will soon stop hiding, it’s time to cut it. Secondly, listen when your pet walks on the floor, windowsill or some hard surface. If the claws of the branch are larger than normal, there will be a slight clattering sound.


In simple terms, cat claw scissors are called claw clippers. It would be more accurate to say “claw pruner” or “trimmer” - the blade blades have a special shape for the claw, and the edge of the cutting surfaces is reinforced. A stronger version, more like a nipper, is the claw guillotine. In this model there is only one moving blade, and the force on the handle is applied slightly differently, due to which the cut is made faster and smoother.

Nail clippers for dogs and cats differ only in size. For large breeds trimmers are more powerful, for cats and small breeds- the size is not much larger than nail scissors. For a non-professional it is more convenient to hold such a tool in his hands than a large pruner.

After trimming the nails, the tip can be filed with a regular manicure file so that the edges of the cut do not cling. The procedure is optional, and not every cat will agree to extend the manicure for filing. Don’t be upset if your pet is against it; he will shape the cut himself using the scratching post.

The tool must be made of high-quality steel that will hold an edge for a long time. The blades should fit perfectly against each other, the handle should have no play or creaking, with a pleasant force when the spring is compressed. Most pet stores offer a sufficient range of tools from various manufacturers with a wide range of prices. You should purchase a trimmer of at least the mid-price category, since the cheapest scissors can be not only short-lived, but also dangerous for the animal. Participants in specialized forums recommend taking a closer look at the tools of the companies listed in the table.

Table - Popular manufacturers of nail clippers

You cannot use regular scissors, manicure scissors or more massive ones. They will split the claw, which can cause injury.

Technique of the procedure

WITH one month old A cat can already have its claws trimmed, and it is better to instill this habit from childhood. It is good if the animal sits quietly during the procedure, but this is rare. Even calm cats out of fear they become aggressive. To prevent your pet from running away and scratching you while escaping, you can wrap it in thick fabric. Some owners use an interesting life hack: they wrap the cat in its own robe, and pull out its paws one by one through the sleeve for grooming. Separating the limbs reduces the ability to resist.

Another life hack is to trim your cat’s claws using clothespins. During childhood, the mother cat carries kittens by the withers with her teeth, and fixing the skin in this place causes most cats to stop twitching. This "baby reflex" can be helpful for grooming - attach a couple of clothespins or a similar, not too powerful clamp to the fold of skin just below the scruff of the neck. True, the older the animal, the greater the chance that the feeling of its mother’s teeth is forgotten.

If you trim your cat's claws yourself, teach the kitten to a position that is comfortable for this from childhood - sitting on your lap with its back to you. If there is an assistant, the animal can sit or lie on your lap or on the sofa, the assistant will hold the cat, and you will pick up each paw in turn.

Nail trimming itself is not difficult. There are five claws on the front paws and four on the hind paws. Consistently apply pressure to the animal's fingers until the claw is released. Many cats have transparent claws and the line between the base where the nerves and blood vessels pass is clearly visible. You shouldn't cut your cat's nails too hard - this can cause bleeding and pain. If you make a mistake and start bleeding, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic.

In general, in order to trim a cat’s claws correctly, you need to follow several simple rules, collected for ease of memorization in a table.

Table - Basic rules of manicure and pedicure for cats

It is advisable to create a pleasant association with this process in the animal from the first haircuts. Act gently, pet your pet before manicure, paying attention Special attention paws. It is better to choose a time after eating, when the cat is happy with life and relaxed. After trimming the nails, treat your pet with an extra treat.

Is there an alternative: “soft paws” and “anti-scratch pads”

In fact, there is only one alternative and how humane it is is the question. We are talking about an operation to remove claws - onychectomy. The need for it may arise when severe course claw diseases, traumatic injury fingers or excessive aggressiveness of the animal. But in last years some pet owners go for it without medical indications, but only to prevent damage to furniture by animals.

The glamorous name “soft paws” actually hides the amputation of the last claw phalanx on the animal’s toes. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, which in itself is serious test for the animal's body. Removal of claws can lead to a number of diseases and affect the psyche and behavior of an animal deprived of an innate tool, but not the need to use it.

A more humane method to prevent damage to hands and furniture is silicone claws or “anti-scratches.” These are silicone caps that are glued to the claw with special glue. Available in several sizes for cats different ages and species, and all kinds of colors. Multi-colored caps not only allow you to be creative in choosing a manicure, but also make it easier to find and clean up fallen nails. The latter is especially true for families with small children and other animals who may pick up and eat something from the floor.

