Bad sleep: a comprehensive solution to the problem. What to do if you have trouble sleeping at night

According to sociologists, all residents of megacities and large industrial centers suffer from one kind of sleep disorder or another. Fighting insomnia on your own is quite difficult, but it is much safer and healthier than taking sleeping pills or other medications.

What is insomnia and why does it occur?

Insomnia is a sleep disturbance or disorder that occurs regularly and prevents a person from leading a normal lifestyle and worsens the quality of his life.

Women and older people most often suffer from insomnia; this is due to age-related changes and increased emotionality of the fair sex.

From time to time, sleep problems occur in everyone and are not considered something pathological; you can talk about insomnia only if you regularly - at least 2-3 times a week for a month, cannot sleep, constantly wake up, or your sleep is too sensitive and restless .

Absence good rest not only has a negative impact on the condition nervous system patient, but can also be a symptom of the development somatic diseases, so persistent insomnia should not be ignored. But even before consulting a doctor, you should reconsider your lifestyle, diet and pay attention to other, most common causes of insomnia:

  • Lifestyle - wrong image life, the habit of eating heavily at night and spending night hours in front of a computer monitor, drinking alcohol or energy drinks before bed can cause difficulty falling asleep and after a while lead to failure biological clock and to insomnia, when sleep “comes” only in the early morning hours;
  • Stress and nervous tension - trying to do everything, achieve success and make a career more people stop paying attention to own health, denying yourself rest and peace. Constant stress leads to overexcitation of the nervous system, which does not allow a person to relax and recover during rest hours;
  • Food and drinks - the habit of having a large dinner, eating a lot of fatty, spicy or sweet foods before bed, as well as drinking a lot of coffee and strong tea at night may not affect a person’s health for a long time. for long years, but sooner or later, due to the constant rush of blood to the stomach and the tonic effect of drinks, problems arise with falling asleep or quality of sleep;
  • Physical inactivity – lack of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work and the lack of fresh air cause overwork of the nervous system and, as a result, problems with sleep;
  • Chronic diseases - less often, habitual insomnia signals health problems. Sleep disturbances occur due to neurological disorders, diseases thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, traumatic brain injuries and some other diseases. Most often, with pathologies internal organs, insomnia is accompanied painful sensations, changes in behavior or other symptoms of illness;
  • Pregnancy – when carrying a child, a woman’s body changes dramatically in hormonal levels, which can cause sleep problems in the first trimester. And in the last months of pregnancy, the increased volume of the uterus and the movements of the baby prevent you from sleeping peacefully.

Before starting treatment for insomnia, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. If chronic diseases are excluded, then comprehensive treatment should begin, which should include:

  • Proper diet - oddly enough, you can often cope with sleep problems simply by changing your diet and eating habits. By excluding from your diet too heavy dishes, seasonings, spicy and sweet foods, as well as alcoholic drinks, strong coffee and tea, you can avoid an overfilled stomach and digestive problems, which prevent peaceful sleep in about 1/4 of all cases of insomnia. If you are used to eating before bed, replace baked goods, seeds, candy, coffee, beer or shrimp with fresh vegetables and fruits, a small amount of nuts, green tea, milk or freshly squeezed juices.
  • A daily routine is one of the most effective remedies for insomnia. If your body gets used to falling asleep at the same time, there will be an order of magnitude fewer problems with sleep, but it will take 1 to 3 weeks to develop a new habit. To do this, you need to stop any active activities 2-3 hours before bedtime, do not watch TV, forget about smartphones, tablets and any other electronic devices and do something calming and causing only pleasant emotions. It is very useful to take a walk for minutes before going to bed, take a bath and listen to calm music, such as classical music.
  • Ways of relaxation - if anxiety, worries and upcoming events interfere with your sleep, you need to look for ways to cope with nervous tension. Today there are many methods for relaxation, so choosing the right one will not be difficult. This could be breathing exercises or yoga; if you don’t have the time or desire to visit sports clubs, you can find training videos on the Internet or read specialized literature. A warm bath with the addition of aromatic salts, listening to any music, watching your favorite films, any creative activity or just chatting with friends.
  • Exercising – moderate physical activity will help get rid of excess weight, strengthen the immune system and nervous system. If insomnia is caused by physical inactivity, you can cope with it with the help of regular classes sports - walking, running, strength training or any other active activity. The most important thing here is regular exercise, even if you don’t exercise for a long time, you need to do at least a few minutes of physical exercise every day.
  • Taking vitamins for recovery normal sleep and a decrease in the level of anxiety is facilitated by a sufficient level of B vitamins. If, in addition to insomnia, there is also a general loss of strength, decreased performance and frequent colds, you need to start taking multivitamins and, of course, taking vitamin B9 - folic acid, 5 mg daily, before meals. Vitamins must be taken for 30 days, then take a break and repeat the intake.
  • Fresh air – lack of fresh air leads to oxygen starvation, deterioration of metabolism, lack of energy and accumulation of waste products in the body. To avoid this, you need to spend every day fresh air at least 1 hour, for example, walk before going to bed and ventilate the room you are in 2-3 times a day, even if air conditioning is running.
  • Special rituals - this method is especially effective in treating insomnia in children, older people and those who are highly emotional. Doing certain things before bed will help you calm down, relieve stress, and set your body up for sleep. It’s not at all difficult to come up with such rituals, the main thing is to repeat them daily so that the subconscious begins to perceive them as a signal to fall asleep. You can start getting ready for bed in minutes - take a bath or warm shower, turn off the TV, ventilate the room, brush your teeth, listen to music, check your alarm clock or write a to-do list for tomorrow. Rituals can be anything - from a cup warm milk at night, before cross-stitching or reading your favorite fairy tale to your child.
  • Prepared bedroom - in order to fall asleep and stay asleep faster, you need not only to ventilate the room before going to bed, but also to properly prepare the bed. First, the bedroom and bed should only be used for sleeping, and you should not do paperwork, work on the computer, or eat in the bed. Also, there should not be a lot of unnecessary objects in the room - they not only accumulate dust, but can also affect the subconscious, interfering with a restful sleep. Secondly, the light in the room must be dim and the air fresh. Thirdly, the comfort of the bed is also important - for good sleep You need a comfortable orthopedic mattress, a not too warm or light blanket, a low pillow and natural bed linen.

Traditional ways to combat insomnia

If insomnia negatively affects a person’s health or performance, you can cope with it using time-tested and safe folk remedies.

Honey strengthens the body, has a calming effect on the nervous system and makes it easier to fall asleep. There are several recipes to combat insomnia.

