How to eat avocados the right way. The benefits of avocados for humans

Hi Dear friends and readers of my blog! There are fruits with a secret that you fall in love with, if you only know which key to pick up, otherwise you will be disappointed. We will talk about one of them today. So, how is avocado eaten, raw or not, what does it go with, how to choose it correctly, simple recipes with him - and you will have much more opportunities to get to know him better.

Avocado has long been a rare exotic for our country, which is extremely difficult to find. And if it was so before, now, please, in any supermarket more or less big city you will meet this fruit. However, he still cannot boast that he has won the hearts, or rather the stomachs of thousands of people, so the demand for it remains modest.

When you don’t know how to eat avocados correctly, and what to combine with for the perfect disclosure of taste, then you treat it as an interesting curiosity. Today we will fix it!

By the way, you know that this fruit is also called an alligator pear, because. does the peel resemble crocodile skin in color and pimple? Perhaps you have already heard about this. Do you know then that in India his middle name is "poor man's cow"? And all because in terms of calories, this fruit will outshine even meat (lean beef).

It is believed that avocados were in the diet of large animals that lived on our planet more than 60 million years ago. It is difficult to imagine this figure, and it is not necessary. Now we eat this “pear”).

And now let's talk about the topic, how is avocado eaten in different parts of our planet? There are dozens of ways to use it. A wide variety of salads, sandwiches, desserts, sauces, and even hot dishes, such as soups, are prepared from it.

In some Asian countries, avocados are successfully added to ice cream desserts and milkshakes. In the USA, they are actively used in rolls. AT European countries as an ingredient in salads and toppings for sandwiches.

Usually this fruit is eaten raw, combining it with other foods or simply flavored with salt and spices. After all, its peculiarity is that when heated, bitterness appears in the taste, which not every cook can beat.

However, in Mexico and some other countries South America experiments with the use of avocados led to the famous guacamole sauce, in which it is the main ingredient. For them, it is as popular as mayonnaise is for our latitudes, and is an integral part of many dishes. In addition, soups and other hot dishes with the use of this fruit are also common there.

In our country, the overseas product fell in love as a pasta for sandwiches, as part of several component salads and sushi. Now you know that the answer to the question of whether avocados are eaten raw is yes.

I will tell you a secret, the pulp of this fruit oxidizes very quickly and darkens in the air. Remember what happens to a cut apple if you leave it on the table for a couple of hours? Here the story is the same, only it will develop even faster.

So drizzle it with lemon or lime and you won't let it turn black quickly for a while!

More frequently asked question, which arises about eating an avocado - is it possible to eat its nut, that is, a bone, and how to do it? The answer is absolutely not! Despite the fact that the nut takes up so much space and looks quite peaceful and appetizing, eating it is dangerous and fraught!

Yes, it contains various useful elements, but the presence of toxic substances serves as a fly in the ointment! They are contained not only in the stone, but also in the peel (skin) and leaves. Not all varieties are poisonous, but of its 200 species, most are.

We are not such connoisseurs to look for varieties with safe stones somewhere, and in our stores there is not such an abundance, so let's better refrain. If you have already received allergic reaction by eating a bone, or even worse - acute poisoning then wash your stomach, take Activated carbon and it is better to seek medical help.

By the way, earlier they made ink and ... poison for rodents from the bones, mixing them with food for bait. Brrrr.

How to eat raw avocado

To start eating raw avocados, you first need to prepare them. How to clean it? To do this, cut the washed fruit along the entire length, and then, when we have two halves left in our hands, remove the bone with a spoon or knife.

The peel of a ripe fruit is quite easily removed if you pry it off with a knife. And once again I note that you don’t need to eat it with the peel, it is not edible!

The pulp can be cut into cubes or mashed with a fork, depending on how you will use it. Don't forget to apply a few drops of lemon for blackness. If you don’t want to cook something tricky, then just salt, add a little garlic and here you have a ready-made option in a hurry. With the rest of the recipes, I will definitely share with you a little later.

What does avocado taste like

Not everyone who tries this fruit for the first time will be able to say something intelligible about what an avocado tastes like. I already said that he is quite neutral. However, gourmets describe it as creamy with a slight nutty flavor. It actually has an oily texture, because it has a lot of fat.

  • Can you eat a darkened avocado?

If you forgot to spray it lemon juice, and they didn’t eat it right away, then soon its top layer will become dark. In this case, you just cut it off and eat the fruit.

  • Can you eat it if it is dark inside?

If the pulp is entirely dark in color, then it is better to refrain from eating it, most likely the fruit is overripe and deteriorated.

  • Can you eat unripe fruit?

Try it, but it will not have the desired taste and consistency. I don't think he likes it at all.

  • Can you eat an overripe fruit?

If it is overripe, then it has already begun to deteriorate, plus in this case it is completely devoid of its inherent flavors and can lead to backfire from the digestive system.

Other signs of an overripe avocado:

bad smell

- patches of mold

- changing the color of the pulp to dark and even black

- too soft to the touch, does not hold its shape

- clearly stratified pulp, similar to porridge.

What goes with avocado

As you already know, avocado can not boast of a bright taste, but it goes well with other products that can bring out its qualities. And now I will give you a list of the main products with whom he is "friends":

  • Salt, ground pepper, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, mustard.
  • Fresh herbs: arugula, green onion, dill, celery, lettuce, etc.
  • Cottage cheese, natural yoghurt without sugar.
  • Cheese, soft and hard cheeses.
  • Milk and cream (in desserts, cocktails)
  • Eggs.
  • Tuna, slightly salted fish, such as trout, salmon or salmon, shrimp, squid and other seafood.
  • Chicken.
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, carrots, Beijing cabbage, canned corn…
  • Dried fruits and fruits: apples, pineapples, bananas, pears, persimmons…
  • Pine nuts.