The gluing procedure is in many ways similar to trimming nails and is no less stressful for the animal. It should be taken into account that silicone pads change tactile sensations animal when walking, playing, affect jumping and the ability to climb objects.

Experts have differing opinions regarding silicone claws. On the one hand, there is no particular harm from them, and in comparison with “soft paws” they are completely harmless. But, on the other hand, for the animal it is stress and suppression of instincts.

Perhaps reviews from more experienced cat owners will help you decide on the need for the procedure. But remember that “anti-scratches” do not solve the problem at the root. It is still necessary to trim your cat's claws, as they continue to grow under the silicone.

Communication with a cat brings the owner a lot of pleasant moments. But sometimes wayward house friends are able to show their sharp claws, and in the literal sense of the word, and even then the person will be in trouble. Not only do cats leave scratches on their owners’ bodies and holes in their clothes, but they also try to ruin furniture, wallpaper, and magazines. In addition, other animals living in the house can suffer from the claws of mustachioed pets: dogs, rodents, parrots. But you can disarm your pet scratcher. To do this, you need to learn how to trim a cat's claws correctly.

When do cats not need nail trimming?

Nail trimming is important for those pets who do not go outside at all, or go out only for a short time. Street purrs are better in this sense: their long claws grind off on tree bark and wooden fences. Cutting a street cat's claws short is very dangerous, because for her it is a kind of protection against random enemies: strangers' dogs, unfriendly people, other cats. With the help of long sharp claws, the animal can not only cause pain to its opponent, but also save its own life by climbing a tree.

Nail trimming is also undesirable for very small pets under 4 weeks of age. The procedure should not be performed frequently for older animals whose physical activity due to age is minimal. In all other cases, removing part of the stratum corneum on the phalanges of the cat's toes is considered safe.

At what age should a cat's nails be trimmed?

You can accustom a baby kitten to a haircut after 1 month of life. Let us warn the owners: “Is it possible to trim a cat’s claws at such a young age?” It is possible and necessary! After all, the sooner a pet gets used to using a nail clipper or scissors, the faster and more painless the grooming process will be in adulthood. But it is up to the owner to clearly determine at what age a cat can be declawed through circumcision. And if the cat is too weak by 4 weeks of life, it is better to abandon the procedure for a while.

There is no point in carrying out the procedure earlier than 1 month. Firstly, the claws of newborn kittens are still too tender, unable to cause pain to either the mother cat or a person. Secondly, kittens younger than 1 month are not yet so mobile and spend most time on a cozy lounger, drinking mother's milk and watching dreams. Thirdly, the baby can easily be damaged blood vessels, located in the thickness of the small claw.

If for some reason a adult cat, you can teach her to cut her hair too. True, with a mature individual it will be a little more difficult (the cat can break out, hide, bite or scratch the owner).

How often should the procedure be performed?

A person can easily determine when to cut their own nails, but how often should a cat’s claws be cut? Pets staying at home have their claws trimmed on their front paws twice a month, and on their hind paws once a month. But all animals’ claws grow at different rates, so it is advisable to determine the time of trimming after examining the cat’s “manicure” and “pedicure.” In addition, sometimes the haircut procedure may be required less often than several times a month if, for example, the pet sometimes sharpens its claws on trees or a scratching post.

What to have ready before getting a haircut?

The main accessory for cat manicure is a nail clipper. By the way, many owners prefer to trim their cat’s claws at home with ordinary scissors, but using a nail clipper is still more convenient. This tool can be purchased online or retail store pet supplies Available for sale the following types tools:

  • Nail clippers-scissors- similar to ordinary “human” scissors, but their blades are not straight, but curved at the ends. You need to insert a claw into a kind of hole, and then close the rings - the cat’s nail can be removed without difficulty;
  • Guillotine nail clippers- a tool that works on the principle of a sinister mechanism for cutting off heads. The cat's claw is inserted into a special hole, and the blade, lowered using the handles of the claw cutter, removes the overgrown part of the claw;
  • Nail clippers– in appearance they are a mechanic’s tool of the same name. The claw is inserted into the crevice between the cutting edges of the nail cutter, and the handles operate the tool, causing the claw to bounce off the sharp blades;
  • Claw grinders- devices consisting of a handle and a rotating tip covered with sandpaper. Operated by batteries. During the operation of the grinder, the claw is not cut off, but ground down. Typically, such a nail clipper is used in grooming salons, and mechanical tools are used for home trimming.