  • Honey water – dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in 1 tbsp of warm water and drink at night;
  • A mixture of honey and lemon – chop 1 lemon with peel, add 2 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp walnuts, mix everything thoroughly and take 1 tbsp before bed;
  • Honey with vinegar - stir 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into 100 grams of honey, put the mixture in the refrigerator for several days, take 1-2 teaspoons before bed for a long time.

Essential oils

Inhaling the vapors of essential oils helps get rid of headaches, relieve nervous tension and fall asleep faster. To combat insomnia, use lavender oil, peppermint, citrus oils, cedar, sandalwood, rose, basil, valerian, lemon balm, jasmine or rosemary.

The easiest way to get rid of insomnia with the help of oils is to add a few drops of the selected oil to an aroma lamp or drip 2-3 drops of oil onto a small cotton napkin lying at the head of the head.

If inhaling oil vapors does not help, you can try adding a drop of oil to your evening bath, which you should take for no more than 15 minutes at a time.

Massage with essential oils is very useful; if it is not possible to visit a massage therapist, you can ask loved ones to massage the neck-shoulder area or massage your temples, feet or hands yourself. For massage the base is cosmetic, olive or other vegetable oil, add a few drops of aromatic oil, then gently massage the skin for minutes.


Herbal infusions are considered the second most effective, after medicines, a remedy for insomnia. The simplest and most effective fees are:

  • Valerian and oregano – 1 tbsp of dry oregano is mixed in 1 tsp of dry valerian root, pour 1/2 tbsp of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, then cool, filter and drink before bed;
  • Melissa, valerian and motherwort - mix 1 tsp of lemon balm, 1 tbsp of valerian root and motherwort, pour 1 tbsp of boiling water. Infuse the infusion for several hours, then filter and divide into 3 doses. Drink the infusion 3 times a day, before meals for 7-10 days;
  • Thyme, calendula and motherwort - mix 1 tsp of all herbs, pour 500 ml of boiling water, simmer for minutes over low heat. The decoction is left for 1-2 hours, then filtered and drunk before bed, 1/2-1 tbsp;
  • Sleep - herb - pour 1 tablespoon of sleep-herb or lumbago with 1 tablespoon of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, let it brew for minutes, then strain and bring boiled water to 200 ml. Take 1 tbsp every 2-4 hours;
  • Peony tincture – take 30 drops of alcohol tincture of peony evasive 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

If all of the above does not help you establish night sleep, you need to seek help from a specialist - a somnologist, who can accurately determine the cause of the pathology and help cope with the problem. Unfortunately, such specialists are not very common and it is not always possible to turn to them. In such a situation, a therapist or neurologist will help - they will rule out pathology of the nervous system or internal organs and, if necessary, prescribe drug treatment for insomnia.


I have insomnia, please give me some advice

Nervo-vit helps me now for insomnia or for sleep, as it is better to put it. In general, this is a sedative, but it has such a relaxing and calming effect on me that it makes me sleep like a baby.

I have ear phytocandles in stock. name reamed-relax. They contain lavender oil. really helps you fall asleep, honest pioneer)

In my opinion, insomnia in our country is not given due importance, and this is the problem of millions of people. When you can’t sleep, you sometimes want to get up and hang yourself, which is what some weaker people do, exhausted from sleepless nights.

I don’t know, in the last two or three weeks I’ve been having problems with sleep: I sleep (or do I still doze??) 4-5 (at most 6) hours a day. Obvious reasons no: I don’t smoke or drink, I don’t use drugs, I try not to get nervous, etc. and so on. However, I can’t sleep well.

But that doesn't bother me! 🙂 Yes, and I feel fine...

Insomnia is, first of all, a serious disease. You need a good specialist who will determine the reason, and a specialist Unfortunately, we can’t find it, so we swallow everything in a row, drink whoever says what, but this only harms or temporarily helps!

In fact, specialists in the treatment of sleep disorders are somnologists. They are usually taken in special sleep centers. I consulted with my insomnia at the Department of Sleep Medicine in the Moscow region, but if you are not from Moscow, they even conduct online consultations (I don’t remember exactly where, but they have such a service, you need to look on the Internet). I did this myself, although I still had to go for a consultation. But now the problem is solved, and under the supervision of a doctor. And not like some people swallow sleep pills all in a row.

What to do I can’t sleep for 3 days... help I’m very bad

Anna, I would advise you to figure out what exactly is bothering you in your dream. For example, I installed a sleep monitor (you can look, I ordered it in the 31st century), and it recorded what was happening, arranged everything according to the shelves and phases of sleep. Then, with that, go to the doctor! Without sleep for 3 days you can go crazy...

Good workout in the gym, and sweet Dreams secured. You come home and pass out... P.S. Play sports.

It’s not that sports didn’t help me, but also a lot of different folk remedies, and I even slept specifically in a certain position, it seems like it’s easier to fall asleep, etc. Well, all these remedies didn’t help me, I fell asleep just as hard, and the sleep itself was very superficial, so to speak, I heard any rustle, after which it was difficult to fall asleep again... Of course, I couldn’t stand it, I bought a sleeping pill, in my case Valocordin-Doxylamine , just don’t confuse it with regular Valocordin and life will get better. Why does it come in drops? I started with a small dose, and I didn’t need any more, I stopped drinking, gradually reducing the dose. The drug is good, I advise those who nothing helps, you are just tormenting yourself, take a sleeping pill and sleep peacefully.

I also suffered from insomnia, but it was due to stress. Before going to bed, I lay for a long time, imagining certain situations in life, thinking about what should and should not be done. I went to work with red eyes... I didn’t eat before going to bed, I went in for sports, but I couldn’t fall asleep, even if I was very tired. Valoserdin helped me, the same one that our grandmothers drank; it has a mild sedative effect, calms you down and helps you fall asleep. Literally 10 minutes after taking it, I was fast asleep. Then everything got better, the stress was released and I began to fall asleep on my own.

Herbal teas help very well, a lot. And it’s a huge plus that you can give it even to children when they can’t sleep - I brewed oregano for my 5-year-old son... I myself drink relaxen from hops and skullcap - all herbal infusions should be drunk immediately. You won’t keep them for a week, they will become meaningless and won’t help. And the tablets are of plant origin and do not need to be brewed.

How to get rid of a bad night's sleep?

Sleep is rightfully considered the most important part of human life - during a night's rest, our psycho-emotional and physical state is restored, and the brain processes and assimilates the information received during the day.