Did you know that avocados are quite high in calories? This fruit has many varieties, so depending on them, 100g has from 120kcal to 250. The average is about 150kcal.

For its satiation, the avocado has received a great honor - it was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most nutritious fruit in the world (1998).

Do not be afraid, it does not contain the fat that is deposited on barrels or riding breeches, this one is useful for our body and is easily digested.

But how much you can eat depends on your goals. To maintain health, one fruit per day is enough. And for weight loss, eat one half, and give the other to a friend, and even then not every day. At night, if you are losing weight, it is better not to eat it, but in the evening you can eat a little.

In the morning, treat yourself to a delicious avocado paste paired with sandwiches. I'll be sure to post the recipe later!

With a tendency to overweight, individual intolerance, disorders of the liver and pancreas, it is better to refrain from using it.

Avocado fruit or vegetable

The question of whether an avocado is a fruit or still a vegetable did not arise from scratch. According to the peculiarities of taste and composition, it is more suitable for vegetable crops, and it is used in pates, salads, soups as a vegetable. Still sometimes it is mistakenly attributed to a berry or even a nut. However, it is correct to call an avocado a fruit. This is such an unusual fruit!

How to choose ripe fruit

And now I will tell you some secrets on how to choose a ripe and tasty avocado. To get started, decide whether you are buying it a little for the future, so that you don’t run to the store when you need it, or in order to eat it right away. This will determine which fruit is ideal for you.

If you buy a little ahead, choose firmer grades. In our stores, it is not difficult to make such a choice, because they are plucked unripe in order to have time to deliver them, and therefore they are often hard.

How to help ripen avocados at home?

To do this, put it in a bag (preferably paper) along with a ripe banana or apple and leave it at room temperature. Check its softness every day so that it is not overripe. But in the refrigerator, this fruit runs the risk of spoiling without ripening. When ripe, eat it within 1-2 days.

If you have half an avocado left, then you can extend its life a little by putting it in a container with a tight lid to protect it from air, and leaving a stone in it. Instead of a container, you can use cling film.

If the fruit is ripe and not cut, it can last about 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

Avocados can also be frozen, but you must first wash it, dry it and remove the stone. Better yet, spend more time and freeze it in the form of a puree, without a peel.

Choosing an avocado:

- Look for black spots, cracks and damage on the peel.

- Pay attention to the skin near the stalk, rotting begins from here, choose a fruit with in green in this place.

- Press a little on the fruit and see if the peel lends itself to pressure. If it is hard, then it still needs to ripen, if it is too soft, it is overripe, if the golden mean, and a slight dent quickly restores its shape, it is ready for use.

Avocado salad recipes

How to cook delicious and quick salads using avocados? It is enough to choose your favorite combinations from the section above, where I wrote what products it is combined with. But to facilitate the work of your imagination and culinary creativity, I will give you a few recipes!

Salad with tuna and avocado recipe

For this salad you will need:

a can of canned tuna (in its own juice);

1 PC. avocado, 1 cucumber, 1 tbsp. lemon juice

Salt, pepper, olive oil to taste.

First, drain the tuna juice, then mash it with a fork.

Peel the cucumber and cut into thin slices. Add it to tuna.

Finely chop the avocado, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix with cucumber and tuna. Salt, pepper and add a little olive oil.

Another option with tomatoes and tuna:

Peel the tomatoes and cut into cubes. Also dice the avocado and drizzle with lemon juice. Mash the tuna with a fork. Finely chop the green onion. Mix all products, salt and pepper, olive oil or mayonnaise to taste. You can decorate the top with pine nuts.

Similarly, you can make a salad with tuna, avocado and boiled egg. And also with tuna, cherry tomatoes and avocado.

Salad with shrimp and avocado

If you love shrimp, then don't be afraid to experiment. Avocado salads with them are very tasty.

Option 1:

Wash the lettuce leaves and cut into a salad bowl.

Cut 3-4 medium tomatoes into quarters and add to the same place.

Add a peeled and diced avocado to them.

Boil shrimp in salted water (300-400g).

Salt the vegetables a little, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, add olive oil and combine with ready-peeled shrimps.

Option 2, unusual:

Cut the avocado pulp into pieces.

Peel 2 oranges and cut into small pieces. Pre-squeeze a tablespoon of juice out of it and set it aside for dressing.

We clean 1 apple from seeds and peel, cut and mix with previous products.

Boil shrimp 200-300 g.

Prepare dressing: a little mustard and salt, half a teaspoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of orange juice.

We dress her salad and he is ready to eat.

Avocado and Cucumber Salad Recipe

Quick, tasty and easy to prepare a salad with cucumber. There are many variations on this theme, but I promised the simplest.

First, make the dressing: mix mayonnaise with sour cream (more of the first), add a couple of tablespoons boiled water and the same amount of lemon juice. There is also finely chopped parsley. Then put the mixture in the refrigerator.

While it is cooling, cut the cucumber into slices, previously peeled and one red onion in half rings.

To them add lettuce leaves (largely chopped) and the avocado itself.

Take out the chilled sauce, mix it with the salad and you can eat. You can add a little garlic to this salad, and serve with fried shrimp.

Avocado and Tomato Salad Recipe

For this salad, we take 1 pc. avocado, a small bunch of arugula, cherry tomatoes 200 grams, hard cheese 100g and 1 lemon.

For dressing, mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of sweet mustard and squeezed lemon juice. Salt and pepper to your liking.

We cut vegetables, avocados and herbs into a plate, add the sauce and rub the cheese on top.

Avocado spread for sandwiches

On an empty stomach, eating avocado in its “naked” form is not very good, but if you make delicious pasta or pate for sandwiches for breakfast, then you will surely like it.