In addition to a nail clipper, the owner may need a regular manicure file to make the edge of the trimmed claw smooth. Be sure to have clean cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide on hand (in case the vessel in the claw is damaged), as well as a small amount of alcohol (to disinfect the sharp part of the nail clipper). In addition, if you plan to trim the claws aggressive cat, you should keep a towel or diaper ready to secure the paws of your willful pet.

How to trim cats claws correctly?

Before the X-hour, it is advisable to take the cat in your arms, stroke it (including its paws), making sure that it is in a good mood. If you have no experience in cutting hair, you should carefully examine the cat’s nail: the red stripe-pulp with blood vessels and nerve endings must not be cut off, otherwise it will hurt the animal. But the bent transparent and light part of the claw will have to be removed. If your pet's claws are dark in color, you will have to act almost at random, because the pulp is practically invisible. You will need to cut no more than 1.5-3 mm (depending on the age of the cat). So, to trim your pet’s nails as painlessly as possible, you need to:
  1. Take care of hand and instrument hygiene;
  2. Calm down, talk to the cat quietly and calmly;
  3. Place the purr in your arms, taking the tool (claw clipper) in your working hand;
  4. With your free hand, grasp the cat's paw, pressing on the pads of the fingers so that the claws extend to their full length;
  5. Holding the nail clipper perpendicular to the claw, cut off its curved tip without affecting the blood vessels;
  6. If necessary, file the claw with a nail file;
  7. Trim the claws on all the cat's toes;
  8. If the pulp is injured, treat with hydrogen peroxide;
  9. Praise your patient friend by giving him a treat.

Alternative to home nail trimming

We found out how to trim a cat's claws at home. But, unfortunately, not every owner can handle such an easy task if:
  • The cat does not allow haircuts;
  • The claws are black, so the pulp is not visible;
  • After the procedure the pet for a long time cannot recover from stress.
What to do if the owner with a nail clipper in his hands has failed, and the clawed pet is hiding under the bed? In some cases, you can do without a haircut. Let's consider methods of grinding and trimming nails that are alternative to home manipulations:
  1. Using a scratching post. Sometimes owners try to help homebody cats by purchasing a scratching post. But not all pets like to use it, preferring the owner’s sofa as an object for sharpening. However, if you teach your cat to wear down its claws from a young age, then there shouldn’t be any problems. The simplest scratching post can be purchased at a price of 300 rubles;
  2. Visit to the groomer. In some cases, it is easier to pay a professional than to persuade an obstinate pet to remove its claws with scissors or a nail clipper. In the capital's salons, they ask for a service from 300-500 rubles, in Russia the prices are lower - from 150 rubles. The cost of trimming doubles if the cat is acting hostile. By the way, if the owner orders a range of services (bathing, haircut, combing), then in some salons the nails can be trimmed for free;
  3. Buying anti-scratch caps. Those owners who doubt whether they need to trim their cat’s claws should think about special silicone attachments. They are attached to the claw with glue (comes with anti-scratch pads) and last for at least a month. The following products are selected based on the size of the pet: XS – for animals weighing less than 2.5 kg; S – for miniature individuals weighing up to 4 kg; M – for medium cats weighing up to 6 kg; L – for healthy cats like Maine Coons. The cost of a package of anti-scratch pads (20 pieces plus a tube of glue) starts from 200 rubles. If the procedure for gluing the caps is done by a groomer, you will need to pay another 500-800 rubles;
  4. Onychectomy. The most worst solution- deprive the cat of its claws. However, such operations are carried out in veterinary clinics. If the owner is still interested in the question of how much it costs to declaw a cat, then the amount can reach up to 5,000 rubles. But this one surgical intervention a lot of minuses:
    • To remove the claw phalanx, anesthesia is administered (which is very unsafe for health);
    • At home you will need to treat the seams on the paws (you can easily get infected);
    • The cat will have to wear a special collar for a week (or more) to avoid damaging the stitches;
    • After surgery, the animal may have problems coordinating movements;
    • The "unarmed" cat experiences severe stress: becomes withdrawn, apathetic, sometimes aggressive;
    • Finally, it is simply inhumane, as if the phalanges of all 20 fingers were amputated at the same time.