Insomnia (insomnia) recognized medical illness, but it is almost impossible to overcome it with the help of medications - all sleeping pills are addictive.

Therefore, if you enter into a search engine the query “bad sleep at night in an adult, what to do with folk remedies,” you are on the right track - only alternative medicine can effectively cure insomnia.

Why does insomnia occur?

All sleep disorders are associated with deviations in the activity of the central nervous system, and therefore the lack of a good night's rest can be caused by any problem that causes a person to worry - financial difficulties, personal conflicts, separation from a loved one, sexual difficulties.

Although stress is considered the main cause of restless sleep, there are other common sources of insomnia.

Main causes of poor sleep in adults

  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • mental excitement;
  • disturbances in the usual rhythm of life (time zone changes, night shifts, late preparation for exams);
  • the use of pharmaceuticals that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • neurological and cardiac diseases(osteochondrosis, high blood pressure, arrhythmia);
  • mental disorders (depression, increased anxiety, sleepwalking);
  • hormonal disorders during pregnancy;
  • smoking and unhealthy lifestyle.

Manifestations of insomnia

In order not to miss the early symptoms of the disease and start treatment on time, pay attention to following signs(in the first stages they may appear periodically):

Traditional medicine is the best remedy for poor sleep

Home remedies for treating insomnia are simple and varied - they help restore peace of mind without much expense or hassle.

Benefits of using natural remedies:

  1. They have a milder effect - they are non-toxic and, unlike antidepressants, do not have a suppressive effect on the nervous system.
  2. They are not addictive - it is impossible to “get hooked” on them, like on a drug, which usually occurs as a result of prolonged use of sleeping pills.
  3. Have less side effects.
  4. They have practically no contraindications - after a short consultation with a doctor, everyone can take them.
  5. Folk remedies can be used in parallel with any other medications - they enhance and reinforce the therapeutic effect.
  6. Cleverly selected herbal tea treats not only insomnia, but also other related diseases.
  7. Every woman knows that taking sedative medications during pregnancy is categorically not recommended - with insomnia caused by hormonal changes, it is best to fight with natural remedies.

Folk remedies for insomnia that everyone should know

  1. Chamomile tea. This is the most famous and simple method of dealing with stress - it calms the nervous system and normalizes work digestive system. The tea is brewed in the traditional way, but if desired, you can add honey, cinnamon and warm milk.
  2. Milk with honey. You need to dissolve one spoon of honey in a glass of warm milk - this pleasant and mild-tasting drink is taken immediately before bed.
  3. Herbal bag. You need to sew a small bag from cotton or flannelette fabric and fill it with a variety of medicinal herbs that improve the quality of sleep - oregano, valerian, lavender, St. John's wort or other plants that are at hand that emit a pleasant aroma (fresh hop cones are perfect for these purposes). The bag should be kept at the head of the head or under the pillow, then the smell of meadow herbs will help you forget about all the stress and set your body up for a sound sleep.
  4. Baths with medicinal herbs. Any water treatments They perfectly help cope with insomnia, and at home before bed you can take relaxing baths - they add all sorts of medicinal decoctions. It is best to brew linden and valerian - herbal solution bring to a boil, cool and strain, pour into the bath. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, and swimming itself usually lasts no more than 30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2-3 hours before going to bed and always make sure that the water does not cover your chest in the heart area, otherwise blood circulation may, on the contrary, worsen.

The most effective remedies for insomnia

  1. Apple vinegar. This composition not only relieves insomnia, it helps remove toxic substances from the body. Mix 3 tsp in a glass of warm water. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. honey, let the drink brew and take it right before bed.
  2. Anti-stress drink. To prepare this remedy you will need a ripe banana, a tablespoon of ground nuts, half a glass of milk and 20 g of sprouted grains of wheat– all ingredients must be mixed, whisked thoroughly and drunk in small sips an hour before bedtime.
  3. Dill seed tincture. It is prepared on the basis of Cahors - you will need half a liter of church wine. Add 60 g of dill seeds to “Kagor” and cook for 15 minutes over low heat, after which the mixture should sit for at least an hour. Take 30–40 g of the tincture before bed; on average, treatment lasts about 2 weeks. Important! You can take tinctures prepared with alcohol for no more than three weeks, and if you need to continue treatment, use a drug that does not contain alcohol.
  4. Carrot-grapefruit juice. For two medium carrots you will need one grapefruit - the drink is prepared using a juicer, and you need to take it 3 times a day after meals, 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  5. Lemon juice with honey. For a glass of lemon juice, take a tbsp. a spoonful of honey (preferably buckwheat) and a small handful of walnuts, which must first be chopped. The juice and honey are mixed until smooth, the nut is added later, the medicine is infused for 5 days, and 1 tbsp is drunk. spoon before bed.
  6. Oregano decoction. 3 teaspoons of herb are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 30–40 minutes - drink the medicine 1/3 cup 4 times a day half an hour before meals and always warm.
  7. Bran with honey. Soften 180 g of bran with ½ glass of water, and then add 100 g of liquid honey - the course of treatment lasts a month, take 3 tbsp. spoons before bed.
  8. Sleep herb tincture. This folk remedy, in addition to being a sedative, also has an analgesic effect. 15 fresh buds of the plant must be crushed and poured with ½ liter of vodka, then leave the mixture in a dark place for 12 days. Take the medicine one tablespoon at a time. spoon an hour before bedtime. If necessary, the dose can be increased, but not too sharply - sleep-herb in large quantities negatively affects sexual activity.
  9. Onion salad. Both onions and green onions have a calming and hypnotic effect– plan your dinner correctly and don’t forget to add more of this miraculous vegetable to your salad.
  10. If you can say about your problem: “I have poor sleep, I often wake up at night,” this means that you are not sleeping deeply enough, your body cannot relax to the required state. In this case, an infusion of valerian is best suited - this plant is considered the most effective in the fight against insomnia. A tablespoon of crushed valerian root is poured into a glass of cold boiled water– the mixture is infused for 8–10 hours, and the strained tincture should be taken a teaspoon in the morning and evening.
  11. For those who have not yet decided how to get rid of bad sleep, you can try making pumpkin broth. It will require 300 g of pumpkin, which will need to be chopped and boiled (no more than 5 minutes) in a liter of water. The broth is infused for only 20 minutes - you need to strain it and drink half a glass before going to bed. If desired, the drink can be sweetened with honey - this remedy is perfect for children, they really like its pleasant taste.

Is it possible to take alcohol as a sleeping pill?