So how do you make this pasta? There are several recipes. For example, you can mix avocado pulp with grated cheese. And for dressing, take sour cream, a bit of squeezed garlic and lemon juice. Salt, mix and spread on toast.

Not everyone digests garlic, a fresher version can be made without it. You can also add a grated egg to this paste. Such a pate will be quite satisfying.

For lean pasta, the pulp is simply mixed with onion or garlic as desired, sprinkled with lemon, salted and applied to bread in this form.

Curd paste is prepared as follows:

Combine 150 g of creamy cottage cheese (you can also take cream cheese) with the pulp of one avocado, juice from a quarter of a lemon, a spoonful of olive oil, a pinch of salt and pepper (more can be). Mix all this in a blender into a homogeneous mass and apply on toasted toast.

And I will also give you an idea for sandwiches - put avocado pulp sprinkled with lemon juice on top of a sandwich, a slice of lightly salted trout and a little greens to choose from. Salt and pepper if necessary. It makes for a delicious and nutritious snack.

Now you know so much: how avocados are eaten, what it goes well with, what is its calorie content, and much more. I wish you bon appetit and new discoveries!

See you soon, Anastasia Smolinets

Many people are interested in how to eat avocados. There is an opinion that this exotic fruit is tasteless. I believe that this opinion is held by those who do not know how to choose it correctly.

An unripe fruit cannot bring pleasure. The ripe fruit is soft to the touch and if you press lightly, you get the feeling that under the skin is butter.

Avocado fruits are dark green. Almost black fruits with light green flesh are considered the most ripe. The choice is clear. Now let's talk about how to cook and eat raw for weight loss.

  1. You can't eat the bone. It contains substances hazardous to health.
  2. Avocados are recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. Ripe fruits contain vitamins A and E, which rejuvenate the skin. The fruit is rich in oleic acid, which reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. The taste of the pulp resembles a mass of butter and herbs. In some cases, a nutty flavor is felt.

The dish, which includes fruit, after standing for a while, gets a brownish tint. I have previously prepared avocado treats just before serving. True, it's inconvenient. Therefore, such recipes were abandoned.

After a while, I dressed the avocado and shrimp salad with lime juice. Surprisingly, even after an hour the color has not changed. Subsequent experiments confirmed that lemon juice prevents the fruit from oxidizing quickly.

Avocado is a lifesaver for people who like vegetarian cuisine and a raw food diet. Ripe fruits are added to salads, replacing meat. Even the vegetarian version of Olivier salad turns out to be very tasty if you take avocado instead of eggs and meat and season the finished dish with self-made soy milk mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, mustard and agave syrup.

Video tips

Now you have an idea about how to eat avocados. I do not urge you to constantly cook fruit dishes. However, for example, for the New Year's menu, you can safely prepare some kind of culinary masterpiece for a change.

How to eat raw avocado - 3 recipes


  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • shrimp - 200 g.
  • lemon.
  • grapefruit.
  • green salad.
  • salt.


  1. Select and cut an avocado. If you buy fruit in a supermarket, give preference to soft fruits. If you got an unripe fruit, put it in a dark place for several days.
  2. Cut the fruit in half, remove the stone and remove the peel. Then, cut into thin petals or small cubes.
  3. The simplest way use avocados - spread the pulp on a piece of bread, sprinkle with lemon juice and salt. Ripe fruits are rich in fats and very high in calories. Therefore, such a sandwich will be a great solution for breakfast.


Mash the flesh of a ripe avocado with a fork, season with salt and pepper and add a little olive oil and lemon juice. Mix everything well. Spread pâté on crackers, toast, or slices of bread.

You can also cut the avocado into small pieces, add a little salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with lemon juice. The taste of the appetizer will be appreciated by any gourmet.

Salad with shrimp

Avocado and shrimp make a wonderful salad. The combination of products will delight you with a rich and balanced taste.

  1. Boil and peel shrimp.
  2. Wash and dry lettuce leaves. Cut the fruit, remove the peel and chop. Peel the grapefruit and cut into slices.
  3. Put the lettuce leaves on a wide dish, and put the grapefruit slices on top. Next comes a layer of avocado and shrimp. It remains to salt, pour olive oil and sprinkle with lemon juice. Do not stir.

I shared 3 step by step recipes like eating raw avocados. You must have made sure that natural product useful and versatile. To appreciate the taste, cook one of the dishes at home.

Video recipe

Avocado Recipes

Avocados are extremely beneficial. It contains vitamins, fats and trace elements that the human body needs. Vegetarians should not ignore the fruit, because it is an excellent substitute for meat and eggs. Ripe fruits have a nutty flavor and complement other products.

There are many uses for the fruit. It can be eaten raw, made into salads and sandwiches, added to soup or sushi.

Seafood salad


  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • canned squid - 0.5 cans.
  • shrimp - 200 g.
  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise.
  • olives.


  1. Peel the fruit, remove the pit and cut into cubes. Grind squid and cucumber.
  2. Boil shrimp and chop. Cut olives into slices.
  3. Pour the listed ingredients into a large bowl, carefully move and season with mayonnaise. The dish is ready.

chicken salad


  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • boiled chicken breast - 400 g.
  • lettuce - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil.
  • lemon juice.
  • salt.


  1. chicken breast cut into small pieces.
  2. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, remove the skin and cut into slices. So that the pulp does not change color, sprinkle the chopped fruit with lemon juice.
  3. Pour over the salad with water, dry with a paper towel and put in the refrigerator for two to three minutes. As a result, the leaves will become crispy.
  4. Arrange lettuce leaves torn by hand on plates, put avocado on top, salt and drizzle with oil.
  5. Lay shredded chicken on top. Stir before serving.

fish salad


  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • salted salmon - 100 g.
  • boiled red fish - 100 g.
  • Red caviar.
  • olive oil.