Having settled a fluffy beauty in his home, the owner takes on a lot of troubles to care for the pet. Complete feeding, maintaining hygienic cleanliness, taking care of the coat - this is a modest list of activities necessary to maintain the health of a cat.

One of important procedures is to keep the cat's claws in proper form, and the question of how to trim a cat's claws should be one of the main ones. Having mastered this manipulation at home, you can quickly and regularly apply a cat manicure.

Read in this article

Why do you need to trim your nails?

Cat claws are important means self-defense. Both in the wild and in a metropolis, representatives of the feline family have many enemies, effective means from which are sharp claws. If you didn’t manage to intimidate the enemy with a formidable weapon, then a cat’s manicure will help you climb tall tree and wait out the danger. In addition to their defensive function, cat claws are indispensable when hunting rodents. With the help of such a tenacious device, the cat will not remain hungry.

Many owners wonder why trim a cat's claws if it is kept in comfortable conditions, she does not need to look for food and hide from predators.

It is primarily necessary to carry out manipulation in order to prevent the nail from growing into the soft tissues of the paw. This may lead to lameness, inflammatory processes, .

Excessively long claws reduce the shock-absorbing capacity of the cat's skeleton and can lead to injuries when jumping from heights.

An important reason prompting the owner to carry out this procedure is to preserve the original appearance of the furniture and walls. It's no secret that many pets love to sharpen their claws not only on the carpet, but also on the soft corner and polished furniture.

Maintaining a cat's manicure in proper form is necessary in the following situations:

  • Room contents. If a cat has free access to the street, then it is able to monitor the condition of its claws. Fluffy couch potatoes cannot cope with the problem on their own.
  • Sedentary lifestyle due to temperament, illness, etc. An active animal rarely needs to adjust the length of its claws, as it can grind them down while climbing trees, actively playing and running.
  • Before performing procedures such as swimming, visiting exhibitions, elective surgeries to prevent the risk of injury.
  • If there are small children in the house.

In the wild, representatives of the cat family take care of the condition of their claws on their own, grinding them off on hard surfaces, tree bark, etc. In apartment living conditions, pets cannot cope with the problem on their own, and the owner of the animal who knows how to trim a cat’s claws must come to the rescue. The procedure will take place It’s easy if you get a special tool, have an idea of ​​the structure of a cat’s claw and be patient.

To learn about which cats should not have their claws trimmed, and which ones simply need it, watch this video:

Haircutting tools

First of all, to successfully perform a cat manicure, you need to acquire a tool. In specialized pet stores and veterinary pharmacies you can find all the equipment necessary for the procedure:

  • Nail clipper-scissors. In appearance it resembles ordinary nail scissors, but with notches on the blade. It is in these grooves that it is convenient to insert a cat's claw so that it does not slip. The device allows you to quickly and evenly shorten claws.
  • Guillotine trimmer. The tool resembles pliers with a ring instead of blades. The trimmer is easy to use and very popular among experienced owners. Beginning cat breeders may have difficulty determining the length of the claw to cut.
  • Nail clipper. The device is safe to use, as it has a locking system that prevents the blades from closing.
  • In veterinary clinics and animal care salons they use electric nail clippers related to professional tools.

Nail trimming tools

In a wide selection of cutting devices, the owner is often confused about how to trim a cat’s claws. If you have little experience in this procedure, then you should choose a nail clipper or scissors. The choice of tool also depends on the condition of your pet’s claws. If they are thin and transparent, then scissors or tongs can handle them, but if the claws are dense and thick, then the best option there will be a guillotine trimmer.

At home, you can also use nail scissors or clippers to perform the procedure. In addition to the cutting tool, you will also need a hard nail file or emery block for correction after trimming. Just in case, you need to arm yourself with cotton swabs and 3% hydrogen peroxide.

How to prepare for the first procedure

To understand how to properly trim a cat's claws, you should know their structure. If you hold this organ up to the light, you can see that its color is not uniform. This is especially clearly visible on light-colored claws. Where it begins pink color, pruning is prohibited, as there are blood vessels in this place.

You should know that capillaries grow into the claws as they lengthen. Therefore, in order to avoid bleeding, you should trim only the curved part of the claw, up to the place where the vessel lies. The procedure itself is painless for the animal, but if the capillary is affected, bleeding may occur and the pet will experience pain.