Many traditional healers and some doctors recommend drinking a small amount of red wine before bed or even preparing a special homemade tincture with alcohol to take at night to relax and calm the nerves.

Indeed, sometimes so-called healthy strong drinks (balms, special liqueurs and wines) in small doses help you fall asleep faster, but you will very soon realize that this is just an imaginary improvement.

Your poor sleep after alcohol will become even worse over time - consciousness will turn off only superficially, and the amount of alcohol will have to be constantly increased.

You will experience fragmented, shallow sleep and frequent awakenings at night, which will ultimately cause morning headaches, a general feeling of fatigue and decreased performance. Feeling unwell during the day will only make your insomnia worse.

To get rid of insomnia and restore normal sleep, folk remedies alone will, of course, not be enough - to ensure that your pleasure from a night's rest is as maximum as possible, learn to follow some rules:

  1. There is no need to go to bed and try to fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep at all - it’s better to read a book, watch a light movie, listen to relaxing music.
  2. Don't eat before bed - eating heavy food late in the morning will deprive you of all the benefits of a healthy night's rest, you'll sleep restlessly and not soundly, and unnecessary calories will also have a bad effect on your figure.
  3. You should not go to bed if you are in an irritated state - be sure to find some way to relax that is accessible to you: water treatments, light self-massage, meditative practices.
  4. Create comfortable conditions in the bedroom: do not forget to ventilate the room, remove all sources extraneous sounds, buy a humidifier, and never use nightlights - complete darkness is necessary for deep sleep.
  5. Try to go to bed at the same time every evening - it’s better to go to bed early, around 10-11, your body will get used to it and it will be easier for you to fall asleep.
  6. Get rid of the habit of sleeping during the day - even if you are very sleepy, try to cheer yourself up somehow, otherwise you not only risk insomnia, but a headache will become your constant companion.
  7. One of the most pleasant ways to combat shallow sleep is aromatherapy. Particular attention should be paid to lavender, juniper and sandalwood oils - they can be rubbed into your temples before bed or dripped into a special aroma lamp.
  8. Learn to deal with yours anxiety states– outline the boundaries of your own fears, stop being afraid of imaginary situations, and if necessary, work with a psychologist.
  9. Before going to bed, give yourself a scalp massage - stroke the skin of the top of your head with smooth rake-like movements and lightly rub your temples.
  10. Buy bed linen only from natural fabrics and give preference to dark shades - they soothe and set the mood for relaxation.
  11. Don’t forget about physical activity - if you can’t go to the gym, do light exercises in the morning, and take walks in the fresh air in the evening.

Every time you go to bed in the evening, try to forget about all your unresolved problems and think about something pleasant - don’t rush to accept potent drugs, a person is always stronger than circumstances.

Opt for traditional medicine - home remedies will not only improve your restless sleep, but also strengthen the immune system of the entire body as a whole.

Follow the simplest recommendations - relax more, walk in the fresh air, use all the methods of evening relaxation available to you. A healthy night's sleep will be restored, and with it a good mood and desire to enjoy life will return.

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3 Comments for the article “How to get rid of a bad night's sleep? ”

Great advice, now a little bit juniper oil on the bedside table and read) + I can recommend glycine, I bought chewing gum, chewed it for three days, performed the rituals and everything is ok)

Sleep is the key to health.

But how can you not eat at night if you return from work at 20-21, damn it. But I understand that this is harmful to health and sleep. But aromatherapy combined with a hot bubble bath is relaxing, and after it you want to go straight to bed! This is the first time I’ve heard about glycine in chewing gum, I’ll have to try it.

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All information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a guide to action. Before using any product, ALWAYS consult your physician. The site administration is not responsible for the practical use of recommendations from articles.

How to deal with insomnia

People of any age are susceptible to insomnia. Both an old man and a teenager can toss and turn in bed all night, looking for how to get rid of insomnia. Insomnia is especially common among those people who engage in active mental activity. In psychology, it is generally accepted that if this disease is not dealt with, it will negatively affect the person’s condition, resulting in a decrease in the quality of his life and disorders of the nervous system.

Methods for treating insomnia

Many people often wonder: how to fall asleep if you can’t sleep? The best way, if insomnia is not caused by illness, is sedentary, monotonous activities. For example, reading books, praying or knitting, but not working on the computer. Strain causes eye fatigue and disrupts sleep. You can use other remedies for insomnia:

  • a hot bath before bed;
  • warm drink with honey;
  • to combat the disease, you need to move a lot, for example, go to a cafe or store during lunch, and after work it is advisable to take a short walk;
  • swimming in the pool and doing basic exercises;
  • visiting a psychologist;
  • hypnosis;
  • use of homeopathy methods.


Choosing medicines against insomnia is limited to the fact that as such universal drug There is no cure for this disease. Treatment of asomnia is the restoration of the disturbed biological rhythm of sleep. A medicine for insomnia isolated from a complex of health procedures will not solve the main problem of agrypnia - painful insomnia. It is always better to start treatment with herbal preparations.


In the fight against insomnia, several groups of medications are used: sedatives, antihistamines, tranquilizers. They are constantly being improved to reduce side effects and various contraindications. The pills are becoming available to all age groups of patients. As a rule, to overcome signs of illness, people buy over-the-counter drugs for insomnia, containing a plant base:

Persen tablets for insomnia have a mild effect. They contain lemon balm and valerian extract. They will not make you feel drowsy during the day. The course of treatment is one week. The drug should be taken 3 times a day, 2 capsules. Ortho-Taurine prevents fatigue (physical and mental) and promotes sleep. Not addictive. You need to drink 2 capsules an hour before bedtime, treatment - from 10 days to a month.


Besides pills, what helps with insomnia? Drops! Anyone who suffers from asomnia (insomnia) should pay attention to the new domestic drug Valemidin. It contains only herbal soothing ones: motherwort, valerian, mint. Adults should take drops against insomnia before meals, having first dissolved them in water. Dose 30 drops 4 times a day. They should be taken for no more than 10 days. Lily of the valley drops can also help with insomnia - you need to take 30 drops diluted in water for a week at night.

Folk remedies

Proven folk remedies can help with asomnia. Our great-grandmothers knew how to get rid of insomnia at home. All treatment for easily excitable healthy people comes down to maintaining a sleep schedule. For prolonged agripnia, along with drug treatment, it is recommended to take natural simple remedies from traditional medicine. Treatment with foods and herbs for insomnia is very simple.