  1. Pepper, avocado and fish cut into cubes and season with oil.
  2. Arrange the salad on portioned plates and garnish with red caviar on top. The result is a delicious and beautiful dish.

I shared several salad recipes that involve the use of avocados. Each of the dishes is tasty and healthy.

How to eat avocado for weight loss

The unique properties of avocado fruits have been known for a long time. In the old days, with their help, they fought diseases, maintained vitality. In most cases, it is used for making salads. The fruit is excellent nutritional properties and helps lead effective fight overweight.

The composition of the fruit often scares people. And no wonder, because avocados are 75% fat. Hence, the idea of ​​losing weight using fatty product seems absurd. However, we are talking about healthy fats - monounsaturated fatty acids. The body needs them because they contribute to the normal course of chemical reactions and lower cholesterol levels.

Lowering cholesterol levels increases the effectiveness of training and calories are burned faster. Avocados are an excellent source of vitamins and substances that help remove excess fluid from the body.

A diet based on avocados allows you to get rid of several kilograms in a week, if you follow the dietary regimen and rules.

  1. Eat 4 times a day at regular intervals. Snacks are excluded.
  2. Eliminate sugar from the diet alcoholic drinks and foods containing harmful carbohydrates. These include sweets, soda and White bread.
  3. Breakfast should consist of half an avocado filled with low-fat cottage cheese. Drink a snack herbal decoction or green tea.
  4. For lunch, eat vegetable broth and a salad of eggs, avocado, herbs, and cucumber. Fill with olive oil.
  5. Afternoon snack - dessert of avocado and orange.
  6. Dinner is represented by a glass of yogurt, half an avocado and a few pieces of lean beef.

So you learned how to eat avocados for weight loss. During the diet, it is allowed to drink herbal or green tea in large quantities. Also pay attention to Sassi water, which accelerates weight loss and promotes fast cleansing body from toxins and toxins.

It is known that avocados contain a large number of nutrients that have a positive effect on the work of the whole organism. However, lovers of exotic fruits do not always know how to eat raw avocados? To fully enjoy an exotic fruit native to America, you need to be able to choose it correctly. So how do you choose the right fruit, how is it eaten and how is it useful?

On a note! In another way, avocados are called "alligator pear". It is the fruit of an evergreen plant that belongs to the Laurel family.

How to choose an avocado?

You can fully enjoy the taste of avocados only if you choose a ripe fruit. You can determine the required degree of maturity by the following features:

  • skin color- dark green (light green fruit is not ripe enough, and black is overripe or completely spoiled);

On a note! Separately, it is worth mentioning the California avocado variety, which is naturally black in color. In this case, this does not indicate overripeness or spoilage of the product.

  • consistency- soft (if you press on the surface of the fruit, a dent forms, but it quickly smoothes out);
  • bone- You can determine the ripeness of a fruit by shaking it; a mature fruit will hear the sound of a stone inside, which is the result of its impact on the pulp.

If an insufficiently ripe fruit is caught, there is nothing to worry about. It is enough to put it for storage at room temperature and when, after a few days, the avocado reaches the required degree of maturity, it can be eaten. The situation is much worse with an overripe product. At home, the fruit ripens very quickly and does not take long to spoil.

What is the right way to eat an avocado?

It is right to eat raw avocados, but before you do this, you need to “cut” the fruit.

  1. If you plan to eat it separately from other products, it is enough to make an incision around the bone, thereby dividing the fruit into two equal parts. You do not need to pre-clean, as this complicates the process.
  2. Now it’s worth taking both halves and gently twisting in opposite directions, as a result of which the pulp should quickly lag behind the bone.

After that, the question of how to eat raw avocados disappears. It is enough to take a spoon and take out the pulp.

On a note! You can also cut the fruit into thin slices after removing the stone and serve beautifully. If desired, the pulp of the fruit is sprinkled with lemon juice and salted.

If an avocado is used for cooking raw, the peel is peeled or the flesh is removed with a knife or using the same spoon, and then eaten.

Most often, avocados are eaten raw on their own or used as a spread for sandwiches, as an ingredient in salads. Also, the fruit goes well with meat products; in crushed form, it is added to pancakes.

The benefits and harms of avocados

Now you need to figure out what is its benefit and harm. Who should include avocados in their diet, and who should not eat it?

The fruit contains many vitamins and minerals, in particular, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins C, B, A, E and other components useful for the human body.

On a note! 100 g of this wonderful fruit contains 160 kcal, so the fruit is considered high-calorie. The energy value fruit: 15 g fat, 9 g carbohydrates and 2 g protein. Cholesterol is completely absent in avocados.

Benefits of eating avocado

Doctors recommend eating avocados for people suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system. The fruit is also shown in high level cholesterol in the blood. It does not contain a large amount of sugar, which makes it a suitable product for consumption by patients with diabetes.

Since avocado contains a lot of potassium, it strengthens nervous system. Folic acid and vitamins increase the body's defenses, help it to prevent the effects of microbes, and also stabilize the emotional background.

Thanks to vitamins A and E, the condition of the skin improves. Due to oleic acid, metabolism is restored. The B vitamins contained in avocados inhibit the formation of fats, relieve irritability and restore sleep, enrich the body with energy, promote better absorption of fats, improve gastrointestinal function, and strengthen vision. This fruit is also known as an aphrodisiac.

On a note! Experts claim that regular use avocado in food is an excellent prevention of cancer.

Benefits when used in cosmetology

In addition to cooking, avocados are successfully used in cosmetology. Due to the collagen contained in the tropical fruit, elasticity improves skin. Therefore, the fruit can often be seen in the composition of face masks. In addition, there are many recipes for homemade masks, consisting exclusively of natural ingredients.

From avocados, oil is obtained, which has also found application in cosmetology. Due to its delicate texture, it quickly penetrates the skin and moisturizes it. Avocados are believed to have anti-aging properties.