The animal should be accustomed to manipulation from a young age. Cats don't like this procedure much, but the animal should develop a neutral attitude towards it. In order for your pet to be calm about the haircut, you should regularly take the paws and press on the pads, releasing the claws. It is worth training when the animal is in calm state. You should not start manipulation if the animal is active and passionate about the game.

Before trimming your cat’s claws, you should prepare the necessary tool and put it in a convenient place. You can let your cat smell tweezers and other devices so that they do not seem foreign and dangerous to her.

The first procedure should be carried out with an assistant who will hold the pet. The assistant can hold the calm animal on his lap. If the cat shows anxiety, you can take it by the fold on the withers and hold it in weight. In this position, the pet rarely resists.

How to trim a cat’s claws at home if the animal is too obstinate and cannot carry out the procedure voluntarily? In this case, you can resort to swaddling. To do this, wrap the cat tightly but carefully in a thick towel or sheet, leaving one paw. You should act persistently, but carefully, without causing harm.

You should speak to the animal kindly, but at the same time be persistent. After the procedure is completed, the cat should definitely be petted and rewarded with its favorite treat.


Every owner should know how to properly trim a cat’s claws, since this procedure is required animal regularly. The entire manipulation can be divided into several stages:

  • Wash your hands and disinfect the tools.
  • After the animal is securely fixed, you should take the paw and press on the pads of the toes so that the claw comes out and is clearly visible.
  • The tool should be positioned at right angles to the nail being trimmed, from top to bottom.
  • If the claw is light-colored, then trimming is done within 1 - 2 mm of the pink area. If there is pigmentation, cut 1 - 2 mm from the tip of the nail, being careful not to touch the capillary. Typically, dark nails are trimmed in stages to prevent bleeding.
  • The nail should be trimmed in one step (in one motion).

You should not delay the manipulation so as not to irritate your pet. At accidental damage blood vessel, a cotton pad moistened with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine solution should be applied to the nail to stop the bleeding. If the damage is significant, contact veterinary clinic. But, as a rule, with some skill and experience, the procedure is quick and painless.

To learn how to properly trim a cat's claws, watch this video:

There is nothing complicated about how to cut a cat's nails. To ensure the procedure goes without complications, you should follow the advice of experienced breeders:

  • Claws should only be trimmed with sharp tools. Dull forceps or scissors will lead to the claw breaking and splitting.
  • It is best to carry out the procedure in bright daylight, so the border where the blood capillaries end is better visible.
  • After trimming, the claws must be treated with a hard file or emery block. This polishing will ensure a smooth surface of the plate and prevent creases and snags.
  • If it is impossible to carry out the procedure in one step, it is better to do it in stages, without stressing the pet.
  • It is not advisable to carry out several hygiene procedures at once. For example, in addition to trimming, bathe the animal on the same day.

If the pet fiercely resists the procedure and the owner is afraid of harming the animal, you can seek help from a veterinarian.

How often to trim nails

Having learned a simple manipulation, owners often wonder how often to trim a cat’s claws. The interval between manicure procedures depends on the growth rate of the claws, the activity of the animal, as well as the length of the previous trimming. Active and outdoor cats practically do not need pruning.

Pigmentation also affects the frequency of the procedure. If the cat has light-colored nails, then a cat manicure will have to be done more often. Dark pigmentation promotes slower regrowth.

On average, indoor cats need grooming once a month. If we're talking about about a young animal, the procedure should be repeated once every two weeks, since the growth rate at a young age is higher than in adults.

It is best to be guided individual characteristics animal and carry out the procedure as the claws grow.

To make caring easier domestic cat The owner should accustom the animal to cat manicure from an early age. This procedure should be carried out using a special tool. Knowledge about the structure of a cat's claw, safe practices trimmings allow you to carry out the manipulation at home comfortably and completely painlessly for your pet.

Any cats and male cats, including Sphynx, Scottish, british cat and everyone else, you need to be able to trim nails correctly, which become a real problem when keeping animals at home. At home, they tear up furniture and also scratch everything that they can find that is suitable for this purpose. That is why it will not be superfluous to do a haircut correctly. Of course, you can go to the veterinarian for this task, but you can also achieve similar results at home with your own hands.

How often should a cat's nails be trimmed?