Ivan tea treats insomnia: pour boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. dried herb, leave the tincture in a thermos for 5 hours. Take 4 times a day. Elderberry will also help cope with the disease: a tablespoon of red elderberry root should be brewed with boiling water, then boiled for 15 minutes and left for half an hour. Use the decoction 3 times a day. Dill infusion helps with illness: one tbsp. Dry herbs should be brewed with boiling water and poured into a thermos overnight. Then strain. Drink a decoction for insomnia, one glass a day. There is also a herbal tea:

With the help of honey

Honey helps strengthen the body, makes it easier to fall asleep and acts as a sedative for the nervous system. Recipes:

  1. Honey with milk is a great remedy for insomnia. Every day before going to bed you should drink a warm milk product with honey.
  2. Beet juice and honey: you need to take a glass of honey and a glass of beet juice, stir and pour into any jar. You need to drink the infusion 3 times, 1 tbsp each. l. per day until all the mixture is gone.
  3. As a preventative measure, drink warm honey water at night.

How to deal with insomnia at home

Sleep disturbance prevents a person from living peacefully and conducting normal activities. Many people, faced with a problem, have no idea what to do to sleep? You can try to cope with the illness at home before visiting a doctor. To do this you need:

  • maintain a diet;
  • exclude heavy food from the diet;
  • exercise;
  • take vitamins;
  • To breathe fresh air;
  • specially prepare sleeping area before going to bed: ventilate the room, use orthopedic bedding.

In children

The main condition for preparing for bed is the routine. If your child goes to bed at the same time every day, he will soon get used to it. More tips:

  • Create a special sleep ritual with your baby. You need some kind of repetitive action performed just before going to bed. For example, reading a fairy tale or swimming.
  • A lullaby is a time-tested way to sleep. The child will feel loved.

During pregnancy

You can often hear from pregnant women: “I wake up at night and can’t sleep, what can I take?” Before taking medication, you should consult your doctor to ensure the drug is safe for your unborn child. In addition, it is important to avoid daytime stress. Drink thyme tea before bed. Don't sleep during the day. To get rid of asomnia, it helps:

  • daily physical education;
  • daily regime;
  • ventilation of the room;
  • comfortable pajamas and a place to sleep;
  • an evening walk.

In old age

Sleep disturbances are more common among older people. They may suffer due to the fact that blood circulation worsens and melatonin levels decrease. This problem should be treated and eliminated using specific medications. The main condition is that remedies for insomnia for the elderly must be safe and not cause complications in the entire body. In addition, the following actions will help older people cure insomnia:

  • you need to make your bed comfortable;
  • avoid stress;
  • do not drink coffee or too strong tea;
  • exclude fatty foods;
  • ventilate the room, but so as not to get sick;
  • walk more often in the fresh air;
  • sleep in cotton underwear.

What causes insomnia

The causes of insomnia are: chronic illness, overexcitement, overwork, negative attitude towards the world, poor lifestyle. The cause of illness can be drinking a mug of strong tea at night, or eating a fatty dish for dinner and drinking a glass of wine or beer. In addition, asomnia can become a symptom when:

  • binge;
  • in women - during menopause;
  • in newborns - with colic;
  • depression;
  • taking medications;
  • loud music, bright light in the room;
  • bad habits;
  • strong feelings.

Video: how to fall asleep with insomnia

Different people are susceptible to insomnia - regardless of their social status, age, gender and level of income. Only the reasons for its occurrence are individual. How to quickly get rid of insomnia, medications and methods of treating asomnia are well described in the video. Following simple tips famous people, you will forever forget what a sleep disorder is.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

Reasons for not getting a good night's rest. Symptoms and treatment methods. Peaceful, healthy sleep is a vital function of the human body, during which psychological processing of daily activities occurs, internal metabolic processes, self-healing of organs occurs after a hard day of work. Poor sleep at night in an adult a person is an alarming signal that should not be neglected in the interests of one’s own health.

Sleep disturbances are a common phenomenon that occurs in at different ages, while for each age category have their own reasons.

Pathological drowsiness may be a manifestation hormonal abnormalities, a consequence of somatic diseases in which a sick person is prevented from sleeping peacefully by an attack of asthma, itching, angina pectoris or increased urination. There can be a huge number of causes for sleep disorders.

What prevents a person from getting enough sleep?

What are the causes of poor sleep in adults? What factors influence restless, sleepless nights? The main causes of restless night sleep:

  • external factors: telephone calls, noise from neighbors, light from the street;
  • increased emotional background, irritability, outbursts of anger, experiencing difficult life situations(divorce, dismissal, betrayal of friends) - severely depress the nervous system and provoke sleep problems;
  • uncontrolled use of psychotropic stimulants, dietary supplements, hormonal medications;
  • poor sleep is guaranteed after alcohol, drugs;
  • information boom: modern media and the Internet are replete with an uncontrollable flow of information - nightmares seen the day before can be projected in a dream;
  • poor nutrition: in the evening, biorhythms slow down and the gastrointestinal tract finds it difficult to digest heavy foods;
  • 24-hour working day, change of time zones;
  • poor sleep after training: do not abuse strength training late in the evening, everything should be in moderation, give the body the opportunity to recover.

Forward: Remedies for insomnia without sleeping pills

To easily fall asleep and wake up, take care of comfortable conditions in advance, eliminating the irritant, you will be guaranteed a restful sleep.

What are the dangers of poor sleep? Consequences

The causes of sleep disorders may be temporary. Lack of sleep can occur over three days and is episodic. If sleep disturbance bothers you for more than three weeks, insomnia becomes chronic. Possible consequences:

  • the risk of accidents increases;
  • appearance deteriorates;
  • are decreasing protective functions body;
  • irritability and depression appear (how ladies can cope with depression - read the article on how a woman can get out of depression on her own);
  • there are problems with memory and concentration;
  • the risk of heart disease increases.

A person cannot exist without sleep just like without food, water and oxygen. People who say they don't sleep are mistaken. There is sleep, but it is anxious, intermittent, and there is no charge of vigor after waking up.

How to break the vicious circle and give yourself a relaxing night's rest?

Against the background of health problems, stress, physical and emotional fatigue, abuse bad habits– each of us asks ourselves the question: “Why do I have bad sleep, why do I often wake up at night? How to enjoy your sleep, waking up rested, full of strength and energy?

Forward: This is how much sleep an adult needs per day

If you suffer from sleep disorders, analyze your daily routine, lifestyle, check what you eat, how healthy the foods are for the body, how often you eat hiking in the fresh air. Excessive anxieties and worries do not allow you to relax even during sleep - try to reduce them yourself or by seeking advice from a specialist.