Harm avocado

Despite the obvious benefits, before eating an avocado, you need to know who the fruit can harm. Special contraindications does not exist. It is not recommended to eat this fruit with individual intolerance to the body, allergies to citrus fruits.

Although avocados do not contain cholesterol and are very low in sugar, due to their high calorie content, the fruits are not recommended for dieters and obese people. It is not necessary to completely abandon healthy treats simply enough to limit the amount of its consumption.

Avocado Recipes

Avocado is a wonderful ingredient for many dishes. Below we offer several recipes with this healthy and tasty fruit.

Avocado sandwiches

To make sandwiches, you will need the following ingredients:

  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • bread - 6 pieces;
  • salt, pepper, olive oil to taste.

To make avocado sandwiches, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the stone from the fruit, remove the pulp and mash it with a fork.
  2. Add salt, pepper, olive oil, you can use other seasonings to taste. Mix.
  3. Spread the resulting paste on bread.

Avocado sandwiches can be served as a cold snack or a light breakfast.

Avocado and seafood salad

To do delicious salad from avocado with seafood, use:

  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • canned squid −100 g;
  • shrimp - 250 g;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • olives - 50 g;
  • mayonnaise to taste.

Avocado and Seafood Salad Recipe:

  1. Peel the fruit from the stone and peel. Cut the pulp into cubes.
  2. Grind squid and cucumber in the form of cubes.
  3. Boil shrimp, peel, divide each into several parts.
  4. Cut olives in half.
  5. Mix all the components of the salad, season with mayonnaise and mix.

The salad turns out tasty and healthy, and if you replace mayonnaise with sour cream, then it is also less high-calorie.

Avocado soup

Here are the ingredients you will need to make this Avocado Soup:

  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • chicken broth - 0.5 l;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • greens and boiled shrimp as decoration.

Here's what you need to do to make Avocado Soup:

  1. Peel the fruit, remove the pulp. Beat it with a blender.
  2. Cut the garlic into thin slices and fry in olive oil.
  3. Bring chicken broth to a boil. Remove from heat and add chopped avocado pulp. Beat again with a blender.
  4. Throw in the fried garlic cloves. Mix.

Decorate the puree soup with a sprig of greens, shrimp and serve hot. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can cook it without meat broth. For example, add chopped spinach and a little water.

avocado sauce

To prepare the sauce you will need:

  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, chopped cilantro.

Prepare the sauce as follows:

  1. Peel the avocado, mash the pulp until mashed. Add lemon juice.
  2. Remove seeds from chili peppers, grind with a blender.
  3. grind fresh tomato along with the skin.
  4. Mix the ingredients with cilantro, salt, mix the sauce.

This sauce goes well with meat dishes.

How many avocados can you eat per day?

Not everyone knows how much fruit can be consumed per day. People who are prone to speed dial weight, it is recommended to limit yourself to 1 fetus per day. At the same time, it is allowed to add avocados to salads, use them as a paste for sandwiches. Such dishes will quickly satisfy your hunger and will not lead to the appearance of extra pounds.

Video: how to eat avocado and what is its use?

The video shows how to eat raw avocados and what are the beneficial properties of this fruit.

It is very strange, but some people do not know what to attribute avocados to - vegetables or fruits. Since it does not have the sweet taste of other fruits, it is often considered a vegetable. Avocado is a fruit that grows on trees. The yield of each tree is approximately 100-200 kilograms. There are over 400 varieties of avocados in the world today.

A little about fruits

The peel of the fruit is of two types: wrinkled and smooth. certain color no. The hue starts from light green and sometimes reaches dark colors. The pulp of the fruit is light green in color, more like a cream. It melts easily and tastes like a nut. In the very center of the avocado is a rather large pit.

If the avocado fruit is fully ripe, then it acquires a little sweet taste. The fruit has an oily flavor and combines taste qualities pears and pumpkins. Fruits are sent for sale solid. The ripening process lasts for several weeks, and already at the end the peel becomes so soft that it forms a small dent when pressed. Avocado pits can be grated and used as a flavoring.

History of appearance

The name came about thanks to ancient language Aztec and translates as "testicle". There are several reasons for such an interesting name. First, its oval shape. Secondly, the fruits always hang in pairs.

The Indians learned one secret: avocado has a stimulating effect, and during military campaigns, soldiers were forbidden to use it. Interesting fact: long time fruit was mistaken for a kind of nut.

A little about the benefits

"Alligator pear" is the second name of avocado. What is useful fruit? To begin with, it should be noted that high content protein contributes to the fact that avocados can replace meat in our daily diet. The fruit does not have cholesterol, but is rich in iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium. This tropical guest is the best ally for female beauty. Masks prepared on the basis of avocado fruits help in the fight against cellulite, restore facial skin elasticity and help strengthen nails.

Another thing that avocados are useful for is that they will help people suffering from heart disease no worse than pills. This is an excellent tonic for our body, in America it is widely known as an aphrodisiac. But the most important thing that avocados are useful for is that they have unique property strengthen human memory.

There are a lot of answers to the question, avocado - what is useful. There is such a terrible disease like cancer. So, this tropical medicine can protect the human body from the appearance of cancerous tumors.

As you already understood, this fruit is simply unique. How is it useful for older people? Thanks to the lutein found in avocados, the fruit will help prevent vision loss, which means you won't have to wear glasses any time soon.

Beauty secrets

How useful is this fruit in cosmetics? Healing properties Avocado oils are known for their collagen. This protein is important element to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Thanks to the useful substances contained in the fruit, oil is obtained from it. It has a delicate texture that easily penetrates and moisturizes the skin. It is also a good stimulator of metabolic processes, gradually returning youthfulness to the skin.