Cats that are not allowed outside need to have their nails trimmed regularly. In a young healthy animal, the frequency of nail trimming is 2-3 weeks. Outdoor cats and male cats do not have their claws trimmed. They serve as protection and food for them.

How to cut the claws of a cat on its hind legs and is it possible to do this?

The owner decides whether it is necessary to cut the cat's claws on its hind legs. Usually it is enough to do a cat manicure only on the front paws of the animal, because it is with the front paws that the cat most often scratches or causes material damage. If your pet is too active, likes to climb on curtains and carpets (or for other reasons, because each animal has its own character), for the sake of its own safety, you can and should trim the claws on its hind legs.

How to properly trim a cat's claws at home

To trim the claws, you will need scissors or small nippers, as well as manganese to disinfect any possible wounds. Lay the cat down so that it is convenient for you to carry out this procedure. Take the animal's paw and lightly press on its pad - the cat will involuntarily release its claws.

They cut the edge of the claw to the place where it begins to turn pink - this is where the pulp with nerve endings and blood vessels begins, so if you touch it and cut more than necessary, blood will immediately appear. Then, in order to avoid infection and to stop bleeding, the wound will need to be immediately sprinkled with manganese crystals.

How to trim a British cat's claws

Cat claw trimming British breed performed once every 3 weeks or as the claws grow. The procedure is absolutely painless for the cat, the main thing is not to hurt the blood vessels. The beginning of the danger zone is clearly visible if you examine a cat's claw in the light, so the “manicure” should be done during the day or in good lighting. It’s a good idea to accustom your kitten to a scratching post from an early age, then you and your pet will have fewer disagreements about what the upholstery on an armchair or sofa is for.

How to trim a cat's claws with ordinary scissors, nippers, tweezers

If you choose whether to trim your cat's claws with regular scissors, nippers or tweezers, then nippers or tweezers will be preferable. Scissors, especially blunt ones, can split the claw. But in general, you can work with the tool that is more convenient for you. The main thing is that the cutting surface of the device is sharp and disinfected. But this is the opinion of ordinary cat lovers. Veterinarians have a slightly different opinion and recommend purchasing special nail clippers for cutting nails.

If you have decided on the tool, then you can begin the process of trimming the claws. Big and index finger Squeeze the cat's paw pad until it releases its claws. Take a close look and trim the edge of the claw, just short of where the claw begins to turn pink. The pulp is located here, and it should not be injured under any circumstances. You only need to trim the very edge!

Don't worry, the procedure is painless for your cat, and removing old, dehiscent claws will give your cat relief. In a couple of weeks, your pet's claws will grow back, but now stronger and healthier.

How to cut a cat's claws at home with guillotine scissors, guillotine

The scary phrase “guillotine scissors” or “guillotine” is actually quite convenient device for trimming pets' nails. Having such a claw tool is a matter of five minutes. The main thing is to be careful and attentive. In order not to touch the blood vessels present in the claw and not cause delamination of the claw, you need to cut the guillotine strictly perpendicular to the claw. The dewclaw, located on the inside paws.

How to properly cut a cat's claws with special scissors or a nail clipper

Special scissors or nail clippers are taken into right hand so that thumb lay down on the lever. The cat is placed in your arms and, by lightly pressing on the paw pad, is forced to release its claws. Carefully examine the claw to see the border of the beginning of the pulp. Place the dead section of the claw in the nail clipper perpendicular to the blade of the tool. Press the claw cutter lever firmly and cut off the intended part of the claw.

How to trim a cat's claws with pruning shears

To trim a cat's claws, it is better to use a special nail clipper-secateurs. Secateurs, unlike ordinary scissors, make an even cut and the claw does not delaminate in the future. There are many varieties of nail clippers produced, so before using the tool you need to carefully study the instructions supplied with it. The main thing is not to damage the claw pulp when cutting. If the border of its beginning is difficult to see, and this often happens in cats with dark claws, it is better to play it safe and cut off only the sharp part of the claw, about 2 mm long.

How to trim a Scottish cat's claws

Scottish cats are very intelligent. Accustom them to hygiene procedures, including cutting nails, is not at all difficult. Manicure Scottish cat is no different from caring for the claws of its other relatives. The main thing when cutting is not to damage the pulp and the blood vessels located in it. If you are careful, this will not happen, since the claws of cats of this breed are translucent and the border between the dead area and the pulp can be seen very clearly.