Modern medical supplies do not cause addiction, normalize the process of falling asleep. Gentle medications stabilize sleep rhythms in night period and allow an adult to forget about insomnia. Often the doctor prescribes a combination of homeopathic treatment, infusions soothing herbs and general recommendations - everything is individual, depending on the causes of the failure and personal symptoms.

Poor sleep at night can debilitate an adult; our advice will tell you what to do. General recommendations, which will help you wake up as an energetic and rested person.

Sleep disturbance manifests itself in a subjective feeling of lack of rest. This illness consists of prolonged falling asleep, disruption of sleep depth and time of awakening. More than 30% of the world's population are diagnosed with such disorders. The phenomenon often occurs in old age, but can also be a problem in the younger generation. The etiological factors for each disease differ significantly.


The causes of sleep disturbances in a child arise from excessive excitability of the nervous system. Even a little stress can lead to illness. In adults, sleep disturbances can be caused by somatic problems. These indicators include:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • disorders of the neuropsychic system;
  • improper metabolism.

Sleep disturbances occur only in those people who are highly susceptible and hypersensitive to various situations. It is psycho-emotional stress that can lead to a person beginning to develop insomnia.

Another reason is taking medications. The disorder also manifests itself when consuming caffeinated drinks, drug or alcohol abuse.

During pregnancy, women especially often experience difficulty falling asleep. The disease can be caused by both physiological and pathological problems. The first category includes the following reasons:

  • difficulty in finding an acceptable pose;
  • all over the back;
  • fetal movement;
  • itching in the abdominal area;

During pregnancy, pathology can develop due to exacerbation of such factors - fast fatiguability, stress and nervous tension, nightmares and fears.


Clinicians have determined that sleep disturbance has different reasons manifestations that can be classified according to different criteria. The disease itself also manifests itself in several forms. Thus, based on the duration of the illness, doctors determined:

  • short-term insomnia;
  • chronic.

According to the etiological factor, there are primary and secondary, which are caused by early mental disorders, diseases or medications.

To diagnose a disease, it is very important for the doctor to determine the type of disease according to the classification presented below. Therefore, sleep disorders have the following types:

  • insomnia – difficulty falling asleep. Manifests itself from mental illnesses, from the use of medications or alcoholic beverages, from respiratory problems, from nocturnal myoclonus and “restless legs” syndrome;
  • – pathological drowsiness. Develops from the above factors;
  • temporary disturbance of sleep and periods of wakefulness;
  • parasomnia - manifests itself in a violation of the functional spectrum, which is associated with sleep, determination of sleep phases, and defective awakening. They are formed from movement during night rest, fears and anxieties, epileptic seizures and other functional failures.


Symptoms of sleep disorders in children and adults can manifest themselves in general clinical picture, characterized by various manifestations:

  • feeling of lack of sleep;
  • it is impossible to fall asleep at the usual time, which is accompanied by anxiety, fear and obsessive thoughts;
  • restless rest with frequent awakenings;
  • when falling asleep, the time of wakefulness comes earlier than usual and the person cannot fall asleep a second time, or sleep may be too restless (such sleep disturbances appear in older people and in depression);
  • lack of restored strength after rest;
  • and naps during the day;
  • fatigue;
  • anxiety before falling asleep.

When the patient suffers from insomnia, he falls asleep too late, he is tormented by strange thoughts and it is difficult to find a comfortable position.

If the illness is formed from the abuse of alcoholic beverages or medications, sleep becomes small phases, since everything fast periods are significantly shortened and the patient wakes up at night. After a person stops taking too much alcohol, the restoration of the regime begins within a week.

With a disorder from, a person complains of constant uncontrolled movements of the legs, feet, or thumb. They last only 2 seconds, but can be repeated frequently.

Violation of the regime manifests itself in falling asleep during attacks during the day. This disorder manifests itself when traveling, eating, monotonous work or an overly active process.

Disruption of normal sleep patterns and wakefulness occurs from moving to different time zones or changing work schedules. Adaptation in this case occurs in 2–3 days. Sleep disturbance in adults is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • has difficulty falling asleep at a certain time;
  • falling asleep early in the evening or getting up too early;
  • non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome.

If the patient develops against a background of fears, then such panic attacks may be accompanied by strong discharge sweat, dilated pupils. After a few minutes, the normal state is restored and the person falls asleep.

In infants, bedwetting is also a manifestation of sleep disorder. Often in a newborn, such a symptom manifests itself as physiological reasons, since the urinary system is not yet sufficiently developed. It may also be a sign of a violation of the regime in older children who have learned to go to the toilet on their own. In the second case, the symptom is pathological.

Patients may also exhibit the following additional indicators:

  • with apnea - snoring, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating;
  • at - , pain syndrome in the facial muscles, temples, jaw, decrease hard tissue teeth, appearance.


To determine how to treat a sleep disorder, the patient first needs to consult a doctor. WITH similar problem a person should consult a somnologist.

For examination, doctors prescribe polysomnography with cardiorespiratory analysis - special sensors record a person’s sleep and all manifestations. After completion of the experiment, data on electroencephalography, electrooculography, electromyography, electrocardiography, respiration, and blood oxygen saturation are analyzed.

Such an examination makes it possible to determine the following nuances as accurately as possible:

  • cycle ratio;
  • their change;
  • other factors affecting sleep.

The disorder can be diagnosed in another way - by identifying average latency. This method will allow the physician to determine the root cause of drowsiness and identify narcolepsy if it has developed in the patient. The experiment is carried out on the basis of 5 attempts to fall asleep while awake. Each time a person has 20 minutes to fall asleep. A second attempt is made two hours later. The average sleep latency is revealed over all attempts of a person. If the indicator is more than 10 minutes, then this is normal; within 5–10 minutes is an extreme indicator of the norm; less than 5 is abnormal drowsiness.


After diagnosing a sleep disorder, the treating doctor prescribes treatment. There are many ways in medicine to treat such pathology. However, if the symptoms are not significant and the person does not exhibit serious complications, then you can get by with simple rules:

  • go to bed at a familiar time and in a familiar environment, before going to bed it is advisable to ventilate the room, you can walk a little outside, take a warm bath or read a book;
  • distribute time for work and rest;
  • use sedatives made from natural ingredients;
  • It is recommended to exclude all caffeine-containing drinks;
  • Avoid alcohol 6 hours before bedtime.

Drug treatment of sleep disorders is based on taking the following drugs:

  • sedatives;
  • antidepressants;
  • sleeping pills.