In fairy tales, it was often said that beautiful ladies wanted to find a rejuvenating tree or apples. And even today, each of us is ready for anything, just to prolong the youth of our skin. AT modern world for this you do not need to send your loved one to distant lands, it is enough to send him to the supermarket so that he brings the rejuvenating avocado fruit. How useful a tropical fruit is for the skin, we learned, it's time to discover the secrets of making face masks based on it.

Face masks

At the avocado useful material are in the pulp of the fetus, so when preparing masks, it is she who will be needed.

Purifying mask

1 st. l. mix avocado pulp with 1 egg. Add 1 tsp. honey and mayonnaise. To the resulting mass, add 1 tbsp. flour. This composition is applied to the face and kept for 15 minutes, then washed off. cool water.

Mask for oily skin

1 st. l. crush the pulp. Add 2 tbsp. l. any dairy product(milk, kefir, curdled milk). This mask is kept for 15 minutes and washed off with cool water. It removes excess greasiness and mattifies the skin of the face. Thanks to milk ingredients, it whitens the face a little.

Hair masks

What is avocado good for women who have unhealthy hair is that it Ambulance for restoration, strengthening, and also growth of hair. Such masks are considered the most effective. If you decide to make an avocado mask at home, then it’s better to buy an overripe fruit and use a blender to turn it into porridge. The mask can be applied without other ingredients to dry or damp hair. But it will be effective only for those who have healthy hair. This procedure suitable for prevention. Ingredients are added depending on what type of hair you have.

For oily hair

Mix the crushed pulp of one avocado with 1 tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. l. kefir. Apply the mixture to your hair and hold the rod with a film and towel for at least 30 minutes. It can be done even at night, nothing will happen to the hair. Wash off in the usual way.

For density and hair growth

Heat up 1 tsp. avocado and castor oil, mix and add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Keep this mixture on your head for 1 hour. It is important to wrap your head in a towel.

For dry hair

2 tbsp. l. pour colorless henna for 15 minutes hot water. Add the pulp of 1 avocado and 1 tbsp. l. preheated castor oil. This mask will restore even the most damaged hair.

That, in fact, is the whole answer to the question of how avocados are useful for women in cosmetology.

How to eat

Before proceeding to our next question, we will learn how to peel these healthy tropical fruits. They are cut along the bone, that is, forming a circle near it. Then they take her out. You can remove the skin from half of the cut fruit or chop it into slices, and then proceed to cleansing. Now you can get down to the question of how avocados are useful and how they are eaten. It is useful in that it lacks even a gram of cholesterol, which is why it is so popular in diet food, But more on that later. We have considered the use in cosmetology, now let's proceed to cooking.

Using raw avocado for salad

The fruits are cut into slices and soaked in 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. half red onion cut into strips (the thinner the better). Cut 100 g of cheese into cubes. Cut 100g cherry tomatoes in half. Cut lettuce leaves. Grate lemon zest on top, mix and season.


2 buns cut in half. The pulp of one avocado is mixed with 0.5 tbsp. l. curry. Grease the halves of the buns with the resulting paste. A layer of lettuce leaves is placed on top, then sliced ​​radish and cucumber. The sandwich is ready.

Well, here we learned a little more about how avocados are useful, and how they are eaten raw.

Avocado desserts

Any hostess is always for healthy eating in her home, and the avocado is one of her allies in the fight for this lifestyle. In the summer, when there is no desire to bake something, but you want to cook something unusual, various desserts come to the rescue. We will tell you more about the benefits of avocados and how to use it.

Pistachio and avocado mousse

An incredibly simple yet effective mousse that takes 8 hours of freezing in the refrigerator to achieve a silky-soft texture. No whipping, even the most thorough, can achieve such a result.

1 st. Peel the pistachios and soak in water for 3 hours. After that, pour out the water and dry the nuts. Pour dried pistachios into a blender, add 0.5 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. water. Whisk. Remove the resulting mass for 5 hours in the refrigerator. 3 chilled avocados cut into large chunks Transfer the chopped fruit and nut mass to a blender, while adding a little sea ​​salt, 1 tsp lime juice and 1/4 tbsp. water. We put the most high speed and whisk until smooth. Divide the mixture into molds and refrigerate overnight.

Well, our piggy bank of knowledge about the benefits of avocados, and how to use it in cooking and cosmetology, has been replenished. But the usefulness of the fruit and its scope does not end there.

For those who want to lose weight

Since the calorie content of the fruit is too high (100 gr. - 160 kcal), many losing weight refuse to use it. But this is a big mistake. Many, probably, thought about the benefits of avocados for weight loss. Despite the fact that the fruit contains more than 70% fat, it is an excellent helper for weight loss. After all, it contains healthy fats, namely monounsaturated acids, which lower cholesterol levels in the body. If you follow a diet that includes this healthy tropical fruit, then you can lose a couple of kilograms in a week. And this is not a joke! Avocados should be eaten 4 times a day. And it is also very important to stop using sugar, bread, soda and alcohol.

This is how 1 diet day looks like:

  1. Breakfast. Put half an avocado skim cheese. Drink a cup of green tea with this sandwich.
  2. Dinner. A bowl of vegetable broth. Make a salad with 1 egg, avocado halves, 1 fresh cucumber. Fill 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. You can also add a little cinnamon and ginger to the salad to enhance the effect.
  3. afternoon tea. Prepare an avocado smoothie with the addition of any citrus fruit.
  4. Dinner. A glass of yogurt, half an avocado and a couple of slices of boiled beef.

Avocado benefits for men

Among the ancient Aztecs, the fruit of this tropical fruit served as a symbol of strength and endurance. No wonder they called the male genital organs this word. It's not even about looks. In avocado, the beneficial properties for men are expressed in the fact that it restores potency. And if you use it regularly, it will even strengthen it. There is an opinion that fruits can also increase fertility.