In addition to drugs and general rules leading a healthy lifestyle, what else can be done to eliminate the disease? Doctors advise people with this problem to resort to physiotherapeutic procedures. Therefore, the patient is prescribed:

  • pine baths;
  • electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep;
  • hypnotherapy;
  • autogenic training.

The drugs can cope well with pathology, but you can also use non-drug methods. Often patients are prescribed acupuncture. It helps to normalize all phases of sleep, reduce latent sleep, restore normal duration and depth of rest, and reduce the manifestation of neuropathic symptoms.

To eliminate sleep disturbances in children, parents need to strictly follow the recommendations of doctors. To do this, you need to carry out the following activities:

  • keep a sleep diary in which you record the time of falling asleep and waking up, night wakefulness, and the child’s behavior during the day;
  • walk in the fresh air, feed correctly and at the same time;
  • ventilate the child’s room, observe temperature regime and humidity;
  • reduce the activity of the infant or older child in evening time;
  • maintain a calm and loving family environment.

During pregnancy, women also have special treatment rules, namely:

  • distance yourself from overexertion;
  • give up nap;
  • talk to loved ones about nightmares;
  • exercise your lungs physical exercise;
  • do not eat at night;
  • take a light bath and shower before bed;
  • drink less fluids in the evening;
  • before going to bed you can drink warm milk;
  • ventilate the bedroom;
  • clothes should be clean and comfortable;
  • do breathing exercises In the evening.

It is better not to take sleeping pills during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Doctors advise getting rid of the disease using the above methods or folk remedies, but only after consulting a doctor.


Dream is important function for a person. During rest, all organs and systems of the body are restored and prepared for a new day. Therefore sleep takes important place among other functions. If you ignore the manifestations of a person’s regime disorder, they may begin severe stress, depression and other problems. During the period of disturbed sleep, the patient may develop the following complications:

  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • excessive absorption of carbohydrates;
  • weak immunity;
  • deterioration of attention and concentration;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • and irritability.


In order to prevent the disease, doctors advise using many of the tips that are prescribed to patients for therapy:

  • balance rest and wakefulness;
  • limit physical and mental stress;
  • correctly use drugs that affect the nervous system.

Prevention of pathology also consists in preventing the formation of cranial mechanical damage and neuroinfections.

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Health 5

Millions of people spend dark time days without rest or sleep. Exhausted, they are then forced to fight the urge to sleep throughout the next day.

Although taking sleeping pills partially solves this problem, they are still unsuitable for use due to side effects. permanent use.

You can eat the healthiest diet in the world, do the most the best program training, it is easy to cope with stress, however, if you do not sleep well, it is impossible to achieve full health.

An adult has a bad night's sleep - what to do when all methods have been tried, but there is still no result? My post today will give you some tips to solve the problem.

What is sleep?

Very often people try to solve it, but they know absolutely nothing about it. In one of Dr. Torsunov’s lectures, I really liked his statement, I don’t remember it word for word, but something like, if you don’t start going to bed before 10 o’clock in the evening, then nothing will help you become healthy person.

During the transition from wakefulness to the deep stages of sleep, a person reaches a state of maximum calm. It is very similar to the state when a person meditates. During meditation, a person seems to be asleep, but at the same time gets the opportunity to achieve enlightenment in his real activities.

Thus, sleep is not just a lack of wakefulness, but something much more valuable.

It is inextricably linked with important levels hormones, including melatonin, the production of which is disrupted due to lack of night rest. Melatonin inhibits some types of cancer cells and also causes self-destruction cancer cells.

Lack of sleep reduces levels of the hormone leptin, which regulates your fat, and increases the hunger hormone ghrelin. As a result, hunger increases, which leads to overeating and weight gain. Therefore, if you are unable to do so, then try to adjust your nightly rest routine. You should go to bed before 10 pm and get up at sunrise, earlier in summer than in winter.

Sleep disturbance is a serious problem that deprives many sufferers of such disorders vitality, reduces performance. The importance of the sleep cycle cannot be underestimated, as it is dangerous to health and even life.

Sleep is vital important cycle repeated day after day. It is characterized by a state of rest, physical inactivity, lasting on average about 8 hours. During this period, the body rests. The body systems are restored, information received during the day is processed and stored, resistance increases immune system to infectious agents.

Various external and internal factors can affect the sleep cycle. As a result, they develop various kinds sleep disorders. Why do sleep cycle disorders occur? What diseases is this associated with? How to restore sleep patterns? How to deal with sleep disorders? The answers to these important questions will be discussed in the article below.

Types of sleep cycle disorders

There is a special classification of sleep cycle disorders. The main types of pathologies of the sleep cycle are the following conditions:

  1. Insomnia is a type of pathological condition that is characterized by problems with the process of falling asleep. At the same time, the sleep cycle itself is short-term, very sensitive. Insomnia develops against the background mental illness nervous system, or as a result long-term use alcohol, some medications.
  2. Hypersomnia is a type of sleep pathology characterized by a state of constant drowsiness. People suffering from this disorder can sleep up to 20 hours a day. It develops as a result of deep depression and chronic lack of sleep. There are such forms of hypersomnia:
  • – a type of hypersomnia characterized by sudden attack drowsiness, causing a person to fall asleep on the spot. The main symptom of this disease is cataplexy - loss of muscle tone while awake (a person freezes in a certain position, without loss of consciousness);
  • – excessive sleepiness in daytime days;
  • a type of hypersomnia associated with alcohol dependence.
  1. Parasomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by disruptions in the phases of the sleep cycle, as a result of which a person often wakes up at night. Restless sleep develops against the background of enuresis (urinary incontinence during night rest), various forms of sleepwalking, and epilepsy (bursts of electrical activity in the brain). May be associated with night terrors and nightmares.
  2. in a dream - disruption of the pulmonary ventilation process. As a result of such a failure, an adult develops hypoxia - oxygen starvation tissues, which leads to impaired concentration and daytime sleepiness. Apnea is accompanied by snoring, which makes it difficult for close family members and the sufferer to rest.
  3. Ordinary insomnia is the most common sleep cycle disorder, which can be caused by various factors.
  4. Sleep paralysis is a common phenomenon in which, at the stage of falling asleep or waking up, a person is aware of everything, but cannot move or speak. enough.
  5. Bruxism - . It appears in both adults and children.

Causes of sleep disturbances. Symptoms

The normal sleep cycle is characterized by the process falling asleep quickly, awakening after which occurs after a certain period of time (depending on how much time a person needs to rest). On average, an adult's nightly rest should be at least 8 hours.