For those who do physical labor, it is also useful. After all, the fruit is able to restore lost energy. Substances contained in avocados destroy cancer cells. Men who are addicted to tobacco should know this fact, since smoking is the main cause of oral cancer.

Women's Health Benefits

In avocados, the beneficial properties for women are expressed not only in masks. For example, it can be used by young mothers with breastfeeding, as it contains vegetable proteins useful for the newborn.

It is useful to include this fruit in your daily diet for women in position. Such beneficial properties will positively affect not only your well-being, but also the health of your baby. But, like any exotic fruit, it can cause allergies, so if you are prone to such a disease, then it is better not to use it.

Useful properties of avocados and contraindications

So many useful properties of this fruit have been listed, but nothing has been said about the dangers. Like any product, avocados have their own contraindications, although not many. Firstly, you can not use it for people prone to allergies to citrus fruits. Secondly, be careful about the bones of the fetus, as they adversely affect our health and are very toxic. They must be thrown away immediately after cutting the avocado. If there is a desire to grow this exotic fruit at home, then you can use the stone as a seed. Do not leave them in a conspicuous place if there are small children at home. It is also contraindicated to use this product for people who are allergic to latex, as the fruit can cause serious harm to health.

How to choose an avocado

The fruit should be fairly firm, but there may be a slight dent when pressed. Don't buy fruits that are big dark spots because they are corrupted. Pay attention to the base of the avocado. There shouldn't be any rot. If you purchased an unripe fruit, then put it at home in a dark place, and in a couple of weeks it will ripen.

As you understand, there are no harmful substances in avocados, only contraindications. It's really unique and useful product that nature has given us. A person can only use this exotic fruit correctly and thank the Aztecs, who discovered all the beneficial properties of avocados.

The alluring green fruit can often be seen on the shelves. How to eat avocado and what kind of fruit is it? Many, having tried it at least once, think that avocados are an inedible misunderstanding. However, you just need to use such a delicacy correctly. From this fruit, namely the fruit (according to the conclusion of biologists), you can get a lot of benefits. It is eaten as an independent product with the addition of spices. Avocado is a great ingredient a large number dishes, among which salads predominate.

What's the use?

Before you learn how to eat avocados, you should find out information about its taste and benefits. It tastes like no other fruit or vegetable. It is more like a mixture of tender nutty nougat with hints of pine needles. The texture of a ripe avocado is like butter, but it's not at all oily or greasy. No sweetness. Inside the avocado is a large seed. The skin is dark green. Pulp of light green tone, unique consistency.

Scientists say that the pulp of avocados is full of monounsaturated fatty acid. They are very useful for the heart and blood vessels. The substances contained in this fruit are very good at reducing bad cholesterol. In addition, there are a lot of avocados in avocados:

  1. Vitamin E.
  2. Group B.
  3. Vitamin C.
  4. Vitamin A.
  5. calcium.
  6. Phosphorus.
  7. sodium.
  8. Yoda.
  9. magnesium.
  10. Potassium.

At the same time, everything that avocados are useful for is perfectly absorbed by the human body, regardless of what and how it is eaten. Sodium and sulfur, useful for all organs and systems, are found in avocados in the most optimal compounds.

For those who count calories

The fruit is not very high in calories and is suitable for eating for people on a diet. In one fruit, only 118-120 kcal, approximately 2% protein, up to 35% fat. Vitamins of the main group - up to 5 mg. Potassium - almost 500 mg.

How is it eaten so that avocados become even more useful than other fruits and vegetables? The pulp has a beneficial effect on the heart, protecting it from a heart attack, doctors say. This fruit is also useful for hypertensive patients. It is indispensable for anemia and anemia.

At chronic constipation avocado is a great laxative. Sets up work gastrointestinal tract. Since there is no sucrose in the fruits, the fruit can always be included in your diet for diabetics. Patients with high acidity can safely consume avocados. Its pulp favorably affects the processes of digestion and the work of the stomach.

Avocado is great suitable for people with reduced immunity. It improves the functioning of all body systems. The fruit is especially useful for postoperative patients, as well as for those recovering from SARS or influenza. If a person experiences constant physical activity, avocados are most welcome (we will consider how to eat them below).

Irritable people who are constantly experiencing stress, it is also advisable to eat avocados. The substances contained in its pulp have a very good effect on the nervous system. The efficiency also increases.

The main vitamins found in avocados are good for the skin. Base A and E make it smooth and supple. The effect of this fruit on inflammatory processes, wound healing is noted. Avocado is a great antioxidant. It protects the body from the effects of free radicals and, as a result, aging.

Choosing the healthiest fruit

Avocado looks like a pear, only very green. The second name of this fruit is “alligator pear”. The peel of the fruit is very dense, rough. The berries reach a length of 20-25 cm, in diameter - up to 7 cm. Before you eat an avocado correctly, you need to find the most suitable fruit.

Ripe avocados are soft but not crumbly. You should choose like this:

  1. Take a fruit with a dark green skin in your hand.
  2. Check it for damage. It should be perfectly even, without dents, punctures, cuts.
  3. Next, it is worth a little pressure on the fetus. If it's soft, that's what you need.
  4. Do not take fruits that are very dark. It is believed that they have already overripe and began to rot.

If you happened to buy a hard avocado, do not despair, but you should not eat or use the fruit in salads. You need to put it in a warm place next to apples or bananas. It is better if the avocado lies in such a trio in a plastic bag. That's when he will definitely quickly reach the desired condition.

What is the ideal fruit for eating raw avocados? Oddly enough - dense, but when pressed - quite pliable. And no spots and specks, especially black ones. Fruit with brown flesh should be discarded. You should carefully look at the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconnection with the stalk, whether the process of decay has begun. If so, then this option should be discarded.

There are several ways to eat avocados.