However, due to certain factors, sleep cycles and quality may be disrupted. This is due to the state of health, the presence of chronic diseases and negative impact external environment. So, the main causes of sleep disturbance in adults are:

  • emotional excitement, shock. Such conditions can develop due to frequent stress, prolonged depression, aggression, strong shocks associated with illness, death of loved ones. Also, sleep disturbance in adults can occur due to upcoming exciting events: student session, wedding, childbirth, divorce, job loss;
  • daily use of substances that excite the nervous system before bedtime, overeating. These can be drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee), as well as alcohol, energy drinks, and in worst cases, drugs. Some medications can negatively affect the quality of the sleep cycle;
  • failure in work endocrine system, thyroid diseases. Poor sleep is observed in women during menstruation, when the level of female sex hormones increases, or during menopause. Sleep disturbance, insomnia is observed with hyperthyroidism - excessive release of thyroid hormones into the blood, which activate metabolism in the body;
  • diseases of internal organs: asthma, arthritis, ischemic disease hearts, renal failure, Parkinson's disease and similar mental illnesses. As a result of such diseases, a person experiences enormous physical discomfort, debilitating pain, which makes it difficult to sleep.
  • disturbance of sleep patterns, uncomfortable conditions for rest: presence unpleasant odors, too high or low room temperature, light, extraneous noise, unusual surroundings.

These are the main reasons that lead to short-term or long-term disruption of the sleep cycle. The following symptoms may indicate this condition: a long period of falling asleep, constant changes in body position, very frequent awakenings at night, restless sleep, getting out of bed early in the morning. After such a dream, a person feels exhausted, tired, concentration and memory processes decrease.

The consequences of sleep disturbance can be very dire. So, for those who regularly lack sleep or sleep poorly, the risk of illness increases by cardiovascular diseases, diabetes. Poor sleep leads to obesity, immunodeficiency, and breast cancer in women.

Causes and treatment of sleep cycle disorders. Diagnostics

The problem of poor sleep cannot be neglected. If a person daily has complaints like:

  • “I can’t sleep for a long time.”
  • “I often wake up at night.”
  • “I wake up very early, I can’t get enough sleep,” this eloquently indicates a disruption in the sleep cycle. In this case, he simply needs to contact a treating specialist and undergo a complete medical examination. You cannot hesitate, as accumulating fatigue can lead to irreparable health problems.

Who to contact?

To diagnose sleep cycle disorders, people consult a somnologist who specializes in dreams, problems, and diseases associated with the sleep cycle. If such a specialist medical institution is not available, then you can consult a therapist, psychotherapist, or neurologist. They will tell you how to restore sleep. If there is a serious problem, you will have to contact a somnologist.

Remember, a person who sees a doctor on time avoids many health problems!

Sleep disorders are diagnosed in a special laboratory. The following methods are used for this:


It is carried out in a special laboratory where the necessary equipment is available. During this procedure, the patient must be under the supervision of doctors during the night's rest.

A person is connected to different sensors that measure frequency breathing movements, heartbeat, pulse, electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. Based on these indicators, a somnologist can determine the real problem of poor sleep, tell you what to do, and prescribe appropriate therapy.

SLS method - study of average sleep latency

This technique is carried out in cases where the doctor suspects that the patient has hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness), especially narcolepsy.

During this procedure, the suffering person is given 5 attempts to fall asleep, each of which lasts about 20 minutes, the interval between them is 2 hours. If the patient falls asleep in more than 10 minutes, then he has no disturbances, within 5-10 minutes - borderline range, in less than 5 minutes - a clear sleep disorder.

How to restore sleep patterns?

It's vital important question. The listed diagnostic methods will help the doctor get a complete picture of what is happening with human body during a night's rest. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Sleep disturbances and severe insomnia are treated by taking medications such as:

  • sleeping pills different strengths actions;
  • antidepressants (if the cause of sleep cycle disturbance is a severe form of depression);
  • antipsychotics with a calming effect, psychotonics are prescribed to patients with severe sleep disorders;
  • sedative (calming) drugs can be taken by anyone who is nervous before a night's rest or is in an excited state;
  • drugs with a vasodilating effect in combination with mild types of sleeping pills are intended for elderly patients whose poor sleep cycle is caused by arrhythmia or angina pectoris.

It is important to remember that self-prescribing treatment with sleeping pills is very dangerous, since in most cases, long-term use of such medications causes various types of addiction, leading to a malfunction of the central nervous system and its organs, aggravating the problem of sleep disorders. Only a qualified doctor should prescribe a course of treatment.

If poor sleep at night is associated with experiences before important event, old age, troubles at work, etc., then you can drink a soothing tea, decoction, or herbal infusion half an hour before rest. For these purposes, chamomile tea made from its flowers, or mint, lemon balm, and their leaves is well suited. After this tea, you will fall asleep better, you will sleep soundly.

You can saturate your bedroom with the pleasant smell of lavender from an aroma lamp. Its pleasant aroma calms and relaxes. The smell of lavender will make a woman wake up joyful and full of strength. You can also place a bag of dry herbs of jasmine and lavender near the pillow.

At the pharmacy you can buy an alcohol tincture of motherwort, which is an excellent remedy for insomnia and its other manifestations. At home, you can prepare a decoction from this plant and drink throughout the day.

For older people whose sleep cycle is disrupted, a decoction of lily of the valley herb is well suited, which normalizes heart function and eliminates arrhythmia. Regular appointment This decoction will restore the sleep cycle.

Sleep problems. What to do?

However, sleep problems in adults and insomnia are often associated with the most seemingly insignificant factors, such as: overeating, intense physical activity, a cup of strong coffee or black tea. Therefore, in order to normalize the sleep cycle, we first need to prevent sleep disorders, which includes following these simple rules:

  • create all the conditions for a comfortable rest: make the bed with a clean sheet, ventilate the room, if necessary, install an aroma lamp;
  • take a contrast shower before bed;
  • let him close person give a light restorative massage;
  • do not eat 2 hours before bedtime;
  • do not engage in activities that can overstimulate the nervous system;
  • before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk with honey, or soothing tea;
  • If you wake up at night, it is better not to get up, not to start doing active things. You need to lie down for a while, after a while you will fall asleep again.
  • always remember if you often wake up at night, especially in early age, then you need to see a doctor. The sooner you get rid of the problem of poor sleep, the more you can avoid many diseases.

The above tips will relieve fatigue after a hard day, help you relax and calm down. In such an environment it will be easy to fall into a deep, sweet sleep.