How to eat raw avocado? First of all, you need to wash it well. After, without peeling, make a cut along, then turn the slices in the direction against each other. It is so easy to split the fruit in half and remove the stone. There is a video on how to eat avocados.

After the berry is divided in half, you can add salt and pepper to the pulp, take a spoon and use it to eat the avocado like ice cream. The peel should not be eaten.

Another way to eat avocados the right way. Cut into 2 parts, remove the stone and cut into slices like how a melon is cut. After that, they eat in the same manner as melons, leaving the peel. How to eat avocados in this way, there is also a video.

How to eat an avocado pit? Consumers ask such a question. On this score, experts have an unequivocal answer: you can’t eat a bone. Inside it there are dangerous toxins that are contraindicated for human body. They were used to make ink in ancient times. By the way, the same substances are found in the peel of this fruit. That is why doctors do not recommend using it.

If you try to eat a bone, you can end up with an allergic reaction. This is the simplest. Worst case possible food poisoning. But the stone does not release toxins into the pulp during growth. They are dangerous only if the middle is in a fragmented state.

There is an equally simple and delicious way to eat raw avocados. It is necessary to cut it in the above way, remove the peel, mash the pulp. After toasting bread in a toaster, spread avocado pulp on a cooled piece, salt and pepper. The sandwich is ready! What's the best way to eat avocados? First put salted pink salmon, salmon or another kind of red fish on bread, on top - avocado pate along with spices to taste.

It is very healthy to eat avocados raw, like an apple. But unlike this familiar fruit, not everyone understands the taste of avocados, but prefer to use it in salads. There is a single and very important rule: in no case should you expose the pulp of an avocado heat treatment. It will acquire a terrible bitterness and spoil the dish. It's all about the special substances contained in these fruits. Under the influence of temperatures, they are modified, and completely spoil the taste of a tasty fruit.

Gourmets take note

There are an impressive number of recipes with the addition of avocados, both in salads and cold appetizers. The best combination of this fruit with such products:

  1. Shrimps.
  2. Salted red fish of any variety.
  3. Crab sticks, crab meat.
  4. Tomatoes.
  5. Cucumbers.
  6. Legumes (beans).
  7. Greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, basil).
  8. Seafood.
  9. Potato.
  10. Lemon.

Avocado Recipes

About how it is eaten in countries where this fruit grows ( South Africa, Israel), one can say little, since people mostly consume it raw. But the Russians and Europeans have found a lot of methods for preparing avocado salads.

Avocado with salted trout. It is necessary to peel the fruit, cut into slices and wrap each with a fish slice. It is worth a little pepper such rolls and sprinkle them with lemon juice. Above is greenery. This dish is a great appetizer.

Avocado puree. Several fruits should be peeled and ground in a blender. Mix with unsweetened yogurt or liquid sour cream. Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into the puree, add spices and chopped herbs. Beat again and serve. This option is perfect with croutons, bread fried in a toaster or crackers. As an addition to such a sandwich, cooks recommend putting a piece of salted salmon or hard cheese.

Salad. Avocados need to be peeled, cut into small cubes. Add a couple of chopped boiled eggs, 200 g of peeled shrimp. Seasonings - to taste, it is desirable to put greens. sprinkle on top avocado salad lemon juice and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

Avocado with tomatoes. It is necessary to finely chop a couple of tomatoes, cut into cubes and 1 avocado. Mix everything, add 50 g of grated cheese, garlic, spices to taste. Dressing - olive oil.

Avocado with cheese. You will need 200 g of processed cheese, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 avocado, mayonnaise or vegetable oil. It is necessary to turn the pulp of the avocado into a paste, grate the cheese, chop the garlic. Mix all the ingredients, adding spices and mayonnaise to bring the dish to the consistency of thick sour cream. It will turn out a cold appetizer that can be spread on bread. It is recommended to add a boiled grated egg to this dish.

Tuna and avocado. The fish must be taken canned. You will also need 1 cucumber, avocado, juice of half a lemon, vegetable oil, herbs, olives. You can add garlic. Avocado should be cut into slices, mixed with fish, sliced ​​​​cucumber, add olives, salt. Season everything with lemon juice and oil. Decorate with greenery.

Cabbage with avocado. This salad can be served even on the New Year's table. It will take White cabbage, 1 apple, 1 avocado, half a lemon, green onion, spices, oil and herbs. Grind the main ingredients, season with lemon juice and oil.

Cosmetology is not complete without avocados

The most common application that this fruit has found in the field of beauty is the preparation of face masks. They not only soothe the skin, but also nourish it. Avocado is great for dry skin types.

Mask with avocado and yolk. You will need half an avocado and 1 egg yolk. Make fruit puree. Separate the yolk from the protein and add it to the avocado. Put a spoonful of olive oil. Mix everything well and gently apply to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

If the skin is oily, avocado pulp is mixed with lemon, calendula tincture, protein, apple juice. You can use all of the above, but it is advisable to take a couple of components and add avocado halves to the puree. Apply to face for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Avocados are used to wash hair. The pulp is mixed with olive oil and rubbed into the scalp. After washing off the mask with shampoo. You can wash your hair with the addition of apple cider vinegar. A couple of tablespoons per liter of warm water is enough.

So, you can cook a lot of interesting dishes from avocados. This fruit is very useful for almost all people. It is worth choosing fruits that are soft, without damage. Avocados can be eaten on their own or in salads. In no case should it be subjected to heat treatment.

The benefits of avocados have been proven for a long time. A variety of acids, other substances and vitamins contained in this fruit are perfectly absorbed by the body, increase immunity, help fight against various ailments. These include atherosclerosis and diabetes.

The most delicious and piquant salads are obtained by mixing this fruit with fish and seafood. It is very good to flavor such mixtures with lemon juice and olive oil.